Ja vees
o da
of p tpot
WES FESLER, one of the brightest stars in Ohio State's athletic
history, is a good example of one of the really valid trouble spots
in collegiate football.
Fesler, who will bring an improving Minnesota team to town
tomorrow, was the victim of a far from disinterested group of alumni
while at Ohio State. Although he had produced a Rose Bowl cham-
pion in the 1949 season, Fesler found that you have to win every year
to stay around in big-time football.
Last season an Ohio State team which looked in the early
parts of the season like the conference champion folded up in
the late stages and lost the Big Ten crown to Michigan on a
snow-topped Columbus gridiron.
That was the exit sign for Fesler.
His resignation was the result of subtle but clear alumni pressure,
and in 1951 Ohio State has a new coach.
The former Buckeye All-Americn evidently had not had enough.
He took one of the most thankless coaching jobs in the country-the
task of rebuilding the crumbling gridiron empire of the Minnesota
A Question of Strategy
THE armchair strategists of football were having a meeting the
other day (the local chapter), and a question of tactics came up.
For what it's worth, the problem is this: Should a team which is
behind in the late stages of a game play for a tie or play to win, if
the former alternative is within grasp?
THE GAME WHICH brought all this up was Michigan's second
of the season-the 23-13 loss to Stanford. Score: 20-13. Time left:
about five minutes. Michigan had the ball, fourth down and five to
go, around the Wolverine forty.
The believers in the "win above all" philosophy felt that a pass
or long yardage play should have been used, on the chance that it
would put Michigan. in scoring position.
What the Wolverines actually did was kick, on the supposi-
tion that the Stanford attack would stall and they would have a
scoring opportunity before the game's end. As it turned out,
the attack didn't stall, the Indians marching down the field for
a field goal.
This particular problem is always a serious one for a football
coach. In professional ball, the usual solution is to gamble. But col-
lege coaches are reluctant to do that except in the closing moments
of a game. Michigan's Ben Oosterbaan is no exception. Although
he has his charges play a type of ball which developed under Fritz
Crisler, there are vestiges of the Yost philosophy of play in the present
Wolverine strategy. In most cases it has paid off. When it doesn't,
the armchair quarterbacks will moan, and perhapj with good reason.
Boxing Sore Spot
EVERYBODY seems to agree that there's something wrong with the
fight game.
But no one seems to be willing to do anything about it. Those
who follow the prize ring, once the number one interest for sporting
gentleman throughout the land, shake their heads at least once a
week and proclaim that things are no4 what they used to be.
* . * .
PRINCIPAL SORE SPOT in the boxing picture is the monopoly
which the International Boxing Club has gained over nearly every
important arena.
The IBC, through control of Madison Square Garden, De-
troit's Olympia, and the big fight palaces in the other major
cities, can write its own ticket as to whether or not bouts shall
be televised, who fights whom, and for how much.
Some of the results are not too pleasing. No really capable heavy-
weight of less than ancient vintage has come up in the last several
years. A man like Harry Matthews, who is not the IBC's cup of tea,
found himself in a back seat to Bob Murphy, whom he defeated
soundly, when it came to a shot at the light-heavyweight crown.
And in the same division, a fellow named Archie Moore has been
the logical contender for twelve years, on and off, and still hasn't seen
a championship bout in which he was a participant. The IBC. and
Archie Moore are on tenuous terms.
Chances are that boxing will continue in its sorry straits until
some competition crops up in the promoting field. Even Mike Jacobs
was never like this.
. -t"
State Seeks
To Duplicate
Michigan's Junior Varsity foot-
ball team will be seeking its sec-
ond win of the season this after-
noon when it squares off against
the Michigan State JV squad at
Ferry Field.
Game time is scheduled for 3:15
IT WILL BE the second meeting
of the two teams this year. In a
rough and tumble contest at East
Lansing two weeks'ago, the Spar-
tans rolled over the Wolverines,
20-7. Michigan coach Don Robin-
son's charges had previously beat-
en Marquette reserves 26-21.
. *
MSC TROUNCED Selfridge Field
40 to 0 in their only other en-
Both teams have been hard
hit by injuries, and with new
men filling the gaps prospects
for a close battle are good.
Robinson's biggest injury loss is
Fred Baer, a rangy fullback from
La Grange, Ill., who scored twice
against Marquette and who bore
the brunt of the Blue running at-
tack in the first Michigan State
will probably start in the fullback
spot today. Quarterback Mark
Scarr and halfbacks Ed Hickey
and Don Evans round out the
starting backfield for the Maize
and Blue.
First string offensive linej
berths go to ends Bob Topp and
Sohn Veselenak, tackles Joe
Shomsky and Bob Mulligan, and
guards Ron Williams and John
Wagner. Robinson plans to use
Emil Morlock, Glenn Bowers and
Don Drake at center.
Big noises in the Spartan attack
are quarterback Al Fracassa, tail-
back Bert Zagers and fullback Vic
Postula. Postula, MSC's leading
scorer, recently suffered a knee in-
jury but has responded to treat-
ment and will definitely be in the
starting lineup for the State squad.
Kappa Sigs, Williams Cop Track Titles
ADVERSARIES MEET-Captain Helen Allen (left), Kappa Alpha
Theta, greets Collegiate Sorosis chieftan Jackie Shrank as cap-
tains Charles Morschauser (right), Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and
Earl Keim, Phi'Delta Theta, clasp hands. Feelings will be a little
more strained when rivals meet in Mudbowl tomorrow.
Phi Delt-SAE Mudbo/vl
Tilt Benefits Polio Fund
It was a big day for Williams
House of the West Quadrangle and
Kappa Sigma fraternity of Hill
Street yesterday, for at both places
there were important victories to
gloat over.
Williams, out to recapture the
intra-mural championship that it
won last year got off on the right
foot as it fought its way into first
place in the residence halloutdoor
'M' Prepares
For Gophers;
Stress Defense
An extra long defensive drill
marked yesterday's last heavy grid
practice session for Bennie Ooster-
baan's Wolverines as they prepare
for the Minnesota tussle tomorrow.,
The Gophers apparently got out
of the doldrums last week with a
rousing 39-20 victory over Ne-
braska after .they had dropped
their first three games, and a
tough fight is in the offing for the
Michigan men.
* * *
civilian the right halfback posi-
tion is temporarily solved, and he
will join forces in the backfield
with Captain Bill Putich, Ted To-
por and Don Peterson at their cus-
tomary positions.
The Wolverines will be facing,
the biggest and toughest line
they have faced all season so far
as both the offensive and defen-
sive forward walls of the Golden
Gophers average o v e r 200,
The entire Michigan squad is
virtually in good shape, except, of
course, for Frank Howell's cracked
ankle bone, but Tom Witherspoon,
Jim Balog,-Dick Beison and Don
Bennett are not in the best phy-
sical condition and are still re-
covering from minor ailments.
They all will probably be avail-
able for limited action, however.
Soccer 'Today
Local interest in soccer will be
revived at 4:15 p.m. today when
the American team of the Interna-
tional Soccer League faces a squad
from Ypsilanti State Normal at
thq University Soccer Field 100
yards east of the football stadium.
track meet, compiling a total of
18 1/5 points.
* * *
one and three-fifths of a point be-
hind and Hinsdale slipped into
third with a 16 point total. Hay-
den with 13 3/5 garnered fourth
place laurels, Allen Rumsey and
HuberHouse took fifth and sixth
with respective totals of 13 and
11 points.
Kappa Sigma, the home of
Michigan's most famous cross
country runner, Don McEwen,
showed that there are other fine
distance runners in the house as
the Kappa Sig harriers won an
easy first place in the fraternity
The combination of Piazza, Bur-
well, Kinnel, Scandura, and Wag-
ner, finished in the second, third,
sixth, sixteenth, and thirty-first
positions for a 58 point total, 27
ahead of second place Sig Phi Ep-
THE SIG EPS, lead by Bob Cut-
ting, who won the event, were 24
points in front of the third place
SAE team. Phi Gamma Delta, Phi
Kappa Tau, Acacia, Delta Sigma,
Lambda Chi Alpha and Sigma Chi
rounded out the top ten.
All told, nineteen fraternities
entered the meet and all nine-
teen had the ,requiredI five men
complete the race. An estimated
135 men competed, the majority
straggling in well after Cutting
had broken the tape with atime
of 11:26.
In the residence hall meet, the
chilly1 weather 'prevented any of
the competitors from getting
warmed up to the point where they
threatened to change" the I-M re-
cord book. However, in spite of the
adverse conditions several thin-
clads turned in exemplary pe-
* * *
Vic Bouckaert who turned in a
double win in the high and low
hurdles events. It was Bouckaert's
effort that gave Williams House
the crown. Another fine job was
that of Jack Williams, who also
turned in a ten-pointer. Williams
triumphed in the mile and the high
University golf course will
close for the season October 28.
Please clear lockers and turn In
-Burt Katzenmeyer
jump and accounted for all but
one of the points tallied by+Huber
jump and accounted for all but
The other double win of the day
was 'taken by Dave Maloney of
Allen-Rumsey, who captured the
broad jump and 440 yard run.
High Hurdles: 1 - Bouctaert, Wil-
liams; 2-Kalbfleisch, Winchell; 3-
O'Rourke, Lloyd; 4-Bagley, Huber;
Mile Run: 1-Williams, Huber; 2-
Fisher, Williams; 3-Monroe, Strauss;
4-Brown, Allen-Rumsey; Time-5:-
100 yd. Dash: i-Wright, Winchell;
2 -Stewart, Hinsdale; 3 - Deegan,
H.nsdale; 4-King, Prescott; Time -:
440: 1-Maloney, Allen-Rumsey; 2-
Richardson, Hayden; 3-Newsom, Wil-
liams; 4-Johnson, Williams; Time-
880: 1-Warner, Hayden; 2-Verwys,
Hinsdale; 3-Holmes, Prescott; 4-Zer-
bel, Winchell; Time--2:13.1.
Pole Vault: 1-Staley, Winchell; 2-
White, Chicago; 3-Tie between Eckle,
Greene; Peck, Hayden; Urqhart, Wil-
liams; Chambers, Williams; and Whit-
ney, Winchell; Height-9'6"1.
Low-Hurdles: Bouckaert, Williams;
2-Stevens, Hayden; 3-Wright, Win-
chell; 4-Pruder, Williams; Time--
Shotput: 1-Soumela, Hinsdale; 2-
Eckle, Greene; 3-Flint, Taylor; 4-
DeWinters, Prescott; Distance-34'".
Broad Jump: 1-Maloney, Allen-
Rumsey; 2-Harper, Gomberg; 3-
King, Prescott; 4-Deegan, Hinsdale;
High Jump: 1-Williams, Huber;
2-Tie between Hibbard, Allen-Rum-
sey; Bernadett, Hayden; Coury, lts.
dale; Height 5'".
Tomorrow morning at 10 sharp'
Phi Delta Theta and Sigma Alpha
Epsilon will stage the twelfth
annual Mudbowl Game in the lat-
ter's front yard at the corner of
South U. and Washtenaw.
Regardless of w h a t course
events take in the clash, the ulti-
mate winner will be the polio
fund, which will be the recipient
of donations from an expected
throng of 3500.
IN THE 12 previous meetings
between the two traditional rivals,
the Phi Delts have comc out or.
top seven times. On three occa-
sions SAE copped honors and (ne
tWe went to the cat.
In intramural competition soI
far this year the Phi Delts are
undefeated, while the S AE's
have a season record of 2-1.
Halftime wil feature the Pow-
der Puff Classic between Kappa
Alpha Theta and Collegiate Soro-
sis, a beauty pageant for the Mud-
bowl queen, and a scintilating per-
formance by the marching bands
of the PDT and SAE pledge
BECAUSE OF University re-4
strictions on female football, the
Powder Puff Classic this year will
consist of a soccer game between
the feminine clubs. Last year
Sorosis scored the only touchdown
in the seven year football series to
become the first winners.
Programs will beihanded out by
the IFC, which, incidently, will.
also furnish a public address sys-
tem. The IFC has arranged to
have South U blocked off to acco-
modate the crowds that have ov-
erlapped into the street in the
The referees will be Bill Bart-
lett and Pete Palmer.
-I -_
.. _
Wildcats Risk Perfect Record
In Game with Tough Badgers
On Friday Nights
A little more light may be
thrown on the still very murky
Big Ten Race when Northwestern's
unbeaten Wildcats play Wisconsin
at Evanston Saturday.
Despite the Wildcat's perfect re-
cord, the Badger's, who have
shown a tremendous defense and a
good offense in losing to Illinois,
tying OSU, and finally slaughter-
ing Purdue 31-7, are slight favor-
ference games this year, and if
they can stop the Wildcats, they
have a fine chance of sweeping
through the rest of the conference
season. Northwestern has yet to
take on Ohio State, Illinois, and
Michigan in its quest for Big Ten
laurels and Pasadena roses.
Northwestern is going through
heavy offensive and defensive
drills in preparation for this
game, and Wildcat halfback
Wall Jones, out for the last two
contests, will be ready to go
against Wisconsin.
Down at Bloomington, they are
saying that Indiana did an amaz-
ing job last week of making eleven
Bucks look like 30 cents, but Coach
114 E. Williams
Phone 7191
. I
Don't Miss
November 3
Clyde Smith says "We're still rag-
tag in a lot of places' as the Hoos-
ier's prepare to welcome the pow-
erful and unbeaten Illini at Indi-
ana this Saturday.
INDIANA REALLY pulled itself
together to upset the Buckeyes last
week. The previous Saturday Indi-
ana went down to defeat against a
Michigan team which took merci-
less advantage of every Hoosier
Against Ohio State, the fired-
up Indiana eleven seized every
break that came their way, made
few miscues themselves, and in-
cidentally outgained Ohio sta-
All this points to the fact that
Illinois is going to have a rousing
time at Bloomington. Coach Ray
Eliot is worried, as he remembers
that the last time the Illini jour-
neyed toIndiana, in 1946, the In-
diana team dumped the eventual
Big Ten and Rose Bowl Champions
CL OrHu/i
1We can't put all our
hats in the window
. .. but you can put
them all on inside.
We've just waited on a man
. . and what do you think?
He'd been trying to buy a hat
out of a show window since
Didn't see anything he liked on
Main Street . . so he kept
putting it off.
Didn't take him 10 minutes
tho' once he got inside.
You see, Gentlemen, our win-
dows are not as large as our
hat assortments . . . and be-
sides, it isn't good form to over
ursday 9 P.M.
lecture by
on the nerits of the famous
ARROW GABANARO sport shirt.
nstruction by TED SPENCE
I Bring Your Own Equipment
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" Lots of Parking Space
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Representatives of Boeing
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See engineering placement office for
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U. of M. vs. IllinoisI
Boeing is interested in graduates with a
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