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June 01, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-06-01

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Ci'r l1k te

T HE CLOCK is running out on the class of
1951. It's time to sit back and gaze re--
flectively over th year's accomplishments.
All in all, it's been a good year-a year
marked by satisfying achievements. The
Daily, celebrating its 60th year of con-
tinuous publication, has seen the installation
of its long-dreamed-of rotary press. Its edi-
tors, while aware of their failings, have the
satisfying knowledge that they have upheld
their responsibilities to the campus.
The Student Legislature has made re-
markable advances toward the establish-
ment of a sound student government. The
hard-working Legislators have seen the
opening of a permanent SL office building
and have gained considerable stature in
the eyes of the University. The Union and
League have expanded their services to
students and have sponsored several of
the most outstanding student productions
in recent years.
Student leaders have seen the successful
establishment of the new President's Con-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
ind represent the views of the writers only.
(Editor's Note: The following column was
written by a former University student, George
W. Mason, president of the Nash-Kelvinator Cor-
poration and one of the staunch supporters of
the. Vnversity's Phoenix Project.)
HE LEADING ARTICLE in the June 2nd
issue of Collier's is by Alfred P. Sloan,
Jr., Chairman of the Board, General Mo-
tors Corporation, and one of America's most
distinguished industrialists. Mr. Sloan points
out the importance of aid to colleges by
business. He cites the tendency towards de-
cline in the large endowments of the past
and the shrinkage of large personal for-
tunes. In past years these have played a
key part in maintaining and raising the lev-
el of higher education. For the future,. par-
ticularly in the field of research, the alter-
native is increased Federal aid and control
or the financial support of business.
What Mr. Sloan advocates, he and his
company have already demonstrated in their
major grant to the University of Michigan
-Phoenix Project. Mr. Sloan writes: "We
must remember that to a major extent our
institutions of higher learning provide the
basic knowledge which productive enter-
prise applies to its material advantage and,
in so doing, supports and advances our stan-
dard of living . . To insure a continuous
flow of this skill and know-how we must,
in turn, insure an expanding reservoir of
what I call fundamental knowledge."
In Michigan, business is already recog-
nizing the facts so clearly outlined by'
Mr. Sloan. More than 150 Michigan com-
panies have already contributed $2,200,000
to the Phoenix Project. All together, more
than $4,250,000 of the $6,500,000 goal has
been subscribed. If all Michigan business
responds as readily as many already have,
the goal will be achieved.
To business leaders the University is em-
phasizing its importance as a training cen-
ter for the- technical manpower that pro-
vides the mainspring of industrial progress.
They are being shown how their support of
the Project which pools the efforts of more
than 400 scientists will mean better use of
Michigan resources, better industrial tech-
niques, better living for all. Never before has
the University placed such a dramatic and
important program before business for its
--George W. Mason
Chairman and President
NashKelvnator Corporation

The Weekend
In Town
concerns Henry Daniell, Edward Ashley and
others in a philosophical sipping circle.
There's a big if about tickets, but it's worth
a try. A Drama Season offering at Mendels-
sohn today and tomorrow, 8:30 p.m. A 3:15
p.m. matinee tomorrow.
TIGHT LITTLE ISLAND, involving a ship-
wrecked cargo of whiskey And its effects on
an island full of Britishers, including Basil
Ladford and Joan Loring. Even Daily critics
giggled slightly when this.hilarious film made
its premiere here last year. For half a rock
at Hill today and tomorrow, 7:30, 9:30 p.m.
HARVEY is, as you must know, a big rab-
bit whom only James Stewart can see. Jose-
phine Hull, of the original B'Way cast,
shines in this fine adaptation of the Pulitzer
Prize-wining play. Today at the Michigan.
UP FRONT. a nantimated vosinn o fill

ference which promises to make substantial
contributions to both the University admin-
istration and the student body. And for the
fourth consecutive year, the stalwart Wol-
verines again brought home the Big Ten
football championship.
* * *
BUT UNFORTUNATELY, this glowing pic-
ture of accomplishment was marred at
the last moment by President Ruthven's un-
qualified veto of the SL-Student Affairs
Committee bias clause regulation. His un-
fortunate action dashed to pieces more than
two years of tireless student effort to estab-
lish some system which would remove the de-
grading stigma of the discriminatory clauses
existing in fourteen fraternity constitutions.
Those students who really know President
Ruthven could never doubt the sincerity of
his action nor the sympathy which he has
for the goal at which the time limit regula-
tion was aimed-the removal of discrimina-
tory practices in all campus organizations.
On nearly every occasion he has championed
the cause of democratic principles and prac-
tices here on campus and has encouraged
students to take an active part in defending
these principles.
Unfortunately, however, President Ruth-
ven failed to express these sympathies in
his veto action and was apparently blinded
by considerations of vested interests. If he
had bas$d his action on the belief that a
time regulation was actually not an effec-
tive way of removing discriminatory prae-
tices, his veto would have received more
sympathy-since very few of the students
and faculty members who helped to set
up the regulation were compleetely con-
vinced that it was the only way to bring
about the removal of discriminatory prac-
In vetoing the time limit regulation Presi-
dent Ruthven has dealt a telling blow to the
forces of democracy in colleges and univer-
sities all over the country. He may have
indefinitely blocked the removal of discrimi-
natory practices existing in some frater-
Perhaps almost as important, he has
dealt a crippling blow to the prestige and
respect of the Student Affairs Committee
and the Student Legislature-who have
been given the responsibility of legislating
and regulating nearly all student affairs.
President Ruthven's expression of "no-
confidence" in the governing bodies which
he had earlier sponsored and championed
is perhaps the most disappointing aspect of
his veto. While the wisdom of the time
limit regulation might be questioned by
many observers, President Ruthven's re-
jection of the will of these student-faculty
organizations can only be condemned.
But the matter will not be dropped here.
Next year's student leaders will continue to
search for new ways to remove the discrimi-
natory practices. The Inter-Fraternity Coun-
cil, through Its Human Relations Program,
has made substantial progress towards alle-
viating this situation, and can be counted on
to continue its program with renewed vigor.
MEANWHILE, more than 4,000 seniors will
soon lay down their books and head for
new and somewhat clouded horizons. But
before pulling the copy paper out of the
typewriter for the last time, a few thanks
are in order:
To Paul, Roma, Dave, Jim, Janet and
Nancy-The Daily senior staff-for mak-
ing the work here at The Daily a never-to-
be-forgotten experience.
To the chief, Bob Daniels, for his busness
staff which has been more than a necessary
To Barb Jans and Bill Connolly plaudits
for a women's page appreciated by the
women and a sports page appreciated by
the men.
To campus leaders George Roumell, Jerry
Mehlman, Jenny Quirk, Barb Little, Bob
Vogt, Dave Belin, Marv Lubech, Chuck Mur-
ray, Hal Sperlich, Charlie Ortmann and the
rest, for jobs well done.
And to the University of Michigan for
being the University of Michigan.

SINCE PRESIDENT Alexander G. Ruthven
has seen fit to veto the SL-SAC efforts
to force removal of restrictive clauses from
fraternity constitutions, the whole problem
has been returned to the Interfraternity
Council, placing a solemn obligation on that
group to take constructive action.
Examining the past record of the IFC,
however, one must be skeptical of its abil-
ity to meet the responsibility. For we find
that IFC discrimination policy has been
dictated primarily by expediency rather
than any sincere desire to accomplish the
professed ends.
Perhaps the classic comment of Pete
Johnson, head of the IFC Human Relations
Committee-"The pressure's on again, men"
-best summarizes IFC activity in this field.
The fraternity discrimination issue first
entered the national limelight in 1945-46
when Phi Kappa Psi fraternity expelled
their Amherst chapter for pledging a Negro.
The reaction to this led to the imposition of
a time limit for bias clause removal first at
Amherst, eventually at numerous other col-
leges, including a near-miss here.
The IFC till 1949 did nothing-skillful
temporizing parried a swelling campus de-
mand for action. But then the pressure be-
caie too great for complete inactivity. The
IFC enacted an innocuous motion recom-
mending that fraternities bring the matter
up before their national conventions, but
not requiring that they support it or setting
any deadline for removal. When the proposal
reached the Student Affairs Committee, Don
Rothschild, a member of the IFC, labelled
the plan a "'subterfuge" and asked the SAC
to reject it, which they did.
The next step came early in 1950-The
only really constructive action undertak-
en by the IFC. In conjunction with the
Survey Research Center, a study of dis-
criminatory attitudes of fraternity men
was made. Report-back sessions were held
with the houses, in which the survey re-
rults for .the individual house were re-
vealed, then compared with the all-cam-
pus norms.
This was certainly a valuable program in
ascertaining the extent of the problem and
forcing fraternity men to examine critically
their prejudices. But too much emphasis
must not be placed on it as a panacea for
bigotry. By itself, the survey actually ac-
complishes little.
This fall the IFC re-enacted a measure
similar in intent and provisions to the 1949
sham, and attempted to have it substituted
for the SL motion. Now that the SL propos-
al is defunct, the IFC substitute is presum-
ably back in effect.
The time of reckoning has arrived for the
IFC. A seemingly capable and sincere group
of officers, who appear to be aware of the
extent and implications of the problem, are
now in charge. Perhaps, through their lea-
dership, the organization will lift itself out
of the present morass of ineffectiveness.
However, whenever the legislative body,
the House President's Assembly, enters the
policy-making sphere, the IFC seems
doomed to failure. This group in previous
discussions has shown a colossal misun-
derstanding of the nature of the discrim-
ination problem. True, there is for next
year an unusually large crop of liberal
and informed house presidents. But there
is nothing to indicate the body is ready
to form any positive policy on their own.
If the Executive Council is able to un-
falteringly take charge, give the house pres-
idents yes or no alternatives, then perhaps
something worthwhile may result. The lea-
ders promise they are ready to do this.
The IFC has reached an important cross-
roads. It may "pick up the ball," undertake
a constructive program to eliminate bias
clauses and the discriminatory attitudes
they promote. Or else they may continue
their traditional policy of artful dodging.
If it chooses the former course, the IFC
may at last win wide respect on campus
as a mature organization. If it chooses the

latter, it will be engulfed in a tidal wave
of protest and likely find the issue per-
manently taken out of its hands.
From here on the challenge is squarely
upon the IFC.
-Crawford Young


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Student Advisors
To the Editor:

that has asked Dr. Ralph Bunche
to speak at our commencement. We
must be worthy of this honor!
--George Roumell, Jr.
Past President
Student Legislature
* * *

. .

.tettei'4 TO THE EDITOR
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

President Ruthven . .
To the Senior Editors:
I REGRET that the decision I
felt compelled to make in regard
to the action of the Student Af-
fairs Committee on March 6 will
probably be interpreted by some
persons as approval of objection-
able discriminatory clauses in fra-
ternity constitutions. I am strong-
ly opposed to such clauses and
trust that the fraternities will
move as rapidly as possible to
have them repealed.
My decision, announced May 29,
was based on the issue before me
for judgment, and not on the
right or wrong of discriminatory
-Alexander G. Ruthven
* * *
Bias Decision .
To the Editor:
NOW THAT exams are upon us,
the Student Legislature has
held its last meeting for the se-
mester, and the state legislature
has safely voted University appro-
priations, the SL's proposed time
limit on discriminatory clauses
has been vetoed with a message
that missed or ignored the real
Vested rights or property rights
have been used to rationalize sla-
very, monopoly, discriminatory
zoning restrictions, oppositions to
government price controls, and
probably could be fitted into
Frankie Costello's objections to
being televised. What the support-
ers of the status quo overlook, of
course, is that at some point in
the development of a democratic
society, archaic structures being
propped up by the individual "pro-
perty rights" theory become moral
issues involving human rights that
affect the entire society and that
must be resolved in terms of the
best interests of the entire society.
History has a way of remem-
bering those persons or institu-
tions who have recognized the
supremacy of the moral issues and
who have stood up in the face of
well-heeled opposition to support
the more democratic practices and
structures required by the society
of their time.
While history in the long run
will probably ignore our current
retrogression, its present detri-
mental effect on fraternity-inde-
pendent relations on the campus
in years to come, the status of
the SAC, and the stature and
prestige of 'the University itself
are the legacy left with us now.
The calendar makes itclear that
full discussion of the president's
premises, these consequences, and
future student action is conven-
Good news from some national
conventions this summer would
indeed be welcome. Yet is it to be
hoped that the new president will
consider a re-submitted SL pro-
posal with a broader perspective
and with a greater understanding
of its premises.
An issue which has divided the
campus as keenly as this must
ultimately be resolved in favor of
democracy. If we cannot put our
own house in order the issue will
ultimately be taken to the people
of the state where the subtleties
of compromise used in the present
proposal will be impossible.
-Tom Walsh

Bias Decision , .
To the Editor:
just been given another slap
in the face. This time by the
President o f o u r University
through his vetoing of the reso-
lution ordering fraternities to wipe
discriminatory clauses from their
President Ruthven cited two
reasons in his veto, neither of
which was valid and both of
which have been very well ans-
wered by the senior editors of
this paper in their timely editor-
ial of Wednesday morning.
The only hope for those of us
who deplore discrimination on
this campus and who still believe
that there is much be gained
from participation in student gov-
ernment, is that the Student Leg-
islature, particularly those who
worked so hard for nearly three
years in an attempt to have the
anti-bias clause motion passed,
will not let their efforts be thrown
to the wind by this uncalled-for
action on the part of President
Ruthven. Let us hope that they
will resubmit the resolution to
President Hatcher next fall at
the earliest possible opportunity.
Perhaps in him we may find a
man who will be the friend of stu-
dent government here at Michi-
gan. At least we can hope so.
-Gene Mossner
** *
Bias Decision . .
To the Editor:
THEY SAY that the IFC won a
victory last Tuesday when the
President vetoed the anti-bias
measure. I doubt this! How can
any American student who be-
lieves in Democracy allow himself
to be relieved of a moral obligation
by the rescinding of an action
passed by the representatives of
the student body and the faculty
after three years of debate. No,
the IFC has not won a victory.
They have actually gotten them-
selves over the barrel. They claim
that they are against discrimina-
tion. Yet, they show little action
toward the elimination of bias
clauses. Actions speak louder than
lip service! It is true that the IFC
has no legal obligation in this
matter now. Yet, the moral obli-
gation is still there! What is IFC
going to do about it?
They say that IFC is going to
forget about it. They did it in the
past. History repeats itself. The
pressure is off. Why work boys?
They say that IFC might put up
a front, but there will be no
genuine sincerity. What about that
small group of courageous house
presidents who will try to convince
the rest that this is no joke and
that something has to be done
about it? Don't worry, we'll give
them the word boys! Is this what
the IFC is going to do? Is this what
the boys of IFC are going to do? Or
are the men of IFC going to do
something about this problem. Are
courageous liberal house presidents
going to be heard?
I pray to God, in the name of
human rights, that the men, the
liberal house presidents will be
After all, this is the University

IN THE four weeks that the Stu-
dent Advisors were operating
.this semester over two hundred
students took advanatge of this
new service. I would here like to
thank all those advisors who con-
tributed their time and energies
to this program.
As a result of this interest we
are going to make this a perma-
nent program of the Student Le-
gislature in cooperation with the
Concentration Advisors and Aca-
demic Counsellors. During the
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs-
day of Orientation Week, Septem-
ber 18, 19 and 20, Student Advisors
will be available in room 25 Angell
Hall, from 9 to 12 in the morning,
and 1 to 4 in the afternbon. Old
and new students are encouraged
to avail themselves of this service
at that time. In addition, the Ad-
visors will meet the latter half of
next semester, like it has in the
past, to advise students about to
choose their elections for the fol-
lowing semester.
Within the next week we will
again contact concentration ad-
visors of the various departments
to ask them to recommend stu-
dents to serve in this capacity. Af-
ter that these students will be
contacted as to their willingness
to participate in the program, and
a time schedule will be worked out
to share the hours. We hope that
the nucleus of this group will be
thosenadvisors who have helped
this semester, and will be with us
next year. All these advisors will
receive early registration in the
If there are any students who
are especially interested in this
program, and would be willing to
help us during Orientation Week
in the fall, I would appreciate it
if you would notify me at the Stu-
dent Legislature House, 122 S.
Forest (34732), either by phone or
postcard, indicating when you
would be available and what your
summer address is. I would also
welcome any suggestions for or
criticisms of the present program.
Again I would like to thank all
those who cooperated in helping
us to set up this program.
-Alan Berson
Chairman of Culture and
Education Committee of SL
Silver Finale .
To the Editor:
THE NEPTUNE Film Society, af-
ter its original agreement was
cancelled, has been unable to locate
another hall where "The Birth of
a Nation" could be shown. There-
fore, the film cannot be given a
public screening this year.
However, the principles which
motivated our project remain as
valid as ever. We hope that another
group will again attempt to show
this film under the proper condi-
tions next year.
We also hope that those who
have supported us will in no way
harbor any ill-feeling toward the
newly established chapter of the
National Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People, or
will fail to give active aid to their
future activities.
Despite occasional differences,
our thorough agreement on the
basic goals of human equality and
freedom will, we are certain, lead
us to unite firmly and effectively
in dealing with the evil of discrimi-
-Allan Silver,
Neptune Film Society
Medical Research ...
To the Editors:
CERTAIN erroneous statements
in an editorial entitled "Dorm
Food Epidemics" prompt me to
offer the following information:
1. Laboratory tests would be

superfluous in diagnosing the ill-
ness that swept Betsy Barbour
house last month, the symptomo-
talogy is so typical and the disease
so common at institutional eating
tables. The girls were suffering
from staphylococcus food poison-
2. Laboratory tests are next to
worthless in verifying the cause
or determining what food was re-
sponsible. The "Stone test" will
be positive for almost any food
which has been uncovered for tbn
minutes, because the staphylococ-
cus is ubiquitous in its distribu-
tion. The presence of staphs on
food is perfectly harmless. Ex-
perience has shown that if food
is left lying around, however, with
the passage of time the staphs
will produce a toxin which is the
cause of the rather unpleasant
illness. As for the "cat test," it

has repeatedly proved inconclu-
sive, to say the least.
There is one good test available,
and that is for a human volunteer
to eat the suspect food shortly
after the epidemic has broken out.
Even if good lab tests were
available, I don't quite see their
purpose here. The agent of the
disease is known, the reasons for
the outbreak are known (accum-
ulation of food for a long period
of time before serving), the girls
are healthy and happy, I hope.
There are no after effects and no
fatalities, although many of the
young ladies in question may have
looked forward to a speedy demise
as a reprieve. The means of pre-
venting another occurance is to
clean out the dormitory icebox
every few days. This is sometimes
painful for a thrifty dietician, and
I have a hunch that staph poison-
ing, like the Burton Tower and
the Union front door, will be with
us indefinitely.
-Berton London, Med. '54
* * *
Aesthetic Apologies
To the Editor:
T HAS BEEN called to our at-
tention that GENERATION's
report on the modern furniture
exhibition contained several er-
rors. In the title, and in the text,
the exhibit was credited to the
School of Architecture & Design.
Actually, the University's Museum
of Art provided both the impe.tus
and the funds for the display; the
Museum of Art produced the show
in collaboration with A & D.
Also, the caption under one of
the photographs accompanying
the article would lead the reader
to believe that the three men in
the picture did all the organizing.
The full membership of the execu-
tive committee: Professors Cath-
erine B. Heller and Aare K. Lahti;
Visiting Lecturers Francesco Della
Sala and Roger Legrand; ir.
Edward Hammerskjold and Mr.
Charles Pearman.
GENERATION apologizes to
Museum Director Jean Paul Slus-
ser and his excellent staff for
these regrettable oversights.
-Siegfried Feller, Editor
(Continued from Page 3)
ment Aid Program, and two graduate
Truman-MacArthur Controversy, June
Students interested in participating
on the program may contact Hiru Shah,
Moderator of the Roundtable, 8598.
University Museums Friday Evening
Program, June 1: Three films at Kel-
logg Auditorium, 7:30 p.m., "Wooden
Faces of Totomicapan," "Panama-
Crossroads of the World," and "Colom-
bia and venezuela.
Coming Events
Hostel Club:
"Farewell" Get-together at Pinebrook.
Bikers meet at League at 1:30, Sat.,
June 2. . For car transportation, call
John Amneus, 3-0917.


cuRR~~lwr MVE

At Hill Auditorium..
Rank production.,
ON A RETURN engagement to Ann Arbor,
Tight Little Island, a near-perfect co-
medy at any time, provides a delightful re-
lief of pre-exam tensions.
The story involves the difficulties beset-
ting the thirsty natives of a remote island
in the Hebrides whose supply of whiskey has
been cut off until a ship loaded with "the
life-saving stuff" begins to sink just off
their shore. The simple but hilarious action
revolves around the attempts to salvage the
precious cargo.
The British sgenius for making fun at
themselves is never more ably demonstrates.
Basil Radford as the home-guard captain
represents the kind of inflated "Colonel
Blimp" type that all Britishers, and Scots in
particular, delight. in puncturing. As such,
he is thwarted by -one of the most efficiently
executed strategic manuevers of the last

At The Michigan . -.-.
HARVEY, with James Stewart, Josephine
Hull, and Peggy Dow.
AS A STUDY in the merits of objective
reality as well as a damn fine comedy,
Harvey is worth missing a final for.
Jimmie Stewart, as the small town genius
who didn't make good, holds the center of
interest from start- to finish politely holding
doors and buying martinis for his invisible
6' 31/' rabbit friend.
An attempt to commit him to a sanitarium
results in delerium-plot-complications, which
increases, as the story progresses. Reality
winds up a sorry loser.
This Pulitzer Prize Winner-as a play-
is top notch because the story, situation,
fascinatingly fantastic to begin with, con-
tains enough solid stuff to make the action
meaningful as well as amusing.

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown..........Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger .......... .City Editor
Roma Lipsky ..........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas ...........Feature Editor
Janet Watts ...........Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan ..........Associate Editor
James Gregory . ... ... .Associate Editor
Bill Connolly...........Sports Editor
Bob Sandell ... .Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans. ........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staef f
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible .... .Advertising Manager
Sally Fish.......... Finance Manager
Bob Miller........Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated. Press
The Associated Press is. exclusively
entitled to the use for republication.
of al news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


I'm a-getting out Aren't you going to twist
of these parts! So the cow's horns?... Hey!
long, Ii' pardner!Y

. .,..N 7M.!N ..N.t
Vice versa,

Are you all right, Mr. O'Malley?
Fine, m'boy. Where is

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