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April 27, 1951 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1951-04-27

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rRIDAY, APRL 27 1951

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lanished Papers Fill Attic

Stacked in a dark attic room
qve the Health Service are sev-
el tons of old newspapers, care-
.ly bound or bundled, piled to a
n's height, and for the most
rt covered with an eighth of an
ah of dust.
['his is two-thirds of the news-
per collection of the General
>rary, banished because of an
ute lack of space in the Library
elf. All kinds of papers are to
found here, from a January 2,
56 edition of the British Chroni'-
to a duplicate New York Times
a few months ago.
* * *
CCORDING to Fred L. Dimock,
of circulation librarian, in-
asing lack of space first forced
of the fire-proof, pipe-filled
ic room about seven years ago.
Events Today
l'E ASTRONOMY department
I begin its second open house
the semester at 8 p.m. in Rm.
7 Angell Hall with an illus-
ted talk on "The Light of the
rs" by Prof. Freeman Miller.of
y astronomy .department.
* * *
Contestants from Hazel Park
gh School and Lansing Sexton
gh School will debate, "Re-
ved That the American People
ould Reject the Welfare
ate," in the final forensic con-1
it of the year at 4 p.m. at
0ckham Lecture Hall.
* * *
ional Selective Service Head-
rters will speak at a 12:15 p.m.
cheon meeting of representa-
S of the University and State
cement bureaus on the question
* * *
A, free public lecture, "Chris-'
!A Science, Bringer of Peace"'
lI be presented by the student'
iristian Science organization
8 p.m. in Rackham Auditor-
'ODAY IS the last chance for*
ineering and business admin-
ation seniors to order gradua-
* announcements, programs
calling cards. Orders will be
en from 2 to 5 p.m. In the lob-
:f the Administration Bldg.
* o. .
WO MOVIES, "Strength of the
s" and "Everyman's Empire,"
be shown at 7:30 p.m. In Kel-
Auditorium as the museums'
kly evening program.
* . *
HE TOPIC "Atlantic Union"
be debated at 8 p.m. over sta-
WWJ, by Prof. Preston W.
son of the history department
Prof. Alfred Kelly of the his-
department of Wayne Uni-
HE CURTAIN will rise on the
.a performance of the speech
artment's bill of one act plays
3 p.m. at Lydia Mendelssohn!
atre. The box office will be
a from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
,hool Meet'
0 End Today
he last sessions of the Michi-
Schoolmaster's Club Meeting
be held today, culminating in
iblic dinner tonight honoring
sident and Mrs. Alexander G.

allowing a general business
ting at 9 a.m. in Rackham
;ure Hall, President Ruthven
speak on "Religion, Morality
Knowledge - Our Corner-
he meeting will adjourn to at-
the Annual Honors Convoca-
at 11 a.m. in Hill Auditorium
re Ordway Tead, Chairman of
Board of Higher Education of
York City will speak on "The
ts of Scholarship."
series of conferences covering
ous aspects of the educational
ram will be held in the after-
, and will feature teachers
student demonstrations..
Three-Year Day Course
Four-Year Evening Course
ber of Assn. of American Law
iculants must be College gradu-

Since then, more and more of the
papers have accumulated there,
until now the room -is a maze of
stacked volumes.
Jim Clark, '52, has perhaps
the worst opinion of the setup
of anybody. His job, among
others, is to haul volumes over
to the General Library building
for researchers to use.
Clark claims the right volume
is always on the bottom.
* * *
A RANDOM LOOK around the
room discloses a number of items
of singular, if diversified, interest.
Stacked .on top of a series of the
London Times for 1904 are a dozen
volumes of the British Chronicle
from 1756 to 1764.
Marked with His Majesty's
ha'penny stamp, the issue of
July 6, 1756 carried as the lead
article the "amazing story of the
escape from the French at Que-
beck of one Thos. Hall." The
news had "lately arrived in Lon-
don' after two months on a
packet from Boston.
Another issue, apparently of the
same newspaper though the name
had been changed to the London
Daily Printing
Set-up Outlined
The Daily's complete mechanical
set-up has been outlined to the
printing industry in an article by
Superintendent of Printing Ken
Chatters in this month's issue of
the Printing Equipment Engineer.
Accompanied by pictures and
diagrams of the shop, the article
describes the development of the
mechanical end of The Daily since
1932 when one-third of its equip-
ment was second-hand.
Chatters points out that the ad-
dition of the new 12-page rotary
press "rounds out a program of
mechanical improvement which
makes The Daily outstanding
among university papers in the
country for its typographical ex-

Chronicle, featured a review of a
newly published volume of letters
between the biographer James
Boswell and his friend Andrew
Erskine, The review is a pretty
good one:
"This is a publication of a very
extraordinary interest . .. a Book
of true Genius . . . And though
the cynical part of mankind may
accuse them of vanity, yet we will
venture to say, that there are few
people who would not have been
equally vain had they written
letters of equal merit."
According to his recently pub-
lished Londoi Journal Boswell
wrote the review himself-
S * * *
STACKED IN a particularly
dark and dusty corner are several
volumes of the bilingual Seoul,
Korea Independent. The very first
issue, published in April, 1896, had
this to say about the national
state of affairs:
"It has become evident that
the disturbances in the country
are not the result of disaffection
toward the country, but are sim-
ply the excesses indulged in by
characters who take advantage
of the present lack of strong
control . .. What Korea needs
is a unifying influence .. . The
near future will probably decide
the mode of rearrangement of
the social forces."
One may leaf through the 1807
volume of the Philadelphia Auro-
ra, running across such things as
an ad for "RUSSIA OIL-a brace
of whiskers at a few rubbings-. .
also to restore the loss of hair, on
that noble animal the horse."
Or, there is a set of a New
York shipping newspaper, list-
ing, through its issues, every
ship leaving or arriving at the
main U. S. ports during most of
the 19th century,
But while such varied collections
as Dublin, New York and Madrid
papers jostle one another for
space, Dimock reported that these
volumes were, on the whole, little
used. Only about 200 were con-
sulted last year.

Gift Puts'U'
In National
Experts Protest
Conversion Plan
A graceful, old building in peace-
ful Dexter, has involved the Uni-
versity in a national controversy.
From Boston, New Orleans, San
Francisco and plenty of spots in
between have come protests lash-
ing the University for converting
Gordon Hall, the 110-year-old
mansion of Judge Samuel W. Dex-
ter, into an apartment building
for faculty members.
Historical and architectural so-
cieties from many states have
appealed to the University to save
the mansion which is considered
one of the finest examples of the
Greek Revival period in the Mid-
* * *
THE UNIVERSITY received the
Dexter mansion from Mrs. Cath-
erine Dexter McCormick, grand-
daughter of . Judge Dexter, a
former Regent, in a grat which
specified that the building be made
into an apartment house for fac-
ulty members. The University has
proceeded to do this, keeping the
exterior of the house intact with
the exception of removing the
north wing which may"not have
been a part of the original building,
It is the University's plan to
preserve Gordon Hall as a land-
mark and atrthe same time give it
a utilitarian value.
G. H. Edgell, director of the
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston,
has called the University's plan
"sheer vandalism, possible of an
ignorant layman, but not a great
educational institution."
Many experts, like Edgell, feel
that the interior of Gordon Hall is
a vital component of the house's
aesthetic unity and that the Uni-
versity's conversion of it into
apartments is artistic blasphemy.
U S. Grant, 3rd,,president of the
National Council of Historical
Sites and Buildings says that "the
University's remodeling of Gordon
Hall will materially change its
cultural value." And Fiske Kimball,
director of the Philadelphia Mu-
seum considers the changes "de-
plorable and bad public relations
for the University."
- * * *
UNIVERSITY spokesmen have
replied to these charges by citing
the opinion of some architects who
say that the interior of Gordon
Hall did not have the quality of the
exterior, They also defend remov-
ing the north wing on the grounds
that there was some doubt about
its being a part of the original
structure. They say the cost of re-
storing it would be excessive in any
According to University offi-
cials, the first reaction to the
idea of converting the venerable
building into an apartment
house was so violent that some
important facts affecting the de-
cision were completely over-
The most important of these,
they consider, is that it was the
donor's wish to have the house
made into apartments. She is pay-
ing for the conversion of th in-
terior and the landscaping of the
grounds. University spokesmen also
point out that no other institution
was prepared to foot the costs of

maintaining the house as a mu-
seum. They feel, therefore, that
their decision was a compromise
that saved the most important fea-
tures of Gordon Hall.
* * *




house when it was given to the
In an effort to explain Mrs. Mc-
Cormick's reversal of her deci-
sion 'to restore Gordon Hall, Uni-
versity officials have suggested
that she wished to make the
bilding self-sustaining and saw
no other way to do it.
mated that it .would take an en-
dowment of perhaps two million
dollars to pay for the expense of
maintaining the building as a mu-
seum. University officials feel that
there would be little public use of
such a museum, located nine miles
from the campus on a small coun-
try road.
Regardless of their view on the
University's action, most experts
agree that there is little question
of the Dexter mansion's right to
the attention it is getting.
Judge Dexter began building
Gordon Hall in 1841, just a few
years before the University
moved to Ann Arbor from De-
troit. The architectural fashion
of the time was Greek Revival.
Dexter produced one of the
finest examples of the style in
Gordon Hall's pure classic form
was a real anomaly in pre-Civil
War Michigan, a, State that was
just beginning to feel the effects of
the nation's great westward expan-
Its historical significance is
increased by the fact that Judge
Dexter was a prominent figure in
the State's early history. He was
Washtenaw County's first cir-
cuit judge and one of the first
Regents of the University. he
was largely responsible for
bringing the railroad to this part,
of the State.
But most experts believe that
Gordon Hall's artistic merit is
even more important than its his-
oric value. Its exceptional grace
and symmetry have been recog-
nized for years, winning it men-
tion by picture and description in
many studies of American archi-
tecture. It has been called "the
noblest house in Michigan", by
ranking authorities throughout
the country.


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