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November 03, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-11-03

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LAST TUESDAY afternoon, the Students
Affairs Committee agreed to discuss the
possibility of greater student authority on
the committee. During the opening parlay,
it became evident that a considerable
amount of open-mindedness was being
shown by nearly all the members-student,
faculty, and administration alike.
The simple fact that discussion has be-
gun and has some prospect of concluding
by giving students more control over their
own matters indicates, perhaps, that the
University is beginning to lean away from
well-worn authoritarianism. This indica-
tion is bolstered by the University's action
last year in forming the Joint-Judiciary
Council, which gave students a great voice
in disciplinary affairs.
Both moves point to the conclusion that
students must adapt and prepare themselves
for more responsibility. The general level
of maturity at this university has always
been somewhat above that of other schools,
but it only takes one slip to call down the
wrath of those who doubt that maturity,
and they are the ones who generally have
the most to do with controls.
* * *
AS FAR AS college newspapers are con-
cerned, for example, things are on ten-
terhooks all over the country. There are
probably fewer than ten completely student-
managed papers left in the nation; and each
year brings news of another that has been
placed, for one reason or another, under
faculty or administration supervision. In
each instance, some particular act of the
paper was taken as an excuse to take re-
sponsibility away from the student editors
and put it in the hands of an "adult." Fur-
ther, in all but a few cases, the students
raised no protest, accepted their loss of face
with philosophical (or sluggish) calm, and
went on working.
On the surface, these curbs on student
responsibility seem insignificant. In the
newspapers, nearly the same procedures
are being followed, and nearly the same
things are being said. But not quite.
Freed to some extent from responsibility,
students are simply not thinking so much
for themselves-and as a result their con-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

science (perhaps their most useful philoso-
phical tool) is never whetted to a decent
sharpness. This could be shown without
much difficulty by investigating the edi-
torial matter printed. Most college papers
shy completely away from off-campus
subjects, and content themselves with
relative innocuities.
Things which might be investigated by
independent, self-reliant students are left
untouched, perhaps because the atmosphere
in which they work is not as free as it ideally
should be. When responsibility is curbed,
other curbs follow, and conversely, when
more responsibility is allotted, a greater
moral competence necessarily results. This
is just as true in all fields of student activity
as it is on newspapers.
* * *
T IS primarily up to us, at this point, to
prove that as students we have a will-
ingness as well as ability to make decisions
for ourselves. After World War II the stu-
dent body had a more marked tone of ma-
turity than ever before; and there are sev-
eral ways to explain it. First, the veteran
population provided, in general, a decided
element of seriousness. Second, the political
climate in the years right after 1945 was
well adapted to freedom of exression. To-
day, the veterans are for the most part
gone. The political situation is by no means
conducive to a man's expressing himself.
The campus is lest serious than it was, and,
further, is less concerned with "the larger
issues," mainly because it is harder to be.
In fact, the forces existent on most
campuses today-this one is no excep-
tion-would tend more toward making a
highly "social," ethically cloistered, com-
pletely ineffectual student body than any-
thing else. This is the trend built out of
the current climate. Countering it is
whatever intellectual dignity and concern
is possessed by the students themselves.
These elements, if they are to survive,
must be nurtured by the school itself, in
every way possible.
Students have a basic ability to assume
responsibility. This ability is currently be-
ing battered on nearly every side, and is in
danger of being lost altogether unless(1)
students begin thinking, and (2) the Uni-
versity continues to foster the assumption
of responsibility. It's a big order.
Although it has a long way to go, the
University seems willing to do its part. Its
action as regards the Joint-Judiciary Coun-
cil, and the forthcoming discussion in the
SAC would indicate that. Right now, the
initiative rests with us.

New Chairman
WASHINGTON-With the retiring chair-
man, William Boyle, sitting meekly at
his elbow, Frank E. McKinney, the new
Democratic National Chairman, in effect
admitted publicly what informed circles have
long known. It is that the political head-
quarters of the Truman administration has
been without rudder or purpose, inefficient
and self-serving.
McKinney calmly rent the veil with a
series of blunt announcements about re-
forms he intends to make in the com-
mittee organization. His most striking
statement was that "as of tomorrow morn-
ing all expenditures shall be suspended
and no money shall be spent without my
personal approval." Boyle, who had just
assured the committee that their finances
were in splendid shape, seemed to get a
little pinker but made no sign.
McKinney said the committee had been
breaking its own rules and did not know
what its staff was doing. He forbade the staff
to receive "gifts, favors, fees, emoluments of
any kind from outside sources" for any serv-
ices rendered outside the committee.
The fireman's child who has put himself
in the tycoon class by his own efforts made
it clear he was not going to permit his won-
der-boy reputation to be tarnished by such
a showing. With one frank statement he
showed that he knew how many reputations
have been going down the drain in Wash-
ington lately.
"I deem it necessary to protect myself
by making drastic changes involving fu-
ture policy, in order to correct certain ex-
isting faults and weaknesses," he said.
It was an extraordinary performance,
considering that he had appeared to take
the crown by favor from Boyle's hands. Had
he been elected in a smashing assault upon
prior committee management, it would seem
less drastic.
On the whole it was well received. The
Democrats have seen so much timidity late-
ly, vigor and courage in any form are ex-
But there were some things the new
chairman did not do. His new broom was
directed in this initial speech at his head-
quarters staff only. He did not refer to the
scandals that have beset the administra-
tion generally and have involved some
members of the committee which ratified
his choice.
He ordered his staff to get out of the in-
fluence racket, but did not address himself
to the rather large club of Democrats-for-
revenue-only. Any influence the committee
staff has been tossing around is deplorable,
but strictly minor league. The big money is
being collected by Democrats far above com-
mittee employees.
The White House stenographer with the
pastel mink coat has been fired, too. But
no members of Mr. Truman's staff who were
mentioned in the RFC, 5 percenter and other
investigations have followed her into limbo.
McKinney did not mention the Presi-
dent's program, either, about which he has
been reported to entertain some doubts
and which has never received any beef,
iron and wine from his state of Indiana
in the way of support. These are matters
the correspondents can be expected to de-
velop later. They represent the field which
troubled labor and the party liberals who
had never entertained any doubt that Mc-
Kinney was a go-getter.
They freely applaud his initial effort. It is.
in fact, what they have been clamoring for
without avail. McKinney appears to give Mr.
Truman his first full-time, vigorous, punch-
ing chairman. The rest remains to be seen.
(copyright, 1951, by The Bell Snydicate Inc.)

"Don't Go To Any Bother --- I'd Rather Just Drop In"

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length. defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


Washington Merry-Go-Round

The Football Curtain .. .
To the Editor:
pODAY I learned that this Sat-
urday's Michigan-Ilinois game
will -not be televised in the De-
troit area. We are all in sympathy
with the banning of such a tele-
cast, for we realize that this pro-
gram would prevent thousands of
people from traveling to Cham-
paign to witness this exciting con-
test first hand. Yet, is such a pro-
hibition accomplishing the desired
results? I think not.
Many people prefer to stay
home and listen to their radios in-
stead of traveling to the game. Ra-
dio broadcasting, therefore, should
be controlled. Others like to read
about it in the newspapers. No re-
porters should be permitted at the
Illinois Stadium. But then, some
character would try flying over the
field in a helicopter rather than
pay the admission price. The air
surrounding the stadium should,
therefore, be patrolled by P-51
Mustangs which can be obtained
from the government at bargain
war surplus prices.
Others prefer to remain at home
and wait to hear about the game
from friends who attended. All
fans attending should be required
to sign statements before leaving
the game declaring that they will
not disclose the results or any ac-
count of the proceedings to any-
one-"so help me Tug Wilson."
A few may set up their own
transmitters and try to broadcast
to the outside world. A nest of
transmitters should be set up out-
side the stadium in order to drown
out these broadcasts much as the
Soviet Union does with our Voice
of America.
Only after these and other steps
are taken can we feel safe that no
one who hasn't paid the price of
admission will derive any pleasure
from the game. Prompt action is
called for-the 1951 season is al-
most lost.
-Sanford Schwartz
Stumbling Mankind,...
To the Editor:

always find a permanent (just try
to quit) job in the uranium mines
or be conscripted into some labor
force. Nor did the people Whom I
met speak of material abundance
or personal freedom. Quite the
contrary! Not with the Russian
drain on the East German econ-
I can also shed light on the
"wonderful treatment" which the
participants received. For a period
of three months previous to the
festival the people of the Soviet
sector received a 30 per cent cut
in their meat ration to provide
adequate food for the honored
I certainly don't want to under-
estimate the effect of such mass
meetings by these statements. As
witnessed by the stories brought
back, the Festival made an im-
pression on even those who.should
have been able to see through the
sham. And on those who for years
have been subject to continuous
propaganda and who are enticed
with many promises and rewards,
a favorable reaction is not surpris-
In closing I would like to bring a
message of friendship from stu-
dents in East Germany who are
being persecuted for their belief-in
God and in the dignity of man.
-Frank Norman
* * *
Minority Censorship .
To the Editor:

WASHINGTON-It has been kept top-secret in order not to em-
barrass the British, but the Air Force has just picked up a Rus-
sian-built MIG jet-plane engine which ought to be put on exhibition
in London's Trafalgar Square as an illustration of how not to help
an ally.
For the Russian engine is an exact duplication of the British
jet engines which Britain sold Soviet Russia in 1947-48.
At that time, fifty British NENE engines were sent to Moscow.
And the Russian MIG-15 engine we have now captured is an exact
duplicate. The Russian workmanship is a little rougher, but otherwise
the two are identical.
These are the same engines now powering the Russian MIGs which
have been outflying every American plane in Korea except the F-86.
They have caused considerable loss of American life. So many Rus-
sian MIGs have now been sent to Korea that it is no longer possible
for us to get anywhere near the Yalu river with bombing planes ex-
cept at night.
NOTE I-The British can come back at us with a reminder
that in 1933-34, when Hitler had just started on the rampage,
Cordell Hull permitted American fighter-plane engines to be sold
to Germany despite our treaty banning munitions to Germany.
These engines later powered the deadly Fokkers which heaped
devastation on British troops.
NOTE 2-Before Pearl Harbor, the U.S. Army and Navy followed
an extremely shortsighted policy of permitting American firms to sell
plane designs and patent licenses to the Japanese and other potential
enemies. As a result Douglas Aircraft sold the blueprints for the DC-4
to Japan for $706.720, and the famed Jap Zero turned out to be a vir-
tual duplication of the Curtiss P-36.
f ERE ARE THE FACTS behind the sudden summoning of Dr.
George Pack, New York, cancer specialist, to Buenos Aires to diag-
nose Senora Peron.
About a year ago, Senora Peron began losing blood internally
and her doctors put her on a bland diet, recommending among
other things that she give up all alcohol. This included foregoing
Evita's favorite drink-the San Martin, the Argentine version of a
martini, made by pouring four ounces of sweet vermouth into a
:jigger of gin and drunk without ice.
Senora Peron, who has always been a periodic drinker, laying off
for months at a time, then making up for lost time, scrupulously
obeyed her doctors until last June.
Then, on the fifth anniversary of her husband's inauguration,
she yielded to the San Martin urge rather heavily, later went to a
resort in near-by Cordoba for a week of even more serious drink-


J. WARREN McCABE, (Letters
to the Editor, Thursday's
Daily) seem to advocate the right
of one small group to dictate the
actions of the population in gener-
al. Perhaps they would like a sys-
tem whereby a small racial, reli-
gious, or other type of group would
decide who is the best prospect for
a public office, such as President
of the United States, and everyone
else (the "far more impressionable
lot") would be required to vote for
this one candidate.
I agree that there are some
things put out in the way of en.
tertainment that should be boy-
cotted by the general public. How-
ever, I very strongly protest
against any one group forcing their
own belief, as to what should or
should not be shown or printed, on
the whole population. These
groups should state their opinion
and present their arguments in a
calm manner, and then let others
make up their own mind.


IN REPLY to McCabe: "...
the movie public at large
far more impressionable lot

is a



M A Trr.







W ASHINGTON-When a great industrial
corporation builds a potential empire--
rather a favorite thing to do nowadays-it
goes without saying that the aim is to in-
fluence government action in ways benefi-
cial to the corporation. In this important
sphere of effort the greatest of the empire
builders, Pan American Airways, has a rec-
ord that stands by itself.
The regulatory body to which Pan Am-
erican looks for subsidy determinationsI
and route allocations is the Civil Aero-
nautics Board. And the scalps of no less
than two chairmen of the C.A.B. hang as
trophies in the famous house on F Street
where Pan American's political branch
has its headquarters.
In 1947, Civil Aeronautics Chairman
James Landis angrily opposed Pan Ameri-
can's famous "chosen instrument bill." Lan-
dis was briskly dropped from the chairman-
ship in 1948. Landis' successor, the able Jo- ~
seph O'Connell, then ventured to fight Pan
American's purchase of American Overseas
Airways. In mid-debate, in June 1950, O'Con-
nell was also dropped from the chairmanship,
but Pan American also has its kindly side.
* * *
IN DECEMBER, 1948, the term of C.A.B.
member Oswald Ryan had expired. By
then, Ryan had reached the tragic stage
that is often reached by public servants who
have given good value in the past; he was
no longer likely to find another job and
therefore wanted to hang on at the C.A.B.
if humanly possible. His reappointment was
not expected. Then Pan American's Wash-
ington counsel, Louis A. Johnson, who then
had fresh upon his brow the laurels earned
by financing the President's 1948 campaign,
thoughtfully intervened in poor Ryan's be-
half. Ryan got the job again. And ever since,
he has voted straight down the line for Pan
American on every important issue before
the Civil Aeronautics Board.
Moreover, when the C.A.B. has been
intractable, Pan American has always
seemed to be able to get help elsewhere.
There was the case, for instance, of the
Seattle-Ilonolulu route, desired by both
Pan American and Northwest Airlines. In
March, L948, the Civil Aeronautics Board
gave this route to Northwest, specifically!
denying Pan American's application for it.
In July, 1948, the President formally ap-
proved the C.A.B. finding against Pan Am-

erican for the run after all. As a result,
Northwest which had hoped to bolster its
Pacific competition with Pan American by
Seattle-Honolulu profits is instead reported
to be losing on this route.
* *
FOR A CORPORATION which can per-
suade the President to change his mind,
it is nothing much to induce the Justice
Department to revise its briefs. This also
happened, when Pan American was seeking
to purchase American Overseas Airways in
order to secure control of its crucial Atlantic
When the case first opened before the
Civil Aeronautics Board, Edward Dum-
bauld, representing Justice, announced
strong opposition to the proposed deal on
anti-trust grounds. But when the formal
hearings began, Dumbauld had been re-
placed by another Justice Department
lawyer, William McFarlane, who maintain-
ed a discreet silence. The new Justice De-
partment emissary explained to C.A.B. at-
torneys that the "red carpet had been out
on the fifth floor," when Attorney General
Tom C. Clark had received a Pan Am-
erican delegation.
In the secondround of the same case, J.
Howard McGrath had become Attorney
General and the able Lambert O'Malley was
chosen to represent the Justice Department.
The preliminary report of the C.A.B. exam-
iner was favorable to Pan American's plan
to absorb American Overseas. O'Malley at
once filed a long series of bitterly hostile
objections, excoriating the Pan American
project as monopolistic. These were official-
ly signed by Herbert A. Bergson, Chief of
the Anti-Trust Division, and James E. Kil-
day, Chief of the Transportation Section.
Representations were promptly made by
J. Carroll Cone. Almost equally promptly,
Justice Department Anti-Trust Chief
Bergson withdrew all O'Malley's tactless
exceptions, save one which was formal,
general and meaningless. Even so, the De-
partment was still called upon to file a
brief in the case. A powerful brief, again
excoriating Pan American's scheme to
absorb American Overseas, was prepared
by the determined O'Malley. But this ex-
plosive document went up through Jus-'
tice Department channels until, presum-
ably, it just went up-in smoke.
At any rate, the final Justice Department



r w e n r w
At The Orpheurn
THE INHERITANCE with Jean Simmons,
Katina Paxinou and Derrick De Marney
TAKE A very pretty heiress in her' nonage,
add an impoverished, guardian uncle
who lives in a dark castle and keeps strange
company, throw in a tall, handsome lord
who can flatten a muscular handyman with
one blow, mix in a glorious coming-out ball,
liberally flavor with high suspense and you
get an entertainment stew that most of
us supped on from our twelfth to sixteenth
year-when somebody kindly put us wise to
Hemingway and Somerset Maugham.
The latest cinematic import from Bri-
tain to hit Ann Arbor savors of all these
ingredients of the old literary ragouts and
even includes a mysterious castle wing
closed off to all but "the master." The
pot has been stirred a bit, but it's still the
same stuff.
Jean Simmons, who almost is able to make
one take the whole business seriously again,
plays the harrassed Victorian maiden with
much aplomb and some viruosity. The rest
of the cast does not distinguish itself, but
manages to be straight-faced enough to keep
from burlesquing either the Victorians or
the dust-covered bookshelves.
As usual in this sort of mystery so much
is left to the imagination when it comes to
character motivation that one never does de-
cide why certain people are willing to do
certain things. And to heighten the suspense,

This started her intestinal troubles all over again, and it required
four days in a private Buenos Aires clinic before the hemorrhages
could be stopped. A fissure in the membrane of the lower intestine has
now been discovered, which is the reason for consultation with the
famed Dr. Pack.
LAST WEEK President Truman called in India Edwards, head of
the women's division of the Democratic committee, and offered
her Bill Boyle's old job as chairman. Mrs:. Edwards thanked the
President and asked him to give her 24 hours to think it over. The
next day she wrote a letter thanking HST for the honor, but de-
clined on the ground that, with a campaign coming up, the party
needed a man at the helm.
Harold Moskovit's prediction on the important election of New
York City Council President is: Joe Sharkey, Democrat, by around
800,000 votes; Rudy Halley, Liberal and ex-counsel for the Kefauver
committee, second with about 500,000; Congressman Latham, GOP,
third with 400,000 . . . . The man who wins will probably be the next
mayor of the world's greatest city.
THE FRESHMAN congressmen's dinner for Senator Taft was switch-
ed the last minute from the Congressional Hotel to the Hotel
2400-because Murray Olf, the Washington lobbyist for racketeer
Frankie Costello, lives at the Congressional . . . . Congressional Inves-
tigators, checking on scandals instide the Internal Revenue Bureau,
are using assumed names. They think they are being watched by
Treasury agents . . . . Senator Taft's forces have lost one of the key
backstage GOP advisers, John G. Bennett of Rochester. Bennett is now
working full time for Eisenhower. Though unknown to voters, he knows
the inside of the Republican Party better than anyone in Washington
. Russia isn't waiting for the United Nations to decide who owns
the Kurile Islands extending out into the.Pacific between Japan and
Alaska. Large groups of immigrants have already been sent to the
Kuriles to colonize them .
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

far less, mentally and morally
equipped to cope with the essen-
tial conflict and moral problemst
presented in "Streetcar" than ist
the Broadway theatre-going pub-
There you have it. The average
citizen is not competent to make
a moral judgement; the elite must,
make it for him.
The implications of this assump-
tion are far reaching. Logically,
with the incompetence of the in-
dividual as the common factor, itI
applies to all political judgements<
as well. If the average citizen is so
deficient in that great quality
which enables one man to decide
whether it will be the Michigan
theatre tonight or the State to-
morrow night, how in the wide
world can the same average citi-
zen, by a mere step into the voting
booth, be suddenly endowed, as if
by magic, with the wisdom neces-
sary to determine how the world's
most powerful government shall
affect the fate of mankind? To us,
the assumption is clearly unten-
able in the light of democratic
principles. The very concept of
democracy presupposes that the
citizenry has the right to make its
own decisions in the pursuit of its
happiness. We do not quarrel with
the right of any volunteer organi-
zation to make suggestions to its
members, or even to outsiders.
What we do quarrel with, and
what we so bitterly resent, is the
naked assumption, often used in
defense of that right, that the
mass of mankind is so slow, stumb-
ling, and shortsighted that it must
be led by the hand of the wise.
-William E. Beringer
Joseph M. Kortenhof
* * *
East Berlin .. .
To the Editor:
I WOULD like to take exception
to the impressions which Mr.
Smale and Mr. Giuliano received
while attending the World Youth
Festival in Berlin last August.
I was in Berlin two weeks pre-
vious to the Festival and had the
opportunity to attend the Kirchen-
tag, a mass meeting, of German
Protestants, many of whom were
from the East Zone. I spoke to
many students and adults yet fail-
ed to come away with such a glori-
fied impression of conditions exist-.
ing behind the Iron Curtain.
True, unemployment does not ex-
ist in serious proportions. One can

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott......Managing Editor
Bob Keith ... .... .....City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson.........Feature Editor .
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Bob Vaughn .........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ... .......Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ....... Women's Editor
Jo Keteihut, Associate Women's Editor
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Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


--A. Reid
* * *
Grammar Lesson...
To the Editor:
DICTION gentlemen. Tut! Tut!
Tut! Tut! The female sought
in Wednesday's Daily from the
circumstances referred to, was
"elusive" hardly "illusive."
-Lawrence Kaufman




For argument's sake, Barnaby, if what
your dog is barking at IS a space ship

And, like a good
sport, your Fairy

So let's get back to work on MY space
ship. Nothing's up there in the sky



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