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October 31, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-31

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VOL. LXII, No. 31

Latest Deadline in the State,







Shift in SAC
Student Power
Increase Sought
The Student Affairs Committe
yesterday broke into a discussio:
of student representation on th
Committee which may lead t
greater student authority in thi
top policy-making group.
At the present, the committee i
composed of seven students, th
Dean of Women and the Dean o
Students (both representatives o
the administration), and six fac
ulty members, appointed by th
ALL MEMBERS exercise a vote
except the Dean of Students, wh
votes only in case of a tie.
Leonard Wilcox, president o
Student Legislature and one o
the student committee members
first suggested that the matter b
talked over, with a view towar
giving students a more decisive
authority in SAC actions.
The SAC could not itself alter
its composition, but would rec-
ommend changes, if once decid-
ed, to the Board of Regents.
That Board has the final word
on such organizational revisions.
Though fuller discussion if
scheduled for the next SAC meet.
ing, some support was evidenced
among non-student members to-
ward the alteration in representa
tion. It was pointed out that an
change would not represent the
admission of a cleavage betwee
student and other SAC members,
since such a cleavage has neve
shown itself to be a true one.
S * . * *
SAC MEMBERS expressed thei
approval of the proposed discus-
sion.. Al Blumrosen, chairman of
the Men's Judiciary Council, saw
it as a move in line with "a trend
toward extending student respon-
sibility on campus, a trend which
has been evident during the past
few years and which demonstrates
a good educational practice.'
Prof. Leo Schmidt, a profes-
sor in the School of Business
Administration and a faculty
member of the committee, ex-
pressed a feeling that a lot of
inquiry was needed before ac-
tion could be taken, but that,
on the whole, the investigation
itself was a good idea.
"If the SAC chooses to act posi-
tively toward giving students a
majority in the committee, it will
be right in line with the policy
set up by the Student Legislature
a few weeks ago-that students
should have a greater voice in de-
ciding matters which directly con-
cern them," Wilcox asserted.
Blast Begins
An explosion set off a fire
shortly before 9 a.m. yesterday at
the University's old Maternity
Hospital, injuring a , research
chemist and seriously damaging
three rooms in the Dermatology
Research Laboratories.
The blast was believed to have
started from a five-gallon alcohol
container. Injured was Teh Haun
Lee, Grad., who received slight

burns on the face and hands.
University Plant Superintendent
Walter M. Roth said no immediate
estimate of the damage could be
made. He added, that valuable pa-
pers and equipment were des-
Firemen were called to put out
the blaze after four women re-
searchers failed to subdue it with
fire extinguishers.
Nurse's Slayers
Stand Trial Today


By The Associated Press
Tension continued to mount in
the seething Middle East yester-
day, as 5000 Communist-led stu-
dents rioted in Tehran and the
British reaffirmed their intention
of remaining in the Suez Canal
zone despite Egyptian ouster de-
In Iran, at least a score were

Gargoyle Again,
Gargoyle will rear it's ugly
pale red cover today in its first
issue of the semester.
For a quarter, student ven-
dors will be glad to unload a
copy on you, according to Peg
Nimz, managing editor, who ve-
hemently denies that this is
Just another Halloween prank.
Post Card
Bill Signed
WASHINGTON-(R)-A bill to
abolish the penny post card and
to raise postal rates $117,000,000
a year was signed yesterday by
President Truman.
Beginning next Jan. 1 post cards
will cost two cents.
The new law does not change
the three-cent rate for ordinary
first class letters or affect existing
air mail rates. However it author-
izes an increase in special delivery
charges from 15 to 20 cents.
The new rates will hardly make
a nick in the post office deficit,
which has been estimated at $520,-
000,000 for the fiscal year ending
next June 30.
And they will be offset by an
anticipated $252,000,000 a year
hike in postal pay, $30,000,000 more
a year in increased leaves, and a
possible jump of $75,000,000 an-
nually in railway charges. Rail-
way charges have been requested
but not approved yet.

TENSION MOUNTS-Added to the hotspots of tension-the Suez
Canal (A) and Anglo-Egyptian Sudan (B)-is Tehran which
yesterday was the scene of rioting by 5000 Communist led students.
t Meanwhile the British stood fast in Egypt, reaffirming their inten-
tion of remaining in the Canal zone despite ouster demands from
the Egyptian government.
' *
Tension Mounts in East
As Tehran Students Riot

injured in the students' rush in-
to Parliament Square, breaking
through police and army siege lines
around Tehran University with
fists, bricks and sticks. More than
2,000 steel-helmeted police and
soldiers manned the lines, but they
had been ordered to resist only
with their hands.
THE STUDENT leaders had call-
ed for a parade to Parliament
Square to express sympathy for
Egypt, despite a government ban
on demonstrations in the square
after more than a score of persons
were killed in an oil nationaliza-
tion riot July 15.
The demonstration came amid
a nationwide hunt for Commun-
ists, launched Sunday when a
police raid uncovered a purport-
ed plot to overthrow Shah Mo-
hammed Reza Pahlevi.
Police agents trailed the known
Tudeh (Communist) leader, Ali
Mohammed Dehganpour, to a
hideout near the University,
MEANWHILE, the war office in
London alerted the third infantry
division for movement to the Mid-
dle East. Two aircraft carriers, the
Illustrious and ' Triumph, were
standing by for transport. One of
the division's three brigades al-
ready has been flown to Tripoli.

Red Troops
Force Allies
To Withdraw
UN Stands Firm
On Truce Terms
By The Associated Press
Red troops forced Allied units to
retreat from positions southeast
of battered Kumsong on the Cen-
tral Korean front yesterday, while
the United Nations command in
Munsan took an unyielding stand
for a "shock absorber, zone in
front of the main U.N. defense
lines as the price of a cease-fire.
The Communist thrust, follow-
ing a heavy Red mortar barrage,
came in the same area where
Allied units fought off a series of
attacks yesterday.
UN AND Communist forces,
the latter bolstered by fresh Chin-
ese troops, were fighting a battle
of thrust and parry along the cen-
tral front. American infantrymen
had jabbed into the road junction
of Choso two miles northwest of
Kumsong, shot it up and with-
drew under fire:
Allied tanks braved Red mor-
tar and artillery fire yesterday
on another thrust into Kum-
song, 30 miles north of Parallel
38. They set new fires and then
withdrew from the no-man's-
land city.
In the air war, B-29 Superforts
ranged out again yesterday in an-
other bombing operation designed
to deny Red jets the use of three
new airfields in Northwest Korea.
* *, *
MEANWHILE, at Munsan Allied
tempers were wearing a little thin
after six fruitless sub-committee
sessions failed to solve the issue
of a buffer zone between the op-
posing armies.
Truce subcommittees met for
the seventh time yesterday at
Panmunjom. The morning meet-
ing adjourned after an hour and
25 minutes.
After the three-hour session
brought no progress, the UN com-
mand said in a communique:
The Communist members . . -
refused to modify their demarca-
tion line proposal which would
strip the United Nations Com-
mand Forces of advanced and
hard-won positions, essential for
their protection during a military

ATOM FLASH-A sequence camera caught these four pictures
of the brilliant light that seared the mountains near Las Vegas
when an atom bomb was exploded over the Nevada desert this
* * * *
Largest Bomb Exploded
In Atomic Test Series

sharper, more concentrated and
perhaps deadlier version of Ameri-
ca's large atomicbomb scorched
the Nevada test site in an awesome
and beautiful explosion yesterday.
It was a -brilliant burst that,
dropped from a high flying B-29,
outshone a bright desert sun one
hour after sunrise. Thebomb ap-
peared to have a sustained reac-
tion-a virtual dualsaction-that
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON - Prime Minister
Churchill cut both the size and
the pay of Britain's new cabinet

'U' Will Provide
Adequate Funds
Grad. Stacks, Circulation Desk pe
SL President Len Wilcox Jubilan
Bolstered by a new fund allocation, the General Library will sm
open its doors next Sunday for the first time in six months, Lib
officials announced yesterday.
The move brought to at least a temporary conclusion one of
most heated controversies in recent campus history.
* * * *


said the

WRITTEN statement, Prof. Warner G. Rice, library dir
new hours will be 2 to 6 p.m., representing a three
from last year's 9 p.m.G

Pranksters All Set to Haunt
Streets - Halloween is Here!

Jolly circus clowns, timid Bo
Peeps, and ferocious lions will
haunt the nation's streets tonight
when countless youngsters disguis-
ed as everything from ghosts to
the Easter Bunny celebrate their
annual trick or treat holiday-
Many a household will be bar-

Conference Discusses
Introductory Courses

raged with "beggers"' plaintive re-
quests for goodies and pennies,
while others will find themselves
victims of pint-sized pranksters as
doorbells are rung and windows
are soaped mercilessly.
This colorful celebration dates'
back some 600 years to medieval
days when it originated as a pre-
liminary to All Saints' Day. Chil-
dren of the Middle Ages custom-
arily donned terrifying masks and
filled the streets in an effort to
frighten away their ancestors, who
were believed to return to life on
October 31.
This year in Ann Arbor, however,
Hallowe'en celebrating will have
a new twist. A mammoth party will
be given tonight for all children
through the ninth grade, thereby
replacing some of the customary
"begging" and the accompanying
Theyouthful masqueraders will
meet before the party for a cos-
tume parade through the town,
winding up at Wines Field with
games and refreshments.
Blood Needed
The Red Cross Blood Dona-
tion Center, sponsored by the
Interfraternity Council, will be
onen from 2 to 5 and from '7 to


NEW YORK - Deep water
shippers charged rebel New York
dock strikers before the National
Labor Relations board yesterday
with breach of contract.
TOKYO - Peiping Radio said
yesterday units of the Chinese
Red Army arrived in Lhasa, capital
of Tibet on Oct. 26.
Although the Chinese Reds an-
nounced the "liberation" of Tibet
earlier this year, Red Army troops
had remained encamped on the
Eastern frontier of that isolated
country on the "rooftop of the
GOETTINGEN, Germany-Fif-
ty-four Germans convicted in Yu-
goslavia of war crimes were re-
turned to Germany yesterday-
freed without explanation by the
Yugoslav government.
* * *
TAIPEH, Formosa-Chiang Kai-
Shek on the eve of his 65th birth-
day yesterday saw the struggle
against Chinese Communism as
possibly "the last hurdle we have
to cross on the way to our cher-
ished freedom and independence."

may mark a step forward in the
design of the basic A-bomb.
IT WAS the third and largest
blast in the present series of tests.
In a blinding four-second dis-
play, the bomb flashed white
and then red as previous atomic
fireballs have done. But in this
case, the remaining red ball ap-
peared to rise and suddenly burst
open' again.
Atomic Energy Commission sci-
entists declined to comment on
the apparent phenomenon, which
pointed to improvement in the
bomb which blasted Hiroshima and
Nagasaki and since has been test-
ed many times. This was Amer-
ica's 20th major nuclear explo-
sion, by unofficial tally.
The double-action was verified
by two sound waves heard a second
apart on Mt. Charleston, about 50
miles away, 4%/a minutes after the
Nowhere in the AEC's own man-
ual on atomic explosions is there
a description accurately fitting
what this observer saw from the
8,000-foot level on the mountain.
Certain phases of other blasts co-
incide with this explosion, but the
duration and apparent booster ac-
tion of the red portion of the fire-
ball seemed to be without prece-
Swede Confesses
Spying for Russia
Swedish n a v y engineer, Frnst
Hilding Andersson, 42, pleaded
guilty yesterday to charges of spy-
ing against Sweden and Britain
for Soviet Russia.
Andersson, a confessed Com-
munist, testified in the Stockholm
magistrates court he had been
helping Russia since 1946 to pre-
pare for a possible invasion of
Sweden by providing information
on army and naval affairs and
prospective invasion routes.

closing hour. However, for the first
time, the graduate stacks and the
circulation desk will be open Sun-
Although study halls will be
closed as before, the Main Read-
ing Room, the Periodical Room
and the Medical Reading Room
will all be available for student
The action followed receipt of a
letter from administration offi-
cials assuring the Library of an
increase in operating funds. The
letter was received yesterday, ac-
cording to Samuel Vtf. McAllister,
associate library director.
STUDENT Legislature President
Len Wilcox, '52, was jubilant
on hearing of the Library's about-
face. Wilcox had sparked an SL
boycott of the Studernt Affairs
Committee and the President's
Conference earlier this month as a
protest against the University's
refusal to adjust library hours.
"'The Library's action consti-
tutes a recognition of SL's abil-
ity to represent student opin-
ion." Wilcox said. He added that
he was pleased with the coopera-.
tion of University officials in
solving the problems.
Equally happy over the move
was Jerry Adams, Grad., president
of the Graduate Student Council.
*, * * -
were "persuaded because of stu-
dent protest" to let students under-
take the Sabbath study stint in the
However, he emphasized that
this is a trial run. "We will con-
tinue with the new policy for the
remainder of the semester and
at term's end will consider whe-
ther student use justifies the
weekend expenditure."
Sunday service was discontinued
last spring in anticipation of a
huge library budget slash following
the State Legislature's cut in ap-
propriations for the University.
.5 *5 *
SL To Review
The University's decision to open
the General Library on Sundays
will be discussed at the regular
meeting of Student Legislature at
7:30 tonight in Room 3LMN of the
A motion by student legislator.
Bob Perry, '52E, to amend the SL
constitution will be considered.
Perry's ' amendment proposes in.
creasing the SL membership ros-
ter to 50 students.
A report will be given by the
lecture committee on progress to-
ward student representation on the
University Lecture Committee.
The Homecoming Dance com-
mittee will present its report on
Saturday's dance. The 10 cent
football program situation will al-
so be discussed.

Ypsi Norma
Begins Grid
YPSILANTI - ()) -- Michii
State Normal College yester
announced an investigation i
what it termed "unfounded rum
concerning irregularities in fe
ball training room procedures."
The rumors, currently sweep
the MSNC campus, hinted that-
jured football players may h
been injected with novocaine a
then returned to the game.
* *, *
"THE BOARD does not yet h
all the necessary information a
until it has, it can make no sta
ment or recommendation conce
ing procedure," said a spoesm
The statement .stemmed fro
a faculty request for further d
tails on th dismissal Monday
Merrill Hershey, athletic train
on the MSNC campus for tJ
past four years. Hershey is co
tinuing to teach his physic
education classes on the camp
Main charges against Hers
were lodged by Head Coach Ha
Ockermar who said the tral
was not performing training ro
duties properly, that the train
room at times was "filthy,"
that Hershey had not notified b-
when he (Hershey) failed to mi
the road trip to Dekalb, Ill., fo
game with Northern Illi
Teachers College Oct. 12.
* * *
ATHLETIC officials denied t
novocaine or other pain deaden
drugs have been used "irregular]
They explained that the drug I
been used only in order to re
muscles so that massage or tre
ment could begin.
Michigan Normal officials e:
panded on the matter after ti
issuance of the formal statemer
Ralph Gilden, Chairman of i
Board of Athletic Control, S
that while inquiries already
indicated the rumors to be i
founded the investigation wol
go on.
Youth Festiva
Report to YP
Stirs Debate
A student report on last su
mer's World Youth Festival turt
into a spirited argument last ni
at the Young Progressives me
Vincent Giuliano, '52, and S
phen Smale, '52, who attended 1
Festival in East Berlin, compa
the conditions of East Germa
and other "Iron Curtain" natic
with those of the rest of Luro
stressing the material bnef
enjoyed by peoples living- une
They were immediately cha
lenged by three foreign studen
sitting in on the meeting. Eri
Fritzen of Hamburg, Germar
doubted whether the reporte
satisfaction with the CommuW
ist government represented
majority opinion in East Ge

Introductory courses were given
a thorough going-over last night
at the first literary college confer-
ence of the year.
In a highly cordial atmosphere,
students, faculty and administra-
tion representatives dwelt in par-
ticular upon possible substitutes
for introductory courses and the
quality and level of teaching in
SEVERAL alternatives were sug-
gested for introductory courses.
One was that two beginning cour-

the subject soon becomes a waste
of time.
As a result, students are disap-
pointed for they do not get what
they are looking for-a general
survey of the subject, its contri-
butions, work, scope and philoso-
MOST OF THOSE present ex-
pressed interest in placement tests
as a cure for introductory subjects.
It was also suggested that such a
test might help adjust the level of
teaching in a class, since the stu-

GOP Chairman Blasts Korean Wa

Vigorously blasting the Korean
war as "a war of Truman and
Acheson," Republican Owen J.
Cleary cited foreign policy as a
major issue of the coming national

Economic aid for foreign na-
tions will be another issue,
Cleary ventured. "There is no
reason why American dollars
should be poured into European
countries to stem Communism

couraging." I am quite sure
of an upsurge of Republican
sentiment in every state in the
Midwest" Cleary said with
authority, as chairman of the
Republican M i d w e s t State

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