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November 27, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-27

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State









Taft Levels
Blast at '50
Senator Attacksj
Unions, President
WASHINGTON' () - Repub-
lican Senator Robert A. Taft, in
a day-long denunciation of tactics
K employed in the 1950 Ohio sena-
torial campaign, said yesterday
labor unions fought him with a
"tissue of lies" and that the
White House helped direct the
battle against him.
Big unions, Communists and the
White House campaigned against
him in "the most vitriolic attack
probably ever conducted against
any candidate," he said.
TAFT, NOW running for the
1952 Republican presidential nom-
ination, estimated that $2,000,000
was spent on behalf of his Demo-
cratic opponent for the Senate in
r 1950, Joseph T. Ferguson.
The Senator gave his 22,000-
word story to a Senate Elections.
Subcommittee which is looking
into the Ohio campaign, with
emphasis on its cost. Ferguson,
who has estimated that Taft's
campaign was helped out to the
extent of $5,000,000 in contribu-
tions, will testify today.
The subcommittee investigators
' have estimated on the basis of
their findings to date, that about
$1,800,000 was spent on behalf of
the Republicans in Ohio--all can-
didates-and around $300,000 for
the Democrats.
The sub-committee's members
are Sen. Mike Monroney (D.-
Okla.), Sen. Thomas Hennings
(D.Mo.), Sen. Arthur Hendrick-
sen (R.-N.J.) and Sen. Margaret
Chase Smith (R.-Me.), in addi-
tion to the chairman, Sen. Guy
Gillette (D.-Ia.).
Taft estimated about $612,000
of the total of $1,800,000 was
r spent on his behalf. Then he said
that for every $1 spent for him $3
was spent for Ferguson.
r HE SAID he thought it was a
fair estimate" that around $2,-
000,000 went into Ferguson's cam-
paign from all sources.
John Moore, committee counsel,
} said his staff had estimated that
about $98,000 of Democratic funds
were "earmarked" for Ferguson.
Taft testified the campaign
against him "justified me in set-l
ting up the most elaborate cam-J
paign that I know of."
He said union members were
'coerced and bludgeoned" into1
contributing $2 each to a "slush1
fund" to elect Ferguson.
"Mr. Republican" c a I11 e d ai
statement by President TrumanI
last week, that "special interests"''
poured money into Taft's cam-I
paign, "completely false.''
Scabbard andr


* *




* * * *

Allies Ask
Joint Teanis
For Policing
Rocket Barrag~e
Loosed by Reds
MUNSAN, Korea, Tuesday. Nov.
27-(IP)-Allied and Red truce ne-
gotiators today approved a pro-
visional Korean cease-fire line,
then made separate proposals on
ways of supervising the truce.
The UN command proposed a
Red-Allide inspection team, free to
travel anywhere in Korea to make
sure that neither side builds up its
- armed forces after an armistice
is signed.
An Allied spokesman said the
Red proposal called for a joint
armistice commission responsible
for armistice arrangements and
He said it offered no provision
for inspection behind the lines.
The buffer line was worked out
in four months of bitter negotia-
tions ruptured by several long sus-
pensions of the truce talks.
IT RUNS 43 miles north of par-
allel 38 on the east coast, 28 miles
north in the center and dips 16
miles south of the old border in
the west.
This cease-fire line will become
permanent only if the last three
issues on the armistice agenda are
settled within 30 days--by Pee. 27.f
All these issues-supervision I
of the truce, exchange of pri-
soners and recommendations to
the belligerent governments on
final withdrawal of all foreign
troops from Korea-are loaded
with difficulties. h s
If agreement on them is not
reached within 30 days, a new
cease-fire line must be drawn. But

CEASE FIRE LINE-The present battleline in Korea has finally,
after months of dickering, been officially accepted as a cease-fire
line by the Communist and UN negotiators.
U.S. Favors Arab-Asian
Disarmament Poposal

.-Daily-Malcolm Shatz
BOUQUETS TO HATCHER-On the eve of his inauguration,
President Harlan H. Hatcher receives a preliminary honor-the
"key" to New York-from Soph Cab envoys Ann Plumpton and
Barbara Steinko. Gotham City will be the theme of the Cabaret,
set for Dec. 7 and 8.
* * * *
Reception for Hatchers
To Follow Inauguration

Eighth President
ToTake Office
Hill Auditorium To Be Setting
For Resplendent Inaugural Scene
Today is Hatcher day.
At 3 p.m. in Hill Auditorium, Harlan Henthorne Hatcher, who
took over the helm of the University Sept. 1, will be honored and
formally inaugurated as eighth president of the oldest educational
institution in Michigan.
THOUGH THE WEATHERMAN predicts cloudy and colder, the
stage is set for what promises to be the most resplendent presidential
inauguration in University history.
At this time, 457 official college delegates, 55 college presi-
dents, State legislators, alumni and a host of celebrities are
streaming into Ann Arbor to take part in the inaugural cere-
On hand for this special occasion will be the President's former
colleague at Ohio State, President Howard Bevis, Gov. G. Mennen
Williams, and retired President Alexander G. Ruthven.
The auditorium will also be teeming with University officials,
Regents, alumni, faculty members, emeritus professors, news-
paper editors, high school officials, students, and a goodly portion
of the general public.
The significance of the occasion has even brought the Union to
abandon for a day its long-standing rule prohibiting women to enter
its front doors. Women will also be permitted to eat in the cafeteria
and tap room-unescorted-today,
** ' . *
THOUGH THE 4,200 seating capacity of Hill is limited, students
who didn't get tickets for the inauguration ceremonies may watch an
august academic procession file into Hill at 2:45 p.m.
Classes-for all students- will be dismissed at noon today,
under an agreement of the Dean's Conference.
After a University-sponsored luncheon, at 2:15 p.m., more than 457
delegates, representing 313 colleges and universities and 144 pro-
fessional societies, will asssemble at the Natural Science Bldg. and
line up according to the date of the founding of thei institutions.
Leading off will be H. E. Torres, consul of Mexico in Detroit,
representing the National University of Mexico, founded in 1515.
Torres will be followed by Lawrence J. Verdier, of Detroit, presi-
dent of the Harvard Club of Eastern Michigan, representing Har-
vard University (1636).
Delegates from other colleges and universities, members of pro-
fessional societies, and the University's faculty will follow.
* * * *4
AT 2:45 P.M., led by President Hatcher, the robed procession
will move across N. University-under a specially-made canvass awn-
ing-to an auditorium decorated with the flags of the United Ngtions.
When the inaugural ceemony gets under way at 3 p.m., sit
ting on the platform will be University deans, directors, officers,
Regents, emeritus professors, Gov. Williams, President Ruthven,
President Bevis, and President Hatcher.
With Regent J. Joseph Herbert presiding, the Rev. William P.
Lemon of the First Presbyterian Church will give the invocation.
President Bevis will then address the assembly on "The Un-
explored Continent." (Wen Bevis was installed as president at
OSU, Hatcher, then a member of the faculty, gave the main ad-
Regent Roscoe O. Bonisteel will install President Hatcher, who
subsequently will present the traditional inaugural speech. Singing
of the "Yellow and Blue" and a benediction by the Rev. Fr. Frank
J. McPhillips of St. Mary's Student Chapel will conclude the ceremony.
But President and Mrs. Hatcher will face two more hours of
hand-shaking from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the League, where a reception
will be held in theiir honor.
TODAY'S FESTIVITIES will be the crystallization of the strenu-
ous work of several committees, comprised of University officials,
faculty members and students, under the general chairmanship of
Frank E. Robbins.
Assistant to the President Robbins' only regret is that "we
aren't holding a double inauguration-including President Ruth-
ven," Ruthven was an outstanding administrator at the University
for 22 years but was never formally inaugurated.
"I guess we by-passed him," Robbins remarked. The other six
University presidents, however, were installed with flamboyant cere-
SINCE COMING to 'the University, President Hatcher has won
a reputation for indefatigable energy. Besides acquainting himself
with the University's detailed operations, he has conferred with ad-
ministrative officers on re-allocation of duties, with faculty leaders
on policies and procedures, and with students on current problems.
In demand as a speaker, the President has addressed alumni
and other clubs from New Haven, Conn, to Houston, Tex.,
averaging three such engagements weekly.
Faculty members appear to be impressed with the tireless new

president's modesty, friendliness, and willingness to delegate authority.
Regent Herbert characterizes him as "a leader who meets the
test of Michigan's traditions."
PRESIDENT HATCHER, a native of Ironton, O., completed col-
lege preparatory work at Morehead State College in Kentucky.
Following receipt of his doctoral degree from Ohio State
University in 1927. he studied at the University of Chicago and


PARIS-(AP-The United States
quickly agreed yesterday to an
Arab-Asian proposal for closed-
door meetings of the Big Four
powers on disarmament - but
pointed out the Russians turned
down a similar plan in 14 weeks
of talk in Paris last spring.
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Vishinsky was silent on the Arab-
Asian idea. He told newsmen hej
was thinking it over.
'Ike' Prods
Allies To Arm
Defense Line

BUT THE fast American ac-
ceptance was seen by some UN
delegates as putting Moscow on
the spot. These diplomats pointed
out Russia may have to agree to
some disarmament discussions
with the United States, France
and Britain or take the responsi-
bility for a breakdown in arms
talks at this UN Assembly.
U.S. Ambassador Philip C.
Jessup lost no time in the 60-
nation political committee anis-
wering the formal resolution
submitted this morning by Iraq,I
Syria andPakistan and con-
curred in by India. This calls
for the representatives of the
United States, France, Britain
and the Soviet Union to meet as
a sub-committee
Jessup said Vishinsky last Sat-
urday rebuffed the disarmament
proposals put forward by the three
Western powers.
A t-tinni Nampt-e(

ROME -(A) - Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower prodded the Atlantic
Allies yesterday to exert them-
selves with greater vigor and unity
in building a European defense
line far east of the Rhine, and
warned against depending on new
atomic weapons to east the task.
One informant said Eisenhow-
er's words at the secret meeting of
the Military Committee of the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-

the truce teams will not sit downI
to that task until the other three4
issues have been settled.
After ratifying the cease-fire
line, the committees recessed for
lunch at noon (10 p.m. last night,
Ann Arbor time.)
They agreed to meet again at
2:30 p.m. to take up consideration
of agenda item three, supervision
of the truce.

( ,1
'', t

Accompanied by a full military
escort, President and Mrs. Hatcher
will make their way to a waiting
reception of students, faculty
members, townspeople and visitors
after the inaugural ceremonies to-
From 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the
League, the Hatchers will meet
crowds of well-wishers. Members
Hannah Talk
Slated Today
President John A. Hannah of
Michigan State College will be one
of the principal speakers at a
luncheon for inaugural delegates
at 11:30 a.m. today in the Union.
The luncheon will follow regis-
tration in the morning in the Un-
ion's lobby and an informal recep-
tion in the Regents' Room.
Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Nie-
huss will preside at the luncheon,
which will include brief talks by
Glenn M. Coulter of Detroit, presi-
dent of the University's Alumni
Association, by Leonard Wilcox,
president of SL, and by Prof.
Thomas Francis, Jr., of the epi-
demiology department, represent-
ing the faculty.

of Michigamua, Druids, a n d
Sphinx wil guide incoming guests
to the Hussey Room on the second
floor of the League, where the
Hatchers wil form a receiving line.
AFTER LEAVING the receiving
line, guests will be directed to the
concourse. Mortarboard members
will then show them to punch-
bowls, presided over by the League
Council, in-the Michigan and Van-
denberg rooms and in the Ball-
All persons attending the re-
ceptioni are asked to enter the
League by the north entrance
and go up the north stairway.
Coats may be left in the Lydia
Mendelssohn theater. E a r 1ly
corners will await the arrival
of the Hatchers in the Ball-
When leaving the reception,
guests are asked to go down the
south stairway and out that door.

tion (NATO) could be paraphased
Made Taps tus :
If any of you people have any
illusions that atomic weapons will
Know all ye citizens decrease our requirements of men
By the Five Stars and equipment, you are wrong.
Of Scabbard and Blade, SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters,
Squires these men are: Allied Powers in Europe), of
Allyn Barrows, Robert Beckett, course, considers all new weapons!
George Beckwith, Jacques Bra- and if any can be applied to lessen
bant, Yvan Brabant, James Butt, SHAPE's needs in men and guns
Gordon Coates, Elliot Cooper, they will be introduced in Europe.'
Charles Cousland. Stiles Davis,
Jerry DesJardins, James Douglas, P
William Firkins, William Flinn, Panel Results
James Harsant, James Jones, Fre-

t W. kM L &i~11GON THE battle front, mean-
. while, hile A warplanes and artil-
Pre__a_ ze lery pounded Communist positions
on Korea's western front.
KEY WEST, Fla. - AP) - Roger The Reds loosed a rippling roc-
Lowell Putnam, former mayor of ket barrage last night across the
Springfield, Mass., was picked by crest of Little Gibraltar Ridge, but
President Truman yesterday as his failed to follow up with an in-
new Economic Stabilization czar. fantry attack.

Inaug*ural Tickets
Tickets for the inaugural may
be picked up at the information
desk of the Administration Bldg.
Those who have left wraps in the
theatre will go up to the third
floor and down the north stairway
to obtain them.
Co-chairmen of the reception,
Mrs. Charles Sink and Regent
Vera Baites, have stressed that all
members of the faculty and stu-
dent body are particularly invited
to attend.


Lit School Conference Slated Today

cierIzck Khlmeyer, Julian Kycia,
Luther Lloyd, Richard Martin,
Ronald Modlin, Abraham Monier,
John Morgan, Firmin Murakami,
Robert Nissle, James Nyberg,
Charles Reinke, George Q u a,
Bronson Rumsey. William Stason.

Known Soon


Final results on the ballots dis-
tributed to all women students to
decide whether or not the three
women panel proposed by Dean


Students, faculty and adminis-
trators will have an opportunity to
discuss the question of "How Stu-
dent Faculty Relationships Can Be
Improved" at the second literary
collegeconference of the semester
at 7:30 p.m. today in Rm. 3G of
the Union.
Some of the points that partici-

Vogtmann pointed out that in
a report last year on a literary
college conference dealing with
the problem of teaching it was
stated that "the student wants
a personal relationship with his
instructor. Incoming freshmen
in particular need someone to
show a genuine interest in them
in order to relieve the imperson-

feeling of coldness in the Univer-
sity and as a result would have
definite academic significance
since it would help students toE
learn and the faculty to teach
"A get-together like= the literary
college conference gives both fac-
ulty members and administrators
an insight into how students feel

World News
By The Associated Press
TEHRAN, Iran-Premier Mo-
hammed Mossadegh won a clinch-
ing vote of confidence, 36 to 0, in
+he senate veterdv and a final

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