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November 10, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-10

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The Horsemeat Scandal

The postponement of hearings 'til Dec. 5
on the illegal flow of horsemeat to Ann Ar-
bor restaurants provides an opportunity to
reflect on the "great horsemeat scandal."
There are out-of-the-way facets to be
viewed, charges to be made and above all,
lessons to be learned.
A little fast work by a heads-up Health
Department would have gone a long way
the Wednesday of last week, when the story
broke. Instead local health officers took
cognizance of the horse-meat violations only
when stung by gibes and prods from several
Even 'then, the man who should have
concerned himself with what was a clear
violation of state and federal food adul-
teration statutes, turned his energies to
the conclusion of the job to which he had
devoted his whole day--a children's Hal-
loween party.
Meanwhile the offenders, and there were
several scattered through the downtown and
campus areas, cleaned out their refrigera-
tors, doctored their meat invoices and gen-
erally covered the hoofprints leading to their
* * *
HE following day saw the health depart-
ment comparatively galvanized into ac-
tion as representatives paid calls to restaur-
ants who had done business with the Belle-
vile Packing Co., shippers of the horse-
Oddly enough, nothing was found be-
yond what was already reported in The
Daily. Moreover, city and county offi-
cials embarrassed by the brightness of
black-on-white, pooh-poohed the whole
Their absence of results was cited as proof
of innocence.
Health authorities kidded themselves along
until it became clear that newspaper ac-
counts were right, that the horsemeat had
been sold here, that some local citizens had
been eating horsemeat in the guise of beef.
Only when the repercussions from those
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

citizens were heard did the health officers
act, after a fashion.
Since then, life has been a harried af-
fair for local restaurant owners. Fre-
quent visits from health officers and sur-
prise appearances by meat inspectors
have complicated their lives all week.
This is certainly unnecessary. The time
to act was last Wednesday. The places to
inspect were those suspected of violations.
What has been going on is sheer nuisance
and is giving honest restaurant-owners a
bad name along with their less honest bre-
N THE welter of reproof which can be
thrown at the local health department,
the responsibility of other branches of gov-
ernment must not be overlooked.
For one thing, Detroit, and particular-
ly its police officials, must share the
blame. Their precipitate action in arrest-
ing the truckers before the horsemeat de-
liveries were made, ruined what could w
have easily been an air-tight case.
Had they held off, all participants in what
Judge John D. Watts has concluded was a
"conspiracy," would have been caught red-
handed in the act of receiving unlabeled,
uninspected horsemeat.
Another brickbat which must be thrown
in Detroit's direction is the failure of that
city's authorities to inform authorities in
both Ann Arbor and Detroit of the horse-
meat discoveries.
This, in turn, made possible the disap-
pearance of the two truckers. Unappre-
hended, a good part of the case againstj
the meat packer, Theodore Pappas, dis-
appears with them.
There is also a lesson and a warning for
the City of Ann Arbor, in "the great horse
meat scandal."
To expect one man, unassisted to patrol
and inspect with any degree of conscience,
all the markets, restaurants and groceries
of this city, is patently foolhardy.
The changes which the "horsemeat eat-
ing public" have a right to expect from
last week's events are these:
1) closer coordination between branches
of government.
2) improvement, expansion and sharpen-
ing up of the local health set-up.
3) a realization on the part of local health
authorities that sound and fury are only
the accompaniments of action and not sub-
stitutes for it.
-Zander Hollander

Election Trend
THE RESULTS OF last Tuesday's elections
in many major American cities makes it
apparent that the voters are highly aroused
over the issue of official corruption.
In New York, Rudolph Halley, with only
splinter party support, was able to wrest
the coveted position of President of the
City Council from the powerful local Dem-
ocratic political machine-Tammany Hall.
Halley was legal prosecutor for the Senate
Crime Committee which uncovered evidence
that could indicate a linkage between high
municipal officials in New York and under-
world figures.
In Philadelphia, a team of Democrats,
Joseph Clark and Richard Dilworth. beat the
local Republican machine and a sixty-seven
year-old voting precedent when they cap-
tured the posts of Mayor and District At-
torney of that city. Throughout its long
years of Republican regimes, Philadelphia
had received the deserved reputation of be-
ing "corrupt and contented." For many Clark
and Dilworth had been attempting to per-
suade the Republicans to clean out City Hall.
The principle plank in their platform was,
like Halley's in New York, opposition to off i-
cial corruption.
One more significant blow was dealt to
political crime in Boston where James M.
Curley, one-time all-powerful boss of a
controlling, grafting political machine was
forced to withdraw from the mayorality
race because of lack of popular support.
The results of each of these elections show
well-entrenched political organizations suf-
fering substantial defeats because of their
questionable honesty. It appears that Am-
erican voters are determined to lick offi-
cial corruption. Whether this determination
will make itself felt in future elections is a
big 'if' in American politics today.
-David J. Kornbluh

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Now If That Fellow Runs-



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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
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CAIRO-It is absolutely hopeless to try to
arrange with the present Egyptian gov-
ernment any kind of compromise settlement
of the menacing crisis here. To understand
why, it is necessary to know something of
the interesting cast of characters in the
strange, sullen drama which is being played
out here.
The first player in the drama is the
Prime Minister, Nahas Pasha, an agile,
leathery man in his later seventies, with
an energy and shrewdness remarkable in
a man of his age, and an odd personal
charm. As one of the founders of the
Egyptian independence movement, Nahas
Pasha has a perfectly genuine prestige in
Egypt. But if only because of his age, the
key figures in Nahas Pashas Waafdist
party (which once had something of the
drive of most revolutionary movements,
but has now become a haven of corruption
and a convenient vehicle for the tiny rul-
ing class) 'are two younger men.
One of these is the Minister of the Interior,
Serag el Din Pasha, who looks like a Middle
Eastern version of Thomas E. Dewey. He is
the party boss and patronage dispenser, and
the heir apparent of Nahas Pasha. Although,
with the obvious intention of sending shivers
up American spines, Serag el Din has been
making vague gestures in the direction of
Moscow and the Communists, he is account-
ed a conservative, like most party bosses. It
was Serag el Din who some days ago clamp-
ed down hard on the street mobs, including
the present state of sullen, explosive calm in
Cairo and Alexandria. He derives his real
political strength from the Pashas who fi-
nance the Waafdist party, and who have no
interest in seeing the mobs get out of hand.
SALAH EL DIN, the Foreign Minister, who
also wishes to succeed Nahas Pasha, is
called "a prisoner of the streets," for he de-
rives his power from the mobs rather than
the Pashas. With a large, smiling mouth and
filmed, expressionless eyes, he looks like a
smaller version of Othello in the old Shakes-
Peare prints, and he is accounted both per-
sonally honest and fanatically ambitious. All
three of these men are publicly and ines-
capably committed to the evacuation of all
British troops from the Canal Zone as a
precondition to any sort of settlement.
Nahas Pasha, in an interview with this
reporter, seemed to modify this position,
saying only that evacuation would "create
a better atmosphere" for defense discus-
New Books at the Library
Algren, Nelson-Chicago: City on the
Make. New York, Doubleday & Company,
Inc., 1951.

sions. But in fact this government is trap.
ped by its own extremism, and incapable
of any real compromise. They are commit-
ted to getting the British out and at once.
And the British are simply not going to
get out, if only because the whole Middle
East would then be left nakedly-defense-
Moreover, it would obviously be insane for
the British, or the Americans for that mat-
ter, to reward a government which has kick-
ed the Western powers in the teeth, by talk-
ing compromise. Therefore, for the time be-
ing, the only thing to do is to stick it out,
which the British are perfectly capable of
doing. But here there enters the real dif-
ference between Serag el Din and his rival
Salah el Din, a most important difference.
Because he controls the Waafdist party
machinery, Serag el Din can afford to be
patient. For Salah el Din, this is the last
chance. He has never held top office be-
fore. He owes his present post to the pa-
tronage of the aging Nahas (whose secre-
tary he was) and to his popularity with
street mobs, which he has won by taking
consistently the most extreme position
against the British.
It is therefore believed that in the final
crisis which is rapidly overtaking the govern-
ment, Salah el Din will favor unleashing the
mobs. If the mobs really got out of hand, the
British would retake Cairo and Alexandria in
a matter of hours. Salah el Din could then
become either a national martyr (he has the
temperament for martyrdom) or the leader
of the national resistance, probably in alli-
ance with the fanatical Moslem brotherhood
or even the Communists. In such circum-
stances the Communists, not an important
factor now, would soon become so.
* * *
FOR THE IMMEDIATE future, mob vio-
lence is the real, the terrible danger
here. Total, bloody chaos in the great cities
of Egypt, followed by a British reoccupation
of Cairo and Alexandria, would spell poli-
tical disaster for Western interests through-
out the Moslem world, with consequences al-
most too appalling to contemplate.
And it is here that the fourth character
in this Eyyptian drama enters-King Far-
ouk. Despite his capricious affections and
love of the gaming table, Farouk is given
credit for courage and decision in a time
of crisis. Obviously, a final crisis is on the
way here. As the lease of life which the
government bought by defying the British
runs out, the government will have to de-
cide whether to force the issue by letting
loose the mobs.
When this time comes, bold, shrewdly

AS ITS SECOND production of the new
season, the Arts Theatre Club last night
presented The Knight of the Burning Pestle,
by Beaumont and Fletcher, a comedy which
was probably first acted as early as 1607.
In this play, which combines burlesque, sa-
tire, parody, and sheer broad farce, we
watch a London company present "The Lon-
don Merchant," at the same time that we
watch a cockney grocer and his wife make
life miserable for the players by their well-
meant and fervernt directions for adding in-
terest to the play. The cockney couple suc-
ceed in thrusting their apprentice, Ralph,
into the play, and for them-as for us, but
for different reasons-interest is most read-
ily aroused by watching Ralph's valiant
struggle with the heroics demanded by his
part. The play-within-the-play itself pre-
sents a complication of plot that has to be
seen to be believed: "Where be we now,
child," Mrs. Merrythought asks her son
early in the play, and I for my part scarcely
ceased to echo her question to myself from
that moment on. But we always know
where we are with the cockney spectators,
nicely and comfortably done by Sonya Raimi
and Strowan Robertson, and we also know
where we are with Ralph, whose long, taxing
role is done with quite marvelous force and
variety by Don Douglas, new to the com-
pany this year and obviously a first-rate
addition to their strength.
The Knight of the Burning Pestle has
of course an established reputation as a
classic of English comedy, and all the
handbooks and histories say pleasant
things about it. Nevertheless I think one
realizes as one reads it that in a modern
performance as much is going to be owed
to the director and performers as is owed
to the authors. To a modern audience, as
distinguished from the scholarly reader,
certain of the objects of the burlesque and
satire are hopelessly buried by time, and
humorous interest must be maintained
by other means. This situation ofen re-
sults in a production which is a perfect
wilderness of the most nauseous drollery,
and the present production is by no means
free of Olsen and Johnson tactics, false
noses, and rather frightful ad hoc jovial-
ity. Granted all this, however, the group
has made of the play an occasion to
display a very wide range of comic tech-
nique, both of direction and acting, and
although I sometimes feel that I myself
get rather less out of an evening of hil-
arious theatrical knockabout than most
of my neighbors seem to be getting, one's
total impression is of a warm, genial en-
tertainment which has its moment of
genuinely high style.
Virtually all the company seems to be
involved, and there are some other fine
performances besides those already men-
tioned. Dana Elcar, who has shown the
depth and poise which he is able to bring
to serious roles, adds here a comic role
which is the funniest in the play, Robert
Laning also exhibits a lightness of touch
which we might not have expected possible
from watching him in The Sulky Fire. Paula
Karell, as the heroine of The London Mer-
chant, is extremely lovely to look at, and

East Germany .. .
To the Editor:
MR. FRANK NORMAN writes of
our "glorified impression of
conditions behind the iron cur-
tain." He states, "Nor did the peo-
ple (East Germans) whom I met
speak of material abundance or
personal freedom." Mr. Smale and
I make no extravagant claims
about intimate knowledge of East-
ern conditions. In the process of
theatregoing, watching parades,
and shopping we met a great num-
ber of East European youth and
East Germans of every age. These
people seemed to be quite open,
friendly and sincere, even occa-
sionally willing to criticize their
governments. Narration of this fact
is as close as we came to claims of
"personal freedom."'
Concerning material progress
Mr. Smalh said in his speech to the
Young Progressives, "-the stand-
ard of living in the Eastern zone
of Germany, although rising faster
than in the West, is still below that
of the West." What was pointed
out at the YP meeting is that the
rate of increase of production, in
general, is much higher in the East
than in the West. With perhaps
Germany excepted, Eastern Euro-
pean countries far outstrip West-
ern European countries in per-
centage of postwar production over
prewar, although perhaps not al-
ways in total volume. For example
figures can be quoted from the
United Nations Bulletin of Statis-
tics for production in Dec. 1950 as
compared with 1937. Some of them
are: France 122%, Italy 129%, Po-
land 26%.
The question of religious free-
dom in the East remains highly
controversial. I was personally
quite surprised to find out that one
of the three leading parties active
in the East German government is
a Christian-Democratic party.
-Vincent E. Giuliano
The Stars & Bars .. .
To the Editor:
ners will agree that the Lost
Cause was better lost and that it
was for the best that the Union
survived. The present fad of dis-
playing the Conferedate Battle
Flag, mostly by Yankees, can
therefore certainly not be the in-
dication of a revival of slavery, re-
bellion or disunity as inferred by
Mr. Recker. If he insists upon
finding a deep reason for this dis-
play (and what fad ever had a rea-
son?), perhaps we can call it the
unconscious deep freezes, undue
Iinfluence in the RFC, and all the
socialistic plans of the Truman
I agree with Messrs. Goldstein,
Loring and Martin that critics of
the South should review a little of
the history of that section. I res-
pecfully suggest they begin with
that twelve years of Hell that
started April 9, 1865, under the di-
rectorship of Thaddeus Stevens,
who paid no more addition to the
moderation desired by President
Johnson than to the ideas of his
But Messrs. Goldstein, Loring
and Martin weed a lesson in his-
tory also, and it is all the more la-
mentable since they are apparent-
ly Southerners themselves. The

flag in question, gentlemen, is the
Confederate Battle Flag, which
never had any official status in the
South. The Stars and Bars was the
1861 flag containing three bars of
red and white and a circle of seven
white stars on a blue union.
-F. R. Scott
Recker's Answer ...
To the Editor:
S WAS expected, those who are
interested in reestablishing
the Confederacy as some sort of
an entity have been smoked out.-
However, in true McCarthy-esque
fashion theytry to cloud the issue
and claim that by denouncing their
activities I myself am responsible
for a "breach." Nothing is farther,
from the truth. The Confederate
flag represents a division. I oppose
the Confederate flag, therefore I
oppose the division.
Actually my sympathies are with
people of the southernmost states.
I join in denouncing Sherman as
a blackguard. I admire the women
of Vicksburg who decorate the
graves of Civil War veterans. I
would admire them if they decor-
ated only the graves of Confeder-
ate veterans. But I do not admire
the faction of southerners, and
northerners, too, who flaunt their
flag at the United States and say,
in effect, "We are above your laws,
we have no need of your civil
To me the Stars and Bars must
connote a desire for slavery. Who
can say that this desire was not
the underlying cause of the Civil
War? And even now, the so-called
"surface" issue, states' rights, is
used by southern senators to keep
the Negro race in a subordinate
position. For that reason I find
that flag distasteful.
Because I cannot recognize its
existence as such I do not hate
the South. Those persons who
would resurrect it and wave the
symbol of its resurrection should
have expected opposition from
those whose symbol is the Stars
and Stripes. This is one nation
with one flag. Those who would
have two flags cause the friction,
no one else.
-Charles Recker
Southern Slogans . *..
To the Editor:
[T SEEMS that if you criticize
the South, the Southerner will
invariably reply, "What do you
know, you've never been there, go
there and find out what a para-
dise on earth it is." If you go there
and still criticize it he'll say,
"Look, we live there, you had a
glimpse of it. we know the place
better than you." Finally if you
say, as in my case, "Well, I've
lived there for twenty years and
finally moved because I couldn't
stand the atmosphere of the
place," the Southerner replys,
"You're a traitor."
You see, the Southerner always
has some rationalization to ans-
wer any criticism of his region.
You say, "What about the poll tax
which disenfranchises the majority
of the population of many South-
ern States (more poor whites than
Negroes), an obviously undemocra-
tic institution in a democratic
country." The Southerner replys,
"If the North will leave us alone

The Daily Official Bulletin is anI
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
2552 Administration Building before
we'll eventually become democra-
tic, it's a slow gradual process, tak-
ing a lot of time." Time. When will
the South become democratic? It's
86 years since the Civil War, shall
we wait another 86 years for the
South to gain democratic insti-
-Porky Jackson
* *' *
Peace Group ...
To the Editor:
THE RECENTLY organized So-
ciety for Peaceful Alternatives
has started in an aura of rather
questionable publicity. Confusing
editorial slant with objective re-
porting, the story in this morn-
ing's Daily (Friday) lays unneces-
sary emphasis on the fact that two
of our members had attended the
Communist-sponsored youth rally
in Berlin last summer-an event
which never once was even men-
tioned at last night's meeting.
It is a sad commentary on the
state of hysteria among our own
populace when it takes a couple
of students in part inspired by an
impression received in East Ger-
many to arrange organization of a
peace committee on this campus.
It Is more important, though, to
observe the refusal to be intimi-
dated by "guilt by association"
when so many who fail to be in-
spired at all by the Communist
line support such an organization-
al meeting by their attendance,
heir membership, and their will-
ingness to serve in office.
Most of us who plan to work,
as long as we can do so in good
faith, in and for the SPA abhor the
perversion of man's spiritual and
biological nature which Commun-
ism represents. However, we do not
therefore feel that civilization
need be annihilated on the battle-
field. We maintain that there are
other ways to settle problems-
ways that will better capture the
vision of more of the world's peo-
We are determined that it is our
duty to explore those ways. We
invite all those who share our
faith that war is not inevitable
to join with us in our search for
means that are more moral, more
practical, and more in accord with
the ends sought.
-Ed Voss
EDITOR'SNOTE: The fact that the
Society's two organizers attended the
East Berlin Peace Conference is more
pertinenththantslanted. And men-
tioning this fact in the eighth para-
graph cannot be regarded as empha-
sis of any sort.
* * *
Briley's Reply .. .
To the Editor:
SINCE I have kno .. brother,
John Briley, for 24 years, I
have good reason to support Mr.
Davidson's move to improve cam-
pus morals by shutting Briley up!
I hope it will not be considered
immodest of me as a member of
the family to point out that Mr.
Davidson erred in accusing John of
blasting only Hollywood in his Mc-
Carthy-like broadside. If Mr. Da-
vidson will check, he will find that
John also included the comics, TV
and radio soap operas in his ignor-
ant and falsified attack.
I agree with Mr. Davidson that
Miss Grable can do many things
that she does not do in the films, a
point John neglected entirely. I
also appreciate, along with Mr.
Davidson, the way Miss Grable
displays her "humility."

Furthermore, I happen to know
that John acquired his knowledge
of the "bumps and grinds" at a'
certain infamous spot on Wood-
ward Avenue and not from Betty
Grable, though I must confess that
in his ignorance he makes quite a
case for the similarity of the per-
I also find it very refreshing and
liberal to find someone accusing
an opponent of McCarthyism in-
stead of Communism. Mr. David-
son is to be commended for his
-James Briley
1 J E SHOULD behave toward our
country as women behave to-
ward the men they love. A loving
wife will do anything for her hus-
band except trying to improve him.
We should cast the same affec-
tionate but sharp glance at our
country. We should love it, but al-
so insist upon telling it all its
faults. The noisy, empty "patriot,"
not the critic, is the dangerous
-J. B. Priestley,
Rain Upon Godshill (Harper)

3 p.m. the day preceding publication
(11 a.m. on Saturday).
Attention Women Students: Lateness-
es, owing to the past Arts Theater per-
formances. are excused. In the future,
late permission must be obtained from
individual house mothers beforehand
for Arts Theater or any other function
which is not recognized as a University
Judiciary Council
Activities sponsored by student or-
ganizations, including social events;
must be calendaied to take place before
the tenth day prior to the beginning of
a final examination period. Final ex-
aminations for the present semester be-
gin January 21.
Social chairmen of student organiza-
tions are reminded that requests for
approval for social events are due in
the Office of Student Affairs not later
than 12 oclock noon on the Monday
prior to the event.
Personnel Intervies:
Tuesday, Nov. 13, a representative of
the Connecticut General Life Insurance
Company of Hartford, Conn., will be
interviewing men for their home office
training program.
For appointments, contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
Academic Notices
Game Theory Seminar: Monday.
Nov. 12, 7:30 p.m., Room 3001, Angell
Hall. Professor Suits wil speak.
Events Today
Music School Student Council meet-
ing, at 11 a.m., room 404. Burton Tower.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group,
Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m. Rev. Henry Yo-
der, of the Lutheran Student Associa-
tion, will tell of his experiences with
the change of the church in Russian-
occupied Europe. Phone Lane Hall for
Canterbury Club: work party for all
beginning at 1:30 p.m. Dress Infor-
Coming Eveiis
Women's Glee Club: Rehearsal Sun-
day, Nov. 11, 3:00-4:15 p.m. Attendance
will be taken.
Graduate History Club: Monday, Nov.
12, 8 1.m. East Conference Room,
Rackhaj. Panel discussion on Per-
iodization in History. Refreshments.
Sunday Night Co-Ed Record Concert
(8:30-10:00 p.m.) Program: Ippolitow-
Caucasian Sketches (Boston Sym-
phony); Franck-Symphonic variations
(Gieseking); Beethoven-Symphony No.
6. All concerts in League Library.
Hillel: Supper Club and Mixer will
be held at the Zeta Beta Tau House,
2006 wahstenaw, Sunday, Nov. 11. A
cost supper wu.i be served 5:30-7:00 p.m.,
followed by the Mixer.
U-M Hot Record Society: Program
in the League Sunday, Nov. 11, 8 p.m.
Everyone invited.
Inter-Arts Union: Folk Dancing at
8:00 p.m., Sunday, League Ball Room.
Everyone is welcome.
HAVE A real reserve with every-
body and a seeming reserve
withbalmost nobody; for it is very
disagreeable to seem reserved, but
dangerous not to be so.
-Lord Chesterfield






Sixty-Second Year
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