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November 09, 1951 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-09

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Pla, er

Harmon Named Coast Sports Head

Garver Finishes Close 2nd;
Ties for First Place Votes
Reynolds, Minoso, Feller Round Out Top 5;
Yankees, Red Sox, Indians Dominate Poll

Ten years after his greatest
gridironiachievements, Wolverine
All-American Tom Harmon is
back in the headlines again.
The great Michigan fullback
has talked himself into the job of
Pacific Coast Sports Director for
Dr. Middlecoff
North -South
Open Leader
PINEHURST, N. C. - (P) -Dr.
Cary Middlecoff, Memphis, Tenn.,
professional, who six years ago
became the only amateur to win
the event in its 49-year-history,
yesterday came up with his second
one-under par 71 to take a one-
stroke lead at the half-way mark
of the $7,500 North and Southern
Open Golf Tournament.
With single rounds remaining
today and Sunday, Middlecoff's
142 was a shot in front of three
rivals-Jimmy Adams, a member
of the British Ryder Cup team;
t h e reigning British Amateur
Champion, Dick Chapman of
Pinehurst; and Tommy Bolt, Dur-
ham, N.C., professional via Texas.
Chapman's four-under par 68 was
the day's best effort over the wind-
swept 7,007 yards of the No. 2
championship course of the Pine-
hurst Country Club.
Sammy Snead of White Sulphur
Springs, W. V., the PGA champion
who was gunning for his third
straight North and South win,
blew himself to a 78 for 150, eight
off the pace, and withdrew.
Another casualty was first day
leader Julius Boros of nearby
Southern Pines. He was 10 strokes
off his opening round as he slid
to 78 for 146 and a six-way tie for
Sixty-one players qualified for
the third round with scores of 152
or under.
The leaders:
(X-Denotes amateur)
Cary Middlecoff, Memphis, Tenn., 71-
X-Richard D. Chapman, Pinehurst,
Tommy Beolt, Durham, N.C., 71-72--
Tommy Bolt, Durham, N.C., 71-72-143
Jimmy Adams, Great Britain, 74-69-
X-Francis Winiger, Pleasantville, N.
J., 72-72-144
Bob Toski, Northampton, Mass., 773-71
Dai Rees, Great Britain, 73-71-144
John Barnum, Grand Rapids, Mich,
Max Faulkner, Great Britain, 73-72-
Doug Ford, Harrison, N.Y., 74- 71--
X-William C. Campbell, Huntington,J
W. Va., 74-71-145
Julius Boros, Southern Pines, N. C.,
Skee Riegel, Tulsa, Okla., 72-74-166
X-Stanley Bishop, Weston, Mass., 74-

the Columbia Broadcasting Sys-
tem, and Terrible Tom is also
making a name for himself in the
new medium of tele-sportscasting.
HARMON'S increasing popu-
larity lies in the fact that he is
the antithesis of the excitable,
bungling sports broadcaster. He
talks only when necessary in the
television play-by-play.
As Harmon himself puts it,
"In television, there is no need
to say that UCLA or Slippery
Rock is in a huddle when your
viewers can see it as well as
One of Harmon's regular inno-
vations, which others have been
quick to copy, is the blackboard
diagramming of scoring plays.
* * *
WITHIN A few seconds after

each tally, Harmon diagrams for
his audience how the touchdown
was scored-even to the intricate
downfield blocking or mousetrap-
ping of guards.
Financially, Harmon takes
down more money tha nhe ever
did when playing professional
football for the Los Angeles
Rams. "And," he adds, "I don't
have my face kicked in every
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harmon had
thier own television show until
recently when the birth of a
third child caused a temporary
postponement of the tandem video
activiites. Mrs. Harmon is the,
beauteous Hollywood actress Elyse
Montreal 4, Boston 2
Toronto 3, Chicago 1

NEW YORK - UP)- Yogi Berra
emerged a surprise winner on a
close ballot yesterday in the vot-
ing for Most Valuable Player in
the American League for 1951.
The squat New York catcher.
who hit .294 in 141 games for the
World Champs, edged St. Louis'
Ned Garver, 20-game winner for
a last place club, by a slim 184-157
* * *

Berra wasn't the only person
surprised at the result. It was
a wide open race with 33 play-
ers getting votes and 15 others
receiving honorable mention.
With 18 of the 24 firsts split
among Berra, Garver and Rey-
nolds; the best anybody else re-
ceived was two for Boston's Ellis
Kinder, durable relief worker who
appeared in 63 games. One each
went to Philadelphia's Ferris Fain,
batting champ at .344; Rookie
Orestes (Minnie) Minoso of Chi-
cago, and the Yanks' Phil Rizzuto
and Eddie Lopat.
For the first time catchers won
in both leagues-Berra in the
Aerican and Brooklyn's Roy Cam-
panella in the National.

IU Might
A sk Smith
o Remait
There's a feeling on the Indiana
University campus that the foot-
ball team can change Coach Clyde
Smith's mind about quitting. It
could start the operation tomorrow
at Minnesota.
Smith announced last Tuesday
he was resigning, effective at the
end of this season. He said the
decision was irrevocable and he
hasn't modified the statement.
HOWEVER., telegrams from
alumni asking him to reconsider
have been pouring into his office.
A student poll by the Daily Stu-
dent, I. U. newspaper, showed a
majority want Smith to stay.
Jim Birr of Indianapolis, Pres-
ident of the "I" Men's Associa-
tion, said people who know about
Indiana's manpower situation
"feel that Smith shouldn't leave."
Senior members of the squad al-
so asked Smith to reconsider.

Forty Wolverine gridders, with
a week's practice"on snow covered
Ferry Field behind them, left last
night for Ithaca prepared to play
in any kind of weather,
Michigan will meet the Big RedI

Wolverines Stress Defense
In Final Cornell Rehearsal


drill in the snow yesterday. They
continued to work on ways to stop
th threats posed by T-Foriation
quarterback Rocco Calvo and Bill
Seazzero, big guns in the Big Red
Lowell Perry, who injured his
ankle at Illinois Saturday, par-
ticipated in the workout, but
whether he will start tomorrow
is questionable. The valuable
end limped all afternoon as he
attempted to pass and run him-
self back into shape.
The majority of the team re-
mained indoors for a light work-
out, including a dummy scrim-
The traveling squad follows:
Ends-Knutson, Green, Oster-
man, Perry, Pickard, Schlicht,
Stanford, Veselnak.
Tackles -Balog,sBartholo-
mew, Johnson, Pederson, Stribe,
Guards-Beison, Bennett, Kel-
sey, Rugger, Kinyon, Matheson,
Timm, Wolter.
Centers - Melchiori, Morlock,
O'Shaughnessy, Ludwig.
Quarterbacks - Billings, Mc-
Donald, Putich, Zanfagna and
Halfbacks - Bradford, Eaddy,
Oldham, Witherspoon.
Fullbacks-Peterson, Rescorla,
Tinkham, Burley, Leclaire.

Stanford-Southern ClTl
Tops Week'sGrdShdl
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Los Angeles and TENNESSEE (6-0), the nation's;
East Lansing, Mich., take over the No. 1 team, appears to have an
college football spotlight this Sat- easy one in Washington and Lee!
urday with a pair of grid naturals, (5-2) at Knoxville.
Stanford vs. Southern California Illinois (6-0) ranked second,
and Notre Dame vs. Michigan doesn't figure to be bothered too
State. much by Iowa (2-3-1) at Cham-
Some 90,000 fans will turn out in paign. The Illini, leading Michi-
sunny California for the battle of gan by a half-game in the Big
the West between Southern Cal Ten race, are taking dead aim
(7-1), No. 6 team in the nation- at the conference title and the
wide Associated Press poll, and un- i trip to Pasadena. Right now it
defeated, seventh-rated Stanford looks like they're well on the
(7-0). way.
AU CO Of the other members of the first
A SELLOUT CROWD of overj ten, Maryland (6-0), No. 3; Prince-
55,000 will jam Michigan State's ton (6-0), No. 4; and Georgia Tech
field in East Lansing to see the un- (6-0-1), No. 8, figure to get by
beaten, fifth-ranking Spartans easily. Wisconsin (4-1-1), No. 9;
(6-0) collide with the improving and Texas (6-1), No. 10, head for
11th ranked Irish of Notre Dame trouble.
(5-1). Hundreds of thousands of *
others in the Midwest and points MARYLAND FACES winless Na-
east will catch the State-Notre vy (0-5-1) at Baltimore. Princeton


GARVER, THE No. 2 man in th
voting, had a tremendous season
with a cellar club, pitching 3
complete games. Reynolds' 17


wins included seven shutouts and
he also took his turn on relief. Smith turned in his resignation,
Minoso, league leader with 31 with two years to go on his con-
was a tract, with the team's record for
stolen bases and 14 triples,was. this year standing at two victories
close-up fourth with 120 points, and four defeats. Remaining op-
The rookie hit .326 for the re- ponents besides Minnesota are
vived White Sox.MihgnSaendPdu.
Bobby Feller's fine comeback Michigan State and Purdue.
(22-8) won the Cleveland ace fifth

. . . potent Cornell halfback
of Cornell tomorrow afternoon for
the first time since 1933.
ONCE AGAIN Coach Bennie
Oosterbann took advantage of the
poor weather conditions by send-
ing his defensemen through a

... best of the best
margin in points. A 24-man com-
mittee of the Baseball Writers As-
sociation of America did the vot-
"I'm very happy over it," said
Berra by phone from his home at

place and 118 points.
The leaders with points figured on
a basis of 14-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1. (First
place votes in parentheses).
1. Yogi Berra, New York (6) ...184
2. Ned Garver, St. Louis (6). 157
3. Allie Reynolds, New York (6) 125
4. Orestes Minoso, Chicago (1) .. 120
5. Bobby Feller, Cleveland ...... 118
6. Ferris Fain, Philadelphia (1) .. 103
7. Ellis Kinder, Boston (2) .. 66
8. Vic Raschi, New York.....64
9. Gil McDougald, New York ... 63
10. Bobby Avila, Cleveland .......49
11. Phil Rizzuto, New York (1) .. 47
12. Ed Lopat, New York (1).....44
13. Ted Williams, Boston....... 35
14. Eddie Joost, Philadelphia..... 32
15. George Kell, Detroit.......... 30
16. Early Wynn, Cleveland........ 29
1. Nelson Fox, Chicago...........25
18. Billy Goodman, Boston....... 21
19. Dom Dimaggio, Boston....... 16
20. Gus Zernial, Philadelphia .... 15
Others getting votes were: Bobby
Shantz, Philadelphia, 14; Mike Gar-
cia, Cleveland, 11; Gil Coan, Wash-
ington, 8; Mel Parnell, Boston, and
Eddie Robinson, Chicago, each 7;
Gene Woodling, New York, and John-
ny Pesky, Boston, each 5; Irv Noren,
Washington, and Dale Mitchell, Cleve-
land, each 4; Virgil Trucks, Detroit,
Eddie Yost, Washington, Jim Busby,
Chicago, and Johnny Mize, New
York, each 2.


Catchers Garner '51 Diamond Laurels

By WHITNEY MARTIN At the plate he might swing
NEW YORK--()-So you want at anything from a wild pitch to
to make a name for yourself in a balk, yet he's liable to hit
baseball, Bob? Well, first get your- whatever he's swinging at for
self a mask etabss
Not meaning you should start extra bases.
out as a Jesse James, or, worse yet The short, swart guy, as a result
as ball players will argue, an um- of his unique appearance is a base-
pire. Just learn to be a catcher, ball uniform and a certain artless-
that's all. ness of manner, has been kidded
I unmercifully by other players and
IT SEEMS to be more than coin- by writer. It has all been good-
cidental that Roy Campanella and natured ribbing, and Yogi has tak-
Yogi Berra, both- masked men, en it in stride. His answer to it all
is a classic.
"These fellers who make fun of
CaoIreeion1 me," he said shrewdly, "how much
Wenley House and not Huber do they make?
House won 13-0 to advance to * * *

Dame tilt on their television
This will be the payoff game
for Southern Cal and Stankford,
each coached by freshmen men-
tors. The winner of this clash is
almost a cinch to win the Paci-
fic Coast Conference title and
the right to play in the Rose
Bowl. Southern Cal is rated a
touchdown favorite.
Michigan State and Notre Dame
will be seeking to bolster their
prestige more than anything else.
The Spartans, ineligible for Big
Ten football competition as yet,
may win themselves a crack at
New Orleans' Sugar Bowl with a
win over the Irish. The victor is
sure to be boosted several notches
in the Associated Press' weekly
ratings. State is favored by a


I and Dick Kazmaier should run up Woodcliff Lake, N.J. "Boy, it was
points against poor Harvard (2-4) I a surprise. How'd it go?"
at Canibridge. Georgia Tech (6-0-

1) should thump Virginia Mili-
tary (5-2), in an inter-league fra-
Wisconsin, still a threat in the
Big Ten race, plays host to Penn-
sylvania (3-3) of the Ivy lea-
gue in another good intersec-
tional match. Texas, a game be-
hind Texas Christian in the
Southwest Coniderence r a c e,
plays host to Baylor (4-1-1)
which was whacked by TCU last
week and is itching for an up-

BERRA WAS told he had six
of 24 firsts. So did Garver and
Allie Reynolds, his Yankee team-
mate who pitched two no-hitters
for the pennant winners. Accu-
mulation of points on the basis of
14 for first, nine for second and
so on down to one for tenth gave
Berra his first MVP award. Rey-
nolds was third with 125 points.

dled himself as an infielder or
outfielder. Yogi is short, com-
pact. Stubby is the world.
But Yogi listened patiently to
his idol, Dickey, and methodically
tried to do everything lie was told
. how to pick men off bases . . .
how to detect a steal before it
happened . . . how to field foul
flies .. . how to handle pitchers.
He's mastered all the tricks, al-
though there's nothing much that
can be done about his habit of
hitting bad balls.
Chicago 3, Strauss 3
Gomnberg 5, Lloyd 1
Hinsdale 7, Williams 2
Kelsey 4, Cooley 2
Wenley 6, Michigan 0
Adams 6, Green 0
Tyler 4, Huber 2
Allen-Rumsey 3, Hayden 3
Taylor 4, Winchell 2
Michigan Co-op 4, Hawaiians
"A" 2
Canterbury 6, Gamma Delta 0


m Ar .--,r o, ti -o-,.

BRE iiiPL(

There are plenty of other inter-
sectional contests on the program 1
including Michigan at Cornell,
Marquette at Holy Cross, Detroit
at Villanova, and the Citadel at
Most of the Conference Races E
will shake down to the all-but- the
settled stage after Saturday's T
games. pry
E 7F 114" am

ISCL Remains

With Notre Dame Approaches
AST LANSING.-U P--"We'll be cal shape after its two weeks rest
re for the kickoff." from competition and eager for
hat's about the best you can action.
out of Coach Biggie Munn in Bad weather has kept the work-
way of advance comment on outs on a half indoor half outdoor
Michigan State-Notre Dame schedule as one major handicap
ie Saturday. during the week.

,Calm as Clash

I the final round of the Residence
hall football championship.
have been named as Most Valuable
Players in the National and Ameri-
can leagues, respectively.
The choice of Yogi came asf
something of a surprise, as for
a spell during September he
couldn't buy a hit, as they say,
and his batting average, al-
though a respectable .294, was
afar. below that of some other
players who might be considered
candidates for the Most Valu-
able Award.
But we aren't arguing about it.
We'd like to have him on our
YOGI IS something of a para-
dox in baseball.
He has short, heavy legs,
slightly knockneed and spread-
ing out toward the hips, yet he's
one of the fastest men on the
Yankee squad.

Not because Yogi couldn't
learn very rapidly, but because
there is so much difference in
the physical makeup of teacher
and pupil. Dickey is long, lean
and loose, and as a catcher han-

BILL DICKEY'S job when he
was hired as Yankee coach was
supposed to have been to make a
catcher out of Yogi. He succded,
possibly beyond his fondest dreams,
but it must have been quite a task.

and oose an as ca cher han

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Our Wilton model is one of
those rare fashions that adds
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Reasons: the minimum of
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tion . . . and the natural,
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you two have to we*r your
matchin suits?

DESPITE ALL the whoop-la and
the "Game of the Year" buildup,
Munn and his squad are taking
things very calmly.
"Some of us have played Notre
Dame three times," commented
one senior. "We've played some
other tough ones too-and we've
won. We're not going all up in
the air about this one."
That seems to be the attitude
all through the team. The Spar-
tans have come of age as far as
football is concerned and no long-
er are all a-flutter about their
high national rating.
THE TEAM is grimly determin-
ed to win this one, the players
know this game is the only big
hurdle left to prevent an undefeat-
ed season. They know a loss will
drop them among the also rans in
the national ratings.
But Michigan State is prepar-
ing for Notre Dame with hard
work and not hysteria.
The latest weather forecast for
Saturday was good news for fans
who feared that snow might bog
the game down into a cautious tug-
of-war. Cloudy skies, a tempera-
ture of about 40 and possible light
snow flurries were predicted.
THE SQUAD was in top physi-


-_ - - __


FRIDAY 8:00 - 12:00 P.M.


"We haven't been able to follow
the practice schedule that had
been planned," Munn said, "but
we've been getting in some pretty
good licks."

"Bys will
be bo..
y 5~



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