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October 30, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-30

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U a ____________________________________________________________________________________ a

Catholic Censorship

WITH THE Catholic Legion of Decency
standing by ready to pounce on any-
thing "immoral," the American artist whose
popularity depends on his public is in an
unusually uncomfortable position these days.
The Legion has been making great
strides toward forcing him to stay within
a narrow framework commensurate with
the moral doctrines of the Church. Par-
ticularly has this been true in the movies,
where either by direct or indirect pressure,
the Legion has succeeded in censoring or
.panning several celebrated films.
f .k
Recently, for example, the Legion was in-
strumental in cutting the movie "Street Car
Named Desire" when the producers learned
that it was destined to get a class "C" (con-
demned) rating.
In a recent New York Times article, Di-
rector Elia Kazan explained how the pro-
ducers of the Tennessee Williams master-
piece were pressurized into revising and
abridging the original version.
"The studio's reaction," Kazan points
out, "was one of panic. They had a size-
able investment in the picture, and they
assumed that no Catholic would buy a
ticket. They feared further that theatres
showing the picture would be picketed,
might be boycotted, that priests would be
stationed in lobbies to take down the
names of parishioners who attended.
"I was told that all these things had hap-
pened in Philadelphia when a picture was
shown there with a Class "C" rating, and
further, that the rating was an invitation to
every local censor board in the country to
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

snipe at a picture, to require cuts or to ban
it altogether."
Kazan goes on to explain that the dele-
tions forced upon the movie served to spoil
its poignancy, wreaked havoc with the tran-
sitional parts of the film, and generally lost
the theatrical impact which the author had
originally intended.
In short, the director, Kazan was com-
pelled to follow the dictates of a small
minority handing down "moral" judge-
ments rather than his own standards.
A more severe fate greeted Roberto Rosse-
lini's "The Miracle." When the Legion pro-
tested that the film was "acrilegious,"
Catholics organized pickets and boycotts
wherever the picture was shown. Promptly,
New York's license commissioner ordered
the picture banned, a move that was sus-
tained by the state's high court of appeals.
The Church has every right to classify
films according to its judgment and in re-
gard for the moral welfare of its adherents.
On the other hand, there can be no justi-
fication for either picketing, or seeking to
ban a film. In so doing, the Church is over-
stepping its bounds and depriving non-
Cath~ics of their right to see any picture
they wish.
Unfortunately, there are very few pro-
ducers in the motion picture industry who
will go ahead with a film regardless of
a possible Class "C" rating. On the whole,
producers are more likely to finance a
film with the thought of its box office ap-
peal utmost in their minds, not for the
sake of art as such. As it is, they are
timidly aware of antagonizing Catholics
and even more fearful of the formidable
Through it all, the contemporary artst,
whether writer, actor, or director, is con- .
fronted with the ominous possibility that
his reputation will be swept off the seashore
of public esteem-unless he conforms to the
moral values of a powerful minority.
--Cal Samra

Lit School
AN OPPORTUNITY will be given to stu-
dents tomorrow to air legitimate
gripes before faculty and administration
representatives at the first literary college
conference of the year. This conference is
possibly the one method by which stu-
dents can effect a change in University
The literary college conference serves
several purposes: faculty and adminis-
tration members have an opportunity
to hear, first hand, student complaints;
there is an opportunity for 'give and
take' discussion through which all par-
ties involved can benefit.
In a large University there is always
the danger of impersonalization. One way
of overcoming this is through such a con-
ference. It enables the student to better
understand what the faculty and admin-
istration are trying to do and the prob-
lems that beset them.
Several constructive changes in policy
have resulted from past conferences. As a
direct result of the Dec. 7, 1950 confer-
ence, whose topic was the University's
counseling system, the Student Advisors
program was instituted.
After a later conference in which an
increase in foreign language require-
ments was generally advocated, the lit-
erary college faculty voted such an in-
So far this semester there has been a
great deal of criticism of the administra-
tion in their handling of the library ques-
tion. If students are really interested in-
having changes made here, the literary
college conference offers the means. It
has accomplished things in the past and
is an ever growing sounding ard and
clearing house for interested students,
faculty and administration.

E' --
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Hot Water From Now On
7-P 6


The Daily welcomes communications from Its readers on matters of
general Interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
ibelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

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-Jerry Helman

WashiWngton Merry-GoRound


WASHINGTON-It now looks as if Sena-
tors' secretaries might be put on the in-
vestigating griddle. If so, this column has
turned up a letter pertaining to the office
of Nevada's Senatora 'Molly" Malone that
makes Flo Bratton, Secretary to Vice-Presi-
dent Barkley, look like a sandwich-snitcher
t a Sunday-school picnic.
The letter was written by Senator Ma-
lone's administrative assistant, Ben White-
hurst, and proposed that he work for the
Long Beach, Calif., Harbor commission-
ers against federal ownership of tidelands
oil-for fifty grand plus expenses and plus
taxes. The funny thing about the letter is
that Whitehurst's boss, the senator from
Nevada, isanow for federal ownership of
Tidelands oil.
Of course, the Senator has had a position
on the billion-dollar submerged oil lands
which seems subject to change. At first, Ma-
lone appeared hostile to federal ownership,
now has turned around and is for it. Quitt
recently Malone has been conferring with E.
L. Cord; the industrial magnate, who vigor-
ously favors federal ownership and has been
buying up hitherto worthless civil war scrip,
which he claims, entitles him to vast tracts
of oil rich tidelands-if the federal govern-
ment controls.
tidelands oil.
* *
THE MANNER in which the senator from
Nevada has taken different sides on
tidelands oil, and the manner in which his
administrative assistant was willing to sell
his services, is a highly interesting chapter
in backstage congressional wire-pulling. Here
is what happened.
One year ago, Sept. 20, 1950, Ben White-
hurst wrote the Long Beach Harbor Board
which has more oil wells sticking up from
its harbors than most cities have telephone
poles, offering his services. The letter was
written on Senator Malones official sta-
tionery and read:
"Board of Harbor Commissioners
"City of Long Beach
"Long Beach, Calif.
"I wish to thank you fpr your courtesies
to me in our discussion on my proposed part
in getting through the congress and over a
possible presidential veto tideland legisla-
tion which would be acceptable to the har-
bor board.
"You requested that I inform you at once
as to the kind of financial arrangement
which would be satisfactory to me. I would
"Expenses-$1,000 per month, payable
monthly; (this amount for expense$ is re-
quired as I would immediately go off the
U.S. Senate payroll.) Plus the actual cost
of any long distance telephone calls and
telegrams relating directly to this matter
and any travel authorized in advance by
the Harbor Board, the cost of these items
to be accounted for;
"Retainer-$1,000, payable upon signing
of cnntra.t-

AT THE TIME Whitehurst wrote this let-
ter, Senator Malone seemed friendly to
state ownership of tidelands oil and against
federal ownership. Certainly when Irving
Smith, a representative of the Long Beach
Harbor Board testified, Aug. 17, 1950, before
the senate interior committee of which Ma-
lone is a member, Malone went out of his
way to be friendly.
This friendly questioning took place at
about the time Malone's assistant was dick-
ering with the Long Beach Commissioners
for the fat fee of $50,000 plus taxes and plus
But the Long Beach people did not sign
up. Whitehurst did not get his job.
And, later, Senator Malone completely re-
versed his position.
In fact, Malone was the senator who,
with Murray of Montana, Democrat, block.
ed the O'Mahoney-Long Compromise Tide-
lands Oil Bill inside the Senate Interior
Committee. This compromise would have
kept Tidielands Oil under the control of
the federal government, though permitting
present lease-holders to continue. This
would favor Senator Malone's old friends
from Long Beach who own leases-but
despite that fact, he voted against them.
But it would not have favored his new
friends, including various speculators who
staked out, claims to tidelands oil or those
who want to lease under the federal leasing
act. One of these groups is represented by
the son of Montana's Senator Murray, and
it was Murray who first moved'inside the
committee to block the comipromise bill.
* * *
THE OTHER GROUP includes E. L. Cord,
who has entertained Sen. Malone of late,
and who has been buying Civil and Mexican,
War scrip. This scrip was given to Civil and
Mexican War veterans authorizing them to
claim any uninhabited lands in the West.
After the Supreme Court declared that the
tidelands were federal domain, Cord began
buying up this scrip on the theory that un-.
der it he could claim tidelands oil.-
Significantly, Sen. Malone not only
helped block the compromise bill which
would have helped Long Beach, who didj
not hire his assistant, but which could
have hurt his new friend, Cord; but in
addition Malone introduced a resolution
t friendly to those who had scrip claims to
tidelands oil.

Waist A ilance
Associated Press Correspondent
TI-4E WESTERN ALLIES, by seeking the
cooperation of Israel in the formation of a
Middle East defense system, are inviting her
to replace recalcitrant Egypt in the original
plan and thereby increas;in pressure on all
the Arab states.
The policy of going ahead withsthe plan
without any Arab support seems at first
glance like trying to float in space. It
needs a bridge between strategic military
requirements and the Arab nationalism
which must be dealt with in some manner.
Trying to defend those who spurn your
efforts certainly offers some complica-
tions. If the program remains on that
plane, little can be accomplished.
There are cracks, however, in the Arab
wall of resistance, which has been erected
primarily against Britain, but which also
involves the United States because of her
position in the Arab-Israel dispute.
Egypt, caught on the crest of a wave of
defiance of Britain, rejected the proposal
out of hand. Syria, although not formally
approached, indicated similar feelings. But
Jordan is British subsidized, has chosen this
occasion to seek a new loan, and has the
best army among the Arabs. She seems like-
ly to go along in a pinch. Lebanon seems to
lean toward the west, but perhaps not to
the extent of splitting the Arab states. Saudi
Arabia is oil rich and somnolent at the mo-
ment. North Africa is in virtual revolt
against France. Iraq wants fewer, not more,
ties with Britain, and Iran is completely on
the loose.
The Arabs are still technically at war
with Israel. A new defense setup aligning
this most military of all the countries with,
the Western Allies would almost seem to
be a freezeout. Turkey, the United States,
Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand,'
South Africa and Israel-indeed a strange
lineup for a so-called Middle East come-
But there are intangibles which could de-
velop from these maneuvers. Egypt has
overplayed her hand and forfeited, for prac-
tical purposes, her part of control of the
Suez Canal. The winds of economic hard-
ship will blow cold across her sands on the
morning after this binge unless she wakes
up to take the pledge.
The possibility that Israel, alone, will
be receiving the benefits of alliance with
the West will not sit well with these lead-
ers, either.
But such a policy can hardly be more
than half a policy until something is done
about relations between Israel and the

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility: Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN, form to Room
2552 Administration Building before
3 p.m. the day preceding publication
(11 a.m. on Saturday).
Freshman Instructors: A reminder
that Tues., Nov. 6, is the day you have
been requested to refrain from giving
blue books in the morning, since some
students will be excused from class to
meet their principals attending the 23d
Annual Principal-Freshman Conference.
Regents' Meeting: Fri. Nov. 23, 2:30
p.m. Communications for considera-
tion at this neeting must be in the
President's hands not later than Nov.
Personnel Interviews
On Friday. November 2, a representa-
tive of the Boy Scouts of America will
be interviewing men who will be in-
terested in positions as Field Scout
Executives any time between now and
next summer, for their executive train-
ing program.
The State o Ohio Department of
Highways will have a representative in-
terviewing February and June civil en-
gineering graduates for their Highway
Training Program on Friday, November
Thursday, November 1, a representa-
tive of the international Business Ma-
chine Corporation of New York City
will be interviewing February gradu-
ates of Electrical Engineering, Mechan-
ical Engineering, and Applied Mechan-
ic with a BS, MS, or PhD.
Friday, November 2. a representative
of the Bendix Aviation Corporation of
South Bend. Indiana. will be interview-
ing February engineering tgraduates,
any degrees, interested in the design,
test, development or production field,
and aircraft and automotive accessories
production field.
For further information and appoint-
ments concerning the above requests
and interviews, contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration
Lec ures
University Lecture, auspices of the
School of Natural Resources. "United
Nations Program for Land Reform." Ur-
sula H. Duffus, staff member, United
Nations Economic and Social Affairs,
Department of State. 4:15 p.m., Tues.,
Oct. 30, Kellogg Auditorium.
"Physics Lectures. Second of a series
of six lectures on "Modern Theories of
Atomic and Molecular Structure," by
Sir John E. Lennard Jones, Professor of
Theoretical Chemistry, Cambridge Uni-
versity, England, 10:00 a.m., Tues., Oct.
30, 202 west Physics Building.
Lecture, auspices of the School of
Music. 'St. Martin and His Uninten-
tional Influence on Music." Professor
warren Fox, Musicology Department,
Eastman School of Music, 4:15 p.m.,
Tues., Oct. 30, Rackham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues., Oct.
30, 4 p.m., Rm. 3011 Angell Hall.' Dr
Raoul Bott will speak on "Periodic
Involutions of Finite Complexes." Fol-
lowing the talk, there will be a discus-
sion of the Mathematics Journal.
Qualifying Examination for Gradu
ate Students in Botany, Oct. 30, 7 p.m.
2033 NS. Please bring Be Books.
Make-up examination for Philosophy
33 (Logic) will be given on Tues., Oct
30, 3 p.m., 1213 Angell Hall.
Doctoral examination for Thoma
Alexander Hunter, III, Engineering Me-
chanics; thesis: "Experimental Inves
tigation of Column Action After Buck
ling," Tues., Oct. 30, 202 West Engin
eering Bldg., 3:30 p.m. Chairman, J
A. van den Broek.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar
Wed., Oct. 31, 101 West Engineering
3:45 p.m. Prof. Pai F. Chenea wil
speak on "Analysis of a Hydraulic
Geometry Seminar. Thurs., Nov. 1
4 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Dr. Frank

Harary will speak on "The Number ofS
Rooted Trees."
Mathematics Orientation Seminar:
Tues., Oct. 30, 1 p,m., 3001 Angell Hall.
Topic: "Existence Proofs."
Events Today A
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Tea,
4:30 to 5:45 p.m. at the Guild House.
Pre-Dental Society. Organizational
meeting, 8 p.m., Garden Room. League.
All those interested In Dentistry are in-
La Sociedad Hispanica invites all
Spanish students to its Hallowe'en
party at 7:30 p.m., International Center.
Games. Dancing. Refreshments.
Pershing Rifles Meeting, at 7:30 pm.
in the Rifle Range. If it is cold, wear1
coatsand gloves. If it rains, plan on
staying inside.
Christian Science Organization: Tes-
timonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Uppert
Room, Lane Hall.
Young Republican Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,I
League. Mr. Owen Cleary, G.O.P. Chair-C
man, will discuss the national and Mid-t
western political picture. Open meet-1
Hillel: Seminar in Modern JewishI
Problems meets at 4:15 p.m., Lane Hal.
Led by Rabbi Lymon, the group discuss-
es topics of its own choosing. Every-t
one is welcome.1
U. of M. Marketing Club. 4 p.m., 1311
Business Administration Bldg. Mr.1
Louis Bortenschoen, Manager of Sol-j
vent Sales, Dow Chemical Co. Open to
the public.
Air Force R.O.T.C. Band: Rehearsal
Tuesday evening, 229 North Hall. I
Displaced Students Committee. Meet-
ing, 3 p.m., Conference Room, Lane
Hall. All interested students are wel-
Canterbury Club. Meeting of the
Chaplain's Study Group, 7:15 p.m., Can-
terbury House.
FreshmanyRendezvous Group Hal-
loween Party, Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m.
Square Dance Group at Lane Hall,
7:15 p.m., with opportunity for instruc-
Young Progressives:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union. Report
from Europe and East Berlin by two
"U" students who attended Youth Fes-
tival. Guitarists and singing. Election
of officers.
Coming Events
Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for tea
and talk, 4 p.m. to 5:15 p.m, Wed. Oct.
3 n the lounge. All visitors are wel-
Michigan Arts Chorale. Meet 7 p.m.,
Wed., Oct. 31, University High School
Student Science Society, Meet Wed.,
Oct. 31 *at 7:30 p.m. 1400 Chemistry
Bldg. Dr. Pidd of the physics dept,
will speak on "Nuclear Physics and its
Relation to the Other Sciences." All
interested are welcome.
Hillel: Music Group will meet at
7:30 p.m., Wed., Oct. 31, 209 S. State St.
Apt. 3. Everyone is welcome.
Hillel: Weiner roast, Sat., Nov. 3 at
the Island. The group will meet at
8:15 p.m. at Lane Hall. Reservations
may be made at the Administration
Building. Refreshments.
Folk and Square Dance Halloween
Meeting, Wed., Oct. 31, 8 p.m., Barbour
Electrical Engineering Research Dis-
cussion Group. Meet Wed., Oct. 31, 4
p.m., 2084 E. Engineering Bldg. Dr. Jules
. Needle will speak on "A New Mechani-
cally and Electronically Tunable Magne-
tron." All E.E. graduate students are
' Mock Military Court Martial, present-
ed by Senior Army ROTC Students,
Wed., Oct. 31, 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Audi-
torium (Dental Building). Of interest
to all who contemplate some kind of
military service. Trial conducted ac-

Basic Courses .. .
ro the Editor:
cently appeared in your col-
imns complaining of basic courses
as dull, trite and obvious. F o r
nany well-prepared students they
are undoubtedly so. On the other
hand, some students would be lost
in the more advanced courses
without some preliminary survey
as a background. I wonder if it
would be possible to effect a com-
promise by giving a placement
examination at the beginning of
the year to all who wish to take it,
and if this examination is passed
waive the requirement of a basic
course and permit the immediate
election of any course now open to
sophomores. For example, a fresh-
man who could prove that he al-
ready possessed the general know-
ledge which we expect of students
at ithe end of History 11 and 12
would then be permitted to sub-
stitute any history course he wish-
ed, except those reserved to jun-
iors and seniors or graduates. I
submit this suggestion for whatev-
er it may be worth to the univer-
sity authorities.
-Preston Slosson
EDITOR'S-NOTE: The literary col-
lege conference to be hld at 7:30 p.m.
tonight in the League will discuss this
very problem.
To the Editor:
to attack militarism as such or
if he wishes to attack the appoint-
ment of an Ambassador to the
Vatican or if he wishes to attack
the presidential possibilities of
General Eisenhower he is welcome
to do so. But to lump the whole
business together in that ridicu-
lously reasoned editorial in the
edition of October 25 is to insult
the intelligence of his readers.
Most important, his twisting of
the factual situation needs some
correction. Like so many who are
wont to criticize the military, he
does so without any knowledge of
the men involved or of their abil-
ities. He takes the conimon legend
of military life and uses it to suit
his own purposes.
It so happens that the surplus
generals (and admirals) have been
quite disposable. Of our military
leaders in World War II who have
retired, most of them who were
not completely obsolescent have
found quite responsible and well-
paying jobs in private industry.
In truth, one of the difficulties
which created Congressional con-
cern recently was the fact that so
many have retired to takecivilian
positions in industry at pay com-
mensurate with their capabilities.
In addition to the obvious case of
Columbia, a number have become
associated with educational in-
stitutions. That at least a few
have been successful outside the
barracks is attested to by the fi-
nancial stability of Sears Roebuck,
the Empire State Building Corpor-
ation (since 1943), Koppers; Inc.
to name a few. Some have retired
to San Antonio (no one retires to
Fort Worth, Mr. Hollander.)
As to those taking over respon-
sible positions in the civilian side

of the government, your editorial
writer again is misinformed. Those
who have taken over policy posi-
tions can be counted on the fingers
of one hand. Marshall is the out-
standing example, of course. Ad-
miral Kirk and General Smith
have been Ambassadors to Rus-
sia though it is a stretch of the
imagination to say that they were
policy makers there. Admiral Nim-
itz was appointed chairman of one
of the many security boards on a
part-time basis, never having been
approved yet. General Clark is not
yet in the Vatican. And no military
figures have served in national
civil defense jobs although a num-
ber have been appointed to head
up state organizations. General
Bradley briefly straightened out
the Veterans Administration. Now
who are those military figures to
which you refer.. . those who are
taking over our government and
imposing military regimentation
upon us? The appointments above-
mentioned are an extremely small
percentage of the appointments
made to responsible policy-making
positions since the end of World
War II.
If this infiltration is going on
perhaps you will explain just what
a military mentality is. Almost
without exception our military
leaders are first generation mili-
tarists born and raised in civilian
comunities. Does the government
have a lawyer's mentality because
so many of our leaders in respon-
sible positions are lawyers? On
every occasion when our military
security brings military leaders to
the fore, the headlinereaders see
America being made into one great
Army barracks.
If you do not care for large arm-
ed forces or if you do not care for
press censorship or security gags
just come out and say so. But do
not attempt by throwing around
the epithet "military" to attack
everything in sight. Men in uni-
form have generally the same
faults of other men 'but they put
on their pants one leg at a time.
They are not fiends waiting only
to destroy the world or run the
United States. Just because their
civil rights have been denied them
doesn't mean that they do not up-
hold them in others.
-John J. Douglass
Capt., Inf.
WE HEAR a good deal about the
agricultural problem of soil
erosion: hill-sides denuded of fer..
tile topsoil by the actions of
streams, 'or 'great regions of Mid-
dle Western richness scoured off
by dust storms. Surely not less ser-
ious is the matter of mind erosion:
the dust storms of daily excite-
ment and of continual triviality
can easily blow away the sensitive
topsoil of the spirit.
Christopher Morley,




cording to new Uniform Code of Mili-
tary Justice. Public invited.
University of Michigan Rifle Club.
Meet Wed., Oct. 31,; 7 p.m., at the R.O.-
T.Q. Rifle Range. First try-out session
of the semester. The weekly practice
hours for the Rifle Club are M-F 11
a.m., T-Th 9 a.m., and W 7-9:30 p.m.
Eeryone is invited.
Engineering Council. Meeting, Wed.,
Oct. 31, 7:15 p.m., W. Engineering, An-
nex. All members please attend whe-
ther notified by mail or not. 'Ensian

pictures will be taken.
MIMES Ensian Picture
Room 3-A, Union, All
there at 7:15 p.m.,

Wed., Oct. 31.
members be

Senior %ociety: Wed., Oct. 31, 7:30
p.m., 227 Martha Cook.
Union Weekly Bridge Tournament.
Wed., Oct. 31, Union Ballroom, begin-
ning at 7:15 p.m. Beginners are en-
gouraged to attend. Winners will re-
ceive two weeks' free admission and
runners up one week free. Coeds must
sign out with their House Mothers.
U. of M. Chapter of the American As-
sociation of University Professors will
meet Wed., Oct. 31. 8 p.m., Rackham
Ampitheater. Speaker: President Har-
lan B. Hatcher,
Kappa Kappa Psi: Meeting, Wed., Oct.
31, ,:30 p.m., Harris Hall.
Dance Clubs Seminar. Modern and
Ballet will meet in Barbour Gym, 7:30
Wed., Oct. 31. Slides shown on dance
from the Fine Arts Dept. Everyone
Holy Communion at 7 a.m., followed
by breakfast in Canterbury House, Wed.

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Stulent Publications.
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Bob Keith .............,..City Editor
'Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson ........Feature Editor
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Ted Papes ..............Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ............Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
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Entered at the, Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

-. r

L c uit,4e l'f MOVIsS



At The State ...
THUNDER ON THE HILL: with Claudette
Colbert, and, of all people, Ann Blythe.
T HE CAPTION read, "Norfolk County,
England-When the floods came." And
so began a total washout of a movie.

The whole thing winds up in a frenzy of
excitement, with Miss Colbert and the mur-
derous doctor engaged in a heated argument
over the question of whether the curfew
shall or shall not ring tonight,
In the course of the discussion Miss Col-
bert finds hersalf hanging by the bell rope


Your Fairy Godfather's keen eyes
don't see anything at all, m'boy-

acm 1j g
Nobody can smell
z with a telescooe.

But you barked like you do
when something is coming-i

Whatever is coming here, of
course. I wonder what it is..


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