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October 23, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-23

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Latest Deadline in the State

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Russia Explodes
Third A-Bomb
'White House Says Blast Was Part
of Series of Soviet Defense Tbests
WASHINGTON--(P)-A third atomic explosion has occurred in
Russia, the White House announced yesterday.
It "apparently" was part of a test series, Presidential Secretary
Joseph Short said. He did not use the word "bomb," as he did Oct. 3
'mvin announcing explosion of a second "atomic bomb" within Russia.
SHORT SUMMONED newsmen and said:
"Another atomic explosion has occurred within the Soviet Union,
apparently as part of a test series *
"Of course, there may be more such explosions from time to
The announcement fitted into a statement Oct. 6 by Generalissimo
SJoseph Stalin of Russia. Stalin
said then:


Jessup Gets
To UN Post
Truman yesterday announced f
recess appointment for Ambassa
dor Philip C. Jessup as a delegat
to the United Nations, and de
clared that some of the accusa
tions raised against Jessup "bor
dered on fraud."
Mr. Truman roundly denounces
what he termed "partisan poli
tics" in the congressional row over
Jessup. He also scoffed at fear,
expressed by some Senators thal
the American people have lost
confidence in Jessup, declaring:
"The American peoplemake
their judgments on the basis of
facts and on the basis of perform-
dent took a slap at charges aired
by Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.),
who had accused Jessup of fol-
lowing "every twist and turn of
the Communist line" in helping
shape U.S. policy in the Far East.
Jessup, a top advisor to Sec-
retary of State Acheson, has
sworn he never followed the
Communist line, never advocated
measures to undermine the Chi-
nese Nationalist Government,
and never helped bring about the
Red conquest of China.
"~The record of the (Senate)
hearings shows that charges to the
effect that he was sympathetic to
Communist charges were utterly
without confirmation and some of
the so-called documentation intro-
duced in support of those charges
bordered on fraud," Mr. Truman
said in a statement.
BESIDES McCarthy, Republican
leader Harold E. Stassen had also
attacked Jessup's fitness to repre-
sent this country in the forthcom-
ing important sessions of the Unit-
ed Nations General Assembly in
Stassen testified under oath that
Jessup gave "false testimony" in
denying that he never favored U.S.
recognition of Red China. Jessup
retorted that Stassen acted like a
grasshopper Jumping from one ac-
cusatiori to another in an attempt
to escape from a "morass of mis-
Mr. Truman asserted that Jes-
sup was "attacked for being at a
meeting which he did not attend
and for policy recommendations
which he never made."
/ .,

* * ,
"THE TESTING of atomic
bombs of various calibers will be
carried out in the future also ac-
cording to the plan for our coun-
try's defense against the Anglo-
American aggressive front."
Word of the third explosion
came in the midst of reports of
a tiny U.S. atomic burst on the
flats of Nevada.
Short would not say when the
latest Russian explosion occurred,
adding "it is not in the national
interest to say more than I have
already said."
* * *
JUST HOW the Russian blas
will be tied with the Kremlin's de-
mand for outlawing all atomic
weapons was not clear here. Some
officials here expect Russia to re-
vive the demand at a meeting of
the United Nations General As-
sembly in Paris next month. That
was the pattern two years ago af-
ter the first atomic blast. A ma-
jority of the UN insist, however,
on a system of controls with in-
ternational inspection which Rus-
sia rejects.
On Capitol Hill-abandoned to
a great extent by Congressional
adjournment - Senator Hicken-
looper (R-Iowa) said the latest
Russian explosion report was
"nothing to get excited about." He
is ranking Republican member of
the Senate-House Committee on
Atomic Energy.
U.S. Sets Of f
Tiny Atomic
Bomb Burst
LAS VEGAS, Nev.-(M--The
tiniest atomic burst ever let loose
officially in the United States-so
small that it confounded many ob-
servers--yesterday pinpointed the
road to a possible new age of
nuclear weapons.
If this was the baby A-bomb, as
some speculated, it was indeed
the smallest infant yet reared in
the American atomic family.
While Atomic Energy Com-
mission scientists maintained si-
lence, newsmen pondered the'
implication of an explosion
whose flash was visible for only
a tenth of a second or so.
To some observers it appeared a
vest pocket version of the great
granddaddy of the A-bomb family,r
the original trinity blast at Alamo-
gordo, N.M., on July 16, 1945. Like
Trinity, yesterday's nuclear mass
was shot off a tower, but flared
into only the briefest ball of fire
and quickly dissolved into the
familiar mushroom type cloud.
But other onlookers, who hadI
been expecting something resem-3
bling last winter's full blown ex-(
periment here, got the impression
that the experiment was a fizzle-
perhaps a break-off or only partialx
detonation of a larger mass. e

Senate RFC r
Probe Hits
Barkley Aide
'Veep' Denies
Knowingof Deal
Committee yesterday began a pre-
liminary investigation into reports
that Vice-President Barkley's sec-
retary and a Senate Committee
lawyer helped swing a $1,100,000s
government loan sought to build a
Florida luxury hotel.
Barkley told newsmen that if his
secretary did try to sway federal
loans, she acted contrary to his
"specific instructions.""
* * *
Senators Thye (R-Minn.) and
Schoeppel (R-Kan.) called it
a "shocking" episode.
The central figures in the latest "
hubbub over loans approved by the
government's multi-billion-dollar
lending agency, the Reconstruc-.
tion Finance Corporation, are: .
Mrs. Flo Bratton, Secretary to
the Vice-President.
Charles E. Shaver, counsel to
the Senate Small Business Com-
SHAVER DENIED any wrong.
doing; he also threw down reports
that he planned to quit his Senate
Mrs. Bratton's home in Cold
Spring, Ky., reported she was en PART
route to Washington to see the truck-
Vice-President. Britai
Shaver told reporters that he British
and Mrs. Bratton visited several quell c
RFC directors in the early months
of 1950 and urged them to grantE
a million-plus loan for construc- g
tel in Miami Beach, Fla.
Asked by newsmen whether Mrs. CAIO
Bratton would be kept on his staff, Minister
Barkley replied: Egypte T
"I haven't had a chance to talk declared,
to her yet to get her side of the decoa
story." him to a
Demands by Senators Thye and Travei
Schoeppel for a Senate inestiga- ing crowd
tion were quickly followed by an ime Mi
announcement that the Senate's Prime as
permanent Investigations Subcom- hamPash
mittee has already started an in--"DmWnhh
quiry. "We h
. Francis D. Flanagan, , Chief ties and
Counsel, said Chairman Hoey (D- tion s0 th
N.C.) of the subcommittee ordered
him to start a preliminary inquiry W ea
"to find out whether a full-scale
investigation is warranted."
However, Chairman Sparknan T
(D-Ala.) of the Senate Small
Business Committee noted that
Shaver was not employed by his NEW Y
committee until June 16, 1950- Sheppard
more than a month after the RFC home to
loan was approved for the Florida the stage
hotel project. Egyptian
has fasc
Nobody Seeks His fir
E " d v'r e
En gin Position Gloria
The secretary post of the sen-
ior engineering class is currently " s
going begging. Cl s
Petitions will be accepted till 5 1
p.m. tomorrow in the Student Leg-
islature Building, 122 S. Forest, NEW Y
Joe White, public relations chair- ing wildcf
man, announced yesterday. Thus workers s
far no petitions have been filed. New York
They may be picked up from 3-5 railroad f
p.m. today and tomorrow with An esti
fifty signatures required. merchand
The vacancy occurred when piers thr
former secretary Duncan Erley area.
elected to resign late last week. Only on
Meanwhile, the SL candidate ported opi

roster was pared to 44, as Bob Of rovir
Baker, currently treasurer of the docks all
organization, announced that he during th
was withdrawing from the race. Harry Bo'
His decision not to seek reelection "We are
removed one of the leading candi- move. We
dates for spring president of SL. turn to w




?;;s ;"' 5 e sReplace Two
Delegates to Parley
MUNSAN, Korea-(JP)-A go-ahead signal from the Reds, expected
at any moment, will start new Korean truce talks, possibly today.
Early this morning the Pieping Radio announced replacement of
two of the five-member Red armistice delegation. It said Chinese
Gen. Tung Hwa was being succeeded by Chinese Gen. Pien Chiang-
Wu, while North Korean Gen. Chang Pyong San was being succeeded
by North Korean Gen. Cheng Du Kon.
No reason was given, but the Red shift matched last week's Allied
action in changing two of its five delegates.
* * * *


:TION-A barbed wire barricade separates four British soldiers, two in prone position, from a
load of Egyptian soldiers in the Suez Canal Zone city of Ismailia. This scene took place as
n further strengthened its forces in Egypt and Egyptian troops carefully kept out of range of
forces throughout most of the canal zone. Both sides are taking part in joint efforts to
ivil disorders in Ismailia.
*% * * * *, * * I *
ypt's Premier Threatens British

( P) - Egypt's Prime
called the British in
he Enemy" yesterday and
"we are about to bring
severe accounting."
rng from Alexandria to
d speaking before cheer-
Is at each railway station,
inister Mustapha El Na-
ha told his audience at
ave studied all possibili-
all aspects of the situa-
at we may reach our aim

without enabling the enemy and
usurper to dominate us.
"THE ENEMY has lost his head
and has been overwhelmed with a
wave of madness and fear.
"He has thus committed ag-
gressive attacks about which he
will not keep silent and we are
about to bring him to a severe
The Prime Minister's progress
through Northern Egypt came at
the end of a day in which his gov-


lthy Texan on Way Home
?Marry Egyptian Dancer

YORK - (R) - Wealthy
King III was on his way
Texas yesterday to clear
t for marriage to his
belly dancer-A girl who
inated more than one
st step in Houston is a
Tom. his American wife,
.cat Strike
es Port'
ORK-(oP)-A snowball-
-at strike of rebel dock
sealed off the Port of
yesterday and led to a
reight embargo.
mated $4,200,000 pile of
ise lay unattended on
oughout the vast port
ae or two piers were re-
ng pickets who swept the
but clear of stevedores
e day, union organizer
ewers said:
going to make a counter
will help the men to re-

THEN IT'S back to the mysteri-
ous East and the arms of Sainia
Gamal, the dark lovely Egyptian
gal with the built-in Swiss move-
"The very day I get the di-
vorce, I'm going to hop off to
Cairo to marry Samia," the 26-
year-old King told newsmen as
he flew in from Europe. That
should be in four to six weeks,
he added.
Chief stumbling block to a ro-
mance that began .in Paris and
blossomed beside the Nile is King's
widowed mother, Mrs. Bonner
King. She has threatened to dis-
inherit her love-smitten son.
KING SAID he's prepared to dig
up a few "family skeletons," if
need be, to oVercome her opposi-
tion. He didn't say what they
might be.
"I think she will find it neces-
sary to settle without any trou-
ble," said the heir to his late
father's oil and cotton fortune.
"She objects to anything I do.
She 'just wants me around so
she can tell me what to do.
"Mother has built up such a
prejudice before any meeting that
she won't give herself a chance
to like her (Sarnia).

ernment took several more set-
backs from the British forces in
the Suez Canal Zone.
British Army tanks yesterday
seized the Egyptian State Rail-
way's workshops just outside Suez,
southern terminal of the canal.
Egyptian residents of the town
feared they soon would be entirely
cut off from the rest of Egypt.
'I * *
EGYPTIAN Interior Minister
Fuad Serag Ed Din said 20 tanks
took the shops and 25 locomotives.
An Associated Press dispatch from
Port Suez reported 10 tanks were
Serag Ed Din also said a Brit-
ish military policeman ahot an
Egyptian dead and that the po-
liceman said he fired because
the Egyptian passed too near a
British military camp.
The Army move was a swift fol-
lowup of the British Navy's seizure
of command in the harbor to break
a tie-up of British merchant ship-
ping caused by an Egyptian labor
boycott and a harbor pilots' strike.
land and sea moves were related.
The railway seizure was repoited
aimed at enforcing a British ulti-
matum calling on the Egyptian
dock workers and llots to get
back to work.
Court To Hear
Reds' Appeal.
WASHINGTON-()-In a step
rarely taken, the Supreme Court
reversed itself yesterday and
agreed to hear an iappeal by six
lawyers 'sentenced for contempt
of court in the stormy New York
trial of 11 top Communists.
The Court agreed to determine
whether U.S. District Judge Har-
old Medina, who accused them of
contempt, had authority to con-
vict them after first defering judg-
ment. .

security and neutrality rules surra
side village of Panmunjom.
Vice Adm. U. Turner Joy,
Chief United Nations Armistice
Delegate, quickly ratified the
agreement yesterday afternoon
and invited the Reds to do like-
"On the day following receipt
by me of such acceptance by you,"
Joy wrote in a letter to the Chief
Red Delegate, Lt. Gen. Nam Ii,
"the UNC (United Nations Com-
mand) delegation is prepared to
meet your delegation, as tentative-
ly arranged by the liaison officers
at Panmunjom at 11 A.M. for the
purpose of resuming discussion of
agenda item 2 of the Military Ar-
mistice Conference."
c * *
AGENDA ITEM 2 is the ques-
tion of where to draw a buffer
zone between the two opposing
armies. That item had stalled the
conferences at Kaesong from July
27 until the Reds suspended them
Aug. 23.
The subsequent two months
have been given over to exten-
sive bickering over Red charges
of Allied violations of the neu-
tral conference area, finally
ending in agreement on the new
site at Panmunjom.
Although Admiral Joy's letter
referred to a day's lapse between
Red ratification and resumption
of the talks, iltrig. Gen. William P.
Nuckols, UN Command spokes-
mah, told reporters a prompt re-
ply could cause the talks to start
this afternoon.
ing the new truce effort, the Al-
lied soldiers still grinding pain-
fully north in Korea took the at-
titude that "seeing is believing."
The job of ending the 16-
months-old war will sti be as
tough as when the Com unists
and the Allies first met on July
Thorny items still to be decided
1. A buffer zone to separate the
opposing armies.
2. Supervision of the cease-f ire.A
3. Exchange of prisoners.
4. Recommendations to t h e
governments involved.
Each is capable of breaking up
the. talks permanently.
Formosa Rocked
By Earthquakes
TAIPEH, Formosa-(P)--Panic-
stricken residents of,' Formosa
abandoned their homes for the
second straight day early today
as violent earthquakes and after-
shocks rocked this Chinese Na-
tionalist stronghold.

sides yesterday signed elaborate
ounding the new site at the road-
S* * *
Allies Move
As Enemies
Melt Away
QUAR'T'ERS, Korea-W(P-Twren-
ty-six U. S. Patton tanks punched
through the smoking ruins of
Kumsong in a four-hour raid yes-
terday while Allied infantry moved
within 600 yards of that Central
Korean Communist base without
contacting the enemy.
Chinese resistance melted o.n
the foggy mountain ridges south-
east of Kumsong during the day.
* *
THE U. S. EIGHTH Army Com-
munique last night reported Uni-
ted Nations units were "advancing
toward their objectives, against,
Tittle enemy oppksition."
It said a patrol was less than
one-third of a d)le from the
now neutralized Red Road and
Rail Junction, 30 miles north of
Parallel 38.
There was no significant fight-
ing along either the Eastern o
Western fronts, and contact was
light elsewhere along the central
front, the Com unique said.
EIGHTH ARMY Headquarters
estimated that Allied tropsin-
flicted 29,275 casualties on the,
Reds during the week ended last
Friday. This included 22,000
killed, 6,000 wounded and 1,275
The war which has blazed
with savage intensity on all
three fronts during the past few
weeks seemed destined to sim-
mer down to a slow boil onc
cease-fire negotiations begina
again. Conditions appeared all
set for resumption of the talks
at Panmungom today or tomor-
Some observers felt the 500,000
Chinese and North Korean troops
probably would stay in their fox-
holes with one ear cocked for
word from Pa nurnjom. They.'
felt that Allied military might---
about even in manpower-won't
be much more active so long as
the talks progress,
In the air war yesterday, six
separate jet enggaements blazed
over Northwest Korea. American
jet jockeys claimed two Russian
MIG fighters probably shot down
and one damaged. Some 180 Red
fighters were sighted during the
In Tokyo the Fifth Air Force
said Allied fighters destroyed two
Communist jets and damaged twd
in five actions yesterday.
There was noimmediate ex-
planation of the discrepancy be-
tween the Tokyo and Korea re-
World News
By The Associated Press
BERLIN - Mounting under-
ground attacks on Russian trains
in Poland have forced the Soviets

to like her (Samia). ment.

U.S'. Displays Violent Reaction on Vatican Ambassador

I j

The nomination of Gen. Mark
Clark as our first ambassador to
the Vatican was still up in the air
last night but experts and religious
leaders kept up a din of criticism
and countering praise for Presi-
dent Truman's latest move.
The sizzling fat could be heard

logical reason to complain," the
pastor of St. Mary's Student
Chapel went on, "are the Com-
munists-and they certainly are
Logical or not, there were plenty
of complaints from non-Commu-
nist quarters of Ann Arbor and the
rest of the country.
* __ * *_

Presidential secretary Joseph
Short told newsmen that over a
hundred letters and telegrams -
most of them critical - had come
into the White House since the
plan for diplomatic relations with
the Vatican was announced Satur-
Other White Houes sources
said it was pnlikely that the

and our historical American tra-
ditions. It is a major blunder. We
will fight Senate confirmation.
The timing suggests political
scheming. It will confuse our life
and death fight against Commu-
nism and divide the country."
* * *
REFLECTING the national
split on the appointment issue, lo-

ed the move as an attemept to
"secure the Roman Catholic vote."
* * *
BUT ACCORDING to a Univer-
sity Survey Research Center study,
cited by Political Science Prof.
Samuel Eldersveld, there was little
Pres. Truman could gain in nam-
ing an ambassador to the geo-
graphical focus of Catholicism.

naming of a military man to what
is customarily a civilian office.
But, on the issue of naming a
formal diplomatic representative
to the Vatican state, Prof. Knap-
pen was firm:
"Without regard to the domestic
issues involved I consider the ap-
pointment as a reasonable and
natural move in the development

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