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November 23, 1951 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-11-23

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, I w-






AVIV-If orthodox economic theory is
accepted as a guide, the dearest wish of
the Arab enemies of the state of Israel seems
about to be realized. This wish is, of course,
the economic collapse and subsequent disin-
tegration of the Israeli state. For, by any
reasonable definition, Israel is flat broke
and getting broker all the time.
Israel's platoons of brilliant economists
Fflood the inquiring visitor in statistics.
But one very simple fact will serve to
illustrate the real nature of Israel's situ-
ation. This country is now importing at
least five times the value of what it ex-
ports, which is like a family spending its
income several times over.
If this yawning gap were not somehow
made up, Israel's standard of living would,
in the words of one high official here, "sink
to, and probably below, the general Middle
Eastern standard of living." In other words,
Israel's population, predominantly of Euro-
pean origin, would be forced to live at the
level, say, of Egypt's miserable fellahin.
As things stand, it is little short of miracu-
lous that the economy of the state of Israel,
as artificial as a hydroponic garden, contin-
ues to function at all. Israel is a country
about the size of Sicily, but with a much
smaller arable land area. On this area it
must somehow support three crowded cities,
many large towns, and a population accus-
tomed generally to a high living standard.
WNewa Moves
Associated Press News Analyst
THANKSGIVING DAY brought two im-
portant developments in the progress of
Allied defense against Communist expan-
One was the general agreement on a
buffer zone in Korea which produced the
hope-which was only that and not by
any means a foregone conclusion-that
there might be a cease-fire this year.
The other was the general agreement in
Paris on the end of the Allied occupation
statute in Germany, which it was hoped
would bring West Germany into the Euro-
pean defense program this year.
Major conditions remained in both cases.
n Korea the matters of policing the truce
and prisoners exchanges still had to be set-
tled, and the real Coemunist. intent still
was not known.
Germany still had to make official the
military relationship implied by Chan-
cellor Adenauer's approval of the terms
of the new contractural relationship which,
in the absence of German unity and of
Russian participation, amounts to an in-
terim peace treaty.
The new agreement, which virtually re-
stores national sovereignty insofar as West-
ern Germany is concerned, does not go into
effect until Germany starts supplying troops
for General Eisenhower's European Army.
A cease fire in Korea would end the
necessity for American concentration on
that theater and permit a more general
spreading of armament. Korea will still
require large amounts of material and
troops, but would cease to be an active
rat hole. It would be a static position,
and the buildup could go to Europe.
Final settlement of Germany's position
would give the Allies a concrete rather than
a speculative base on which to estimate the
resources and possibilities at its command.
Editorials printed In The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

It is a country totally cut off from all its
neighboring states. And it is, above all, a
country which has doubled its total Jewish
population in about four years, and which
must still absorb somehow 10,000 or so new
immigrants every month.
,, * *
UNDER THE BUSTLING, fiercely energetic
surface of Israeli life, the economic
strains which this set of circumstances im-
poses on this country are instantly visible.
Although the internal legal rate for the Is-
raeli pound is still artificially maintained at
$2.80, the free rate abroad has slithered to
less than 70 cents. This is the external symp-
tom of a galloping inflation which has had
the inevitable internal consequences.
The rationing and price control system,
in theory more severe than Britain has
ever known, is showing signs of coming
apart at the seams. Much of the time the
sugar and meat rations, tiny as they are,
are sheer myth. Inevitably, the black mar-
ket is taking over, if only because most
Israeli must deal on the black market in
order to Feed their families. As prices rise,
labor becomes restive, and left-wing labor
movements threaten the government with
hunger marches..°
The attempt to absorb some 700,000 immi-
grants into a new and tiny country has had,
of course, social as well as economic conse-
quences. Most of the new immigrants some
from the Arab states, and aside from a mix-
ed and distant racial origin these people
have little more in common with European
Jews than, say, Patagonians have with Ore-
gonians. The Israeli leaders, admitting the
existence of severe social tensions within the
new state, put their trust in the second
YET FOR THE present, in such circum-
stances, it is little wonder that the Arabs
talk hopefully of the coming collapse of the
state of Israel. Even so, one prediction can
be made with confidence. Israel will not
collapse. Israel is here to stay.
Partly this prediction can be made be-
cause of the drive, energy, and sturdy
health of the Israelis themselves, which
belie all the grim statistics. Partly it is
because the Jewish community in the
United States will undoubtedly continue
to make up a large part of the economic
slack, to the tune of an astonishing $70,-
000,000 a year. And partly it is because
the American government will undoubted-
ly also continue to take up the rest of the
Given a continued Israeli policy of un-
restricted Jewish immigration, the best ex-
perts here estimate that the American gov-
ernment's share is likely to come to about
$100,000,000 a year for a good many years.
Leave aside the fact that the American gov-
ernment made possible this experiment in
the first place, or that it is so moving and
impressive an experiment in so many ways.
To continue this subsidy is in the plain Am-
erican interest
The economic collapse of the state of
Israel would usher in a period of total
chaos in the Middle East. It would in-
vite, either the violent expansion of the
state of Israel as an expression of econo-
mic desperation, or a renewed Arab attack
on the enfeebled Israeli nation. Either
would be fatal to Western interests. It is
thus in the essential American interest
to make it both certain and obvious to all
concerned that the state of Israel is here
to stay.
Yet when this is said, something else must
also be said. American policy in this area
has been influenced by twin illusions. One
is the illusion that Arab hostility to Israel
is wholly irrational and without depth. The
other is the illusion that this tiny state
precisely balances in strategic importance the
whole vast vital land mass of the Arab and
Moslem worlds. In the inflamed and irra-
tional Middle East, as everywhere else, the
precondition of a rational policy is the get-
ting rid of illusions.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

WASHINGTON-Nov. 21-The suggestion
is being heard here that the King Sub-
committee of the House has performed the
needed surgery on the Internal Revenue
Bureau and has the patient well on the
road to recovery. It is therefore argued that
Representative King should now be looking
forward to closing his fruitful inquiry and
concentrating on the legislative remedies
that have suggested themselves.
Important among these is the proposal
that has won President Truman's sup-j
port to remove collectors of Internal Re-{
venue from the political-patronage cate-
gory and put them under Civil Service.
Not the least achievement of Sen. Estes
Kefauver in his crime investigation was that
he managed to close it out at a high point in
public interest, turn his own attention to
legislation to cope with the problems raised,
and still escape any accusation that he only
wanted to take the heat off the administra
tion. It was a feat of timing that increased
the confidence of his supporters in the Ke-
fauver political acumen.
For many reasons it will not be easy for
Representative King to perform a compar-
able feat. He is dealing with the most sensi-
tive agency in government and the next
presidential campaign is already under way.
At best he can expect a partisan uproar and
he will need to be very sure that he has done
all that is required if he is to win the ensuing
battle for public confidence.
His party and President are not helping
him very much.
The President is privately sarcastic
about the Congress which he says in-
vestigates so much and legislates so little.
So far he has snubbed all opportunities
to claim credit for his own party for
housecleaning nor has he done anything
really constructive to further it.
Cabinet members touched by the King
inquiry have been equally obtuse. There can
be no question about Treasury Secretary
Snyder's personal honesty and devotion to
Harry Truman, yet it is in his department
that the tax scandals multiplied while he
ignored all warnings.
It is even more astonishing that Attorney
General McGrath. who has proved his poli-
tical skill in his own state which he virtual-
ly controls, should be temporizing with the
situation. now that his tax division is under
fire. The Attorney General hopes to go to
the Supreme Court bench. More than any
other person, except the President if he runs
again, McGrath has a stake in the present
The irony of it is that because of his
Supreme Court ambitions, McGr;;Jh chose
not to take a strong line at the Justice
Department but to rock along with the or-
ganization left by his predecessor, Tom
Clark. Now Justice Clark is safely on the
court while his friends, such as Theron
Caudle, ousted by the President from the
tax division, threaten McGrath's ambi-
On the highest level. the government's
work has never been better done. Solicitor
General Perlman has run up a record of vic-
tory in the courts rarely if ever equaled in
the Department's history. But down the line,
weakness appears-and, as at the White
House, it gets a protection that injures and
overshadows the important work being done.
(Copyright, 1951, by Tne Bell Snydicate, Inc.)

The Voice Is The Voice Of Peace But The Hands Are
The Hands Of Aggression
,,, t + " :v7 om- '" ti" ,'"r . r

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


'i t

Washington Merry-Go-Round

WASHINGTON-Exhuberant George Bender, the Ohio Congressman,1
popped the question to General Eisenhower during a two and
one-half hour relaxed chat with the General in Paris.
Bender, a rootin'-tootin' Taft supporter, looked Ike in the eye and
said with a grin: "General, is you or aint you, and how?"
General Eisenhower's eyes twinkled but he made no direct reply.
Instead he emphasized to Bender and three other visiting Congress-
men the great importance of his job in Europe. It was vital to the
safety of mankind to rearm' Europe, the General said, nomatter what
individual sacrifices were involved.
Young Dick Bolling, the clean-cut Kansas City Democrat, sug-
gested in hal!-humorous vein: "General, if you do run for President,
I am sure you will be much happier on the Democratic ticket."
Eisenh-nger did not answer that one either, but Rep. Leon Gavin,
Pennsylvania Republican, did, and in no uncertain terms.
"The Republican Party is the only party of free enterprise," he
said loudly and firmly. "The Democrats are all socialists and you
would not get along with them."
At another point in the conversation, Congressman Bender asked
Ike: "What about that Arthur Krock story in the New York Times
saying you and President Truman talked politics?"
This was the only time during the visit that the General ap-
peared upset or irritated. "There was not a word of truth to the story,"
he said indignantly and with great firmness. He added that he could
not igderstand why a reputable newsman would fall for "such a
NOTE-Flying to Key West the other day, President Truman sat
down in the compartment of the Presidential plane where his staff
was working and point by point went over his luncheon conversation
with General Eisenhower. He repeated that at no time had they dis
cussed politics.
H ERE -S THE inside story as to why President Truman coldly brush-
ed aside French President Auriol's proposal for a new Big Four
Mr. Truman flatly turned down Auriol's idea after receiving an
urgent cable from Secretary of State Acheson in Paris, stating that
President Auriol had made the Big Four proposal without the approval
of French Foerign Minister Schuman or of the French Cabinet.
Furthermore, President Auriol, according to Acheson's cable, had
tersely refused to eliminate the Big Four meeting idea from his speech
even though U.S. Ambassador Jessup pleaded with him that the Rus-
sians would interpret it as a sign of weakness. Acheson therefore ad-
vised the President to rebuff the entire proposal, which was done.
LAST MONTH the Army refused to accept a single Medium (M-47)
tank from its own Detroit Arsenal.
The Arsenal produced more than a hundred of the new tanks but
the Army was so strict with its own arsenal that not a single one pass-
ed inspection. In each case the Army complained that the turrets
on the tanks failed to meet specifications. Requirements for the tank
demand that the tank cannon be able to swing onto a target wihin six
seconds-and remain on he target automatically while the tank con-
tinues to move in any direction.
While the rejected tanks could do this complex mechanical job, it
took most of them nine or ten seconds instead of the required six.
Specialists from all over the country are now being called in to
try to perfect the tanks traversing gear to meet Army demands. Mean-
while, the Detroit Arsenal will continue to turn out the faulty tanks on
the practical theory that modifications can be made later when the
vital three-second problem is licked.
Meanwhile, the dispute over the three seconds will probably be
settled by a mock tank battle at Fort Knox.
NOTE-Our new light tank, the M-41, is having the same trouble
with its turret mechanism.
* * *. *
AMERICAN PILOTS have been running into worse flak over the tiny
Korean village of Sananju than they encountered over Berlin
during World War II.
Reason for the intense antiaircraft fire is that the Communists
are trying to build three air strips near Sananju. If these are com-
uleted, the Communists will move their MIG-15 fighters across the
Yalu River for the first time in the entire Korean war and thus be
closer to the front. In fact, this will put them in a position to hammer
our front lines, whereas hitherto they have only fought defensively,
Or, in case of a truce and a freeze on arms going into Korea, the
Communists would have their air force already inside Korea. Our
planes are paying a terrific cost to keep these fields knocked out, but
so far the MIGS still have to stay on the otherside of the Yalu.
*~ ** * * '
PRICE BOSS Mike Di Salle will soon announce higher ceiling prices
for practically all'clothing. The new prices, however, won't mean a
further squeeze on family budgets since most clothing is already sell-

The Flag Again.. ..
To the Editor:
R ECENTLY, THERE have been
a number of letters concern-
ing the displaying of the Confed-
erate Flag. I do not think the ques-
tion is Northern interference in
Southern affairs. Nor do I think
the question is one of Southern
It is important to remember that
the Confederate Flag is a symbol
not of chivalry or progress but
rather of the most degrading in-
stitution of all times-the physical
enslavement of man by man. It
cannot be said that matters have
changed so radically since the
Civil War that the whole question
is merely one of historical interest.
As a matter of fact, although slav-
ery has been abolished, the Negro
people have remained oppressed.
Can we turn a deaf ear to the ev-
eryday indignities of a whole peo-
ple? Can we forget that we have
just recently faced the disgrace-
ful case of the Cicero riot? At pre-
sent, Dr. Dubois, a Negro and one
of America's foremost scholars is
being prosecuted on the grounds
of being subversive, i.e. advocat-
ing peace. Examples of extreme in-
dignities to the Negro people in
the South and in the North can
be enumerated indefinitely.
The Confederate Flag has never
represented the aspirations of the
Negro people in the South or for
that matter of the great majority
of democratically minded white
Southerners. So let us not display
symbols of human slavery. The
wounds still run too deep.
-Robert Schor
* * *
Ann Arbor Trial .. .
To the Editor:
T SEEMS to me that critics like
Robert Bickham miss tl boat
when, in reference to the Ann Ar-
bor Trial, they wise crack about
malevolent society and wave free-
will in our faces. Maybe if they
talked with some of Bill Morey's
friends or Vith any of his con-
temporaries, they might see what
is so disturbing about this case.
These young peoile can't see that
Morey did anything so terribly
wrong. They say he would )ever
have done it without the beer.
These youngsters aren't going to
go out and commit murder, but
isn't something wrong here? Isn't
their whole attitude wrong?
To look on this case in isola-
tion, to suppose that it represents
a blight which, when removed,
saves everyone from contamina-
tion, is to. be guilty of the great-
est self-deception. It is an atti-
tude sometimes found among
pseudo-intellectuals who resent the
suggestion that any outside factor
or situation may have had any
real influence on their own choices
and decisions.
But society was not blameless 1h
Morey's case. And I think this was
specifically pointed out in an edi-
torial in the Ann Arbor News. This
does not mean that society is to
blame for everything, that it de-
termines everything. This seems to
be the point overlooked by Bick-
ham in his criticism of Wiegand's
editorial. The very fact that Wie-
gand wrote the editorial should
certainly make it clear that he
thought something could be done,
and something should be done.
-Marlin Demlinger
Sorority Bias..*.
To the Editor:
DESPITE the fact that I usually
remain aloof even from con-
sideration of the momentous prob-
lems and events which are analyz-
ed for us in The Daily I could not
help but become incensed at the
mammoth rationalization in Tues-

day's Daily Panhel Bias Program.
In the little thought I have giver
this problem (and it probably de-
serves less) I have always felt that
the presence of bias clauses in
sorority and fraternity constitu-
tions were the concern of the sor-
orities and fraternities involved
themselves and that they had the
right to determine their member-
ship by any method they desired
But Miss Cherniak's editorial i,
such an example of evident hypo-
crisy, I must protest. The state-
ment, "In the first place Panhe:
is not finally admitting the pre-
sence of bias clauses in some loca:
sorority constitutions. This seem,,
improbable since the presence of
the possibility of such clauses wa
discovered only recently," must ap-
pear to even the most casual ob-
server as a travesty on the truth
Miss Cherniak undoubtedly, if she
expects that one to be believed, ap-

praises her readers, at the most, as
After reading this editorial I
have become convinced that the
sororities should retain their bias
clauses. At least these clauses, if
nothing else, will protect a certain
number of young ladies each year
from contracting the disease of
'occupational hypocrisy' w h i c h
seems to be standard equipment
for most sorority gals.
-Bernard Abrams
* * *
Korean Letter .. .
To the Editor:
WE ARE IN the Marine Corps
and have been on the line for
about thirty days. We are now
in reserve. Everything is as fine
as could be except for the fact
that we are not receiving any mail.
Our ages are between the years
of twenty and twenty-two and our
interests are varied. We would
appreciate all letters. Will you
please help us out by putting this
letter or a brief condensation of it
in your college paper.
. Our addresses are all the same
as the following except for respec-
tive names and serial numbers.
Anglico, First Sig. Bn. (1-S
First Marine Division F.M.F. Pac
c/o F.P.O. San Francisco, Calif.
Thanking you very much, we
-Pfc. Ray Popovich 1176718
-Pfc. Roderick K. Moore
-Pfc. Ferdie 3. Orgeron 1182327
-Pct. Hulen V. Owens 1161507
-Pfc. Dick Ohnemus 1194511
-Pfc. Orlando Johnson 1155238
* * .*
Thank You .. .
To the Editor:
AS ONE OF the many foreign
students who have been invit-
ed to Thanksgiving dinner, I would
like to express my appreciation to
the Ann Arbor residents and
members of the faculty who gen-
erously extended these invitations.
They have opened their homes and
their hearts to a group that on
'this day would be lonely and
Mrs. Mead of the International
Center stated that the respons
was so great that even though al
tke foreign students have received
and accepted invitations, her tele-
phone was still ringing with more
Though we hardly knew what
significanbe of Thanksgiving was,
we foreign students now know
that it is a day of warm friend-
ship and good food-a day for giv-
ing thanks for the year's blessings.
Another significance of this holi-
day which is exceptional in Ann
Arbor is the development of Inter-
national understanding.
" -Naeem Gul Rtahore,
Vice-President International
Students Association
Sixty-Second Year



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Architecture A uditorium At The Orpheum . . .

Claudette Colbert and Clark Gable; direct-
ed by Frank Capra.
BACK WHEN unemployment was a prob-
lem, when most people had never heard
of Hitler and only the Koreans had heard
of Korea, Frank Capra made a movie that
almost swept all the newly-created Academy
Awards and nearly wrecked the undershirt
At a time when an heiress' engagement
vas headline news, Capra's treatment of the
tory of a runaway rich girl who falls in
ove with a newspaper man seeking a job-
aving scoop by helping her into the arms
of her would-be groom was an enormous
opular and crtical success. Gagle wore no
ndershirt; the whole underwear business
lmost went bankrupt. Colbert wore bangs;
,eauty parlors across the nation started
cutting locks in a fad that lasted a couple
of years-practically an eternity for wo-
men's fashions.

FOUR IN A JEEP, with Viveca Lindfors
and Ralph Meeker.
ALTHOUGH this movie was produced by
a Swiss Film Company, it is obvious from
the slant that it takes, that it was Hollywood
that produced the money.
Typical of the film's stand is its portrayal
of what four years has done to U.S.-Russian
relations. In a flashback we are shown the
drunken joy and abandon of the Russian
and American as they meet on the battle-
field of the German war, contrasted with
the coldness which the same Russian greets
the friendly puppylike greeting of the Amer-
ican a few years later.
Actually though, it's a pretty good movie
about a four-nation patrol group in Vien-
na, Austria, hampered by mechanical ster-
eotyping and a pretty bad performance
from Ralph Meeker as an American sol-
The four in a jeep are members of the
military police; a little broad-minded

At Lydia Mendel ssohn .
THREE One-Act Plays: Santa Claus, by
e. e. cummings; The Case of the Crushed
Petunias, by Tennessee Williams; Passion,
Poison and Petrifaction, by George Bernard
Shaw. Presented by the Speech Department
at the Lydia Mendelssorn Theatre.
"GBS saved the evening," I said to her as
we ambled out of the theatre. "I was sur-
prised to find myself laughing after the
first two deadheads."
"But they weren't deadhead plays," she
said. "It was the way they did them-took
all the sparkle out of 'em."
"I don't mean the Shaw was a better
play-Santa Claus is a good modern mor-
ality, and the Petunias might be a better
play than it seems. I mean the Shaw was
the only one really in their scope. They
can do a good job on a burlesque, but fan-
tasy and expressionism were a little above
their heads tonight. The first two plays
were too tough for their talents."
"Yes, wasn't the speech bad? The Speech
Department is keeping up its reputation--
for poor speech. Don't they teach them how
to project their voices?"
"It's hard to tell what they teach them.
The range is so great.
"It was a lot better in the Shaw. Stan
Challis was wonderful as Adolphus, and
so was John Dennis as George-but in the
other plays the acting and the speech went
from mediocre to ham. Santa Claus and
Death in the cummings sounded as if they
were at a high school elocution contest.
"The sets were all very well done, though,
weren't they?"
"Yes, that was the nicest part of the eve-
ning. But wasn't the dancing in Santa
Claus out of place? Sometimes I wish Agnes

Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ...............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson .........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ,...........Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor
Ted Papes,...............Sports Editor
George Flint ... Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ............Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
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Bob Miller ..........Business Manager
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Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to It or
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All rights of republication of all other
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Entered at the_ Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan. as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


ing below present ceiling prices.
(Copyright, 1951, by The


Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


Odd, all this difficulty
gaining entry to your j

These, er, people you /
say you maintain in /
your residence seem Ju,/i\

I i



May I offer a suggestion for
overcoming the resistance of
your door? ...Wag your fail.

Vibrations. But perhaps your
short-wave length won't do it.
On my planet we have evolved

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