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May 18, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-05-18

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CditoMZ6 TMote


Tidelands Oil

"Any Leaks?"


granting mnuch greater responsibility to
the Joint-Judiciary Coucil in the handling
of disciplinary cases is one of the most sig-
nificant steps forward in student self-gov-
ernment in recent years.
Although under the new procedure fi-
nal authority in all disciplinary matters
still remains with the faculty Sub-Com-
mittee on Discipline, the actual decisions
as to what penalties shall be handed stu-
dents who violate University regulations
will now be made by the student Joint-
The wisdom of such a procedure is self-
evident. Under the present University gov-
erning structure, students have been given
a considerable voice in all legislative mat-
ters. They properly constitute a majority
on the Student Affairs Committee in which
resides final authority in all administrative
matters concerning students.
Up to the present time, however, they
have been given little voice in judicial mat-
ters. Such a system placing legislative and
administrative authority with the students
but denying them an adequate voice in the
adjudication of student disciplinary affairs
was obviously an incongruity.
With the institution of the new proce-
dure, however, this incongruity has been
largely removed. Perhaps even more im-
portant, the student members of the Joint
Judiciary Council in much closer con-
tact with the student body than are the
three' faculty members of the Disciplin-
ary Committee. This will enable them to
inject a deeper understanding of student
problems into the conduct of their hear-
In saluting the new disciplinary procedure
it would be impossible to refrain from cit-
ing three persons who were largely res-
ponsible for making the plan a reality,
To Prof. Lionel Laing, recently retired
membe r of the Student Affairs Committee,
i due much of the credit for the new pro-
cedure. It was he who chaired the SAC sub-
committee which originally recommended
the plan and it was he who skillfully steer-
ed it through the University's administra-
tive organs to its adoption.
Jim Smith, former president of the
Men's Judiciary Council, was also highly
instrumental in the adoption of the new
procedure. As a member of Prof. Laing's
sub-committee he helped iron out many
of the difficult problems surrounding the
plan and later guided the Joint Judiciary
through the first weeks when the proce-
dure was placed into operation.
And finally, a great deal of credit for the
success of the new disciplinary procedure
is due Prof. William Blume of the Univer-
sity Law School. As chairman of the Disci-
plinary Committee, Prof. Blume wholeheart-
edly supported the campaign for adoption of
the new procedure and has been most help-
ful to the Joint-Judiciary in the subsequent
successful operation of the plan.
Editorials pblished in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
sented by the University Gilbert and Sulli-
van Society, Pattengill Auditorium.
FROM THE TIME a giggling coed chorus
went on stage with its "Titipu Toddle"
dance step, last night's performance of "The
Mikado" became more than a good musical

comedy-it became an exuberantly success-
ful one.
"The Mikado" got off to a good start,
and never stopped getting better. It be-j
gan with a succession of witty and melodic
numbers performed competently by the
male chorus and male leads. With the
introduction of the feminine factor, its
success was assured.
Unlike so many student musical shows,
this one was free of the slow-moving por-
tions which often mar such productions.
Most of the credit for this feature of "The
Mikado" must go to Messrs. Gilbert and
Sullivan, but the fine direction of last night's
performance by James Ueberhorst had much
to do with its excellence. If the cast had
any opening-night jitters, they certainly
weren't noticeable.
Outstanding among a superior group of
soloists was James Fudge, who played the
role of Koko, the Lord High Executioner,
and Mary Jo Jones as Yum-Yum, as tasty
a dish as ever appeared on an Ann Arbor
stage. Fudge and Miss Jones were tops in
both the singing and acting departments.
Special praise also must go to David
Murray for his portrayal of the Lord High
Everything-Else, David Tolan as the Mik-
ado, and Frances Morse, who played the
difficult role of the beastish Katisha.
Such well known numbers as "Three

W ASHINGTON-A snappy closed session of
the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs
Committee points up some of the cross-
currents which are effectively stalemating
the administration legislative program.
In it, Senate majority leader McFarland
voted with four Republicans and two
Southern Democrats to give the adminis-
traticn- a setback on the tidelands oil
issue. Two Republicans from interior states
who had previously sided with administra-
tion forces were absent. They could not
have saved the situation however, even if
present and willing to do so, in view of
Senator McFarland's defection.
The two southerners whom Senator Mc-
Farland joined in the voting were placed on
the committee after he had been elected
leader with the almost unanimous support
of the southern bloc. They are Senators Long
of Louisiana and Smathers of Florida. As
coastal-state senators, they were dead cer-
tain to oppose federal ownership of tidelands;
in fact, both were on record to that effect--
Long in the Senate and Smathers in the
As Southerners they were also expected to
go against the administration on another
important controversial issue handled by In-
terior and Insular Affairs-statehood for
Alaska and Hawaii. However, Senator Long
supported Hawaiian statehood.
The Supreme Court has upheld the
Federal government's "paramount inter-
est" in offshore oil rights which are loosely
known as tidelands oil. Actually this is a
misnomer since the Federal government
never has and does not claim rights in the
narrow strip - over which the tide ebbs and
flows nor in bays, inlets and harbors.

What it does claim are rights over the
stretch from low-water mark to the three-
mile limit and the continental shelf be-
yrnd it.
President Truman has so far beaten ef-
forts by the states to get back the so-called
tidelands by Congressional sanction. But
he has not been able himself to get Con-
gressional approval of a federal arrange-
ment for their management.
In an effort to arrive at an interim solu-
tion, Interior Committee Chairman O'Maho-
ney has introduced a proposal giving the Sec-
retary of Interior the right to manage the
tidelands until the matter is finally settled.
Senator Long's amendment to substitute
a federal quitclaim to the whole property was
recently defeated, 7-6. Senator McFarland
voted on this occasion with a majority in
which Republicans Ecton and Watkins
joined all the Democrats except the south-
The newest effort by Senator Long-a.
proposal to substitute interim management
by the states instead of by the Secretary
of the Interior-has now succeeded with the
majority leader for it and Senators Ecton
and Watkins absent and not voting.
The majority leader is by nature a man
who seeks compromise. It is fair to add
also that he has a very slight majority
with which to work. But the end result is
another stalemate though Chairman
O'Mahoney says grimly he hasn't given up
the struggle.
Meanwhile, administration Democrats are
recalling that they made the fight to elect.
Senator O'Mahoney leader because they
feared exactly this kind of problem with
their program.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

__________ -' IEARINKS

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(Continued from Page 2)
fiiliment of the requirements for thel
degree of Master of Music at 4:15 Sun-
day afternoon, May 20, in Hill Auditor-
ium. Mr. Ellis is a pupil of Robert
Noehren. The recital will include works
by Mozart, Van der Horst, Sowerby,
Holler, Bach, and Reger; open to the
Student Recital: Margaret Farrer,
Pianist, will present a program at 8:30
Sunday evening, May 20, in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Bachelor of Music. A pupil
of Marian Owen, Miss Farrar will play
compositions by Bach, Beethoven, Bar-
tok, and Ravel; open to the public.
String Quartet Classes, under the di-
rection of Paul Doktor and Oliver Edel,
will present a program at 4:15 Monday
afternoon, May 21, in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall. It will include the first
and last movements of Dvorak's String
Quartet, On. 96, Quintet for String
Quartet and French Horn by Ross Lee
Finney, and Beethoven's Quartet in A
minor, Op. 132. The public is invited.
Student Recital: Unto verner Erkkila,
violinist, will present a recital at 8:30
Friday evening, May 18, in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium, in partial fulfil-
ment of the degree of Bachelor of Mu-
sic. A pupil of Gilbert Ross, Mr. Erk-
kila will play compositions by Corelli,.
Bach, and Franck. The public is in-
Student Recital Postponed: Robert
Pearson, tenor, whose recital has been
announced for Mon., May 28, will pre-
sent his program on June 20 in the
Rackham Assembly Hall.
Composers Forum Cancelled: The
program announced for Sunday, May
27, in the Architecture Auditorium, has
been cancelled. Instead, it will be pre-
sented at 4:15 p.m., Tues., May 29, in

Photographs & Sketches of Eastern
Mediterranean Architecture, by Peter
Frantz, Graduate of the College of Ar-
chitecture & Design; through May 19.
1st Floor Exhibition Corridor, colege
of Architecture & Design.

" . , c.

Washington Merry-Go-Round

Greece and Turkey

AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
the American suggestion that Greece
and Turkey be included in the Atlantic
Pact, but there is no indication that some
of the other members areready to drop their
The whole thing may turn out to be
largely a matter of U.S. assurance to the
The Weekend
In T own
BASEBALL, Wolverines vs. Purdue, 3:30
p.m. today and 2 p.mf. tomorrow at Ferry
TENNIS, a clash with the crew from Ohio
State, 10 a.m., at IM varsity courts tomor-
TRACKMEET, with Michigan Normal and
Purdue at Yps under the lights (7:30 p.m.).
SOCCER makes its first appearance lo-
cally, with game between Michigan All-Stars
(students) and Michigan State Soccer Club,
2:15 p.m., Ferry Field.
* * *
TENNIS BALL, 'capers on the courts
sponsored and supervised by WAA and the
Union, 9 to 12 p.m. tonight, Palmer Field.
(In case of rain, same time Saturday night.)
putting this on. No reservations necessary,
but bring your own blanket. From 7:30 p.m.
on, complete with movies, group singing, jazz
(Leopold) and mosquitos.
UNION dance for the less hardy, adven-
turous souls. Reliable Frank Tinker and
reliable music in the ballroom.
THE MIKADO, a Gilbert and Sullivan
Society production, with curtain raiser "Cox
and Box," tonight and tomorrow night at 8
p.m. at Pattengill Auditorium. (See review
this page).
PHAEDRA, final offering of the Arts The-
atre Club, ends Sunday night.
SION, first play of the drama season. An
early Shaw work, it stars Edna Best and
John Archer tonight and tomorrow at Lydia
* ,,4
HARD to find, rarely shown "Hunchback
of Notre Dame" featuring Lon Chaney, spon-
sored' by the SL Cinema Guild, showing at
Hill at 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. today only.
THE PAINTED HILLS, with scene-steal-
ing champion Lassie, today and tomorrow
at the State. The usual fare of the young
master in trouble and the courageous mutt
who saves him. Shades of numerous Rin-
Tin Tins, but in technicolor.
LUCKY NICK CAIN at the Michigan to-
day, with small arms fire of George Raft
fading tomorrow inti.

Iwo Mediterranean countries that they'!
are considered a part and parcel of the
Western European anti-Communist line-
up, and that Washington intends to look
after their military interests.
The opposition in Europe to the inclusion
of the two countries in the pact bears no
relation to the reluctance of these same
countries to include Franco Spain, except
insofar as all the countries are jealous of
their priority rights to American arms. This
is an important matter whenever the ques-
tion of dividing American products comes
But Greece and Turkey are respected by
all, both for. their relative military ability
and their obvious determination to fight
any Comunist aggression. There is not so
much doubt about them ideologically as
there is about Franco, whose non-Democra-
tic governmental methods place him more
in the class with Tito of Yugoslavia. It
might be said in passing that both seem to
be working toward a better basis of cooper-
ation with the democracies.
It seems likely that unanimity among
the pact members on admission of Greece
and Turkey will be very hard to obtain,
if not entirely impossible. Everybody
understands that if there is aggression in
Europe, everybody will be involved. But
the matter of such formal commitments
is another thing.
The probable upshot of the U.S. proposal
is likely to be the establishment in the mind
of Europeans of the importance of Greece
and Turkey on the southern flank of the
Democratic defense line, and to pave the
way for American treatment of these two
countries, in the matter of war materials,
about the same as pact members.
starring Lon Chaney Sr. Presented by the
S.L. Cinema Guild, tonight at Hill Audi-
SILENT MOVIES can be bores and the
notion that lack of sound is in itself a
virtue is a fallacy held only by our more
arty friends. But The Hunchback of Notre
Dame has some genuine virtues: the per-
formance of Lon Chaney pere, the vitality of
the crowd scenes, and some ingenious pho-
The entire movie is informed and ani-
mated by the gargoyle presence of Chaney
who combines horror and grace-horror
through the genius of his make-up and
grace through the'ape-like athleticism of
his movements. He succeeds in capturing
the sympathy of his audience while re-
pelling them by the sadistic delight he
takes in inflicting pain.
At right angles to Quasimodo's movement
up and down the tower, is the vast surge
of the mobs through Paris. Alternately
drunken and cruel, angry and violent, they
present no flattering picture of the people.
And it is easy to understand Quasimodo's
hatred of the mob.
The essence of this picture is movement
and it is recorded by the camera with high
imagination and skillful variety. There is

WASHINGTON-The American public has shown its ability to take1
the 'bad news along with the good and therefore has a right-
to know about our worst disaster of the Korean war. So far the facts
have not been released at the Pentagon,.
Last month, however, 40 B-29 superfortresses, escorted by
jet fighters, bombed the International Bridge connecting Sinweju,
North Korea, with Antung, Manchuria. The B-29s were hugging
so close to the Manchurian border that one side was exposed and
approximately 100 Russian MIG-15 jet fighters hit them from
the exposed Manchurian side, breaking up the formation.
Two B-29s were shot down, a third was listed as missing but was
seen crashing into the sea. Seven of the big spperfortresses had to
crash-land in South Korea, while one more was badly damaged but
made it back to the home base.
Despite this disastrous toll, the bridge wasn't even hit, and the
mission was a complete failure. On the other hand, most of our
bombing missions have been far more successful and the Air Force
on the whole has done an amazing job. When our planes get close to'
the Manchurian border and Russian planes, however, the hazards in-
* * *
THE RUSSIANS are playing the same kind -of trick in India that1
they did in France-a trick which helped inspire the Friendship1
Train in the United States.
In India today, the Kremlin has suddenly announced that it is1
sending 50,000 tons of wheat to the Indian people; and as a result of
this carefully timed move, Russia has monopolized the headlines and
won thousands of new friends. Actually, Russia is selling the wheat,,
not giving it. In contrast, the United States has been selling wheat!
to India at the rate of 100,000 bushels per month for some time. '
In a somewhat similar situation in France in 1947, Russia
landed one shipload of wheat in Marseilles during the height of
the French drought, and, thanks to a parade through the city,'
got reams of publicity and left the general impression that she
was feeding the French people.
Actually, France had to pay for the Russian wheat in dollars,
This incident helped give this writer the idea of having the Am-
erican people collect food by means of the Friendship Train for the
then hungry people of Western Europe, and showing motion pic-i
tures of the food collections and of the train in the theatres of Europe1
so Europeans could see that the food really came from the friendly]
American people.
Somewhat the same people-to-people movement is now taking
place in regard to food for India. Thousands -of college students and
others have raised wheat which they are shipping through the Indian
Embassy in Washington. Meanwhile Senator Humphrey of Minnesota
has worked out an arrangement with the American Red Cross where-
by anyone can send cash to "Friendship Grain," care of the Red Cross,
Washington, D.C., and it will be used for the purchase of food from
government surpluses and shipped to India.
In other words, while Congress dillydallies, the American people,
as usual, are way ahead of their legislators.
SO MANY THOUSANDS of words of testimony have been published
regarding the MacArthur dispute, that it is difficult to keep the
record straight. However, here are a few important facts, not all of
them published, which should be weighed in arriving at conclusions:
General MacArthur mentioned four points in the now-famous
Jan. 12 memo from the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Actually, there were 16
points in this memo, and it was perhaps natural that he should men-
tion only the points which best supported his case.
Of the 12 other points, many were technical, but several signifi-
cant. One point that hasn't been published was a proposal by Wash-
ington to use anti-Communist Chinese Guerrilas on the Chinese main-
land and the "silver bullet" policy. The latter refers to the time-honor-
ed custom of buying off Chinese generals with silver.
Another important unpublished point was the Joint Chiefs
of Staff advice to stabilize the Korean line if possible, and if not,
to evacuate Korea altogether. Evacuation, however, was vigorously
opposed by MacArthur, his chief objection being that it would
appear to be a military defeat. It is understandable that he didn't
want to finish his career with a military defeat, but it is also
interesting that he and Secretary of State Acheson heartily con-
curred in opposing any withdrawal from Korea.
Their reasons, however, were different. Acheson felt that if it was
finally necessary to withdraw, the withdrawal should be acknow-
ledged as a military defeat. We should tell the world that we had done
the best we could to block aggression, he argued, but were outnum-I
bered. There was nothing dishonorable, he felt, in military defeat as,
long as we had done our best.
General MacArthur, on the other hand, believed that if we had
to withdraw from Korea it should be labeled as a political decision by
the UN, rather than one forced by military necessity,
Fortunately, Chief of Staff Collins fle4 to Korea shortly there-
after and decided that the UN could hold.
(copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

the Rackham Assembly Hall.
The Daily welcomes communica-
tions from its readers on matters of7
general interest, and will publish all
letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding
300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for
any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from
publication at the discretion of the
Sphinx Replies* *
To the Editor:
SPEAKING for the members of
the Society, Sphinx, I should
like to extend a formal apology to
the men of East Quadrangle, who
were disturbed by the noise at-
tending our tapping activities
Tuesday morning.
The tapping ritual is an integral
part of our' initiation procedure
and a formal way of indoctrinating
new members, University authori-
ties were aware of our plans that
evening, and had cautioied us to
use discretion where the rights of
others, not involved with our ac-
tivity, were concerned. This cau-
tion was kept in mind, but the
enthusiasm of the moment got the
better of our ordinarily exemplary
behavior. For this again, our apolo-
However, I cannot refrain, in
this moment of "chastisement," to
direct the East Quad member who
punned that, "Sphinx Stinx," to
Disraeli, who said, "It is easier
to be critical than correct."
--Bernard Kahn
President of Sphinx
Language 'Requirement
To the Editor:
, WOULD like to protest against
the proposed increase in the
foreign language requirement.
In the first place, it would add
one more requirement to a list
that already causes students
headaches in laying out their ov-
er-all programs.
In the second place, it would
accomplish no good purpose. The
students who want or need one
more year take it anyway. For the
others, an added year of language
will not give them a lasting read-
ing knowledge. This can be gained
only through constant practice-
which the uninterested student
will not take time for.
The second year of a language
takes good hard work and a lot
of it! The hours needed for end-
less translation could be better
used by the individual student for
courses and activities'more perti-
nent to his goal in college and life.
The present requirement is suf-
ficient to give us as liberal a
knowledge of foreign language as
we are likely to need.
-Millicent Vinitsky, '54
* * *
Barnaby .
To the Editor:
T HIS GUY Pogo may have, his
fans, just like Hopalong Cas-
sidy does, but it is certainly sur-
prising that even two people on
campus aren't Tennessee Hennes-
sey fans.
Long live Barnaby!
-Dan Miner

Events Today
Michigan Christian Fellowship: Ethnic
Night Party and installation of officers.
7:30 p.m., Lane Hall.
World Cooperation Week, Calendar of
Fri., May 18-
9 p.m. - 1 a.m., International Ball.
Tickets on sale at International Center,
Sat., May 19-
2-4 p'.m., International Soccer Exhibi-
tibn, Ferry Field.
Sun., May 20-
6:30-10 p.m., Arab banquet and enter-
tainment honoring President and Mrs.
Ruthven, International Center.
Hillel: Friday evening services, 7:45
p.m.; Saturday morning services, 9 a.m.
All services are held in -the Upper
Room; Lane Hall.
Roger Williams Guild: Hike and
Wiener Roast. Meet at the Guild House
at 8:30 p.m.
University Museums Friday Evening
Program will deal with '}ississippi
valley Cultures. Film at Kellogg
Auditorium, 7:30 p.m., "The Mississippi
Hawaii Club: Business meeting and
election of next term's officers. 7 p.m.,
Room ABC, League.
Visitors' Night, Department of As-
tronomy: 8-10 p.m., Angell Hall. Dr.
Stanley P. Wyatt will give a short
illustrated talk in room 3017 on
"Exploring the Universe." Following
the talk the Angell Hall Student Ob-
servatory, fifth floor, will be open for
observation of the Moon and Saturn.
f the sky is not clear, the observatory
will be open for inspection of the tele-
scopes and planetarium. Children must
be accompanied by adults. This con-
cludes the Department's spring series of
visitors' Nights.
International Radio Roundtable, aus-
pices of International Center and
WUOM. Discussion every Friday at 7:30
p.m. on WUOM, and transcribed on
WHRV on Tuesday at 10 p.m. Subject
for discussion:
Commonwealth of Nations, May 18,
Prof. Lionel H. Laing, Moderator, and
three graduate students.
Public and Separate Catholic Schools,
May 25.
Students interested in participating
in the programs may contact Hiru
Shah, 8598.
Coffee Hour at Lane Hall, 4:30-6 p.m.
IZFA: Last executive meeting of the
semester, 4:15 p.m., Union.
Hillel Drama 'Group: Final business
meeting, 5 p.m., Lane Hall. Everyone
is urged to attend,
Coming Evets
Beacon: Last meeting of the semester.
Dr. P. W. Slosson will speak on "A
Yankee in King Arthur's> Court," Elec-
tion of officers, All members must
Hostel Club: Saline Round-vp, Sun.,
May 20. Call Norma Ockree, 2-4067.
Graduate Outing Club: Canoeing,
Sun., May 20. Meet at Grad. Outing
Clubroom, northwest corner of Rack-
ham at 2:15 p.m. All grads welcome.




Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown,...........Managing Editor
Paul Brentinger.........City Editor
Roma Lipsky .........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas ...........Feature Editor
Janet Watts ...........Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan ..........Associate Editor
James Gregory ........Associate Editor
Bill Connolly .............Sports Editor
Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans'.........,Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels ........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager
Sally Fish '..........Finance Manager
Bob Miller........,Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to tlis newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.




I if O'Malley is such a law-abiding

He was a-trying to pull sheep's clothing over


- ,!

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