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September 25, 1951 - Image 11

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Michigan Daily, 1951-09-25

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(Continued from Page 2)
operations budget in his annual
financial message to the State
Jan. 16. Gov. Williams named
Democratic ex-governor Murray
D Van Wagoner the new Univer-
sity ' Regent, replacing the late
Ralph A. Hayward.
Jan. 18. The Conference of
Deans issued a recommendation
td the heads of all colleges and
schools in the University that pre-
admission photographs and ques-
tions regarding race, religion, na-
tional origin and ancestry be eli-
rginated from admission forms.
Feb. 9. Thousands of happy cou-
ples alternately danced and lis-
tened to the music of Freddie Mar-
tin and Ray McKinley as the an-
nual J-Hop began its two-night
Feb. 12. Former controller Wil-
bur E. Pierpont was appointed
University v i c e - president i n
charge of business and finance to
replace Robert P. Briggs, who had
University enrollment figures
dropped by more than 2,000 to
continue the decline begun in the
Feb. 16. The highly controversial
regulation requiring all campus
fraternities4to maintain an over-
all house scholastic average of 2.4
Qr over was lifted.
Feb. 20. The University announ-
ced organization of seven of its
service units under a new admin-
istrative department, Services En-
terprises, to be headed by Francis
C: Shiel, former manager of the
residence halls.
Feb. 23. Michigan's Don McEw-
en set a new world indoor dirt
track two mile record of 9:04.6,
tutting the standard he had pre-
viously set by .3 seconds.
March 5. Athletic Director
Fritz" Crisler announced that a
$2,500,000 women's athletic build-
ng, complete with the long-await-
ed swimming pool, would be con-
structed in the near future.
1 March 6. By an extremely narf
row margin, the Student Affairs
Committee voted to require all
campus organizations to remove
discriminatory clauses from their

-Daily-Bill Hampton
NEWS ITEM: "Harried State Legislators passed a pared-down
$14,845,000 University budget this spring after a record 29 hour
session. University administrators immediately began looking
for ways to cut corners and reduce expenses."

dwellings in a large fraternity,
sorority and co-op area.
March 28. A two-hour pageant
of song, dance and comedy un-
folded before a highly receptive
audience as the 1951 Union Op-
era, "Go West, Madam," opened
for a three-day stand.
March 29. A signed statement
bearing the names of 151 Univer-
sity faculty members went on its
way to the University of Califor-
nia to support the fight of the
Berkeley's school's faculty against
the Regent-imposed loyalty oath.
March 31. With Ed Buchanan
and Connie Ettl the only stand-
outs, Michigan wound up in ninth
place in the NCAA Gymnastic
April 2. The University was
named by the Selective Service as
one of the 1,000 examination cen-
ters at which college students
would take tests for possible draft
April 3. Assisted by a low Dem-
ocratic turnout in Detroit, the
GOP carried into office their en-
tire state ticket, including Uni-
versity Regent candidates Roscoe
0. Bonisteel and Leland I. Doan.
April 4. The Michigan Union,
traditional exclusively male1
stronghold, announced a new
policy of allowing coeds to use
the cafeteria and bowling alleys
when escorted by Union members.
April 23. Stanley G. Fontanna,
deputy director of the Michigan
Department of Conservation, was
appointed professor of forestry
and dean of the School of Natural
April 25. Prof. George G. Brown,
chairman of the chemical and
metallurgical engineering depart-
ment, was named dean of the en-
gineering college to replace re-
tiring Dean Ivan C. Crawford.
A boost of 40 to 50 dollars in
student dormitory rates for next
year was announced.
April 27. Weary Student Legis-
lature officials headed for home
at 4:30 a.m. after counting nu-
merous ballots cast by 6,818 stu-
dents in the spring all-campus
April 28. In a 1:30 a.m. con-
ference, members of the Triton
Film Society agreed to cancel
plans to show the allegedly anti-
Negro film, "Birth of a Nation,"
thus ending one of the most con-
troversial issues in campus his-
April 29. A gang of vandals
threw rocks through the windows
of Delta Tau Delta fraternity, do-
ing $120 worth of damage, and
then sent Ann Arbor firemen to
the scene in answer to a false
May 1. Willie- McGee stepped
back into the limelight as mem-
bers of the Committee to Save
McGee threw their rusting ma-
chinery into full gear in a last-
ditch leaflet drive to prevent the
execution of the Mississippi Ne-
May 3. An epidemic of unde-
termined cause swept through
Betsy Barbour House as at least
60 women residents were suddenly
stricken by a violent illness.
May 7. Six University delegates
were in the crowd of 100 students
from 11 colleges who presented a

token gift of 700 pounds of wheat
to India in Washington to Ma-
dam Pandit.
May 9. Ralph Bunche, director
of the United Nations trusteeship
department and winner of the
Nobel Peace Prize, was named as
the main speaker at the 1951 com-
mencement exercises.
A 22-year-old tradition ended
when retiring President Alexan-
der G. Ruthven and Mrs. Ruthven
entertained at their last student
Police began an investigation of
the mysterious beating and burn-
ing of freshman George Cox.
May 11. Announcement came
that Provost James P. Adams had
submitted his resignation to the
Board of Regents.
May 12. A record-studded 84
to 47% track victory over Michi-
gan State at Ferry Field high-
lighted a Michigan clean sweep
of the Spartans in track, baseball
and golf.
May 14. The literary college
faculty voted its approval of a
new language requirement that
would demand a four-semester
proficiency in a foreign language
from all lit school graduates.
May 15. Faculty members in
the literary college received bet-
ter than passing grades but the
courses they teach barely squeak-
ed through in the final tabulation
of the student-faculty evalua-
May 16. A far-reaching proce-
dural change, granting students a
much greater voice in the hand-
ling of student disciplinary prob-
lems, was announced at the Stu-
dent Legislature meeting. Under
the new plan, all disciplinary
cases involving students will first
be heard by the student Joint-
Judiciary Council and later re-
viewed by the faculty Sub-Com-
mittee on Discipline.
May 17. Martha Cook dormi-
tory officials launched an in-
vestigation into the theft of at
least $200 from women's rooms
and the dorm store.
May 20. H a r 1 a n Henthorne
Hatcher, vice-president of Ohio
State University, was named the
eighth president of the University,
succeeding retiring President Al-
exander G. Ruthven.
May 22. Regulations prohibit-
ing first-semester freshmen from
extra-curricular activities were
swept away in an unexpected
move by the Student Affairs Com-
May 25. Rain and rough com-
petition shut Michigan's tennis,
golf and track teams out of the
spring Big Ten championships.
May 20. The State Legislature,
wearied by a record 29 and a half
hour continuous session, finally
passed a huge state budget of
more than $306,000,000, including
a University appropriation of
More than 1500 University men
took their keep-studying-or-start-
soldiering deferment test.
May 29. President Ruthven ve-
toed a Student Affairs Committee
action ordering fraternities to
clear their constitutions of dis-
criminatory clauses by October,
1956, or face loss of recognition
by the University.

constitutions by 1956 or be denied
official University recognition.
March 7. The Inter-Fraternity
House Presidents' Assembly voted
to appeal to President Ruthven
for a veto of the bias clause time
March 12. Addressing an atten-
tive but partially skeptical audi-
ence in Lane Hall, Mrs. Willie
McGee defended her husband and
asked for help in saving him from
Mississippi's electric chair.
March 15. The Inter-Arts Un-
ion withdrew from its program
the play "War Sky" after charges

that it was "subversive" and "pa-
March 17. Michigan's hockey
squad turned in their best per-
formance of the season as they
walloped B r o w n University's
Bruins, 7 to 1, to win the 1951
NCAA Hockey Tournament at Co-
lorado Springs.
The annual alumni club meet-
ing celebrated the University's
114th birthday.
March 19. The Ann Arbor City
Council passed the long pending
amendment to the city's zoning
ordinance which prohibited the
establishment of further group

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