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May 17, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-05-17

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See Page 4

Latest Deadline in the State
Joint JudiciaryGra te isew Ils Imnar








Council To Hear
Violations First
aculty Disciplinary Sub-Comonittee
Reserves Right To Review Cases
Daily Managing Editor
A far-reaching procedural change granting students a much
greater voice in the handling of student disciplinary problems was
announced at last night's Student Legislature meeting by John Ryder,
retiring president of the Men's Judiciary Council.
Under the new plan, which has been operating on an experi-
mental basis since last December, all disciplinary cases involving
students will first be heard by the student Joint-Judiciary Council
and later reviewed by the faculty Sub-Committee on Discipline.
This marks a significant change from the old procedure under
which all important violations of student conduct regulations were
heard only by the Disciplinary Sub-Committee, which is composed
of three members of the University faculties.
STEMMING from vigorous protests by a host of campus leaders
that students were not being given enough responsibility in the
handling of student disciplinary matters, the new procedure is an
outgrowth of a report submitted by a special sub-committee of the
Student Affairs Committee more than a year and a half ago.
The SAC sub-committee, which was set up to study "juris-
dictional problems," cited the lack of responsibility given students
in the administration of disciplinary matters as one of the most
glaring weaknesses in the strycture of student government on
To correct this situation the SAC sub-committee recommended
that all disciplinary cases involving students be referred to the
student Joint-Judiciary Council, subject to later review by the Sub-
Committee on Discipline.
* * * *
OBTAINING the whole-hearted support of the Disciplinary Com-
mittee members early last fall, the Student Affairs Committee adopted
the recommended procedure on an experimental basis on December
12 and later received official approval of the plan from President
Alexander G. Ruthven.
Since that time 36 individual cases and four group cases
have been referred to the Joint-Judiciary Council, which has
quietly been conducting weekly hearings for the past five months.
All disciplinary cases are referred to the Joint Judiciary by the
Offices of the Dean of Students and the Dean of Women and a
thorough and fair hearing of each case is conducted by the Council.
THE JUDICIARY'S recommended penalties, along with a com-
Pete transcript of the hearing, is then submitted to the Disciplinary
l C mmittee for review.
The penalties recommended by the Council during the past
five months, ranging from restrictions on social privileges to the
$300 Phi Gamma Delta fine, have all been accepted by the Disci-
plinary Committee.
All students are permitted td appeal the findings of the Joint
Judiciary and three such appeals have been filed. In all three in-
stances, however, the Disciplinary Committee upheld the recom-
mendations of the Joint-Judiciary.
When the ,procedure was originally adopted last December
the SAC members felt that it should be proven under fire before
being announced publicly.
The plan has been so successful, however, that President Ruthven
has indefinitely extended the procedure and Ryder was permitted to
take it out from under wraps for the first time at last night's SL
* * * *
PRAISING the manner in which the Joint Judiciary has con-
ducted its hearings, Dean of Students Erich A. Walter said, "I am
iroud of the work which our Joint-Judiciary Council has done.
"Their ability to handle difficult disciplinary cases is a sig-
nificant step ahead in greater student participation in the extra-
curricular life of the University.
"This new system of having students charged and punished by
their peers is one which I hope will continue indefinitely."
* * * *
ASSOCIATE DEAN of Students Walter B. Rea, who has sat in
on many of the Joint-Judiciary's hearings as an observer, noted
'particularly the "mature and intelligent" manner in which the hear-
ings have been conducted.
"The Judiciary members have made a thorough investigation;
of every case and their recommendations have reflected a mature
judgement and genuine fair-mindedness," Rea said.
Ryder, who has skillfully guided the Joint-Judiciary through the
recent experimental period, also praised the new proc'edure, terming
it "an extremely significant step forward in student self-government."
He cited the "extremely fine cooperation" his Council has received

from the Disciplinary Committee in setting up the new procedure.
"The Disciplinary Committee members have been very helpful to
us and have made no attempt to bind us with their opinions," Ryder

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Senators Hit
Gen. Bradley
Talk Refusal
Wrangling Halts
Mae Controversy
WASHINGTON -(- The in-
quiry into Gen. Douglas MacAr-
thur's ouster exploded yesterday
into a bitter wrangle among Sena-
tors over their power to force Geri.
Omar N. Bradley to tell what was
said at a meeting with President
Truman last April 6.
The White House talk was about
firing the Far East commander.
The dispute brought angry talk
that the White House may be
"pulling an iron curtain" down
on the testimony - and counter
charges that the Republicans may
be "trying to sabotage" the Asia
policy inquiry because they don't
like the way the testimony is go-
* * *
THE SENATE Armed Services
and Foreign Relations Committees
- conducting the hearing - will
vote at 10 a.m. (EST) today on
whether to try to force Bradley
to reveal the White House con-
versation. All the signs are that
Bradley will be upheld in his re-
Chairman Russell (D-Ga.),
the inquiry chairman, said the
question will be: "whether or
not a Congressional committee
has the power to compel an ad-
viser of the President of the
United States to disclose the
detailshof. a conversation had
with the President on a confi-
dential basis"
This issue arose yesterday when
Senator Wiley (R-Wis.) asked
Bradley, chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, to tell what was
said at the meeting which led to
MacArthur's dismissal six days
Dorm Survey
To Start Today
The Dorm Survey Committee
will distribute the first all-campus
residence hall survey question-
naires to each dormitory resident
"The questionnaire asks for the
student's evaluation of what we
all felt were the most pressing
problems," Dave Guttentag, chair-
man, said.
It was composed with the aid
of Kermit K. Schooler, assistant
study director of the University
Survey Research Center.
The queries concerning the
students' evaluation of the quan-
tity and preparation of food, the
quality of services received, the
facilities and the staff of the
residence halls.
As soon as the questionnaires
have been completed by the stu-
dents, the individual house coun-
cils will tabulate and evaluate the
results in their dorm.


Quick Change
MEMPHIS--(iP)--Audry Ba-
ker, 10 years old, always want-
ed to be an acrobat when he
grew up.
But now he's changed his
Audry saw some power line-
men stringing wire back of his
house yesterday. When they
took the slack out, the boy
grabbed hold. Up Audry went
-30 feet. Dangling there like
an acrobat was fun, he said,
until he looked down.
That's when Audry scream-
ed, attracting the attention of
neighbors. A blanket net was
set up and he dropped into it.
Now, he said, "I'm going to
be a preacher when I grow up."

Senate OK's
Bill To Send
ate yesterday approved a bill au-
thorizing the shipment of 2,000,000
tons of grain to famine-threatened
India on .a 100 per cent loan basis.
The $190,000,000 loan is repay-
able at low interest rates over a
period of more than 30 years.
* * *
uled to come before the House to-
day. Its fate there is uncertain in
the face of strong opposition.
In passing the legislation, the
Senate rejected a plea by Presi-
dent Truman who had asked
Congress last February to send
$190,000,000 worth of food to
India as an outright gift.
Several Senators noted that In-
dia herself never asked for free
aid. India also refused to barter
materials which might be used in
atomic weapons in return fox the
PASSAGE CAME BY voice vote
after the Senate voted, 52 to 32,
to approve the consignment as a
straight loan, instead of a half-
loan, half-gift as recommended by
the Senate Foreign Relations Com-
Without objection, the cham-
ber approved an amendment by
Senator Saltonstall (R-Mass)
requiring the Secretary of Agri-
culture to certify that grain ship-
ments to India "will not impair
the fulfillment of the vital needs
of the United States."
The amendment also provides
that the United States may nego-
tiate with India for repayment of
at least part of the loan in stra-
tegic materials.
Draft Test Moved
All students who were instruct-
ed to take the May 26 selective
service exam at the Intramural
Bldg. are to report instead to
Waterman Gymnasium, the Bu-
reau of Psychological Services an-
nounced yesterday.
Those scheduled to take the
exam in Rmn. 130, Business Ad-
ministration Buildingare not af-
fected by this change.

THE BRIGHTER SIDE OF LEARNING-A philosophy 33 class left its hot classrooms for the cool
shade under a tree in front of Angell Hall' yesterday. John Morris (left) philosophy instructor, is
explaining a problem in logic to two students. His class wads one of many which have dotted the
campus the past few days.

World News
By The Associated Press
LA PAZ, Bolivia-President Ma-
merto Urriolagiotia resigned yes-
terday and handed over the gov-
ernment of this turbulent tin-min-
,ing nation to a junta of three gen-
erals and seven colonels.
* * *
TEHRAN, Iran-Police arrest-
ed the No. 2 man of the fanati-
cal Fedeyan Islam, religious so-
ciety in a gun fight yesterday
and charged him with plotting
the assassination of Premier Mo-
hammed Mossadegh.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Food poison-
ing struck at least 448 soldiers
in two bases in the Washington
aria yesterday but the Army said
none of the victims was in seri-
ous condition.
* * *
CINCINNATI-Several hundred
Western Union employes, restless
in their demands for a new con-
tract, walked off the job yesterday
in Cincinnati and Philadelphia.
They said they were not striking.
IFC Revamps
Initiation Rule
The Interfraternity Council
House Presidents' Assembly last
night passed a new set of rules gov-
erning fraternity initiation.
According to the new regulation
men can not be pledged and initi-
ated into a fraternity during a
single school term. This semester,
because of the world situation, IFC
allowed students to both pledge
and affiliate.
The new regulation is a return
to previous IFC policy. It also in-
cludes the clause that a pledge who
can't make the necessary 2.0 grade
average after two semesters must
Earlier, IFC President Jack
Smart, 152BAd., announced that
petitions for IFC committee chair-
manships and assistant chairman-
ships would be due at 5 p.m. Fri-
day. All affiliated male students
are eligible for the posts.
He said those petitioning would
be interviewed Monday by the IFC
ErT9 lir _ w1. .

SLTo Study Barber Shop
Bias; Committees Named

Announcement of new commit-
tee chairmanships and personnel
and a move to look into alleged
discrimination against Negroes in
barber shops highlighted a lengthy
Student Legislature meeting last
New chairman of the vital Cam-
pus Action Committee will be Ken
Pledoges Beorin
IFC Charity
Work Projects
Pledges of Theta Xi and Alpha
Tau Omega yesterday led off a
series of constructive hell week
projects sponsored by the Interfra-
ternity Council.
Ten Theta Xi pledges scrubbed
the walls of the Ann Arbor YMCA
from 4 p.m. to midnight. And eight
neophytes of ATO spent the day
at the Clear Lake YWCA summer
camp, sanding and painting the
The social service projects were
greeted enthusiastically by the
pledges, who said they favored
them over the usual hell week ac-
Delta Tau Delta was the first
fraternity on campus to introduce
the social service theme to hell
week. Early in the semester 13 Delt
pledges washed and painted the in-
terior of the Thrift Shop, a local
charitable institution.

Babcock, '53. Human and Inter-
national Relations, second in im-
portance, will be headed by Wally
Pearson, '53.
OTHER TOP chairmen are:
Public Relations, Joe White, '53;
Culture and Education, Alan Ber-
son, '52; Citizenship, Phyllis Kauf-
man, '53; Calendaring, Lee Ben-
jamin, '52, and the new Varsity
Committee, Bob Perry, '52E.
SL passed unanimously a mo-
tion by Joe Savin, '53A, to co-
sponsor with the Ann Arbor
Council of Churches a commit-
tee to study problems of dis-
crimination in the city.
The primary purpose of the in-
vestigation, Savin said, mould be
to seek a solution to the problem
of barring Negroes from some local
barber shops.
quietly, the SL decided. A report
on the recent referendum indicat-
ed an inconclusive 400 vote plural-
ity for removing the restriction
on them. The group voted to table
the campus queens indefinitely.
By a slender six vote margin,
students disapproved the 18-year-
old vote referendum, it was re-
ported. The results will be trans-
mitted to the National Student As-
sociation, which requested the ref-
Before the meeting, a dinner was
held honoring outgoing members.
Tom Walsh, '51L, was presented
with a silver tray in recognition of
his era of service on the SL.

Reds Foree
General UN,
Allied Artiller
Blasts Attacker
TOKYO-(P)-Massed Chin
Reds smashed into allied lines
central and eastern Korea toc
in the opening battle, of the Co
munists' second spring offensi
The first thrusts ripped de
holes in the allied positions in I
mountainous east.
* * *
SPEARHEADED by an estim
ed 75,000 men in an offens
force believed to total nearly 50
000, the Reds forced a gene:
withdrawal southwest of Inje.
is some 25 air miles inland fr
the east coast and 75 miles nort
east of Seoul.
Allied artillery mowed dow
waves of attacking Reds. Fiel
dispatches, delayed by censor
reported an estimated 2,000 Red
were killed by artillery alo
during the opning stages of 4t
offensive yesterday.
First reports on the offen
told only of waves of Red foot's
diers but made no mention
tanks or heavy artillery.
s * *
AT U.S. Eighth Army He
quarters, the assaults were.d
cribed as general from the vicin
of Kapyong, in the west-cent
sector, to the east coast. Kapyo
is 32 miles northeast o Seoul.
One South Korean division i
the east coast was forced bac
an unreported distance. It Wi
the first allied unit struck I
force after a series of Red prob
ing attacks. The assault spre
quickly to American forces ea
and southeast of Chuhcho
more than 45 air miles north
east of Seoul.
The 20-mile mountainous stret
between Chunchon northeastwa
to Inje apparently was the mi
IN TOKYO, the general hea
quarters mid-morning eommu
Clue reported allied forces "xc
ed limited withdrawals as cene
pressure increased."
The attacks were heaviest jut
east of Chunchon, which is 4
miles northeast of Seoul.
An allied officer said two R
Chinese armies faced UN tor
in the Chunchon area.
OTHER reports reaching eig
Army said Reds also struck $Ou
west of Inje, on the eastern froi
Inje is four miles north of the 38
parallel and 75 miles northeast
Latest reports from the fro
indicated the allies were holdiA
their ground.
In all, the Reds hurled six jo
ing night attacks 'at suspected 84
spots in allied defenses in cent
and eastern Korea yesterday,..
Maj. Gen. William Hoge, wh
U.S. Ninth Corps was in front:
the heaviest Chinese concent
tions, said an all-out Chinese- (
fensive was imminent. He expe
ed the full ' brunt of the' atta
possibly within two days, wh
the moon is almost full.
Druids Strike
In DeepNight
DRUIDS, sons of magic

Foretellers of the future
Judges-very knowing, wise-
The fires in the tonehenxe

China' Fights for Rights
At Mock Council Session

Detroit Shuns
AFL Proposal
DETROIT - ) The union
backed down a bit today in its
stand on the Hutchinson Act in
Detroit's 26-day transit strike, but
city officials indicated they would-
n't accept the new proposal.

Professors Criticize HutchinsonAct


"Nationalist China" in a violent
attempt to protect her right of re-
presentation captured the limelight
in the "Security Council" meeting
which was conducted in the Busi-
ness Administration college last
night by the UNESCO Council.
The status of Nationalist China
was bitterly challenged when Red
China made a dramatic entrance
after a Russian resolution was
passed to admit her as an addi-
tional, temporary member of the

sented by Itiru Shah, Grad., pro-
posed that "the People's Repub-
lic of China be admitted as a per-
manent member of the Security
Nationalist China objected to
this proposal, but when the chair-
man, Sir Gladwyn Jebb, (Jim
Brown, Grad.), ruled that Na-
tionalist China may not have the
right of veto, the dignity of the
meeting exploded. William Halby,
'53, vigorously demanded his
"rights" and threatened the

The Hutchinson Act - chief
bone of contention in Detroit's'
current DSR strike -drew sharpj
criticism last night from three
University professors.
Both Prof . TC'Frril TTAarI, Ti

Conceding that the courts
would probably find the act both
constitutional and applicable to
the transportation tieup, Prof.
Smith stated that the measure
was "of an unfortunate type."

to cite a similar law in New York
which has been ignored in many
disputes by both civil authorities
and strikers. There the govern-
ment has negotiated settlements
and later pretended no strike ever

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