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April 22, 1951 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1951-04-22

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ctions roach as

12dUp Campaigns

Candidates Answer
trovers al Questons

y-nine candidates are winding up their campaigns for twen-
pen Student Legislature seats tomorrow night, after plenty
ection rallies, open-houses, and poster-posting.
ough this election has not been marked by a great number
debated issues, the Daily dredged up six controversies to
o candidates.
* * * *
DIDATES had their choice of three answers: yes, no, or no
Since there was not room available to print answers in any
y, variants were made "no comment." Questions left un-
i were treated in the same way.
low the answers are printed the candidates' statement on
I am running for SL."
questions are:
hould the Student Legislature have the power to select
Judiciary members?,
Should Union regulations be further liberalized in regard
hould the Student Legislature sponsor Tug Week?
hould non-commercial "campus queens"Wbe kallowed at
Should certain large campus groups be allowed special
entation by. means of ex offickp SL members?
hould a system of political parties be organized on campgus?
QUESTION 4, several candidates wished to answer "yes for
oups and no for all-campus queen."
stion 6 grew out of a current controversy at Northwestern
;y, where campus political parties are already in existence
ove is underway to get rid of them.
re Are Candidates...


amow, Gerald, '52
No 2. No comment 3 No
a 5. Yes 6. No.
lesire to serve on SL because
k that in this way I can bet-
epresent the student body,
present status can be ap-
bly strengthened in the
of self-government"
rn, Bert, '54
No 2. Yes 3. No 4. No corn-
S5. No 6. No.
would like to serve on SL to
improve the representative
onship between the students
er, Doug, '52
No comment 2. No com-
t 3. Yes 4. No comment 5.
. No.
aft running for re-election
se of a sincere interest in
nt government. I would like
ve a part in formulating and
ering the policies of the Leg-
re which benefit the student
is, Dudley, '53
No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5. No
vould like to further the fol-
g plans: the new calendar

plan, a proposal to grade the staff
officials in the dorms, a dead week
before finals in the literary col-'
lege, a Union book store, a con-
test in conjunction with intra-'
murals of various Frat and Inde-'
pendent Champions."
Demmer, Richard, '53
1, Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.
Yes 6. No.
"I desire to serve on the Student
Legislature because I am inter-
ested in promoting the interests
and feelings of the student body.
I desire also, to receive experience
of this sort which, I believe, will
promote my future life,"
Diamond, Sondra N. '53
1. No 2, Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5. No
6. No.
"I would like to serve on SL be-
cause I have a sincere interest in
the work now being performed as
well as a desire to see the sphere
ofiSL influence increased. I would
like the opportunity to offer my
services to this community and,
in a representative capacity, carry
out its wishes."
Ezray, Mervin, '52BAd.
1. No comment 2. No 3. Yes 4
No 5. No 6. No comment.
"What does a student legislator

Take This
List to Polls
In this edition The Daily pre-
sentsa comprehensive survey
of the all campus elections
Tuesday and Wednesday. Clip
it out and vote intelligently.
* * *
WHEN - 8 to 5 p.m.
WHERE -: University Hos-
pital, Women's Athletic Build-
ing, Union, League, Engineer-
ing Arch, Library, Angell Hall,
Waterman Gym, Alumni Hall,
Rackham, Law Quad, Business
Administration School, Archi-
tecture School, East Quad,
northwest corner of diag.
University student, including
graduates, for Student Legis-
lature and Board in Control of
Intercollegiate Athletics. Any
junior for senior class officers
in the literary college. Any
engineering freshman, sopho-
more or junior for the engi-
neering college sophomore, Jun-
ior, or senior class officers, res-
pectively. Union vice-presidents
are elected by the students in
their respective schools or col-
* * *
must present ID cards and
scholastic transcripts if class is
not given on card.
do? He represents the feelings of
the student body in matters where
they cannot act individually. I
want to make an aggressive effort
to find the important areas of dis-
content, and then actively work to
solve the problems. Example:
The long-dormant student book
store idea."
Gallup, Judy
1. No 2. No 3. Yes 4. No com-
ment 5. Yes 6. No.
"I feel that I could do a good
job of representing the student
body if s member of the Student
Legislature. I would like to do
my bit toward strengthening the
SL by increasing student interest,.
Gleich, Gerald J., '53
1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. No
6. No.
"I am interested in the func-
tions of SL and desire the oppor-
tunity to further the wishes of all
students for such projects as a
student book-store and a settle-
ment of the Thanksgiving holiday
Glover, Robin, 153
1. No 2. No 3. Yes 4. No com-
ment 5. Yes 6. No.
"Student government is one of
the most valuable institutions in
a large University. I wish to take
part in this government because I
feel that it is in this capacity that
I could best serve the student body
and the University. If elected, I
would see that effective and bene-
ficial measures reflecting student
opinion were presented and given
Gooding, Charles, '54E
1. No comment 2. No comment
3. Yes 4. Yes 5. No 6. No.
"I would be a hypocrite if I did
not admit that one of my reasons
for campaigning is to gain the
honor of being an SL member. My
main reason for wanting to be
elected is that I might improve SL
and the student's status by repre-


senting him

Guttentag, David, '53
1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes
6. No.
"I desire to serve on the SL be-
cause I feel that the SL-is an or-
ganization which not only recog-
nizes student problems, but with
increased authority can become a
more powerful policy making
Hall, Peter, '53
1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. No
6. No.
"I feel that University paterna-
lism is opposed to the intellectual
freedom which is necessary for
real education. This authoritar-
ianism can best be met by the
student through vigorous student
Haroldson, Olaf, '52
1. No 2 Yes 3 Yes 4. 'des 5. No
6. No.
"The SL should be the student's
voice in the running of University.
I feel that it should be more rep-
resentative of actual opinions-in
short, SL and the student body
should be in close touch through-
out the semester. Being primar-
ily interested in public relations, I
would like to help turn student
opinion into action by the SL and
keep the student body informed of
SL activities."
Hirshman, Frances, '53
1. Yes 2. No 3. Yes 4. Yes. 5.
Yes 6. No
"Through participation in cam-
pus activities, I have become fa-
miliar with many student prob-
lems, and would like to be given
an opportunity to voice these
problems, the student's opinions,
and be of help in finding solutions
for them."
Johnson, Lee K., '54
1. Yes 2. No 3. No 4. No 5. Yes
6. Yes.
"I wish to serve on SL because
I feel that I can represent the in-
dependent students on campus in
trying to make SL a more im-
portant active and vital force in
student affairs."
Johnston, Peter R., '53
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No com-
ment 5. Yes 6. No.
"I desire to serve on the SL be-
cause I believe that my contacts
with students and various groups
on the campus and my dealings
with the administrative offices
qualify me to see that their pri-
vileges are preserved and their
ideas and opinions are interpreted
to the administration."
Jones, jean B., '53
1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. Yes
6. No.
"I have three main reasons for
wanting to serve on SL. I would
like to see a good student-run,
second-hand bookstore. I would
like to help make the social events
calendar as well balanced as pos-
sible. Finally, I want to develop
a convenient set of Thanksgiving
and Christmas vacation dates."
Kaufman, Phyllis, '53
1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes
6. No.
"The only way for student gov-
ernment to become an integral
part of the University is for all
the students to take an active part
in it. I feel that as a member' of
SL I would have a voice in shap-
ing the policies and promoting
student interest."
Kerr, Edwin, '53
1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.

Yes 6. No.
"I want action. I want to see
the students' wishes better ex-
pressed through good government.
I feel that I can get both."
Kremer, Jerry, '52
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No comment
4. Yes 5. Yes 6. No.
"I have always been very in-
terested in student government
and it is mainly because of this
fact that I wish to be a member
of our student government. In
the past three years I have for-
mulated several ideas and opinions
which I know would benefit our,
campus. I would like the oppor-
tunity to put these plans into op-

and his ideas in the

Kurcz, Lisa, '53
1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. Yes
6. No.
"I would like to serve on SL to:
(1) initiate a system whereby rep-
resentatives of the various gov-
ernmental units on campus would
act as permanent advisers to Sb
on matters related to the indivi-
dual or joint activities of these
units; (2) coordinate and sponsor
interest in the SL and knowledge
of its work among the house
groupsand other campus units"
Lahde, Diana, '52
1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes 5.
Yes 6. No.
"I hav tried during the past
year on SL to work all I could for
the student body, and would like
to continue. I worked on faculty
evaluation and want to help carry
this on more efficiently in the fu-
ture, There is still a great deal
to be done on the Human & In-
ternational Relations Committee
and I am anxious to help."
Landes, Cyrille, '53
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5.
No 6. No.
"As a student in the university,
and as a citizen of this campus, I
have felt a great interest in the
actions of our student government
I feel that I can contribute con-
cretely to SL as a member."
Lanning, Edward, '52
(Not available for comment).
"There are certain issues (in-
suring the removal of discrimina-
tory questions from application
blanks, placing a student on each
of t h e university admission
boards, and requesting student
draft deferments) on which I feel
the Student Legislature must
move for the good of the whole
student body."
Lauritsen, Swede, '52
1. No2.No 3. Yes 4.Yes 5.
Yes 6. No.
"I desire to serve on the SL be-
cause I feel I have the time and
ability needed for such a position.
I will do the best job I can by
continuously attempting to raise
campus opinion of SL through un-
biased representation of the stu-
dent body."
Lawson, Robert, '53
1. No comment 2. Yes 3. No
comment 4. No 5. Yes 6. No.
"I believe the SL should reflect
student opinion, coordinate stu-
dent-administration relations, and
work toward the betterment of
student conditions generally,
though the SL has been active in
the past, improvement is neces-
sary before it can attain the pow-
er and prestige commensurate
with its proper station in campus
Litt, Ray N., '52E
1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. No 5. No
6. No.
"I wish to be re-elected so that
I may continue working on the
Human and International Com-
mittee to better student relations
amongst themselves with the ad-

a good student government. They
are: publicity, informing the stu-
dents about SL's problems and
achievements; and efficiency, uni-
ting and coordinating every col-
lege group."
Popkin, Susan, '54
1. No 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. No 5. No
6, No.
"I would like to see and partici-
pate in a strong and active SL,
therefore I would devote my time
and energy to making that cam-
pus government representative of
the wishes of the student body."
Price, Larry, '53

1. No 2. No 3. Yes
Yes 6. No.

4. Yes 5.,

Ir, ili




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"The SL has done a fine job in
making the University more than
just a school. However, there are
many matters on the campus that
need immediate attention and cor-
rection. I would like to pitch in
and do something about these
Ran kin, Allan, '53Ed.
(Not available for comment.)
"The SL is the only organiza-
tion where the student body,
through their representatives, can
express their views and influence
University policy. I would like to
do my part in representing and
furthering the interests of the

Reed, Frank F., '52
1. No 2. Yes 3. No comment
4. No 5. No 6. Yes,
"I want to activate and further
the work and projects of the In-
ternational Relations Commpittee
of the SL, and to participate in a
serious and constructive eval-
uation of the student body of the
purposes and traditions of student
government-the liberal education
Ringold, Tony, '53
1. No comment 2. Yes 3. No
comment 4. Yes 5. Yes 6. No.
"I am interested in student gov-
ernment, in meeting and associa,
ting with the members of SL and
in promoting better student-fac-
(Continued on Page 7)






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Marks, Leah, '52
1. Yes 2. No opinion 3. No 4.
Yes 5. Yes 6. No.
"As a candidate for re-election,
I feel that SL needs the service of
people who are fully informed and
who are, therefore, able to keep
SL moving in an efficient and
effective manner."
Miller, Oscar, '54
"I feel I can make a definite
contribution to the duties the SL
has on campus. I have had pre-
vious experience in student gov-
ernment and am willing to work
long and hard in aiding in the SL
to accomplish its objectives."
Neary, Robert, '54
1. No 2. No comment 3. Yes
4. Yes 5. Yes 6. No.
"I am very interested in student
government and firmly believe in
the principle behind it. I wish
to further the students' interests
and welfare through contact and
coordination with the administra-
Perlberg, Jules M.,
, '52 BAd.
1. No 2. Yes 3. No 4. Yes 5. No
6. No.
"I desire to serve on the SL in
order to help achieve the goals of


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