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November 09, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-09

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has again turned into a propaganda for-
um for the cold war. Momentarily it seemed
that the Assembly might this time provide
a place of settlement for the world protag-
That fleet moment came Wednesday when
the Big Three proposed a world arms in-
spection and limitation, which would in-
clude outlawing atomic weapons.
This move had been expected. And a Rus-
sian reply in the negative was also expected;
but delegates somewhat wishfully hoped they
were wrong. The reply was soon forthcoming.
In his haste, Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
Y. Vishinsky even tried to get permission to
speak ahead of Dean Acheson. Then he had
a good laugh about the proposal. "I couldn't
sleep last night from laughing at the disarm-
ament proposal. Even here on the rostrum I
cannot help but laugh at this Western pro-
But he was the only one laughing. To the
rest of the UN representatives his answer
meant the continuation of the East-West
propaganda struggle. It meant a contin-
ued subordination of the principles of the
United Nations to nationalistic bickering.
Disagreement on settlement of the arms
race is now mainly important because it
means a split in the current session of the
Assembly. But the end of international re-
armament is itself a key step to putting the
world at rest.
Basically the Western proposal was sincere.
The United States, far ahead in stockpiling
atomic weapons, is ready to turn the develop-
ment of atomic energy over to an interna-
tional authority. However, the West stipu-
lated that serious work on disarmament can-
not begin until the Korean war is settled.
Russia said the same, only noted that UN
forces withdraw beyond the 38th parallel
and, after a brief stop to collect their bag-
gage, get out of Korea.
The Soviet disarmament plan is to hold
an international conference on the problem.
They no doubt plan to use this as nothing
more than another propaganda forum.
Russia, in rejecting the Western pro-
posal, has in effect rejected solving the
arms problem through the UN. It doubts
that this is the organization to handle
such issues. And it is evident that even if
the Assembly adopted the Anglo-French-
American program, Russia could not be
forced to comply with inspection and lim-
itations of her military power.
So the Assembly will continue to argue in
circles, and the international situation will
go on in the same way. Soviet insincerity
makes the whole thing seem pretty hopeless.
Perhaps the West should give in once again
and attend a general disarmament confer..
ence even though it would porbably end in
another word battle. This would weaken the
UN, but present usage of that body is doing
that anyway.
-Vernon Emerson
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Vatican Conclusions

WASHINGTON-President Truman's sen-
sational appointment of Gen. Mark
Clark as Ambassador to Vatican State has
receded from the front pages but not from
the intimate discussions of politicians and
With considerable care these circles have
been piecing together the known facts
and their own private reports of action andj
reaction here and abroad. As a result cer-
tain conclusions are now generally held.
Foremost among them is that General
Clark personally will never serve as Am-
bassador to Vatican State and that the Va-
tican is better pleased to have it so since the
General was insisting upon coming as a
military man in full possession of his rank
and emoluments.
Another is that if President Truman per-
sists in selling his proposed diplomatic in-
novation as part of the Western alliance
against Communism, he will embarrass the
Vatican to the point where the new rela-
tionship will start amid a confusion 'of pur-
poses. Yet Truman is only stressing the main
grounds upon which U.S. Protestants are
being asked to subdue their fears of a breach
in the principle of separation of church and
One irony of General Clark's situation is
that it makes strange bedfellows of the
Pope and Sen. Tom Connally of Texas,
chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee. Senator Connally's stated
grounds for opposition is that General
Clark uselessly slaughtered the Texas Na-
tional Guard Division in the Italian cam-
paign; of course he also remembers that
Texas voted Republican in 1928 when Al
Smith, a Catholic, was the Democratic
candidate for president.
The frankest dispatches from Rome ap-
parently were evoked by a misapprehension
on the part of the foreign news agency. Reu-
ters, about the President's intention with res-
pect to the Clark appointment. A Reuters
dispatch said frankly that "President Tru-
man had decided against appointing General
Mark Clark asfirst United States ambassa-
dor to the Vatican," basing his decision "on
a legal opinion that the General could not
accept the appoinment and retain his Army
Actually the President had decided only
that he would not give General Clark a re-
cess appointment since Congress must enact

the special bill desired by the General which
would excuse him from retiring from the Ar-
my. This was clearly reported here.
But the Reuters dispatch, widely pub-
lished abroad, with its assumption that
General Clark was out of the way, prompt-
ly evoked various dispatches that are much
franker than those which assumed his
nomination was all but a fait accompli.
The London Times correspondent for ex-
ample wrote from Rome:
"Although the Vatican has said nothing-
indeed it has shown a marked reserve over
the whole question-it is known that the
prospect of receiving a serving general as
first American ambassador was far from
pleasing, and the withdrawal by President
Truman of General Clark's nomination will
undoubtedly have caused relief at the Vati-
can. As a civilian, the General would be wel-
come. But not as a soldier.
"Independent observers here feel that the
whole affair has been a piece of clumsy
handling of which, if information here is
correct, Mr. Acheson was not even made
aware. Though the Secretariat of State at
the Vatican naturally know and approved of
the intention to establish permanent rela-
tions between Washington and the Holy See,
it seems that the announcement of General
Clark's nomination came as a complete sur.,
"Nor was the official explanation given
in Washington of the new nomination
much appreciated by the Vatican. 'Rein-
forcing the anti-Communist front,' how-
ever realistic a formula it may be, is the
sort of phrase, with its implications of
blocs and groupings and alliances, which
when associated with the Church is re-
pugnant to the Vatican."
Private reports apply even warmer terms
to the Vatican's reaction to getting a general
as ambassador and what is described as the
discourtesy of no warning of General Clark's
being named. It is suggested that the Presi-
dent's partial retreat may have been in-
fluenced by a cool reception from the Vati-
That President Truman is impulsive and
not very subtle is hardly news. He, himself,
must have received reports similar to the
foregoing and his reaction to them will be
watched for.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Snydicate, Tlc.)


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VI/ l l+1+c WASNIw4TON POSY c..o-.

The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

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Wash'nWtol DMerryGoRould


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At Hill Auditorium ...
IT HARDLY ever happens, but it does hap-
pen; at some time one has the fortune
to witness people acting in a way that re-
affirms our finest human traditions. Sym-
phonie Pastorale is such a consolation. My
thoughts and feelings are still entangled in
that close-to-perfect motion picture at this
time and I wish no claim to objectivity.
It is very good Gide; it is very human;
it is very good.
In Symphonie Pastorale one experiences
a wonderful synthesis of Gide's intense mor-
al awareness and his deep human sympathy,
Such qualities ar edifficult to combine into
some kind of a whole; and in the more
Purtanical aspects of American living they
even seem polar; but they have been com-
bined before Gide by a Man who was, to
say the least, essential to Purtanical theology
and thought. The result of witnessing such
a synthesis is to know for a moment some-
thing terribly basic about people, it is to
be aware of yourself in your helplessness as
a human, and yet gain in the dignity of
being human. And when that happens, it's
like "an old man with a child's eyes, .
that's great."
To go on to point out the contributing
excellencies of the film seems superflous.
They are implied in the praise above. But
for the record, one could ask no more
from the actors. The fine effects pro-
adu +.PA hrn,rIa, - eancir nnnrAnoatinn

THE CUE HAS gone out to Republican
speakers across the country to fan the
flames of the Internal Revenue scandals into
a hot political issue for 1952. To supply the
ammunition, the Senate GOP policy com-
mittee has done a painstaking research job,
which wil be sent out for the confidential use
of Republicans.
This eight-page research pamphlet goes
Into the case histories of 27 officials who
are linked directly or indirectly with the
Internal Revenue scandals. It also gives
helpful hints on how to slant the scandals
in order to-embarrass the Truman admin-
istration. Here are some sample quotes,
which the pamphlet suggests to Republican
"The Bureau of Internal Revenue, with all
the power it exercises over the most intimate
financial affairs of he public, should be a
citadel of integrity. But the dishonest acts
of the Truman administration appointees
are discrediting it in the minds of the peo-
ple," the confidential GOP pamphlet charges.
"What brought this sorry state of affairs
to the Bureau, which for so long was held
in wide acclaim and was a stronghold of
public confidence?" demands the pamph-
let. "Nearly twenty years of entrenched
government sowed the seeds of corruption.
The Truman administration is reaping now
the fruits of its own abuse of political pow-
"One levy of political hacks, chiselers and
ward heelers has succeeded another in top-
flight jobs within the agency," the confi-
dential GOP instruction continues. "Gener-
osity in political campaign contributions has
been the open sesame for incompetents to
aspire and obtain jobs . ... the Truman ad-
ministration has sired the corruption of the
tax collection agency by the intrusion of a
brand of politics which makes no distinction
between political loyalty and integrity."
rHE GOP CAMPAIGN letter also attacks
the man Truman appointed to clean up
the Internal Revenue Bureau-Commission-
er John Dunlap.
"There is nothing on the record to show
that there would have been any attempt at
a clean-up within the bureau, except for
outside prodding," declares the GOP bro-
chure. "It was not until affter several cases
had been exposed to the public view that
the Commissioner of Internal Revenue,
John Dunlap, on October 3 ordered an in-
vestigation of the tax returns of all offi-
cials and enforcement officers of the Bu-
reau. Dunlap was confirmed by the Senate
several months before on July 18."

that GOP speakers will
soapbox circuit.
(Copyright, 1951, by The

be following on the
Bell Snydicate, Inc.)

"health." However, no official charges have
been made against Bolich, and the GOP re-
search guide underlines this fact to keep Re-
publican speakers out of a law suit.
Of Bolich, the GOP states: "included on-
ly because during revelations oi irregulari-
ties, Bolich requested reassignment for
reasons of health, August 14, 1951 . . .
No charges have been made against Bo-
lich." These were the only underlined pas-
sages in the pamphlet.
Thus the pamphlet has laid down the line

Live on Air .. .
To the Editor:
A R. SOL PLAFKIN seems to
think that so long as a play
deals with an important theme it
is automatically a good play. He
was offended because The Daily
reviewer called the play "insuf-
ficiently subtle," and directed an
unfair and snobbish attack against
the reviewer. But I thought the
reviewer was generous.
He could have said, what seem-
ed obvious to me, that the play
said what had been said before
in the same way it had been said
by the same typed characters who
said it. Even the "Goldbergs" tele-
vision series has, from time to
time, presented characters of
greater complexity, and handled
economic themes with greater
subtlety, immediacy, and under-
standing. Perhaps Mr. Plaf kin con-
siders it a stroke of originality to
portray a family in which bitter-
ness, resentment and jealousy are
only occasionally relieved by a
strained and tired humor.
There was nothing in the play
that told us the mother, at the
end of the play, had been given
"fresh attitudes toward life" by
her children. Even the children,
themselves, could hardly believe
she had consented - to let her
daughter go to college on a schol-
arship. And though it was hardly
the playwright's intention, it seem-
ed to me that the mother was so
worn out from all her emoting ir
the previous act that simply out o
sheer exhaustion, she permitted
her husband to sign the scholar.
ship papers.
I can't answer any of the many
questions raised in Mr. Plafkin's
letter-but I was interested to hea
him say that, during the depres-
sion, so 'many potentionally bril-
liant minds had gone to waste in
factories and in business."
-Marlin Demlinger
* * *
UN Problem . ...
To the Editor:
THREE MAIN problems con
front the delegates to the Sixth
General Assembly in Paris, France
They are the problems of termi
nating the Korean war, restorin
and reestablishing the unity an
principle of unanimity of the five
great powers, and prohibiting ato
mic weapons along with reducin
the armed forces of the five grea
Of these three great problems
settlement of the Korean conflic
is the most immediately impera
The responsibility of the Unite
Nation majority for the course o
events in Korea grows with eac
day the war continues. Already
the police action which goes on un
der the name of the United Na
tions has killed three million peo
ple, mainly civilians, including wo
men and children; destroyed th
homes and livelihood of 15 to 2
millions, imposed untold sufferin
and misery on the entire people
and enabled powerful financial in
terest in the United States to loo
the United Nations occupied par
of the country of its resources.
Although Syghman Rhee's ow
subordinates, both military and ci
vilian, testified that Rhee force
opened hostilities on the mornin

'of June 23rd, 1950, and althoug
initial reports in the United State
newspapers (New York Herald
'Tribune, June 26th) showed tha
the Rhee's forces had penetrated
above the 38th Parallel severa
miles in some places the Unite
Nation rump Security Council ac
cepted without question the Rhee'
report version of the situation ...
This rump United Nation Secur
ity Council explicitly voting dow
a proposal to hear the case of the
Korean people, then violated th
United Nation charter which onl
' permitted military enforcement ac
tion by a decision of the Securit
Council with the concurence o
the five permanent powers in th
absence of the Soviet Union an
the Chinese People's Republic . .
Indeed, while the UN continue
this state of affairs, its name i
given to atrocities which reporter
of many pro-war newspapers i
and out of the United States hav
described as surpassing those per
petrated by Hitler SS troops. An
White Hoose and Pentagon ar
now readying new horrors in th
form of so-called "tactical" atomi
weapons, to be used also presum
ably with UN sanctions.
Obviously, so long as the UN al
lows itself to be the agency fo
such crimes against humanity, i
cannot contribute to the solutio
of any other problem of war o
peace. .
-George P. Moskoff
Tie Miracle...
f To the Editor:
- REALY TO Miss Levine.
I have seen "The Miracle,
and to this writing can think o
s no general implications to be de
r rived-from the religious fanat:
cism of one demented individu
- -derogatory to Catholic worshi
1 or principle. The important thin
is that you had best recall Card
inal Spellman's part in the bannin
of that film.
A Catholic citizen, in a lette
to the Times apropos Mr. Kazan
article, announced that a C rat
ing from the Legion of Decenc
made the unscrupulous film"
a must" for many Catholics. I am ir
Sclined to agree with that psycholo
- gy.
9 To cut only four minutes of M
d Kazan's picture is to say that thi
e rest is morally passable. Does any
- one think these minutes are incon
g sistent with Mr. Williams' hone
t naturalism? The Legion, in its con
strained pedantry, has done n
, thingeconstructively, but has a
t bitrarily attenuated Kazan's con
- siderable art. Rossellini has bee
lanced from all sides; perha
d Kazan should be pleased. He h
f only been badgered, and from th
h rear.
-Conrad Brenner
- $
-Briley & Grable ...
To the Editor:
0 "BY THEIR enemies ye sha
g know them." John Briley's i
responsible, undocumented, blan
- ket indictment of Hollywood mu
t have caused Senator McCarthy
t turn green with envy.
By what process of reasonin
n does Briley decry the moral shor
- comings of this generation, spea
s of art as an imitation of life, an
g then bemoan the present stiflin



of art in films which depict moral
In the brief section of the edi-
torial in which he gets down to
particulars, Briley is guilty of
either ignorance or deliberate fal-
sification. He says we have all
seen at least one "wholesome" pic-
ture starring Betty Grable. Then
he gives a list of things he says
Miss Grable can do. Briley thus
makes two "errors." He places the
ability to do something in the
same category as actually doing it,
and he implies that any one who
has seen at least one "wholesome"
Betty Grable picture has seen
Miss Grable do all or most of the
things mentioned.
Thank God for the dancing,
singing, good cheer, and example
of humility contributed by Miss
Did the virtuous Briley acquire
his knowledge of "bumps and
grinds" in a spirit of scientific re-
I challenge John Briley to cite
a single motion picture in which he
heard Miss Grable "fill her speech
with innuendo and thinly-covered
smut." Apparently, we need not go
beyond the Michigan campus to
find the need for moral reform.
Put up, Briley, or shut up
-Robert Davidson
* * *
Educational Mission.. ..
To the Editor:
ON SATURDAY November 3rd.
as one of an audience attend-
ing the Michigan Art Education
Association Conference I learned
that the concept about Columbus
discovering America was nonsense
and myth. Throughout the morn-
ing and afternoon the man of the
hour proceeded to condemn or dis-
h credit almost everything includ-
s ing the American school system.
I It was suggested to a public'school
t teacher gathering that they should
I become a -pressure group-. At
I best this is a weak and negative
d approach, it becomes ridiculous
- when it is not preceeded by a posi-
s tive plan that measures realistical-
. ly as a more workable solution to
- a problem. The attitude of Mr.
n Bond was unfortunate. He had an
e excellent experience in England
e which within its context would
y have been sufficient to have given
- the audience a thrilling and en-
y lightening day. However as a dis-
f coverer, prophet and as a mission-
e ary for himself as head man on
d the flying trapeze I will take the
four psychologists who domposed
s the balance of the panel on the
s afternoon session.
s -Emil Weddige,
n Associate Prof.
e College of Architecture and
d * *
e SL Voting ...
c To the Editor:
WEDNESDAY and Thursday are
- R the most crucial days studen
>r government must facethis year
t Whether or not the crisis is pass-
n ed satisfactorily is up to you!
r You have often been told tha
the effectiveness of Student Legis-
lature depends upon its proving it-
self truly representative. This ca
be done only by shoeing that th
great majority of students hav
taken the trouble to vote in the
all-campus elections.
Its effectiveness is also depen
dent upon how wisely that vote i
f cast. Votes should be cast for per
sons known to have the energy
i- forcefulness and logical reasonin
al so needed for strong student gov
ip ernment.
Lg SL has opened the library fo
I- you. Your vote can open the ad
Lg ministration's doors for Studen
r Anyone with an identificatio
's card is eligible to vote.
-Leah Marks
y* * *

a Reading List .,.
- To the Editor:
HAVE JUST read "To Maki
r. Men Free" by Archibald Mac.
ie Leish in the November, 1951, issu
-- of "The Atlantic" magazine. I ar
- only afraid that I will be just on
st of the few who have read it.
want everybody to read it. The im
D- portance of readingthisarticle
r-comes before any bluebook, an:
n pressing situation. The articl
n takes only fifteen minutes to rear
ps and will not be boring. It will mak,
as you think. It is pertinent. Its im
he plications are immense. Pleas
read it; you won't be sorry.
-Victor Bloom
* i' *
To the Editor;
l1 APROPOS THE polemic concern
r- ing the Legion of Decency, an(
a- with special reference to the dog
st matist Marc Lafromboise and hi
to statement, (Daily, Nov. 2) "Trut:
is absolute," may I inject the famr
ag ous Buxter-Amohundro Law of Ab:
t- solutes, to wit: "There exists absc
k lutely nothyng whych maye t
7d consydered as absolute."
g -R. Quinlan

(Continued from Page 2)
S.L. International Relations committee:
There will be a meeting of Commit-
tee at 3:30 p.m. at the S.L: Bldg., 122
S. Forest. The committee is not limi-
ted merely to S.L. personnel, so all in-
terested are urged to attend.
JGP. Meeting of the central commit-
tee, 4 p.m., League.
Record Concert. League Library, 4-
5:30 p.m.
Canterbury club: Canterbury House
Tea at 4 p.m. All Episcopalian stu-
dents and their friends are cordially
Open Houses for SL Candidates: Fri.,
Nov. 9: 4:30-6 Lane Hall; 5-6 Martha
SRA Coffee Hour, Lane Hall, 4:30-6
p.m. All students welcome.
Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni-
versity Museums. "The Great Lakes-
How They Were Formed." and "Great
Lakes," 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium.
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night, Fri., Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m. Mr. Albert
Boggess III will lecture on "Exploring
the Milky Way." After the lecture in
3017 Angell Hall, the Students' Obser-
vatory on the fifth floor will be open
for telescopic observation of the Moon
and Jupiter, if the sky is clear, or for
inspection of the telescopes and plane-
tarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children
are welcomed, but must be accom-
panied by adults.
Hillel: Services at Lane Hall at 7:45
p.m. followed by a Fireside. Professor
Kenneth Boulding of the Economics
Department will speak on "Quakerism."
Everyone is welcome.
SCongregational-Disciples Guild: The
Athletic-Hop Party with the Evangelical
& Reformed Guild, E & R Church.
Meet at 8 p.m. at the Guild House to
walk down. Wear sport clothes.
Westminster Guild: Open House,
8 p.m.
sRoger Williams Guild: Fiesta! (Fall
semi-formal) 8:45-12.
i The Evangelical and Reformed Stu-
dent Guild will entertain the Congre-
gational-Disciples Guild at 8 p.m. The
1party will be held in the Parish Hall
of Bethlehem Church, 423a . Fourth
Ave. All members and friends of both,
groups are invited to attend.
SWesleyan Guild: Square dance at
the Guild, at 8 p.m. All are invited.

At The State .. .
TWO OF A KIND with Edmond O'Brien
and 'Lizabeth Scott
CERTAINLY not cinema, but good movie
farenonetheless is the fast-moving story
of intrigue and a 10 million dollar will. It
should be particularly appealing to that
cross-section of the college community which
enjoys an occasional, well-written, pat, corny
and predictable mystery,
Adroitly adapted from a detective-type
story by screenwriters Lawrence Kimble and
James Gunn, this movie is reminiscent of
some of the excellent tension situations found
in a Dashiell Hammett plot. The quick pace
set by the action is further reinforced by
some very sharp reparte.
Unfortunately, the picture has a tendency
to lag from time to time during the 'love'
scenes, in which the stars partake of looks
so full of meaning that they would bring a
maiden blush to the cheeks of Mickey Spill-
ane. The characters are type cast and all
in all they play their parts well; but special
mention must be made of Miss Scott who
does a beautiful job of walking back and
forth across the screen.
Considering that this is a predictable mo-
vie, the ending comes as a pleasant surprise
when crime does pay.
Accompanying the feature is an excellent
Terry-Toon which furnishes comic relief
from a technicolor "short" which can best
be described as a tragedy. Starring Denise
Morgan and a girl who must have been the
producer's daughter, Hollywood has given us
twenty minutes of "entertainment" so poor,
you have to see it to believe it.
-Norm Gottlieb

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the Universty of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ... .... .....City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ..........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ...........Associate Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ........... Women's Editor
Jo Ketehut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller .........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy. Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish........... Finance Manager
Stu Ward........Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this 'newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


Coming Events
Music School Student Council meet-
ing Sat., Nov 10, at 11 a.m.. room 404,
Burton Tower.
Graduate Outing Club. Meet at the
rear of the Rackham Bldg., Sun., Nov.
11, 2 p m. Outing to Stinchfield Res-
Barnaby Club: Supper and discussion
meeting in Lane Hall 6 p.m., Mon., Nov.
12. Call 5838 by 10 a.m., Mon., for res-
Economics Club: 8 p.m., Mon., Nov.
12, Rackham Amphiterater. Professor
Clare E. Griffin, Professor of Business
Economics of the School of Business
Administration, will speak on "Social-
ism and Capitalism in Sweden." 'll
staff members and advanced stude?4
in Economics and Business Adm !
tration are invited to attend.



- M IK I

Let your Fairy Godfather do
the talking, Barnaby...And,11

Gorgon won't say anything. He
won't get into any arguments-

They may not understand abou ets. And
to see a Pliocene four-legged carnivori-



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