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October 13, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-13

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VOL. LXI. No. 17


U.S. To Ease
Italian Pact
Despite Reds-
Soviets Charge
Aggressive Ideas
-= Department, brushing aside Soviet"
objections as propaganda, gave
notice yesterday that the West is
going ahead with plans to ease
the peace treaty with Italy.
Moscow charged Thursday that
in proposing to revise the terms
of the 1947 settlement the Wet
wants to make use of Italy for
purposes of the "aggressive At-
lantic bloc.
A SOVIET note said Russia
would go along.only if the treaties
with her eastern European allies;
also are revised and Italy pulls
out of the 12-nation North Atlan-
tic Alliance
In advance of a formal reply
the State Department published
a translation of the Soviet note
and declared "the U.S. Govern-
ment does not propose to be
deterred by such propaganda
from its effort to find the way
to recognize Italy's new stature
and its right to participate with
the other free nations in work-
ing for international peace ahd
The department at the same
time rapped Russia for vetoing re-
peatedly Italy's membership in
the United Nations and charged
Moscow wanted to put Italy in
"a staus o subjugation compar-
able to that of its satellites in
Eastern Europe."
* ,*
lifting such restrictions as those
which now keep Italian shipyards
from building warships, and the1
300,000 man ceiling that was
' placed on the Italian armed
Just what changes are contem-1
plated and how the treaty can be
revised without sanction of Rus-1
sia, one of the World War II big-
four powers, has not been made
Cuts Civilian
ernment is going to cut down on
the manufacture of many civilian
items, but believes there will still
be enough for normal needs.
This report came yesterday from
Manly Fleischmann, head of the
Defense Production Administra-
tion (DPA), who announced that
the use of metal in making house-
hold appliances and other con-
sumer goods will be reduced by
about 11/ per cent beginning
January 1.
"The outlook is that produc-
tion of such civilian items as re-
frigerators,hstoves, radios, televi-
sion sets and home appliances of
all kinds will be reduced," Fleisch-
mann told a joint meeting of four
Congressional committees.
"But because generally ample
supplies of these products are
now on dealers' shelves the sup-
ply should be sufficient to meet

normal consumer needs."
Because of the increasing need
for metal in the defense produc-
tion effort, manufacturers of
washing machines, refrigerators,
etc., already have been limited to
58 per cent of their pre-Korea use
of steel, 54 per cent of copper and
46 per cent of aluminum.
Stassen Defends
Hinself on China

* * *


* * *






Korean Battle

Truce Talk

-Daily-Malcolm Shatz
THE CULPRIT-The aluminum sash, framing several idle wheelbarrows, was the cause of a juris-
dictional dispute which halted work on three University construction projects yesterday. Carpenters,
iron workers and sheet metal workers were involved in a squabble over which trade should get the
Job of installing the sashes.
* * * * * * * * *
Strie Hats '' Costrutio

- m..

Further construction work on
three University projects halted
yesterday when carpenters of AFL
local 512 walked off their jobs and
began picketing after a jurisdic-
tional dispute.
The walkout forced the lay-off
of around 350 buildings trades
workers and stopped the construc-
tion of the Angell Hall addition,
the University Hospital's Out-Pa-
tient Clinic and the Kresge Medi-
cal Research Center.
* S:
A TOKEN one-man picket line
was placed at the entrance of the
Angell Hall project, and although
it was reported that members of
the Iron Wt orkers union Crossed it,
na work on the jobs was attempt-
No solution is in sight, as both
labor and management have de-

cided to wait for a ruling from
A disagreement between car-
penters and iron workers, stem-
ming from the question of which
union should install aluminum
window sashes, was the cause of
the strike. The construction com-
panies gave the job to the iron
workers and, when the carpenters
union objected, the projects were
closed, pending a settlement.
*, * *
cal 512 claimed that the contrac-
tors had no right to award the
sash installation job arbitrarily,
and that their action was contrary
to provisions in the Taft-Hartley
Act governing such jurisdictional
They further maintained that,
since the dispute has been one
of 'long standing in the build-
ings and construction industry,

the contractors should have
waited for a decision on it from
the Joint Board for Jurisdiction-
al Disputes, an AFL organization
in Washington, D.C.
A trade law which states that
any work involving a plumb and a
level is to be done by carpenters is
the basis for Local 512's appeal.
* *. *;
CHARLES SEGAR, superinten-
dent of the Angell Hall addition
project, pointed out that jobs were
usually assigned to particular
trade groups according to past
practices in the particular area. In
the South Quad, the sashes were
installed by the iron workers, so
the job was given to them again.
Company officials also claimed
that they had asked the National
Labor Relations Board for a rul-
ing on the issue several months
ago, but no decision was handed
down. The contractors, however,
again certified the dispute to the
NLRB yesterday andThursday.
There were also several reports
circulating yesterday as to other
factors pertaining to the dispute.
One was that the contractors hired
the iron workers because their
scale wage was lower. Another in-

Hopes Fade
As Reds Balk
Say U.S. Plan es
Hit Neutral Zone
E By 7The Associated Pres
Three Allied divisions opened an
attack today along a 22-mile front
in Central Korea and gained up
to a mile against feeble Chine
Red resistance.
The whole Korean front ex-
ploded in the heaviest fighting
since last May, with Allied units
suffering reverses at points in the >
East and West Friday.
MEANWHILE as the fighjing
raged an Allied team today inves-
tigated a Comimunist charge that
U.S. planes strafed the Panmun-.
jom-Kaesong neutral zone, a
charge that has jolted hopes fo
resumption of the suspended Kor-
ean truce talks.
A radio message received here
at noon (10 P.M. yesterday,
EST) said only that the inves-
tigating party for the United{
Nations Command was return-
ing from Kaesong to Panmun-
jom, six miles to the east. It
gave no other details.
Allied liaison officers made a
preliminary investigation of the
charge as soon as it was reported
last night. The Reds asserted that
U.S. planes in' a strafing attack
killed a Korean boy.
day's limited objective attack in
the center was south of Kum-,
song, a Red stronghold 29 miles;
north of Parallel 38. The U.S. 24th
division scored the mile advance.;
-The other two divisions in the
attack were the South Korean
second and sixth.
The heavy stab was made in the
direction of Kumsong, which has
been under air and artillery fire
since last August.
FIRST REPORTS on the pro-
gress of the assault were frag-
The attack struck an area where
the Chinese Reds only a week ago
had launched unusually heavy
counterattacks. These were beaten
off by South Koreans.
As the Allies surged forwrd in
the center, the Communists struck
back in the East.
AN EIGHTH Army communique
announced that a Communist pla-
toon had recaptured a dominating
peak on Heartbreak Ridge, scene
of more than a month of bloody
Yesterday's tragedy was the de-
feat on the Western front of the
First battalion of the Seventh
Cavalry-Custer's historic regi-
ment. The Seventh has been try-
ing since Oct. 3 to take a bitterly
defended series of hills, with the
help of the Fifth and Eighth regi-
ments, all of the U.S. First Cavalry

Eye Victory
Over Indiana
D'Achille Set To
Flood Air Lanes
Associate Sports Editor.
Michigan will get anoth'er
chance to break into the evasive
win column when the Wolverines
open the defense of their Big Ten
title against Indiana at two o'-
clock today in the Stadium.
The Western Conference crown
is an interesting topic of nonver-
sation, but-the big thing on Coach
Behnie Oosterbaan's mind will be
whether his twice-beaten Wolver-
ines can keep a five game victory
streak over the Hoosiers intact.
MICHIGAN'S big improvement
in last week's losing cause against
Stanford may mean that the Woe'
verines will find themselves today
and "explode" for their first vic-
But Indiana's Clyde Smith is
in somewhat the same boat as
C-sterbaan. His squad, generally
rated as the best Indiana has had
since the Hoosiers won the Big
Ten title back in 1945, has bee
anything but impressive in tO
outings this year.
The Hoosiers were squashed by
Notre Dame, 48-6, two weeks ago
and last week they eked out a 13-6
decision over Pittsburgh. Not much
can be said about the Notre Dame

HISTORIC MOMENT -- President Harlan H. Hatcher goes
through the traditional "roll-'em-up" routine for the first time,
as master of ceremonies Corky "Garterless'' Gibbon, Wolverine
Club prexy, stands by.
* * *
Fair Sky, Fair Turnout
In Store for Game Today
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~- ~~~

Fair weather and a 70 degree
sun are in store for the 60,000
football fans who are expected to
make the weekly pilgrimage to the
Stadium for. the Michigan-Indiana
tussle at 2 p.m. today.
This will mark the second
straight week of sub-normal
crowds. Prior to last week, when
Beer Bottle
Theft Takes
Plce in .rb
Approximately four cases of
empty beer bottles were reported
stolen from a University green-
house Thursday night in the Nich-
ols Arboretum.
Four cases is only a drop in thes
bucket to the "two or three" truck-
loads taken out almost every Mon-
day by University employees, de-
clared Superintendent of the Ar-
boretum C. L. Moody yesterday.
"After a week end of good wea-
ther it takes two men, a tractor
and a good size wagon an entire
day to clear away all the empty
bottles and cans," Moody said.
The robbery was apparently
committed in order to enable the
thief to claim the deposit on the
bottles. Possibly the robber him-
self had left them in the vicinity
sometime previously.


Garg, 'Ensian, Daily Positions
Filled; Hope Heads Generation

Donald Hope, '52, 24-year-old
English major from Grand Rapids,
was named managing editor of
Generation last night by the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
The Board also appointed two
night editors and three assistant
night editors to the editorial staff
of The Daily.
Connable, '53, 19 years old, and
Sidney Klaus, '53, 20 years old..
Connable, a political science ma-
jor and member of Sphinx, hails
from Kalamazoo. Klaus, a pre-
medical student, is a native of
Assistant night editors are1
Jerry Helman, '54, eighteen
years old from Detroit; Gayle
Greene, '54, nineteen, from De-
troit; and Harriet Tepperman,
'54, eighteen years old from
Windsor, Canada.
The new business staff appoin-
tees are: classified accounts man-
ager: Inge Wolff, '52, from Chi-
cago; assistant layout manager,
Virginia Gillespie, '53, from De-
troit; assistant circulation mana-
ger, Bert Kwasman, '53, from
Rochester, New York: local adver-
tising assistant, Alvin Green, '53,
fram Chica a tdisnav accounts I

mnr os~r Tomnc T T. hnc ' t tn

iuei, d iUJa games r. iaes,0rm eamvolved an alleged letter presented
Chicago. to the contractors by the unions
Meanwhile two students were involved in the dispute saying that
named to the Board in Control of all parties had agreed to allow the
Student Publications to fill out iron workers to install the sashes.
the unexpired terms of Phillip I But the letter was apparently a
Dawson and B. S. Brown, who had hoax, or at least it is no longer
resigned. I recognized.
The two new board members, No University action is pending
both of whom were nosed out in on the strike, as labor problems
last spring's board election are are taken care Of by the contrac-
Ronald Seavoy, '53, and Al Fried- tor, according to Walter Roth,
;man, '52. Plant Superintendent.

only 57,000 braved a void drizzle,
it had been five years since at-
tendance figures dipped this low.'
* . a
LAST NIGHT pep rally atten-
dance took a turn f'r the better.
as almost 1,000 students turned utj
for the "Beat Indiana" gathering'
The Marching Band, playing at
half strength, even with Band Di-
rector Jack Lee playing a trumipet
in the last row, led the students
down to a roaring bonfire on S.
Ferry Field.
Feature of the evening was
the first address by President
Harlan H. Hatcher to the stu-
dent body. Sporting a blue gab-
ardine jacket with, maize trim,
which he claimed to have owned
for nine years, President Hatch-
er dismissed Michigan's first
two defeats as "warm-up
games," pointing out that the
Big Ten campaign opened today.
The crowd rose to their feet to
applaud President Hatcher as he
smounted the wooden speaker's
platform. He appeared bewildered
by the crescendo" of "Roll 'em utp"
from the crowd, and first fumbled
with his jacket. After a knowing
whisper from master of ceremonies
Corky Gibbon, Wolverine Club
president, he finally rolled his
pants cuffs up, revealing a snappy
pair of garters.
RIGHT ON the heels, of last
week's deluge of cheerleaders, the'
Stadium will this week be flooded
with high school bands.
This year's band show will
dwarf the previous two Band
Days. 95 bands will cover the
field at halftime, as compared
with the 37 that performed last
Syear. A total of 6,104 musicians,
drum majors and twirlers will be
on display, almost three times
the numerical strength of last
The. joint bands, coming from
all over Michigan, will pound out
the."Anvil March," with 95 anvils
echoing through the Stadium. Al-
so highlighted will be "On Top of
Old Smoky," "I've Been Working
on the Railroad," "On the Mall,"
and as a grand climax, Sousa's im-
mortal march, "The Stars and
Stripes Forever."
bus Ad Studets
E lect Coun cilmn

Starting Lineups
Zuger.......LE.,.. Perry
Russo ...,.... L,, ..,.. Johnson
Thomas.....LG..... Kinyon
Becket;......C O'Shaughn'sy
Svyantek ....RG...... Wolter
LRoth.,....RT...,, Stribe
Luft........RE..... Pickard
D'Achille ....QB......Topor
Robertson , . I......Putich
Ellis....H..RI. ... Bradford
Gedman ,,..FB... Peterson
game, but the score of the Pitt
game doesn't tell the whole story
about Indiana's latent power
the Hoosiers sensational passer,
threw only four passes against the
Panthers, and D'Achille is one of
the best throwers the Cream and
Crimson have ever had.
The 168-pound junior holds
the all-time Indiana record for
passing with '76 completions in
163 tries last year. He also was
second to Ohio State's great Vie
Janowicz in the Big Ten. total
Student Draft
Exam Passed
By Majority
WASHINGTON - (R-- Sixty-
three per cent of the 339,000 stu-
dents who took the Selective Serv-
ice College Qualification Tests
this year passed with scores of 70
or better.
Announcing this yesterday, Se-
lective Service Director Lewis B.
Hershey reminded college students
that another test will be held Dec.
Those who score 70 or better
may have their military service
deferred if their studies are found
to be necessary to "the mainten-
ance of the national health, safety
or interest."
The new series of tests, .er-
shey said, will be given Dec. 13
and April 24, 1952, at more than
1;000 centers throughout the
Applications for the Dec. 13 test
must be postmarked not later
than midnight Nov. 5. Those for


Sigma Nu Pledges 50 Year Old Grad


Jock Wilson, Grad., 50-year-old
author of "The Dark and The
Damp," last night became a pledge
of Sigma Nu fraternity,
The former coal digger ex-
plained he had once been a Sigma
Nu pledge at a small Indiana col-
lege. "But I had to quit school
and start earning a living so II
never had the chance to be in-;

world wars) and the Los Angeles
police force.
In 1947 he decided to finish his
college education. Some friends on
the west coast recommended Mich-
So Wilson enrolled in the Uni-
versity as a freshman. He grad-
uated last year and he's now
working for a master's degree in
In the past three years he has
won three Hopwood Awards.

_ _ _:

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