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April 21, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-04-21

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(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second in a
series of three editorials dealing with the forth-
coming peace treaty between this country and
PROBABLY THE hottest issue that will
come out of talks over a Japanese peace
treaty will be whether or not Japan should
be rearmed. As the problem will finally
have to be settled by the Japanese them-
selves-at present their constitution forbids
the maintainance of armed forces, the treaty
will probably make no mention of rearma-
But with the whole Far East a boiling
trouble spot, it is sure that the United
States wants Japan rearmed. American
leaders fear the consequences that could
come from leaving Japan defenseless when
the occupation ends. This country is,
however, faced with the task of convin-
'ing other parties to the treaty negotia-
tions that arming Japan is necessary. If
they oppose this,4they could refuse to sign
the treaty.
A further complicating factor is the con-
stitutional prohibition of anything ,military
in Japan. And reportedly the Japanese peo-
ple are so sick of fighting that they do not
care to have guns placed in their hands
It is a paradox that this country wants to
rearm the Japanese. Gen. MacArthur had
written into Japan's constitution the truly
unique provision: "the Japanese people for-
ever renounce war." When this was written
there probably was no doubt in the general's
mind that global peace had come. Japan
was to be the guiding light for the rest of
the world. Now with the rise of militant
Communism, national disarmament is a
practical impossibility.
Japan's present government has intimated
that it might go along with a constitutional
revision regarding rearming, but before ful-
ly agreeing the government could use pro-
mised action as a strong bargaining factor
in treaty negotiations.
That Japan will continue to su4port the
policy of the United States is not positive.
Although a democratic structure of govern-
ment has been set up, this could be easily
ignored by a forceful reactionary govern-
ment. Or strong political and economic fac-
tors may pressure the Japanese to the left.
A strong Japan on the side of Communism
could endanger the American petition in the
Far East greatly.
There is a good possibility that a separate
American negotiation with the Japanese will
provide for United States bases in Japan.
And the present government has said that
it would not be opposed to such a plan. But
these bases will one day be gone, and with
them this country's power to tell the Japan-
ese government what its final decisions must
This is the great gamble the United
States is ready to take in rearming Ja-
pan. America feels it will be able to con-
tinue its hold on Japanese support. But
to do so Japan's life as a democracy must
be assured. This assurance will only come
when the Japanese are again fitted into
living in the world set-up.
Its neighbors in the Far East are gener-
ally opposed to this. They fear the rise of a
powerful new Japan. It therefore falls to
the United States to convince these Asiatic
nations that Japan can be a leader in the
East in peace as it was in war.
-Vernon Emerson
(NEXT: Japan's economic future.)
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Reactions to MacArthur

The Line-up ...
WITHOUT DOUBT, a large portion of this
campus is standing squarely behind
President Truman in his dismissal of the
recalcitrant General MacArthur.
Possibly many of us are taking a hint
from the many persons throughout the
country, who, after first reacting violently
against the removal, have retraced their
steps and are now casting aside political
and emotional leanings in favor of amore
rational appraisal of the situation.
Perhaps many are trying to emulate "If
I may venture an opinion.. ." Paul Hune,
the Washington Post music critic who barely
escaped a thorough beating by the militant
Truman several months ago. Surprisingly,
Hume wrote the mildest of letters to the
President endorsing the ouster of MacAr-
thur. It's certainly commendable that Hume
was man enough to repress his personal
feelings and follow his good judgment.
Here on campus, it is significant that
several educators, who have often been
critical of Truman (and certainly with
justification), have backed- him on this
point. Some top University officials have
quietly acquiesced, if not wholeheartedly
supported the decision.
It is also noteworthy that Prof. Robert.
Ward, assistant director of the Center of
Japanese Studies, has no qualms about the,
removal of the General. MacArthur, reliable
sources have disclosed, was instrumental in
the founding of the Center's research ex-
tension service in Okayama, Japan.
In fact, not one faculty member as yet
encountered by this reporter, has been
gripped with paroxysms over the dismissal.
Without doubt, Truman also has many
supporters among the student body. One
professor has disclosed that 90 per cent of
his class is behind Truman. Another class
voted 12 to 4 in Truman's favor. An inter-
esting sidelight was that class's vote on
what its reaction was upon first learning
of the dismissal. Here, Truman lost out
by a 2 to 14 vote.
Perhaps this corroborates Prof. Russell
Fifield's theory that the American public
will eventually rally behind the President-
after some reflection.
Another strange sidelight is that United
Press surveys have given MacArthur huge
support from the American people, while
Associated Press checks report an even-
steven tsplit.
Perhaps the nation and this campus are
recognizing that the continuance of Mac-
Arthur in command-great general that he
is-would have endangered world peace.
Had his ideas of bombing Manchurian in-
dustry and launching Chiang's Formosa
army onto the Chinese mainland been car-
ried into effect, we would now be facing an
acute world crisis.
MacArthur's unpropituous comments and
letters revealed a type of insubordination
which was an insult to the United Nations,
to the President, and above all, to the Con-
The Constitution is, as Prof. Marshall
Knappen put it, bigger than any one indi-
vidual, and it can, as MacArthur found out,
chop anyone down to size.
Whether the MacArthur dismissal will
have any effect on chances for a settle-
ment in Korea remains a moot question,
but it is heartening that the United Na-
tions has now reported what seems to be
a genuine North Korean peace overture.
Maybe the Administration's foreign policy
isn't so naive after all.
-Cal Samra

Power of a Voice..*.
THAT THE human voice is a uniquely
powerful device was freskly evidenced
Even with the pitch limitations and re-
duction of emotional power to which the
speaking voice is subjected, a few speak-
ers manage to use their voices to extra-
ordinary advantage and influence.
The voice is very flexible, and used wisely
it can assume many personifications. An or-
dinary speaking voice-neither hurried nor
dragging, vivid nor flat-indicates clearly
that a man, not a god is speaking. It is sug-
gestive of humility backboned with modest
A voice is also capable of swift changes.
It can deepen to profundity, take on a learn-
et air with fact and description, and sound
for all the world like a lecturer. Or it can
hasten its pace and increase its volume, ex-
pound principles in scientific succession-
one, two, three, four-it thus becomes a po-
litician. It can indignantly protest and be-
come a rebel. It can say "I know" with such
assurance that it falls impressively on the
ears as a confident sound-without substan-
It can slowly and thoughtfully speak of
the spirit as opposed to the flesh; now it is
a preacher. It can acquire a chatty, confi-
dential tone or it can praise with such
words as "splendid" and talk like a family
friend. It can quaver emotionally, reminisce,
and quote musical phrases, and become a
But the voice is never so stirring, so
hypnotic as when it becomes an actor
and raspingly spits out "blackmail"
"death," "slavery," or when it loses it
harshness, becomes softly insidious and
bids farewell.
A singing star by the name of Frank Sin-
atra used to be known as "The Voice;" I
would suggest that a certain failing star be
given the title to replace the several titles
he has recently lost.
-Virginia Voss
* * * *
Sol1dier' Dream ...
GEN. MacARTHUR was finished with his
opinions. And their vigor and insight
corresponded to those of another great Am-
erican, who had left us only a few hours
before. As both these men left the service of
their country, their wisdom and courage
were assured an everlasting place in the
heart of the nation they loved.
Near the end of the General's speech,
he was speaking of his boyish ambitions
and vanished dreams.
. What unfulfilled ambition was the Gen-
eral talking about? Not his dream of gradu-
ating at the top of his class, for his 98.12
average at West Point has not been equalled
since he graduated in 1903. He couldn't have
been thinking of his ambition to become
Chief of Staff, for he was the youngest man
ever to hold that position. MacArthur's un-
fulfilled dream was of a world where Am-
erican youth would no longer be sacrificed
amid the rubble of war.
It is this life-long dream that he leaves
for us to make reality. He hands us the rid-
ing crop he carried through the trenches of
France at the head of the heroic Rainbow
Division. He leaves us the flag which he sat
cooly beneath-in the open-while the Japs
bombed tiny Corregidor. Then, too, he was
disobedient to the President-disobedient to
the repeated commands of President Roose-
velt to leave that rock. MacArthur has been
disobedient like his general, Gen. Dean, who
would not retreat when cautioned by his
aide, but struggled up a Korean hill. with
one of his wounded soldiers in his arms.
Americans must go forward with the

dream of peace with the magnificent per-
sonal courage and intense patriotism of Gen.
Douglas MacArthur. "An Old Soldier Never
-Bruce Cohan
At The Orpheum .. .
SO LONG AT THE FAIR with Jean Sim-
mons and Dick Bogarde. Produced by J.
Arthur Rank.
IT WON'T SPOIL anyone's fun to say that
this story is about a young English girl
and her brother who visit the Paris Exhibi-
tion in 1898-(I believe it was held in 1898).
On their second day at the fair, the brother
disappears completely. There is no trace of
him or his possessions . . . there is even no
trace of his hotel room. On top of this the
girl can get no one to even admit she ever
had a brother. In fact on the evidence, you
begin to wonder if you saw the first of the
n+i,a inrihtyVoul. Yr Vnr nwn and the

"I Don't Think You Quite Got The Idea, Senator"
tin g
1 / c
<& 2j44!



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (1 a.-
m. Saturdays).
VOL. LXI, No. 136
Late permission for women students
who attended the Horowitz concert on
wed., April 18 will be no later than
11:20 p.m.
retired Union president, speaking
for the Union Board, had-had the
courage to write the SL a letter
suggesting that it would be a
"great discourtesy" for SL to take
a referendum of student opinion
on two Union policies when the
Board was opposed to the refer-
I regret that I do not understand
this new language of diplomacy
as well as the majority of my col-
leagues on SL.
-Tom Walsh
* * *


f4&E ag o c.
* 91R t*I w.,).Ta4 ~p p .

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Summation .


Vandenberg .,.
To the Editor:
HIS WEEK marked the passing
of a great American states-
man-Senator Arthur H. Vanden-
berg.uThe man who fought the
League of Nations and Lend-
Lease, who later in his career
chapged his mind, and became the
champion of internationalism. He
will be remembered for many
things-his efforts in establishing
a United Nations, his fight for
the Marshall Plan, his support of
the Atlantic Pact.
To elaborate on all that this
man did would take volumes. Eu-
logies to him will be made by
greater men. But I would like to
quote a fitting epitaph to this man
who is today mourned by Demo-
crats and Republicans alike, and
who tomorrow and in years to
come will live on in the hearts of
a grateful nation.
"The heights by great men
reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden
But they, while their compan-
ions slept,
Were toiling upward in the
-Gene Mossner
* * *

MacArthur .

. 0

To the Editor:
MAC ARTHUR is coming
He is coming, there
Three cheers for MacArthur
Yea M
Yea N
Yea M (for Mac)
Vive la Napoleon!
(Note: After his successful Ital-
ian campaign in 1796 Napoleon
attempted to dictate his own terms
of peace in Austria. He was "di-
verted" to Egypt, However, within
a year the Directory was forced
to recall him by popular demand
and in four years he was Emperor.)
... MacArthur has not
Banished unto Egypt
-Robert B. Bentley
* * *

warmongers, i.e., MacArthur's
war-now-in-the-Pacific variant,,
or Truman's war-later-in-Europe
variant; or we, the American peo-
ple, can take the cause of pre-1
serving peace into our own hands
and demand of Truman:
An immediate end to the war in
Withdrawal of all foreign troops
and peaceful settlement of Korean
questions by the Koreans.
A conference of Big Five lead-
ers to settle all outstanding differ-
It is peace or war, these are the
The majority of Americans are
for an end of hostilities and peace-
ful negotiations, not for spread-
ing the war, as the Gallup Poll
It is time for us to speak up for
peace. It is time for us to tell the
warmongers where to head in.
-Myron Sharpe, Grad.
* * *
Flourished Fade .. .
To the Editor:
O LD SOLDIERS never die -
they just fade away" - to
the tune of a 200 piece military
band, a 17 gun salute, a crowd of
2,000,000 Americans and an ad-
dress to a joint meeting of Con-
gress. This seems to me indicative
of the contempt that "Mac" has
for the American people and the
constitutional institutions through
which they express their views. A
military coup would possibly be
considered, by "Mac," a mild dis-
play (but more in keeping with
the gravity of the situation).
-Leo D. Vichules
* * *
New Diplomacy .. .
To the Editor:
dent Legislature killed the
proposed referendum on Michi-
gan Union policies by referring it
to a committee. The questions
were on eliminating the front
door policy, opening the cafeteria
to women, and a general question
on making the Union co-educa-
Since nearly 12,000 student
"members" of the Union will not
have an opportunity to express
their opinions in the election next
Tuesday and Wednesday, some ex-
planation may be worthwhile.
After the request had been pre-
sented to the SL some three weeks
ago, it was turned over to the Un-
ion Board for initial consideration
at the urgent, and I thought er-
nest request of the then Union
President. The Board turned it
down, giving some assurance, how-
ever, that it would find out stu-
dent attitudes for itself.
Neutrality was missing the fol-
lowing night, though, when this
retiring Union President "heartily
endorsed" retention of the front
door policy in a speech which I am
told on quite reliable authority
carried out the request of at least
some members of the Union's
Before the request could be
acted upon by the SL, in keeping
with the agreement I understood
I had made with the Union presi-
dent, he dashed to the Student Af-
fairs Committee on which he sits
because of his office, discarded
the hat of the Union president,
and, speaking "as an individual,"
pleaded that the SAC eliminate

To the Editor:
IN THE LAST few days the posi-
tion of America to the rest of
the world has been discussed by
both letter and editorial writers.
In Ray F. Ravenna's letter an im-
portant misconception was stated.
And in Leonard Greenbaum's edi-
torial and implicit position could
be assumed which shows great in-
sight into America's present di-
Mr. Ravenna states that the
English want to turn over our
"democratic" allies on Formosa to
the Communists. Sadly to say,
however, the people on Formosa
and their leader are not now, and
have not been democratically in-
clined since the death of Sun Yat
Sen, the leader of China's social
revolution. Chaing Kai-shek is
one of the most authoritarian
leaders in the Orient. And it is
at this point that our foreign po-
licy bogs down. Either America is
slow-witted or we are reactionary,
for we almays seem to find our-
selves in the position of support-
ing reactionary g o v e r n m e n t s,
while, at least on the surface, the
Russians always appear to be sup-
porting a people's movement. We
cannot gain friends-or win a war
if we do not have the faith of the
peoples of the world.
Mr. Greenbaum referred to Am-
erica's "charity with strings" while
China and Russia seem totibe
charitable "without strings." Mrs.
Pandit, India's ambassador to
Mexico and the United States, ha
also commented on America's so-
called humanitarians. On a
television program earlier this
year she talked about how at first
the Marshall Plan seemed such a
noble gesture, but then, as our re-
presentatives wrangled a b o u t
"what's in it for us," she became
disgusted by our "humanitarian-
Unless America realizes that i
the eyes of the world we no long-
er appear to be a great, free, hu-
manitarian nation; but rather
that we appear corrupt and com-
pletely self-interested-unless we
realize this, America will fail in
her proclaimed effort to save the
"free peoples from communism.
We must reevaluate our attitude
and show the peoples of the worl
that we do want to help them liv
healthily and freely-"without an
-Mayer Zald, '53
Disillusioned City . .
To the Editor:
THE CITY had become confuse
and tired. The people ha
been thinking, been settling thei:
own problems, been making their
own decisions for too long and
now they were tired and afraid
Their democracy had been more
than they bargained for - to
much a democracy because ther
were few true Leaders. Some o
the problems went on and on un-
settled, aggravating, disturbing.
Then from the east came a
hope . .. a leader. . one who
could do their deciding. No one
knew about him but they hac
heard about him. So they prepar
ed to welcome him.
The brave democratic men whc
had borne responsibilities shed
tears for the coming relief. The
women wailed ecstaticly in con-
vention and in the streets. Chil
dren waved flags and the band
played. He was coming.
In the distance a cloud appear-
ed. They could not see him at firs
but they remembered what thei
minds told them of him .. greal
immortal ... a leader.
Then he was on the sneaker'

Academic Notices
Seminar on complex Variabes: Mon.,
April 23, 3011 Angell Hall. Mr. Miller
will speak on "Exceptional Sets."
Mathematics. Prof. Reinhold Baer,
University of Illinois, "Generalization
of the Concept of Central Chain." Sat.,
April 21, 9 a.m., 3010 Angell Hall.
April Exhibitions at the Museum of
Art, Alumni Memorial Hal. Medieval
In d iha n Sculpture (Photographs)
through May 2. Also Accessions 1950
extended through April. Weekdays 9-5
Sunday 2-5. The public is invited.
Exhibition: Watercolor and Prints
by Chet LaMore, Professor of Drawing
and Painting.,Main corridor, Architec-
ture Building, 1st floor, April 16
through 28.
Events Today
congregational - Disciples - Evangeli-
cal and Reformed Guild: Fireside from
7:30 to 9 p.m. at the Guild House, with
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Banks of Flanner
House, Indianapolis.
Roger William Guild: Work Party at
the Guild House all afternoon.
Saturday Luncheon Discussion Group,
Lane Hall, 12:15 p.m.
Michigan State convocation at Mt.
Pleasant, Meet at Lane Hall at 5:30
Sailing club: Notre Dame team race
for the Whaletail Pail. Only new mem-
bers may crew. Skipper's dues must be
paid to sail. Initiation of new members
at 3 p.m. Cars to Whitmore at side
door of Union 9 & 10 a.m
Faculty Sports Night. IM Building,
7:30 p.m., Swimming and indoor sports
equipment available to faculty mem-
bers and guests. For further Informa-
tion call Mrs. Eiteman, 5474.
Hillel Drama Club: Casting tryouts
for "Don Juan in Hell," scene from
George Bernard Shaw's "Man and Su-
perman" will be held in Lane Hall 1
Pershing Rifles: All inactive and
alumni members of National Society of
Pershing Rifles please conact Jim-e-
SNally or Doug Covert, 16 Winchell
House, 24401 as soon as possible.
Pershing Rifles: All active members
report in uniform to the Rifle Range
at 8 a.m. After 9:30, the unit will drill
at Ferry Field.
International center: Movie: "The
Educational System in Korea," present-
ed by the Korean students. 7:30 p.m.,
International Center. Everyone Invited.
Coming Events
Young Republicans: Meeting, Tues,
April 24, 7:30 p.m., Union. Speaker:
Auditor General John Martin of Grand
Rapids. A former Rhodes Scholar, he
will discuss current political affairs
and international affairs. Report on
the results of the Big Ten Young Re-
publican Conference held in Madison,
and the p~osition of the Michigan dele-
gation will be indicated as it pertained
to the adopted platform.
Russky Kruzhok: Mon., April 23, 3
p.m., International Center. Mr. Leo
1Teholiz, Fine Arts Department, will
speak on Rusi n art (illustrated).
Everyone welcome.
Sailing Club: Eliminations for Mich-
iganInvitational Regatta, Sun., April
22, 930 a.m. All qualified skippers and
crews please be present.
Hillel: UJA - Women's dorm co-
mittee will meet Mon., April 23,.4:15
p.m., Lane Hall.
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting 2 p.m..
Sun., April 22, League. All interested
are invited.
Hillel Social committee: Meeting.
Mon., April 23. 4 p.m., Lane Hall. All
, past and prospctive pembers are urged
to attend.
U. of M. Hot Record Society: Miscel-
laneous jazz bands program. Sun.,
April 22, 8 p.m., League. Everyone in-
" vited.
S Graduate Outing Club: Out of town
d hike near Delhi Falls on Sun., April 22.
e Meet at Grad. Outing Clubroom, north-
y west corner of Rackham at 2:15 p.m.
Bring cars. All grads welcome.








MacArthur .

RAN-There is a very simple measure
of the folly of the Iranian ruling class
and the flabby short-sightedness of American
and British policy here. This country is
being gnawed to death by a headless worm.
Nowhere else in the world could the Tudeh
party, without any nationally known leader,
with only the smallest hard core of true
Communists, constitute a serious threat. But
as recent events all too clearly testify, the
Tudeh party is a serious threat in Iran.
You ask any Iranian who heads the
Tudeh, who leads and directs it, and even'
if he is one of the Tudeh's young in-
tellectual fellow travellers, he replies with
a shrug, "the Soviet Embassy."
In addition, the nature of Soviet inten-
tions in Iran was disclosed as bluntly as
possible during the Azerbaijan crisis in 1946,
when the Tudeh following melted down al-
most to the hard core alone. Finally the party
operates under the handicap of illegality.
Fp ERE ARE four causes for this situation.
FIrst, and most important of all, Iran's
own leading men, the landlords and mer-
chant-politician-millionaires who control
the country, have signally failed to put the
national house in order.
Second, the masters of the Kremlin
about a year ago shrewdly changed their
, .. a tinsfnw... u Tm.n a baandnnimn r

Fourth and finally, the Americans have
made almost every conceivable mistake,
arousing great hopes of lavish economic aid
which never came; arousing great hopes also
of helping the Iranians to escape from their
unhappy position between the Russians and
British but making no effort to do so;
neither working intimately with the British
nor developing an independent policy; oc-
casionally intervening to influence local
political events but never intervening de-
cisively to produce a real result.
* * *
IN THE CHAOS thus created, the Tudeh
has emerged as the only truly organized
and powerful national grouping. Besides the
Tudeh, there is only the band of politicians
of the National Front, led by Dr. Mussadegh,
and their religious fanatic allies, the Fe-
dayan Islam of the Mullah Kashani, one of
whose followers murdered Gen. Razmara.
The murder of Razmara, as everyone knows,
led to the oil nationalization vote. As a re-
sult the National Front now dominates the
official political scene.
But of these events' also, the Tudeh will
inherit the benefits. On the one hand, the
political assassinations have largely de-
moralized the run of the mill Iranian poli-
ticians. On the other hand, the bitter out-
burst of anti-foreign feeling has greatly

0 0

To the Editor:'
N0 AMOUNT of high-sounding1
phrases will serve MacArthur
to cover up the fact that he is
one of the world's leading war-
How stupid does he think the
American people are when he says
in effect: war means peace?
He says: I favor peace. There-
fore we must extend the war.
He hays: the Chinese, who have
just conquered China, are "ag-
gressively imperialistic." There-
fore we are entitled to defend our
shores in Korea and on the bor-
der of China, as well as to extend
the war to China, while the Chin-
ese have no right to defend their
MacArthur says: my military
strategy demands spreading the
war. But it isn't important wheth-
er his strategy suffers. What is
important is to save human lives,
to prevent a world war which
would be unimaginably terrible,
to prevent war altogether!
MacArthur failed to mention
this alternative.
He said: Truman's policy is a
useless waste of lives because


futr~~ig a a


Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown ...........Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger ........ City Editor
Roma Lipsky .........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas . .........Feature Editor
Janet Watts ....,......Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan ..........Associate Editor
James Gregory . ......Associate Editor
Bill Connolly ...........Sports Editor
Bob Sandell ....Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton ....Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans ..........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor


Business Staff
Bob Daniels .........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible .....Advertising Manager
Sally Fish--------------Finance Manager

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