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May 05, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-05-05

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Med School vs. Discrimination

IT ALL sounds terribly familiar.
In March of 1950, the Committee to End
Discrimination sent a delegation to the
Medical School to consult with them about
the possibility of removing potentially dis-
crimnatory questions from application
The delegation reportedly met with an
abrupt rebuff. The Medical School spokes-
man stated at that time that the com-
mittee had not given "a single good rea-
son" for the removal of the questions.
This episode took place shortly after the
Student Legislature had voted, 30 to six, to
seek removal of the questions on a Univer-
sity-wide scale. The Medical School evident-
ly felt tghat this pressure was not sufficient.
Close to the end of last semester, the
Conference of Deans, a representative body,
issued a recommendation to the heads of all
colleges and schools in the University urg-
ing that they proceed to eliminate the con-
troversial questions. The Conference had
plenty to go on before reaching their deci-
1. The inclusive report of a sub-commit-
tee, which had studied the problem along
with .members of the Student Legislature
and CED.
2. Precedents in other universities and
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The'Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

3. The report of President Truman's Com-
mission on Higher Education, which found
the questions dangerous.
4. Action by the states of New York, New
Jersey, and Massachusetts to outlaw the
So the word was handed down from a
higher source. Along with the rest of the
campus, the Medical school was urged to
do some deleting.
Last month, the SL sub-committee on
discrimination conducted a survey to see
what had happened. They found out that
every school except one had removed the
questions. As might have been expected, the
Medical School was still recalcitrant.
Their representative said that the prob-
lem was still under consideration, and would
not be settled for three more weeks. Last
week, Joe White, chairman of the SL sub-
committee, went back to try again. Again,
v--n -,mnlv told that the matter was un-
der consideration.
Evidently, the Medical School has not
conceded anything since they were first ap-
proached, except to admit a little more de-
ference. The value of this is at best ques-
True, there are probably other pressures
on the Medical School to keep the ques-
tions on.the blanks. However, regarded as
a part of the University, it cannot afford
to ignore the demands placed upon it by
such a connection.
If the Medical School is to remain a re-
spected part of a respected institution, it
must swallow its pride and be demolcratic.
-Chuck Elliott

MA 7' E ;



Lane Hall
IT JUST WASN'T important enough. The
imposition of censorship by the Univer-
sity upon all outside speakers brought in by
Lane Hall did not merit a public announce-
ment, according to University officials.
Thus, it was only yesterday, May 4, that
the campus learned of a policy which has
been in effect since April 16.
Under terms of the new policy, The Stu-
dent Religious Association and all groups
under the jurisdiction of Lane Hall must
get "clearance" from the Office of Student
Affairs for all outside speakers in public
And what is the purpose of the new regu-
"To equalize" approval procedure for all
groups on campus- and besides, several "U"
officials were irritated by the Willie McGee
rally and the Peace Conferences which took
place without their "previous knowledge."
During the past few years countless
events have taken place at Lane Hall
without University clearance. Square
dancers have been permitted to swing
their partners without interruption; dra-
matic readers have unhesitatingly emoted
the tragic downfall of Oedipus Rex, and
clergymen have, without stopping, orated
upon the place of "Religion in Life."
There can be only one possible reason for
the University's insistence upon "previous
knowledge" of events. That, clearly, is a
desire to impose complete censorship upon
the bringing of speakers to campus. For,
if the University wants advance informa-
tion only so that it may give "rubber stamp"
approval, then there is neither need nor
justification for the procedure.
Until now Lane Hall has been the one
place on campus where speakers could be
brought by student groups without Univer-
sity approval. Authorization by the Lane
Hall staff and the Student Religious Asso-
ciation were necessary, however, so that it
is untrue that just "any individuals" could
sponsor an event.
It would be fatal to view this action as
anything other than attempted thought
control-as an overt attack on the most
basic foundation of academic freedom--
the right of students to study freely ALL
The UnIversity's action is, unfortunately
not an isolated incident, but rather part of
a concerted nationwide pattern of repres-
sion born of the cold war and designed to
impose unquestioning conformity upon all.
Students must recognize and oppose this
censorship as a threat to the very existence
of academic freedom, and consequently, of
-Buddy Aronson
British ,lion
A SPADE is a spade, rubber can be used for
gun carriage tires, and an enemy is
someone who is shooting at you. The Chi-
nese Communists are shooting at British
troops in Korea this minute, and, true to the
fine sporting tradition of England, the Bri-
tish are busy supplying China with rubber
so as to improve the Chinese aim.
Rationality poses two questions:
First, is there not such a thing as carry-
ing sportsmanship (not to mention economic
gain) too far?
Second, has it not been paradoxical of
Britain to sell Red China 120,000 tons of
Malay rubber during the last nine months
of hostilities to help kill English soldiers?
Following ample consideration of these
two questions, only one conclusion can be
drawn: There is a lion in the streets and it
is biting its own tail.
And a not-too-thorough cleaning of the
lion's teeth would probably yield a number
of American Eagle feathers.
-Rich Thomas

"How Good A Security Risk Is This Guy?"

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

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ATHENS-Here in Athens, a mystery of
American policy dominates the political
scene as completely as the sun bright beau-.
ty of the Acropolis dominates the city. The
mystery consists in a contrast.
In Western Europe, billions are being
poured out to create a force of not much
more than forty divisions, to neutralize the
threat of Soviet aggression. On the present
time table, this force cannot be ready before
1953-1954, and even to meet this deadline,
reluctant governments and passive peoples
are having to be dragooned to make greater
Here in the eastern Mediterranean, on
the other hand, a potential fighting force
of at least seventy divisions already ex-
ists in the form of the armies of Greece,
Turkey and Yugoslavia. There is no doubt
here about the fighting spirit of the popu-
lations, nor any need to pour out billions.
All that Is needed to transform this force
in the eastern Mediterranean Into a pow-
erful menace on the exposed Soviet flank
is a little intelligent diplomacy and a sen-
sible arms program.
Moreover, since the governments are eager
and their divisions are already in being,
the job can be done in a relatively short
time. Even by next Spring, very important
results could be achieved. Yet nothing is
being done, beyond the long established
limits of the Greek-Turkish aid program, to
take advantage of this glittering opportun-
a .1





THE OLD PATTERN is not nearly good
enough for the present emergency for
two different reasons. In the first place,
the twenty-six divisions in Turkey, the ex-
isting nine divisions in Greece, and the thir-
ty to thirty-five divisions of Yugoslavia will
have only limited and local value unless
they are tied together militarily and politi-
cally. They will all hang separately unless
persuaded to hang together.
In a previous report from Ankara, it
has already been shown how the refusal
of an American guarantee to Turkey is en-
couraging the Turks to revert to the po-
licy of armed neutrality which they fol-
lowed in the last war. If Washington will
accept the proffered Turkish alliance, the
Turks will be allies in any future 'emer-
gency; if not, the Turks will not move
unless directly attacked.
Here in Athens, great progress has been
made under the political regime of Premier
Venizelos and the military regime of Mar-
shal Papagos, who has completed the re-
formation of the Greek Army by the sort of
wholesale purge of inefficient high ranking
officers that might well be imitated else-
where. After the long agony of the civil
war, the Greek government is less ner-
vous than the Turkish government, and
more willing to wait for the Washington
authorities to come to their senses. But the
Greeks have no present means of cooperat-
ing with either Turks or Yugoslavs, and
without these links, the Greeks are power-
Soviet plans in turn are clearly based up-
on this central fact. At this moment, one of
Bulgaria's two armies centers at Belograd-
chik, in the north, whence Marshall Tol-
bukhim took off in his last war drive on Bel-
grade. But the other and larger Bulgarian
army, including the Bulgar armored divi-
sions, is disposed between Kyustendil and
Gorna Jumaya. The obvious scheme is for
this army to drive rapidly across the parrow
part of southern Yugoslavia a; far as the
Albanian frontier, thus effectively separat-
ing the Greek and Yugoslav forces.
* * *
YET IT OUGHT not to be difficult to
bring the Greeks, Turks and Yugoslavs
into a strong defensive-offensive grouping,
invulnerable to such splitting tactics. First,
the Greeks and Turks must be fitted into
the Western security system by the Ameri-
can guarantee against aggression which they
nowdesire. Second the Yugoslavs must be
induced to act with the Greeks nd Turks
(thus in effect joining the Western security
system by the back door). This should be
the price of the Western arms which Mar-
shal Tito has urgently asked for.
This problem of arms brings us, however,
to the second difficulty that must be over-
come before the great potential here in the
eastern Mediterranean can be properly re-
alized. The Yugoslav need is obvious enough.
When the break with the Soviet Union oc-
curred, more than 80 per cent of Yugoslav
arms were of Russian manufacture. After
more than two years with no spare parts, no
new ammunition, no replacements of any
sort, the Yugoslav equipment requirement
must be massive.
In Greece and Turkey additional arms
are also required, both to strengthen ex-
isting formations and to make it possible
for the two countries to mobilize larger
forces if the need arises. Finally, the
weakness of all three countries in the air
sets up another very heavy requirement of


Limited War .
To the Editor:
AFTER World War II, a couple
of soldiers had an argument.1
In the course of it, one of the
participants suggested that the
other put up his mitts and start
swinging. But the latter replied
that he fought only with guns, and=
proceeded tv look-for his Luger.
He was "trigger-happy, wanted
"complete victory," that is, death
for the opponent. This is the im-
pression George W. Byers' letter;
on "War or No War" made on me:1
:et's have a good feud, down to
the last man, or else let's go home.
Let's have a total war. Then come,
A-Bomb, come H-Bomb, come
boyscouts, let's fight!
Unfortunately the problem isn't
quite this simple. Efficiency is a
good word, like many others, but
how does it apply? By his criter-
ion of an efficient war, would Mr.,
Byers condone the violation of
Belgian neutrality in World War1
I, for instance? That was done
for victory. Or is it OK if the,
Chinese bomb our bases on Ja-
pan? That too is a "privileged
We are accustomed to "total
war," but even total is a relative,
term. In retrospect, wars don't
seem so total.
Officially, we have a police ac-;
tion, not a war, on our hands.
Our aim is to resist aggression
and preserve the integrity of the
ROK. At the same time, we have
a "cold war" in other parts of the
world. Great minds are puzzled
with the inconsistencies. Are we
to solve all problems with a bomb-
shell? Can we exclude the rays
from our color scheme? Dema-
ogues, including Communists, have
it easy. They have only black and
white to consider.
-John Neufeld
Wheat to India .
To the Editor:
IN A LETTER to the Editor yes-
terday, Senator Homer Fergu-
son was reported to have said
concerninghthe Wheat to India
Program that:
1. Before we consider sending
wheat to India, India must end
its trade war with Pakistan.
2. We must examine India's
ability to pay for the wheat.
The small mind from which
these statements came has com-
pounded inhumanity with disgust-.
ing stupidity.
To let the children of a neighbor
starve, not only until you are sure
he can pay for food, but until he is
willing to grant your every whim
is what this person proposes.
The shockingly abysmal mean-
ness displayed in this proposal is
beneath contempt. Shame on the
people of Michigan that the crea-
ture who advocates this scheme is
their senator.
In addition to being cruel and
callous, this plot is incredibly
stupid. For it is a perfect con-
firmation of the Communist
theme concerning American Aid
to other nations. The Commun-
ists claim, and the senator verifies,
that American Aid is an attempt
to control other nations and that

these nations will eventually bear
the cost of it.
In this time of international
struggle; such a sellout of Ameri-
can aims and ideals approaches
James P. Jans
* * *
White Bucks . .
To the Editor:
IT WAS with great dismay that
I read the other day that white
buckskin shoes are going out of
style. How can we tell the fra-
ternity boys from the students?
-Porter M. Kier
-** *
The Lady's Choice .
To the Editor:
My INTENTION is not mali-
cious; it is, I do hope, benefi-
cent, though I fear charges of
cruelty, horridness and barbarity
will belie the humility of my pro-
And that is the immediate de-
liverance from old age's infirmi-
ties of all who are sexagenarians
or above, thus allowing life's more
youthful travellers to avoid wast-
ing away the greater part of their
exuberant existence in the con-
stant League cafeteria line.
Now lest I be called a Nietzchean
or an advocate of the sexual war-
fare of Strindberg, I shall prompt-
ly explain why I conceive this ex-
pediency to be related in the main
to the white-haired of the female
sex. It is rarely true that a man
will exhibit the elongated behavior
in the selection of morsels which
must only exasperate.
The hesitation of the female
species in choosing meals, the in-
ordinate number of inquiries made
by the other sex of the nature and
quality of each item, the scurry-
ing back and forth in line to se-
cure food ridicules the process
which has been designed to cir-
cumvent the flouting of the exi-
gencies of time.
Now I do not despise old wo-
men, though I shall readily con-
cede that the younger, more pli-
able creations are somewhat bet-
ter equipt to assure my good na-
ture, but I cannot bear ineffi-
I recognize the justice of the
claims of the old men who would
be deprived of comradeship by the
dispatching of their females. I
can suggest, with all deference to
the holy union, that these anti-
quated souls band together in a
home of their own and thus avoid
the boisterousness of their young-
ers in the League.
After all one must concur that
applying a halter, and, yes, a bit
to the breathless models of young
society is an evil to be avoided.
With apologies to the Dean, not
quite so mad as some maintain:
I profess in the sincerity of my
heart that I have not the least
personal interest in endeavouring
to promote this necessary work,
having no other motive than the
public good of my society, by un-
shackling the urgency of youth,
by protecting the aged from wrath,
avoiding the displeasure of the
waiters and preventing the mor-
sels on one's plate from becoming

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Un-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11 a.-
m. Saturdays).,
VOL. LXI, No. 148
Social Chairmen and Program Chair-
men of Student Organizations are re-
minded to calendar activities so as to
avoid faling within the ten days prior
to a final examination period. The
final examination period for the cur-
rent semester begins June 2. The stu-
dent activities caiendar will accordingly
be closed on May 24.
Selective Service:
The attention of interested students
is called to the fact that all postcard
applications for the Selection Service
College Qualification Test must be
postmarked no later than midnight,
May 15. Applications are available in
the Armed Services Information Cen-
ter, Room 555, basement of the Admin-
istration Building.
University Community Center, willow
Run village:
Sun., May 6, village Church Fellow-
s h i p (interdenominational), 10:45
Church and Sunday-school. 4:30 Dis-
cussion Group.
Tues., May 8, 8 p.m., Bridge; Dance
Wed., May 9, 8 p.m., wives' Club
Board Meeting; Choir Practice.
stone cold by that time when he
is seated at his table prepared
to partake. I do not dine at the
League but rarely; those occasions
happ'ning at instances when I de-
sire and can afford leisure, and
my delicacies then desired cold.
-Bradley Browne
Iranian Dilemma. . .
To the Editor:
AN EXPLOSIVE situation exists
in Iran. A single wrong move
on the part of Iran or the British
Government is enough to explode
It should be recognized that
Iran has a right to nationalize any
industry that exists on Iranian
soil. However, it appears that
Britain will strain to guard her
interests and in no case will con-
sent to the stoppage of Iranian oil
supply. Great Britai has already
sent a cruiser to Abadan. Will she
use force to deter Iran from na-
tionalizing oil? Any military ac-
tion on the part of Britain will
justify Russia to enter into Iran
on the basis of the Russo-Iranian
treaty. The former Iranian Pre-
mier, Hussein Ala, reminded that
it is open to Russia, under the
Russo-Iranian treaty in force, to
step into Iran should a third Pow-
er intervene or threaten to affect
Soviet interests. Hence, it does
not seem likely that Britain will
take any military action in Iran.
On what basis can this clash
between Iranian and British in-
terests be solved? It is argued
that Iran does not have the tech-
nical personnel and the resources
to implement the policy of nation-
alization. Consequently, it is not
wise for Iran to proceed with the
nationalization scheme, but ra-
ther, she should be content with
a higher share in the profits.
In view of the recent nationalis-
tic tendency in Asia and other
parts of the world, this argument
does not seem valid. It will not
satisfy the people of Iran. The
only practical way is to allow na-
tionalization and depend upon the
official assurance conveyed by the
Iranian Ambassador in London
that Iran has no intention either
of depriving Britain of her oil or
of giving the oil to any other
country. Moreover, because of

the interest in Iranian oil, both
Britain and the U. S. should assist
Iran in her nationalizing adven-
ture by providing her technical
personnel, and in other ways pos-
Asia cannot be "preserved"-un-
less her nationalistic urge is rec-
ognized by the West.
Hiru Shah
THE FOLLY of mistaking a par-
adox for a discovery, a meta-
phor for a proof, a torrent of ver-
biage for a spring of capital
truths, and oneself for an oracle,
is inborn in us.
-Paul Valery
THE TRUE way goes over a rope
which is not stretched at any
great height but just above the
ground. It seems more designed
to make people stumble than to
be walked upon.
-Franz Kafka

Thurs., May 10, 8 p.m., Ceramics;
Dance Committee.
Sat., May 12, 9 p.m., Semi-Formal
Academic Notices
To students of the biological sciences:
The University of Michigah offers
eighteen courses in Botany and Zoology
during the summer at the Biological
Station, near Cheboygan. Both under-
graduate and graduate men and women
are admitted. Concentrates in Botany,
Zoology and the Preprofessional Pro-
gram will find there many courses
which will strengthen their training in
biology. If you have 8 or more hours
of credit In biological courses and an
average of 2.5 or better, you are in-
vited to apply at 1073 N. S. Bldg.
Doctoral Examination for Martin Leon
Hoffman, Social Psychology; thesis: "A
Study of Some Psychodynamic Deter-
minants of Compulsive Conformity,"
Sat., May 5, West Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., 10 a.m. Chairman, M. L.
May Festival. The University Musical
Society announces May Festival con-
certs, as follows:
Saturday, 2:30 p.m. Tossy Spivakov-
sky, violinist; Philadelphia Orchestra;
Alexander Hilsberg, conductor. Festi-
val Youth Chorus, Marguerite Hood,
Saturday, 8:30 p.m. Rise Stevens,
mezzo-soprano; Philadelphia Orchestra;
Eugene Ormandy, conductor.
Sunday, 2:30 p.m. William apell,
pianist; Oscar Natzka, bass; University
Choral Union (Lambert's "Summer's
Last Will and Testament"); Philadel-
phia Orchestra; Thor Johnson, conduc-
Sunday, 8:30 p.m. Patrice Munsel,
coloratura soprano; Philadelphia Or-
chestra;' Eugene Ormandy, conductor.
Events Today
Canterbury Club:
1 p.m., Work party at Canterbury,
House. Everyone is invited to joi in
the fun and the work.
Hillel: Saturday morning services, 9
o'clock, Upper Room, Lane Hal.,
Congregational - Disciples - Evangeli-
cal & Reformed Guild: Fireside on
"Science and Religion" from 7 :3 to s0
at the Guild House.
Sailing Club Elimination raceas f-
District Regatta, Transportation at metede
door of Union, 9 a.n.
Commg Events
Polonia Club Picnic, Sun., May 6.
Meeting at 3:30 p.m. by the fountain
in front of the League.
Le Cercle Francais: Meeting, Mon.,
May 7, 8 p.m., League. Election of of-
ficers and party in honor of the actors
who took part in the French play.
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting for Sun-
day is cancelled. Regular meeting next
Graduate Outing Club: Hiking, soft-
ball and volley ball at Silver Lake. Meet
Graduate Outing clubroom, northwest
corner of Rackham, 2:15 p.m., Sun.,
May 6. All grads welcome. Bring cars.
Sailing club: Treasure Hunt, Sun.,
May 6. Everyone welcome.
School of Education Faculty will
spend an informal evening with all
students in Education who have passed
their preliminary examinations for they
doctorate, Tues., May 8, 8 p.m., Assem-
bly Room, Rackham Bldg.




*~ /





AN IMPRESSIVE presentation of Verdi's
Requiem Mass was given last night from
a stage massed with musicians of every sort,
most of them of high calibre, some not so
The Requiem is no tame, one-sided
work; fortunately, Eugene Ormandy did
not interpret it as such. Though the Mass
begins with a simple, single-line melody in
the cellos and ends on an unpretentious
C major chord, the musical material in
between represents a blending of every
known conception of religious music--
from the wild Dies irae to the chanted
Libera me, and the anthem-like Agnus
The Choral Union, I think, deserves the
highest honors for their studied execution
and yet spontaneous feeling of the com-
plexities of the Requiem. The chief diffi-
culty with a group as large as this one lies
not in obtaining volume, but in making the
four divisions sound as single-voiced as pos-
sible. This, the group, with the leadership
of Thor Johnson, accomplished.
PRACTICALLY every section of the Phi-
ladelphia Orchestra was given an opportun-
ity to shine and make good use -of it. The
percussion boomed sufficiently in the oft-
repeated Dies irae. The bassoonist deliv-
ered the Quid sum miser accompaniment
In a performance characterized by ex-
tremes, the soloists fitted in perfectly. How-
ever, they differed not so much in interpre-
tation or tonal range as in sheer quality.
The audience was forced to adjust their ears







II 11
At The Orpheum .. .
PARIS WALTZ with Pierre Fresnay
and Yvonne Printemps.
THIS PICTURE is an attempt at the comi-
cal-tragical-historical that ends up ham-
mier than Hollywood..
Billed as "The life of Offenbach with his
music intact-but his morals shattered," the
firm is an unstimulating, amoral account of
a musician and a minx. Unfortunately the
musician is mawkish, and the minx is just
plain uninteresting.
There are moments early in the Paris
Waltz when you get the feeling that it's
really meant to be a parody of our own
cinematic biographies. However the illusion
is soon broken by the conscientious cuteness
of all involved.
And in case you've forgotten, Offenbach's
music offers little to compensate for the all-
pervading tediousness of the plot it accom-
panies. Most of it that's played is poor,
and all of it is trivial.
The nearest thing to quality about this
unhappy import are some very striking
gowns designed by Christian Dior. They
offer about the only shock to your morals
in the whole unprovocative picture.

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control, of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown ... ........Managing Editor
Paul Brentiinger ........City Editor
Roma Lipsky .........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas.. ......Feature Editor
Janet Watts ...........Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan ..........Associate Editor
James Gregory ........Associate Editor
Bill Connolly.............Sports Editor
Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton .. ..Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.........Women's Editor
Pat- Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels .........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager
Sally Fish............Finance Manager
Bob Miller........Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Mekber of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.






There's Hennessy, probably explaining{

It was a nice quiet jamboree
.._ _ . .L LL... A L .__

No, the riot started when they voted

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