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VOL. LXII, No. 67




Jewish Beliefs
Hard To Classify
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of ten articles outlin-
ing the separate bases of religious faith in our time.
The writer of this article is indebted to Rabbi Herschel Lymon of the
Hillel Foundation at the University and to the best seller, "What the Jews
Believe" by Rabbi Philip Bernstein. Quotations in the article are from
Rabbi Bernstein's book which is recommended as a more complete treat-
ment of the ideas expressed here.)
Editorial Director
THE COMPLEXITIES of Judaism defy exact categorization. At its
loosest it is a personal religion in which each Jew acknowledges
the extent of his own individual beliefs. At its strictest it is confined
within a code of law that governs every movement of a Jew's life from
the moment he awakes to the moment he lies down to sleep. And to
say that the holding of any one belief makes a Jew is to ignore the
nationalistic element of Jewry that says "born a Jew, always a Jew,"
and the anti-semites who say the same but with a different purpose.
Historically, today's eleven million Jews (five million in the Uni-
ted States) are descendents of the twelve tribes that formed the
Kingdom of Israel in Palestine from approximately 1000 B.C. to 70
A.D. With the Roman invasion and destruction of the Temple in 70
A.D., the Jews were dispersed over Africa, Eastern, and Western
Europe. It was during this Diaspora which technically ended with
the formation of the new State of Israel in 1948 that the Jewish re-
ligion was formulated as a way of life apart from a Gentile world.
BASICALLY JUDAISM TODAY breaks down into three prac-
icing sections. Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. Within each
there are sub-groups depending on national origin, on theoretical
interpretation, and always on the personal interpretation that grants
great leeway to all but the Orthodox. Above all three groups is the
conception of one God as a Creator, a Prime Mover, who is eternal,
omniscient and omnipresent. There is also an adherence to the Ten
Commandments and the spiritual code that is embodied in the Torah
-the first five books the Bible-regarded as originating in God. To all
three there is the concept of the sanctity of the family based on strong
group ties. Divorce, however, is recognized as an instrument of last
resort to separate two incompatible people. The observances in the
life cycle of the Jew-from birth, to circumcision of the males on the
eighth day, to Bar Mitzvah (Confirmation) in the thirteenth year,
to Marriage, to Death-are marked by historical and religious tradi-
tions that have been passed down through the centuries.
The Sabbath which falls on Saturday is the center of Jewish
observance. In the lighting of the Sabbath candles on Friday
evening and in the services of this sanctified day of rest and
meditation are the main symbols of the Jewish religion. The Holy
Days, from the Jewish New Year to Shavuos, the celebration of
the giving of the Ten Commandments, commemorate historical
and religious milestones in Judaism. There is Passover which
marks the exodus of the Jews from the slavery of Egypt, Succos,
the dy Of thanksgiving, whpich celebrates the harvest, Chanukah
which commemorates the Jew's successful struggle against the
Syrian King Antiochaus IV, and Purim which rejoices at the thwar-
tiig of an ancient ruler's proposed pogrom. In each of these holi-
days the emphasis is on some aspect of human rights, be it national
freedom, religious freedom, freedom from want, or freedom from
Lying at the opposite poles within Judaism are the Orthodox
and the Reform. The Orthodox are strict conformists who believe
in following all 613 laws givens in the Talmud-the legal decisions
and discussion based on the Torah-and in the Shulchan Aruch, a
codified system of laws that covers every aspect of life. Not only are
there the well-known dietary restrictions against pork or against mix-
ing milk products with meat products, but also detailed requirements
for clothing and haircuts, and restrictions against driving, illumina-
tion, and cooking on the Sabbath. "Through obedience to the law the
Orthodox Jew achieves and maintains personal piety, Jewish identifi-
cation, clear direction in his religious life and the fulfillment of his
sense of duty." Though becoming more and more modern in his ap-
proach, the Orthodox Jew for the most part lives apart from the
non-Jewish world.
THE REFORM JEW IS the antithesis of the Orthodox. The Re-
form movement started in Germany in the 1800's with the breakdown
of the Ghetto walls. Greatly influenced by German Protestantism and
German rationalism, Reform Judaism sought to make religion com-
patible to modern day life and ideologies. When it was imported to
America in the middle of the nineteenth century it obtained an ex-
treme form in which Jewish ritual was so minimized that Jewish
values were for the most part lost. A reinjection of Jewish values has
Four Newly Formed Student
GroupsRecognized by SAC

U.S. Probes
For Defense
No 'Anti-Trust'
Evidence Found
DETROIT-()-The Army has
been investigating for possible col-
lusion between automotive pro-
ducers and their suppliers on de-
fense contract bidding, one of its
top lawyers disclosed yesterday.
William L. Cary, Army deputy
counselor, said "no such evidence"
which would provide the basis for
anti-trust action had bee uncov-
BUT HE TOLD a Congressional
subcommittee he had turned over
results of the investigation to the
Federal Trade Commission, which
looks into allegiations of restraint
of trade.
The subcommittee, representing
the House Committee on Execu-
tive Expenditures, came back to
Detroit for a second look into ac-
tivities of the Army's huge ord-
nance tank-automotive center-a
combination procurement - tank
producing enterprise.
The center's former com-
mander, Brig. Gen. David J.
Crawford, was removed last
summer that he had accepted
favors from defense contractors.
Questions concerning collusion
reports followed testimony that the
Army had paid more than double
for some items by buying replace-
ment parts from assemblers of mil-
itary vehicles instead of from sub-
contractors who actually manu-
factured them.
It also was brought out that
sometimes when such sub-contrac-
tors were asked to submit bids for
replacement parts, their prices
were as high as or high than those
of the assembler.
chairman of the group, remarked
to Cary: "Then what you found
was a reprehensible practice but
no legal means to cope with it."
No company names were men-
tioned in connection with this
line of questioning. However,
virtually all the major auto pro-
ducers had been mentioned in
earlier testimony.
Hardy said government procure-
ment policies have cost the gov-
ernment an extra $305 million in
the last three years. The Commit-
tee also was told that in one in-
stance the Army stockpiled a 104-
year supply of one particular jeep
Sotir Named
To Panhel .Bas
League president Cathy Sotir,
'52, last night became the first in-
dependent member on the Pan-
hellenic-Student Legislature bias
study committee.
Beverly Clarke, '52, president of
Panhel, said the appointment was
based on Miss Sotir's position as
League president rather than her
independent status.
* * *
MISS CLARKE emphasized that
the appointment did not indicate
a change in Panhel policy. "We
still feel that the problem concerns
only the sorority system."
Panhel representatives on the

joint committee are Miss Clarke,
Alpha Phi; Susan Roos, '53, Gam-
ma Phi Beta; and Barbara Oachs,
'52, Alpha Xi Delta.
The two members from SL are
Sondra Diamond, '53, Sigma Del-
ta Tau ;and Karin Fagerburg, '54,
Kappa Kappa Gamma.

Garg Out Today.
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I: ii{"}k:! Exchange ii}"} Ukely r .
To Lan New ponso

A fter a week of floating around
campus, the student book ex-
change, abandoned by the Inter-
Fraternity Council, now appears
certain to have a sponsor next se-
Both Student Legislature and
the Union have been sniffing with
interest about the book exchange
project, the -nearest thing now in
existence to the oft-requested stu-
dent book store.
* * *
SL To Hold
First Open
House Today
Student Legislature members
will throw out the welcome mat
for student leaders and faculty
members from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m.
today when they hold the first
open house since their organiza-
tion on campus.
Student and faculty recipients
of the 100 invitations issued are
expected to fill the SL Building
at 122 S. Forrest to meet the legis-
lators, tour their newly decorated
facilities and he'ar about the or-
ganization and activities of the
SL GUIDES WILL take the visi-
tors through the offices and an-
swer any questions they may have
on the activities or policies of the
legislature. Cookies and punch
will be served.
Today's open house marks the
first time the SL has formally
invited faculty or students to
visit thier quarters.
The Student Legislature Build-
ing has been prepared for the fes-
tivities by hard-working legisla-
tors who have painted walls, pol-
ished floors and put up new
S * * 4'
SL Meeting
Student Legislature will meet
at 7:30 p.m. today in the West
Dining Rm. of South Quadrangle.

IN SEPARATE meetings tonight
both groups will discuss the pos-
sibility of picking up the enter-
prise which was abandoned last
week by the IFC.
At the moment, it appears that
SL is more anxious to start
where IFC left off. A motion will
be presented by Campus Action
Committee chairman Bob Neary
to take the book exchange under
SL's wing.
The Union Board of Directors
will discuss the matter also, ac-
cording to president John Kathe.
However, the Union seemed like-
ly to let matters take their course
if SL evinced a real desire to spon-
sor the exchange.
project is tempered by the re-
membrance of two separate oc-
casions before the war when the
Union for a considerable period of
time handled the second-hand
book shop.
During that time, it was found
that the exchange created more
enemies than friends for the
Union-was a big headache fi-
nancially and staff-wise.
However, rather than let the
enterprise die completely, the Un-
ion would undoubtedly be willing
to, perhaps reluctantly, again sup-
ervise it.
The book exchange has been,
since its beginning, somewhat of a
foundling on campus. Besides the
Union before the war and the IFC
for the last three-and-a-half
years, SL also experimented with-
out too much success with the ex-
change in the. early post-war
war years.
Name Three
To Juditcary
After five hours of delibera-
tion, the Student Legislature
cabinet early today appointed
Dave Brown, '53, Dave Frazer,
'53L, and Irv Stenn, '52, to the
Men's Judiciary Council.
The three men were picked
from more than 25 petitioners.

Truman Set
To Act on
President Angry,
McKinney Says
WASHINGTON - () - Chair-
man Frank E. McKinney of the
Democratic National Committeel
predicted yesterday that President
Truman, angry over scandals that
have rocked his administration,l
will take drastic action to clean,
house "without delay."a
Emerging from a half-hour1
conference with Mr. Truman at
the White House, McKinney told
"The President is very aware of
the situation and he is highly con-
cerned. He is angry over being
sold down the river by some dis-
loyal employes of the govern-
chieftain, himself under fire for
a get-rich-quick stock deal in
which he netted $68,000 profit on
a $1,000 investment, said he ad-
vised Mr. Truman it was urgent
that drastic steps be taken at
He said he recommended that
the President launch an inde-
pendent investigation-possibly
by a non-partisan commission-
of the scandals that have blown
up around the Bureau of Inter-
nal Revenue and the Justice
Department in recent weeks.
He also declared that Mr. Tru-
man had not discussed the pos-
sibility of any "cabinet changes."
Some Congress members have de-
manded the resignations of At-
torney General McGrath, who
heads the Justice Department,
and Secretary of the Treasury
Snyder, overall boss of the In-
ternal Revenue Bureau.
EARLIER, McGrath disclaimed
any responsibility for the "indis-
cretions" of his ousted assistant,
T. Lamar Caudle. He said he
still considers Caudle an honest
McGrath is scheduled for a pri-
vate talksoon with Mr. Truman.
World News
By The Associated Press
PARIS -(IP)- The Big Four
powers announced yesterday an
agreement on a 12-nation disarm-
ament commission, but Russia and
the West remained poles apart on
the fundamental issue of atomic
controls after 10 days of secret
preme Court ruled yesterday the
Lorain, Ohio, Journal broke the
Sherman Anti-Trust Act by re-
fusing to sell space to advertis-
ers who also wanted to use a
rival radio station.
* * *
TEHRAN, Iran -(P)- Opposi-
tion and government deputies
fought with their fists and feet
inside parliament yesterday while
a frenzied mob outside shouted for
the blood of the opponents of Pre-
mier Mohammed Mossadegh be-
fore soldiers broke up the fight.
Ferguson (R-Mich.) said yester-
day he would be willing to be-
come Republican floor leader in
the Senate, succeeding the late
Sen. Kenneth S. Wherry (R-

* * *
sources said yesterday Britain has
requested $600 million in emer-
gency aid from the United States
-and may get $300 million.

THE UIN offered to give up is-
lands off North Korea and to yield
on its demand for joint Allied-
Red air observation of rear areas.
Instead, neutrals would make the.
inspections by air.
The sweeping new Allied of-
fers so interested the Reds that
they immediately began a. point-
by-point discussion without ask-
ing for their usual recess for
Maj. Gen. Howard M. Turner
submitted the seven-point plan
and told the Reds they would have1
to take all of it or nothing. He
said the Reds could not just accept
part of it.'
Turner said he first gave the
Communists a tongue-lashing in
which he accused them of treach-,
ery by trying to gain one-sided ad-
vantages in the guise of conces-;
Turner told the Reds, "You'
have made no offer to compro-
mise. You have made no effort to
resolve our differences. You have
conceded nothing."
** * -
IN THE AIR WAR sixty-two
U. S. Sabre Jets tackled 115 MIG's
yesterday, and when the last shot'
was fired in the cold Korean skies
two Red jets had been probably
destroyed and two damaged.
The U. S. Fifth Air Force, as-'
sessing results from two air bat-
tles over Northwest Korea, said
all the sabres returned safely.
Aground, the twilight war ended
its second full week last night af-
ter one of the quietest days of the
entire Korean war.
But in the air it was a different
One of the battles came in the
morning over Anju, 40 miles
north of Pyongyang, capital of
North Korea. Twenty-six Sabres
tangled with 50 MIGs. One Red
jet was probably destroyed.
The second and largest fight was
near Sinanju in the same general
This was the first large-sale
MIG fighting since last Thursday.
On that day the Fifth Air Force's
greatest streak of air battles and
air victories ended after an 11-
day run because of bad weather.
The rest of the Fifth's 790 sor-
ties yesterday were bombing and
strafing over North Korea.
Figures revealed in Washington
yesterday show that 1300 United
Nations airplanes-mostly Ameri-
can-have been lost in Korea thus
More than 583 UN planes have
been lost in combat as compared
to 308 combat losses for the Com-
IFC Group To Act
On Bias Clauses
The Interfraternity Council
House Presidents Assembly is
scheduled to act on the bias clause
problem at its regular meeting to-
night after hearing a report from
the IFC-Student Legislature bias
study committee.

UN Makes New
Compromise Try
Seven-Point Plan Impresses Reds,
May Speed Up Armistice Efforts
By The Associated Press
The United Nations Command today made a "give ,and take"
proposal to the Communists in an effort to reach a speedy armistice
in Korea.
Allied negotiators said they would accept Red demands for be-
hind-the-lines inspection by neutral nations and two other Communist
proposals if: 1. The Reds would agree to troop rotation and arms
replenishment; 2. The Reds would place neutral observers under con-
trol of a joint Allied-Red Armistice Commission.
The subcommittee discussing supervision of the truce recessed at
12:40 p.m. (9:40 p.m. yesterday, Ann Arbor time).

'Snap' Work
For Athletes
WASHINGTON -(P)- College
presidents studying what's wrong
with sports hope to learn today
how many schools permit athletes
to concentrate on so-called "snap"
courses in physical education.
The presidents are members of
a special committee set up by the
American Council on Education.
* * 'I
DURING THEIR first meeting
here last month they discussed
general problems in college sports.
In their meeting today and tomor-
row they expect to be more specif-
College sports' most bitter
critic, Judge Saul S. Streit, has
been particularly harsh on this
phase of education,
Last Friday, in suspending sent-
ence on three former Bradley Uni-
versity basketball players, Streit
said the athletes had been permit-
ted to take elementary badminton,
touch football, volley ball, elements
of tumbling, outdoor running and
co-ed dancing.
The former basketball sta had
been accused of trying to fix a
game in New York in 1950.
Streit was invited .to appear
before the college presidents to
give his views. He accepted at
first, but later declined when he
was told he may have to sit in
other cases involving college ath-
President John A. Hannah of
Michigan State College, chairman
of the committee, said after last
month's meeting here that the
presidents are agreed that all ath-
letes should take regular courses,
and keep up and be graduated with
their classes.
Brown U'
Solves Greek
Housing Row
Browna University, one of New
England's oldest educational in-
stitutions, has virtually solved its
fraternity problem.
. The Providence, R.I., university
is building an $8,500,000 housing
project which will be used on
equal terms by fraternity and non-
fraternity men.
* * *
FIVE YEARS AGO, Brown took
over the old houses maintained
by the 17 campus fraternities. The
university agreed to construct liv-
ing quarters for the Greek-letter
A two-block quadrangle con-
taining 10 buildings is almost
complete. It will house 525 fra-
ternity and 350 non-fraternity
The Greeks and non-Greeks will
live under the same roof, eat the
same food and have similar serv-
ices. They will be charged at the
same rate-$290 a year for room,
$430 for board.
Musicians To Give
Holiday Concert
The University Choirs and the
University Symphony Orchestra
conducted by P r o f. Maynard
Klein of the Music School, will
present their annual Christmas
concert at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in

The Student Affairs Committee
yesterday granted approval to four
new campus organizations: the
Society for Peaceful Alternatives,
the Civil Liberties Committee, the
Thai Association and the Ukran-
ian Students Club.
"Interested in the preservation
and promotion of academic free-
dom and civil liberties" the new
civil liberties group was formed to
"further the development of the
student as an individual and citi-
zen in a free society," the consti-
-tution states.
Pledging itself to action for
peace, the Society for Peaceful
Alternatives has outlined four
princips sin its constitution.
The members believe that "war
is not inevitable, that we must
strive for peace through negotia-
tions, that there should be world
'Sinment i for U e

wide reduction of armaments, and
lastly, that the above sentiments
reflect the desires of students in
all lands."
The Thai Association welcomes
all students interested in Thai-
land. Students of Ukranian de-
scent are invited to join the Uk-
ranian Students Club.


Survey Shows Fraternity Bias Not Affected by Clauses

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a series of articles dealing
with the findings of the survey on attitudes of fraternity men concerning
admission of minority members conducted by the Research Center for Group
Dynamics at the request of the Inter-Fraternity Council.)
Presence of bias clauses in fraternity constitutions makes no dif-
ference in fundamental attitudes towards admission of minority mem-

look much more carefully at what is required to bring about a change
in discriminatory practice-"to change or not to change" is not a sim-
ple question of legislation.
* * ; *
HOWEVER, THE SURVEY did reveal that other factors, such
as personal contact, interests, motives in joining a fraternity, or pres-
tige of the house, did seem to influence attitudes towards pledging
Jews, Negroes or Orientals.

In the case of the Negro, 93 per cent of the-men who associated
undesirable characteristics with the race were opposed to admitting
Negroes, while just 50 per cent of those lacking any negative ideas
favored excluding Negroes as a house policy.
* * * *
EDUCATION AND MATURITY seems to change discriminatory
attitudes. Upperclassmen were significantly more in favor of admit-
ting minority groups than freshmen or sophomores.

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