See Page 2
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Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LXII No. 41
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U.S. Urges
Arms Talks
Russians Silent
On Jessup's Plea
PARIS-(AP)-The United States
urged Soviet Russia yesterday to
enter disarmament talks immed-
iately in the sixth UN General As-
sembly instead of waiting for de-
velopment of a Russian-proposed
world conference outside the UN.
The Russians were silent on the
call, issued by U.S. Ambassador
Philip C. Jessup at a special news
Some leading delegates expressed
shock and amazement that Soviet
Foreign Minister Andrei Y. Vishin-
sky chose to laugh off the arms
limitation plan proposed Thursday
by the United States, Britain and
v France.
AT THE same time, Yugoslavia
charged the Russians and their
satellites have been exercising ag-
gressive pressure against the Yugo-
Premier Marshal Tito's Com-
munist nation submitted a memor-
andum to the assembly saying the
pressure was exerted "for the pur-
pose of encroaching upon her sov-
ereignty and threatening her ter.
ritorial integrity and national in-
dependence." The Yugoslavs ask-
ed a UN investigation.
The Assembly's general debate
continued with speeches from
some countries allied with tle
Big Three position on arms limi-
tation. The Russian bloc held
its fire until next week. It was
known, however, the Russians
were studying with interest the
official and press reaction around
the world to Vishinsky's speech.
Vishinsky proposed that the
arms conference meet as soon as
possible, but in any event before
June 1, 1952.
The Assembly has adjourned the
general debate until Monday.
Strange Light
Seen in East
t MIDDLETOWN, N.Y. - (A) -
Scores of New Yorkers reported
seeing a strange light streaking
across the sky late yesterday af-
Reports described it variously as
"a ball of fire," a reddish "streak
of fire," and a "pink streak" high
in the sky that took a few minutes
to pass from east to west.
served over a 20-mile area from
Middletown to Port Jervis, N.Y.
where police said an object with a
bright head, leaving a trail was
seen for about three minutes, van-
ishing in the direction of Scran-
ton, Pa.
Meteorological and aeronautical
sources in New York had no ex-
World News
'U'Assets Reach Body Set Up
BiI Ect in
'Record Amount
Twelve Million Dollar Increase
over Last Year Shown by Report
The total assets of the University have jumped to the dazzling
figure of $147,579,272-highest in the history of this institution.
According to the 1950-51 University financial report, released
yesterday, the University's assets represent an increase of almost
$12,000,000 over the 1949-50 year. The increase has been chiefly due
to the large number of donations and bequests granted the University.
THE TOTAL income of the University was recorded as $41,997,059,
an increase of $4,087,398, while total expenses were placed at $39,-,
_ -- -839,152, a corresponding increase
of $2,312,449.
K Most of the difference between
the income and expenditure is be-
ing held in reserve for trust fundsI
W Ilif and research.
y. -i /IA (
Council VoteE
To Study Ethics
In College Sport
The American Council on Edu-
cation turned its spotlight on the $
"ethical lapses" of big-time col-
lege athletics yesterday as it an- :
nounced the appointment of Mich
igan State College President Johnx
A. Hannah to head a special in
vestigating committee.
Council on Education President
Arthur S. Adams announced the
appointment of President Hannah,
and nine other college-president;
committee members to the coin
mittee, from Washington.y
* * *
THE OTHER members are: -iay-MaiColm San
The Rev. Father John J. Cavan- ELECTION PREPARATIONS-Steve Qua, '54E, of the ROTC Sig-
augh, of Notre Dame; Whitney nal Corps, strings telephone wire in preparation for the all-campus
Griswold, of Yale; Raymond B. elections next Wednesday and Thursday. A network of six Army
Allen, of the University of Wash- field phones will. keep polling stations on campus in ,touch with
ington; R. G. Gustavson, of Ne- each other.
braska; John S. Mills, of Western --__
Reserve; Umphrey Lee, of South-
ern Methodist; John L. Plyer, of JET BATTLES RAGE:
Furman; Albert Ray Olpin. of
olverines Look
For Fourth Win
Big Red Out To Break Loss Skein;
Zatkoff Not Expected To See Action
Associate Sports Editor
ITHACA-(Special)-The Big Red of Cornell will attempt to
make it three straight for Michigan's non-Big Ten rivals as the two
teams battle here for the first time since 1916.
The game is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. at Schoelkopf Field, with
a. crowd of 35,300 looking on.
CORNELL, losers of their last two football games, will be out
to continue the jinx intersectional contests have had for the Wolver-
ines this season. Michigan lost to both Michigan State and Stanford,
its trio of victories coming ink-----
Western Conference play.
The Big Red lost a runaway to
Princeton two weeks ago, 53-15,
and then absorbed a squeaker loss
from Columbia, 21-20, last Sat-
Michigan goes into the game
in fair condition, but the Wol-
verines may be without the ser-
vices of Lowell Perry, a key man
in the offense at left end. Perry
injured his ankle against Illi-
nois and is far from top play-
ing form.
The defense will in all likelihood
be without the services of Roger
Zatkoff, linebacker and signal-call-
er, who also sustained an injury in
the snowbound 7-0 loss at Cham-
WEATHER could be a prime fac-
tor in this game too. Although the
good green East' is devoid of snow,
at least around this center of
11n Murder
A 19-year-old minister's son,
who collected $500 for putting
police on the trail of three youths
now standing trial for first degree
murder, will take the Circuit
Court witness stand this morning.
Daniel Baughey, a tall, slender
Ypsilanti college student, yester-
day won a chance to play a prom-
inent role in the nationally pub-
licized proceedings after an after-
noon of legal wrangling over his
right to testify.
- .
ALTHOUGH defense attorneys
for William L. Morey, III, Jacob
Max Pell and David L. Royal rest-
ed their case early yesterday after-
noon, Prosecutor Douglas K. Read-
ing insisted that Baughey be put
on the stand as the first in a
parade offive surprise witnesses
for the state.
Defense objections on the
grounds that the witnesses were
not listed on Reading's original
information were dismissed fby
Circuit Judge James R. Breakey,
Statements from Baughey and
Dr. O. R. Yoder, medical superin-
tendent of Ypsilanti State Hospi-
tal, promise to highlight the tenth
day of testimony concerning the
Sept. 16 mallet-slaying of Nurse
Pauline A. Campbell.
Arrest of the defendants followed
a tip from Baughey that Morey
and Pell had slugged another
nurse five days before Miss Camp-
bell's death. Under questioning by
police, the two Ypsilanti pals con-
fessed to the Campbell murder and
implicated Royal in the fatal club-
* * *
ROYALJ, who was on the stand
all day Thursday, finally admitted
under cross-examination yester-
day morning that he "helped"
Morey and Pell in the robbery-
slaying. .However, he repeatedly
refused to say he carried out his
role willingly.
After Reading sat down exas-
perated following the marathon
cross-fire, a pretty, 16-year-old
Ann Arbor High School senior
took the spotlight as the defense
continued its battle to prove that
the trio was too intoxicated to
fully account for the brutal mur-
Diana Pfabe, Morey's date on
the night he allegedly crushed Miss
Campbell's skull with a hard-rub-
ber mallet, testified the handsome
Michigan State Normal College
freshman told her he had drunk
nine bottles of beer before she re-
turned home.
See ROYAL, Page 4
7 'n . _ .
The 1950-51 General Fund,
which provides monies for basic
teaching, research and public
service activities, student ad-
visory services, th general bus-
iness operations, and the reg-
ular maintenance of plant faci-
lities stood at $19,765,672-an
increase of only $902,831.
Expenses of the General Fund-
$19,670,378 - also increased by
$661,479. The General Fund is
supported by student fees, the
state appropriation, interest on a
federal land grant, and other
* * *
TRUST FUNDS and research
projects were responsible for the
biggest income increases for ' the
last fiscal year, bringing in $8,-
431,816 compared to $5,895,434 for
the previous year.
This more than $2,500,000 in-
crease is due to an expanded
research program and Phoenix
Project gifts. Expenses in this
field were $6,983,513.
At present, the total trust fund
stands at $26,989,022, with $19,-
843,745 of it from endowment
TWO SOURCES of income,
however, reported rather marked
drops. Publications, athletics, and
other student activities brought in
$2,985,823 as compared with $3,-
055,244 the previous year.
The income of student publi-!
cations increased slightly, but
the Michigan Union, the Michi-
gan League, and athletics in-
come dropped off, reportedly
due to a smaller enrollment.
The income of the Food Service,
laundry and Willow Run Airport-
recorded as $354,261-dropped by
$115,374. The previous year's in-
come was $469,636.
and other medical facilities report-
ed a $7,191,211 income.
Due to higher rates, the in-
come from residence halls was
$3,549,605, an increase of $107,-
565; but much of this was ab-
sorbed by increased operating
costs when expenses jumped to
A grand amount of $27,557,120
was paid in 1950-51 in wages and
salaries and another $1,009,825
went for retirement and group in-
surance payments. Student loan
funds totaled $770,513.
Utah, and John D. Williams, of
Lashing at recent "ethical
lapses" at many institutions, the
resolution setting up the clean-
up group warned that such acts
threaten the integrity of all
Ridgway, Joy Discuss
Kaesong Truce Problem
colleges and universities
Committee Chairman Hannah,
interviewed yesterday, affirmed
his faith in the basic cleanness
of inter-school sport.
"I believe there is much good
in inter-collegiate athletics," Pres-
ident Hannah declared. "Our job
wil be to save what is good and!
take out what is evil."
* * *
Cavanaugh, visiting Hannah on
the eve of the Notre Dame-MSC
clash, gave strong support to the
concept of an extended athletic
"We are not fanatics about ath-
letics at Notre Dame,"' Father
Cavanaugh insisted, "But we be-
lieve that courage, loyalty and
spirit can be developed better by
a virile athletic program than any
other way.
"Some of those super-intel-
lectuals entrusted with manag-
ing our relations with other
countries would do a better job
if they had more courage and
the will to win."
While most University athletic
officials were in Ithaca last night
and could not be reached for com-
ment, Prof. Ralph Aigler, the
University's representative to the
Big Ten Conference, welcomed the
formation of the committee.
"More power to them," Prof.
Aigler asserted. "I hope they
come here-we'd be glad to have
Prof. Aigler said that he had
received no previous notice of
either the establishment of the
special committee or the manag-
ing of Presider t Hannah to head
it. He declindd to comment on
the MSC president's appointment.
The Council has 979 member
schools and includes the Univer-
MUNSAN, Korea-()-Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway and Allied cease-
fire negotiators conferred here today, reportedly on the .problem of
Kaesong, as two jet battles featured the Korean fighting yesterday.
The Allied Supreme Commander met with Adm. C. Turner Joy,
head of the UN delegation, as Communist and Allied subcommittees
returned to the weather-stained tent at Panmunjom for another:
attempt to reach agreement on a cease-fire line.
The session began at 11 a.m. (9 p.m.,Ann Arbor time yesterday).
RIDGWAY FLEW to Korea Thursday (Japan time), one day be-
fore the Soviet Union proposed b
Goal May Be
Scaled Down
WASHINGTON--{P)-A scaling
down of western Europe's master
defense plan is in prospect, Ad-
ministration officials reported yes-
They said economic problems
facing the North Atlantic Treaty
nations made it highly doubtful
that they would be able to reach
the target of 90 divisions, fully
equipped, by the middle of 1954.
WITH ADEQUATE air' and na-
val support, military planners
figure an international army of
90 divisions could cope with any
full-scale invasion of Western
It is almost certain, the Wash-
ington sources added, that a spe-
cial committee of the North Atlan-
tic Treaty Organization (NATO)
will recommend a downward revi-
sion of the master plan
Details of the revision have not
been disclosed, but they are ex-
pected to follow the line recom-
mended by Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower during his Washington vis-
it earlier this week.!
efore the United Nations General
Assembly in Paris a plan calling
for Allied withdrawal from the
38th parallel and eventually from1
Korea itself.
There has been no official dis-
closure as to why Ridgway flew
to Munsan. However, it was un-
derstood at his Tokyo Headquar-
ters that the Kaesong problem
was high on the agenda.
The site of earlier futile armis-
tice negotiations, three miles south
of parallel 38, Kaesong is one of
the main obstacles to agreement on
a cease-fire line.
MEANWHILE cold weather slow-
ed action on the ground as in the
first of the dogfights, the fifth Air
Force reported 19 F-80 shooting
stars took on 30 MIGS, downing
two and damaging three, without
losses of their own. The victory
was considered remarkable, since
the slower shooting stars are re-
garded as a poor match foil'MIGS,
especially when outnumbered.
In the second clash 33 American
F-86 sabre jets tangled with 20
MIGS. They were credited with
downing one and damaging one,
also without loss. It was one of
the few times the American jets
have outnumbered the Reds.
In weather that was clear but
as cold as 17 degrees above Fah-
renheit, most infantrymen on
both sides stayed in their foxholes
and tried to keep warm.
Starting Lineups
Perry .......LE..... Cliggott
Johnson ....LT..... Metzler
Kinyon . LG......Taylor
O'Shaughnessy C.........Leo
Wolter .....RG......Vitale
Bennett .....RT....... Pyott
Putich ......LH........ Hull
Bradford .... H.....Whelan
Peterson ....FB.. Seidenberg
The game will be broadcast
over WWJ and WPAG at 1:15
p.m. and WHRV and WUOM
at 1:30, p.m.
learning, possible snowfall early
today could turn the contest into
another kicking drill.
Michigan has been concen-
trating on punting all week, with
that factor in the game an im-
portant one in snowy weather.
Cornell cannot be taken too
lightly by the Wolverines, regard-
less of the two successive defeats.
Coach Bennie Oosterbaan has cau-
tioned his squad that a letdown
against the Big Red could mean
a letdown all the way against
Northwestern and Ohio State, the
remaining conference opponents.
The Cornell attack is featured
by Rocco Calvo, a smooth-working
quarterback out of the 'T', who has
completed 35 of 68 passes for 657
yards and five touchdowns.
FULLBACK Hal Seidenberg and
halfback Whelan Stumerz have
See SNOW, Page 3
Argentine niot
ClimaxesRall y
BUENOS AIRES - (R) - Argen-
tina's presidential election cam-
paigning came to a climax with.
a blaze of gunfire and brickbat
throwing here yesterday.
There were general predictions
that President Juan D. Peron will
win a new six-year term in the
election Sunday, but the opposition
did not give up hope.
Police Arrest 14
In Gambling, Raid
End 22 Day
Dock Strike
NEW YORK-()-Rebel ste re-
dores ended a billion dollar tieup
of East coast docks yesterday'
streaming back to work to the
shrill pipe of whistles.
The wildcat strike-longest and
costliest ever on the New York
waterfront-began 27 days ago as
a revolt against a new contract. It
quickly spread to Boston.
More than 20,000 AFL longshor -
men and over 130 ships were idle
at the peak of the strike, as pick-
ets roved miles of ghostly, deserted
RAILROAD men said it prob-
ably will be a week before a log-
Jam of piled up exports across the
nation gets moving normally.
A state fact-finding board
with persuasion as its only wea-
pon-was praised by harassed
shippers for its part in bringing
peace to the largest port in the
It got the rebel dockers to go
back to the piers with their griev-
ances still unsettled. The board
promised to hear them out, and
offer its recommendations later.
after city, state and Federal media-
tors got nowhere, and after strikers
turned down a back-to-work ap-
peal by President Truman.
State Industrial Commissioner
Edward Corsi set up the three-
man fact finding board under
state law.,
The board had no powers of its
own to end the strike. The best it
could do was take evidence and
make recommendations on thehot-
ly disputed longshoremen's wage
Piers were humming at a pre-
strike pace by midday yesterday,
A new contract between the AFL
International Longshoremen's As-
sociation and East Coast Shippers
sparked the wildcat strike Oct. 15.
To Hear Talks
On Horsemeat
Local restaurant owners will see
some strictly legal horsemeat Tues-
day when Dr. George E. Bowler,
city veterinarian, will conduct a
"meat education" program.
The owners, members of the Ann
Arbor Restaurant Association, will
also discuss problems arising from
price controls. Following the spe-
cial programs, which will begin at
8 p.m. at the Michigan Consolidat-
ed Gas Co.'s building on East Hur-
on, the restaurant association will
hold its regular meeting.
THE HORSEMEAT lectures fol-
low the apprehension in Detroit
of a meat-trucker who admitted
making several horse meat deliver-
ies to restaurants in Ann Arbor and
Students Flock To Make Trailer Trip with Coeds
f y The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Rep. Byrnes
(R-Wis.) proposed yesterday that
President Truman be asked to
open up Justice Department files
frT-mio ircf.ion n n nnr rn
A classified advertisement in
yesterday's Daily caused an ava-'
lanche of phone calls on two un-
G susbectina' TTnivervity t.'T i"h
live. The callers were students of
all ages, including two lawyers
from Michigan State Normal Col-
lege in Ypsilanti.
out to be retaliation for a practi-
cal joke the two women had played
on two Uniyersity students, Ray
Slavin . '5 ,adJerry Helfenbein.
Daily from Mary Ellin McCrady,
'51, a sociology student, who want-
ed one female and two male com-
panions for a raft trip down the
Mississippi River.
1 ,