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November 30, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-30

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G :.1

On A Policy for

1N THE current issue of Collier's, University
alumnus Tom Dewey presents his idea of
what our country's policy in the Far East
should be. Without compunction, Dewey
asks that we give Generalissimo Chiang
Kai-shek's Nationalists moral, political,
technical, military and financial assistance;
that we enable them to immediately invade
the Chinese mainland and engage the Com-
munist forces of Mao Tse-tung in a battle
to secure a "Free China." Each day that we
continue to hesitate, he says, is a day of aid
to the Communists.
The cost of such a policy, Dewey asserts,
will be in terms of American money and
equipment, not American life. He sees no
involvement for the United States in a
war of attrition on the mainland. The
U.S. will be the power behind the power.
To support his battle cry, Dewey has
drawn upon experiences gained on his re-
cent trip to the Far East. The picture that
he has drawn of Chiang, the Nationalist
Army and Nationalist politics is one of sweet
smelling herbs and exotic foods. It is a
picture that contrasts sharply with much
that has been learned through the experi-
ences of the past two decades. Yet, it is a
picture that, because of our antipathy
toward Communist China, is being accepted
on a wide basis in this country and may, if
not checked, lead us to serious entanglement
in a full scale war.
* * *
DEWEY cites several items in favor of sup-
porting Chiang. We have a moral obli-
gation, he claims, in that we have deserted
this former ally, an ally that engaged mil-
lions of Japanese troops in battle and kept
them from fighting our soldiers in the Paci-
fic. Ignored are the facts thta the Gimo,
far from leading the Chinese against the
Japanese, insisted upon continuing the civil
war in his own country; that Chiang re-
jected proposals to form a united front and
had to be kidnapped in order to force him
to turn his attentions toward resisting the
invader of his country. And this he did only
intermittently. The Nationalists, as unbend-
ing as the Communists, also share the blame
for the failure of the Marshall Mission to
form a united China.
Rightfully then, the Nationalists can be
called constant foes of Communism but it
should be remembered that they were
willing to sacrifice the well-being of both
the Chinese and the Allied cause in pur-

suing the anti-Red policy. The Gimo is
also praised for not selling out to the
Japanese though this is a negative virtue,
and one which could supply a firmer basis
for supporting the Chinese Communists
who were the main force in the fight
against the Japanese.
The graft and corruption that became
synonymous with Nationalism are white-
washed to the point where one is led to
doubt that they ever existed. Chiang, says
Dewey, is a prisoner of his past successes.
"He cannot clean house and get rid of
unnecessary generals and public officers."
The current court row to obtain several mil-
lion dollars loaned by the U.S. for aircraft
and held by a Nationalist general in Wash-
ington is a reminder of past habits. It is
claimed that the Gimo is possessed of an
absolute integrity that cannot be doubted,
but where a man surrounded himself with
miiltary and political crooks and allowed
them to run the government he cannot be
so easily vindicated of allblame.
Another favorable aspect of the Nation-
alists, according to Dewey is their firm
determination to return to the mainland
and liberate it from the Reds. The Na-
tionalist Army of 600,000 is the biggest
anti-Communist force in the Pacific. It
is well led, Dewey says, and will fight if
given the arms. In direct opposition to
this statement is the report that many
Nationalist troops would immediately
change sides once they hit the mainland,
that their fervor for the cause of the Gimo
is not as intense as we are led to believe.
The recent purges in Red China might
have a profound effect on such sentiments.
Yet, the Nationalists themselves are not de-
void of totalitarian practices. Their record
on civil liberties is almost as bad as the
Communists' while on the all important land
reform they have been worse. Dewey ex-
cuses the present existence of an efficient
Nationalist Secret Police because of the cri-
tical times. But this is an excuse that when
accepted works for either side.
,* *
ESSENTIALLY Dewey's argument, though
dressed in Mandarin emotion and silk
worms, has little concern over Chiang Kai
Shek his indignities, his graft or his im-
perialism. A similar case would be built up
for whatever army resided on the off shore
island of Formosa. The purpose, when all
the curtains are drawn aside, is the practical
goal of protecting the Western world and

its defense perimeter. The liberation of
China is not important for China's sake
but rather to keep the Chinese Reds from
disrupting the status quo in Southeast Asia,
the Vietnam-Siam area. A Red move into
this part of the mainland would cripple
the market area and food supply zone of a
free trading Japan and Philippines, two
areas of influence that we must maintain
in order to keep a barrier of islands between
the Communists and ourselves.
But Dewey's plan, were it to be carried
out, would far from advance our cause.
It would necessitate arming this 600,000
man force and keeping it armed. This
could only be done at the expense of our
troops or of Eisenhower's European Army
both of which are already far behind sup-
ply schedule. If ever a showdown is to
come between the U.S. and Russia, the in-
dustrial power of Central Europe will be
far more important than China and the
whole Far East. Before we can think of
offensively throwing equipment down an
endless pit we must secure our defense
Assuming that we went so far as to arm
these Nationalists we would have to go just
so much farther in supplying them not only
with planes and ships but with trained
men to fly these planes and to sail these
ships. For the Nationalists, no matter how
determined, will never be able to walk across
the waters to the mainland and once there
will never be effective without tactical air
The war that would ensue would not
be decided in a matter of months but
rather of years. China has space to spare
in which contending armies can move
back and forth with great ease. To cap-
ture the principle cities in China would
mean little. The Japanese held these ci-
ties during the war but in no way did
they hold China. It would be a costly
war of attrition and one which we would
most likely be forced to enter. Our ships,
our planes, our guns will be employed,
our men to a limited extent. The Sev-
enth Fleet is protecting the island of
Formosa even now. It would have to con-
tinue such protection or else leave the
Nationalists vulnerable in the rear. Our
participation, therefor, would be most ac-
tive, and since we are already opposing the
Reds in a limited war it would be a mat-
ter of fact that we were fighting them
on the mainland. The consequences could
be far reaching. Mao has a mutual defense
treaty with Stalin that can be invoked
as soon as China is attacked. It is ex-
tremely likely that Russia which has so
much at stake in Manchuria, Siberia and
the Maritime Province will not desert her
strongest ally.
Dewey 's proposal would have the same
effect as MacArthur's plan for an unlimited
war, a war that would provide little benefit
and much increased agony. Were we to
accept both Mao and Stalin as irreconcil-
able enemies we could proceed with such
plans though in a wiser fashion. But in no
way have we turned our minds to accepting
as inevitable a wholesale struggle for the
world. We are still negotiating in Korea,
we are still negotiating in. Paris. We are
also fighting in Korea and we are also arm-
ing in Europe. But always the emphasis is
on prevention not infection. To split the
world once and for all with nothing to gain
but holocaust would be both futile and
--Leonard Greenbaum

"I Can't Bear To Look"






(Continued from Page 2) Forest. Plans for the International
Buffet to be discussed.

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Intra-Quad Radio

Washington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON-Meeting with the Joint Chiefs of Staff in Wash-
ington last month, General Eisenhower indicated that the great-
est danger of war was a possible, attack on Yugoslavia by Soviet
satellites next spring.
if this happens, U.S. defense planners have figured the Red
armies are almost certain to strike through the Ljubljana gap in
northern Yugoslavia, then rush down the Dalmation coast to
Sovietized Albania. This not only would cut off most Allied sup-
plies sent to the aid of Yugoslavia, but would put Moscow within a
few minutes' bombing distance of Rome and the Vatican.
Thus the entire Adriatic seacoast of Italy from Venice to Brin-
disi, would face a Red waterfront, and the Italian population, one-
third Communist, inevitably would be subject to sabotage, upheaval
and eventual revolution.
These were some of the factors I had in mind in urging
Marshal Tito to cut red tape and release Archbishop Stepinac
right away. For this now famous churchman had become not only
a football of politics but a symbol of persecution, which was seri-
ously hurting relations between our two countries.
Actually I knew, from having spent two years in Yugoslavia di-
recting Quaker relief work after World War I, also from my visit there
last winter, that there is little religious discrimination in Yugoslavia.
I have served on the same hospital board with Moslems, Orthodox and
Catholics, seen them work together and live together. Probably there
is more tolerance there than here.
FURTHERMORE, the National Catholic Welfare Council in coopera-
tion with CARE picked a Catholic attorney, John A. Zvetina of
Chicago, who speaks the language and who made a thorough survey of
Yugoslavia last September to see whether CARE food packages were
being distributed fairly as between Catholic and non-Catholic, Com-
munist and non-Communist. He returned with a ,highly favorable
Despite this, it was only natural that the continued incar-
ceration of Archbishop Stepinac should rankle many Catholics in
this country.
In releasing him, however, Tito faced a domestic problem which, I
regret to say, was comparable perhaps to that of Senator Russell of
Georgia if he were suddenly to reverse himself and vote for the FEPC
for Southern Negroes. For in Orthodox Serbia the religious massacres
that took place under Hitler, and for which Archbishop Stepinac was
imprisoned, still cause great bitterness: It is charged that 700,000
Serbs were killed in these church massacres because they refused to
desert the Orthodox faith.
What complicated Tito's political problem was that Serbia
is that part of the Yugoslav confederation where he is least popu-
lar, where he has to gain strength rather than lose it. In Serbia,
Archbishop Stepinac has become a burning, bitter symbol. Thus
Tito, while winning friends in the U.S.A. knew that he would have

Healy in the Office of the Dean of Wo-
men as soon as possible.
Registered student sponsored social
events for the coming week-end:
November 30-
Alpha Kappa Psi
Couzens Hall
Kappa Kappa Psi
"M" Club
Stockwell Hall
December 1-
Alpha Delta Phi
Alpha Kappa Kappa
Alpha Tau Omega
Beta Theta Pi
Chi Phi
Delta Chi
Delta Tau Delta
Kappa Sigma
Lambda Chi Alpha
Les Voyageurs
Phi Delta Phi
Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Chi
Philippine Michigan Club
Phi Sigma Kappa
Prescott House
Sigma Delta Ta
Sigma N
Sigma Pi
Theta <Ch
Theta Xi
December 2-
Graduate Outing Club
Phi Delta Phi-
Bureau of Appointments:
Registration Notice: Students who
have taken out registration material
from the Bureau of Appointments are
reminded that today is the last day
that it may be returned this year.
Personnel Interview:
Fri., Nov. 30, and Mon., Dec. 3, and
Tues., Dec. 4, representatives of the
United States Civil Service for Califor-
nia Naval Research Laboratories will be
interviewing February graduates in the
following fields: Electronics, Electrical,
Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineer-
ing Physics, Mathematics, and Statis-
tics, and Civil and Chemical Engineer-
ing for positions in Research, Produc-
tion and Development having to do
with Guided Missiles, Rockets, and Ra-
diological Warfare. Among the loca-
tions the laboratories represent are San
Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, and
For Appointments concerning the in-
terviews, contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Build-
Academic Notices
Astronomical Colloquium. Fri., Nov.
30, 4:15 p.m., the Observatory. Dr. Leo
Goldberg, Chairman of the Department
of Astronomy, will speak on ".Identifi-
cation of CO in the Sun"
Psychology Colloquium. Fri., Nov. 30,
t4:15 p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall
(third floor). Dr. Richard Blackwell will
speak on "Behavioral Variability and
Neural Organization." Refreshments at
Non-Algebraic Topology Seminar:
Fri., Nov. 30, at 3 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall.
Mr. Jack Miller will continue his dis-
cussion of "Function Spaces.
Actuarial Club Meeting: Fri., Nov. 30
at 4 p.m., Room 3B, Union. Mr. Henry
Rood, Vice-President of Lincoln Na-
tional Life Insurance Co., and Secre-
tary-Treasurer of the Society of Actu-
aries, will speak on (1) Functions of
the Society of Actuaries and (2) Se-
lected Topics on Reinsurance. Re-
University Concert Orchestra, Emi
Raab, Conductor, with James Fudge
baritone, will be heard in a "Pop" con-
cert at 2:30 Sunday afternoon, Decem
ber 2, in South Quadrangle. The pro
gram will include the Overture to th
Barber of Seville by Rossini, Tschaikow
sky's Chanson Triste; compositions b3
Grieg, Khachaturian, Walton, Nicolai
and Coates. Mr. Fudge will sing fou
songs, Hard Trails, The Hills of Home
The Girl That I Marry, and Younge
than Springtime. The concert will b
open to the public. Another progra
by the same group will be presented i
Alice Lloyd Hall on Sunday afternoon
December 16.
Woodwind Quintet, Nelson Hauenstein
flute, Lare Wardrop, oboe, Albert Lu
coni, clarinet, Ted Evans, French horn
tand Hugh Cooper, bassoon, will b
b heard at 8:30 Monday evening, Decem
ber 3, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater
The program will include the following
Quintet No. 8 by Reicha, The Chimne
of King Rene by Milhaud; Sinfonia b
Heiden, Dance Caricatures by Dougla
and Two Pieces, Op. 98 by Jongen I
Swill be open to the general public.

- Events Today
SL International Relations Commit.
tee: Meeting, 3:30 p.m., SL Bldg., 12:

League Record Concert. League Li-
brary, 4-5:30 p.m. All Tchaikovsky pro-
gram. Romeo & Juliet Overture, 8th
Symphony, Waltzes.
Wesleyan Guild: Meet at the Guild
at 8 p.m. The evening wiil be spent
at the I-M Building. Bring gym and
swim suits,
Intercollegiate Zionist Federation of
America (IZFA). Executive Board meet-
ing, 3:15 p.m., League. Everyone wel-
SRA Coffee Hour. 4:30-6 p.m., Lane
Hall. Guest: Miss Angela Trindade,
one of India's Modern Painters.
Canterbury Club: Canterbury House
Tea. 4 p.m. Everyone Is Invited; Square
dancing for young and old, 8:30 p.m.
in the Parish House, Instruction per-
iod for beginners.
Roger Williams Guild: Meet at the
Guild House to go to Canterbury for
Square Dancing. Groups leaving at
8:30 and 8:45.
Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni-
versity Museums. "Live Teddy Bears -
The Koala," "The Zoo" and "The Cow
and its Relatives." 7:30 p.m., Fri., Nov.
30; Kellogg Auditorium,
Hillel: Friday evening services, Up-
per Room, Lane Hall, 7:45 p.m.
Record Concert. League Library, 4-
5:30 p.m.
JGP. Meeting of the central commit-
tee, 4 p.m., League.
Lutheran Student Association. Box
Social Party, 8:15 p.m. at the Student
Center, corner of Hill and Forest Ave.
Coming Events
Hillel: Sunday Night Supper Club,
5:30 to 7 p.m., Sun., Dec. 2 at the Tau
Delta Phi Fraternity House. Delicates-
sen supper.
Hillel: A games party will be held
at the Tau Delta Phi House, 7 p.m.,
Sun., Dec. 2. Everyone is welcome.
University Rifle Club. All members
are requested to be at the ROTC Rifle
Range at 1:15 p.m., Sat., Dec. 1, to
help with details of the Sectional
Match with OSU, MSC, and U. of M.
All firing membersof the team have
been notified by telephone. The range
opens for practice at noon and th
match is to start at 1:30 p.m.
School of Music Student Council.
Meet Sat., Dec. 1, 404 BMT. The meet-
ing will be at 1:30 instead of the usual
11 o'clock.
Graduate Outing Club: Meet at the
rear of the Rackham Building, Sun.,
Dec. 2, 2 p.m. Tour of University Ob-
Michigan College Chemistry Teachers
1Association will meet Sat., Dec. 1, In
the Chemistry Building, University of
Michigan. The following addresses will
be open to visitors, in Room 1300,
Chemistry Building: 10:30 a.m. Prof. L.
E. Brownell, Department of Chemical
and Metallurgical Engineering, on "The
Use of Atomic Radiation in Food Pre-
servation." 11:15 a.m. Dr. W. C. Bige-
Iow, Department of Chemistry, on
"Non-spreading Oil Drops on Films of
VOrganic Molecules.'
Delta Sigma Pi, Professional Frater-
fity for Business Administration and
Economics majors, will hold a rushing
smoker on Sun.. Dec. 2, 3 to 5 p.m., at
the chapter house, X412 Cambridge
- 1





T HE UNIVERSITY has their own little
Panmunjom and East-West squabble
right here on campus. Truce talk head-
quarters are located in a neutral area of
the East Quad and peace negotiators from
the East and West as well as the South
Quad met late Tuesday and early Wednes-
day in a deadlocked meeting that rather.
badly paralleled several which recently have
been making front page news.
The local truce talks made front page
news also, when the East quad radio sta.
tion readmitted the West Quad Station
WQRS back to their inter-dormitory
union taking up their intimate but
strained relations after a week long drive.
Actually however, it was no divorce. East
and West Quad radio stations have never
been married, they have only been living
It is over a proposed marriage that the
severing in their relations took place last
week. Following what seemed like a flat
rejection on the part of the West Quad coun-
cil of a plan for a cooperative radio sta-
tion with equal representation for each of
the three men's quads, WEQN cut their
Western counterparts from inter-dormitory
At a truce meeting the following week,
WEQN's station manager apoligized for the

mistake then waited for an acceptance of
the plan.
East Quad doesn't have to wait very
long. Pioneers of inter-dorm broadcast-
ing, at present they have transmitters in
five women's dorms, and are possessors of
the necessary equipment and experience
for further extending it, East Quad radio
holds an iron hand.
The objections raised by the West and
South Quads were to the coaxial cable and
to a central staff. They also said that a
centralized station would eliminate indi-
vidualism and tend to professionalize broad-
Most individual of all was South Quad,
by far the stubbornest objector, in that their
radio station doesn't even exist-except on
A cooperative radio system, one station
with two subsidiary studios for conven-
ience, and a board of control with equal
representation seems like a flexible enough
plan. A few farseeing men from West
and South Quad realize this. They rea-
lize that as far as WEQN is concerned
they are dispensible.
WEQN has equipment, the personnel and
the drive to go ahead on their own extending
inter-dorm radio and there's no reason to
think that they won't.
-Gayle Greene











s t

At Hill Auditorium...
night at Hill Auditorium, is an inspired
performer, a natural-born actor, but a sadly
deficient musician.
What these characteristics add up to in
performance terms is hard to define. The
concert certainly was not conventional, nei-
ther did it have much fresh appeal. Bacca-
loni's special brand of burlesque is amusing,
St-udent Attitude
OBVIOUSLY, the University is making a
serious attempt to better student-faculty
relations. This fact was recently brought
out at the literary college conference and
has been evident in the past by the estab-
lishment of faculty office hours and coffee
The most recent suggestion for improving
relations is the creation of an informal
meeting place where students can just "get

often riotous, but musically the affair fell
far short of being enjoyable.
For instance, take the two arias from
Mozart's "The Abduction from the Serag-
lio." Baccaloni could not have chosen any
selections more compatable with his dra-
matic talents than those on last night's
program. These two arias were no excep-
tion. Light-hearted without being unduly
frivolous, they both offered countless op-
portunities for vividly descriptive gestures
and for the buffoonery that Mozart's geni-
ous makes charming. Baccaloni obviously
has Mozartian opera in his blood as far as
dramatic techniques go.
But Baccaloni's voice conveyed very little
of the expressiveness that his gestures did.
That his voice was severely lacking in tone
quality was emphasized by the fact that it
was tiresomely monotonous where the music
blatantly called for diversity. Other than
stage whispers and occasional instances of
breathiness indicating excitement the same
superficial, harsh tone pervaded most of the
selections. This deficiency, it seemed to me,
rn + ~ n. -v.r~ Ll. ni7. n. - ..---1n r

directed by Jean Vigo.
A SMALL PROLOGUE to one of these films
says a few words about Jean Vigo whose
genius is responsible for their depth and sen-
sitiveness. In it Vigo, who died at the age of
29 in what seemed to be the beginning of an
already great career in the movies, is called
a poet of the motion picture. I can think of
no better way to describe the treatment giv-
en these works or the effect they create than
to call them poems.
ZERO FOR CONDUCT is the story of
a revolution of a group of school boys in
a French private school against the un-
even, but over-strict discipline of their
masters. The movie has neither the sim-
plicity nor the obviousness of that synop-
sis. It is in reality a series of vignettes
that by their suggestiveness reveal both
the story and the complexity of the hu-
mans that move it. It's single fault lies in
the fact that it concentrates too much
on the eccentric in both professors and
students. It is a slight fault, though, for
however abnormal the characters, they
are all superbly genuine and completely
L'ATALANTE is a different kind of poem
-and a more beautiful one. The story is
simple and ancient. A young groom, happy
in the early joys of marriage, takes his bride
to the big city for the first time. She is
flattered by the attention of a fast talking
slicker and shows it. Her husband leaves
her in jealousy. They both pay ... and are,
in the end, reunited. It takes a poet to tell
that kind of story with freshness, sincerity
nnr frrnVin'ciim , hnffity s nn

to make some enemies at home.-
The fact remains that, despite these misunderstandings, Yugo-
slavia is more vital to the military defense of the Vatican than any
other country in the world. For, should Red armies take the Adriatic
coast of Yugoslavia, it would be only a short time before Italy must
come under Moscow's wing.
APPOINTMENT OF Roger L. Putnam to the key job of Economic
Stabilizer is the first sign that the White House is getting fed up
with Defense Mobilizer Charles E. Wilson; also that Truman is listen-
ing to new Democratic Chairman Frank McKinney.
Wilson had been telling associates that he would name the
new Economic Stabilizer. He was particularly anxious to name him
because it was the friction between Wlison and Eric Johnston
that caused the latter's resignation. Despite this, the President put
in his own man.
Furhermore, the Democrat he named, ex-Mayor Putnam o:
Springfield, Mass., is a friend of Democratic Chairman McKinney. The
two worked closely together in the Office of War Contract Negotia-
tion, both are bank officials, and Putnam is also President of th(
Package Machinery Co., a Director of the Perkins Machine and Gear
Co., and the Van Norman Co. He also has the unique distinction of
being the sole trustee of the Lowell Observatory of Flagstaff, Ariz.
The President got to know Charles E. Wilson when he was
vice-chairman of the old War Production Board, at which time
Truman was chairman of the Senate Investigating Committee.
Wilson, however, didn't have to take the brickbats and the respon-
sibilities Chairman Donald Nelson did. Now that he is in the No. 1
spot, he hasn't been able either to stand the gaff or get out pro-
Real fact is that U.S. military production is so bad that it can
hardly be published.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


THE TEACHER, like the artist,
the philosopher, and the man
of letters, can only perform his
work adequately if he feels him-
self to be an individual directed
by an inner creative impulse, not
dominated and fettered by an out-
side authority. It is difficult in
this modern world to find a place
for the individual. He can subsist
at the top as a dictator in a totali-
tarian state or a plutocratic mag-
nate in a country of large indus-
trial enterprises, but in the realm
of the mind it is becoming more
and more difficult to preserve in-
dependence of the great organized
forces that control the livelihoods.
-Bertrand Russell

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michiganunderthe
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
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Chuck Elliott........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ............ City Editor
Leonard Greenbaur, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson .....,....Feature Editor
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Ted Papes.............Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
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Bob Miller .........Business Manager
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The Associated Press is exclusively
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All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.





t'i't """"""

But if this isn't your bed either,
Mr. Baxter, where DO you sleep?

Odd place for the master bedroom.
But, in traveling about the galaxy,
I've found that customs do differ

My sftrs! With all your
planet's wealth between

- I

r 'l

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