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October 26, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-26

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i I - - - f


Monoliths & Vigilantees

IN EVERY PHASE of pur national way of
life, from government to education, from
industry to religion, there is an active move-
ment toward regimentation.
This movement is what is popularly called
thought control, and what has recently been
more accurately labeled Cultural Vigilantism.
Leading men in every field have decried the
movement. Yet it has continued to spread
Cultural Vigilantism is an attempt to
prescribe exactly what makes an American
and what makes America. It is an attempt
to fix once and for all what we, as Ameri-
cans, stand for, what we believe in, and
what we should use as a guide for all our
It appears in various shapes and sizes:
loyalty oaths, guilt by association, McCar-
thyism, bans on all suspected Reds. It is
expanded to intimidation of practically ev-
ery thought and person that is not popularly
COLLEGE LIFE has been a particularly
fertile field for vigilantees. Last year
there were 35 cases of attempts to stifle
academic freedom. They dealt with legisla-
tive control on teaching, loyalty oaths, the
dismissal of students and faculty members,
the banning of speakers, and anti-subver-
sive committees. They covered 35 colleges
and universities in 17 states.
Add to this nine cases of suppression of
college newspapers mostly for being left of
center editorialwise but occasionally for
criticizing -public pressure groups and
school officials. Additional charges of
shoddy journalism and not being repre-
sentative of student opinion were always
tacked on to give the suppression an air
of legitimacy.
And on our own campus all speakers must
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

be cleared by the University; all political
discussions on the diag are banned. Even
last semester's veto of the anti-bias clause
can be interpreted as an attempt to stand
still rather than move forward against
strong alumni and community pressure.
The result of our Cultural Vigilantism
is the stifling of individuals in America.
Before speaking we check our thoughts.
We try to guess what will be popularly
or officially approved. We stay in the mid-
dle with the herd. Those who criticize the
publically approved centralism are called
leftists, subversives, even Communists by
Progress in social terms, in all that is non-
mechanical, is thus threatened with stop-
page. For all human activities that deal with
ideals and ideas, are being outlined by a
prescribed propriety. We are becoming as
monolithic as the enemy we decry. We are
assuming a similar character only with a
more tragic potential. We have that much
more to lose.
FOR MOST OF US this critical period of
undeclared war, this age of atomic ex-
plosions, of world division, is a difficult per-
iod to comprehend. It is unreal, and we deal
with it unrealistically.
Rather than seek new solutions for the
new situations, we try to drawl similes with
the past. We try to deal with the present
and the future in terms of outdated poli-
.cies, the worst of which is totalitarianism.
We are afraid of new ideas and new reme-
dies. We are seeking stabilization, a firm
footing, a security where there are no
questions, only answers. We are stiffening
our ability to change and adjust.
We are reaching that point of impregnated
stagnation that in its essence destroys the
very way of life we are fighting to maintain.
If we continue this way we will be the un-
knowing victims of our own means. We will
not bow to any enemy in the field nor to any
foe in the air. We will rather bow to our
own fears and insecurities, to our search for
peace and stability by looking backwards
rather than by working forward.
-Leonard Greenbaum
f 5

it Seems to Me
THE QUESTION is being asked more and
more in Western Europe these days as
to what will happen to America's vast re-
armament program if there is no war.
Some leaders in this country, Senator
Taft for one, state frankly that our eco-
nomy cannot stand the present military
budget for a long period of time.
One of the German legislators who spent
the summer here asked this very pointed
question: "Isn't it possible that when you
Americans have reached the degree of mo-
bilization you are planning, it will be very
difficult for you not to =have a war?"
As America moves along with her tremen-
dous armaments program many of our
friends in Europe, who fear war more than
most anything else, are increasingly fearful
that America, not Russia, will precipitate
the world conflict in order to crush the Com-
munist menace once and for all.
This fear is based on the theory that mo-
bilization on a large scale conditions the'
economy in such a way that it is nearly im-
possible to cut back the mobilization effort
without creating vast unemployment and a
severe drop in business.
Therefore, say many observers, it will
be difficult politically for any administra-
tion in Washington to bring about sharp
reduction in the defense budget.
Another reason for the increasing fear
among our friends is that as we become
stronger we will also be more beligerent in
our dealings with Moscow and perhaps force
a war.
We hear all kinds of talk these' days about
"super" weapons and how our Air Force
could bomb Russia into submission. We
read in a natiohal magazine exactly how we
will conquer Russia and occupy her. Is it
unrealistic to assume that the day will come
when the American people, led on by boasts
of our military might, will demand that we
stop negotiating with the Communists and
start shooting?

The Science Of Not Living To A Ripe Old Age

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length. defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Fitzpatrick in The

T .._ .t _ ..1 .

These are the fears of
Western Europe who are
the disaster than we are.

many people in
much closer to

THE REAL significance behind the re-
sumed truce talks may well lie with the
coming United Nations General Assembly
meeting in Paris next month. For many rea-
sons Russia may believe that this is the ideal
time to arrange a truce in Korea.
Russia recognizes the fact that there is
much discontent and disillusion among the
Chinese Reds as a result of the war. One
sure way of regaining the good will of
the Chinese is by United Nations recogni-
tion and the turning over of Formosa to
the Communists.
In the coming United Nations General As.
sembly meeting the Russians may well pre-
sent a peace plan with the main feature UN
recognition of Red China. The truce talks
tie in very definitely with such a plan.
In the first place the Communists will
appear to have made many concessions and
sacrifices for the cause of peace if the truce
talks are carried out and all or most of the
UN proposals accepted.

; it tkuti/60

Secondly there would no longer appear to
be any logical objections to UN recognition
once the Korean war was ended. Many
countries that do not favor recognition will
undoubtedly look at the situation in a dif-
ferent light once there is peace.
Should all this come about at Paris next
month the United States may surpris-
ingly get the ultimate benefit. It will end
the war in Korea and allow Red China in
the UN. At last the U.S. will recognize the
existing condition of fact instead of ob-
stinately supporting the Chinese Nation-
Perhaps even now we can accomplish what
was proposed long ago-supporting the Chi-
nese Communists in the United Nations and
gaining their confidence. This is not impos-
sible even though it may be the Russians
who are instrumental in gaining admission
for them to the UN.
-Cara Cherniak

Of coufse, we can argue that Europe is
never satisfied. When we are weak mili-
tarily they have no confidence in our
ability to back up our "tough" policy to-
ward the Kremlin. When we are strong
they say that we are liable to force a war
on the Russians. But this is one of the
problems that faces all great powers.
The solution, it seems to me, lies in our
ability to prepare for any alternative. We
must be prepared for war if it comes; but we
must also be prepared for peace in case the
Russians decide they have had enough for
now. But even more difficult, we must be
prepared for a situation in which there is
neither war nor peace but an era of armed
There are many who say it simply cannot
be done. But it must be done if we are ef-
fectively to cope with-the Russian tactics. A
war will only multiply our problems while a
period of tension at least holds out hope of
preventing war. _

(Continued from Page 2) Personnel Interviews:
On Monday, October 29, a representa-
Intercooperative Council tive of the Wright Aeronautical Devel-
Interfraternity Council opment Center of Dayton, Ohio, will be
Inter Guild interviewing Aeronautical Engineers,
International Relations Club Mechanical Engineers, Electronics and
International Students' AssociaLion Electrical Engineers.
Kappa Phi There will also be a Civil Service Rep-
Kindai Nihon Kenkyu Kai resentative who will be glad to talk to
Latter Day Saints any students who may be taking the
Les Voyageurs Junior Management Assistant and Jun-
Lutheran Student Association ior Professional Assistant examinations,
M-Club and who may be interested in direct
Marching Band assignment to Wright Patterson Air
Marketing Club Base.
Men's Glee Club On Friday, November 2, a representa-
Men'ig car 7 tive of the Boy Scouts ofAmerica will
Michigamua be interviewing men wile will be in-
Michigan Actuarial Club terested in positions as Field Scout,
Michigan Christian Fellowship Executives any time between now and
Michigan Crib
Michigan Daily next summer, for their executive train-
Michiganensian ing program.
Michigan League Undergraduate Of- The State of Ohio Department of
fices Highways will have a representative
Michigan Trechnicj interviewing February and, June civil
Michigan Union engineering graduates for their High-
Mimes way Training Program on Friday, No-
Music School Assembly vember 2.
National Association for the Advance- Thursday, November 1, a representa-
ment of Colored People tive of the International Business Ma-
Nauvoo LeagueI chine Corporation of New York City
Newman Club will be interviewing February graduates
Panhellenic of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical
Philippine-Michigan Club Engineering, and Applied Mechanics,
Polonia Club with a BS. MS, or PhD.
Pre-Medical Society Friday. November 2, a representative
Quarterdeck of the Bendix Aviation Corporation of
Rifle Club South Bend, Indiana, will be interview-
Roger Williams Guild ing February engineering graduates,
Russian Circle any degrees, interested in the design,
Sailing Club test, development or production field,
Scroll and aircraft and automotive accessories
Senior Society production field.
Soaring Club For further information and appoint-
Society of o en Engineers mets concerning the above requests
Student Bar Association and interviews, contact the Bureau of
StudentLeBatAsoiatonAppointments. 3528 Administration
Student LegislatureBidn.
Student Organization, School of So- Building.
cial Work
Student Players Lectures
Student Religious Association
Student Science Society University Lecture, auspices of the
Triangles Department of Psychology. "The Na-
Unitarian Students tural History of Neurotic Behavior" (il-
Ulir Ski Club lustrated). Dr. Howard S. Liddell,
UNESCO Professor of Psychobiology, Cornell Uni-
Village Church Fellowship of Willow versity, 4:15 p.m., Fri., Oct. 26, Rack-
Run ham Amphitheater.
Wesleyan Guild
Westminster Guild Academic Notices
Wolverine Club
Women's Athletic Association Non-Algebraic Topology Seminar:
omen's Glee Clu Fri., Oct. 26, 3 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall,
Women's Physical Education Club Mr. Paul Roth will speak on "Com-
World Student Service Fund pact, Paracompact, and Metacompact.'
Young Democrats
Young Friends Fellowship Doctoral examination for Charles B.
Young Progressives Arzeni, Botany; thesis: "The Pterobry-
Young Republicans aceae of Southern United States, Mex-
ico, Central America, and the West In-
Honor Societies. Officers for 1951-52 dies," Saturday, October, 27, 1139 Na-
have been registered for the following tural Science, 9:00 a.m. Chairman, R.
honor societies. J. Lowry.
Alpha Lambda Delta
BetaGama Sigma S.L. International Relations Commit-

The Lord's Letter .. .
To theEditor:
T SEEMS TO ME that there are
a group of students on this cam-
pus that are disgustingly narrow'
minded. Mr. John Vriend is not
only that, but he is insulting as
well. I would like to remind him
without losing my temper that
there are some groups who do not
believe in Christianity. Not only
that, but the believers in Jesus
Christ are outgrowths from these
groups and therefore have no
right to call any group "New Bar-
Christianity and Judaism have
lived on this continent for centur-
ies side by side and long before
Mr. Vriend was even born. As far
as I can see, this situation is slated
to continue for a long time, re-
gardless of Mr. Vriend and his
I'm sure members of your own
Faith are ashamed of you, for I
doubt if they would ever approve'
of your Fascist doctrine. God gave
man a free will, a free will to wor-
ship as he pleases-and no one has
a right to demand anyone to fol-
low a certain conformity. Mr.
Vriend, you stand alone on a
mountain top, and from here I
can't even see you.
-Natasha Lisansky
Soccer Game . .
To the Editor:
HASSAN HABIB from Pakistan
said in his letter to the Editor
which appeared in The Daily Oc-
tober 13th that he was disappoint-
ed to find that American football
seemed to be "a series of fouls and
fights . . . where the hands are
used all the way." If Mr. Habib
would really like to see the type of
FOOT-ball match to which he is
accustomed, he will have the op-
portunity this afternoon when
the American Soccer Team
will play Ypsilanti State Normal.
This game of soccer which is fami-
liar to high schools and colleges
of our eastern states and to most
of the other countries of the world
is a fast-moving game which re-
quires skill in handling the round
ball with the feet and head and
does not permit the use of the
I would like to invite Hassan
Habib and anyone else who would:
like to watch a real FOOT-ball
game to come to the soccer field,
which is east of and adjacent to
the University football btadium,
this afternoon at 4:15 p.m.
-Bob Ely
American Soccer Team.
Daqily Programs ..
To the Editor:
A HIGHLY subjective and, rather
unenlightened report given at
Wednesday night's SL meeting on
the ten cent football program
problem and its solution points up

a significant shortcoming among,
some Student legislators.
The report announced that the
problem had been solved by The
Daily issuing a "five cent pro-
gram," to be distributed inasfar as
is practical by the same students
who hawked the old cardboard
programs. The, report went on to
concede that this settled every one
of the grievances that SL sought
to rectify when it took up the cru-
sade for the dime rosters.
First, and most important, this
provides for the fan an inexpen-
sive program-he is not forced to
invest fifty cents in the bulky Uni-
versity publication.
Second, students are given an
opportunity to earn a little money
through their own enterprise.
Since the same distribution sys-
tem will be used, money will be go-
ing in the same pockets as of
Third, the student vendors will
be allowed to sell without fear of
the long arm of the law, as pedd-
ling newspapers is legal even in
Ann Arbor.
But not content with stopping
here, after he had showed how
the problem had been brought to a
reasonable settlement (1 a r g e l y
through his painstaking efforts, it
might be added), the speaker went
on to say that he didn't consider
the matter solved. He sagely ob-
served that the cardboard affairs
were what the students really
wanted, and that newspapers were
rather unsatisfactory as programs.
He bemoaned the fact thiat 'the
student vendor could no longer go
out and print up his own cards,
that free enterprise among the
ten cent programs had been sub-
merged to the pervading monopo-
listic control of that all-campus
cartl, The Daily, a devotion to
laissez-faire that would make Ad-
am Smith stir with approbation in
his tariff-free coffin.
The serious moral to all this is
that not one legislator rose to pro-
test this rather unusual logic, nor
did one legislator ,rise to; thank
The Daily for their cooperation.
SL should come to realize that our
democracy is based on compromise,
usually a compromise containing
less overall good sense than this
one. Nothing is more futile or nar-
row-minded than an insistence to
the death on accepting only the
solution that one starts out to get.
And when one can achieve all of
one's objectives through compro-
mise, it should prove fully as at-
tractive as the original goal.
SL is making great strides. But
unless it can shed this subjective
view of things, a view which has
on previous occasions clouded SL
reasoning, then it will be hindered
in the fulfillment of its mission as
a student government and will
tend to function only as another
cliquish campus power group.
-Bill McIntyre






_ jjg




lems of a Minority Group."

Everyone is





At Lydia Mendelssohn . .
IN THE middle of the first act, after rather
a slow beginning, Two Blind Mice starts
to crackle. The plot centers around two
elderly ladies who are still running a r.ost
unlikely government agency several years
after it has been abolished.
Into this interesting situation walks an
enterprising young man who takVp over
the mythical Office of Medicinal Herbs
and builds it up to ludicrous proportions,
At The state.. .
LITTLE EGYPT, with Rhonda Fleming,
and Mark Stevens.
"ITTLE Egypt, the greatest thing since
the introduction of the double bed."
Or at least so thought one of the char-
acters of this extremely mediocre movie.
This technicolor extravaganza reworks
the tried and true yarn of big-time swind-
lers roping in the gullible upper crust, and
then deciding that honesty is the best
The only new twist is added rather visibly,
by Rhonda Flemming as Little'Egypt, a real
honest-to-goodness New Jersey-born "Egyp-
tian princess" with a flair for doing a
hootchie-kootchie dance.
After making a sucker out of her part-
ner. arch-swindler Mark Stevens. she suc-

in the interests of improving the country's
administrative system, and to further his
personal affairs.
The State Department, the armed forces,
and a menagerie of sundry civilians partici-
pate in the creation of an endless number of
comic entanglements, all of them spoofing
the quirks of government agencies. Mr.
Spewack's play moves along at a good clip
once he has achieved sufficient momentum.
The lines are well written and well placed.
Possibly because of first-night jitters,
some of the players stumbled over their
lines now and again. Although this was
slightly distressing, it must be remarked
that at no time did the action slow down
on that account, nor did any of the actors
lose his poise. The casting was excellent,
and Marie Miller deserves considerable
credit for her directing.
The cast is also to be commended. One
or two of the minor characters were per-
haps too anxious to appear convincing, but
on the whole, the actors behaved with ad-
mirable restraint.
Ann Husselman and Marie Gilson por-
trayed the two old ladies in an admirable
fashion. Roy Strozzi as Tommy Thurs-
ton, the male lead, is very impressive; his
role is doubtless a pleasant one to act, but
it is nevertheless a difficult one to handle,
for most of the burden of keeping things
rolling falls on his shoulders. His ex-wife,
played by Barbara Enelow, is appropri-
ately and understandably peeved through-
Of the supporting cast, Mickey Walker,
as Major Groh, is especially good. My aes-

Architecture .Auditorium
DEAD OF NIGHT, with Michael Redgrave,
Mervyn Johns and Googie Withers.
H AVE YOU EVER, in the middle of some
prosaic action, had the feeling that you
had done all this before, somewhere, some-
how, someplace, perhaps in a dream? Usual-
ly it is just a passing feeling, a small frag-
ment of what seems to be a larger, more
important experience, but when you try to
concentrate on it, it recedes back into your
consciousness just beyond reach. It is a
universal experience.
But what if you found that you could re-
member almost everything; the things that
you felt were to come to pass did happen;
the people you expected to meet did arrive;
the man you knew you had to kill stood
before you, helpless.
"Dead of Night" probes deep into the
mind of the man who was afraid that his
dreams -were coming true, for he could
predict the future. But it is an objective,
as fell as subjective study. For every weird
fantastic experience there is a scientific
psychological explanation, but with a deli-
cate touch it is the inexplicable, the im-
possible which seems to have validity.
Ordinarily the attempt to reproduce the
impression of chaos by being chaotic is a
dubious procedure, but somehow here it is
particularly effective. The picture employs
a series of flash-backs (in one of which
Michael Redgrave does a superlative job as
a schizophrenic ventriloquist) to buttress
the central fantasy whenever it shows signs
of saaina But the <sucess of the film lies


Chi Epsilon
Delta Omega
Eta Kappa Nu
Kappa Kappa Psi
Pershing RiflesF
Phi Beta Kappa
Phi Eta Sigma
Phi Kappa Phi
Phi Lambda Upsilon
Phi Sigma
Pi Sigma Alpha
Scabbard and Blade
Sigma Rho Tau
Tau Beta Sigma
Tau Sigma Delta
Employment Interviews for Engineer-
ing Students.
Mr. C. C. LaVene, Employment Man-
ager of the Engineering Division of
Douglas Aircraft Company, Santa Moni-
ca, California, will conduct a group
meeting for all engineering students in-
terested in employment with that com-
pany, in 1042 East Engineering Build-
ing at 5 p.m. Mr. LaVene will inter-
view Aeronautical, Electrical and Phy-
sics students in the Aero. Dept. on
Monday, Octiber 29 and Civil, Mechani-
cal, Engineering Mechanics and Mathe-
matics students in the Mechanical De-
partment on Tuesday, October 30. Sign
schedules on the Mechanical or Aero-
nautical bulletin boards,
Bureau of Appointments:
February, Juhe and August graduates
interested in business, industry and
professions, and teaching may register
with the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information any Tuesday,
Thursday, and Friday from 9 to 12 and
2 to 4, through November 15.

r ee:Ming. Allstudents interestd n
furthering- relations between foreign
students and'their American counter-
parts ate invited. 3:30 p.m., SL Build-
ing, 122 Forest.
Events Today
Motion Pictures, auspices of the Uni-
versity Museums. "Land of Mexico,"
r"Tehuantepec," and "Tomorrow's Mex-
ico." 7:30 p.m., Kellogg Audiotrium.
Acolyte Meeting, 8 p.m., League. Prof.
Lewis Zerby of Michigan State College
will present a paper. "Prediction. Con-.
trol and Scientific Law."
JGP. Meeting of the central commit-
tee. 4 p.m., League.
Wesleyan Guild: Meet at the Guild
at 7:15 p.m., to attend Varsity Night in
a group. Buy tickets In advance.
Roger Williams Guild: Meet at Guild
to go to Varsity Night.
Episcopal Student Group: Canterbury
House Tea. 4 p.m. for all Episcop'alian
students and their friends.
Westminster Guild: Meet at First
Presbyterian Church, 7:45 p.m. to go to
Varsity Night in a group. Open House
at the Church afterward.
IZFA. Executive Board Meeting 3:15
p.m., Room 3B, Union.
Hillel: Friday evening services, 7:45
p.m., Lane Hall, followed by a Fireside.
Speaker: Dr. Ralph Rabinovitch, Neuro-
I psychiatric Institute. "Emotional Prob-

Record Concert. League Library, 4-
5:30 p.m.
Lane Hall Coffee Hour. 4:30-6 p.m.
Newman Club. Open House, 8-12 mid-
night, clubroom of Saint Mary's Chapel.
All Catholic students and their friends
are invited.
Coming Events
Wesleyan Guild: Cell Fcflowship
group, 9 a.m., Sat., Oct. 27 at the Guild.
All persons interested are invited.
Wesleyan Guild: Alumni Homecom-
ing Bar-b-que, 4:30 p.m.. Sat., Oct. 27,
at the Guild. All Guilders, Alumni and
guests are invited. Alumni committee
meeting, at 7 p.m. in the lounge.
Episcopal Student Group: Open House
after the game on Sat., Oct. 27 at Can-
terbury House.
Christian Science Organization. Free
lecture, "Christian Science: The Way
of Present Salvation," by Arthur Per-
row, C.S., of Chicago. Rackhlam Lecture
Hall, Mon., Oct. 29, 8 p.m. All are
Graduate Outing Club. Meet at the
rear of the Rackham Building, 2 p.m.,
Sun., Oct. 28. Hiking and games at
Huron-Dexter Park.
Hillel: Musicale at the ZBT House,
Sun., Oct. 28, 7:30 p.m. Everyone is
Hillel: Open Council Meeting, 10:30
a.m., Lane Hall, Sun., Oct. 28. Anyone
interested is welcome.
School of Music Student Council:
Important meeting, Sat., Oct. 27, 11
a.m., 404 Burton Tower.
Hillel: Hebrew Class, 7:45 p.m., Mon.,
Oct. 29, Lane Hall. Instructor: Prof.
Hootkins. Those interested in taking
the course are welcome.

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keith.............City Editor
Leonard -Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson............Feature Editor
Rich Thomas.........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ............Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn..,......Associate Editor
Ted Papes ..........Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan James ........... Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, Assoc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish ...........Finance Manager
Stu Ward........Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this' newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.






Barnaby! The Third Law
I of Motion is sill working.


S The failure of my spac'e
expedition was caused

Good it IS lost. Shoddy]
umbrella like that-Say,

Well, he's a watchdog-
H __ ____ ____

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