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November 13, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-13

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Questions on SL
Issues Answered
Forty-five candidates for Student Legislature will wind up
campaigns tonight, then sit tight for two days as students go t
polls tomorrow and Thursday.
To allow the candidates to take a stand before the entire ca
on more important issues now facing the student body, The
again asked six questions to those running, plus a general statemf
* * * *
BECAUSE OF space limitations, it was necessary to have yes-
queries, leaving the candidates no room to qualify answers. Hov
the questions are such that a clear-cut answer one way or the
is possible.
1. Do you think SL should refrain from further actionr
on bias clauses?
2. Do you think SL should abandon Tug Week?
3. Do you approve of SL tactics in the library dispute
4. Do you think NSA affiliation should be dropped?
5. Do you think SL should promote a de-emphasis of footb
6. Do you think SL represents student opinion?
The first question, if answered yes, would imply approval c
present SL policy of working with the Inter Fraternity Coun
the bias clause problem.
In question six, many candidates indicated that they felt S
resented student opinion, but did not necessarily represent the





SL P osts

"I want to continue serving on
the S.L. in order to use the experi- Ta
ence of two years membership in m

ike This
the Polls


maintaining continuity of action
on legislative projects in avoiding
n e e d 1 e s s repetition of effort:
through experience, and in reor-
ganizing and improving the S.L.
structure and program."
Berry, Phil, '52
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. yes,
6. yes.
'I desire to be re-elected to S.L.
so that I can make my three years
experience with S.L. a useful tool
to the S.L. and the student body.
I hope to be able to successfully
complete some important S.L. pro-
Braun, Bert, '54
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.
"The legislature should be closer
to the students, and it is the job
of the individual legislator to keep
the students informed of impor-
tant actions."
.a * *
Cowen, Valorie M., '54
1. no, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.
"I wish to work on S.L. because
I believe that it is the foremost
body in representing student opin-
ion and can do most to encourage
the students to become active and
take an important role in all uni-
versity action."
Cox, Shirley, '53
1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no
opinion, 6. yes.
"If I am elected I will do my
best to increase the prestige of the!
SL by working to promote stronger!
and freer student government at
Michigan. I want our administa-
tion to be one of the students as
well as faculty."
* * *
Cutler, Kenneth, '54
1. no opinion, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no,
5. no, 6. yes.
"I would like to serve on S.L. be-
cause of a sincere interest in stu-



Baker, Robert E., '52
1. no, 2. fio, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.
"Michigan needs strong student
government. An essential element
in good student government is con-
tinuity in leadership which I hope
my experience will contribute."
Barad, Philip N., '53
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.
"S t u d e n t Legislature finally
needs to surpass the stage of mere-
ly becoming another campus 'serv-
ice' organization. What it needs is
increased publicity, thorough in-
vestigation, and aggressive action.
S.L. needs initiative and energy to
bring many "U" inequalities to

In this issue, The Daily pre-
sents a comprehensive survey of
the all-campus elections tomor-
row and Thursday,
Clip it out and vote intelli-
Balloting will go on from 8
a.m. to 5 p.m. tomorrow and
Thursday at sixteen convenient
campus locations.
Polling tables will be set up at
the Union, League, Law Quad,
business administration school,
corner of E. University, Washte-
naw and N. University, East
Quad, Engine Arch, I.Univer-
sity just above S. fniversity,
Tappan Hall, Library, Angell
Hall, corner of N. University and
State, Waterman Gym, Rack-
ham Bldg., Women's Athletic
Bldg. and University Hospital.
Only an I-D card is required
to vote.
dent government and a desire to
help inexpanding student rights
and programs on the campus."
Fagerburg, Karen, '54
1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no
6. yes.
"I desire to serve on S.L. because
I am interested in spending time
and energy on projects of that or-
ganization. Students and adminis-
tration alike should be brought to
recognize the present importance
and future possibilities of such a
Fiber, Lee, '54
1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. yes, 5. no
6. yes.
"I want to work on the S.L. in
order to represent the student body
and to help build a strong S.L. by
working through the students, thus
making S.L. responsive to the stu
dents' wishes and, at the same
time, coordinate S.L. with faculty
and the administration."
Fish, Sally, '52
1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no
6. no.
"I would like to serve on S.L. be-
cause of an active interest in stu-
dent government and in develop-
ing a more powerful student influ-
ence in policies determined by the
administration which affects us."

Fried, Joan, '53
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.
"Since I've been on this campus,I
I've had an interest in taking an
active part in campus activities. I
feel that through S.L. I can be di-
recly responsible for carrying out
plans I have formulated."
Gingrass, Ruedi, '54
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.
"I wish to serve on SL because
of the contributions I might make
to the student body and the Uni-
versity, and also because of the
valuable experience I might gain
in carrying out that contribution."
Gleich, Gerry, '53
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.
"I desire to serve on SL because
it is my belief that the student-
faculty relations at this school can
be greatly improved and that SL is
the means through which these
changes can best be accomplish-
Goodwin, Bob, '53
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no opin-
ion, 5. no, 6. yes.
"The University's policy of pa-
ternalism in no way recognizes the
, individuality of the student. If we
are to ever realize intellectual and
e social freedom, it should begin now.
The opinions of the students
should be represented to all ad-
- ministrative bodies whose decis-
o ions affect the students. An expan-
e sion of SL's influence is needed
a now."
Haar, Ellie, '54
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no opinion,
5. no, 6. yes.
"I wish to be a representative
of the students so that I will be
y given an opportunity to express
y their thoughts on subjects they
s feel are of import to them. In ad-
- dition, I should like to bring back
e to them any concrete work which
y the SL does for them.",
Horwitz, Fred, '54
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.
"The SL, a relatively infant or-
ganization, has made great strides
- as the right arm and voice of the
student body at the U. of M. I
- would like to serve the Legislature
with the aim of making the arm
more powerful and the voice one

When polls of the all-campus
election close at 5 p.m. Thursday,
some 100 workers will begin a
gruelling 8 hour session of com-
puting votes by the Student Leg-
islature's version of the Hare Sys-
This little-understood system
has been used by the Legislature
since their first election six years

ago. Several experiments with
different methods of voting have
been used for J-Hop committee
elections in past years, and the
recounts have seemed to prove
that the system now in use is the
most efficient.
Actually, the local election of
the Hare system, an import from
Europe, is much simpler than it

light and to succeed in cooperating
with the administration for the
students' benefit."
Bargeman, Paula, '54
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.
"The S.L. represents the student
body. I would like to be one of
these representatives. I feel that I
know and understand many of the
campus problems and would like
a chance to express my opinion
and the opinion of others on these
issues. I feel the work itself will
be interesting."
Beers, Keith, '52
1. no, 2. yes; 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.

that will be heard and heeded;
throughout the University."1
* * *
Des Jardins, Jack, '53
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,;
6. no.-
"SL has the duty and function
to serve you, the students, con-
cerning University policies. I would
like the opportunity to carry out
your wishes making this a better
* * *
Johnson, Lee, '54
1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.
"I desire to serve on the SL be-
cause I feel that I can help to put
the legislature into a position
where it has some real power to
help the students."
* *C *
Kriegman, Sam, '53
1. yes, 2. no, 3. no, 4. no, 5. no,
6. no opinion.
"I believe the average student
should take a more active part in
student affairs. I do not believe
that student government should
be run by a self-perpetuating group
of B.M.O.C.'s with piles of extra-
curricular activities who are not
often cognizant of the wish of
their constituents, the student
body at large."
* * *
Kurcz, Lisa, '53
1. no, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no
opinion, 6. yes.
"In my work on SL committees
dealing with such problems as
University paternalistic practices,
the possibility of a student book-
store and the dorm phone situa-
tion, I have come to realize that
I can more ably carry out these
projects for the betterment of the
student body as a voting member
of SL.
* * *
Mazzarella, Louis, '55
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.
"I would like to get the experi-
ence of participating in student
government to aid me in my career
as a lawyer. Also the early prac-
ticability will aid me in my stud-
ies. It is my desire to be of as much
use as possible while I'm here.
*C * *
McNerney, Mike, '53
1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. yes, 5. no,
6. yes.
"The Michigan student requires
an organization which can active-
ly voice his proposals and criti-
cisms to the University. During
my experience as an SL member

I have found that it is the student
body most capable of accomplish-
ing these ends. I hope to continue
by efforts toward consructing an
SL policy best designed to pronote
a worthwhile academic, recreation-
al and educational atmosphere."
* * *
Messer, John W., '53
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.
"I strongly disagree with the at-
tempts of the Student Legislature
to coerce fraternities into removal
of any clauses in their constitu-
tions, and feel instead that they
should try to have the telephone
system improved; get a more sat-
isfactory Thanksgiving vacation
and provide more adequate recre-
ation areas for the residence
* * *
Miller, Dee-Dee, '53
1. yes, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. no.
"Since the SL is the only body
to be elected by the entire campus,
it is naturally the group to speak
for the students. I have always
been actively interested in student
affairs and I have a strong desire
to do what I can to bring about
changes which the students de-
* * *
Mitts, Clifford A, '54
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4,. no, 5. no,
6. yes

Controversial Hare System Explained

looks and seems to be the quick-
est and most democratic method
of counting the ballots.
* * *
THE PROCEDURE in chrono-
logical order follows:
1. All ballots are distributed in
piles for each candidate according
to the first place votes.
2. The total number of ballots
cast is counted, than a quota for
election set by dividing this sum
plus one by the number of posit-
tions open plus one.
3. Candidates with enough first
place votes to equal or exceed
the quota are elected, and the
candidate receiving the fewest
number of first place votes
4. The number of ballots ey-
ceeding the quota which the
elected candidates received are
pulled at random from the piles
and redistributed according to
the second place vote. If the
candidate receiving the second
place vote is already elected the
third place vote is used and so
on. The votes of the low candi-
date are also redistributed.
5. After each count the lowest
candidate is dropped and his votes
redistributed until all posts have
been filled. Extra votes of the
elected members are also redistri-
buted after each count.
During the Spring election, more
than 300 visitors crowded the
Union Ballroom to watch the pio-
gress of their candidates. The SL
encourages anyone interested to
stop in and watch the Hare sys-
tem in action. The best hours
are between 9 and 11 p.m., when
the preliminary count is over and
the actual election begins.

p I

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v. V.
"I have a strong desire to work
on SL because I have been interest-
ed in this work ever since high
school. I seriously believe that I
can gain a great deal from work-
ing on SL and also add as much
as I can to SL."
* * *

~. k.':
S1" .

ampus Interview s on Cigarette Testsr
:: r
No. 27...THE LYNXJ
I~ 4
This sporty student really teed off on a long tirade
when he found himself stymied on the "single puff"
and one sniff" cigarette tests. "They're strictly
for the birdies!" said he. He realized that
cigarette mildness requires more deliberation
than a cursory inhale or exhale. Millions of
smokers concur - there's only one true test of
mildness and flavor in a cigarette.,
I's the sensible test. .. the 30-Day Camel
Mildness Test, which simply asks you to try
Camels as your steady smoke on a day-after-day,
pack-after-pack basis. No snap judgments! Once
you've tried Camels for 30 days in your "T-Zone"
(T for Throat, T for Taste), you'll see why...

Morgan, Alan, '53
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no,
6. no.

5. no,I

-White button-down
oxford, soft roll to
the collar. Popular as
a holiday with the
fellows and the gas.

"I would like to serve on the
SL in order to exercise my views
and ideas and those of my fellow
students in matters concerning
our getting most benefit from
University life."
* * *
Mossner, Eugene, '52
1. no, 2. yes, 3. yes, 4. yes, 5. no,
6. yes.
"It has been my belief for some
time now that student government
at Michigan is on the downgrade.
The influence it should have on
campus matters has not been
shown. To try to build up student
government's powers is my main
reason for running for SL. Because
I have had experiences in many
phases of student government here

and elsewhere, I feel I can help
accomplish these aims."
* * *
Murphy, Audrey, '53
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4, po, 5. no,
6. yes.
"I would like to see SL limit its
scope of activities in the future
and concentrate only on the most
important problems. I am inter-
ested in participating on the In-
ternational Relations Committee,
as I feel the foreign students are
a vital part of our campus life. I
would also like to work on the
problem of additional sources of
money for SL projects."
'* * *
Ostrominski, John, '54
1. yes, 2. no, 3. yes, 4. no, 5. no,
6. yes.
"My candidacy is based on a
sincere desire to make the SL' ~a
more representative governing
body. I believe that my past experi-
ence and background would qualify
me, as a member of the legislature,
to perform a valuable service for
all students."
Patterson, William, '53
(Not available for questioning.)
"I wish to serve on the Student
Legislature in order to be in a po-
(Continued on Page 5)

I ,1111


broadcloth, e
wid esprea
Sharpest shir
quodrangles thi

e white
d collar.
t on the
is year.

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