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February 23, 1951 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1951-02-23

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Puck men, Back on Homie Ice, Face North






Two Teams
Michigan will take on a tough
r North Dakota sextet tonight in
the first of a two-game series
that will go a long way toward
determining the Wolverines' chan-
ces to gain their fourth straight
bid to the NCAA hockey cham-
pionship playoffs.,
Both tonight's and tomorrow
night's games will start at 8 o'-
clock at the Coliseum.




Tonilght! DenySuppressing

of Fix Evidence

* *


AT THE present, three teams,
Michigan, Colorado College and
North Dakota are the top three
contending clubs for the two bids
from the Western NCAA district
to the four-team tournament that
will again be held at Colorado
Springs, March 15, 16 and 17.
The two teams from the
Western district will be selected
at a later date on- the basis of
their records against teams in
their district.
Michigan owns the top record
in Western district play with a
7-2 won-lost mark. Colorado is in
a close second with 9 won and 3
lost and North Dakota follows
with a 53 mark.
* * *
non-district foe this weekend,
Michigan must take both games
* * *

Don McEwen's attempt to run a nine minute two mile, and in the
process break two world records, will be the big event tonight as the
Wolverine trackmen play host to the always tough Michigan State
Normal team at Yost Fieldhouse at 7:30 p.m.
Coach Don Canham is giving McEwen his biggest chance of the
indoor season as far as the two mile race is concerned. The Canadian
Ace is entering the sixteen lap grind only, whereas he usually ran
the mile run followed by his favorite two mile just a half hour or so
later, naturally slowing the time on his always good performance.
ALMOST ASSURED of being bettered by McEwen is his own in-
door dirt track college and world record of 9:06.9 set last year. Also
in danger, but more remotely so, is Don Lash's time of 8:58.3, the all-
time record by a college runner in the two mile, set outdoors in 1936.
Catching the second spotlight will be the Hurons' great dash-
man Jim Bibbs. Bibbs tied the Yost Fieldhouse and set a new
Michigan AAU record last month as he ran a :06.2 60 yard dash
here i1n the Michigan AAU meet.
Giving the MSNC speedster his main competition will be Wolver-
ines Bill Konrad,, Dave Stinson, and John Wilcox.
THE 440 YARD dash will also find the Hurons giving Michigan}
top competition, as they have two men, Stan McConnor and Ab Ulmer,
who have quite often done the distance in less than fifty seconds flat.
Sophomore dashmen Al Rankin and Joe LaRue lead the Wolverine
cause, with both approaching fifty flat as their best time.
Because of this abundance of top quarter-milers on both
squads, a very tough fight is expected in the mile relay race, with
a resulting good time from the intenseness of the competition.
Some switching and experimenting is planned by Canham as he
runs his men through their last meet before the Conference Indoor
Meet to be held at Champaign Marsh 2 and 3.
* * * *
AARON GORDON has been shifted from the mile to the two mile
run, a race he had considerable experience with last year. Del Hyde
is being shifted from the two mile to mile run, leaving Bill Hickman
as McEwen's second Wolverine competitor. Ed Aylmer, Normal's Na-
tional Junior cross country champ is also looked on to give the Ottawa
junior stiff competition in his title bid.

NEW YORK-()P)-A newspaper1
report of a fix involving every me-j
tropolitan basketball team thatj
played in Madison Square Garden
last season was denied today by
New York's former police commis-
Former Police Commissioner
William P. O'Brien, who was in
charge of the department a year
ago, declared:
"I want to make a general de-
nial that any recordings were
ever suppressed. To my know-
ledge, no recordings were ever
made. Positively none were ever
called to my attention."
Earlier, O'Brien's successor, Po-
lice Commissioner Thomas- F.
Murphy - in office o n 1 y five
month-said he had no informa-
tion on such evidence or its sup-

But he asked Chief Inspector
August Flath to dig into the files
and see what he could find.
The Brooklyn Eagles described
the evidence as 40 wiretap record-
ings made during the 1949-50 bas-
ketball season.
wiretaps indicated a huge fix "in-
volving every metropolitan team
that played in Madison Square
The Eagle did not say 'who
allegedly suppressed the wire-
taps but referred only to a
"higher authority." The news-
paper added:
"The publication of this data, it
was said, would result in driving
every college team in the city out
of the Garden."

District Attorney Frank S. Ho-
gan, in the midst of a probe into
the latest and biggest of four col-
lege basketball scandals since 1946
said he knew nothing of any such
* * *
HOGAN has said that wiretaps
helped him crack the present col-
lege fix case involving eight play-
ers from Long Island University,
City College of New York and New
York University.
Seven of them played this sea-
son and one captained last sea-
son's LIU team.
Buy and Sell
Thru Daily Classifieds

. .. after big one


Grid Official
Issue Tops
Big TenSlate
CHICAGO-(P)-Football coach-
es and athletic directors yester-
day opened an important Big Ten
business session with some light
shadow-boxing on the subject of
a fifth football official next fall.
With such items as financial
aid to athletes, television, fresh-
men eligibility and possible re-
newal of the Rose Bowl pact on
the agenda, the confab started
with rating and classification of
grid officials to fit a fifth whistle-
tooter into next football season.
* * *
ber approved use of the fifth of-
ficial who will be classified as a

g ,xsecond he
the direct
the footba
subjects f
the facul
ference p
The Big
r ffootball o
.. Flying Nodak in Dallas,
s * s
from North Dakota to remain as n
top contender for an NCAA bid. PCC
The Nodaks worked out on 7iQj
the Coliseum ice yesterday af-
ternoon and following the prac- SAN I
tice, Coach Cliff Pirpur was Pacific C
none too happy about the task special n
facing his 13-man squad, voted to
"We've got four more road with th
games ahead of us after the game, w
Michigan series," stated Purpur, with the
"and all of them are against West- on the
ern district teams-two each with prospect.
both Michigan Tech and Minne-
sota. They're all must games as 10 major
far as our chances for an NCAA man will
bid are concerned."fel po
Minus ten lettermen from last field oppo
year's squad, Purpur's team still The Big
packs a strong scoring punch that two ideas+
has won the respect of his 19 op- ing of tl
ponents this year (the Nodaks "Sanity C
have a season record of 12 wins, is to libera
6 losses and one tie). on financi
Ken Johannson, a sophomore The oth
standout, leads the team in scor- restriction
ing and is closely followed by serving at
George Dickinson and Stan Mar- sectional
ek, a refugee from Czechoslovakia play a rou
who escaped from the Communists ly among
after the Czech team with which present, B
he was playing had Won the world or six con
amatur hockey championship in out their
1949. sid teams.

ead linesman.
ay's meeting will enable
tors to get the views of
all coaches on pertinent
or presentation today to
ty representatives, con-'
olicy-making group.
Ten's proposal of a fifth
fficial was recommended
national football rules;
at its January meeting
Tex.; for adoption by
Coast Conference at a
meeting here yesterday
continue its affiliation
e Rose Bowl football
'ith a new agreement
e Western Conference
classic in immediate
conferences. The fifth
take a position on the
site the head linesman.
g Ten has toyed with
on coping with the kill-
,he N.C.A.A.'s so-called
ode" last January. One
alize its own strict limits
al aid to athletes.
her is to keep its own
to tuition only to de-
hletes, but drop inter-
football contests and
nd-robin schedule sole-
the 10 members. At
ig Ten teams play five
if erence rivals and fill
schedules against out-

(Continued from Page 2)
and Band (for students not enrolled
in band courses.)
(b) Staff members of student publi-
cations. Examples Daily, Michiganen-
sian, Technic, Generation.
(c) Officers and chairmen of standing
committees in student organizations,
including house groups. (This includes
positions in house groups such as so-
cial, rushing, personnel, publication
chairmen, and house managers.)
(d) Class officers or candidates for
such office.
, (e) Members and candidates for mem-
bership in student government groups.
Examples: Student Legislature, Judi-
ciary Councils, Interfraternity Council,
Panhellenic Board, Assembly Board, As-
sociation of Independent Men, Inter-
cooperative Council, League and Un-
ion student government groups, Engi-
neering Council, Music School Assem-
bly, Business Administration Council.
(f) Committee members for major
campus projects and dances. Examples:
Michigras, Winter Carnival, League

Committees, Frosh week-end, Sopho-
more Cabaret, Assembly Ball, Interfra-
ternity Council Ball, Senior Ball, Home-
coming Dance, J-Hop.
(g) Representatives to off-campus
Special Permission. Special permis-
sion to participate in extra-curricular
activities in exception to the regula-
tions may be granted in extraordinary
cases by the offices of the Dean of
Womenand the Dean of Students.
Denial of Permission. The Dean of
women or the Dean of Students may,
in extraordinary cases, deny permis-
sion to participate in an activity or
Participation Lists, Managers and
chairmen of student activities and
projects are required to submit to the
Office of Student Affairs an alphabe-
tized list of all students participating
in activities under their leadership, in-
dicating positions held. For activities
which are organized at the beginning
of a semester, lists must be filed not
later than the end of the first week of
classes. For activities organized dur-
ing the semester, participation lists
must be filed within forty-eight hours
after the activity is organized.
The LINK AVIATION, Inc., will be
interviewing at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments on February 26. They are look-
ing for electrical and mechanical en-
gineers with a bachelr ormaster's de-
gree. MERCK & COMPANY, Rahway,
New Jersey will be interviewing chem-
(Continued on Page 4)

. . . two miler now
Tigers Open
Spring .Drills
For Pitchers
the last of its main-line pitchers,
Freddie Hutchinson, signed to a
1951 contract, the Detroit Tigers
openedi spring drills here yester-
day for its hurlers and catchers.
The group breezed through a
15-minute, ball-tossing warmup
and then took a few fat-burning
laps around Henley Field in 73-
degree weather.
OUTFIELDERS and infielders
do not report until March 1.
Hutchinson inked his 1951
contract only yesterday, plunk-
ing it into the mails barely in
time to avoid a "holdout" status
and get into the opening prac-
tice. All the other first string-
ers signed ahead of him.
Rolfe took a critical and far
above the average interest in the
workout of Virgil (Fire) Trucks,
who developed a lame arm and
was out most of last season after
winning 19 in 1949. He had a
3-1 record last season.
Trucks said his arm felt "pretty
good" and he expected it "to come
around." It didn't bother him in
gymnasium pitching practice dur-
ing the winter or in pre-practice
warmups here, he told reporters.
Rolfe is counting on Trucks and
rookie Sol Rogovin to take up
some of the pitching punch lost
when Art Houtteman, a 19-game
winner last year, was called into
the army.
Chicago 3, Montreal 2








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