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October 13, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-13

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SATUR.DAY', 013ER 13, 1951.



Ten Cent Programs

DESPITE A RATHER ingenious University
scheme, the stormy problem of the ten
cent programs remains as puzzling as ever.
The administration's plan of passing out
free programs with each student ticket
book has failed miserably. Many students
never even got them and those who did
generally lost or threw them away. The
fact is that the free programs were doom-
ed from the start and that the market for
the ten centers is as large as ever.
But since the city requires an excessive li-
cense fee and the University won't allow the
ten cent vendors on their property, not many
of the midget programs are being sold.
It is doubtful that the city will rescind the
license fee. Its purpose is to regulate what
the ordinance calls "transient traders." This
is a right and duty of the municipal gov-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

ernment and to lift the fee for students and
discriminate against non-student vendors
would be unfair.
Thus if student vendors are to return with
ten cent programs, it's up to the University
to take action. Last year, it was decided that
it was legal to sell on University property
without a city license. At that time, the
administration allowed student program
vendors to sell on University property if they
first got a permit from the SL.
This plan worked well until the free pro-
grams were issued this year. And because
of the free programs the athletic board
says that there is no need for ten cent
ones. But the board overlooks the rather
obvious fact that for the most part the
free programs are now non-existent and
that students want the ten centers.
The SL-athletic department plan of last
year was excellent. Everyone was satisfied,
even the vendors of the 50 cent programs in-
side the stadium. If the athletic board will
only face reality, the problem can be brought
to a swift and just conclusion.
-Harland Britz






pONN-"We can do the job without the
Germans, if that becomes absolutely
necessary." This recent remark is reliably
attributed to Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Presumably, Eisenhower thinks that, given
great air power and atomic superiority, the
defense of Western Europe without a Ger-
man manpower contribution is militarily
feasible. And in the peculiar atmosphere of
this artificial political capital, the remark
takes on great significance.
For the demonstrable fact is that some-
thing has gone very wrong with allied
plans for a West German defense force.
Consider the facts. It is more than a year
now since Secretary of State Dean G.
Acheson, pushed and chivvied by the Pen-
tagon, and against the advice of able U.S.
High Commissioner John .McCloy, de-
manded immediate German rearmament.
At that time, the Pentagon planners, suf-
fering from the delusion that the militant
German nation would spring to arms at
the word of command, were talking of an
nportant German military contribution
In a matter of months.
Yet now, a year later, the first German
soldier in the Western alliance is unlikely to
put on his uniform for at least ten months--
and only then if all goes more smoothly than
there seems much reason to expect. And the
best private guess here is that, under pre-
sent conditions, Western Germany will not
contribute more than about eight rather thin
divisions by the end of 1953-hardly a deci-
sive contribution.
In short, in the time of great danger im-
mediately ahead, the job will simply have to
be done "without the Germans." Meanwhile,
in the view of some very able men here, it
Is time to have a good hard look at what
has gone wrong.
ANY THINGS have gone wrong. For one
thing, the effectiveness of the Soviet-
Communist "unity" line has been vastly un-
derestimated in the West, a matter which
will be examined in a later report. But what
seems to have gone principally wrong is that
the Pentagon planners, fascinated like a
rabbit by a snake by the thought of future
German divisions, have fixed a rigid but en-
tirely unrealistic time-table for German re-
armament. Thus the Western administrators
here, including the extremely able U.S. High
Commissioner John J. McCloy, have been
robbed of the flexibility required in negotia-
All negotiation is a matter, in the end,
of the carrot and the stick. And because
the German politicians are convinced that
the West must have a German defense
contribution at any cost, the allied nego-
tiators had no stick.

Logically, the Germans should be begging
the allies for the means to defend their own
soil. Instead, the Pentagon-planned program
has placed the allies in the position of doing
the begging. This immensely stimulates the
sort of irrationality displayed by such a man
as the powerful, fanatically nationalist Dr.
Kurt Schumacher, leader of the Social Dem-
ocratic party.
Schumacher haughtily dismisses the Schu-
man plan and the European Army, now the
twin pillars of American policy in Europe,
as French trickery. He would permit Ger-
man rearmament only on the impossible
condition that there were sufficient Anglo-
American ground strength to halt a Soviet
attack at the Elbe and once this condition
was fulfilled, he strongly implies, Germany
would rearm only in order to march to the
* * *
W ITH THIS- sort of internal political pres-
sure to deal with, it is not surprising that
negotiations between the High Commission-
ers and the brilliant, aging Chancellor Kon-
rad Adenauer move sluggishly from dead-
lock to deadlock. The fact is that until both
a large stick and a juicy carrot can be made
clearly visible to the Germans, the German
rearmament project will continually bog
down, as it has for more than a year now.
The nature of the stick was summed up by
one wise official here about as follows: "We
should be in a position to tell the Germans
flatly that if they really want it that way,
we shall concentrate everything on the de-
fense of the Rhine. Western Germany will
then become a temporarily useful outpost
and maneuver area in case of war."
This is tough talk, but particularly in
this country, tough talk sometimes clears
the air. Yet the stick is not enough-there
must also be a carrot, and a large one. Be-
cause the risks of rearming Germany are so
frightening, there has been a great ten-
dency in all three allied capitals to try to
keep Germany in rather clumsily-con-
cealed leading strings during the rearma-
ment period. This just will not work. A na-
tion simply cannot be rearmed and kept
in leading strings at one and the same
The best men here are becoming increas-
ingly convinced that we must be prepared to
accept the risks of offering the West Ger-
mans the only carrot which will really tempt
them-genuine complete internal sovereign-
ty, within a Western European framework.
And surely as the choice between the carrot
and the stick is made very clear, there can-
not be much doubt in the end about how the
Germans will choose.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

Ike's Last
C hance
WASHINGTON-One man has it within
his power to make Gen. Dwight D. Eis-
enhower president of the United States.
If General Eisenhower dares to put his
fate to the touch to gain or lose it all, he
can be president.
A political vacuum exists in this tired
capital big enough to drive the Allied Army,
the United States fleet and the Russian Air
Force through.
The incumbent Democrats have lost their
grip; they are on the defensive; they are
disgruntled with their president-no matter
what they tell him to his face-and they
know better than the press dares tell for
fear of libel how many soft spots have re-
sulted in government from their long tenure
of office. They will deny it but many of
them would prefer to lay down the respon-
sibilities of power for a while so they can
clean house quietly.
Republicans will deny this too but it is
a fact that many of them, including some
of their leaders, are equally defeatist.
They realize the party's deep divisions; the
absence of vigorous competition for their
presidential nomination makes them un-
easy; they sense the risk inherent in the
fact that the nomination seems slated to
go' by default to one of their most contro-
versial figures.
The only hard-working politicos in sight
are the bitter enders. In each party this
group is pinning its hopes for success on
what it believes to be the prospect that the
opposition will nominate its weakest man.
This negative approach characterizes the
whole political picture. Both parties appear
intent on proving not what they can do to
fortify the free world so successfully that
the Russians will fear to start a war but on
showing how much the American people
have to fear if the. other fellow wins
This failure to look confidently to the
future is a denial of the American genius
for action. It is occurring only at home.
Abroad plain Americans in impressive
numbers are working around the clock,
inspiring what were timid allies to new
efforts, and accepting the American des-
tiny with courage, even gayety.
General Eisenhower's great chance to be
president arises from his position as the
symbol of this courage, confidence and faith,
Americans have given every indication that
they want to be inspired too as General Ike
has inspired their allies.
But the General cannot expect a so-called
draft or a presidential nomination handed
him on a silver salver This is so for two rea-
sons-one spiritual, the other tactical.
Americans value their presidency. They
want it to be wanted. They have no use for
reluctant dragons in connections with the
greatest gift within their power to bestow.
It is possible for an aspirant to go over
the heads of the politicians to the people.
But unless and until one does, the profes-
sions have all the tactical advantages.
The most intimate observers of Eisen-
hower in action are convinced he wants to be
president. They are equally sure that his
dream of a bipartisan nomination, once a
faint possibility if the world crisis sharpened,
is no longer possible. Even George Allen has
quit talking about Eisenhower as a Demo-
crat, an idea which actually was implanted
four years ago by a Democratic publicist to
upset the Republicans.
Thus, if the General is in earnest, he
must first want the Republican nomination
and he must say so very soon or it will slip
irrevocably into the arms of Senator Taft.
Time in his case is not, despite Plutarch,
his wisest counsellor.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


r .:.yl

The Datly welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in' length. defamatory or
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be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

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Defense of a Critic .. ..
To the Editor.
MAY I offer a few words to
Reader Berberian in defense
of Music Critic Goss?
My dear Berberian, in your re-
cent letter to the editor you gave
no reasons whatever for your
assumptions that 1. Miss Goss'
opinions about Miss deLos Ange-
les' leider were based on her name
and not on her singing,
2. Miss Goss would like "a fain
dribbling on the keyboard" by the
3. Miss Goss' personal opnio
about the singer's guitar-playing
should coincide with your own.
Instead, all you actually do say
Goss' balanced but critical re-
view, and therefore Miss Goss
must be a snob.
Do you suppose Miss Goss ex-
pects all her readers to accept her
judgements as absolute? No cri-
tic worth her salt expects that,
(though, I'll admit, some of the
other Daily critics apparently do.)
Disagree with her if you wish, but
don't get so wrought up about it!
-Jim Mundres
. . .
Football Seating .. --
To the Editor:
A sA newcomer (from Pakistan)
to Ann Arbor (and America)
I have been enjoying my orienta-
tion to American activities. Last
week I saw my first American-
version football game. Recently I
have read with interest some ar-
ticles and letters on football in
your columns, and I have been
tempted to write to you, in a
slightly different context. My con-
tention is that there is too little
football, really, for the hands seem
to be used all the way. Fron' the
way we play football in Pakistan,
th American version is a series of
'fouls and fights,' and I was al-
most led to ask my neighbour at
the Stadium seats "When will the
game be played." In my country it
is still football that we play-pre-
served in all its pristine glory, I
suppose. It is 'foul' to push your
opponent even slightly. A good
game is a lesson in cooperation,
for the game moves along through
continual passing. Its playing is
almost a fine art, and a good play-
er requires a high degree of skill.
I suppose I have to learn more
to be able to enjoy American foot-
ball. For the present the fine spirit
of football fans in the stadium
seats, the cheerleaders, the band
-all this was wonderful and in-
tensely enjoyable.
And, well, I certainly wouldn't
wish to see such a fine stadium
have atom bombs blown into it,
nor do I find occasion for sitting
on a highbrow intellectual and
moral pedestal to condemn foot-
ball as such. From my point of
view an attempt should be made to
rediscover the original game, and
to have MORE FOOT-ball.
-Hassan Habib
* * '
Daily Critic ...
To the Editor:
THIS is in reply to the criticism
of the Gladys Swarthout con-
cert, as presentedby Miss Virginia
Voss in the Michigan Daily this
morning. Having attended the
concert, last night, and also being

possessed of good ears, eyes and a
desire to enjoy a pleasant eve-
ning's entertainment, I feel that I
am also in a position to judge the
merits of an artist's performance.
My first reaction to Miss Voss's
article was infuriation. Part of
this feeling was aroused by the
fact that it appears to be a con-
sistent policy of "Daily Critics" to
"enjoy nothing."
I dare say the entire audience
was cognizant of Miss Swarthout's
breathiness. Although this is gen-
erally a deterrent to good sing-
ing, I think also, it is human of
any audience to consider that one
of Miss Swarthout's age (which
she carries handsomely) is apt to
become shortwinded after years
and years of oozing and snorting
Carmen on the Metropolitan op-
era stage.
To place every artist on an un-
wavering automatic critic-ma-
chine, as though they were not
made of flesh and blood, may
seem fair play to a critic, but
judging from the response of the
audience, I have the feeling that
Miss Voss's use of "we the audi-
ence" includes a vastly smaller
number than the term applies.
True, there was plenty of evi-
dence to make a thorough music
student cringe, but in order to be
a fair critic, Miss Voss might well
have commented on some pleas-
anter aspects of the concert. For
example, I believe Eugene Bos-
sart's solo renditions were well re-'
ceived, as well as the "Habanera"
and last encore number of Miss'
I also believe I detected a note'
of sarcasm in Miss Voss's opening
sentence in regard to Miss Swarth-
out "swishing" in her tanned self.
The reading public is not insen-
sitive to sarcasm, and I believe,
finds it unnecessary and objec-,
Indeed, if newsprint in the cri-,
tic's column must continually be
devoted to t h e "knock-them-
down" attitude, I personally con-
sider it a waste and an insult to
the readers.
If critics like Miss Voss and
others can so consistently submit
their time to unenjoyable eve-
nings, they had best stay home,
play tiddly-winks and allow those
who wish to pay their money,

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
2552 Administration Building before
3 p.m. the day preceding publication
(11 a.m. on Saturday).
To Deans, Directors, Department Heads,
and Others Responsible for Payrolls:
Payrolls for Fall semester are ready
for approval. Please call at Room 3058
Administration Building before October
Choral Union Members whose attend-
ance records are clear, will please call
for courtesy tickets admitting to the
Szigeti concert, on the day of the per-
formance, Mon., Oct. 15, between 9:30
and 11:30 a.m., and 1 and 4 p.m., at
the offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Tower. After 4
o'clock, no passes will be issued,
The Union Calendar of Events is now
available for free distribution in all
men's housing units and in the Union
Correction: Women students will have
1:30 a.m. late permission Sat., Oct. 13.
Bureau of Appointments' Registration:
The Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information will hold its
annual registration for February, June,
and August graduates on Monday and
Tuesday next week.
Those students who desire positions
in business, industry and professions,
other than teaching, will register on
Mon., Oct. 15 in the Rackham Lecture
Hall at 4:10 p.m. Those students seek-
ing teaching positions on the elemen-
tary, secondary, or college level will
register on Tues., Oct. 16, Rackham
Lecture Hall at 4:10 p.m.
University Lecture, auspices of the
College of Architecture and Design.
First of a series of two lectures on
"Problems in ComprehensiveDesign"
designer. 7:30 p.m., Mon., Oct. 15, Ar-
chitecture Auditorium.
Academic Notices
Doctoral examination for Edward
Vartan Malcom, Psychology; thesis: "A
Study of the validity of Individual Per-
sonality Profiles Based on Each of Four
Projective Techniques," Mon., Oct. 15,
Voss says in effect: Anyone who
enjoyed last night's performance
must be an ignorant ass!
One of the most important fac-
tors to be taken into account, I
guess, is that an audience attends
a function expecting to be enter-
tained while a "critic" expects to
be bored. But it would seem that
any sense of fair play requires a
critic to present both sides of the
picture. Daily "critics" are very
conspicuous in their one-sided re-
views. Miss Voss has taken great
pains, apparently, to create the
impression that Miss Swarthout's
performance lacked any semblance
of interest, originality, or appeal.
It is unfortunate indeed that
the "critics" of this paper are not
possessors of artistic talents. For
if they would only submit some
pictures along with their rev'ews,
they would undoubtedly rank near
the top as the Funniest Cartoon-
ists of the Year!
-Dave Wampler
*, * *
Farouk's Jihad ...
To the Editor:
, FOR ONE, am getting a little
fed up with suh statements as
"Egypt may ask Russian aid to
help her secure freedom front
Western interference." Where is
the logic? When has Russia helped
anyone get their freedom uniless
they were to ultimately fall intc
One hears tre cry of JIHAD (Holy
the ever expanding Russian arms?
War) again against the so called
foreigners in Egypt. . . . too bad
that these wise old men didn't raise

the cry when Farouk was squan-
dering their money playing rou-'
lette or entertaining so called
"belly dancers."
-Samuel E. Molod
The Lord's Day .. .
To the Editor:
current library regulations is,
I honestly believe, unwarranted.
1. It is inevitable that a cut in
appropriations should result in
curtailment of some sort; and cur-
tailment of library hours is less
painful to the student than a re-
duction in the books purchased or
the services offered.
2. Regardless of expense the li-
brary ought to be closed on Sun-
days. The Sabbath, in all Chris-
tian countries, is a day of worship.
Those students who wish, from
private motives, to flout the cus-
tom of Sabbath observance and
hence the divine decree on which,
it is based can surely study in
their rooms.
-John Vriend

"Don't Go Away, Mister. I Really Need The Publicity"



1027 East Huron Street, 10 am. Chair-
man, E. L. Kelly.
Project Meeting M720-1 on Mon., Oct.
15, 4 p.m., Angell Hall. Professor Dar-
ling will be the speaker.
Concert. Joseph Szigeti, distinguished
Hungarian violinist, will be heard in
the Choral Union Series, Monday night
October 15, at'8:30, in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Szigeti will present the following
program, assisted at the piano by Carol
Bussoti: Adagio (Tratini; Courante
and Double from B-minor Partita
(Bach); Caprice No. 24 (Paganini);
Rondo Brillante, Op. 70 (Schubert):
Prokofieff's Sonata in D major; and
the Beethoven "Kreutzer" Sonata.
Tickets are on sale at the offices of
the University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower daily; and after
7 p.m. at the Hill Auditorium box of-
fice on the night of the performance.
Evens Today
SRA Inter-Cultural Outing, leaving
Lane Hall, 5 p.m.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Foot-
ball Open House after the game at the
Guild House.
Roger Williams Guild: Open House
after the game.
Wesleyan Guild: Hamburger fry aft-
er the game, at the Guild.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group:
Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m. The Society of
Friends Work Projects will be present-
ed. Reservations may be phoned to
Lane Hall.
Coming Events
Pol. Sci. Picnic, postponed 1 a s t
Sunday, will be held Sun., Oct. 14, at
Dexter-Huron Park. Meet in front of
Angell Hall at 1 p.m. In case of ques-
tionable weather call the Pl. Sc. office
between 12 and 1 p.m., Sunday.
Graduate Outing Club: Meet at the
rear of the Rackham Building, 2 p.m.,
Sun., for an outing to Kent Lake. Bus-
iness meeting and election of officers,
7:30 p.m. in the Club Room after the
Reserve Unit 9-3 Naval Research:
Meeting Tues., Oct. 16, 7:30 p.m., 18
Angell Hall. Speaker: Lt. Cmdr. C~iur-
chill, Program Officer, ninth naval dis-
League Record Concerts
Sunday (co-ed) .........8:30-10 p.m.
Friday ...................4-5:30 p.m.
Every Week-Same Schedule. All con-
certs held in LEAGUE LIBRARY.
Program for Sun., Oct. 14:
Mozart, Symphony no. 39, E Flat.
Schumann, Symphony no. 4.
Harris, Symphony no. 3.
D'Indy-Symphony on a French Air
(with Piano,
U. of M. Hot Record Society. A pro-
gram featuring records of Jelly-Roll
Morton and Miff Mole Sunday at 8i
p.m., Grand Rapids Room, League.
Everyone invited.
Phi Eta Sigma. Certificates of
bership may be obtained at the lobby
of the Administration Building, Mon.
Oct. 15, between 1-4 p.m.
Hillel: Open Cou. cil Meeting, Sun,
10:30 a.m., Lane hail. Everyone i-
terested is welcome.
Hillel: Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth)
Services will be held Sunday at 7 p.m.
syt 1429 H1il St., and Monday and Tues-
day mornings at 8 a.m. at Lane I 1I.





with A. E. Mathews,
David Tomlinson.

Cecil Parker and

Washington Merry-Go-Round

welcome our visitors with
human response.


W ASHINGTON-The Defense Department
is alarmed over a wave of crippling
strikes that have dangerously slowed jet-
engine production at a time when jet fight-
ers are desperately needed to turn back
Russian jets in Korea and defend this coun-
try against new Russian A-bombs. The situ-
ation is so critical that the Air Force has
actually been forced to accept planes with-
out engines.
Without putting the finger on either labor
or management. the Defense Department
frankly suspects Communists may be behind
these strikes. At least, the Communists
couldn't have struck in a more strategic in-
dustry at a w orse time.
For example, the strike against the Gen-
eral Electric Lockland Plant at Lockland,
Ohio, cost the Air Force several hundred
jet engines. Another two-month-old strike
at Browne & Sharp, Providence, R.I., has
shut down a principal source of screw
machines and other vital tools needed for

THESE STRIKES have the earmarks of
not being entirely coincidental. The ex-
act engine types produced by the struck
plants cannot be published, but they are so
vital that aircraft production has been seri-
ously crippled.
In order to keep other plants from shut-
ting down, the Air Force has accepted air-
frames without engines and other key parts.
Meanwhile, total plane production has fallen
to almost half the monthly goal set by the
The aviation industry isn't the sole source
of labor trouble, however. Six major work
stoppages have also occurred at the $500,000,-
000 atomic energy plant at Paducah, Ky.
Another reason for lagging defence pro-
duction is that structural steel has been go-
ing into civilian construction instead of
building defense plants. Also the nationis
seriously short of machine tools. Labor, in-
cidentally, is reported to be burned up at the
newxr f hill w hirh is frll offlnnhnle fir

HERE, AT LAST, is a movie even DAILY
reviewers won't pan. This film is far
and away one of the liveliest comedies to
hit Ann Arbor in a rabbit's age. The per-
formers are all skillful and their characteri-
zations are delightful, but special mention
must be made of A. E. Mathews, whose por-
trayal of an addlebrained earl is nothing
short of hilarious,
Aside from the acting, the film itself is
jolly well good fun throughout and is fla-
vored with many stimulating bits of
satire. It is a very effective version of a
highly successful British play dealing
(mercilessly) with politics in England.
The scene is set on an aristocratic estate
which has financially passed on to its re-
ward. By virtue of the estate's economic em-
barrassment, its owner has been reduced to
the position of a potatoe peeling peer. In
order to save the family honor, the butler
runs for Parliament, his bitter opponent
being the earl's son and heir, who by the
way, has broken his engagement with an
American heiress in order to marry the
parlor-maid, who is in love with the butler.
The feature alone is well worth seeing, but
coupled, as it is, with a dramatically moving
cartoon, we give it a lot.
-Norm Gottlieb

-Edith 3. Lee
Yes, Mr. Warmpler .,.
To the Editor:
W E HERE at Michigan seem to
be afflicted with a permanent
case of Second Class Entertain-
ment. I have been here for over a
year now and haven't seen a good
movie, play, or personal appear-
ance. Many times I've thought I
had, but then I'd read The Daily
and realize my error. A case in
point is last night's appearance of
Miss Swarthout at Hill Auditor-
ium. She sang "before a widely ap-
preciative audience . . ." (Cara
Cherniak in Wednesday's Daily).
And yet, Miss Voss, a "critic," said
that Miss Swarthout's breathing
was all wrong; her selections all
wrong; her interpretation and vo-
calization "rusty." Except for a
cutting remark, which was
phrased as a compliment, concern-
ing Miss Swarthout's voice, Miss

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keith............. ....City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
Vern Emerson...... ..Feature Editor
Rich Thomas ..........Associate Editor
Ron Watts ...........Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn .........Associate Editor
Ted Papes..............Sports Editor
George Flint ...Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Editor
Jan Jlames....... ,...Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
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Don't tease him, John-
I'm straight

If your imaginary "Mr. O'Malley" owns a
magic wishing wand thaft can power a space
ship, why does he need a space ship at all?

wX.1.. b fl. .11 u 1..
That's what I keep
telling Mr. O'Malley.

tening him out,




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