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October 30, 1951 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-10-30

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TUESDAY, OCTOBElt 30, 1951






Tennessee Again'.

O s pO Ground A

ttaek Paees Unbeaten Illinois


TWO Teams
Capture I-M
tiGrid. Crowns
Williams, Hayden
Win Tight Games
Two teams clinched division
championships yesterday in I-M
football in close contests.
Williams had to go into overtime
to edge Adams, 12-6, while main-
taining an undefeated record.
Adams scored first on a pass from
Fred Adams to Bob Olsen, but
Herb Eibler tossed an equalizer to
Don Anderson a few minutes later.
With a tie at, the end of regula-
tion time, both teams got four
downs and Williams won by gain-
ing nine yards and holding Adams
to a minus 14 yards.
S MILT LANDAU proved the hero
for Hayden as he gathered in. a
pass from Dick Dennis for the
only tally of the Hayden-Gomberg
game. A goal line stand in the
final minutes kept Gomberg from
scoring and provided Hayden with
its division championship.
Huber sported the most one-
sided victory of the day with a
30-0 win over Cooley. Bob
Szczarba passed for two counters
and scored another while Dick
Kennedy, his, teammate, scored
twice on pass receptions.
Sparked by Al Price, who
heaved to Don Deagan in the end
zone for one touchdown, ran for
another, and ran and passed for
two extra points, Hinsdale defeat-
ed Chicago, 20-13, in the last
minute of play. Bud Turner caught
a pass for the winning score."
Strauss won its first game this
season in a 13-0 shutout of Tyler.
Phil Jacobus scored twice for the
winners, once on a run and again
after snagging a Kelley Tarachas

Pro Football Encounters MSC, Illini
Marked by Close Scores Trail Leader

Four of the six National Foot-
ball League encounters last Sun-
day were decided by a margin less
than a single touchdown.
The world champion Cleveland
Browns streaked by a stubborn
New York Giant eleven, 14-13, and
the Green Bay Packers came from
behind to clip the New York
Yanks, 29-27.
TWO OTHER close games saw
the Washington Redskins win
their second straight game under
Coach Dick Todd, 27-23, over the
ft.ia. Vt
ED WHIPPLE: Night Editor
Philadelphia' Eagles, while the
Chicago Bears had their hands
full in getting by a spirited Detroit
squad, 28-23.
In the other two professional
tilts, the Pittsburg Steelers, led
by former Michigan star Chuck
Ortmann, downed the Chicago
Cardinals 28-14, and the San
Francisco 49ers crushed their
West Coast rivals, the Los An-
geles Rams, 44-17.
A missed point after touchdown
costs the Giants their hold on
first place in the American Con-
* * *
OTTO GRAHAM, outstanding
Brown quarterback, threw two
first quarter touchdown passes-
one a 64-yard pass play to Dub
Jones and the other a 26-yard
toss to end Dante Lavelli-and
Lou Groza made good on both ex-
tra point attempts.
The Bears downed an inspired
Detroit team, 28-23, and took
over first place in the National
Conference. A blocked Lion

punt, which was recovered in
the end zone for a Bear tally,
proved to be the game's winning
Bear coach George Halas un-
covered a devastating power run-
ner in former Mississippi fullback
All men interested in becom-
ing student track managers
please report to Ferry Field at
4 p.m. today.
1 -Mary Horwitz

John Dottley. Dottley ripped the
Lions' forward wall for 105 yards
on 17 trips with the pigskin.
Chuck Ortmann threw a 33
yard pass to end Elbie Nickel for
what proved to be the Steeler's
margin of victory over the sinking
Cardinals. The Cards ,led going
into the fourth quarter; 14-7, but
three fast Steeler tallies gave the
South Side squad its fourth loss
in five starts.
Toronto Tiesr
DETROIT-(P)-Max Bentley's
goal with eight minutes left
brought the Toronto Maple Leafs
a 2-2 tie with the league leading
Detroit Red Wings in a National
Hockey League game before 12,217
fans in Olympia Stadium last
And in Montreal, Floyd Curry
scored three goals and Maurice
Richard two last night to lead the
Montreal Canadiens to a 6-1 rout,
of the New York Rangers before
a capacity crowd that included
Princess Elizabeth and the Duke
of Edinburgh.
The contest had been postponed
from Saturday night so that the
Princess and her husband could

Wolverines Advance
To Fifteenth Position
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK -- Tennessee and
Michigan State clung to the num-
ber one and number two positions
in the Associated Press football
poll yesterday but the rest of the
top ten underwent a minor shake-
Wisconsin, which spoiled North-
western's perfect season, 41-0,
showed the greatest gain, leaping
from the 14th notch to number
ten. The Badgers replaced Texas,I
which tumbled to 12th despite a'
14-6 victory over Rice.
* * * an
I L L I N O I S, Maryland a n d
Princeton moved up on t h e
strength of impressive triumphs
last Saturday. Georgia Tech,,
Southern California and Baylor
lost a little ground but stayed in
the top-rankings. California held
firm to the No. 9 spot.
The Illini, whipped up with
Rose Bowl fever, moved into
the third position after humb-
ling Indiana, 21-0, and sent un-
beaten Georgia Tech, close-
shave 8-7 victor over Vanderbilt,
skidding to fifth.
Michigan, rated twenty - first
last week, vaulted to fifteenth
place in the current poll.
The top 20, with team records
and first place votes in parenthe-

(Another in a series highlighting
last Saturday's performance of
Michigan's future 1951 grid foes.)
Michigan gets its chance Satur-
day to do what no other football
team has been able to accomplish
this year-beat Illinois, now gen-
erally rated the team to defeat for
the Big Ten title.
The Illini took a stronger lease
on the' flattering but often inac-
curate "team to beat" classifica-
tion with a 21-0 whitewash of In-
diana last week.
Previously Illinois had edged
Wisconsin, 14-10, for another Con-
ference win.
AS MIGHT HAVE been expect-
ed, Illinois Saturday made the
most of its powerful running game
sparked by Johnny Karras, who
scored all three touchdowns.
Somewhat more surprising
was the defensive play, especial-
ly against the paspes of Hoosiers
Lou D'Achille and Dick Ash-

burner, who passed OSU dizzy,.
32-10, the previous week.
Al Brosky, Illinois safety man,
dragged in two Hoosier passes in-
side the Illini 20 yard line that
were destined forytouchdowns.
Brosky's second interception began
a drive climaxed by Karras' second
Prior to the Hoosier contest,
Orange and Blue defenders had al-
lowed 553 yards via the aerial
route, but Saturday the Hoosiers
made only 65.
MICHIGAN rushed for 124
yards through the Indiana line
which allowed the Illini better
than 300 the same way.
To balance the running attack,
Coach Ray Eliot has Don Engels
and Tom O'Connell, two passing
quarterbacks who have demon-
strated their ability to produce in
the plutch.
When Illinois defeated Wash-
ington, 27-20, prior to Indiana,
it was sophomore O'Connell who
passed for the winning touch-
down in the final two minutes of
the game.
Against Indiana one of Karras,
touchdowns was an 88 yard run
from scrimage, longest in Big Ten
ELSEWHERE in the realm of
future foes, Cornell and North-

Princeton comV
passes for 236 ya,
272 more yards ri

ed 15 of 17
s. and added

. . promotion

western, previously undefeated,
were devastated, by Princeton and
Wisconsin, respectively.
Princeton's All American Dick
Kazmaier led thec 53-15 rout of
the Big Red, scoring two touch-
downs and passing for three
others. At the same time his
mates bottled up Cornell's high-
ly regarded Stu Merz and a
flock of other impressive run-

delayed by injury

MW To Feature Defense,
In Preparing for Illinois

REPORTS F I Evanston give
little in the Way (l constructive in-
formation on Northwestern per-
formances, since the Wildcats
were completely overshadowed by
the Badgers, 41-0.
All through the game Wiscon-
sin's Johnny Coatta found easy,
targets with his passing and Alan
Ameche spearheaded a strong
ground attack.
Ohio State came to life to de-
feat Iowa 47-21 at Columbus.
Neither team showed anything re-
sembling defense, as OSU had a
net gain of 399 yards and the
Hawkeyes gained 342.
The Buckeyes completed 11 of
18 passes, good for the excessive
total of 308 yards.

Campus Interviews on Cigarette Tests
:r. bor
$EA so different
k t his little gee-gee was all at sea. It was
enough to upset his equine-imity. He'd been
Sreading about those rush-rush cigarette testsf
k 4 -the quick sniff, the fast puff.' Hardly the
v r< scientific approach,' he said in his confusion.
But then he i-ealized that one test is an equine
of a different pigmentation-a thorough,
u conclusive test of cigarette mildness. "°
It's the sensible test... the 30-Day Camel
Mildness Test, which simply asks you to try
Camels as your steady smoke-on a day-after-day f?
Y ~basis. No snap judgments! Once you've tried '
Camels for 30 days in Your "T-Zone" .sz.s..

1. Tennessee (5-0) (59)......... 1,213
2. Michigan State (6-0) (25) ... 1,131
3. Illinois (5-0) (15)...........1,022
4. Maryland (5-0) (22)......905
5. Georgia Tech (6-0) (9)....... 904
6. Princeton (5-0) (14).......... 891
7. Southern California (6-1) (7) 664
8. Baylor (4-0-1) .........345
9. California (5-1).............. 319
10: Wisconsin (3-1-1) (2)........ 287
11. Stanford (6-0) (2)............208
12. Texas (5-].).................. 205
13. Notre Dame (4-1)............95
14. Kentucky (4-3) (1) ...........60
15. MICHIGAN (3-2)........52
16. Washington State (4-2).......50
17. Oklahoma (3-2) (1).......... 38
18. Texas A.& M (3-1-1) 36
19. Mimai (Fla.) (4-1) ...........29
20. San Francisco (6-0) ..........26

The accent will be on defense
this week as Michigan's Big Ten-
leading Wolverines prepare for
Saturday's crucial clash with Illi-
Michigan's offensive explosion
against Minnesota last weekend
proved once and for all 'that Ben
Oosterbaan has all the scoring po-
tential a coach could wish. How-
ever, it will take more than just
offensive might to upset the pow-
erful Illini, currently ranked third
in the Associated Press poll.
opportunists extraordinary in both
the Minnesota and Iowa contests.
In both games the Maize and Blue
was outgained through the air and
bested in the first down column.
Iowa also ran up an even hundred
yards more than Michigan by rush-
The reason, in part, may be
found in enemy errors. Fumbles
hit Indiana and Iowa hard, and
intercepted passes stopped six
Minnesota attacks.
Against Illinois the Wolverines
will have to makestheir own breaks,
and line coach Jack Blott will work
to make the Michigan forward wall
a little bit tougher in practice ses-
sions this week.
OOSTERBAAN gave his blue

charges a well earned rest yester-
day afternoon. Nothing more
strenuous than touch football was
on the program.
The injury list provided the
only sour note. Trainer Jim
Aunt disclosed that Roger Zat-
koff and Don Evans had been
hurt in weekend contests.
Evans, a promising freshman
tailback, suffered a kidney injury
in Friday's Junior Varsity win
over Michigan State.
Hunt reported that the blow
will probably sideline Evans for
the remainder of the season. The
pill was an especially bitter one
to swallow because he was due
for a promotion to the varsity
squad behind captain Bill Putich
and freshman Don Eaddy.
Evans was kicked in a pileup
after the whistle had sounded by
an unidentified MSC payer, and
the Spartans were assessed a 15
yard roughing penalty at the time.
The freshman ace had impressed
observers with his fine passing and
hard running.
ZATKOFF favored an 'ankle in
yesterday's drills, but will be ready
for Illinois.
Today the Blue team will knuckle
down to four days of hard work
with scout Bill Orwig's reports on
Illinois to aid them.
Last might Oosterbaan and his
staff showed movies of thb Minne-
sota game and Orwig delivered his
report which stressed the need for
a strong defense to stop the ef-
forts of halfback Johnny Karras
and quarterback Tommy O'Con-
Try a Collegiate;
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Peterson To Present Billiard
Trick Shot Exhibition at Union

Charlie Peterson, world famous
billiard trick shot artist, will give
an exhibition of fancy billiard
shots at 7:30 tonight in the Union
billiard room.
Known throughout the world by
his famous slogan, "Show me a
shot I 'can't make," Peterson will
perform any shot asked of him
plus a number of difficult tricks
from his repertoire.
PRESENTLY visiting Western
Conference campuses in conjunc-
tion with the Big Ten, Peterson
will be at the Urnion throughout
the entire week giving instructions
to players. His tour is designed
to arouse student interest in an
all-Big Ten billiard tournament.
Peterson began playing almost
sixty years ago at the age of fif-
teen. After winning various na-
tional championships, an auto
accident cut his tournament

play short but he went on to
perfect over 525 trick shots and
win the world's track shot
"Undoubtedly my greatest satis-
faction in life has come from help-
ing young players perfect their
games and to derive greater en-
joyment from it," Peterson said.

OFTEN "ON THE GO"? Went a hat that's at home any-
where? Then this is it-the popular Mallory Nokabout
a "must" hat in any man's wardrobe. Smart. Lightweight
Can take hard knocks. With "Cravenette" process, 7.50.
In Mallory's luxurious Pliafelt, 8.50. See us today. Other
Mallory Hats 10.00 to 12.50.
3 2/ &'SeUto Serve drEE




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