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November 08, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-08

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a 9

ly a week aw
citement has bee
dicating that if t
be shackled in t:
lowest vote in se
It is quite a p
when SL has re
tive activity, ap
zation seems as
Obviously SL c
sive plea to the U
of the students i
the week to arous
sibility rests with
in the game.
It is axiomatic
election is in dir
to which the ele
concerned with t
involved. And he
ter of candidates
There is a str
ing any controv
average platfon
"work hard for
a Thanksgiving
Store, but seldom
right, frank pos
For example,
Editorials publisf
are written by n
and represent th

Candidates' Apathy
ISLATURE elections are on- take on the bias issue-is the current pro-
sy. Yet only a ripple of ex- gram of cooperation with IFC the best
n created on campus-in- course? Should sorority clauses be investi-
hings don't pick up SL may gated too? How can SL win representation
he coming semester by the on the University Lecture Committee, im-
veral years. prove representation on the Board in Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics? Should Tug
aradox that in a semester Week be dispensed with? Should expensive
ached a peak of construe- affiliation with the National Student Asso-
athy towards the organi- ciation be dropped? Should the forgotten in-
strong as ever. vestigation of University "paternalism" be
an't present a very impres- revived? How can SL be reorganized and im-
niversity as a representative proved? The list goes on and on.
f few of them vote. This is It is the duty of the candidates to inform
se interest-and the respon- themselves sufficiently on these issues to
the candidates at this stage have an intelligent opinion and to have a
concrete plan for improvement. There are
that the total vote in any always issues for those diligent enough to
ect proportion to the extent search them out-unfortunately, it is gen-
ctorate becomes personally erally felt that the safest way to win is to
,he issues and the candidates avoid anything resembling controversy.
re is where the present ros-
s is so far falling down. It is just such an attitude which makes
elections degenerate into popularity contests.
ong tendency to evade tak- If the students cannot select the candidates
'ersial stand on issues. The on the basis of issues, those that are still
*m features a promise to interested in voting will have no choice but
SL," possibly to strive for to make personal friendships the criterion
Holiday and Student Book for selection.
n takes a completely forth- This is not intended to be a sweeping
condemnation of this fall's crop of candi-
dates-rather it is a challenge.
there is always a stand to Early indications are that the campaign-
ing is falling into patterns which have been
The Michigan Daily all too prevalent in previous elections. It is
med o The Daily to the candidates' own interest as future
nem ers of The Daily stal legislators to promote the highest possible
e views of the writers only. vote-and this can be best done by injecting
a little healthy controversy into the cam-

-Crawford Young


M A -r E




CAIRO-Calm reigns now in Cairo. The
brown wrapping paper which the street
mobs, in a childish gesture of defiance, have
wrapped around all signs in English, is com-
ing loose already, and flapping idly in the
wind. In the streets, the crowds go sullenly
about their business.
Yet it is an oppressive sort of calm. A
bejewelled Egyptian lady in the fashion-
able Gezira Sporting Club (where Egyp-
tian ladies were formerly not allowed) re-
marks derisively: "I suppose you will be
writing that the streets of Cairo are run-
ning in blood?" The Gezira Sporting Club
is very comfortable, and there is no blood
in the streets. But is there not a certain
nnervousness in her tone?
For, unless the best informed men here are
wrong, it is quite possible that there will be
blood in the streets, quite soon now. This is,
in fact, the only real reason why the British
garrison in the Canal Zone is being very
heavily reinforced. Hardly more than a cor-
poral's guard of British troops could hold
the Canal Zone against anything the Egyp-
tians have. Yet no one discounts the possi-
bility that the Egyptian government may
utterly lose control over the street mobs.
If this happens, the mobs will take over,
killing and looting with the wolfish fero-
city ot which Egyptian mobs are capable.
At The Michigan.*..
THE STRIP with Louis Armstrong; trom-
bonist Jack Teagarden; pianist Earl Fatha
Hines and drummer Cozy Cole.
THE STRIP-this title alone might attract
one into the theatre. Just beneath it,
however, in much smaller letters one reads:
"Story of Hollywood's famed restaurant row."
The Strip is (although one might think
otherwise) restaurant row. The theatre
fare, two hours alternately mediocre and
excellent night club entertainment with
assorted characters sipping cocktails in the
background. This sort of thing is often
more enjoyable when one is sipping the
cocktails himself rather than a Hollywood
extra who's getting paid $8.50 for he part.
(Actually the closest thing to a strip comes
in a film short which precedes the feature,
in which a dancer with pretty legs removes
her skirt).
Restaurant row proves to be a satisfactory
if far from original setting for some really
great Dixieland music by Louis Armstrong
and his orchestra, with Mickey Rooney grim-
acing and gasping for breath as a real gone
drummer. Two of the songs, "Basin Street"
and "Ja-Da" actually had enthusiasts in the
audience singing along with Mr. Armstrong.
As a setting for one of Hollywood's ancient,
rehashed plots however, the whole thing
almost falls fiat.
As William Demerest says in the film,
"when you have a bag of garbage you wrap
it up and try to hide it or throw it away."
Somehow though, Hollywood never does.
I seem to have heard all this before some-
where: tough, scheming cigarette girl wants
career. Young, would-be-fresh-but-wilted-by
Korea-tvn drummer takes one look at girl.

Against this possibility; plans have already
been drawn up for moving the British Ar-J
my into Cairo and Alexandria within a
matter of hours. This is the real nightmare1
here-uncontrolled 'mass violence, followed
by a British occupation of all Egypt, with
unimaginable consequences throughout
the whole Middle East.
"Oh, yes, it's coming," remarks one ex-
perienced diplomat here. "No one can say
when, or what will start it, but it's coming
all right. It will be very ugly indeed when
the mobs take over." Another Westerner,
who has spent his life here, disagrees. There
will be a lot of noise, he says, but nothing
very much will happen. Nothing very much
ever happens.
NO ONE, of course, really knows. But it is
true that the mob scenes here some days
ago looked like a rehearsal for something
else. Not that there was much real violence.
Very few people were hurt. On the surface,
what happened seemed as silly as a town and
gown riot in the bad old days in New Haven,
Conn., and a good deal less lethal. Even so,
the street mobs displayed something un-
known in New Haven, Conn.-a mass hatred
so strong and so bitter that you could al-
most smell it.
For the moment, this hatred is directed
mainly against the British. And there
should be no mistake about it-as of today,
most Egyptians hate the very guts of the
British. Yet hatred is volatile stuff, and it
is not at all difficult to imagine a situ-
ation in which this hatred could be turn-
ed in another direction-inward, against
the tiny minority of immensely wealthy,
immensely irresponsible Pashas who sit
on top of the rotten and decaying Egyp-
ion social system.
This is why the Egyptian government,
owned body and soul by the Pashas, has used
its whole authority to suppress further mob
violence, under threat of ruthless retaliation.
But how long will the government of Prime
Minister Nahas Pasha be able to maintain
its authority?
The Nahas government bought itself a
new lease on life, just as King Farouk was
about to dismiss it, by defying the British.
There should be no mistake about this
either-the abrogation of the treaty with
he hated British was a deeply and genu-
inely popular move. Farouk could seem to
oppose it only at the risk of his crown and
his life.
But the Nahas government has promised
the mobs to get rid of the British, and there
is no way the government can make good its
promise. As this knowledge seeps down into
the cafes and the bazaars, the shadowy au-
thority of the government may disintegrate.
* * *
THIS PROCESS of disintegration is already
taking place. From the Communists,
from the fanatical Moslem Brotherhood,
from all the ancient enemies of Nahas and
his Waafdist party, the cry for "action"
against the British is going up. Yet there is
simply no action the government can take,
aside from turning loose the mobs. And
there is nothing Pashas fear more, and with
good reason.
Thus the government has opened Pan-
dora's box. The lid has been slammed shut
again, and the government is setting nerv-
ously on it. But there are those who believe
that the box is sure to spring open again,
that thi time th mh will rallv tak

Judicial I
DELIVERING AN appropriate warning?
against "adopting principles of totali-
tarianism" the Supreme Court handed
down the opinion this week that Commun-
ists, like everyone else, are entitled to reason-
able bail unless the government could pro-i
duce evidence justifying an "unusually" high
This decision came as a result oif a
50,000 dollar bond placed on twelve per-1
sons accused in California of violating thej
Smith Act, which makes it a criminal of-
fense to teach or advocate the overthrow
of the government.
Two Justices, Felix Frankfurter and Ro-
bert H. Jackson objected to the Court's state-
ments on the grounds that they did not go
far enough in defining and limiting the pro-
cedure that should be followed in cases in-{
volving the fixing of bail.
It is easy to agree with the two Justices
when one examines upon what grounds the
grand jury arbitrarily decided to fix the
high bond.
The only evidence offered was a certi-
fied record showing that four persons pre-
viously convicted under the Smith Act in
New York jumped bail.
This is not only a violation of the function
of a grand jury, but is a complete reversal of
justice. The jury handed down its govern-
ing advice on the peculiar grounds that a
person not yet proven guilty may be pena-
lized for the, actions of another person who
has violated the law.
It is a pitiful twist of legal rights when
a jury bases its decision on what the ac-
cused might do in view of what someone
else has done. On that basis any court
would be able to deliver a judgement bas-
ed on assumptions only.
As Justices Black and Frankfurter implied,
it is certainly not enough to just warn
against "adopting principles of totalitarian-
These days when the government is so apt
to loose sight of civil liberties and just legal
procedures in an attempt to rid the country
of Communists, it is more important than ev-
er that the Supreme Court supply the neces-
sary framework for justice in our lower
-Alice Bogdonoff
L AST WEEK President Truman dropped a
hint that he would be glad to have Gen.
Eisenhower throw in his hat in the 1952
elections. Realizing that his own political
future has been dimming, the President may
have been extending a genuine overture to
Eisenhower to run on the Democratic ticket.
Such a ticket would not be beyond the
realm of possibility, tior within the Demo-
cratic Party, Eisenhower would find a
framework of both liberalism and conser-
vatism which would more closely approxi-
mate his own political convictions.
This point is, of course, debatable, but it
most clearly holds true that the general is
more in accord with the Administration's
foreign policy than the Republican opposi-
The general in no way has reflected the
narrow-minded, isolationist predilections of
Sen. Robert Taft and the large number of
Republicans who support him, nor the Hoov-
er or MacArthur point of view.
To the contrary, Eisenhower, as chief of
the Atlantic Pact forces, has consistently
spoken and acted along internationalist
lines, at no time advocating a limitation
on the military and economic aid allotted
to European countries.

Furthermore, this humble brass hat pos-
sesses a remarkable administrative ability
which the Democrats desperately need. In
his huge task of solidifying the armament
programs of W. European countries, Eisen-
hower has served as a model of efficiency and
administrative acumen. Unlike Truman, Eis-
enhower wouldn't put up with such corrup-
tive scandals as RFC and the Boyle incident.
Finally, an Eisenhower-Kefauver or an
Eisenhower-Douglas ticket would most
likely sweep the country and restore the
American people's faith in their govern-
ment at a time when unity and a high
morale are so desperately needed.
But such a ticket would necessarily have
to be a Democratic one.
-Cal Samra
A merican
The American Proposition is the proposi-
sition, advanced at the beginnings of the
Republic and enacted into law when the
Constitution was adopted, that a man's
freedom to be a man, and to find and speak
the truth in him, is more important than
the protection of any accepted belief, any
official verity, against criticism, against
challange, against dissent. More important
not only to that man but to all men, to
the society which all men compose, to the
nation, to the world, to life itself. It is a
proposition, in other words, which rests on
an act nf fith. the mtc n ourageous of all

The Easy Way And The Hard Way



i {
t 1

The Daily Official Bulletin Is a Acad eimic N oticres
official publication of the University d i
of Michigan for which the Michigan Preliminary Examinations in English;t
Daily assumes no editorial responsi- Candidates for the Ph.D. degree in Eng-t
bility. Publication in it is construC -lish who expect to take the prelim-1
tive notice to all mem ers b e inary examinations this fall are re-{
University. Notices should be sent quested to leave their names with Dr.
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room Ogden, 3218 Angell Hall, at once. The=
2552 Administration Building before examinations will be given as follows:1
3 p.m. the day preceding publication English Literature to 1550, November1
(11 a.m. on Saturday). 20; English Literature, 1550-1750, No-
vember 24; English Literature, 1750-
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER , 1954 1950, November 27; American Literature,1
VOL. LXIV, NO. 39 December 1. The Tuesday examinations
will be given in Room 76 and the
]\Tic's Saturday examinations in Room 69 of'
Notice the School of Business Administration,
Late permission for women students beginning at 9 a.m,
who attended the Cleveland Symphony
concert Sunday night will be no later Geometry Seminar: Thurs., Nov. 8,
than 11:10 p.m. 4:10 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Dr. F.
Judiciary Council Harary will speak on "The Number of
Multiply Rooted Trees,"
Personnel Requests
Marquette University Graduate School Seminar inMathematica atistic
of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, announces Thurs., Nov. 8. 3-5 p.m., 3017 Angell
that graduate appointments for 1952- Hall. Speakers: Messrs. R. W. Royston
53 will be open in the following de- and W. S. Bicknell.
partments: Botany, Chemistry, Eco-
nomics, Education, English, History, Seminar in Inorganic and Analytical
Journalism, Latin, Mathematics, Phi- Chemistry. Professor R. K. McAlpine
losophy, Physics, Speech, and Zoology. will speak on "Some Studies on the
Students who will graduate in June Cyanide Titration of Copper" on Thurs.,
1952 may apply. Applications should Nov. 8, 7:30 p.m., Room 3003 Chemistry.
be made by or before March 1, 1052. Visitors are welcome.
The New York State Civil Service
Commission announces a Professional Physical Education - Women Students
and Technical Assistant Examination Registration for the next eight
for the following fields: Engineering, weeks' classes in physical education for
Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Eco- women will be held in the fencing
nomics, Statistics. Library Science, room, Barbour Gymnasium, as follows:
Law, Psychology, Journalism; and also Fri., Nov. 9-7:30 a.m. to 12 noon;
an Accounting Assistant Examination. 1 to 4 p.m.
The examination is intended for col- Sat., Nov. 10-8 a.m. to 12 noon.
lege seniors who will be graduated by
June 30, 1952, and is open also to col- Psychology Colloquium, 4:15 p.m.,
lege graduates and to others with the Fri., Nov. 9, in Rooms 3-K, L, M, N of
required accounting experience. New the Michigan Union. Dr. Anthony
York residency is required for all posi- Oldendorf, of the University of Nime-
tions except engineering. They also gen, will speak on "Psychological Train-
announce an open competitive exam- ing and Research in The Netherlands."
ination for Public Administration In- Refreshments at 3:45.
ternships. Applications must be filed
by Dec. 10, 1951, and the test will be
given in Ann Arbor on Sat., Jan. 12,c
1952, if the applicants specify they wish Carillon Recital: Percival Price. Uni-
to take it here. versity Carillonneur, will present an-
The New York State Civil Service other in his series of fall recitals at
Commission announces an examination 7:15 p.m., Thursday, November 8. It
for Junior Tax Examiner. Applicants will include Prelude I by Bach, a group
must be graduated from a recognized of melodies from the Low Countries,
college or university including or sup- Sonata in la majore by Paradise, four
plemented by six credit hours in ac- spirituals, and Professor Price's Victory
counting. Applications will be ac- Rhapsody for a large carillon.
cepted up to Dec. 14.
Application blanks and complete de-1Events TOda
tails concerning the above requests are
available at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg. Hillel: Coke Hour, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.,
_ I Lane Hall. Everyone is welcome.
Personnel Interviewvs:1
ese Nrv13,aeesentate of the Deutsche Kaffeestunde-German Cof-
Tues., Nov. 13, a reres aiveofNe fee Hour will take place from 3:15 to
Socony-Vacuum Oil Company of New 4:30 p.m. today in the Round Up Room
York will be interviewing graduating of the League.
students of Business Administration for
general sales training, and Civil and Hillel Drama Group. Regular meet-
Mechanical Engineers for industrial ing 3:30 p.m., League. Elections.
sales training and operating training. _ _
Thurs., Nov. 15, Mr. Scudder of the La p'tite causette meets from 3:30 to
Detroit office of the Standard Register 5 p.m., in the south room of the Union
Company will be interviewing men for cafeteria.
sales for office machines and equip-
ment. Two men are needed for De- Literary College Conference. Steer.
troit and others for the Central region ing committee meeting, 4 p.m., 1011
of Michigan. A.H.
. Thurs.,iNov. 15, a representative of
the General 'ire and Rubber Company Open Houses for SL Candidates:
of Akron, Ohio, will be interviewing 4:30-6:30 International Center, West
February graduates of Chemical, Me- Quadrangle; 5-6 Chi Omega, 1501 Wash.
chanical, and Industrial Engineering; tenaw, Kappa Alpha Theta, 1414 Wash-
Chemists; and Business Administra- tenaw; 6:30-7:15 Lloyd Hall. 7:30-8:3C
tion students. They will also be inter- Sigma Phi.
viewing Mechanical, Chemical, Aero-
* nautical, Electronic, and Electrical En- International Center Weekly Tea foi
gineers for design, research and devel- foreign students and American friends,
opment work for their Aerojet Engi- 4:30-6 p.m.
neering Company at Los Angeles.
Fri., Nov. 16, a representative of Kappa Phi: Supper and program, at
General Electric, Schenectady, New 5:30 p.m. at the Methodist church. All
York, will be interviewing men interest- members are requested to be present.
ed in their Business Training Program.
For further information and appoint- TmetIng ionaldeat in thlu
ments, call at the Bureau of Appoint- meeting will be held at 7:15 in th
ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg. 1_Union.

Union Forever ...
To the Editor:
UST KEEP IT UP, Mr. Recker
and perhaps you will succeed
in undoing all that it has taken
eighty-six years to heal the Civil
War wounds.
If you do you may proceed with
the satisfaction that you are not
working alone, for the states have
representatives in Washington who
are constantly agitating a tardy
reform on the members of the
former Confederacy. The Civil
War over? Free people? United
people? From the militant view
you take, I doubt that the Civil
War is over. Neither do I take it
that the American people are eith-
er free or united.
Maybe you'd like to fly a few
atom bombs down over the south
and lay it waste like the Union
armies did under Sherman? Use
force again. Burn people out of
their homes. Ravish their women.
Tie the section up into more knots,
and then expect the survivors to
fly into your open arms as soon as
the violence is over,
For my part, I don't take the
display of the Confederate flag
over the South seriously. It seems
to have been started as an inno-
cent pastime by students who prob-
ably are fed up by mid-west claims
to a superior brand of football over
the rest of the nation, and inas-
much as the custom doesn't extend
beyond college campuses I don't
think we need to worry our heads
over any separationist tendencies
it might have.
As a matter of fact, certain
things have been done that can't
be undone. The Civil War, for in-

stance, has been fought, and the
Confederacy, as well as its flag,
has become as much a part of
American history as General Lee
has become a national figure in the
personal sense. Wrong for a once
wronged people to display the Con-
federate flag on festive occasions?
Then it is wrong to have reserved
a niche in the rotunda of the Cap-
itol building in Washington for the
bust of Benedict Arnold-wrong to
have reserved a place for Lee on
his horse in the same rotunda.
Actually, it might be better if the
flag of the Confederacy were to
be given a place of equal promin-
ence, along with the Stars and
Stripes, in our national Capitol.
It might make the task of dealing
with questions over which the
South is naturally sensitive much
easier for all of us.
-Harvey L. Richardson '27
* * *
The Movie Critics .. .
To the Editor:
I WOULD LIKE to object to your
recent review of the movie,
"The Inheritance." Your review-
er, in an unfavorable report,
not only mislead people who ex-
pect information from Daily re-
views, but was guilty of lack of per-
ception and illiteracy. He failed*
to mention that "The Inheritance"
was taken from a novel by Sheri-
dan LeFanu, a fact which would.
have been emiently interesting to
many, considering LeFanu's re-
cent revival in literary circles. He
failed to appreciate the excellent
adaptation of this particular genre
-as excellent in its way as "Great
Expectations" was to Dickens. He
added the asinine comment that
the movie was a weak echo of "Re-
becca," when "Rebecca," and every
other pseudo-Victorian thriller, is
a weak echo of LeFanu, smoothed
down for modern taste,
What the picture did show was
a marvelous understanding and
render of the Victorian mystery
novel, from the characters (which
your reviewer called "stock," but.
which were uniquely of their per-
iod), to the settiings, which equal-
led in detail and eeriness those of
"Great Expectations." Added to
this was a good-as in all British
films-musical score.
I believe that reviewers have an
obligation to their public. They
should not only not misinform,
they should be perceptive and lit-
erate! I almost missed this movie
because of The Daily review, but
went on a hunch. The theatre was
half-empty - undoubtedly others'
swallowed the irresponsible scrib-
blings of your reporter. You owe
it to the Orpheum to send an in-
telligent critic to their pictures,
for they are struggling to bring
superior movies to our town.
-Beth Singer

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Creighton Coleman. Other important
business will be transacted. Open
The Premedical Society of the Uni-
versity of Michigan will meet at 7:30
p.m. The place will be 1400 Chemistry,
and the subject will be ethics in the
medical profession.
U. of M. Sailing Club, meeting 7:30
p.m., 311 West Engineering. Plans to
be made for Ohio State invitational.
Shore school for new members.
Air Force R.O.T.C. Band: Rehearsal
in room 229 North Hall, 7:30 pm. Uni-
forms will be worn at all rehearsals.
Pershing Rifles Meeting. A general
meeting of all Pershing Riflesmen will
be held today, at 7:30 p.m. All mem-
bers are to report at the Rifle Range
in complete uniforms. Bring along a
pair gym shoes since drill will be held
inside of the University High School.
All Fraternity Rushing Chairmen will
meet at 7:30 p.m., in Room 3 M-N,
Michigan Union. The IFC Rushing Re-
port will be discussed and suggestions
for rushing improvements will be re-
viewed. Bring the Rushing Report re-
ceived by your fraternity to the meet-
Sigma Delta Chi: Rush meeting,
8 p.m., League. Business meeting fol-
lowing speech by Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
B. Dellinger on "Is Crime Factually
Coming Evets


tC~t tn Mt I


Canterbury Club: Holy Communion
at 7 a.m., Fri., followed by breakfast
at Canterbury House.
Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni-
versity Museums. "The Great Lakes-
How They Were Formed," and "Great
Lakes," 7:30 p.m., Fri., Nov. 9, Kel-
logg Auditorium.
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night, Fri., Nov. 9, 7:30 p.m. Mr. Albert
Boggess III will lecture on "Exploring
the Milky Way." After the lecture in
3017 Angell Hall, the Students' Obser-
vatory on the fifth floor will be open
for telescopic observation of the Moon
and Jupiter, if the sky is clear, or for
inspection of the telescopes and plane-
tarium, if the sky is cloudy. Children
are welcomed, but must be accom-
panied by adults.
Hillel: Friday evening services at
Lane Hall at 7:45 .m. followed by a
Fireside. Professor Kenneth Boulding
of the Economics Department will
speak on "Quakerism." Everyone is
Westminster Guild: , Open House,
Fri., Nov. 9, 8 p.m.
The Evangelical and Reformed Stu-
dent Guild will entertain the Congre-
gational-Disciples Guild at a party on
Fri.; Nov. 9, at 8 p.m. The party will
be held in the Parish Hall of Bethle-
hem Church, 423 S. Fourth Ave. All
membersand friends of both groups
are invited to attend,
Hillel: Supper Club will be held this
week at the ZBT House 2006 Washte-
naw from 5:30 to 7 p.m., Sun., Nov. 11.
A kosher delicatessen supper will be
provided at cost. Everyone is welcome.
Economics Club: 8 p.m., Mon., Nov.
12, Rackham Amphiterater. Professor
Clare E. Griffin, Professor of Business
Economics of the School of Business
Administration, will speak on "Social-
ism and Capitalism in Sweden." All
staff members and advanced students
in Economics and Business Adminis-
tration are invited to attend.

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications. a
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keith ...............City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson..........Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn ..........Associate Editor
Ted Papes .............Sports Editor
George Flint .,.Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James..........Women's Editor x
Jo Ketelhut. Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller ..........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy. Assoc Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish........... Finance Manager
Stu Ward........Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member ot The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
o all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbop. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00: by mail, $7.00.

Physics Lectures. Fifth of a series I
of six lectures on "Modern Theories ofI
Atomic and Molecular Structure," by'
Sir John E. Lennard-Jones, Professor of
Theoretical Chemistry, Cambridge Uni-
versity, England. 10:00 a.m., Thurs.,
Nov. 8, 202 West Physics Bldg.
University Lecture (in English), aus-
pices of the Depgrtment of Romance
Languages and Literatures and of the
Spanish Club. "Cante jondo" (Spanish
folk music). Francisco Herrera, Pro-
fessor of Spanish, West Virginia Uni-
versity. 8:00 p.m., Fri., Nov. 9, Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Just think! From some other
n.. r 4a.I Al. . fni...


Alpha Phi Omega: Regular meeting
at 7:15 p.m. in the Union, All members
are requested to attend.
Cleveland Club. Reorganizational
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Room 3D, Union.
All Cleveland students invited.
All-Campus Peace Committee. Or-
ganizational meeting. 7:30 p.m., Rm.
KL, Union: All interested are invited.
Graduate Student Council. Meeting,
7:30 p.m., Graduate Outing Room, base-
ment Rackham.
Young Republican Meeting in the
Mich. League, 7:30 p.m. The speaker
of the evening will be State Senator

1 f

And the place is such a mess, too-


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