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May 19, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-05-19

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SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1951

___________________________________________________________ I __________________________________________________________________________________________ I _________________________________________________________________________________________

UNVEmbargo on china

AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
its recommendation to all members that
ey embargo shipment of war materials to
ommunist China, already judged an ag-
essor by the same body.
The vote was 47 to 0, with the five
Communist-controlled members "not par-
icipating," contending that the Assembly
has no right to act onmatters which are
>rimarily Security Council business, and
:ight abstentions.
The grouping of the abstainers is very
iteresting. With the exception of Sweden,
hich has a tradition of not acting against
her nations of that;class of nations which
ie Western world calls "underdeveloped":
fghanistan, Burma, Egypt, India, Indo-
esia, Pakistan and Syria. The economic
rouping is eye-catching.
China is not merely another country
ditorials published in The Michigan. Daily
re written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers. only.

which has been captured by the Commun-
ists. It has been, for more than half a cen-
tury, a center of revolt against economic
So are these abstainers. They not only
are suspicious of the Western world because
of imperialism past and present. There is,
too, a kinship bred by poverty.
Hong Kong has just been held up by Bri-
tain's Ambassador to Washington, Sir Oli-
ver Franks, as an outpost of Democracy
which is taking it on the chin as a result
of the embargo.
Hong Kong is really one of the reasons
why the poor folks of Asia refuse to join
in action against their kin in China.
Hong Kong is a place where a few for-
eigners sit atop a beautiful hill in rich
comfort, staring down any attempt to
breach the class line.
If it is a show window, it is one merely
to remind the hopeless masses of the things
to yvhich they are not permitted to aspire.
It represents an exasperation, not a hope.
Hong Kong is important to Britain, and
therefore to the entire western alliance. But
it falls far short of an example for Demo-
cracy. It is, rather, a part of the reason for
such a grouping in the UN as we have just

British Policy
EVENTS OF THE PAST two weeks indicate
an increasing willingness on the part of
Great Britain to breach the widening gap
between that country and the United States.
Probably one major factor contributing
to the change of heart was the recent ill
will in the U.S. against Britain's trading
with Red China.
However, Britain has not come far enough
from her previous policy in the Far East to
achieve the unity which should be implicit
in relations between the two leading world
The United States, in order to prevent aid
to Red China's economy and therefore aid
to her war machinery proposed a total em-
bargo on trade with Red China. But Britain
supports this embargo only so far as stra-
tegic materials are concerned. She plans to
keep the port of Hong Kong open to the
trade of "non-strategic" materials.
With Britain as one of the leaders the
United Nations Political Committee has voted
an embargo on Red China only on arms.
Moreover, although Britain allegedly cut
off all rubber exports to the Far East, there
have been reports that she has not complete-
ly stopped this practice.

f i F
Washingto MeArrGo-Round

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

'~ I

I tl

The Gross Goss . .
To the Editor:
L.the criticism by Miss Goss
and Mr. Gross, of the Sunday per-
Music Festival, I feel that a short
note to both is proper.
I don't know whether or not you
are students, graduates or paid
workers on the Daily. Whichever
the case, there should be a small
amount of humility in each of us
when we discuss the standards
displayed by other's.
I must agree with both of you
ona few of the points well taken
in your articles. I go back to the
criticism of the Heifetz recital as
well. But for college students,
whether you be music majors or
not, to openly criticise great per-
formers in their work on the "I
know it all" basis is vain and no
indication that you actually do
know it all.
Going back to the Heifetz reci-
tal, I agree with you that much
was left undone that evening.
However, it was not the playing of
the fiddle that annoyed you and
perhaps many present at Hill Au-
ditorium. It was a very poor choice
of program. Heifetz is still the
master of the violin regardless of
your personal likes or dislikes of
the type of music he played.
I remember that when I went t9
college back eleven years ago, it
was vogue to be socialistically in-
clined. We had all of the world's
problems solved-over a hot cof-
fee, a-cigarette and a "bull" ses-
pion. Never did we realize how lit-
tle we actually knew until we fac-
ed the life of the every day citi-
zen off the campus.
By the same token, you young
people who are a part of the jour-
nalistic activities at the Univer-
sity are, somewhat prone to think
you are the last word. Humility is
a wonderful thing. Try it some-
times on yourself.
,-Henry N. Ehrlich
* *



In a statement to the New York City
Bar Association Sir Gladwyn Jebb, British
delegate to the United Nations, proposed a
policy of British-American cooperation to
end the Korean conflict and prevent a third
world war, but in so doing defended Britain's
position with regards to trade by saying that
a complete embargo would be "cutting off
your nose to spite your face."



ASHINGTON-Two sentences in Gen.
Omar Bradley's opening statement a
w days ago are like twin keys which make
possible to peer through doors hitherto
ked. "We believe that every effort should
made to settle the present conflict with-
t extending it outside Korea," said Brad-
r. "If this proves impossible, then other
asures will have to be taken."
These two sentences deserve careful
xamination. Rationally, the first sen-
ence can only mean that "every effort"
being made to "settle the present con-
ict," or at least that such an effort
oon will be made. Moreover, the sen-
ence would not make sense unless there
ere real reasons for believing that a set-
lement of the conflict is at least within
le bounds of possibility. And, as first re-
orted in this space, such reasons do in
at exist.
For one thing, the Soviet rulers must now
ow that total Communist victory in Ko-
a is not possible unless the Soviets are
cling actively to invite world war. For
other thing, in recent days numerous
nts have been obliquely conveyed from

Looking Back


THE UNIVERSITY Famine Relief Drive
was being conducted on campus to
aise funds for food relief abroad in re-
ponse to a plea by former president Her-
>ert Hoover.
Railroads over the nation faltered but
ontinued service at 4 p.m. as a scheduled
trike by trainmen and engineers was post-
poned five days.
Seniors and sophomores were given tests
both in broad study areas and their fields
>f concentration as part of a nationwide
project to study postwar conditions in Am-
rican colleges.
* * ,

Soviet sources both to the American and
British governments, to the effect that a
settlement of the Korean war on the Thirty-
eighth Parallel might be arranged.
Under other circumstances, these very
tentative indications would not be taken
seriously-and they may, of course, mean
nothing. But they are taken seriously, if
only because this peculiar feeling-out pro-
cess-as ritualistic as the love dance of the
whooping crane-has formed an integral
part of Soviet diplomacy from the days of
the Nazi-Soviet pact right through to the
end of the Berlin blockade. The fact that
the hints are taken seriously is clearly re-
flected in the whole tone of the Marshall-
Bradley testimony.
* * *
THERE ARE OTHER straws in the wind,
like the surprising off-the-cuff remark
recently made by Presidential Adviser Av-
erell Harriman on a radio program, Harri-
man said that the Korean fighting might
end "nextweek, the week after, in a month
or two months." Harriman is not given to
talking through his hat-and to talk about
the Korean war ending "next week" with-
out any preliminary diplomatic spadework
at all is demonstrable nonsense. Again, there
is President Truman's widely-reported,
boundless confidence in peace in Korea-
and even the ebullient Mr. Truman could
hardly base such confidence on simple wish-
ful thinking, with no basis in fact what-
For these reasons-and others-Gen.
Bradley's first sentence quoted above
means simply that a negotiated settle-
ment of the Korean war is now regarded
as a realistic possibility. But if "this
proves impossile"-as it well may-then
what "other measures will have to be
The answer to. this all-important question
of course depends largely on events in Ko-
rea. One answer has already been publicly
underlined. If the Soviet rulers permit the
large-scale commitment of planes or sub-
marines based outside Korea, devastating
counter-attacks will be precipitated. The
Soviet rulers will then be confronted with
the choice between abandoning their most
important satellite, or inviting general war
by intervening openly. The Soviets may be
willing to accept this hard choice if only
because there is no other way the Com-
munists can win.
Otherwise, it is reasonable to expect that
the second Chinese offensive which now
seems to be in prospect will be defeated as
decisively and bloodily as the first. It is
also reasonable to assume that the Chinese
armies will then be incapable, at least for
some time, of heavy offensive action.
IN THIS CASE, a new policy for Korea
has at least been quite seriously consider-
ed. For the United Nations forces might
then be firmly established on some prede-
termined line, whether on the Thirty-eighth
Parallel, or further north, on the narrow
neck of the Korean peninsula.
It might then be announced that the
purposes of the United Nations in resist-
ing aggression had been achieved; that no
further UN advance was contemplated;
that the established line was to be re-
garded henceforth as the frontier of free
Korea; and finally, that any crossing of
this line by Communist forces was to be
considered proof of new aggression. The
minimum response to such aggression
would be the whole MacArthur program
for attacks on the Chinese mainland.
This plan for a sort of unilateral settle-
ment of the Korean war would admittedly


It is true that Britain is not economically
sound, and at present needs money badly.
But she should realize that her own econo-
mic needs are not the primary factor to
consider at the present time. If Britain
is really in agreement with the United
States with regards to ridding the Far
East of Communist aggression she will
find a way to get economic aid elsewhere,
and concentrate her efforts on maintain-
ing unity within the democracies.
In many ways Britain has shown' her
willingness to cooperate- and has revised
many of her former policies which would
hinder unity, but it is important that she
go one step farther. This is not a tiipe when
democracies can afford to squabble over
economic interests, and surely without too
much difficulty Britain and the United
States could agree to a permanent united
-Cara Cherniak


The 12th Ann Arbor drama season opened
with Conrad Nagel in "The Male Animal,"
by James Thurber and Elliot Nugent. The
comedy had been acclaimed as one of the
most amusing hits of the 1940 Broadway
The Wolverine track team lost the Big
Ten title to Indiana in the decisive meet at
United States seizure of French island
possessions in the Western Hemisphere was
advocated by senators Clark of Missouri,
Reynalds of North Carolina, Pepper of Flo-
rida, and Murray of Montana, in 'view of
Marshall Petain's talk of collaboration with
The Supreme Court declared unconstitu-
tional a law regulating wages, hours, and
prices in the soft coal industry, the Guffey
Act, calling it an invasion of state powers.
William D. Revelli, the University's new
band director was praised as a "second Tos-
canini" and "the best school band conduc-
tor in the country" by another distinguished
conductor, Edwin F. Goldman.
The Daily extended congratulations to its
colleague, the Ann Arbor Daily News on its
100th anniversary.
-From the pages of The Daily*

At The Orpheum . ..
HOBOES IN PARADISE, starring Fernah-
del and Raimu.
RAIMU and Fernandel are two extremely
facile-faced Frenchmen, and they de-
deserve much more opportunity to use their
considerable talents than this film offers.
be a legend told to the children of Pro-
vence. It involves two golden-hearted rum-
mies who combine drinking and philan-
thropy at the annual St. Nicholas mardi
gras. In the midst of the festivities a hit-
and-run carriage hits them, and they
wake up in the nether regions.
After knocking around hell awhile, they'
are sent to heaven where they get into
trouble with the authorities. An attractive
Mary pleads their case and they are sent
back to earth to be good boys.
If there is a moral to all this, it is difficult
to come by. If it is satire, the scenes in
heaven should never have passed the cen-
sors. If, as I suspect, it is a vehicle for its
two stars, it doesn't do much for them.
There are some moments, all rather
commonplace, in which Raimu and Fer-
nandel are funny. They make the most of
a double death-bed scene in which they
are really alive. Their attempt to sneak
past a befuddled St. Peter is good for-
several laughs.
But the total impression is frightfully
mixed up. The two French comedians can do
character parts and straight farce well, but
in this case they are obviously such types
that they lack character interest. and there
is an appalling lack of farce. A remarkably
funny undertaker uses his few minutes on
the screen to help keep the whole thing from
collapsing completely.
-Gregg Perry
Isolatiois m
WHAT MADE Vandenberg unique was the
fact that he, more than any other living
man, had a thorough knowledge of isola-
tionism. He outgrew the old type of isola-
tionism-the belief that our nation could
r-nnoa - ls rnm a i --niff -m lip roc ofth

W ASHINGTON-For some time this column has called attention to j
the shipment of war materials behind the Iron Curtain by Euro-
pean nations. It is only fair, however, to point out that some American
businessmen also have been guilty of the same practice.
Most people don't realize that a steady trickle of strategic
materials has been reaching Communist countries from the U.S.A.
Here are some American firms which have been transshipping:
1. Rolfe G. Grote of New York, who sent chemicals to Switzer-
land, later transshipped them to Soviet Russia.
2. The Pacific Trading Corporation of Boston which tiansshipped
steel plates to Communist China.
3. The Harris Chemical Corporation of New York which obtained
a license to ship chemicals to Belgium, then transshipped them to
Communist Czechoslovakia.
Last December 27 this column also revealed that the Aluminum
Corporation of Canada, an affiliate of the Mellon-controlled Alumi-
num Corporation of America, had shipped 3,000,000 pounds of alumi-
num to Communist Poland, at a time when the American public was
getting dangerously short.j
NOTE-It is also a regrettable fact that Formosa, where Chiang
Kai-Shek is in control, has sent some materials to Communist China,
while Japan did the same thing while General MacArthur was in
TWO SIGNIFICANT phone calls to Washington were placed from
Panama City during the attempt of President Arnulfo Arias to
take over the Isthmian republic. One was to President Truman in the
White House.
President Arias got on the telephone and did his best to reach
the President with a view to having Mr. Truman make a public
statement in support of the Panamanian President. However, Mr.
Truman had been tipped off that something like this might hap-
pen and refused to take the call.
Following this, Arias telephoned to the State Department and
tried to get Assistant Secretary of State Ed Miller, in charge of Latin-
American affairs, on the phone. Miller also was wise. He "was busy."
Perhaps the most amazing part of the whole business was the
ex-Panamanian President's gall. For not only has he never been popu-
lar with the United States, but shortly before Pearl Harbor, the United
States pulled effective, though secret, wires to oust Arias as President
of Panama. At that time, when war had already started in Europe
and Washington expected the United States to be sucked in, Arias
was considered pro-German and pro-Italian. He had served six years
as Panamanian Minister in continental Europe, and after returning
to Panama was especially obsequious to the Italian and German
consuls, while ignoring the British and Americans.
He also chose as .his secretary a near-albino named Antonio
Isaza, who had served as consul in Hamburg and whose fair hair
and blue eyes caused him to be a great rooter for the Nazi theory of
supremacy of the Aryan race.
Because the Panama Canal Zone was so important to the
United States during the war, Washington wanted to take no
chances with a pro-Nazi president in Panama. Therefore, diplo-
mats waited until Arias flew to Havana on one of his periodic
trips to visit his mistress, and during his absence the Panama
Republic quietly revolted. Arnulfo found himself out of a job.
Re-elected president in 1948 by a slender margin of about 1,500
votes, the Arias regime seemed doomed to trouble almost before it
got started.
One of his troubles was the economic situation, which signifi-
cantly was brought on by Panama's own policy of demanding that
American bases be withdrawn.
During the war, special bases were granted to the United States
on territory of the Republic outside the Canal Zone. After the war,
however, the Panamanian Assembly demanded that U.S. troops with-
draw to the Canal Zone, and the United States, much to the surprise
of many Latin-American observers, immediately complied.
This, however, meant that large numbers of U.S. troops were
withdrawn entirely, and along with their withdrawal went their spend-
ing power. Since a large part of the Republic lives from the spending
of American troops, this put a serious crimp in Panama's economic
condition and political troubles have followed.
AMERICAN SCIENTISTS are unable to understand why the Rus-
sians haxe exploded only one A-bomb. Our most elaborate scien-
tific detecting devices have detected no indication that the Kremlin
has set off a second atomic explosion. Some of our experts feel that
the Reds have found a method of detonating their bombs which
eludes our scientific instruments. Others claim the Russians are so
far behind the U.S. in bomb- development that they would merely
show their lack of progress by exploding another "old fashioned"
type of bomb
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

demic freedom conducted by the
New York Times, and for his edi-
torial treatment of the issues in-
volved, except for the sweeping
generalization that Communists
should be, disqualified as teachers
in our colleges and Universities.
This dogmatic disqualification for
personal beliefs would seem to be
at variance with Mr. Thomas' con-
cern not to limit the free explora-
tion of knowledge and truth. Any
person who perverts his teaching
position for the purposes of propa-
ganda disqualifies himself as an
objective scholar and thinker, but
this disqualification cannot safely
be determined by a blanket indict-
ment of any particular political
belief. If the issue of academic
freedom is ever to be resolved, it
will come about through the rigor-
ous exclusion of extraneous con-
siderations in determining-teacher
-The Executive Committee
of the Council for the Arts,
Sciences, and Professions,
S. S. Schneider, Secretary
To the Editors:
THE CURRENT discussion of
Barnaby provokes us to com-
ment that when Crockett Johnson
was producingthe strip it was,
indeed, masterly. Some of us still
seem to feel it has the same touch.
To us, the undersigned, it has not.
We have not had the good fortune
to make Pogo's acquaintance.
-Mary Walsh
-Katharine Tryon
For Both .
To the Editor:
WE HAVE enjoyed "Barnaby"
for years, finding in this
comic strip intelligent and subtle
humor. How anybody can miss
this is surprising. Remove some of
your criticism columns, replace
them with Pogo (more worthy hu-
mor), keep Barnaby,I and your
paper will be improved immensely.
There's too little to laugh about
these days as it is.
-Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Simonton
WE MUST never fool ourselves
that the ideas of the totali-
tarians can be killed by anything
but better ideas that win universal
acceptance. We must never indulge
in the foolish hope that fascism
and communism can destroy each
other. The conflict between the
two is nothing but a struggle for
power. It is not an ideological con-
flict; both use almost similar
methods and both have a common
enemy in democracy.
-New York Times


To the Editor:
THE WRITER, who considers
himself the oldest freshman on
the campus, having entered in
February at the age of fifty-nine,
believes that Dave Thomas's edi-
torial of Sunday, May 13, 1951,
"The Democratic Challenge,"
should be answered.
Thomas complains about the
fathers and grandfathers deciding
on what is taught, and by whom it
is taught. Who has a better right
to make this decision? Whose sac-
rifices made possible this institu-
tion? Your economic department
teaches that production has to pay
for all goods, and that choice has
to be made by the receivers of that
income as to how it is spent. It
was the decision by the fathers,
grandfathers, and previous genera-
tions to forego benefits for them-
selves that made' possible this in-
If Dave Thomas is working and
paying his own way, he is still only
paying a small part of the cost.
The state is supplying around $14,-
000,000 this year with 18,000 stu-
dents that figures $770 a student
Tuition for an outstate student is
around $400 a year. Add to what
the state pays the interest on the
investment and a student will find
he is only paying about a third the
cost even if he comes from outside
the state.
Most of the students are also
receiving from their parents the
cost of their keep and other ex-
penses.. I don't believe that Dave
Thomas would want someone else
to tell him how to spend his money
Why should he tell others?
He also objects to the loyalty
oath for professors. We demand
this from the military personne
and our elected and appointed offi-
cials. Why should not the profes
sors, who are public officials, b
Higher education is a privilege
not a right, as a person familial
with foreign countries will realize
I, personally, am thankful for the
previous generations that mad
possible the University of Michi-
gan and believe that the majority
of the students feel the same way
-Harold W. Carttes, '55
Academic . .
To the Editors:
THE EXECUTICE Committee of
the Council for the Arts, Sci
ences, and Professions wishes t
commend Dave Thomas for hi
news coverage, in last Sunday';
Daily of the recent survey of aca




tr g tn ti1

Fatherly Advice



jw--_ - °
Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University'of Michigan under the
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- *


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