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September 25, 1951 - Image 15

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Michigan Daily, 1951-09-25

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_______________________________________________________________________________ U

a i

Wedding, Betrothals Revealed

Three Sororities Plan
Informal Fall Rushing
Eligible Coeds To Register in Late October;
Information Available Now in League Office

Graduate Outing Club Has Variety of Indoor, Outdoor Activiti
______ *~ . 1'* * .

Miniature newspapers revealed
to members of Alpha Phi sorority
'last night the engagement of
Catherine H. Roney, daughter of
Mrs. John S. Roney of Detroit, to
John M. Barnes, Jr., son of Mr.
and Mrs. John R. Paddack, of Ft.
* * *


worked on F r o s h Week-End,
Sophomore Cabaret, JGP and is a
1member of League Council.
Now taking graduate courses at
the University, Mr. Barnes re-
ceived his Bachelor of Science de-
gree last June. He is affiliated
with Sigma Phi fraternity.
A summer wedding is being
Honke - Miller
Announcement has been made of
the engagement of Miss Virgil
Honke, daughter of Mrs. G. E.
Honke, of Cleveland, Ohio, and the
late Mr. Honke, to David F. Miller,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Alan B. Mil-
ler, of Elizabeth, New Jersey.
Miss Honke was graduated last
June from the literary college and
is a member of Alpha Delta Pi
sorority. At present she is employ-
ed as a secretary in the Registrar's
Office of the University.
Mr. Miller is a graduate of
Princeton University where he was
a member of Charter Club. He
received the master's degree in
psychology from the Rackham
school, and he is now studying for
the degree of doctor of philosophy.
He is also employed at the Survey
Research Center of the University.
Rupp - Brungraber
The wedding of Ruth Ann Rupp
and Robert J. Brungraber took
place, June 13, in Toledo. Miss
Rupp is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Lyman G. Rupp of Toledo.
Mr. Brungraber is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Louis R Brungraber of
Miss Rupp was graduated from
education school and is affiliated
with Alpha Phi sorority. Mr.
Brungraber is a graduate of the
engineering college. He is a mem-
ber of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity
and was president of Vulcan and
Tau Beta Pi honorary societies.

Lauderdale and Dr. John M.
Barnes of Buffalo.
A senior in 'the School of Edu-
cation, Miss Roney is affiliated
with Alpha Phi sorority. She has
Satire Tryouts
To BeStaged
Sophomores Needed
For Various Positions
Sophomores w h o can sing,
dance, speak or wield a paint-
brush will have an. opportunity to
tryout for the annual Soph Satire
from 7 to 9 p.m. today and to-
morrow in the League.
Climax to the Student Legisla-
ture sponsored Tug Week, the
show will be presented Saturday,
Oct. 20 in Hill Auditorium. Tug
Week itself consists of class rallies
and events preceding a freshman-
sophomore tug of war across the
Huron River.
Following the river episode, the
sophomore class members will
display their talents at the tra-
ditional Soph Satire. Co-chair-
man of the show, Justine Votypka
urges all sophomores to tryout for
it because, in addition to the
available speaking, singing and
dancing parts, there are positions
open on the make-up, costumes
and other backstage committees.
Working in co-ordination with
the cast, will be the central com-
mittee headed by co-chairmen
Marge Hager and Justine Voty-
pka. Other committee members
are: George Irving, director;
Lewis Palmer, stage manager;
Karl Klipfel, production manager
and Larry Grey, musical director.
Music, lyrics and script for the
show were written by Joe Epstein
and Chuck Hoefler.

Sophomore, junior and transfer
women who are interested in in-
formal rushing may find informa-
tion in the Undergraduate Office
of the League.
This fall Panhellenic, which is
an organization of affiliated wo-
men, will direct a period of in-
formal rushing beginning Monday
and Tuesday, Oct. 22 and .23
Coeds may register at the League
on those days from 9 a.m. to noon
and from 1:30 to 5 p.m.
* * e
A MEETING for women who
are interested will be held shortly
before the rushing period begins,
and detailed information will be
available at that time. Three
houses, Alpha Omicron Pi, Delta
Zeta and Kappa Delta, have been
given the privilege of entertaining
during the period.
Informal rushing is only one
of the functions directed by the
Michigan Panhellenic Associa-
tion. Formal rushing in Feb-
ruary is the largest undertak-
ing, but the Variety show, the
Workshop and Frosh Weekend
are equally important dates on
the yearly calendar.
Panhel is directed by a Pan-
hellenic Board, which represents
all affiliated women on campus
and forms the co-ordinating and
governing body of the Association.
The Board is composed of seven
members and one appointed asso-
ciate member who is in charge of
Public Relations.
dent of Panhel; Jane Barker,
first vice-president; Barb Elliott,
second vice-president; Gail Fos-
ter, secretary; Ju d y Sinclair,
treasurer; Rosemary Wise, rush-
ing chairman; Maryanna Larson,
chairman of rushing counselors
and Mary Alice Davis, chairman
of public relations.
Each week 'anhellenic holds
a meeting for its members.
Every sorority house appoints
or elects a representative who
attends these meetings and who
is in charge of giving informa-
\tion to her house, and in turn,
bringing suggestions and ideas
from her group to the Associa-
Miss Clarke, as president, pre-
sides over the meetings, and mem-
bers of the Board are present.
PANHEL ALSO directs a Junior
Panhellenic, which is composed of
a representative from each pledge
class of a sorority. Junior Panhel
functions only from the end of

rushing until initiation in the
Spring. Barb Elliott is advisor to
this group as one of her duties as
second vice-president.
Panhellenic itself has as its
objective the promotion of co-
operation and the organization
of all affiliated women on cam-
pus, and the unification of the
interests of affiliated and non-
affiliated women.
Panhel is also a national or-
ganization which serves to draw
t o g e t h e r affiliated women
throughout the country.
AMONG OTHER projects of
the Association is Panhel Ball, a
formal dance held in the fall of
each year directed by a committee
announced the preceding spring.
The Variety Show is a stage
sh o w sponsored by Panhel.
Danny Kaye and his group were
the last entertainers for the
show, which is usually held at
Hill Auditorium.
In cooperation with Assembly,
Panhel sponsors Tag Day and the
Fresh Air Camp. During the sum-
mer, the Michigan Fresh w Air
Camp is open to underprivileged
children of the area. Tag Day
is the term used for the day when
tags are given in exchange for
money to help finance this camp.
As a group, Panhellenic is a
strong organization which under-
takes numerous projects each
year, and as individuals, the mem-
bers of the Association learn to
work with each other, to organ-
ize and in general to make them-
selves better citizens of the cam-
pus and of the community.

Members Plan
Slate Featuring
Interested Students
May Attend Meeting
Scheduled for Sunday
With informality as its keynote,
the Graduate Outing Club, "a
grad club for grad students,"
operates on a year-round schedule
with a wide range of outdoor and
indoor activities, according to
John E. Curtis, grad, vice-presi-
dent and secretary of the club.
Keeping pace with the weather
the first outings of the fall season
will include swimming, hiking,
volleyball, horse shoes and picnic
suppers at lakes and parks in the
vicinity. Any grad (including
married couples) students inter-
ested in attending the outings
should meet at 2 p.m. Sunday at
t h e Rackham building where
transportation will be provided.
* * *
LATER IN the year, hiking,
sledding and skiing will be sched-
uled with supper being served in
the cub room in Rackham where
the club has full cooking and en-
tertainment facilities. Ping-pong
and other games are available for
days when bad weather prevents
the scheduled outings.
The organization already has
sleds and toboggans and some
camping equipment. Dues,
which are 50 cents a semester
or 75 cents a year go toward
maintenance and buying more
Weekend trips are often ar-
ranged for the club itself, and
information and assistance are
provided to other groups interest-
ed in planning excursions.

ATTRACTIONS OF AUTUMN-Members of the Graduate Outing Club are pictured enjoying one of
the hikes which the club schedules as one of its main events.



WAA Board
First business meeting of the
WAA board will be held at 5
p.m. today. Members will meet
at the WAB for a cook-out at
the Island. Food will be pro-




IN ADDITION to a variety of
entertainment, the grads have
meals Chinese, Egyptian, Spanish
or American style according to
the nationality of the Food Com-
mittee, as a large part of the club
is made up of foreign students.
Plans for the type of outing

WAA Style Show
During Orientation Week, fresh-
men women gathered in \ the
Rackham Amphitheatre to wit-
ness a style show presented by
the Women's Athletic Association.
Beginning the program were
welcomes by Dr. Margaret Bell,
chairman of the Women's Physi-
cal Education Department; Miss
Marie Hartwig, WAA advisor and
Abby Funk, president of WAA.
Ruth Spillman, WAA vice-pres-
ident, served as mistress of cere-
monies, introducing all the mem-
bers of the WAA board and the
sports managers as they appeared
on stage.
The style show itself began with
the entrance of each club mana-
ger, dressed in the proper attire
for her sport. Following this came
the members of the executive
board modeling the newest college
fashions, which were supplied by
one of the Ann Arbor stores.
This show served not only as
a means for the freshmen women
to see the new fall styles, but also
as an introduction to WAA it-

There'll he no battles for dates when you go
places in Judy Bonds! These "designed-to-make-history"
blouses come through with flying colors every time:

Buying Corduroy
The wrong way to buy corduroy
garments with linings of different
fabrics, such as cotton plaid, say
manufacturers, is to assume that
because the corduroy is of the
washable variety, the lining is too.
The right way to handle such a
purchase, they say, is to look for a
label which gives definite assur-
ance that both the corduroy and
the lining are dyed with fast col-



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