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May 11, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-05-11

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Campus Pc
THE ANNOUNCEMENT that the Board tf
Regents will soon consider a proposal to es-
tablish regular police protection for. the
campus area has led many students to be-
lieve that University officials are planning
an all-out drive to enforce University regu-
And when The Daily reported that "it
is not yet known whether enforcement
of student conduct regulations" will be
one of the duties of the new force, this
way of thinking was strengthened.
It is probably safe to say, however, that
student rules were a minor consideration
,on the part of University negotiators.
The plan is really the outgrowth of de-
mands by city officials that the University
pay for services that go unremunerated by
itaxes. Being a State institution, the Univer-
sity cannot be taxed. City fathers have long
protested the fact that the school has re-
ceived such services as fire and police pro-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.



IThe, Weekend

In Town

BASEBALL today against the East Lans-
ing (MSC) diamondmen, 3:30 p.m., Ferry
TENNIS-against Northwestern, 1 p.m.
today at Ferry Field.

gan State

MEET against-or with-Michi-
tomorrow, 2 p.m. at Ferr Field.
* - * *

IFC BALL tonight at the IM Bldg.-with
Harry James, his trumpet, band, but, pre-
sumably, not his wife.
room of the Michigan Union tomorrow
night, as is customary.
* *C
MEN'S GLEE CLUB, directed by Philip
Duey-at Hill Auditorium tomorrow night,
at 8:30 p.m.
PHAEDRA, by Racine, is the final offer-
ing in the Arts Theatre Club's extremely
successful first series. (And membership for
next fall's series are now on sale). Phaedra,
which opens tonight, is the tragic story of
a woman who goes for her step-son; the
play has been called the Hamlet of the
French Theatre. This weekend and next
week at the Club's Theatre.
HELL SCENE from Shaw's Man and Su-
perman tonight, 8:30 p.m. in Lane Hall; a
presentation by the Hillel Drama Club. For
other events of Hillel Weekend-of which
this is a part-see women's page.
MIRANDA is, apparently, a subtly naugh-
ty French high comedy. At the Orpheum to-
day, tomorrow, and the Sabbath.
MOLLY, a movie version of the radio's
beloved Goldberg family, has gotten nice re-
views; the warm, family comedy type of
film. With it is a second feature, QUEBEC,;
in flaming technicolor, with flaming thrills
(this from the ads) with John Barrymore,
Jr., who presumably breathes out flames. At
the Michigan today.
SOLDIERS THREE is based on Rudyard
Kipling, stars Stewart Granger, Walter Pid-
geon, David Niven, Robert Newton, and $t
girl. At the State today and tomorrow. Sem
review this page.
FARM. Well, this is one of those Ma and
Pa Kettle comedies. Gentle humor, some-
what different from MIRANDA. (See
above.) Starting Sunday at the State. ,
RAWHIDE, starring Tyrone Power, comes
tomorrow to the Michigan.

olice Plan
tection, and sewage repair without paying
for them.
During the past few years, the Univer-
sity has been increasingly generous in car-
rying its share of the city's financial bur-
den. According to Mayor William Brown,
Jr., since he took office six years ago, th
University has paid the city nearly $300,06
for such things as sewer repairs, fire equip-
ment and police protection.
These payments, however, have been
mae in a somewhat helter-skelter fa-
shion. Only the police payment-the equi-
valent of seven policemen's salaries,-is
made on a set time basis. The city ne-
gotiators say that they want a more de-
finite plan. And they want( more money.
They have proposed two ways of going
about this. The first involves regular pay-
ments for services to self supporting Uni-
versity functions such as the League, Un-
ion and Residence Halls. Secondly, city ne-
gotiators have suggested that the school
might take over-and thus pay for-some
University representatives have rejected
the first method for the time being. The
plan for deputizing members of the Ann
Arbor Police Force as agents of the Board
of Regents is a step toward enactment of
the second idea.
Although details of the program are not
complete-in fact it is not even certain that
it will be approved, it is obvious that both
the University and the city would profit
from it.
Increased payments to the city would
mean either pay raises for the present
force or an enlargement of it. On the
other hand the University will receive in-
creased property surveillance, aid in slv-
ing the parking problem and greater pro-
tection in emergencies.
Although the plan may require the new
University police to enforce student regu-
lations, it is not aimed in any way at crack-
ing down on students. It is but a step to-
ward solving a long-standing financial prob-
lem between the University and Ann Arbor.
-Vernon Emerson
JWarni ng
To Russia
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
PRESIDENT TRUMAN has reminded peo-
ple of what many have forgotten in the
course of the MacArthur dispute-that the
risk 'of war with Russi, anywhere involves
the risks of atom bombs on American cities.
Now General Marshall follows through
with the statement that there is a very real
danger of Russian intervention in the Kor-
ean war.
Both the President and the Defense Chief,
at the same time, have taken the opportun-
ity to remind Russia that the United States
is ready for strong retaliation against any
extension of the war. This seemed primar-
ily to revolve around intensified air activity,
or any attacks outside Korea such as on the
bases in Japan or by submarine on the sup-
ply lines. But there is also a suggestion of
general application.
General Marshall, particularW, seems dis-
turbed that the senate inquiry into Korean
policy tends to disclose so much of the
country's military business to the enemy.
But if the setting serves to drive these
warnings home to the Communists then one
prime objective will havebeen served.
The odds are that the Korean incident
would not have occurred if Russia had sus-
pected how America would react. The great
meaning of intervention in Korea was its
notice to the aggressors that the western

world will fight them.
But the defense preparations of the Al-
lies-the actual mobilization of some four
million men and the rapid production of
their equipment, plus the American atomic
demonstrations and the known productivity
in that field-serve as an implicit warning
to Russia that aggression will beget retali-
ation. There is no other reason for the cre-
ation of such a force.
At the same time the debate over the
MacArthur dismissal has placed emphasis
on the extreme care-a care which made
the general cry out in frustration-with
which provocation of a general war has been
avoided by the allies. Not only the Chinese
have been allowed to mass their armies and
organize their attacks in a sanctuary. Dur-
ing the whole war the planes have been held
back from the Siberian border, even to the
extent of permitting Russia to use North
Korean cities for mass delivery of war sup-
plies from Vladivostok without interference.
It is only natural to chafe under such a
policy, to feel that it is carrying fear to the
extreme, to feel that it is ignoble and an ad-
vertisement of weakness. But if it is neces-
sary to the highly practical matter of buy-
ing time for adequate preparation to meet
an atomic war, as General Marshall sug-
gests, then it can be endured.
Letter Writing
I THE GREAT letter writer must be an

Home Front
W ASHINGTON - Wonderful, wonderful
The Civil Defense Administration holds a
two-day conference on vital problems of
civil defense highlighted by presidential
warnings about atomic bombs falling on
Washington-but where Congress has not
yet appropriated a thin dime for civil de-
CDA is living out of Mr. Truman's back
pocket while Congress-the same Congress
that is solemnly debating extending the
Korean war with attendant grave risks of
provoking world war-systematically hat-
chets CDA budget estimates. The budget
asked for $403,000,000. The House cut it
to $186,750,000. Senate appropriations is
recommending $84,000,000. Proposed fed-
eral contributions to states have been
axed to zero. A $100,000 House created
emergency fund has vanished.
Meanwhile when the telephone rings in
the CDA press room the cry goes up: "Don't
answer, boys; it may be the bill collector."
The nation's cattlemen in association with
the American Farm Bureau Federation and
the packers hold a gala cocktail-and-roast-
beef influence party for Congress and the
press-but then can't answer the simple
question of how they will lose money if
Price Controller Di Salle's beef rollbacks
The meat fiesta brought out a distinguish-
ed collection of reporters and statesmen.
After all, the nation's meat dissatisfactions
in 1946 largely turned over an election to
the Republicans and the farmers are the
capital's most powerful lobby.
A Wall Street Journal reporter, who had
listened politely while the industry spokes-
men argued that a sound government fiscal
program would mean more meat at less
money, asked for the facts and figures on
where the Di Salle shoe pinched them per-
sonally. He never did find out during the
meeting. Mr. Di Salle says beef prices to
farmers would still be 120 per cent of parity.
President Loren C. Bamert of the Am-
erican National Cattlemen's Association and
a California cowman, who presided, admit-
ted it wouldn't hurt him and passed the
question along.
The cattlemen began to tell how hard, it
was to raise beef cattle, pausing for some
pleas from the New York Herald Tribune
and Time for fuller explanation of their
vernacular. President Kline of the Farm
Bureau gave his $500 lecture on the money
supply; he says there's too much of it in
circulation. Some slightly fatigued Wash-
ington correspondents would like to match
Marriner Eccles, the super-articulate Fed-
eral Reserve Board Governor, and Mr. Kline,
who, incidentally, is a director of the Fed-
eral Reserve Bank of Chicago, in a 10-round
talkathon on money. The betting odds would
be even.
After the unequal struggle had contin-
ued for an hour amid stony silence from
such members of congress who had not
slunk away, one rugged cattleman was
heard to snort: "Communists, ain't they?"
Representative Coley of North Carolina,
chairman of House Agriculture, was more
constructive. He finally arose and warned
his hosts bluntly that they had better dig



"Where Did Everybody Go?"
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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


!d fi tvG I

up some figures before
his committee.
(Copyright, 1951, New York

showing up before
Herald Tribune, Inc.)

PARIS-For the time being, General of the Army Dwight D. Eisen-
hower and his international staff are polishing up their plans,
getting on with whatever can be done immediately, and biding their
time. But before long, some pretty grim decisions are going to have to
be taken about the ultimate size of the Atlantic defense forces and
their eventual composition and disposition.
The mere fact that these absolutely fundamental decisionst
have not been taken yet, is enough to show the hollowness of recentf
optimistic talk. The American productive machine has been putr
into high gear, but it will be a year to eighteen months before the1
really critical items, such as aircraft and tanks, are available in
quantity. Gen. Eisenhower has begun his great effort, but it willt
be two to three years before Western Europe and the Western1
world are really secure. This is the true state of affairs today.-
For the present, the French government is visibly incapable of1
any positive action whatever until after a national election. Moreover,t
the long range Western defense plans are still incomplete. Thus the un-i
comfortable time of fact-facing and of decision-taking will probablyt
not come before July. Meanwhile, however, it is already possible to
define the main policy problems which the American, British and
French governments are going to have to solve somehow, if Gen.
Eisenhower is to have a really firm foundation to build upon.
FIRST, COMES THE great issue of German participation. For the
present, all efforts are being directed towards organizing a pre-t
liminary defense of the line of the Rhine, to which, of course the
Germans will not contribute. But this Rhine plan has long been
recognized as a very poor stopgap. And, German divisions are essentialj
for a defense nearer the Elbe.J
The signs suggest that this delicate question will be approached
obliquely. The global requirements for an adequate forward defense'
will be plainly stated. It will then be obvious that this number of
divisions cannot possibly be provided except by German participation,
or by the heaviest sacrifices by the other Western Europeans. Thus
the French and their sympathizers will have to choose between reject-
ing the principle of an adequate defense, or accepting the Germans
as equal defense partners.
Second, comes the controversial problem of the air-ground
balance within the overall Western defense force. When this
reporter left Washington at least the Pentagon was still firmly
clinging to the old rule of thumb, one division, one air group. But
the best minds here on the Allied staffs, among the prospective
German military leaders and among Gen. Eisenhower's subordi-
nates, all have, a different concept. Their rule is: the smaller the
ground force, the larger the air force. Thus the necessarily limited
Western ground army must be supported and sustained by really
overwhelming tactical air power.
By severing enemy lines of communication, by chopping up enemy
forces moving into position, by destroying enemy supplies, the air is
to cut the enemy's larger ground army down to the size of our smaller
defending force. Such is the theory. But for these purposes, perhaps
a hundred air groups overgll will be needed in Europe alone, in addition
to the home defense air forces in America, Britain and elsewhere. As
Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge has already shrewdly demonstrated, getting
this kind of satisfactory air balance may demand drastic re-thinking
of American air plans and programs in all fields from appropriations
to production.
HIRD, COMES THE unpleasant problem of manpower. The French
and several other European At ntic pact partners still follow
the pre-first World War training ;em, which will not put modern,
combat worthy divisions promptly to the field. If the French, for
example, are to meet their commi t of forces for Western defense,
they must extend the conscript * ig program period from eighteen
months to two to three year y must allow some conscripts to
serve in Indo-China, so that pi can be brought home
and formed into the training c 1 rench army now lacks.
Here are more thorns to grasp
Fourth, there is thertr es ion of facilities. The
need to get on with the o ru ion of air bases is apparent
everywhere from Turkey and r and Tripoli around to France.
Here in France particularly, t ere is a massive air base require-
ment, since this is the natural region from which to back up a
ground effort in Germany or on the Rhine. Many other sorts of
installations, from headquarters to supply depots must also be pro-
vided and paid for. And the difficulties thus far have been so
great that even the headquarters from which Generals Juin and
Norstad are to command the main European ground and air forces
are not yet available.
There are other items that might be added to the long list, such
as the crucial Mediterranean problems already explored in this space.
Enough has been said, however, to prove two points. Gen. Eisenhower
will not even have a full set of tools for his job before the leaders of
the Western nations have done a lot more hard work. And even after
his tools have been provided, Gen. Eisenhower's job will take a long
time to complete.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

To the Editor:
A SEGMENT of the University
community, sincerely interest-
ed in advancing the cause of civilt
rights and equality for minority
groups in the United States, has1
been seeking a channel for their
action. Unfortunately, it has not,
always been possible in the past to
do so except by action through or-
ganizations or activities whose mo-
tives or background were some-
times questionable.
This week a campus chapter of
the National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People re-
ceived recognition and is dedicated
to just such action for the rights of
minority groups.
The NAACP, which has the
backing of 'many of our national
leaders, including Sen. Morris of
Oregon, Bernard Baruch and Sen.
Lehman of New York, can func-
tion, with the backing of the cam-
pus, to advance the understanding
among the elements that make up
the American racial melting pot.
I would encourage students who
can be there to hear Walter White,
executive Secretary of the NAACP
at 1 p.m. today in Kellogg Audi-
torium as he opens the activities of
the campus chapter with an ad-
dress on "Civil Rights and Demo-

Sheltered Soulds.s
To the Editor:



--o Mc ei

FORTUNATE ME! Well protected h
me! Happy me! The new policy d
to "equalize approval procedure t
for all groups on campus," or, in h
more descriptive phraseology, the h
latest infringement upon the rights y
guaranteed me by birth in this free
country has removed one more dis-a
comfort from my life. No longerg
need I wear ear plugs and fear
hearing the unapproved, unen-s
lightened voice of the older genera-n
tion-an unapproved voice speak-v
ing from unapproved, inadequate b
decades of unapproved experience,;
the unapproved voice which might
enable me to broaden my unap- i
proved outlook on this unapprovedc
The students are, and always willv
be while students, completely lack-b
ing of all approved intelligence, d
other than that required to memo-t
rize verbatum the lecturer's dis-t
sertation. For that reason it is
fortunate that they are preventedc
from making wrong decisions. a
I fear the arrival of the dayr
when I must leave this well guideds
and approved life to become au
member of the working class. Whor
shall I seek approval from? Howk
shall I know whether or not a1
speaker (s biased or speaks un-
The unfortunate town I choose
for residence will obviously not
have, beyond normal police force,
numerous highly paid deputized of-
ficers who spend the daylight hours
rolling unapproved cars from ap-
proved parking areas, and spend
the night cruising in squad cars
awaiting the opportunity to dem-
onstrate their approved authority
to assess fines and make arrests.
From the song, "Don't Send My
Boy to Harvard," come the follow-
ing lines-
"Just send him on to Michigan,
I'm sure he'll do quite well.-"
Naturally, he will-what else can
he do?
I feel a sneeze coming on, excuse
me that I may run and apply for
-William H. O'Keeffe
* * *
Barbour Food .
To the Editor:
THE PRETENSE under which
the University officials are op-
erating in the recent Betsy Bar-
bour food epidemic is highly indi-
cative of the negligence and the
inefficiency maintained through-
out the entire dormitory' meal ser-
vice. It is easy for a dormitory resi-
dent to attribute the epidemic to
food poisoning.
The way in which the food is
prepared and the amount of tie
lapsing between preparation and
service is of questionable nature,
especially when one realizes that
most kitchens are hot enough to
spoil many foods left standing.
University officials constantly
remind students of the expense in-
volved in obtaining foods which
will suit everyone. This claim is a
valid one . . . no two people have
identical food preferences. How-
ever, the dorm staffs seem to be
unaware of the economy necessi-
tated by a lack of sufficient funds.
The flagrant waste of time and
money spent on the preparation of
expensive foods such as mara-
schino cherries on each pear, bits


f olives in spaghetti, and blueber-
es in pancakes is appalling. The
honey used to purchase these un-
ecessary delicacies could be more
Lofitably spent on serving better
Lality main dishes, and the time
pent to prepare these main dishes
Certainly undercooked pork
hops and ham loaves are probable';
auses of acute stomach upsets,
nd definite causes of more seri-
us ailments. An overabundance of
ried and starchy foods never,
elped even the sturdiest stomach!
We do not know the cause of the
3etsy Barbour incident, but can
carcely help wondering if it isn't
he result of badly-prepared food.
'here will be many more tests, all
f which will prove strangely "in-
onclusive." However the facts of
his and the West Quad case,will
remain in the thrice." daily re-
minders to all dormitory residents.
-Nancy Greenberg
Dolores Hosel
June Laufer
Dorm Food..
To the Editor:
UTH9 EDITORIAL on dormitory
food a few days ago was good,
ut did not bring out the serious-
ness of the situation duite enough,
The West Quadrangle has just
served a luncheon of shriveled
rankfurters and soupy boiled
Navy beans. This unpalatable dish,
together with the same canned
fruit we have had in salads. and
dederts for the past three days, ls
typical of the food for which we
have had to pay three or four
hundred dollars during the past.'
year. The "holiday" meals cited in
the editorial are mediocre at best,
and, the everyday fare is a dis-
grace and an outrage. s
Dormitory food has been the
subject of much humor-but it's
not very funny, in reality. Sixty
women were ill in the Betsy Bar-
bour Residence a short time ago;
the University denies that the food,
(tested by University employees ,
n University laboratories) was the+
cause of the epidemic. But it's
hardly likely that the Barbour-
women all nibbled on the same
bax of cookies, or that the resi-
dents (and the dietician) all ate
the same meal outside the dormi-
If the University cannot provide
comfortable, uncrowded quartera
and fresh, palatable food for $543
per resident per year, then they
should not force freshmen to live
under their clumsy, overprotective
maternal wing. I feel I'm being.
badly cheated in this dormitory,
How many other Quadrangle, resi-
dents, I wonder, feel the same
-Jas. E. Brodhead III


k r
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At The State

* # "

SOLDIERS THREE with Stewart Gran-
ger, Walter Pidgeon, David Niven, Robert
Newton and Cyril Cusack.
A PICTURE like this starts with a bigger
handicap than you'd put on Coaltown
in a county fair claiming race with a $10
fee. That it manages to carry the load and
still finish a ,full stretch ahead of anything
in the field is a tribute to some thorough-
bred acting by almost everyone in the pic-
ture and the expert jockeying of director
Tay Garnett.
The film was fabricated from stories
of Rudyard Kipling and makes a salty
and highly successful attempt to capture
the flavor and fun of building and keep-
ing the Empire, as Kipling saw the opera-
Right now war, India and sentimental
soldiers are pretty grim and controversial
subjects. Furthermore most audiences now-
adays have enough ex-soldiers in them to
be hypersensitive about phony views of
garrison life.
Soldiers Three doesn't even try to circum-
vent these barriers; it just ignores them.
And it dbes so with a magic and gusto that
proves that romanticism (when done with
artistry) can be as impressive as realism
even to the war-wise.
The story centers around three of Her
Majesty's foot soldiers in India who have
a lust for women, fighting and beer. They
get a little more of the last two than the
first, but in that case quality answers
more than amply for quantity.
The olot isn't very important, but the

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown ... .......Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger.........city Editor
Roma Lipsky........Editorial Director "
Dave Thomas ...........Feature Editor '
Janet Watts..........Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan .........Associate Editor-
James Gregory .,......Associate Editor
Bill Connolly ............Sports Editor
Bob Sandell . ..Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans . ........Womgen's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels .........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager.
Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager
Sally Fish ..,.........Finance Manager
Bob Miller .......Circulation Manager

Telephone 23-24-1

Looking Back

Russia yielded on two points in the Ital-
ian treaty before the Four-Power Foreign
Ministers Council opening a wedge in the
week-long stalemate between the Soviet and
Western Powers.
* * *
Capt. Lyal A. Davidson, Commandant of

Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively'
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper. -
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office ,at Ann,
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.



Bdrnaby! Your

I T[hose guns! Surely we

OESoilCM UN h K U n . i

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