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May 11, 1951 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1951-05-11

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FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1951


Hillel Dance
f 'Spring Fling"
Will Be Given
Weekend Activities
To Include Carnival,
Open to All Campus
One of the highlights of the
Hillel Spring Weekend which be-
gins today and lasts through Sun-
day, will be the Hillel Spring
Dance, "Spring Fling," which will
; be held at 8 p.m. Saturday at the
Eddie Murry and his orchestra,
a Detroit group, will provide the
music for the dance which will be
based on a Spring theme. Tickets
wil be $1.50 per couple.
} ANOTHER highspot of the
weekend will be the United Jewish
Appeal Carnival and State Day
program which wibe held at 2:30
p.m. Sunday on the grounds of the
Tau Delta Phi fraternity house.
Fraternities, sororities, and
organized independent groups
will set up booths for the carni-
val, and a cup will be awarded to
the prize booth. Proceeds will be
donated to the U.J.A.
The weekend will begin with
Sabbath services at 7:30 p.m. at
Lane Hall.
* * *
AFTER the services, at 8:45 p.m.,
the Dramatic Club will give a read-
ing of the "Don Juan in Hell"
scene from Man and Superman by
George Bernard Shaw.
Saturday afternoon at 2:30
p.m. will be a picnic and outing
at the Island. There will be
various outdoor games and
sports in which students will
participate. There will also be
refreshments. Dates are not
necessary for the outing.
Also included in the weekend is
the Hillel Film Series showing of

-Daily-Roger Reinke
BRAVING THE ELEMENTS-Standing in the rain to publicize the
Hillel Spring Weekend is Merv Ezray, holding an umbrella for Al
Friedman who is putting up a poster for advertisement. The
weekend, which will include Hillel's annual spring dance, begins
today and lists through Sunday evening.

Although many houses have centered their activities about IFC
Ball, many other houses have scheduled parties as part of a last fling
before finals.
Many fraternities have planned dinners to precede the dance at
the IM Building tonight. These include Phi Kappa Sigma, Delta Sigma
Phi, Sigma Nu and Lambda Chi Alpha.
Delta Upsilon men will hold a pre-dance party tonight. On
Mother's Day, they will hold a tea for their parents at the house.
* * * *
ALPHA SIGMA PHI MEN will entertain at a dinner before IFC
Ball tonight too. They have also planned a picnic for Saturday to take
advantage of the "sunny" weather.
A whole weekend of activity is planned by Zeta Beta Tau. Tonight
before the dance, the fraternity will hold its annual spring banquet at
the Union. Tomorrow a picnic featuring intra-fraternity softball will
be held. At night an Egyptian party will be held at the house, com-
plete with mummie decorations and pyramids. Couples will enter the
house through a tunnel between the paws of a giant sphinx. Smoke
will curl to the ceiling in an atmosphere based on that of the ancient
era. Bob Leopold and his combo will provide music for dancing. A
skit will be presented entitled, "Anthony and Cleopatra Gone Wild."
VICTOR VAUGHN HOUSE MEN will take their dates on a picnic
to the Fresh Air Camp Sunday. The couples will play softball in the
afternoon and dance in the evening.
Kappa Nu will hold its annual Garden party tomorrow night. The
decorations will represent a flower shop. 200 Japanese lanterns will
add to the effect. The party will honor alumni and faculty. Dancing
will be on the patio.
. A pledge class party, "Crime on the Loose," will be held at the
Alpha Epsilon Pi house tomorrow night. The party will center on the
Kefauver Crime investigation as it would be in Ann Arbor. Miniature
paddles will be given to the guests.
A FORMAL DANCE is planned by men-of Phi Rho Sigma tomor-
row night. Russell Plimmer will provide the music for the couples who
will dance in a French setting. French waiters and decorations will
add to the atmosphere.
Dinner at the Alpha Kappa Kappa house will precede their spring
formal dance tomorrow night. Carlton Riding will provide the music.
Tau Delta Phi men will hold an unusual party tomorrow night. It
will be a mock fraternity pledge party with the guests being initiated
into the "Tau Delta She" auxiliary. The guests will go through the
entire procedure of becoming a pledge and being initiated.
PHI ALPHA KAPPA MEN and their dates will attend their annual
spring formal at their house after a dinner tomorrow night.
Michigan House and Betsy Barbour have planned a picnic for
tomorrow. After the picnic, couples will dance at Betsy Barbour in
the evening.
Anderson House has planned a picnic at the Fresh Air Camp
tonight as has Hinsdale house tomorrow. Sports in the afternoon will
be followed by dancing afterwards.
Delta Tau Delta has planned its activities about Mother's Day.
Tomorrow night, mothers will be escorted to the Men's Glee Club
concert. Sunday, they will be honored at a dinner.
WILLIAMS HOUSE will hold an "open" open house tomorrow
night. An informal dance and card games' are planned.
Alpha Omicron Pi pledges will give a party tomorrow night for
the actives and their dates. The theme will be the "Perils of Pledges."
Atmosphere will be created by the converting of the dining room into
a "torture chamber." Cut-outs of medieval tortures will decorate the

s * ,


, * *

"As You Like It" with Laurence
Olivier. Those who are not mem-
bers of the Film Series may also
Al Friedman is in charge of the
weekend, and Merv Ezray is the
publicity chairman. Doris Iser and

Jack Hains are co-social chairmen
in charge of the dance.
"The events are open to all the
campus," said Al Friedman. "This
weekend should contain something
of interest for every Michigan stu-
dent," he added.

Proceeds of International Ball
Will Assist ForeignStudents

Proceeds from the International
Ball, which will be held from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, May 18 in
the Union Ball room, will go to the
Foreign Student Emergency Relief

. .

. YOUR MIND-.. .
Bring your mother in on Saturday and U
let her select her own present -0
and something for you, too!
New jewelry, new blouses, new
Guatemalan stuff - and really terrific--
c Oils by Anne Nichols Wood. C
05O00 E. Liberty St. Phone 3-8781
;* { {<NYC O C7C<- > rC<- > (}SOI

This fund, which gives financial
aid to foreign students studying
'at the University, has been deplet-
ed and money is needed to replace
BECAUSE of the difficulty that
many foreign students have in re-
ceiving money from their native
lands, the fund was originated to
lend money to these students.
The International Ball is the
main source of income for the
fund. With this purpose in mind
the central committee of the
dance is hoping for a large turn
out of campus students, both for-
eign and American.
The dance will be the climax of
International Co-operation Week
to be held from May 12 to May 18
and sponsored by the International
Center and various local organiza-
based on an international theme.
Couples will enter the ballroom
through a large globe representing
the united world.
The walls of the ballroom and
the terrace room will be decorat-
ed with flags and emblems from
the seventy-three regions of the
world which are represented at
the International Center.
Pancho and his orchestra will
play for the dancing.
Tickets are $3.60 per couple and
may be purchased at the League,
Union, Administration Building,
from members of the International
Students' Association, or from
members of the International Ball
central committee.


House Adviser
To BeHonored
Residents of Lloyd Rouse, in the
West Quadrangle, will bid a formal
farewell to their associate adviser,
Mrs. Virginia Harryman, at an
open house from 2 to 5 p.m. Sun-
Mrs. Harryman will become cor-
relating house director of the
South Quadrangle this September.
She has been adviser to Lloyd
House since 1946.
More than 300 Lloyd alumni
and parents and guests of residents
are expected to attend the open
Tennis Ball Tickets
Ticket sales for Tennis Ball
which will be held on the Pal-
mer Field Tennis Courts will go
on sale today. They will be sold
on the diagonal from 10 a.m.
to 3 p.m. and at the Union
from 3 to 5 p.m.



Buy and Sell
Thru Daily Classifieds

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She'll delight in the long
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Nothing can touch the
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A fresh, sensational, anti-
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ing, this pure cream costs


I ^"qw




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