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October 06, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-10-06

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Latest Deadline in the State








House Votes
Record Sum
For Defense
Military To Get
37 Billions More
largest peace-time military appro-
priation bill in history was ap-
proved by the House yesterday,
making $94,000,000,000 available
for preparedness this year.
The bill authorizes a defense
budget of $56,937,808,030. In addi-
tion about $37,000,000,000 carried
r over from previous years is avail-
able to the military. The House
approved the bill by voice vote.
* * *
IF THE BILL for the total avail-
able were shared equally, it would
amount to about $600 for every
man, woman and child in the
country, or about $2,400 for every
family of four persons.
The measure now goes to the
Senate where prompt approval
seems assured. Both the House
and Senate have approved the
measure previously in different
form, the present bill being a com-
Arguing for the bill, Chairman
Mahon (D-Tex.) of an appro-
priations defense subcommittee,
told the House that recent state-
ments about fantastic new wea-
pons "are entirely too fantastic,"
He added that there is no easy
and inexpensive road to victory
in war.
President Truman has been
among those officials who recently
have talked of spectacular devel-
. opments in military weapons.
. .. *
Dean, chairman of the Atomic
Energy Commission, said in a
speech at Los Angeles that the
U.S. now has atomic weapons that
can overcome any superiority an
enemy may have in numbers of
soldiers on the battlefield.
The Bill would provide the Army
$19,888,032,030; the Navy $15,877,-
891,000; the Air Force $20,642,-
785,000 and the Office of Secretary
of Defense $529,100,000. Most of
the money is for planes, tanks,
guns and other weapons.
Mahon said that while the bill
would make around $94,000,000,000
x available to the military, only
around $40,000,000,000 will be
spent in the fiscal year ending
nextJune. The explanation is that
the Defense Department will be
making some contracts for heavy
goods that won't be paid for in
full until delivered after next
{world News
Round up

Board Welcomes Aies Break
d'r W%/. UU- u t--

Eligibility Study
In a brief, two-sentence statement, the Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics late last night expressed its willingness to
cooperate in a study of-"administration of eligibility rules for athletes.
The move came in the wake of a protest by Literary College
faculty members against a "double standard" which permits eligibility
for athletes with a below "C" average and rests sole control of athletic
eligibility with an Athletic Board committee.


t.., .ili. .lll Ulll L

Board Chairman Herbert O "F
the basis of an investigation of a:
- 'b
Reds Aided 'b
B Wallace I
' rt
./ V
Communist Louis Budenz testified l
yesterday that Henry A. Wallace
followed the Communist party line P
in 1944 "whether he knew it or
not" in cabled reports to theg
White House criticizing Genera- s
lissimo Chiang Kai-shek. I
Budenz said the Red line was to d
find fault with Chiang's National--
ist regime and thus pave the way c
for Communist conquest of China.
* * *
TESTIFYING before a Senate'
Internal Security Subcommittee,
Budenz said Wallace's recommen-
dations during his 1944 mission to+
China "helped the Communists."
The witness, former editor of
the Communist Daily Worker, p
now a professor at Fordham>
university, also declared that
Anerican Communists werel
"encouraged" by the Commun- l
ist International in Moscow toe
boost Wallace for re-election ast
vice president in 1944.
Wallace lost out of the nomina-
tion at the Democratic convention c
in Chicago in July, 1944, when t
President Roosevelt gave the nod tl
to a Senator from Missouri named u
Harry S. Truman.S
Ten months later, Mr. Roosevelt
was dead and Mr. Truman became
* * *
BUDENZ SAID the Communist
International in Moscow became1
"actively interested" in supporting
Wallace for high office after Wal-1
lace visited China and Soviet Rus-;
sia early in 1944.
M cCarthy .Admits gr
'Sla pping'__Pearson
WASHINGTON - (F') - Sena-
tor McCarthy (R-Wis.) said yes-
terday he "slapped" Drew Pearson g
at a Washington dinner party last tl
December but laughingly replied s
"no" when asked if his action had a
lifted Pearson "three feet off the u
Reference was made to the Sul- e
grave Club incident during a three c
and a half hour deposition hear- fo
ing which is preliminary to trial it
of a $5,100,000 suit Pearson has ca
brought against McCarthy and w
eight others. p

E'ritz" Crisler said any action on
thletic eligibility practices would
be up to the Board of Regents.
THE FACULTY action took place
at a closed session Monday when
Burton D. Thuma, acting dean of
the literary college, was instructed
by unanimous vote to dispatch a
etter of protest to the Faculty
Senate, an advisory committee to
the President. Dean Thuma said
yesterday that no specific plan for
revision of the present eligibility
set-up will be out-lined in the
Earlier yesterday, University
President Harlan H. Hatcher
waived comment on the recent
grant of eligibility to star defen-
ive back Ted Topor, '51 Ed., a be-
ow-"C" student. However, Presi-
dent Hatcher emphasized that he
had not heard the eligibility pro-
cedure "criticized adversely."
"The rules have not changed,"
the president said. "If they are
not proper, regular channels
and rules of procedure exist for
considering them."
According to Big 10 regulations,
participation in varsity sports is
permitted unless a student re-
eives an "E" or "Incomplete" on
is previous year's rceord. Ath-
etes whose averages drop below
C" may petition the eligibility
ommittee for permission to par-
STUDENTS IN all other extra-
curricular activities must main-
an at least a "C" average
hroughout their course of study
under regulation of the Office of
Student Affairs.
Sources close to the Board
said that an attempt would be
made to show that the number
of special eligibility grants by
the athletic committee compare
favorably with the number al-
lowed regularly by the Office of
Student- Affairs.
Reliable sources claim the num-
er of below "C" athletes normally
ranted eligibility by the commit-
ee numbers from two to four per
ent of all varsity sport partici-
* *
"CASES coming before the eli-
ibility committee are studied on
their individual merits," Crisler
aid. He added that such factors
s work programs and family sit-
ations are taken into account.
The former Wolverine coach
mphasized that only a slight per-
entage of players who petition
or special eligibility are granted
. In the controversial Topor
ase, he said the gridder's heavy
rork schedule was considered im-
ortant to the final decision.

Front Line
Pre-Dawn Attack
Succeeds in East
QUARTERS, Korea - (') -- The
Allied 100,000-man offensive broke
through the main Red line in
West Central Korea yesterday and
sent spearheads on ahead today
against retreating Chinese Reds.
In the East, a rare pre-dawn
attack today by the Allies won a
3,000-foot peak on "Heartbreak
Ridge" which has changed hands
many times in three weeks of
bloody fighting.
OFF THE EAST coast, an Allied
Naval force moved 125 miles north',
of Parallel 38 yesterday, silenced
Communist shore guns and gave
the Red-held port of Hungnam a
terrific shelling.
Maj. Gen. Robert Soule said
his U. S. Third Division had
penetrated the main Reds de-
fenses northwest of Chorwon
His troops credited with inflict-
ing 1,205 Red casualties in the
first two days, moved without op-
position toward a vital hill mass
from which the Chinese pulled out
hastily last night, a pooled dis-
patch said.
The hill mass strengthens Al-
lied control of the Seoul-Chorwon-
Kumhwa rail line, a vital front
.ine supply artery.
* * *
hit the main Communist line,"
Soule told correspondents.
"We penetrated it and broke it
and forced the Reds to withdraw."
On t h e bloody east-central
front, Allied armored patrols
swept beyond the forbidding crags
of "Heartbreak Ridge" to a point
22 miles north of Parallel 38. Ce.'-
sorship hitherto had prevented
mention of how far into Red
Korea UN forces had battled in
that sector.
Meanwhile there were no devel-
opments in the suspended.cease-
fire negotiations. Red command-
ers, apparently shocked by the Al-
lied offensive, remained silent on
Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway's invi-
tation to them to pick a new truce
site anywhere in no-man's land.
Mercury T o Drop
Slightly for Game
After two straight days of rec-
ord breaking In d i a n summer
temperatures, the Willow Run
weatherman yesterday predicted
cooler weather for today's temp.
In comparison to yesterday's 87
degrees and Thursday's high of
91, fans will be treated to a ten-
perature of 62 today.

Indians Eye
First Victory
Over Rivals
Stanford's Hopes
Ride onPassing
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan and Stanford renew
an old but not too well-developed
footbal rivalry before an expected
crowd of around 60,000 fans at the
stadium this afternoon.
Two o'clock kickoff time will
find the Wolverines facing their
West Coast rivals for the fourth
time since the two teams met in
the first Rose Bowl game back in
* * *
THE MAIZE and Blue has
never tasted defeat at the hands
of the Indians, and despite on the
basis of this season's past per-
formances the undefeated (in two
Starting ineups

SAFE AT HOME-Monte Irvin (20), Giant left fielder, steals home in a cloud of dust in first inning
of firs.t Series game at New York. Yogi Berra, Yankee catcher, makes tag too late as Bobby Thom-
son, who was at bat, falls away from the plate. Irvin continued his hard-hitting yesterday with 3 for
4 off Eddie Lopat, but Giants lost, 3-1, to even the Series.

-oard Alte

Draft Status
WASHINGTON - (j) - Draft
boards across the nation will start
re-classifying some 500,000 child-
less married men next week.
Simultaneously the army an-
nounced that it will release from
active duty by December 20, all
World War II enlisted men in the
reserve who were called up volun-
* * *
IN HIS DRAFT announcement
yesterday Selective ServiceDirec-
tor Maj. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey
said it is doubtful that as many
as 200,000 of those to be reclassi-
fied will be termed 1-A in the im-
mediate future, however.
Most married men of draft.
age are currently in a deferred
class, 3-A.
However Mr. Truman issued
new regulations last week which
removed married men from 3-A
deferred category unless they have
children. Hershey said many reg-
istrants have become fathers dur-
ing the past two years, but have
failed to notify their local boards.
He said that they should notify
their local boards immediately, es-
pecially since many of them are
in the older group-24 or 25 years
old-and thus may be inducted
quicly if they are re-classified 1-A.
*, *>A *
THE ARMY announcement was
made by Chairman Mahon (D-
Tex.) as he read a letter to the
House from Assistant Defense
Secretary Anna Rosenberg.
Mrs. Rosenberg said the Army
previously had planned to release
all such men-inactive and volun-
teer reservists-not later than Jan..
1, 1952.
Barring any major change in
the international situation, she
said, careful reworking of Army
plans will make it possible to get
these men out by Christmas.

Lopat Tosses Five-Hitter
Asi Y'ankees Even Series

NEW YORK -(A)- The New
York Yankees bounced back be-
hind easy Ed Lopat's superlative
southpaw pitching yesterday to
cool the blazing Giants, 3 to 1, and
square the World Series at a vic-
tory apiece.
The chunky lefthander, winner
of 21 games during the season,
dazzled the National League
Champions with his soft-breaking
stuff, limiting them to five singles.
* * *
CASEY STENGEL'S crew wrap-
ped up the triumph with a pair of
WASHINGTON - (P) - Sena-
tor Taft of Ohio said yesterday
he will decide whether to run for
the Republican presidential nomi-
nation only after he has studied
a national "sentiment" survey be-
ing made by two associates.
He has asked for a final report
on this study next Wednesday.
How soon his decision will come
after that is not known. The
betting on Capitol Hill is that he
will make his third bid for a
nomination which went to others
on his two tries in 1940 and 1948.
the picture, three officers of the
450,000-member Hotel and Res-
taurant Employes and Bartenders
Union (AFL) invited President
Truman and asked that he run
Union President Hugo Ernst and
his associates reported that Mr.
Truman told them he had one or
two things he had to take care of
before he could make any an-
Taft in his statement yester-
day said he has not wished to
be a candidate unless he is con-
vinced that "a majority of the
Republicans really want me to

runs off Larry Jansen, Giants'
righthander, in the first two chap-
ters. The winning tally crossed on
a solo blast into the right field
stands by Joe Collins, Yank first
baseman, in the second.
Only Monte Irvin, the Giants'
sizzling left fielder, found the
Bomber southpaw no puzzle.
Monte rapped three clean sin-
gles into the outfield grass to go
with the triple and three singles
he blasted in Thursday's opener.
If he maintains anything like
that pace he will, of course,
break every record in the books.
After the first two frames, Jan-
sen fully matched Lopat's bril-
liance until he was lifted for a
pinchhitter in the seventh. From
the time Collins connected for his
10th of the year with two out in
the second, Jansen retired 13
straight batters. George Spencer,
his relief, also sat the Bombers
down in order in the seventh to
run the string to 16 in a row fore
the American Leaguers added
their final run in the eighth.
* * *
EXCEPT FOR Irvin's long sin-
gle to open the second inning, a
two-out walk to Eddie Stanky in
the third and a single into left
field by Alvin Dark in the sixth,
- (Continued on Page 3)
Reds Will Try
More A-Bombs
LONDON -(p)- Soviet Prime
Minister Stalin said in an inter-
view Russia recently exploded an-
other atomic bomb and promised
there will be more to come, the
Moscow radio declared yesterday.
The radio broadcast the inter-
view Stalin gave to Pravda, offi-
cial newspaper of the Russian
Communist Party. It quoted him
as having said:
"Tests on atom bombs of various
calibers will be made in the future
under the plan of the defense of
our country from attacks from the
British-American aggressive bloc."

Cook -



starts) Stanford eleven must reign
as slight underdogs over the vic-
tory-less Wolverines.
Leading the Stanford attack
in its second appearance on
Michigan soil will be the much-
heralded triumvirate of Bill Mc-
Coll, Harry Hugasian and Gary
Kerkorian, the big guns of the
Indians' victories over Oregon
(27-20) and San Jose State (26-
McColl, practically everyone's
All-American last year and a sure
bet to repeat this season, is kying
hailed as one of the greatest ends
to emerge from the Pacific Coast
in recent years. So far he's lived u
to his press notices as his pass re-
ceiving has been a lig factor in
both Stanford wins this year.
* * *
ON THE throwing end of Coach
Chuck Taylor's T-formation of-
fense has been Kerkorian, a quar-
terback who can also lug the ball
when he has to, as witnessed by
a 68-yard dash he reeled off when
trapped on a pass play last week-
(Continued on Page 3)
Hatcher U.rges
Schools, Press
To Be Leaders
President Harlan H. Hatcher,
last night urged newspapermen
and educators to work together to
bring new progress to "the heart-
land of this nation."
Addressing the 34th annual
convention of the University Press
Club, President Hatcher drew his-
torical allusions with the found-
ing of the midwest andpresent
problems that now confront the
region., .
"THE GREAT Northwest Pas-
sage still Iles out there," he told
'the assembled newsmen. "The two
great media of progress, news-
papers and educational institu-
tions, must continue to show us
the way in the search for that
President Hatcher noted that
the University and Michigan's
first newspaper were both found-
ed in 1817.
"That began an era which still
continues,' he said, "of common
goals and cooperation between
newspapers and the schools."
Earlier in the day. the assembled

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-President Tru-
man asked Congress yesterday for
the cash to carry out a $7,483,000,-
000 foreign aid program already
authorized by the Senate and
* * *
f3,325-ton freighter, carrying 24
crewmen, cracked in two and
sank in the hurricane-churned
Atlantic early yesterday.
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State Acheson yesterday barred
any dickering with Red China on
three major diplomatic issues in
connection with the Korean truce
* 1. Recognition of Red China.
2. Admission of the Peiping re-
gime into the United Nations.
3. Tnrning over Formosa to
Communist China.
Race issue Erupts
4t Y! Con vention
ST. LOUIS-(1P-The racial is-
sue erupted behind closed doors
* the natinnal Vng Demnratic


Rally Turnout, Ticket Sales Fall as Stanford Team Arrives

* *

* * *

* *M*

. <k *


* * 4'

Pep Crowd Numbers 500

Only 60,000 Ex pected at T oday's Contest
By HARLAND BijTZ The throng will enjoy the game dium concessionaires will still be
The smallest home crowd s ince . .,..,.,. ,,,,,,,,,+,. hi r,,.,,,a+ ,, nnnf,,

A docile crowd of about 500 stu-
dents turned out for the second
pep rally of the season last night
at Ferry Field.
Conspicuously absent were a
good many of 'the students and
most of the spirit which had char-
acterized the highly successful
"Beat State" rally last week.
Those that came were led as
per tradition from the Union
dnm State yt hv the maiz..and-

Don Chown, head script writer for
WJR. Chown predicted flatly that
"we'll kick the pants off Stan-
ford." He lauded the crowd on
their enthusiasm, declaring
"Michigan spirit just can't be put
into words."
Those that came to the rally
were led as per tradition from
the Union down State St. by
the maize-and-blue clad march-
ineg band. the shiny instruments

Michigan edged Iowa in 1946 may
be on hand today to see if the
Wolverines can rebound against
star-studded Stanford.
Ticket Manager Don Weir pre-
dicted that only 60,000 fans will
invade the huge stadium to see
the game. Included in the turnout
will be about 1,000 mid-western
Stanford alumni, 60 Notre Dame

in somewhat cooler weather than
Ann Arbor has had in the past
few days. The weather bureau
forecasts a 'cool' day with the
temperature hovering around 68
The Stanford team arrived in
Ann Arbor by air Thursday night
a n d spent yesterday running
through plays near their Dearborn

prepared to serve 97,000 fans. Ac-
cording to one vendor, the con-
cessions do a good business when
the crowds are small because the
fans don't expect long lines at the
refreshment stands.
The fans will be introduced to
a new Wolverine mascot shortly
before the game begins. "Wissif,"
an animal of unnown species, will
be on hand to ballyhoo the World



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