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November 16, 1951 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-16

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Onderdonk Writes Book on Happiness

Rebuked Ivy
To Remain

* * * *



Francis Onderdonk is a man
with a message for the world. s
His theme is happiness and his
medium is a recently finished
The former University architec-
ture teacher, who is now convales-
cing from a heart attack, has gath-
ered together "a treasure chest"
of ideas of the great philosophers
and psychologists of the world.
TO THESE HE has added com-
ments, and written a few chapters
on his own. The result is a com-
prehensive work-Exploring Hap-
piness-the emerging science.
Onderdonk is anxious "to lift
man out of his narrowness and
give him happiness." He wants
men to escape from "the prison
of the self."
His guiding philosophy is a quote
from Jeremy Bentham to the ef-
fect that "Man increases his hap-
pinegs to the extent that he brings
it into the lives of others."
* * .*
WITH ALL THIS philosophy
under his arm, he is anxious to
get across to "the people who don't
study these things an insight into
the pioneers of thought."
To accmoplish this, Onder-
donk's immediate goal is to get
a publisher for the book. He
looks hopefully to the success of
Liebman's "Peace of Mind."
The history of this book shows
that people will acept a book on
happiness if it's appealing, he
tion, Onderdonk would have the
movies and television take a look

-Daily-Malcolm Shatz
SOURCE OF INSPIRATION - Francis Onderdonk, former
architecture school instructor and author of a book on happiness,
gazes at a bust of his literary hero and source of many quotations
in his book, Count Leo Tolstoi.

* * *


* * *

at his achievement. "Perhaps a terject periodical quotes from my
series of parables would get my book between programs."
messages over to the people," he The writer has played with the
confided. And the radio could in- idea ever since his student days

To Discuss Brailowsky To Present

House Plan

Piano Concert Tonight

in Austria. But actual labor on
the manuscript began six years
All that remains now, before the
search for publishers, is a tho-
rough once-over and some secre-
tarial work. Onderdonk, who al-
ways welcomes interested listeners,
wo id also welcome anyone who
wound like to help him brush up
the final manuscript.
* * *
EACH CHAPTER in the book
deals with a different problem of
life. He likens his 60 chapters to
the elements of chemistry.
And he likens his format to
an artistic mosaic, with each
small piece fitting perfectly into
its place.
Onderdonk does not look upon
his book as an anthology. "I am
pioneering in a new science," he
maintains. "It is a research in
* * *
HIS HERO is Count Leo Tolstoi.
Tlie Russian novelist wrote an ob-
scure "Circle of Daily Readings,"
from which many of the doctor's
new book's quotations are selected.
Onderdonk finds Tolstoi's writings
a "real treasure house."
He also believes that some sort
of course in happiness could eas-
ily be offered by the University.
At Michigan State, he points out,
a course in orientation is ofiered
in which subjects on marriage
are offered.
Although this isn't exactly like
the happiness project, it is close
enough to be significant, Onder-
donk explains.
He is also cheered by an under-
taking at Harvard, where the Re-
search Institute in Creative Altru-
ism is functioning. This is similar
to his own project, he said.
To Present
Skit atHillel
An adaptation of "The Educa-
tion of Hyman Kaplan" will be
presented by the Hillel Drama
Group following evening services
Sunday at Lane Hall,
Portraying the story of an adult
evening school class of boisterous
Europeans and their hilarious reci-
tations, the skit was adapted for
the group by Elaine Rothman, '54.
In the title role, Mary Heldeman,
'54, appears as Kaplan, the star
pupil of the class, whose constant
inspirations provoke the other stu-
dents to outbursts of heavily ac-
cented comments.
James Jones plays Mr. Parkhill,
the patient, understanding teach-
er who has to deal with the rival-
ries between his pupils, played by
Moirna Stein, '54, Margaret Pays-
ner, '54 and Phyllis Korn, '53. Ro-
bert Hersh, '54, appears as a mono-
syllabic guest of the class.
Established on an experimental
basis, the drama group provides
an opportunity for those interested
to learn more about dramatic roles,
make-up and lighting, in actual
play presentations.
Detroit To View
Oak Ridge Exhibit'
A glance into the world of the
future will be afforded by the
Traveling Atomic Energy Exhibit
on display from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.
today and tomorrow at Rackham
Memorial Building in Detroit.
The exhibit, which will give lay-
men a chance to come into close
contact with atomic energy, was
prepared at Oakridge.

Who Launders KYER MODEL
Shirts Best?

At Illinois
Dr. Andrew Ivy of the Univer-
sity of Illinois will stay on at his
job as vice-president in charge of
professional colleges, despite his
three months' dismissal from the
Chicago Medical Society.
The professor was suspended
earlier this week for his part in
the introduction of krebiozen, a
controversial cancer drug. He was
charged with getting too enthusi-
astic about the drug, possibly caus-
ing cancer victims to harbor false
* * *
THE ILLINOIS Board of Trus-
tees, speaking through its presi-
dent Park Livingston, said that
they "have previdusly carefully re-
frained as a general policy from
injecting itself into purely educa-
tional matters."
"No member of the board
knows anything about tumors,"
Livingston said. "In purely edu-
cational matters we wait for
recommendations from our chief
educational officer, Dr. George
D. Stoddard, president."
Dr. Ivy's punishment is in. the
nature of a reprimand, a medical
society spokesman said. The ver-
dict could be regarded as an em-
* * *

An informal dinner tonight in
one of the West Quad . dining
rooms which will be attended by
both dorm and faculty representa-
tives will open the coeducational
student government workshop.
Sponsored by the Joint House
Presidents Council of both men's'
and women's residence halls, the
r workshop will continue with con-
ferences and discussion groups on
Saturday morning.
'53, the object of the workshop is
to bring together all the presidents
and other executive officers of each
dorm in order to make them more
aware of the responsibility of their
part in, the Michigan House Plan.'
"To achieve this, we plan to
clarify the responsibility by dis-
cussion of - current problems,
presentation of new ideas and
the circulation of old ones,'
Boila said.
The dinner meeting is the first
step in promoting a genial and re-
laxed atmosphere between the ad-
ministrationand the people they
are in reality working with and
TOMORROW morning the real
work will begin.
Dividing into groups of six,
the representatives will empha-
size subjects of vital interest to
all house council members which
are of narrow enough scope to be
talked over in the six minutes
allowed by the Phillips 66 me-
thod of discussion.
After a break following this dis-
cussion, the students will again
arrange themselves, this time for
Michigan 33 type discussion which
allows more time and has more
lenient closure rules.
"If the workshop is successful
only in increasing the amount of
interest of the residents in their
own government and how it can
be improved, there's no telling
how far we can go," Boila said.

-Daily-Al Reid
CALL IT VANITY-"Don't you think I'm much handsomer than
that?" is a query heard daily by Ingrid Cluger of Brooklyn as she
aids students in their selection of 'Ensian pictures. The deadline
for turning in proofs is 5 p.m. today.
S* * *
Bck-doors' Enhance




"The master pianist," Alexander
Brailowsky, will present the sea-
son's first piano concert at 8:30
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Fifth in the Choral Union Ser-
ies, the program will include five
Chopin compositions, Beethoven's
Rondo a capriccio, Schumann's
Fantasy in C major, "Jardips sous
la pluie" by Debussy and Liszt's
Hungarian Rhapsody No. 12.
* * *
TONIGHT'S performance will be
Brailowsky's fourth University ap-
pearance. During his first concert
tour of the United States in 1924
he gave his first concert here in
1930 as a last minute substitute
for Vladmir Horowitz.
.. One of his best-known ef-
forts, "Chopin Cycle," a pre-
sentation o tithe life works of the
Polish master in six recitals, has
sold out Carnegie Hall three
times and earned him the title
"greaest living interpreter of
Off - stage, :Brailowsky dem-
onstrates his versatility in several
different fashions. Known for his
linguistic ability, he speaks French,
German, Spanish and English flu-
ently. He also reads avidly, especi-
ally Russian boolbs, and is seldom
without his portable library while
* * *
MOTORING IS his greatest hob-
by, but he also has a consuming
interest in railroad timetables,
dogs, and sports.
His work, however, is his favorite;
pastime. In defense of his devotion
to the piano Brailowsky quotes the
proverb, "Happy is the man whose
vocation is his hobby."
Tickets for his performance to-
night are on sale at the Burton
Memorial Tower and the Hill Au-
ditorium Box Office for $2.50,
$2.00 and $1.50.
s I
To make them
see page 32 in

phatic rebuke, but will not bar
physicians in good standing with
the organization from associat-
ing with Dr. Ivy.
The doctor has, however, main-
tained his innocence. "I am not
guilty of a breach of medical eth-
ics," he insisted. He said he does
not intend to appeal the society's
decision but definitely does intend
to continue his research with kre-
Band To Tell
Story of Tree
Both sides of the controversy
over the elm tree in front of the
music school will be brought to
the attention of football fans to-
morrow when the University Mar-
ching Band presents its interpre-
tation of the situation during half-
time of the Michigan-Northwest-
ern tilt in a tribute to the music
Other formations. pla'nned for
the salute to the music school in-
clude a treble clef, two grand
pianos, a cornet, a violin, a huge
bell and a clarinet.

Iroolnite '5
Ingrid Cluger of Brooklyn is
"getting her education through the
backdoors of leading colleges F
throughout the country." cu
"I suppose you might call this
the back door," Miss Cluger said A]
yesterday, indicating the dusty of
Daily circulation room in the rear or
of the Publications Building which
has been converted into temporary s
quarters for 'Ensian senior picture C
Calendar co
Events Today
FISH THEME-The University
Museums will show three films,
"Rocky Mountain Trout," "Life in
a Pond," and "Pacific Coast Sal- p
mon," at 7:30 p.m. in Kellogg Au-
dent written script, "Something to t
Remember," will be presented over s
WUOM and WHRV at 4:30 p.m. U
Bart J. Bok of Harvard University
will speak on "The Southern Milky ea
Way" at 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. Prof. Bok has just
returned from South Africa. cc
* *t
Coining Events a
old E. Wethey of the fine arts de-
partment will talk on the current I
art exhibit, "Italian, Spanish and a
French Paintings of the 17th and 8
18th Centuries," at 3:30 p.m. Sun- I
day in the West Gallery of Alumni t
Memorial Hall.
x ' y
men's Choir and Michigan Singers
will give a joint program under the is
leadership of Maynard Klein at gi
8:30 p.m. Sunday in Hill Auditor-
Paur Infantry Chorus will sing
songs of many lands in an Extra
Concert Series program at 8:30
p.m., Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.

Villiers' Lecture
Scheduled Monday
Alan Villiers, whose book, "Quest
of the Schooner Argus" has recent-
ly appeared on Ann Arbor book-
shelves, will bring the movie ver-
sion of his schooner voyage here
Monday as the fourth presenta-
tion of the 1951-52 Lecture Course.
The lecture-movie combination
is a technicolor travelogue of a six
months codfish schooner voyage
from Portugal to Greenland, which
Villiers and a fishing crew com-
pleted late in 1950. Villiers has
spent most of his life under sail,
and has documented his experi-
ences with numerous books and
Tickets for "The Quest of the
Schooner Argus" will go on sale
today at Hill Auditorium Box Of-
fice for 60 cents, $1.20 and $1.50.
Read Daily Classifieds



HOA U94tQ ifAT4WO(
RA suJIs smgouu
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.;".. ; ;'

H* "Y**"A'N KA*P*L*O*N
(adapted and directed by Elaine Rothman)

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550 Maynard Street6
More Days i

L '


LANE HALL 8:30 P.M. Friday, Nov. 16
(Following ser-vices -- everyone is invited)


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