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November 13, 1951 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-13

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[N A RECENT issue of the Manchester
Guardian Weekly appears an article by
,he noted philosopher Bertrand Russell. It
leals with a short instructive message from
he Superintendent of Schools in the State
)f Indiana to the public school teachers of
hat state.
The message itself is couched in fair-
ly innocent terms. It says nothing about
firing teachers rfor disloyalty, and proposes
no boards of examination to rid the sys-
tem of weak-willed "democrats." In-
stead, the Superintendent of Schools sets
forth, in a fairly definite way, what he
thinks the method of teaching democracy
in public schools should be.
"In our present confused world, it is es-
ential in America that we teach our young
>eople that American Democracy is the best
government in the world." American school
hildren, the superintendent proposes, should
e taught to "discredit definitions and des-
,riptions used by foreign governments of
uch words as Social Revolution, Commun-
sm, Fascism, Totalitarianism, Police State,
)ictatorship, Welfare State, Bureaucracy,
onservatives, Liberals, Capitalism, Social-
sm, Communal Enterprise, and propagan-
[a." We would assume, then, that the super-
ntendent, with his thorough and well-bal-
need outlook on the world situation, would
ssue a few ultimately correct definitions on
tis own hook. However, evidently assuming
hat the teachers are themselves capable of
preparing alter definitions, the superinten-
lent simply offers a note of guidance: "Our
oung people must be taught that our na-
ion disapproves of the Russian system in all
ts aspects."
Lord Russell had a field day on this. Em-
)loying sheer irony, he gracefully demolish-
s the basis of the superintendent's omnis-
dent attitude with such statements as:
"'Totalitarianism' is another of these
slippery words. At one time we thought
that Franco's regime was 'totalitarian,' but
since we have realized the strategic im-
portance of the line of the Pyrenees we
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
tre written by members of The Daily staff
fnd represent the"views of the writers only.

have discovered that Franco is one of the
bulwarks of moral values against the rising
sea of atheism and materialism."
"'Fascism' is a difficult word. During the
late war we all knew what it meant. It
meant the system of government employed
in Germany and in Italy until the fall of
Mussolini. But now that it is necessary to
use Germans and Italians against the Rus-
sions the word 'Fascism' has become one
which prudent people will avoid. It is true
that during the late war we thought that we
were fighing to defeat 'Fascism,' but we now
learn that 'Fascism' is disliked by Moscow,
and we conclude that it cannot be wholly
* * *
AND FROM HIS SEAT in England, Lord
Russell looked over at America, shaking
his head sadly. "It is perhaps regrettable
that Americans who have no education and
no knowledge of the world should be allowed
to antagonize intelligent opinion in coun-
tries as unalterably opposed to Communism
as the United States itself."
But-is the document in question the work
of a person with "no education and no know-
ledge of the world," or, perhaps, merely the
statement of a man (a representative man,
I might add) pressed to the point where his
ideals are conceived not in logic but in a
soup of immediate circumstance? There is
certainly nothing essentially wrong in wish-
ing to promote the cause of democracy. Ra-
tional and irrational men have been doing it
for centuries, and with excellent effects.
Maybe the difference between their efforts
and the attempt of this man is the element
of faith.
The superintendent, in saying that stu-
dents must be taught "that American
Democracy is the best government in the
world" is admitting his own doubt. Instead
of asking that the pupils be encouraged
to proceed through the arguments in sup-
port of democracy, he declares that they
must be arbitrarily told that it is best. He
shows himself to be frightened of thought
processes, and, in, turn, not even certain
that democracy can prove itself.
It is easy enough to point out the weakness
of this one man's stand. He committed him-
self when he wrote his statement. But there
are thousands of others in America today
who have subconsciously lost faith in demo-
cracy, and feel that it can only be adminis-
tered as an a priori truth. Democracy, by its
very nature, calls for intellectual air. It can,
and must, be allowed to prove itself.


THE NATIONAL Collegiate Athletic Asso-
ciation, judging from widely publicized
repercussions of its recent activities, is a
doomed, sadly ineffective organization.
Drained of most of its influence by the Am-
erican Council of Education's newly estab-
lished committee of presidents, the NCAA
has degenerated to an ineffectual level pro-
phesied by its inconsistent record in the
television restrictions.
The recent criticism the NCAA has re-
ceived from sports writers, football fans,
and legislators is mild compared to the
severe slap implied by the formation of
the committee of ten college presidents.
Michigan State's John Hannah, head of
the committee, agreed that the presidents
had acted because the NCAA and athletic
directors had been unable to enforce their
rulings, and that "our job will be to take
from college athletics what is bad and
leave what is good." In glossier language,
the committee stated that its purpose was
"to investigate ethical lapses (in college
sports) that threaten the integrity of in-
stitutions of higher educaion."
Public criticism of college athletics has
reached an all-time high. The presidents of
severaldathletically prominent colleges have
reluctantly but decisively moved to do some-
thing about it. The NCAA, failing to take
action on a situation which falls signifi-
cantly within its jurisdiction, has righteous-
ly been pushed aside.
In a move which the Detroit Free Press
justifiably cited as "an example of monu-
mental stupidity," the NCAA banned tele-
casts of last Saturday's Michigan State-
Notre Dame contest to Detroit viewers. As
part of a season-long experimental pro-
gram aimed at protecting gate receipts of
participating teams, the NCAA imposed a
blackout on the game which had been a
sell-out for months. Both State and Notre
Dame were in favor of the telecast.
Then, as the first in a long line of ex-
ceptions, the NCAA permitted Lansing to
screen the game on the grounds that it was
originating the telecast for 15 eastern sta-
tions. (The Notre Dame-Michigan State
game was previously scheduled to be seen
only in Eastern cities; while the Navy-Mary-
land game in Baltimore was to be seen ex-
clusively in the West. Next it reversed its
decision on the Detroit ban, explaining that
it was not making a special exception. but a
"technical adjustment to permit efficient
and proper video handling." Last Friday, the
NCAA stood up straight and tall and an-
nounced that it would make no further
changes in the experimental program set up
for this fall.
But Saturday, it again changed its mind,
and decided to let Washington, D.C. in on
the Irish-MSC proceedings. Thus, starting
with a risky, unpopular, and probably un-
necessary project, the NCAA has arbitrarily
clamped on regulations and unscientificallyj
backtracked to remove them, setting up a
nebulous, not at all admirable record.
Statistically though, the NCAA has every-
thing in its favor. According to an Associated
Press Survey of 89 schools announced last
week, college football is reversing the sports
attendance slump with a five percent in-
crease. A similar check made last year in-
dicated a two percent decline, supposedly
due to television. This was the reason the
NCAA gave for stepping in with its TV con-
trol policy.
But dynamic opposition would indicate
that no one likes the policy, in spite of
increased gate receipts. The protests of
Rep. Gerald Ford, who demanded that
Western Michigan be permitted to tele-
cast last Saturday's controversial tilt,
and the "bootlegging" action taken by
WKZO-TV in Kalamazoo when they tele-
cast the game regardless of the ban, serve
as representations of general protest from
widely scattered sources. In fact, Francis
T. Murray, University o Pennsylvania
athletic director, is convinced that the re-
strictions are doomed. He argued that the

Detroit situation should convince everyone
that football television can't be nationally
controlled. In a Chicago Daily News ar-
ticle he stated: "The only thing to do is to
turn the control back to the individual in-
stitutions." Though Murray represents one
of the few areas where gate receipts were-
n't increased by the TV ban, his conclusion
is probably right.
It will be interesting to see if the NCAA
with a few statistics as its only banner can
remain a functioning organization against
opposition from sports writers, fans, legisla-
tors, television stations and educators.
-Virginia Voss
the upcoming Red-run "peace congress"
in Vienna. Although Fuentes could just as
easily have gone to Panama and boarded
a Europe-bound ship from there, the Com-
mie strategists had the government re-
quest a U.S. visa for him, so he could sail
from New York.
Poker-faced U.S. consular officials in
Guatemala City answered the request by
saying they "lacked authorization," and re-
ferred the matter to the State Department.
If the visa is denied, the Reds will have a
handy issue to trumpet-and Fuentes can
still go to Vienna via Panama.
BESIDES THE genuine desire for peace,
two key factors are behind the American
disarmament proposals in Paris:
1. A report from U.S. Ambassador Allan
Kirk, just returned from Moscow, that both
Stalin and the Politburo are suffering a
case of war litters. think fpth U.SA. isrepav

Lo. oting Our Arsenal
Y) 1 LL





-- '
r i rrr n r rr n s rrr


4t The State .. .
Marlon Brando, Vivien Leigh, Kim Hun-
ter and Karl Malden; directed by Ella
kJOST OF US know the story of the con-
flict of the tragically meretricious and
iymphomanlacal Blanche with the compli-
ated, bestial Stanley which moves the plot
if Tennessee Williams' Streetcar. The force
nd depth of that conflict were a shocking
xperience on the stage, where artistically
dult shocks are commonplaces; they make
or an even greater impact in the movies,
where we have come to expect our emotions
wrapped in tinsel.
As in the Broadway production, the
force that fills the movie with nerve-
crackling vitality is the overwhelming
power of Marlon Brando. In one perform-
ance he makes all the Pecks, Powers and
Gables seem like so many phony fly-
weights. He makes Stanley Kowalski a
yelling, brawling, sweating reality whose
child-like emotional dependence on his
wife is no Freudian paradox, but a part
of the human being Brando lays bare on
the screen. His dominance would be com-
plete, if Williams had not written a play
that matches Brando's ability.
The symbolism of Blanche Du Bois' decay-
og southern gentility and her final col-
apse before Stanley's earthiness is fortu-
tately lilliputian compared to the strength

of the emotional struggle Williams has
drawn. As a result the play and the movie
present no "representations," but a complex
of human strength and weakness, good and
evil. Although Williams takes no sides the
movie tends to favor Blanche's particular
set of faults and virtues-an effect strength.
ened by a bow to the Hay's office. Nonethe.
less the picture is faithful enough to the play
to plainly show that the scales almost ba-
lance on all sides-for Blanche and Stanley
-and you and me.
Elia Kazan must be given credit for the
fact that no one in this movie perceptively
"acts." He must also be blamed somewhat
for the fact that he has been unable to
do much more than film the play-and not
always capably. Part of the intensity of the
play came from the presence of all the
forces in the same cramped quarters. The
movie loses much of that intensity by
flipping back and forth from face to face
with an effect-as in the case of Blanche's
interlude with the newsboy-that is some-
times comic rather than tragic.
This fault, the necessary talkativeness of
Blanche's role (well-played by Vivien Leigh,
but lacking the touch of greatness Jessica
Tandy gave it on Broadway), and the dif-
ference in audience contact between stage
and screen are the only factors that make
the movie less effective than the play-none
of which are enough to keep it from being an
achievement Hollywood should number
among its greatest.
-John Briley

The Daily Official Bulletin is an Personnel Interviews:
official publication of the University Tuesday, November 13, a representa-
of Michigan for which the Michigan tive of the Atlantic Refining Company
Daily assumes no editorial responsi- of Dallas, Texas, will be interviewing
bility. Publication in itris construc- graduating students on all degree levels
tive notice to all members of the in Mathematics and Physics.
University. Notices should be sent wednesday, November 14, a represen-
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room tative of the Puget Sound Naval Ship-
2552 Administration Building before yard of Bremerton, Washington, will be
3 p.m. the day preceding publication tNs
(11 a.m. on Saturday). tects, Civil Engineers, Mechanical En-
gineers, and Eletrical Engineers.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBERJ 13, 1951 Thursday, November 15, and Friday,
VOL. LXIV, NO. 43 November 16, a representative of the
Standard-Vacuum Oil Company of New
York will be interviewing men inter-
N oties "" e ne
] ested in overseas positions. Position,
Open House, President's Residence: to be filled are in Sales (engineering
Members of the faculties and staff of desirable, also open for Business Ad-
the University and townspeople are in- ministration and Arts graduates); Pro-
vited by President and Mrs. Harlan duct Distribution, General Operations
Hatches to an Open House at the Presi- (a degree in Mechanial, Civil. Chemical,
dent's Residence, 815 S: University Ave- Petroleum, or Eletrical Engineering);
nie, Sunday, Nov. 18, from 3 to 6 and and Accounting. Requirements are:
h8 to u10 P.m. American citizenship, Age 21 to 28
_________m years, and Single.
Students, College of Engineering For further informtaion and appoint-
The final day for dropping courses mcnts concering the above inter-
without record will be Fri., Nov. 16. A views, call at the Bureau of Appoint-
course may be dropped only with the ments, 3528 Administration Building.
permission ofrthe classifier after (coil-
ference with the instructor. Attention Engineers: Mr. George Mit-
_________ hell and Mr. David Thomas of Good-
Students, College of Engineering. yearAircraft and Goodyear Tire and
The final day for Removal of Incom- Rubber Company respectively, will con-
pletes will be Friday, Nov. 16. Petitions dulict a group meeting on Wed., Nov.
for extension of time must be on file 14 at 5 p.m., 348 West Engineering
in the Secretary's Office on or before Building. Candidates for the degrees
Fri., Nov. 16. of B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. in Aero, Chem.,
., .._Elec., Civil and Mechanical Engineering
Martha Cook Building is receiving ap- and Physics are invited to attend.
plications for vacancies for February, Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Thomas will in-
1952. Women who have no housing terview Aeros, Electricals and Chemical
commitments for the second semester Engineering students in the Aeronauti-
are eligible to apply. Anyone interested, cal Department on Thurs., Nov. 15, and
call 23225 for an apointment at once. Civil. Mechanical and Physics students
Any outstanding applications for Feb- in the Mechanical Engineering Depart-
ruary are also due now. went on Fri., Nov. 16. Sign schedules
on the Aero and Mechanical bulletin
The Inter-American Schools Service board.
of the American Council on Education
announces opportunities for teachingt
grants abroad under the 1952-53 Fuil-
bright Acty These positions are for Sigma Xi Lecture: Wed., Nov. 14, 8
Egypt, Turkey, and Greece. taka mhteti Po
p .m., Rackham Amphitheater. Prof.
The State Civil Service Commission Volney H. Jones will speak on "The
needs teachers for the school for the Dating of American Indian Culture
blind or partially sighted; for the with C14."
school for the deaf or hard-of-hearing; University Lectures in Journalism
and for an instituiton for the mentally Series. Alexander F. Jones, president
retarded or for delinquent children. of the American Society of Newspaper
They also need employees to supervise.Editors, will open the 1951-1952 Uni-
at adstatehpenalinstitutions.cForfu versity Lectures in Journalism Series
ther information come to the Bureau on Wed., Nov. 14, 3 p.m., in the Rack-
oferpporntmetis, 35m8 tdmtheBlrdguham Amphitheater with a talk entitled
o Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg "The Right of People to Know." Cof-
ille:Music roupmesWfee-hour and informal question-and-
Hilll: Msic Group meets Wed. at answer period will follow.
7:30 p.m. to listen to and discuss mu-
sic. Everyone is welcome. The group American Chemical Society Lecture,
will meet at the studio of discussion Aeran heia oetLetr.
ll eat 9 t e stdio of discu Dr. H. F. Lewis, Dean of the Institute of
leader at 209 . State St. Paper Chemistry, Appleton, Wisconsin,
Hillel: Yiddish Class meets Wed.. 7:30 will lecture on "Bark-a Potential Field
p.m., Lane Hall. Everyone interested is of Fundamental Research," at 8 p.m.,
welcome, Wed., Nov. 14, 1300 Chemistry Building;
auspices of the University of Michigan
Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for food Section, American Chemical Society.
and fun, 4 to 5:15 p.m., Wed., Nov. 14 visitors are welcome.
at the Guild. All are welcome. Lecture, auspices of the Medical
Union Weekly Bridge Tournament. School and the Student Medical So-.
Wed., Nov. 14, Union Ballroom, begin -ceay. "ralesiHuman Ethics ad
ning at 7:15. Elimination Tournament, Medical Values," Dr. Willard L. Sperry,
2 out of three weeks to determine Dean of the Harvard Divinity School.
candidates whose admission will be paid Wed., Nov. 14, 8 p.m., Kellogg Auditor-
to National Tournament at Detroit lum.
Leland Hotel on Dec. 1. Coeds may Academ ic Notices
sign outor 11:30 permission. Every-
one is welcome. Wed. Is also Master- School of Business Administration:
point night. Students from other Schools and Col-

The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

VU' Paternalism... . .
To the Editor:
THERE is a continuous pressure
here at the University which
results in a depressing effect on
many students. Some can't quite
pin down what's wrong-some are
restless and some feel they are
stagnating and others just don't
know. But the pressure comes
from the many rules and regula-
tions that confine the student al-
though he may even accept these
restrictions without even realiz-
ing the objects. The rules vary--
women's hours, drinking, no smok-
ing in dorm lobbies or at meals,
compulsory attendance at house
and other type meetings, proper
attire, ad infinitum. Many a stu-
Dielectric Polarizations of Propane,
the Butanes, and the Pentanes," Wed.,
Nov. 14, 3023 Chemistry Bldg., 1 p.m.
Chairman, K. Fajans.
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and
Emil Raab, violinists, Robert Courte,
violinist, and Oliver Ede, cellist, will
present the second in the current series
of programs at 8:30 p.m., Tues,, Nov.
13, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. The
group will be joined by Nelson Hauen-
stein, Instructor in Woodwind Instru-
ments, in a program of" Mozart's Quar-
tet in D major, K. 285, Beethovens
Quartet in F minor, Op. 95, and Bela
Bartok's Quartet No. 6. The general
public is invited.
Organ Recital by Robert Noehren
University Organist, 4:15 Wednesday
afternoon, Nov. 14, in Hill Auditorium.
This is the second in the current series
of three Wednesday afternoon recitals.
It. will include works by Sowerby,
Franck, Krenek, Alain, and Reger, and
will be open to the public.
Events Today
Air Force R.O.T.C. Band: Rehearsal,
7:30 p.m., University High School gym-
nasium. Everyone must bring tennis
shoes or the equivalent as no hard
shoes will be allowed on the floor. Uni-
forms will be worn at all rehearsals,
Displaced Students Committee. Meet-
ing, 3:30 p.m., Conference Room, Lane
Hall. Plans will be made to greet the
Roumanian student expected next week.
All those interested are invited to at-
Wolverine Club, Meet at 7:15 p.m.,
League. All membersnare urged to at-
tend. All students interested in join-
ing the Wolverine Club are also urged
to attend.
Hillel Folk Song and Dance Group.
All interested invited. 7:30 p.m., League.
Tuesday Night Record Concert, 8:30-
10 p.m., League. Program: Piston-The
Incredible Flutist; Ravel-Bolero; Stra-
Anthropology Club. Meeting, 7:30 in
the East Conference Room of Rackham.
Professor Cameron wil give a talk and
show slides on his recent Near Eastern
field trip. Everyone welcome.
Hillel: Seminar on Modern Jewish
Problems will meet at 4:15 in Lane Hall
for a discussion on inter-marriage.
The group, which discusses topics of
its own choosing, is under the direc-
tion of Rabbi Lymo%. Everrone is
Christian Science Organization: Tes-
timonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper
Room, Lane Hall.
Open Houses for SL Candidates:
Tues., Nov. 13-6:30-7:15 Zeta Beta
Tau, 2006 Washtenaw; 6:45-7:30 Stock-
well Hall.
All candidates are urged to attend.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Tea,
4:30 to 6 p.m., at the Guild House.
Michigan Actuarial Club. Meeting, 3
p.m., Angell Hall 3017. Speaker: Mr. L.
S. Norman, actuary of the American
United Life. "The Need Factor."
Senior Society: 'Ensian picture will
be taken at 9 p.m., League.
Square Dance Group meets at Lane
Hall, 7:15 p.m.
Coming Events
Electrical Engineering Research Dis-
cussion Group: Dr. Henry Gomberg will
speak on the "Statistical Basis for the
Measurement of Radioactivity," Wed.,
Nov. 14, 4:00 p.m., 2084 East Engineer-

dent has said, "'When I walk into
the dorm, I feel as if I were walk-
ing into prison," or the like. We
are told that obeying these rules
is another part of learning re-
sponsibility. But the situation
seems rather to be teaching and
tempting the students to break
rules. No one will deny the many
wild beer parties which, incident-
ally, are unheard of on many of
the campuses where drinking is
permitted (regardless of state
laws). And the outlets for the
tension are few-if you're over 21
(and can prove it), you can drink;
you can bury yourself in your
books and engage in some of the
cut-throat curve system competi-
tion; and there's always sex. I've
heard many new, old, and trans-
fer students say this is the most
sex hungry campus they've ever
seen or heard of. (One need only
witness the pre-closing time dorm
If college students aren't al-
lowed to some degree to take care
of themselves, when will they
learn? Sadly enough, unless you're
a grad student or over 25, you're
still a child, and must be forced
into the institutionalized pattern
of personality formation. Admit-
tedly, some colleges are more
stringent, but that is no rational-
iation for the present situation.
You'll find people who will go
to the library or other places even
in the worst weather to get away
from the dorm even though they
could make use of the equivalent
facilities without leaving the clois-
ter, or people who spend much
time at places like the League
(not to imply that there is any-
thing wrong with the League) be-
cause they just don't want to go
back to the protected life.
After a while, the over-protect-
ed child begins to resent his guar-
dian's oversolicitude.
--M. J. Jacobson
Explanation Please .. .
To the Editor:
ATTENTION Mr. Oosterbaan.
Several eastern newspapers
carried an article in Saturday
morning's newspaper which went
something like this: "This after-
noon's game at Ithaca will separ-
ate the men from the boys. The
Ivy League will find itself com-
pletely outclassed in Big Ten Com-
As one of those loyal, spirited
rah-rah Michigan rooters who
made the long trek to Cornell in
hope of seeing the same team
which rose to such heights against
Illinois (second in the country)
the week before, I feel I deserve
an explanation. Could it be that
non-conference opponents don't.
rate the same preparation and
will-to-win that Big Ten rivals do?
Let's face it. Cornell just isn't
that good!
-Jack Lipson


Washington Merry-Go-Round

'IVIL WAR in Guatemala begins to loom
as a real possibility, following the latest
,ommunist maneuver which brought all or-
anized labor in that little Central American
epublic under direct Red control. And open
omestic warfare is just what Guatemala's
!ommie leaders are looking for.
With the aid and personal intervention
of Vicente Lombardo Toledano, Mexican
boss of the Latin American Conferedation
of Labor, Guatemala's 50,000 unionized
workers were detly herded under the Red
banner during a convention held in
Guatemala City, Oct. 18-21.
,Lombardo's confederation, which the

left-of-center President Jacobo Arbenz must
go along with the rest of the Labor Move-
ment's program if he wants its continued
and indispensable aid against his powerful
political enemies,
The Arbenz administration, however, is
already in hot water with strong conser-
vative and Catholic groups, including a
large segment of the Army, for alleged
subservience to the unions. Six months
ago, these elements staged country-wide
demonstrations in protest against the gov-
ernment's anti-clerical education policies.
If Arbenz goes along with the Labor Move-
ment's new orientation, as he is almost
bound to do, active trouble is likely. The
Reds not only know this but hope to bring it

A Student-l aculty Coffee Hour will
be held Wed., Nov. 14, from 4-6 in the
Union Terrace Room. All students are
invited to meet the Romance Lang-
uage Department who will be the spe-
cial guests.
Michigan Arts Chorale. Meet 7 p.m.,
Wed., Nov. 14, University High School
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Sup-
per Discussion, 5:30 to 7 p.m., at the
Guild House. Call 5838 by Tuesday night
for new reservations. Freshman Di -
cussion Group, 7-8 at the Guild House.
Literary College Conference. Steering
Committee meeting, Wed., Nov. 14, 4
p.m., 1011 AH.
Registration: Students are reminded
that registration for business, industry
and professions, and teaching is now
open. Blanks may be obtained Athe
Bureau of Appointmients, 2528 Admin-
istration Building, Tuesday, Thursday,
and Friday of this week. After Friday,
November 16, registrations form will not
be available until next January 15,

forms in Rm. 150, School of Business Canterbury Club: Holy Communion,
Administration, as soon as possible. 7 a.m., Wed., followed by breakfast at
Canterbury House.
Logic Seminar: Tues., Nov. 13, at :3:10
p.m., in Room 3011 Angell Hall. Mr. Panel Discussion, Careers for Women
Joseph Schoenfield will speak on "Heo- in Journalism. Wed., Nov. 14, 8 p.m.,
kin's Completeness Theorem." in the Department of Journalism, 512
S. State St. Coffee hour will follow
Mathematics Orientation Seminar: The panel is sponsored by Theta Sigma
Tues., Nov. 13, 1:00 p.m., Room 3001, Phi. All interested women are welcome.
Angell Hall. Topic: "Posets."
Westminster Guild: Wed., Nov. 14.
Algebra (I.) Seminar Tues., Nov. 13, Meet Dr. Arthur Mosher of India at Tea
9 a.m., in Room 2303 A. Hall. Mr. Byrne 'N' Talk, 4-6 p.m. Foreign Students
will speak on Zorn's Lemma. will be special guests.
Sociology Colloquium. Wed., Nov. 14, Engineering Council: Meeting, Wed.,
4:10 p.m., East Conference Room, Rack- Nov.' 14, 7:15 p.m., West Engineering
ham Building. Speaker: Dr. Leslie Annex. All members please attend
White, Chairman 6f the Anthropology whether notified by mail or not,
Department. 'The Role of Technology
and Cultural Change." Everyone is in- Folk and Square Dance. Meet at 8
vited. p.m., Wed., Nov. 14, Barbour Gym.
Geometry Seminar. Thurs., Nov. 15, Everyone welcome.
4:10 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr. Ben-
nett will talk on Division of Space by Kappa Kappa Psi: Meeting, Wed.,
Equidistant Loci. Nov. 14, 9:30 p.m., Harris Hall. It is
important that all members attend as
Doctoral Examination for Henry Wal- the picture for the Michiganensian will
ter Habgood, Chemistry; thesis: "The be taken.

leges intending to apply for spring;ad-
mittnceshold ecue o sprin

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keith. .. . City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum. Editorial Director
Vern Emerson...... ...Feature Editor
Rich Thomas..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts...........Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn..........Associate Editor
Ted Papes...............Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James...........Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Stafff
Bob Miller ..........Business Manager
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Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish...........Finance Manager
Stu Ward......... Circulation Manager
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
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As your Fairy Godfather was explaining,
an intelligence that has achieved flight

And so our visitor may be expected
to possess a few slight superhuman

U. ~sc~mo

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