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February 23, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-02-23

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CQitorv 6 tite




Back To The Good Old Days


T HE FORMAL organization of the new
President's Conference yesterday after-
noon should be hailed as a milestone in the
improvement of student-University rela-
Earlier last fall we censured the Uni-
versity officials for their apparent failure
to recognize students as mature indi-
viduals who can, if given a chance, con-
tribute substantially to the formulation
and administration of the University's
policies and programs. We pointed out
that the administration has been largely
responsible for the creation of an atmos-
phere of bitterness and cynicism here on
campus-a bitterness on the part of stu-
dents towards the apparent philosophy
that students are children who must be
pampered and coddled.
This bitterness and cynicism arose not so
much because the University's policies were
poorly conceived or unjustified. It stemmed
rather from a failure on the part of the
THE DELTA TAU DELTAs are to be com-
Wnended for defying tradition and turn-
ing this spring's Hell Week into a Help Week.
Instead of wasting their energies by for-
cing the pledges into sadistically idiotic
situations, the Delts directed the efforts
of their new men into useful channels.
In so doing, they have not only gained the
gratitude of the group they aided (as can
be seen by a letter in today's column) but
they have also acquired the respect of a
good many sensible people.
Fraternities have been notorious for their
senseless and sometimes brutalizing treat-
ment of pledges during initiation week. Their
inane shenanigans have never served any
good purpose. Instead, they often lead pros-
pective actives to give up in disgust, while
they merely strengthen the feeling of those
who believe fraternities have no business
existing in the first place.
More groups would do well to follow the
lead of the Delts. By the time the new crop
of rushees are ready to be initiated, we hope
they will have decided to do so.
--Donna Hendleman
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
I The Weekend 1

administration to take the students into
their confidence-a failure to make any at-
tempt to convince the student body that
certain restrictions and regulations are ne-
cessary and justified.
The formulation of the President's Con-
ference, however, is a real and concrete
step towards the removal of at least part
of this cynicism and bitterness. While it
should not be expected that the Conference
will result in any swaeeping changes in Uni-
versity policies, it at least assures students a
channel through which they can air their
grievances and point out the student atti-
tudes toward campus problems. And equally
important, it affords the officials. them-
selves an opportunity to explain their view-
There have been other signs of a grow-
ing willingness on the part of the Univer-
sity to recognize students as citizens and
not subjects.
We pointed out earlier this year the need
for University officials to explain publicly
their positions on various regulatory or dis-
ciplinary actions-to call together all inter-
ested students and openly discuss any par-
ticular problem or grievance which might
have aroused the student body. While no
specific problem-such as the Speakers Ban
-has arisen, both Regent Roscoe O. Bonni-
steel and former Vice-President Robert P.
Briggs have addressed speech assemblies in
the Rackham Building on University af-
fairs. These meetings were open to ALL
students. We can only hope that the Uni-
versity officials will continue this practice,
especially if a specific policy or disciplinary
action arouses antagonism among large
groups of students.
Another indication of increased will-
ingness on the part of the University to
give a greater degree of responsibility to
students and to incorporate them in the
administration of campus affairs is seen
in the placing of a student on the Board in
Control ofResidence Halls in a non-voting
capacity. It is seen again in the greater
degree of authority which the joint-judi-
ciary council has been handed in dealing
with student disciplinary cases.
These advances, along with the organi-
zation of the President's Conference, have
and will continue to contribute greatly to
the alleviation of widespread cynicism and
bitterness on campus. We can only hope
that they are the beginning of a trend and
not the end of the road.

Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that
spoil the vines: for our vines have tender
grapes. -Song of Solomon, 11, 15.
WASHINGTON-The little foxes are de-
spoiling the one preparedness vine in
the confusion of Washington that was plant-
ed only after the most intensive and expert
attention had been given to the problem.
Harry S. Truman was running the Tru-
man committee when 16,000 18-year-old
American soldiers, many of them inade-
quately trained, fought in the Battle of
the Bulge. In the whole broad field of
manpower, one fact repeatedly placed be-
fore him with utmost urgency was that,
in comparison with the enemy, this coun-
'try is short of manpower, therefore must
manage that resource more intelligently
than any other.
Months ago the President promised Con-
gress to cooperate with them fully in sur-
veying the problem and said he would get
the best expert he could find in the country
for it. Gen. George C. Marshall came up
with the hard-headed labor consultant for
the greatest U.S. industrialists, Mrs. Anna
M. Rosenberg. Senate Armed Services chair-
man Richard Russell turned the hearings
over to Sen. Lyndon Johnson's preparedness
* * * *
THE JOHNSON subcommittee sat for five
solid weeks, hearing not only Mrs. Ros-
enberg and a galaxy of brass but leaders
in education, agriculture, civic life and re-
lated fields. Hard on their heels, House
armed services chairman Carl Vinson bent
his experienced energies to the same task.
The weight of evidence piled up about the
cost in blood and money of past half-heart-
ed stabs at a manpower program proved so
formidable that the tough-minded Senate
armed sevices committee of 13 members
had, in conscience, to accept a hard pro-
gram. They voted unanimously to approve
a draft of 18-year-olds and 26 months ser-
vice which for those 18 must include four
months training.
Chairman Vinson said it was all neces-
sary and more too and gave his personal en-
dorsement to the bill.
* * * *
WHAT IS NOW happening in Vinson's
committee is that a small bloc, led by
Rep. Paul Kilday of Texas, is attempting to
substitute their personal social and eco-
nomic predilections for the expert work on
which so much toil has been expended.
Representative Kilday is proposing to post-
pone drafting 18-year-olds, he is asking for
six months training, he protests removing
the ceiling on women in the armed services
precisely at the time when the basic decision
should be made that women are an asset to
their country. The provision to allow 75,000
students-who would first have four months
basic training and then in the end serve 23
months-is under attack.
A skillful job of recruiting prejudices is
being done in the House committee until
the whole structure of the bill is threatened.
Mrs. Rosenberg recounts what it means:
no safety margin for the planned army,
so no deferments for married men, for
men to dispose of their businesses, or for
farm labor; increased call of reserves, a
poorer quality army, in the end fewer
technicians, etc., etc.
The mayhem goes on in closed session
naturally; it would be a real risk to the
perpetrators if they pushed it in open de-
bate on the floor of the House where the
facts can be argued.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
1 - 19

(Continued from Page 2)








In Town

SWIMMING MEET with Ohio State. Ohio
State is unbeaten, and we're not far behind.
And the schools, it may be said, are rivals
anyway. It's 4 p.m. tomorrow at the IM
WRESTLING, also with OSU,. will take
place at Yost Field House, 7:30 p.m. tomor-
HOCKEY MATCH today and tomorrow
at 8 with the University of North Dakota
at the Coliseum.
INDOOR TRACK with our neighbors to
the South, Michigan State Normal, at Ypsi,
7:30 p.m. today at the Field House.
GYMASTICS, again with Ohio State, at
the IM Bldg. 8 p.m. tomorrow.
THE LITTLE CLUB, an institution as
close to a night club as the University will
permit, will be held tonight from 8:30 to
midnight. Dancing to Bob Leopold's com-
bo. At the League, and sponsored by As-
sociation of Independent Men.
CADUCEUS BALL, a semi-formal affair
given by the Galens for medical students
and staff, but open to one and all, will in-
elude a skit, "Dr. Mal Practice," which will
be presented in the form of a radio program.
Frank Tinker's orchestra. At the Union, to-
day, 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.
UNION DANCE with Frank Tinker's or-
wood-Award-Winning play about the ap-
:ow to midnight. Friday Union dances will
be suspended for the rest of the semester.
DRAMA . ..
HANLON WON'T GO, Tom Danelli's Hop-
vood-Award-winning play about the ap-
>arently indestructable Danny Hanlon is
>eing produced at Lydia Mendelssohn by the
Student Players. Tonight and tomorrow
iight at 8. See review this page.

Architecture Auditorium
coise Rosay, Alirme and Louis Jouvet.
IT IS A pleasant task to report that this
Grand Prize winner of the 1936 Venice
Film Festival still holds up wonderfully well
today. The print is brand new with nary a
splice to mar the continuity. The sound
track seems fresh and inventive and the
sub-titles have mercifully been kept down
to a minimum.
The plot is a familiar one combining ov-
ertones of Lysistrata and, as someone point-
ed out, certain elements of Restoration co-
medy. The mise en scene is Flanders in
1616 resting uneasily under Spanish rule.
The town of Boom is about to be occupied
over-night by a ducal contingent. While the
good burghers temporize over the crisis,
the women, led by the strong-willed mayor's
wife, organize their own unique defense.
Their plan does prevent the expected pill-
aging and riots, but also produces some
amusing complications.
Francoise Rosay has the time of her life
switching about as the energetic, yet whol-
ly feminine, wife of the town's leading citi-
zen. Alerme cuts a richly comic figure as
the bumbling and suspicious mayor, while
Louis Jouvet in a much too small part as a
Dominican friar ontributes some typically
Gallic spoofing of the church. The large
cast is almost uniformly excellent and the
quality of the photography is such that
much of the robust freshness of Brueghel
the Elder seems to have been captured on
--D. R. Crippen
S* a
At Lane Hall...
(One showing only at 7:30 P.M.)
"Greed" directed by Erich Von Stro-
heim, starring Zazu Pitts, Gibson Gow-
land and Jean Hersholt.
Von Stroheim's silent version of Frank
Norris' novel, "McTeague," famed landmark
in film history, marks one of the earliest
and most influential efforts at screen rea-
lism. Its portrayal of the destruction of
three personalities by greed proceeds with
a heavy-geared naturalism sharply reminis-
cent of Zola at his best . . . and at his
worst. Sordid details are focused and re-
focused upon with a sometimes ludicrous,
more often devastating effect. Magnificent
" performances by the three principals and
the brutal intensity of separate scenes have
intrinsic value. Students of the film will be
interested in evaluating one of the primary
sources of movie naturalism.
-Jacquelyne Greenhut
Mo f Rnnk "t th F p lh ra'IJ"r

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer.
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Pledge Painting . . .T They painted until 3 a.m. and
Mr. Russel Pryce and Mrs. Jan-
To the Editor: ice Maxwell, who were the stal-
THE PICTURE and story you warts of the Shop personnel, said
carried on the Delta Tau Del- they turned to and helped them
ta fraternity boys helping the put the stock back in place and
Thrift Shop, as their civic project, even washed windows.
during their rushing week, only The boys cleaned the paint
told half the story. brushes and rollers (which had
You have no idea the "upleft" been loaned for the occasion by
these fourteen boys (pledges plus the local paint shop merchants)
a few of the actives) gave the shop. and they scrubbed the floor. It was
We now are painted a beautiful a tremendous task and the attitude
blush pink and our wares show off of these fraternity pledges in do-
to much greater advantage and ing the job was remarkable. If the
have real appeal-we hope-for young men of our country are as
our clientele. dependable and willing to serve a
These boys did a masterful job' charitable group, as these Delta
-and worked under certain hand- Tau Delta young men-our coun-
iicaps. try need never be concerned about
We had to push all our mer- the future. They were and are su-
chanise to the center of the shop perb.
and they had to work around it. We, of the Thrift Shop, are
At midnight the husbands of a proud .to acknowledge with grati-
few of the members arrived with tude the spirit of these young men
cokes and sandwiches and during of Delta Tau Delta-we salute
the intermission the boys were in- them!
doctrinated in the history of the Mrs. Russel T. Dobson, Jr.,
Thrift Shop. President, Thrift Shops
Washington Merr'y-Go-Rouid
EX-SENATOR BURT WHEELER of Montana, long one of the most
powerful figures in Washington and the northwest, has been itch-
ing to get back into politics. Already he has been maneuvering for a
possible Senate comeback, and that was the backstage reason for a
recent blow-up inside the office of price administration.
Senator Wheeler, a thorn in the side of Coolidge, Herbert Hoover,
and later Franklin Roosevelt, cleaned out the Harry Dougherty mess
in the Justice Department and put across some of FDR's most im-
portant new Deal legislation But after a quarrel with the adminis-
tration, he was defeated for re-election in 1946.
But the other day, When Adm. John Hoover resigned in a huff
as chief price enforcement officer, it was a tip-off to those in the
know that the powerful hand of Burt Wheeler was operating again.
For Wheeler, in order to attract GOP support had arranged for
the appointment of two Montana Republicans, ex-Governor Sam Ford
and Ernest Immel, to important jobs 'in price stabilization.
Wheeler had cleared these with his old friend, Harry Truman.
But as an afterthought a White House aide called Senator Murray of
Montana, bitter foe of Wheeler's to get his OK on the appointments.
"You had better read the Congressional Directory again!" ex-
ploded Charles Murray, son of the Democratic Senator. "The Senator
from Montana is named Murray, not Wheeler."
As a result, the White House killed the two Wheeler appointments.
Simultaneously, another Wheeler appointee inside the price stabiliz-
er's office got sore and resigned-Admiral Hoover. When Hoover re-
signed, however, he did not mention that he was the brother of Har-
old Hoover of the Anaconda Copper Company, biggest backer of ex-
Senator Wheeler.
ENATOR BILL LANGER of North Dakota tried to delay the sale of
the old German Embassy, claiming the sale should wait for the
appointment of a new German Ambassador. The Embassy, seized by
the U.S. Government during the war, is a decrepit building in down-
town Washington, long by-passed by the shifting of embassies toward
swank.northwest Washington. Langer's delaying tactics failed and in
the end the Embassy was purchased by Morris Cafritz, Washington's
most enterprising realtor . . . The French Chancery is having a Mo-
hammedan Mosque built almost in its front yard. The Arab League,
having raised a small fortune to finance an ornate mosque with min-

ists and chemical engineers at the
Bureau on Tuesday and Wednesday,
Feb. 27 and 28. These positions are
for production, research, and training
program. Men with either a bachelor's
or master's degree are eligible. A rep-
resentative from the International Bus-
iness Machines will be interviewing at
the Bureau on Tues., Feb. 27. They
are looking for mechanical and elec-
trical engineers for production, re-
search and development and customer
engineering. Positions will be Pough-
keepsie and Endicott, New York. Cus-
tomer engineers will be placed all over
the country. A representative from
the Travelers Insurance Company,
Hartford, Connecticut will be interview-
ing mentfortpositions as group service
representatives at the Bureau on
Wed., Feb. 28. For further informa-
tion and appointments call at the
Bureau of Appointments, Room 3528,
Administration Bldg.
Personnel Requests:
The Bureau of Appointments has
had the following personnel requests:
The Trane Company, La Crosse, Wis-
consin, needs mechanical, electrical,
civil, industrial, and chemical en-
gineers for their sales training pro-
gram. Candidates must be interested
in air conditioning. The National Re-
search Corporation, Cambridge, Massa-
chusetts, is looking for physical and
organic chemists and chemical en-
gineers for research work. The Foster
Wheeler Corporation, New YorksCity,
needs June graduates in the following
fields: mechanical, civil, electrical,
chemical, and sales engineering. The
Master Electric Company, Dayton, Ohio,
is looking for mechanical and electrical
engineers. The Chemical Division of
the United States Rubber Company,
Painesville, Ohio, needs graduate en-
gineers and chemists. The Department
of the Army, Office of the Surgeon
General needs young women who are
majoring in the biological sciences or
physical education for positions as phy-
sical therapists. The Ordnance Corps
Headquarters, A be r de e n dProving
Ground, has an immediate need for
aeronautical, chemical, civil, structural,
electrical, electronics, mechanical, met-
allurgical, ordnance, and general en-
gineers, physicists, physical chemists,
engineering draftsmen, and instructors
or training administrators.
Teaching and General Division Candi-
All registrants in the Teaching and
General Division of the Bureau of Ap-
pointments should come to the office
to fill out their spring schedule hours.
Academic Notices
Anthropology 152, The Mind of Pri-
mitive Man, will not meet today.
Language Examination for the A. M.
in History will be given Fri., Mar. 2,
4 p.m., Room 2029, Angell Hall. Those
planning to take this examination
must sign list in History Office, Room
2817, S. Quad.
Game Theory Seminar: Mon., Feb.
36, 7:30 p.m. Speaker: Mr. Henry Dihm.
Stochastic Processes Seminar: Mon.,
Feb. 26, 4 p.m. Speaker: Mr. Frank L
Topological Groups Seminar: Fri.,
Feb. 23, 4 p.m., Room 3011, Angell Hall.
Michigan Circulating Seminar in
Mathematical Statistics: Secondmeet-
ing for the year, Room 3201. Angell Hall,
2 p.m., Sat., Feb. 24. Speakers: Prof. H.
L. Harter, Michigan State College, and
Prof. Donald Darling, University of
Organ Recital: Marilyn Mason Brown,
Instructor in Organ in the School of
Music, will be heard at 4:1 Sunday aft-
ernoon, Feb. 25, Hill Auditorium, in a
program of compositions by Handel,
Kerll, Ducasse, Durufle, and Robert
Crandell. Open to the public without
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hal. Portraits-Museum of Art Collec-
tion; Art Privately Owned in Ann Ar-
bor; Kyoto (LIFE photographs) through
Mar. 7. Weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5.
The public is invited.
Events Today
Westminster Guild: Open House,
8:30 p.m., First Presbyterian Church.
Sat., Feb. 24, trip to Dodge Community
House In Detroit; leave Church at 7:45
a.m. Make reservations at church of-
fice by Friday noon.
Roger williams Guild: Open House
at the Guild, 8:30-12 midnight.
Congregational - Disciples-Evangelical
& Reformed Guild: Open house at the
Guild House, 7:30 p.m.

Wesleyan Guild: Banquet and Op-
eretta, "The Last Recital" and "Ital-
ians in Deliria," 6:30 p.m., First Metho-
d ist Church. Public invited.
Canterbury club: 4-6 p.m., Tea and
Open House.
Lane Hall Coffee Hour: 4:30 p.m.
Hillel: Friday evening services, 7:45
p.m., Lane Hall, Upper Room; Satur-
day morning services, 9:30a.m.
IZFA: Executive meeting, 4:15 p.m.,
Un idn.
Hillel: Organizational meeting of
the Play Reading Group, 5 p.m., Upper
Room, Lane Hall.
Hillel: Graduate mixer at the S.D.T.
House, 1405 Hill, 9 p.M. All graduates
Triton Film Society (S.R.A.) Erich
von Stroheim's "Greed" will be shown
at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Mem-
berships available from 1 to 2 and from

Country;" and with the most modern
fuel possible, Atomic Fuels, illustrated
by a movie on "Atomic Energy." Films
shown at Kellogg Auditorium, 7:30
Acolytes: Meeting, 7:45 p.m., East
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Saul
Wineman will speak on "Historical
Graduate Outing Club: Sports Nite,
IM Bldg. Meet i lobby, 7:15 p.m. Bring
gym clothes and shoes, bathing suit,
ID card.
Hostel Club: Sports and swimming
at I-M Bldg., Fri., Feb. 23. Potluck
Supper and Square Dance at Presby-
terian Church, 6 and 8:15 p.m., Sat.,
Feb. 24. Call Jae Finkbeiner, 7804.
Deutscher Verein: . Kaffeestunde,
3:15-4:30 p.m., Union cafeteria, and
every Friday thereafter.
Coming Events
Law School Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking the Law School Admission
Test, Sat., Feb. 24, are requested to re-
port to the Architecture Auditorium,
8:45 a.m. for the morning session. Aft-
ernoon session, 1:45 p.m. Cadidates
must be present at both sessions.
Canterbury Club: Sat., Feb, 24: Roll-
er Skating. Meet at Canterbury House
first for supper, 6:30 p.m., or join group
there at 7:30 p.m.
Phi Beta Kappa: Annual meeting,
Thurs., Mar. 29, 4:15 p.m., Room 1035,
Angell Hall. The Eecutive Board pro-
poses an amendment to the By-Laws to
be voted on at this meeting to abolish
the election of graduate students after
the spring of 1951. Section 3 - II con-
cerning the Members in Course should
be amended as follows: Delete last
phrase of first paragraph "and from
the students registered in the Gradu-
ate School as candidates for an ad-
vanced degree". Also delete paragraph
3 "It is further provided that graduates
must be chosen from those who as un-
dergraduates have not been eligible for
election to membership in this or any
other Chapter".
The By-Laws may be amended by a
three-fourths vote of the active mem-
bers present at any annual meeting
provided one month's notice has been
given to all the active members."
Graduate Outing Club: Sun., Feb.
25: Out of town trip.uMeet in Outing
Club room, northwest corner of Rack-
ham, 2:15 p.m. Bring cars. Open to
all grads.
Film: The Antioch College moving
picture Campus Frontiers will be shown
Sat., Mar. 3, 10 a.m., Room 4009, UHS.
visitors welcome.
Forum on College and University
Teaching: Library Lecture Hall, 3-5
p.m., Fri., Mar. 2. Suject: Good
Teachers-Why Are They ood? Panel:
Frank X.'Braun, Assistant Professor of
German; Alfred M. Elliott, Assistant
Professor of Zoology; Phillip S. Jones,
Assistant Professor of Mathematics;
Wilbert J. McKeachie, Assistant Profes-
sor of Psychology; William B. Palmer,
Assistant Professor of Economics; Algo
D. Henderson, Professor of Higher Edu-
Beacon Association: Meeting, Sat.,
.Feb. 24, 2 p.m. Osman Badran from
Egypt will talk about his country.
Russian Circle: Mon., Feb. 26, 8 p.m.,
International ceter. A movie "Peo-
ples of the U.S.S.R." will follow election
of officers.
LeCercle Francais: Meeting, Mon.,
Feb. 26, 8 p.m., Grand Rapids Rooi,
League. Election of officers. Prof. Marc
Denkinger will give a lecture with
slides on "Les Adventures de M. Vieux-
Bois" by Toepffer.







At Lydia Mendelssohn...
"Hanlon Won't Go" - by Tom Danelli.
SIXTEEN SHOTS, three glasses of beer,
three fifths of whiskey, and a carton of
Sterno-soaked oysters, consumed on stage,
failed to lubricate the Student Players pro-
duction of "Hanlon Won't Go" to much
above mediocrity.
This former Hopwood Award winner, like
Hanlon, asks for a handout-but from the
audience. It seeks the indulgence of all
who attend and asks them to remember
constantly that this is a student written
play. For without this reminder the play
would be silently replaced in its niche
among the dusty volumes in the Hopwood
Though the work is called a tragi-
comedy, it is neither tragedy nor comedy.
The play fails by jumping into the natural
pitfalls of a young author. The writing, a
curious combination of Saroyan and Ar-
thur Miller, is uneconomical and strained.
The gag lines are as stale as the true-
detective. story plot. The characters are
dull pinpoints. Whether Hanlon dies from
his friends' efforts or recovers from his
alcoholism, which is the pivot of the play,
is of no concern to anyone. As the play
progressed the hope was always present
that it would turn into anything but the
The denouement gave us the feeling that
we were witnessing a private joke carried
on by the cast. It was as if they were
simply disgusted with the entire turgid mess,
and had decided to brhlesaer the ending.

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students Ot
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control Of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown.........Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger............City Editor
Roma Lipsky..........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas ......Feature Editor
Janet Watts.........Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan..........Associate Editor
.lames. Gregory.......Associate Editor
Bill Connolly.........Sports Editor
Bob Sandell.,..Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton.... Associate Sports Editor
Barbara .Jans..........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible.... Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau..... . Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz.... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entll tld to the use for republication
of all news dispatches creditea to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved:
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.





aret, chose as its site a location immediately in front of the French 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Lane Hall,.
Chancery and not far from the Brazilian, British and Venezuelan University Museums: Friday Evening
Embassies. Program will deal with Fossil Fuels, il-
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.) lustrated by a movie on "The Coal

CALL ME MISTER, based apparently all-
too-loosely on the 1946 stage hit, may be seen
at the Michigan, today, tomorrow and Sun-


Wait Mr. O Malley--

.L- .L,

right, Mr. Shultz. Jane and I brought
L_ , .- - . t L I- A

Oh, that old money. But the bag the crooks





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