See 'Page2
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LRII, No. 13
Re talStuation
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is an interpretive article dealing with
the present rental situation in Ann Arbor in light of rent decontrol last
"Rents in Ann Arbor have gone up 15 to 25 percent since controls
were lifted," a leading local realty company reported.
"Except in a few isolated cases, decontrol had no effect here,"
acording to another prominent agency.
A DAILY SPOT check of various housing officials, realtors, ten-
ants and other interested parties revealed this same basic contradic-
tion all down the line.
On the surface, it appears that decontrol had little effect on
rents in the city. But persistent indications of considerable in-
creases have kept cropping up.
Through the maze of contradictory evidence and hearsay, three
,facts about the rent situation stand out:
1) There is no shortage, and hence few rent increases, in
roons. Moreover, the reverse is true-many rents have come
down. The Office of Student Affairs has hundredsof vacancies'
listed in this category..
2) In the case of apartments (distinguished from rooms by
kitchens), the situation is still tight. Local realtors' listings are small
and newspaper ads number about the same as last year.
3) NIo good survey of the rental housing situation has been made.
* * * 1
THE LACK OF conclusive facts was the biggest objection when
the City Council took the controversial decontrol step July 21. The
Council minority was cautious in its prediction of possible rent spirals
'afterlifting of the lids, remarking that decontrol was dangerous be-
eause there was no proof that the traditional Ann Arbor shortage had,
Morwould be, alleviated in the near futureth
Most individuals directly concerned with the subect felt the
survey made last summer by federal investigators from Housing
Expediter Tighe Woods' office was inadequate, although it was
probably the most comprehensive to date,.
While the surveyors used painstaking methods, the short time in
which the investigation was conducted necessitated a relatively super-
ficial study. -_ .
_ * a w. *
WOODS' SURVEY came in late July when the City Council asked
him to decontrol rents voluntarily. Although he refused to do so
on his own initiative, on the basis of the investigation (which claimed
that a shortage still existed) he was forced to decontrol under a
"local option" clause which was incorporated in the Council resolu-
When decontrol formally came into effect, the Council set
up a "watchdog committee" which was to keep an eye cocked on
rent fluctuations and investigate tenants' protests. This body
bowed out in favor of a eitizens' Rent Control Committee ap-
pointed by Mayor William E. Brown, Jr
Composed of representatives of the public, landlords and tenants,
the committee has so far received only 10 complaints, according to
chairman Joseph H. Detweiler.
HOWEVER, several factors would tend to disqualify the low num-
';er of protests as a true reflection of rent stability:
1) Although the committee maintains that all complaints are
handled In strictest confidence, sources have indicated that many
tenants are afraid to enter protests because of the requirement
that their names and addresses be included.
2) The investigatory procedure generally involves resolving the
is' in the presence of a landlord'who may effect reprisals against a
3) Powerful real estate interests are represented on the committee.
NEVERTHELESS, student roomers have registered few protests
with the Office of Student Affairs, the Dean of Women's Office and
the Student Legislature.
Eg yt rops
Intends to Clear
Suez Canal Zone
By The Associated Press
Egypt announced last night she
is cancelling her treaties with
Britain in an effort to drive the
British out of the Suez Canal area
and the Sudan.
Prime Minister Mustafa Nahas
Pasha, leader of the Wafdst (Na-
tionalist) Party, introduced in a
cheering parliament the bills to
carry out the cancellations less
than a week after British oilmen
were forced to leave Iran.
"LONG LIVE King Farouk!" the
deputies shouted.
"From now on King Farouk
will be called 'King of Egypt
and Sudan'," Nahas Pasha re-
Egypt "Isn't going to wait any
longer" for the British to with-
draw from the Suez Canal Zone,
he shouted.
LATER, THE foreign office in
London said Britain would refuse
to recognize the one-sided can-
cellation of treaties providing for
mutual defense and ,for joint rule
of the Sudan.
The foreign office showed
signs of shock that Egypt had
acted before receiving new pro-
posals which Britain promised
over the weekend would be
The British Embassy in Cairo
also issued a statement saying "a
unilaterial abrogation by t h e
Egyptian Government of the 1936
Treaty with Great Britain has
no legal force since that treaty
contains no provisions for de-
nunciation at any time."
Mo css adeg-h
Hits Br itish
O n Arrival
hausted after a long plane ride,
Iran's frail Premier Mohammed
Mossadegh arrived yesterday with
fresh charges that the British
want to continue "pillaging"
Iran's oil resources.
He immediately went into se-
clusion on the 16th floor of the
New York Hospital in preparation
for bedside conferences later this
week on the British-Iranian oil
dispute. He flew from Tehran to
present his country's case to the
Security Council, which is expect-
ed to meet Thursday.
MOSSADEGH issued a state-
ment at the Idlewild Airport in
which he recalled to Americans
their fight against the British in
the war of independence.
He said there are great simi-
lgrities between the present-day "
efforts of the Iranians and the
efforts of American ancestors
"to release their homeland from
the fetters of economic and
political imperialism.
"The natural resources of a most
needy and naked people have been
robbed more and more every year
on a progressive scale through all
sorts of intrigue and setting up of
puppet governments."
4. * *
With Allie Reynolds pitching
eight-hit ball and Joe DiMaggio
slamming a two run homer, the
New York Yankees whipped the
Giants, 6-2, at the Polo Grounds
yesterday to tie the World Ser-
les at two games apiece..
Leo Durocher will send Larry
Jansen against Ed Lopat this
For a complete account of
yesterday's game see page three.
Will Sing-
One of the best-lobed American
singers of all time, glamorous mez-
zo soprano Gladys Swarthout will
open the Extra Concert Series at
8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Audi-
Highlights of Miss Swarthout's
program include "Un Cenno leggi-
adretto" from "Serse" byrHandel,
"Del Mio Core" from "Orfeo" by
Haydn, "Modinka" by Vill-Lobos,
"Excerpts from Mignon" by Tho-
mas, "The Serenader" by Celius
Dougherty, and "A Love Song" ;by
Clara Edwards.
THE LATTER part of her pro-
gram will be made up of songs
composed particularly for Miss
Swarthvut byAmerican Contelup-
orary composes.
Hailed by leading critics all
over the nation for her rich ton-
al quality and sensitive inter-
pretations, Miss Swarthout has
broken a long-standing opera
tradition that only high soprano
prima-donnas are the public's
Charming audiences witl her
low range, Miss Swarthout enjoys
a universal popularity.
Voted by a poll of 800 radio edi-
tors of the U.S. and Canada as the
outstanding female vocalist on the
air, for five consecutive years, iViss
Swarthout has appeared frequent-
ly on the Telephone Hour and
with the NBC Symphony.
$ o 4
Slown Al lied
QUARTERS, Korea-(P)-Grimly
defending Reds slowed the Allied
autumn offensive .across Korea
yesterday with counterattacks and
their heaviest artillery fire of the
A field dispatch said the Chin-
ese Reds even had shifted troops
and artillery from the west-cen-
tral front to the west in order
to bolster hard hit forces near
Yonchon, more than 35 miles
north of Seoul. Only minor Allied
gains were scored there.
* *_ *
IN THE EAST, Korean Reds
clung fast to the last northern bit
of "Heartbreak Ridge." A U. S.
second division task force battled
from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. yesterday in
efforts to push the Reds off the
northern most peak of the Saddle
The eastern attack was given
close support by Allied planes
whose pilots reported inflicting
heavy IRed Casualties.
Also to the East, South Korean
troops stormed and then lost to
counterattacking North Koreans
a towering height worth of the
World News
By The Associated Press
PARIS-The pro-American bloc
of parties governing France emerg-
ed the winners yesterday in Sun-
day's election of local department-
al councils by gathering 43.2 per
cent of the popular vote.
STOCKHOLM-Russia was re-
ported yesterday to have started
another evacuation of vital in-
dustries from the western parts
of the Soviet Union to safer
areas beyond the Volga River.
* *
.WASHINGTON-Senator Moody
(D-Mich.) said last night that
Russia is capable of raiding the
U.S. with 50 atomic bombs and
that such an attack would kill
3,000,000 people.
LONDON-Winston Churchill
in an election speech last night
declared Britain had falen "flat
on her face" in Iran and now
had suffered a "more grave and
injurious" blow in Egypt,
Stassen charged yesterday that a
Red "pattern of action" is being
cut out for the domination of In-
dia, just like the one that led to
the Communist conquest of China.
* *
BELGRADE-Premier Marshall
Tito predicted yesterday that the
Russian people one day will cry
"stop" to the pratcices of Stalin
and his aides inside the Soviet
NEW PEACE SITE-Gen. Ridgway yesterday accepted a Red pro-
posal to hold new truce talks at Panmunjom, a small village be-
tween Kaesong and Munsan. But there is still disagreement among
both commands as to the extent of the neutral territory. Shaded
circle represents area of five-mile radius to be neutralised under ,
the Communist plan. Meanwhile, Communist forces (white ar-
rows) are running into an Allied sledge-hammer drive.
Development Program
Pl annced forU nivesity
A fully mature, and highly organized development program may
be in store for the University.
Follgwing the lead of numerous colleges and universities through-
out the nation, the Phoenix Project steering committee will meet
late in the month to outline organizational framework for the pro-
posed program.
THE AIM of the program is to raise money to support various
University projects. Tie organization of the Phoenix Project would
Reds' Appeal
preme Court yesterday declined to
reconsider its decision against 11
U. S. Communist Party leaders but
agreed to hear two other major
c a s e s affecting Communists'
The leaders, seven of whom now
are serving prison sentences,
while four are fugitives, were con-
victed of plotting to teach thevio-
lent overthrow of this govern-
ment. Their lawyers asked the
Supreme Court to rehear the case
and reverse its decision of last
June upholding the convictions.
The Court did agree to rule on
(1) constitutionality of a section
of federal law requiring deporta-
tion of aliens for past member-
ship in the Communist Party; and
(2) whether aliens facing deporta-
tion nay be held without bail on;
a finding by the Attorney Gen-
eral that they have been active
be used as a basis for fund-
List week, the administration
of the University announced
that Alan MacCarthy, campaign
director of the Phoenix Project,
had been appointed as director
of the nrew development pro-
MacCarthy explained yesterday
that the whole project is still un-
der study and that its exact aims
have not yet been outlined.
* * *
HE ADDED that the steering
committee meeting will only take
upmatters of organization. Plans
for budgeting the funds would be
worked out much later with offi-
cials from the various schools,
colleges and other organizations
of the University.
Fund-raising would be centered
about the same groups that aided
the Phoenix Project -- alumni,
friends and industry.
MacCarthy explained that the
idea for the program came after
many groups connected with the
University advocated such a pro-
ject. Included in these were alum-
ni groups, the Regents, leaders of
the Phoenix Project and Univer-
sity administrators.
The proposed project, Mac-
Carthy went on, is in no way fun-
damentally connected with the
Phoenix Project. Though Phoenix
research may be let in on some of
the grants, the program will oper-
ate for the University as a whole.
Red Proposed
Neutral Zone
Chinese Reaction
Awaited by Allies
TOKYO-(P)-Gen. Matthew B.
Ridgway agreed yesterday to the
Panmunjom area as a site for
fresh Korean cease-fire talks, but
disagreed with a Red proposal to
extend the old Kaesong neutral
zone to include Munsan, site of
the Allied truce camp.m r=
Instead, in a brief message to'
the Chinese and Korean Red
Commanders, the United Nations
Commander suggested a small
neutral area around Panmunjom,
"with Kaesong, Munsan and the
roads to Panmunjom from Kae-
song and Munsan free from at-
* * *
PANMUNJOM is a tiny road-
side village six miles east of Kae-
song and 12 road miles northwest
of Mu~nsan.
Ridgway did not mention a
further Red proposal that both
sidestbe responsible for polic-
ing the neutral zone.
He said he would send his liaison
officers to Panmunjom tomorrow
at 10 a.m. (7 p.m. today, CST), to
discuss the details with the Com-
How the Red leaders would re-
act was problematical.
ASIDE FROM the neutrality
and policing questions, they have
insisted in the past that the full
armistice negotiating teams meet
to create "appropriate machinery"
for resuming the conferences.
Ridgway, in turn, has insisted
that liaison officers settle all
the technicalities before the
main negotiatorsemeet again.
Menwhile, the South Koreans
got into the act. Pyun Yung Tai,
South Korean Foreign Minister,
issued a statement saying the Red
suggestion to enlarge the neutral
zone would extend "the Red sanc-
tuary within South Korea."
THE SOUTH Korean Govern-
ment spokesman, said such an ex-
tension "would be dangerous and
we don't like it."
Nevertheless, the latest ex-
change of messages was the near-
eft the opposing sides have come
to agreement since the Reds broke
off the conference at Kaesong
Aug. 23.
Foreign Aid
Bill Approved
By Senate Vote
WASriINGTON - P) - The
Senate approved two big money
bills yesterday-one authorizing a
$7,483,400,000 foreign aid program
and another appropriating $1,744,
000,000, largely for defense and
economic control activities.
Both actions were on voice votes,
and helped mark progress toward
a fall adjournment of Congress.
Little time was needed to get
the foreign aid measure out of
the way, since it had passed the
Senate once before in much the
same form.
The Bill now goes to conference
between the House and Senate. It
is one of the 13 money bills which
must be disposed of before Con-
gress can quit this year.
Biggest allotments in the bill
are: $790,000,000 for develpment
of strategic and critical materials,
$272,000,000 for the Atomic Energy
Commission, $116,000,000 for the
Veterans Administration, $192,-
000,000 for emergency agencies
such as the Economic Stabilization.
Agency, and $290,000,000 for the
Civil Defense Administration.
Eva Peron Gives
University officials say the
loss of enrollment and increased
student housing facilities (South
Quad and Victor Vaughan) are
major factors in the general de-
cline in room rates.
Although there are still few op-
portunities for complete satisfac-
tion in outside room arrange-
'ments, a buyers' market is rapidly
ON THE OThER hand, apart-
ments are generally hard to find
,at reasonable rates. The only
substantial apartment project in
the city built in recent years, Nob
;Hill,' charges $86.75 per month
(plus utility costs) for four-room
unfurnished units.
At Willow Village, which is still
limited to veterans, rent boosts
averaging 20 per cent were recent-
'annouynced. In cold cash, these
range from $4x.25 to $5 monthly.
One apartment rent in the
city went up 150 p'er cent im-
mediately after rent lids were
lifted. Hikes of lesser proporo-
tions have also been reported.
A thorough, objective compila-
tion of the facts is still to be un-
ertaken. The Rent Control Com-
mittee, because of the few com-
plaints it has received, has not
seen fit to do so to date.
D aneC ommittee
Will MeetToday
A meeting for all those interest-
'Love' Study OK'd
WASHINGTON-/P)-A study of
"unconscious factors governing
courtship and mate-"selection" was
authorized yesterday by the Na-
tional Institute of Mental Health.
Among awards the Institute
authorized for the courtship study
were a $31,568 grant to Prof. Alvin
Zander, and a $18,252 to Prof.
Ronald Lippitt, both of the Uni-
versity's psychology department.
Other grants announced went to
researchers Robert F. Winch of
Northwestern University, and Ar-
thur Kornhauser and Joseph Ea-
ton, both of Wayne University.
Fraternities Attempt Removal of Bias Clauses
Campus fraternities have not let the controversial bias clause
issue remain dormant this summer, although all official pressure
on the affiliates was removed when retired President Alexander Ruth-
ven vetoed the Student Legislature anti-bias resolution May 29.'
A canvas of Greek letter groups possessing discriminatory clauses
revealed that since last semester one fraternity has removed its clause,
and four others, brought 'the question to the floor of their national
conventions this summer, in compliance with an Interfraternity Coun-
cil motion.
COPIES OF the IFC resolution, which has been on the books for
almost a year, were recently given to all the houses. IFC president
Jack Smart, '52, explained that before any further action is taken,
all fraternity men would be acquainted with what the IFC has al-
ra. Ar nnm
.i '
SAM president Bill Altman, said the southern1
ternity opposed removing the clause. "I feel the
step in the right direction, but it could be stronger.
tainly should take some affirmative action."
* * * *
block in the fra-
IFC motion is a
Fraternities cer-
A MOTION to eliminate the discriminatory clause at the Sigma
Phi Epsilon convention was defeated by a 'terrible' vote, according to
Sig Ep president Dick Martin. "It was a strange result," Martin said,
"for most of our chapters are located in the north." Martin also said
he approved of the IFC motion.
Bill Hornett, president of Kappa Sigma, said his fraternity's
bias clause was also voted upon this summer and defeated.
"Feeling at the convention was pretty well divided," Hornett re-
Trion fraternity had a meeting of its executive council this
of the IFC motion. He said that the Michigan chapter would bring
the clause to a vote before every national convention until it passes.
* * * *
THETA CHI'S discriminatory clause was voted on but retained at
a 1950 convention, according to George Steele, president.
And Sigma Chi president Gordon Carpenter said his frater-
nity's clause was discussed but not removed at a national conven-
tion a year ago..
Chuck Cuson, president of Lambda Chi Alpha, reported that his
national fraternity convention defeated an anti-bias clause motion in
1950. And Phi Delta Theta president Doug Lawrence said that at a
national Phi Delt convention in the middle of last year, the bias
clause was considered but retained.
* * * *
DELTA TAU DELTA Dresident Hal Hansen. said the Miohiaan