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October 09, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-09

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____________________________________________________ I U


Oversea's Americas

-- - - --

"Anybody Care About Influence On Me?"

PARIS-Shall the American men who are
developing the nation's new frontiers of
collective security have their wives and fami-
lie with them as did their pioneer fore-
fathers on the American mainland. If so,
under what conditions?
This in bureaucratic language is the
problem of the dependents. In human
terms, it is the problem of maintaining
American family life. The increasing flaw
of U.S. forces of all kinds to the Far and
Middle East, Europe and North Africa
makes it a very urgent one.
A national magazine recently called at-
tention to the difficulties, hazards and vast
expense of keeping service families together
in the mushrooming defense effort. The
"Little Americas" established in the rela-
tively easygoing days of the German occupa-
tion were described and the question raised
as to whether some sort of guns-or-butter
decision was not due the heavily burdened
U.S. taxpayer.
A wave of pessimism swept through the
forces, and theatre commanders had to con-
sider in their own minds whether they would
be ready to say that the morale factor out-
weighed the hazards and expense.
Policy regarding dependents is handled in
the Defense Department whose initial prem-
ise is that there must be as little discrepancy
as possible in the a treatment of the three
services. The wishes of the theatre com-
manders are given great weight; if possible,
they constitute the last word.
The great difficulty of course is that it
is not possible to treat everybody alike.
Some stations have housing or can acquire

it readily at a reasonable expense; at
others, it is prohibitive in cost or un-
available. The regulars of the services,
like the State Department's foreign serv-
ice, know this; they expect to alternate
between the fat and the lean, figuring that
in a whole career they will attain the
general average.
But these regulars are being greatly aug-
mented by Reserves, National Guard and
draftees. Neither they nor their womenfolk
have the career service philosophy, condi-
tioning, or that clan feeling which comforts
the regulars.
The Army has plans to rotate 12 divisions
overseas, keeping only four at home at any
one time. This involves the separation of
families three years out of four unless the
present dependent policy is maintainel. It
is a big responsibility to decide to change it.
Unhesitatingly, other things being equal.
U.S. commanders prefer to let the men have
their dependents with them.
General Ridgway, for example, has re-
opened dependent tfavel to Japan. He tries
to equalize the Korean sacrifice by frequent
shifts within his command.
But the 43rd division, going to Europe,
will not be allowed dependents. And they
may find forces there, which antedate the
change in the defense climate, quite plush-
ly established.
The people involved must be told the truth
-that new hazards now exist; that, with the
need for guns, planes, bases, ships, the frills
must go. It is a new problem and a new kind
of service for Americans but there is no rea-
son to suppose the women can't take it.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

EDITOR'S NOTE: Joseph Alsop, has written
an open letter to Sen. Pat McCarran (D., Nev.)
requesting that he be given an opportunity to
refute the recent testimony by Louis Budenz be-
fore the McCarran Sub-committee on Internal
Mr. Alsop said that he based his request on
the fact that the testimony involved certain
events which took place while he was in China
andhabout which he had first-hand information.
The text of the letter follows:
Having listened this morning to the tes-
timony of Louis Budenz, I am moved to take
a step which I had hoped to avoid. In my
opinion, a newspaperman can make no
greater mistake than to appear in any pub-
lic role. But during the war in China, I took
part in certain events which prove that Bu-
denz has lied to your Sub-Committee on In-
ternal Security.
In these circumstances, therefore, in
simple justice to the other persons in-
volved in those events, who have been
falsely accused by Budenz, I feel forced
to request the opportunity to offer my
testimony in refutation of his.
Besides a tissue of half truths and a far-
rage of misrepresentation, Budenz has told
three demonstrable lies. He has said that at
the time of HezIry A. Wallace's mission to
China in 1944, the State Department offi-
cial, John Carter Vincent, was a "member
of the Communist Party." He has asserted
that Vincent was "relied" on by the Com-
munist Party leadership to "guide" Wallace
along the path of the party line. And he has
stated that the Communist leaders were
"satisfied" with the results of Vincent's al-
leged work as Wallace's guide.
* * *

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory' or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the



Washington Merry-Go-Round

ia }


' .

W ASHINGTON-George Allen, the former
White House jester, is now about the
closest man to General Eisenhower. It was
Allen who acted as liaison between Truman
and Eisenhower to make sure Ike didn't get
into the race as a Democrat in 1948.
Today, Allen, though a Mississippi
Democrat, says that Ike is sure to run as
a Republican,
Talking to a friend recently, Allen pre-
"What Ike will do will be exactly what
Roosevelt did at Chicago in 1932. He'll hop
on a plane and fly straight to the conven-
"How's he going to fly from Paris to Chi.
cago when he's under orders from his com-
mander-in-chief to do a job in Paris?" ask.
ed the friend.
"Don't be foolish," shot back the former
White House jester, "what's the commander-
in-chief going to do about it?"
INSIDE FACT about the President's long
press conference lecture about protecting
U.S. secrets was that his immediate advisers
didn't want him to make it. They knew
public reaction would be bad.
However, the Defense Department, Cen-
tral Intelligence and others in charge of
military secrets urged the President not
only to issue his censorship order but back
it up-in part to keep the military from
setting U.S. policy._
Time after time, high generals or admirals
have barged in on civilian policy or dis-
closed secrets which caused serious damage.
Most important was the release of the
Smythe report on Atomic Energy by Gen-
eral Leslie Groves. A few hours after the re-
port was sent to several thousand news-
papers, horrified scientists protested to the
army that the report contained vital secrets
At The State.. ..
Peck and Susan Hayward.
THE PSYCHOLOGY of the "advanced"
price is liable to make this picture a
popular favorite. Few will want to publicize
the fact that they have been so egregiously
taken in, and consequently hosts of be
nighted moviegoers will come to silently
share a sucker's shame.
About the only enjoyment this rendering
of the tale of David and his adultery with
Bathsheba offers is a dialogue of double
entendres that lack only the broad wink
to be typical burlesque fair. If they were
not delivered with a hypocritical priety,
the result might be just a particularly un-
subtle archness, instead of the rather dis-
tasteful innuendo it turns out to be.
Besides trying to wring all the superficial
suggestiveness out of the situation, the pro-
ducers have tried to graft a Hay's Office
version of 20th Century morality and ethics

by which an astute scientist could piece to-
gether the know-how for making the a-
bomb. Hurriedly, Groves demanded that the
report be recalled.
"That," replied a member of his staff,
"would be like trying to put an egg back
into a chicken."
Newsmen, not being technicians, had no
way of knowing the significance of the
Smythe report's complicated wording.
Another military boner which played into
Moscow's hands was the statement by Gen-
eral Orvil Anderson, commander of the Air
War College at Montgomery, Ala., that the
United States wanted a preventative war.
It was necessary for the Air Force to relieve
Gen. Anderson in order to demonstrate this
was not our real foreign policy.
NOTE-On Mr. Truman's desk this sum-
mer was one of our newest ,secret weapons,
a guided missile. Proudly he demonstrated
it to many callers, told aboutits accuracy
against enemy planes. No restriction of se-
crecy was placed upon those with whom he
" * *
ALERT SENATOR Richard Nixon of Cali-
fornia had a lot to do, backstage, with
the cleanup of the income tax mess in San
Some time ago he received letters from
those close to the federal grand jury which
was trying to investigate the long-rumored
internal revenue scandal but which was
suddenly called off by U.S. Judge Lewis
E. Goodman.
At ,that time, young Assistant U.S. At-
torney Charles O'Gara was endeavoring to
present evidence of income tax irregulari-
ties to the grand jury. But suddenly the
probe was stopped by Judge Goodman, who,
incidentally, had been appointed to the
bench on the recommendation of ex-Senator
Sheridan Downey. Collector of Internal Reve.
nue Smythe, °now under investigation, was
Downey's campaign manager.
To remedy the situation, Senator Nixo
introduced a bill which, if passed, will per-
mit grand juries to hire counsel of their own
and dig into a smelly situation-regardless
of whether the U.S. attorney or the Judge
gives the green light.
Nixon also phoned the Justice Depart-
ment in Washington to inquire about
young O'Gara, the Assistant U.S. Attor-
ney who was pushing the tax probe.
"He's a psycopath," was the reply.
In the end, 'however, O'Gara won out. He
was brought to Washington as a witness be-
for Senator Williams' income tax committee,
while many of the tax collectors in San
Francisco he was gunning for have now
been removed.
son has notified the Senate Judiciary
Committee that he has withdrawn his en-
dorsement of Miss Frieda Hennock to be a
U.S. Judge. Since Patterson once sat on the
U.S. Court of Appeals, his word counts heav-
ily with the senators. He informed them that
when he originally endorsed Miss Hennock,
he had not realized all the facts now brought
out by the New York Bar Association ... .
Free hams, TV sets, etc. can certainly get

AS IT HAPPENS, I was in China at the
time of the Wallace visit about which
Budenz has testified so freely. I was then
serving as a member of the 14th Air Force
staff and personal advisor to Maj. Gen. C. L.
Chennault. When Wallace reached Kun-
ming, where our headquarters were situated,
Gen. Chennault assigned me to act as the
Vice President's escort and sub-host during
his visit. Wallace and Vincent were the
General's guests at his house, where I also
lived, and I was almost continuously with
them both until they left China.
Mre particularly, I was with Wallace
and Vincent when they discussed the grave
crisis then going on in China, and the
American policy that should be adopted
towards it. I was not only present-I was
at the typewriter-during the drafting of
the Wallace cable to President Roosevelt,
advising the removal of Gen. Joseph W.
Stilwell from command in China and his
replacement by Gen. Albert C. Wedemey-
er. Every detail of that episode refutes
Budenz's testimony concerning Vincent in
particular and the Wallace mission in gen-
eral. I cannot attempt to make a full case
against Budenz in the short space of this
letter. That is what I hope to do in sworn
testimony, but I should like at least to
illustrate briefly. Budenz testified this
morning that the Communist Party lead
ers were not displeased by the suggestion
of Gen. Wedemeyer as China Theater
Commander, but were "very much opposed
to Gen. Chennault (and) didn't want him
in the picture at all." The sum of Budenz's
testimony was that if the Wallace cable
to President Roosevelt had proposed Chen-
nault as China Theater Commander, it
would then have been indisputably anti-
In point of fact, the Wallace cable came
very close to doing precisely that. When Wal-
lace had decided, with Vincent's concur-
rence, that Stilwell ought not to continue in
command in China, he then stated that he
would like to suggest Gen. Chennault as
Stilwell's replacement. Again, Vincent in-
dicated that he concurred. When my adviceI
was asked, however, I was in the em-
barrassing situation of having to argue, for
reasons which I shall be glad to explain to
your committee, that the suggestion of Gen.
Chennault would be unwise. It was only then
that the decision was taken to put forward
the name of Gen. Wedemeyer.
* * *
ESIDES THIS, in my judgment, specific
proof of Budenz's falsehood, there is the
more general and decisive proof, around
which I noted both Budenz and your sub-
committee counsel rather carefully skirted
this morning. The non-Communist character
of the Wallace cable is chiefly shown, not by
the recommendation of Gen. Wedemeyer,
but by the proposal to remove Gen. Stilweg
from command. When that cable was writ-
ten, Gen. Stilwell was already working to
arm the Chinese Communists, while denying
all aid to Chiang Kai-shek's hard-pressed
anrmies in China. Had Stilwell continued in
command in China, the Chinese Commun-
ists would surely have been able to destroy
the Generalissimo before the end of the war.
And when Stilwell was finally dismissed from
command, the war-time hopes of the Chinese
Communists fell finally and completely to
the ground.
In the face of these facts which I shall
gladly prove to your committee, Budenz
has the bare-faced audacity to claim that
Wallace's proposal to dismiss Stilwell was
pro-Communist, and was even welcomed
by the Communist Party leadership. It is
hard to know which is more shocking--
Budenz's free and easy way with the repu-
tations of American citizens, or his fan-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. i'ublication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
2552 Administration Building before
3 p.m. the day preceding publication
(11 a.m. on Saturday).
Summer Positions: Mr. Eugene viv-
ian, director of camping for the Herald
Tribune Fresh Air Fund, will be at the
Bureau of Appointments, Tues., Oct. 9,
to interview students for summer-camp
counseling positions in the state of New
York. For appointment phone Univer-
sity Extension 2614, or call at 3528 Ad-
ministration Building.
Student Loans for Men
There will be a meeting of the Stu-
dent Loan Committee, yhurs., Oct. 11,
beginning at 1:30 p.m. Students wish-
ing to apply should see Miss McKenzie,
1059 Administration Building for ap-
Student Affairs Committee: Today's
meeting has been cancelled. The next
meeting will be held October 30 in
room 1011 Angell Hall.
Guggenheim Fellowships. Applica-
tions for theserFellowships, for research
and study abroad, should be filed by
October 15. Information is available
at the Office of the Graduate School.
The Department of Aeronautical En-
gineering announces a series of lec-
turees on "Dynamic Stability of Air-
craft" by Prof. F. M. Scheubel of the
TechnischerHochschule, Darmstadt,
Germany. The first lecture will be on
Wed., Oct. 10, 4 p.m., 1042 E. Engineer-
ing Building.
Academic Notices
Graduate Students expecting to re-
ceive the master's degree in February,
1952, must file a diploma application
with the Recorder of the Graduate
School by Fri., Oct. 2. A student will
not be recommended for a degree un-
less he has filed formal application in
the office of the Gradaute School.
Make-up Examinations in History will
be given on Sat., Oct. 20, 9-12. Stu-
dents must obtain written permission
from their instructors. After receiving
written permission, they must sign list
in History Office, 2817 South Quad.
Orientation Seminar: The second
meeting is to be held Tues., Oct. 9, 1
p.m., 3001 A.H. The seminar is recom-
mended for all beginning graduate stu-
dents and to those under-graduates
who have attained a certain degree of
mathematical maturity.
Seminar in Inorganic and Analytical
Chemistry. Thurs., Oct. 11, 7:30 p.m.,
3003 Chemistry Bldg. Prof. W. W.
Meinke will speak on "Some Special-F
ied Techniques Used in Nuclear Chem-
ical Separations." All interested gradu-
ate students are invited.
Seminar in Physical Chemistry. Wed.,
Oct. 10, 4:07 p.m., 2308 Chemistry Bldg.
Prof. L. O. Brockway will discuss "The
Electron Diffraction Study of Three
Methyl Silanes by the Sector-Micropho-
tometer Method" Al interested gradu-
ate students are invited.
-Seminar in Organic Chemistry. Wed.,
Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Bdg.
Gilbert J. Sloan will speak on "Ni-
trile Syntheses Related to the Letts Re-
action." Open to all who are interested.
Complex Variable Seminar. Wed., Oct.
10, 2:30 p.m., 243 Wet Eng. Mr. Osburn
will speak on the partial sums of Tay-
lor series of bounded functions.
Gladys Swarthout, Mezzo-soprano of
opera, concert, movie, radio and televi-
sion fame, will give the first concert
in the Extra Concert Series, tonight at
8:30, in Hill Auditorium. Miss Swarth-
out will be accompanied at the piano
by Eugene Bossart, in a program rd
operatic arias by Handel, Haydn, and
Thomas; as well as songs by Granados,

villa-Lobos, .Obradors, .J o h n .Jacob
Niles, Celius Dougherty and Clara Ed-
Tickets are on sale during the day at
the offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Tower; and at the
Hill Auditorium box office after 7

Events Today
Wesleyan Guild: Worship commit-..
tee meeting, 7:30 p.m. Tues., Oct. 9 at
the Guild; Program committee meeting.
8 p.m., Tues., Oct. 9 at the Guild. All
interested, persons are invited.
Pershing Rifles. First general meet-
ing of thA season, 7:30 p.m. in front
of the temporary classroom building.
All new members are invited. Active
members are to report in complete uni-
form. In the event it rains everyone
is to report inside of the T. C. B.
Congregational - Disciples Guild. Tea
at the Guild House, 4:30 to 5:45 each
Hillel Choral Group: Hillel announ-
ces the organization of a Choral Group.
Will anyone interested in singing in
this group contact the Hillel Office or
call 3-4129.
Beth Israel Congregation will hold
its Day of Atonement Services Tues.,;
Oct. 9 and Wed., Oct. 10, at the new
B'nai 'rith Hllel Foundation-Beth,
Israel Center, 1429 Hill St. Kol Nidre
Services will begin at 6 p.m., Tuesday
and at 9 a.m., Wednesday.
Hillel Foundation Services will be
held at Lydia Mendessohn Theater at
8 p.m., Tuesday, and 10 a.m., Wednes-
day. Rabbi Herschel Lymon will preach
at both Kol Nidre services. Topic,
"Atone for What?" At Lydia Mendels-
Sohn Theater he will be assisted by
Prof. Ronald Freedman.
Memorial services will be conducted
by Rabbi Lymon, Wed., 12:30 p.m. at
the Cente, and 4 p.m. at Lydia Men-
U. of M. Chess Club: First meeting,
Room 3A, Union 8 p.m,.Alinterested
chess players are urged to attend.
Deutscher Verein: First meeting of
the German Club, 7:30 p.m., Room 3G,
Union. Singing, skits and refresh-
Christian Science Organization: Tes-
timonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper
Room, Lane Hall.
Mathematics Club: 8 p.m. West Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building. Prof.
G. S. Young will speak on "N equals 3".
Sigma Rho Tau: Membership smok-
er, 7:30 p.m., Rooms 3K, L, M, N, Un-
ion. Guest speaker: Prof. A. H. Lovel.
All engineering and architecture stu-
dents interested in improving their
speaking ability are invited.
Square Dance Group meets at Lane
Hall, 7:15 p.m.
S.R.A. Council Meeting, Lane Hall,
5:30 p.m.
Coming Events
UNESCO Council. Meeting, Wed., Oct.
10, 7:30 p.m., Room 3R, Union. Prof.
Boulding of the Economics Department
will speak on the topic, "Is United
States Foreign Policy leading us into
War." Everyone is welcome,
Westminster Guild: Tea 'N' Talk,
Wed., Oct. 10, 4-6 p.m., First Presby-
terian Church,
Wesleyan Guild: Cabinet meeting,
8:30 p.m., Wed., Oct. 10 in the Green
room. Everyone interested is invited.
Wesleyan Guild: Do-Drop-In for
food and fun, 4 to 5:30 p.m., Wed., Oct.
10 at the Guild. Everyone is welcome.
Botany Club. Meeting, Wed., Oct. 10,
7:30 p.m., in 1139 N. S. Bldg. Speakers:
Mr. Roy Jervis and Mr. Grady Webster
of the Botany Dept. Topic: Cuba. New
members welcome.
Union Weekly Bridge Tournament.
Wed., Oct. 10. beginning at 7:15 p.m,
in the Ball Room. Beginners are en-
couraged to come. "Women must sign
out with their House Mothers for 11:30
permission. Winners get two weeks
free admission and runners up one
Student Science Society: First meet-


Turkey Farm . . . .
To the Editor:
THANKSGVING will soon be
with us and, according to un-
o f f i c i a 1 estimates, 30,000,000'
turkeys will be slaughtered before
this festive occasion arrives.
S h o u l d w e , indiscriminately
slaughter turkeys without regard
to their fitness for continued exist-
ence? We say no!
Why not give a slaughter de-
ferment test for all turkeys pre-
sently being exhibited at state and
county fairs. Those turkeys not
passing the test may also be de-
ferred on the basis of blue rib-
bons they have won during the
past year. While a satisfactory
score on such an examination
would be beneficial to the turkey,
it will not guarantee deferment,
since exemption can only rest up-
on the final decision of each local
slaughter house.
Upon receipt of his notice for
slaughter, a turkey may ask for
deferment until the end of the
mating season. He may apply for
consideration for reclassification
by his local slaughter house on the
basis of county or state fair status
and Turkey Qualification Test
Score. If his local slaughter house
refuses to reclassify him, he should
immediately appeal to his State
Bureau of Turkey Affairs.
If this appeal is refused, the
turkey must i'eport for slaughter
within one month after notifica-
tion-unless, of curse, he is a
conscientious turkey. Failure to
report for slaughter will be pun-
ishable by death. This is to guard
against "foul" play,.
-E. Sterling Sader
William G. Stein
Conrad Laurence Teitell
Music Review.. ..
To the Editor:
WOULD like to address a few
comments to your music critic.
My dear Miss Goss, just because
you thought that Miss d los An-
geles is a mezzo-soprano instead
of a full fledged soprano is no rea-
son for you to tell the readers of
this paper. It had nothing to do
with the concert, and it should not
have taken up newspaper space.
I can enjoy a program of vocal
music without having the slightest
idea of the range of the perform-
er. Also, you had no reason for'
saying that Miss de los Angeles'
three Schumann songs were a dis-
appointment. Just because she is
from a Spanish background you
found it necessary to challenge
her German lieder. If her name
was Victoria von Schimmel, I am
sure you would have knocked down
her French and Spanish interpre-
tations, and just praised the
"authority and deftness" of her
German group. You should not let
names interfere with your judg-
You also did not like the accom-
panist because he distracted from
the recital. Apparently you are in
favor of a cappella singing. The
accompanist's name was on the
program and I went to hear him
at the coicert too, you know. I
enjoy a piano background, and I
respect a player who follows his
crescendos and his decrescendos.
I certainly don't want a faint drib-
bling on the keyboard behind the
vocal line of the singer.
Lastly, you did not like the idea
ing, Wed., Oct. 10, 7:30 p.m., 1400 Chem.
Dr. Levinthal will speak on - "Mechan-
ism for the Duplication of the virus."
All interested are welcome.
Journal Club of the Department of
Romance Languages wl meet Wed.,
Oct. 1; 4:15 p.m., West Conference
Room, Rackham Building. Speaker:
Mr. Newton S. Bement. "Narrower
Horizons for -Foregin-Language Study
and New Responsibility for the Uni-

Folk and Square Dance Club meets
Wed., Oct. 10, 8 p.m., Barbour Gym.
Everyone welcome.
Sociology Club will hold its first in-
formal coffee hour on Wed., Oct. 10,
4 to 6 p.m. Club 600 in South Quad-
rangle. All undergraduate concentrates,
graduate students, and faculty mem-
bers in the Department of Sociology
are invited.
Kappa Kappa Psi: Meeting, Wed.,
Oct. 10, at Harris Hall inmediately fol-
lowing Symphonic Band rehearsal.
Postponement: Meeting of the Young
Republican Club has been changed
from Tuesday to Wednesday of this
week, 7:30 p.m., League. A treasurer
and a member of the Board of Control
will be elected. Speaker: Prof. Stolper
who will speak on tariffs and our for-
eign trade.
S.R.A. Inter-Cultural Outing, center-
ed around Arabian Culture, will leave
Lane Hall, Sat. 5 p.m., returning Sun.,
3 p.m. Reservations may be phoned
to Lane Hall.

To the Editor:

EVEN IF I have to conduct a one
man crusade, the MICHIGAN
DAILY is going to learn to spel
the name of my country correctly.
Apparently that will take some
doing, though. A similar plea last
year seems to have had no effect.
Now let's try to get it traight.
The name of the country is Co-
lombia. The fourth letter has a -
ways been an "a" and there does
not seem to be any likelihood of a
change in the near future. Theie
is no connection whatsoever with
the District of.
C-O-L-O-M-B-I-A, not Columr-
bia. Please.
-Roberto Valenzuela
* * *
Football Seats ...
To the Editor:
MISS WAGNER should not corn-
plain. After having been here
two years I still haven't quite
reached the goal line. However,
I am looking forward with opti-
mism to next year-I understand
that seniors sit on the ffity-yard
-Louis Zako
Football vs. Library...
To the Editor:
CONSIDERING the results of the
last two weeks of football, ie
feel that the administration should
reopen the libraries.
--Herbert Sherbin._
Gerald Gaull
THE DOCTRINE of huma'n
geuality reposes on this: that
there is no man really clever who
has not found that he is stupid.
There is no big man who has not
felt small. Some men never feel
small; but these men are the few
men who are.
--G. K. Chesterton "
M EN HEAP together the mis-
takes of their lives and create
a monster they call iDestiny.
-John Oliver Hobbes
ir 4

of Miss de los Angeles returning
to the stage with a guitar in her
hand because it did not "heighten
the general tone of the perform-
ance." Well, I personally thought
it was one of the most down to
earth demonstrations I have ever
seen on the concert stage, and 't
portrayed Miss de los Angeles as
a truly unaffected artist. She
sang and played that last encore
beautifully and I considered it the
very height of her entire Spanish.
group.., I am sorry to say this Miss
Goss, but you are a snoo. .
-Ara Berberianr
Corr"ction ,,

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control Hof
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff a
Chuck Elliott .........Managing Editor
Bob Keith................City Editor
Leonard Greenbaum, Editorial Director
vern Emerson........,Feature Editor
Rich Thomas .........Associate Editor
Ron Watts..........Associate Editor
Bob Vaughn.........Associate Editor
Ted Papes ................Sports Editor
George Flint .. .Associate Sports Editor
Jim Parker ... Associate Sports Edil~or
Jan James...........Women's Editor
Jo Ketelhut, Associate Women's Editor
s usiness Staff
Bob Miller.........Business Manager
Gene Kuthy, AssAc. Business Manager
Charles Cuson ... Advertising Manager
Sally Fish ...........Finance Manager
Stu Ward .........Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusivly
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all otiter
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mnil
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail; $7.00,.

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