Korean Peace Talks
Foreign Policy While You Wait
Associated Press News Analyst;
by the arms of 14 nations, have been
able, for once, to effect a compromise with
the Communists.
When the truce talks began both Russia
and Red China expressed the determination
to accept no demarcation line north of paral-
lel 38. Now they have backed down, although
the agreement is a tentative one, depending
upon the solution of other issues.
The next problem is how to make "con-
crete arrangements for the realization of a
cease-fire and armistice in Korea, including
the composition, authority and functions of
a supervising organization for carrying out'
the terms X X."
The Allies have expressed determination
to have a foolproof check against any enemy
military buildup behind a truce screen. This
means establishment of security teams which
will have access to rear areas.
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.
The long haggling over details of neutraliz-
ing the truce negotiating zones at Kaesong
and Panmunjom is indicative of what can
be expected now. The Communist approach
to the whole subject will probably be more
truly indicative of their ultimate cease-fire
intentions than all of the argument over the
demarcation line. The question capsules, in
some ways, the great issues of security which
surround atomic controls and disarmament
discussions on the broad world stage.
If they ever reach the last problem, in-
volving the withdrawal of foreign troops
from Korea, a truce should be in sight. By
that time the Communists should be willing,
as the Allies will be, merely to adopt some
general recommendation regarding handling
of this question in future peace talks among
the governments.
The other item, however, may cause as
much or more trouble than the first two. It
regards the disposition of war prisoners. A
general exchange might have appeared to
be the answer. But now the stir created in
the U.S. by atrocity reports makes it clear
that public opinion will require detention
and trial of any Communist prisoners ac-
cused in this field.
Truce by Christmas, about which some of
the folks in Korea have been talking, has a
nice sound, but could produce vast disap-
pointment. No truce at all is yet assured.
' '
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length. defamatory or
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be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Washington Merry-Go-Round
_ _ W
alleged backstage wire-pulling on in-
come taxes by Congressman Cecil King of
California illustrate the difficulty of having
congress investigate itself.
King discreetly stayed away from the
committee when it considered his reported
attempts to stall tax prosecution of some
of his friends in the Long Beach Federal
Savings and Loan Association. However,
his fellow Democrat, Congressman J. M.
Combs of Texas, who presided, set the
stage with this unusual statement:
"It is of course an awfully serious thing
for Mr. King that has come up," Combs de-
clared solemnly. "We are simply out to clear
this matter up as to the committee and its
chairman. That is all.
"Incidentally, we are not interested in
finding here, it is not our province to find,
whether this tax is due or not due, or wheth-
er there are violations or not violations in
those particular tax cases in connection
with this particular inquiry. You under-
This seemed a strange statement from
a committee charged with investigating
tax irregularities and which-up to that
time-had done an excellent job.
During the cross-examination which fol-
lowed, ace committee' counsel Adrian De
Wind, who has pulled no punches in the past,
appeared to slant his questions to defend
Chairman King, and asked no questions of
Congressman King himself.
FOR MONTHS, King has made no secret,
in talking to friends, that he was sore
at the Justice Department for its handling
of .litigation with his friends of the Long
Beach Federal Savings and Loan Association.
Nor has he concealed the fact that he has
made inquiries at the Justice Department
aimed to help his friends.
However, the Congressman was not quer-
ied about these matters.
Congressman King also has made no
secret that he helped secure the appoint-
ment of Ernest Tolin as U.S. Attorney in
Los Angeles, and exerted a powerful hand
in promoting U.S. Attorneys to judge-
ships. One of the ablest and oldest Cali-
fornia congressmen, he has sometimes
been called "King-Maker King." Natur-
ally this gave him influence with those
At The State . .
LET'S MAKE IT LEGAL with Claudette
Colbert, Macdonald Carey, and Zachary
AT LAST Claudette Colbert has become a
grandmother. She's been a spry young
thing for so long that it's hard to become
adjusted to this new idea, but when one be-
comes accustmed to it it's rather easy to sit
back and enjoy this rather delightful domes-
tic comedy.
"Let's Make It Legal" is another bit of
fluff that can be quite entertaining if the
movie-goer doesn't try to read all sorts of
hidden meanings and ulterior motives into
it. It is the kind of movie that removes
all worries and problems for two hours if
you will let it.
Briefly the plot has to do with a young
grandmother who has finally divorced her
husband because he is addicted to the little
spots on dice and the caperings of a group of
equines cavorting around a racetrack. Her
handling tax cases, and sometimes the
political grapevine is such that little is
said about cases where close friends are
None of these matters was examined very
carefully at the closed door investigation.
But one thing that did leak out was that
Lamar Caudle, the recently fired Justice De-
partment Tax Chief, has been concerned
over failure to prosecute the Long Beach
tax cases, and on March 3, 1951, had de-
manded an investigation of this failure.
Caudle wanted to know why the tax cases,
involving Congressman King's friends, were
not sent to Washington for scrutiny instead
of being handled in Los Angeles by local of-
ficials friendly to Congressman King.
It is highly unusual for tax cases to be
referred direct from the Internal Revenue
Bureau in a local city to the U.S. Attorney
in that city without being sent to Wash-
ington. However, this was done in the
case of Congressman King's Long Beach
NOTE-The closed-door probe of Chair-
man King seemed more concerned with
finding out whether witnesses had talked to
this Columnist than with getting to the bot-
om of King's alleged wire-pulling. Boh Coun-
sel De Wind and Congressman Combs heck-
led witnesses as to whether they had "talked
to Drew Pearson."
WASHINGTON-What the President said
to the Chief Justice, what the Chief
Justice said to the President at their
Thanksgiving dinner at Key West, is un-
known to this reporter. Yet opinion is grow-
ing that President Truman will not run
again. Chief Justice Vinson is the only other
commonly mentioned Democratic candidate.
And it is at least worth setting down the
Chief Justice's attitude towards this prob-
lem, as he has conveyed it to some of the
men closest to him.
A number of months ago, in the first
place, he appeared willing, if not exactly
eager, to make the Democratic race. At
that time, it can be rather positively stat-
ed, the President indicated to his friend
on the high bench that Secretary of State
Dean Acheson would be retiring towards
the end of this year; that he wanted Vin-
son to succeed Acheson; and that this
transfer from the Court to the State De-
partment would only be the prelude to
higher things.
No doubt the President gave no flat com-
mitment, yet the Chief Justice's intimates
believe he was led to expect the 'develop-
ment above-outlined. And they believe fur-
ther that because of his strong Democratic
loyalty and special loyalty to the President,
the Chief Justice was preparing to accept
the new assignment with all its implica-
tions for the future.
If any politics at all were discussed at the
Truman-Vinson meeting at Key West, it is
of course entirely possible that the purpose
was to arrange the Chief Justice's transfer
to the State Department. But this seems less
likely now than formerly, for two reasons.
*4 * *
FIRST, there is no evidence whatever that
Secretary of State Acheson means to lay
down his office. And despite the difficulties
that will result from having Secretary Ache-
son at the State Department during an elec-
tion-year Congress, the President still seems
determined never to ask Acheson to retire.
Second, and more important, the Chief
Justice himself has recently indicated that
he now thinks it is too late to make any
change at the department. He has also
voiced the opinion that the already grave
problems of foreign policy-making would
be hopelessly inflamed by naming a new
Secretary of State who could possibly be
suspected as a potential candidate. In
short, whereas he was formerly willing to
inherit Acheson's place, he is now reluc-
tant to do so, although perhaps open to
strong Presidential persuasion.
As further -complication the Chief Justice
has also indicated that he is most emphati-
cally opposed to any member of the Court
going straight from the bench to party poli-
tics. For this there is, of course, the prece-
dent set by the late Chief Justice Hughes.
But Chief Justice Vinson thinks it a bad
precedent and believes firmly that some sort
of disrobing room must be provided before
a justice can become a vote-seeker. A spell
at the State Department would be, of course,
ideal for this purpose, being sufficiently dig-
nified to justify a resignation from the court.
But if the State Department is not available
as a disrobing room, one wonders how else
the Chief Justice can become a candidate
on his terms.
- * * *
F OR ALL THESE reasons, some people are
guessing-anid it is pure guesswork-
that the President will shortly create a sort
of assistant Presidency. The offer of a post
with large and general authority, publicly
represented as needful to reduce the im-
mense burden on President Truman himself,
would permit Chief Justice Vinson to step
down gracefully from the bench. It would
not involve foreign policy-making in pre-
electoral politics to any greater extent than
at present. And it would meet all the other
requirements of the situation, if the Presi-
dent wants to nominate his friend as his
successor, and the Chief Justice is willing to
accept this chancy nomination.
Guess work aside, the foregoing represents,
crudely and by reflection, but none the less
on excellent authority, the state of mind in
which Chief Justice Vinson left for Florida.
The future holds the secret of any agree-
ment that may have been reached (or not
reached) at Key West.
Meanwhile, the fact that the President
appears to think very poorly of any other
potential heir except the Chief Justice
also has a certain significance. The Demo-
cratic party boasts a number of other men
who might make good candidates-the
state of Illinois alone has two, in Gov.
Adlai Stevenson and Sen. Paul Douglas.
But they are either ruled out by practical
political considerations, like Sen. Richard
Russell, or past disagreements or the per-
suasions of the cronies have set Truman's
mind against them, as in the case of Sen.
If Truman wants no heir but Vinson, and
the President is in fact determined not to
be a candidate again, then somehow or
other he must induce the Chief Justice to
accept the inheritance. In the last analysis,
everything depends on how you interpret
the President's personal intentions, and so
you come back to pure guesswork again.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, ic)
my has suffered a terrific setback in its
Indeed, the most significant point of
purge of top Argentine Army officers is
the military's open threat to purge him be-
fore his recent 2-to-1 election. Now Peron is
getting his revenge.
Also he is moving to crush all opposition
and consolidate Argentina under a more
dictatorial rule than ever.
Next victims of the purge will be the So-
cialist and Democratic (Conservative) Par-
ties, scheduled for liquidation under a re-
cently enacted law calling for automatic sup-
pression of any political group which fails to
take part in an election.
Socialist presidential candidate Alfredo
Palacios withdrew from the campaign when
the government refused to release twelve
prominent leaders of his party who were ar-
rested after the unsuccessful revolt of Sept.
28. The Conservatives did not present a tick-
et. So both can now be banned.
Even Army men who apparently remain-
ed loyal to Peron-including the Army's
Commander-in-Chief, Gen. Angel Solari
-were swept out by the far-reaching "re-
organization" decree, issued three days
after the Nov. 11 elections.
Backstage reason for the Army purge was
an ultimatum which Army leaders delivered
to Peron on Oct, 25. A group of 16 officers,
representing the Army, Navy and Air Force,
called on Peron at his home and warned him
that he had better win the election fairly
or not at all.
They said this meant not merely freedom
from coercion and an honest ballot count on
election day, but "reasonable liberty" for the
opposition during the remainder of the cam-
paign. (Actually, the latter stipulation was
an empty gesture, since the Radicals had up
to then been denied all use of press, radio
and poster facilities, and the military made
no specific mention of granting them those
THE ALTERNATIVE, Peron was told,
j would be "more active intervention by
the armed forces in the political life of the
nation." This was a double-talk way of say-
ing that if he achieved victory through too
obvious terrorism-or failed to win under
their so-called "free" conditions-the mili-
tary would no longer support him.
Peron, no doubt confident of the re-
f The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan4
Daily assunes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the7
University. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
2552 Administration Building before
3 p.m. the day preceding publication
(11 a.m. on Saturday),
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Dec. 21, 3:30
p am. Communications for considera-
tion at this meeting must be in the
President's hands not later than Dec.
Students Participating in the Inaug-
uration Reception should call for their
badges and other material in the under-
graduate offices of the Michigan Lea-
gue after 12 noon today.
Committee on Student Affairs met-
Ing scheduled for this afternoon is
postponed until Wed., Nov. 28, 3 p.m.
1011 Angeli Hall.
Employment Interviews:
Representatives of McDonnell Air-
craft Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri,
will interview February graduates from
Aeronautical, Civil, Mechanical and In-
dustrial Engineering Departments on
Wednesday and Thursday, November 28
and 29 in the Department of Aeronau-
tical Engineeringp Positions available
in their Airplane, Helicopter or Missile
Divisions. They would also like to in-
terview alumni desiroussof change and
undergraduates who want summer em-
Personnel Interviews:
Wednesday November 28, a represen-
tative of Herpolsheimer's of Grand Rap-
ids, Michigan, will be interviewing wo-
men graduating in February and June,
and interested in merchandising, for an
executvie training program. Although
Ithey have more openings for women,
they will be interested in seeing men
Thursday, November 29, a represen-
tative of the Marathon Corporation, of
Menasha, Wisconsin, will be interview-
ing February and June graduates for
the following positions: Sales. Ac-
counting, Personna, Engineering (BS
in Mechanical, Chemical, or Civil), and
Research (MS or PhD in Chemical En-
gineering, Chemistry), Manufacturing
(combination of Mathematics and Ac-
counting for Production Control and
Materials Handling).
Friday, November 30, representatives
of the Russell Kelly Office service will
be interviewing women for Christmas
vacation work in Detroit. Positions
open will be Typing, Stenography,
Clerical, Filing, etc.
Friday, November 30, a representative
of the Young Women's Christian Asso-
ciation of New York will be interview-
ing experienced persons, preferably be-
tween 25 and 40, for program directors
of teen-age and young adult groups,
and for executive directors of college
and university Associations. Experience
may be in terms of teaching, social
group work, recreation work, religious
education, administration and co-
munity organization. They will also
be interviewing inexperienced person-
nel with majors in health and physical
education for health and physical edu-
cation positions.
Friday, November 30, a representative
of the Massachusetts Mutual Life In-
surance Company of Grand Rapids.
Michigan, will be interviewing Febru-
ary, June, and August graduates with
the following degrees for positions as
Life Underwriters: BA, BS, Business
Administration, or Law Degree. These
positions will be located in cities in
the western side of Michigan.
A representative of the A. . Smith
Corporation of Milwaukee, Wisconsin,
will be interviewing February Business
Administration graduates for Account-
ing positions, on Friday, November 30.
instead of Thursday, November 29, as
previously announced.
Thursday and Friday, November 29
and 30 and Monday and Tuesday, De-
cember 3 and 4, representatives of the
United States Civil Service for the Cali-
fornia Naval Research Laboratories will
be interviewing February graduates of
the following for positions in Research,
Production, and Development: all
levels in Electronics, Electrical, Aero-
nautical, and Mechanical Engineering,
Physics, Mathematics and Statistics,
and BS in Civil and Chemical Engineer-
ing. These positions will be in labora-
.. l yn
American Plan
To the Editor:
A SITUATION of history making
importance has developed in
the last few days. in Korea. The
incident evolves aboutathe revela-
tion that of the total of 10,836
missing GI's, 6000 have been bru-
tally murdered. This monstrous
news headline has been brushed
off lightly by our leaders here at
home and General Ridgway, with
the most disgraceful of all dis-
graceful statements, that "the
American people should not be
alarmed by this list."
Just when are the American
p e o p le supposed to become
alarmed. Are they supposed not
to become alarmed as casualty
' ,{
. '' ,a
l +"
tories from San Diego to San Francisco.
There will be a Group Meeting Thurs-
day, Nov. 29, at 5:00 p.m. in Room 4051,
Administration Building
Personnel Requests:
Chicago Seniors: The Young Men's
Christian Association of Chicago is in-
terested in talking with young men and
women whose home is in Chicago or;
who would be there duringtChristmas
vacation, and who may be interested in,
positions in club work for boys and
girls, and adult recreation. They plan
to have a luncheon on December 27 at
which they wish to invite any of our
students who are interested. Any men
or women who would like to attend
may let this office know by December 9.
An official invitation will be sent by
the organization.
Edwards Brothers, an Ann Arbor pub-
lishing firm, is interested in LS&A and
Business Administration graduates for
their executive training program.
The Dravo Corporation of Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. has openings for June
Business Administration graduates who
have an Accounting major for positions
in their Accounting Department; and
also for an Analytical Chemist with 1
to 2 years laboratoryior research exper-
ience in chemical industry, to work
with a research group.
The Experiment Station of the Ha-
waiian Sugar Planters' Association of
Honolulu, Hawaii, is interested in Me-
chapical, Chemical, and Electrical En-
gineering students who will receive
their degrees in 1952 and who may be
interested in the sugar factory tech-
nology program.
The Cincinnati Milling Machine Com-
pany of Cincinnati, Ohio, has an open-
ing for a chemist, male or female, for
control work, development, and re-
Please contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Build-
ing, for further details and appoint-
ments for interviews.
Lecture, auspices of Lane Hail. "Chris-
tian Art in India." Angela Trindade,
Indian painter. 8:15 p.m., Wed., Nov.
28, Lane Hall.
University Lecture in Journalism. Ad-
dress by Basil Walters, Executive Edi-
tor, Knight Newspapers, Inc.,"The For-
gotten Right." 3 p.m., Wed., Nov. 28,
Rackham Amphitheater. Informal cof-
fee hour, 4 p.m., Dept. of Journalism
news room. Both the lecture and cof-
fee hour are open to the public.
Academic Notices
Engineering Mechanics Seminar: Wed.,
Nov. 28, 3:45 p.m., 101 West Engineer-
ing Building. Prof. W. Kaplan will
speak on "A General Approach to Par-
tial Differential Equations."
Doctoral examination for Alvin Fran-
cis Beale, Jr., Chemistry; thesis: "The
Heat of Vaporization of Mercury," Wed.,
Nov. 28, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., 1:15 p.m.
Chairman, E. F. Westrum.
University of Michigan Symphony
Orchestra, Wayne Dunlap, conductor,
will present aconcert at 8:30Tues.,
Nov. 27, Hill 'Auditorium. The program
will open with Rossini's Overture to
"Semiramide," followed by Beethoven's
Symphony No. 4 in B-flat major, Op.
60. After intermission Theodore John-
son, graduate student of violin, will ap-
pear as soloist with the orchestra play-
ing Lao's Symphonie Espagnole, Op.
21. Aaron Copland's El Salon Mexico
will close the concert. The public will
be admitted without charge.
Events Today
Christian Science Organization: Tes-
timonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper
Room, Lane Hall.
HiIiel-IZFA: Song and Dance group
will meet at 7 p.m., Union. Anyone in-
terested is invited,
Congregational - Disciples Guild: Tea,
4:30 to 6 p.m., Guild House, 438 May-
Hillel: Seminar on Modern Jewish
Problems will meet at 4:15 p.m.. Lane
Hall. The discussion is led by Rabbi
Wolverine Club. Meeting, tonight 7:15
p.m., league.
7 p.m., Room 229 North Hall. Bring}
music racks.
Graduate History Club: 8 p.m., East]
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Prof.-
Mesel will speak on "Changing Con-
cepts in Marxism." Refreshments.
Electronics Group Meeting, AIEE,
8 p.m., 1400 New Chemistry Bldg.Dr.
Henry J. Gomberg will speak on "Ra-
dioactive Tracer Techniques in Engi-i
Conference on Higher Education, No-
vember 27 and 28. Address by U. S.'
Senator Blair Moody, "Struggle for
Men's Minds," Kellogg Auditorium, 8:30
p.m., Nov. 27. Also program topic "The
Intellectual Phase of the World Con-
flict," Rackham Amphitheater, 9:30 -
12:00, Wednesday morning, Nov. 28.
Principal speaker, President John S.
Millis, Western Reserve University, at
9:30 a.m.
Air Force ROTC. Air Force drill will
be held Tuesday at North Hall in uni-
form at the regular scheduled time.
Michigan Society for Quality Control:
8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater, Prof.
Ellis R. Ott, of Rutgers University, will
speak on "Basic Concepts of Quality
Control Illustrated with Geometrical
Methods and Gadgets." All interested
are invited.
Canterbury Club: The Study Group
meets at 7:15 p.m. to discuss the third
chapter of The Faith of the Church.
Square Dance Group meets at Lane
Hall, 7:15 p.m. All interested students
are welcome,
Coming Events
Electrical Engineering Research Dis-
cussion Group will meet Wed., Nov. 28,
4 p.m., 2084 East Engineering. Mr. Dick
Brown will speak on "The Measurement
of the Velocity of Sound in the
Ullr Ski Club. Organizational meet-
ing. New members invited. Movie,
"Focus on Skis." Wed., Nov. 28, 7:30
p.m., Room 3-G, Union.
Congregational - Disciples G u i 1 d
Freshman Discussion Group, Wed, Nov.
28, 7-8 p.m.. Guild House. Supper Dis-
cussion Groups, 5:30-7 p.m., Guild
English Journal Club. Meeting, 8 p.m.,
Thurs., Nov. 29, East Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Panel discussion:
"Trends in Modern Drama."
Sigma Delta Chi: Lecture by Basil L.
Walters, executive editor of the Knight
newspapers, 3 p.m., Wed., Rackham
Amphitheater. "The Forgotten Right."
S.D.X.-sponsored coffee hour following
lecture in Department of Journalism
Newsroom. S.D.X. fall term initiation
at 5 p.m., Michigan Union. Initiation
banquet to follow at 6:30 p.m.; speak-
er at initiation banquet will be Mr.
Walters. Allundergraduate and profes-
sional S.D.X. members must attend the
Folk and Square Dance Group will
meet Wednesday night at 8 p.m., Bar-
bour Gym. Please come and bring your
Young Republicans. Meeting, 7:30 p.
in., Thurs., Nov. 29. League. Speaker:
John Tope, National Chairman of the
Young Republicans. His subject will
deal with national politics.
Hillel: Yiddish Class meets Wednes-
day at 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Instruc-
tor: Mr. Leonard Tompakov. Everyone
is welcome.
Union Weekly Bridge Tournament
Wednesday will mark the last of the
elimination tournaments to determine
the candidates who will represent Mich-
igan in the National Tournament in
Detroit Saturday night. Candidates
participating for the first time will
have a chance to go to Detroit. Ter-
race room of the union at 7:15 p.m.
Everyone is invited and coeds may ob-
tain 11:30 permission from their house-
U. of M. Rifle Club will practice at
the ROTC Rifle Range, Wed., Nov. 28th,.
The practicing starts at 7 p.m. It is
important that all the clubmembers
be there because the final selection of
a team to fire in the match Saturday
with OSU and MSC will be made. Also
a postal match is scheduled.
lists of 100,000 of our finest fight-
ing men, our fathers and brothers,
continue to mount? We continue
to stand by with no definite for-
mula, as our enemies eat at us
from the outside and bore from
A policy is needed now des-
perately-a very strong doctrine.
I offer these moves for considera-
(1) If the truce negotiations bog
down for one week more, an order
should be issued that at a pres-
cribed date one month later ato-
mic bombing of all military tar-
gets will begin. The Chinese will
have the choice of surrendering
or evacuating the territory. Dur-
ing this grace month a gigantic
forceful propaganda campaign
should be waged in the United
Nations as to the effect that we
wish free elections to be taken in
both North and South Korea with
representatives of all nations
(2) A clean sweep of the de-
fense set up should be made. Eis-
enhower's army s h o u 1 d be
equipped immediately. The re-
tooling problems are six months
behind schedule, new men are
needed in Washington with initia-
tive enough to push the job
through quickly. Many authorities
believe the Russians may be well
enough prepared atomically to
take advantage of our election
year confusion and our +many
other troubles to begin the big
push as soon as the ground dries
next spring.
(3) A very vigorous Point Four
Program should be set up instead
of talking about it. More aidl to
our allies for their terrible econo-
mic situation based on more mu-
tual self help should be the cri-
teria. South Eastern Asia needs
our help desperately or will soon
be swallowed.
(4) A United States Doctrine
should be proclaimed that one ag-
gressive move by Russia or any
of her satellites in any direction
will bring atomic bombing imme-
(5) The election in the coming
year of the only man, with the
ideals, vision and decision making
ability we require to survive-Gen-
eral Eisenhower, should be de-
clared by a mandate from both
parties . .
--Ross Gunn Jr.
The teacher, like the artist, the
philosopher, and the man of let-
ters can only perform his work
adequately if he feels himself to
be an individual directed by an
inner creative impulse, not dom-
inated and fettered by an outside
authority. It is very difficult in
this modern world to find a place
for the individual.
-Bertrand Russell
Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by studgnts of
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Student Publications.
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Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.
Air Force R.O.T.C.
Air Force drill for Wednesday will be
held at North Hall in uniform at the
regular scheduled time.
Michigan Arts Chorale. Meets 7 p.m.,
Wed., Nov. 28, University High School
Canterbury Club: Holy Communion,
7 a.m. Wed., Nov. 28, followed by break-
fast at Canterbury House,
Air Force R.O.T.C. Band: Rehearsal, I
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