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tr Dzinz
Latest Deadline in the State
:43 agt
Library Cuts
Operating Time
General Library officials have decided to keep the building closed
every Sunday this month and next, as part of an experiment in
money-saving measures.
The move was made in anticipation of a slash in the library's
operating funds next year,'according to Prof. Warner G. Rice, library
He said its purpose was to determine whether a Sunday shutdown
would be feasible as a permanent economy policy in the future.
THE EXPERIMENT will be terminated in time for students to
use the library on Sundays during the final examination period.
Several other service curtailments are under consideration
and may be put into effect this semester on an experimental
basis, Prof. Rice said.
A letter of protest has already been dispatched to library officials
by the Student Legislature, pending further SL study.
* * * *
PROF. RICE ESTIMATED that next year's reduced budget will
necessitate a paring of expenses equivalent to the wages of 15 full-
time library staff members.
He said that the Sunday closing, if continued throughout
the academic year, would bring about a saving approximating
the wage of one staff member. Operating costs amount to more
than $60 per Sunday.
Prof. Rice felt the Sunday closing would be a relatively satisfac-
tory aid in solving the budget problem, because other places are
available for student study, and because it is difficult to find suitable
staff personnel to work that day anyhow.
A NUMBER OF other experiments are contemplated to determine
which services can be reduced or eliminated with the least inconven-
ience to the campus, he revealed.
Among these are: 1) closing the circulation desk at 6 p.m.
daily, 2) opening the library an hour later or closing an hour
earlier each day,. 3) closing at 6 p.m. Friday and noon Saturday,
4) closing divisional libraries evenings and Saturdays, and 5) dis-
continuing service entirely in some units which serve small
groups, such as the study hall at Willow Run Village.
Some expense reductions are also being considered in the pro-
cessing departments, which handle cataloging and preparation of
books for use.
* *. * *
"WITHOUT DOUBT putting into effect any one of these sug-
gestions will result in some inconvenience to a considerable number of
library users and it is to be regretted that stern necessity dictates the
contemplation of any such moves," Prof. Rice said.
Student Legislature president George Roumell, '51, termed
it "regrettable" that the University is "forced to curtail educa-
tional services because of possible budget cuts.
"I am wondering if another solution can be found by the library
in its attempt to work within its budget," he added.
Legislator Lee Benjamin, '52, was more vehement in protesting
the action. "I think library service is poor enough on Sundays as it
is, without eliminating its study facilities entirely," she said.
JamS treets
Ovation Greatest
In U.S._History
NEW YORK - (A) - A roaring
multitude yesterday gave General
Douglas MacArthur the greatest
acclaim this nation has ever heap-
ed upon a returning hero.
The mass outpouring of people
and emotion-police estimated the
crowd at 7,500,000-swelled into a
thunderous tribute to the famed
soldier who has sparked a deep
and bitter conflict over American
policy in Asia.
* * *
THE OVATION rolled from the
green expanse of Central Park
down into the gry stone depths of
Lower Manhattan during' four
hours and one minute of unbroken
With Mrs. MacArthur and their
13-year-old son, Arthur, near his
side, the General told a huge
crowd at city hall:
"As I watched your throngs,
a great pride and a great con-
fidence came upon me for here-
I saw in this great city, this
melting pot of the world, an
indomitable force which cannot
fail to maintain our freedom and
our way of life.
"This, I said to myself, is Amer-
ica. And this, with God's help,
we shall keep American."
Mayor Vincent R. Impellitteri
presented the General with a gold
medal as a tribute from the peo-
ple of the city.
The medal bears an inscription
which says: "In defense of honor
and liberty and the fundamental
principles on which free Institu-
tions may rest."
* *. 4.
AT A LUNCHEON in his honor,
MacArthur told New Yorkers the
city's welcome had done "what
an enemy in savage campaign-
ing in the Pacific has never been
able to do-you have forced us to
He said Mrs. MacArthur had
warned him not to try to make
another speech. He added:
"Though many of you may
doubt it, I do most meticulously
obey my commander-in-chief."
And he gestured toward his wife
The MacArthur parade wound
through 15 miles of city streets
banked with masses of people in
a holiday mood.
They were all there, straining
for a glimpse of the man with the
gold-braided cap who was seeing
this. city for the first time in 14
stormy years of war and peace.
This turnout was almost double
the 4,000,000 who greeted Charles
Lindbergh in 1927 and Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1945.;
The tumult swept along with
MacArthur and his family. The
General rode in the first car with
Mayor Impellitteri. Behind them
came Mrs. MacArthur and Arthur,
still wearing his long-billed avia-
tor's cap. They waved and smiled
and nodded acknowledgment of
the greeting.
From the crowd came a bull-
voiced bellow: "Come on MacAr-
thur. Save America!"
Pe tain's Condition
ILE D'YEU, France - (P) - The
condition of Henri Philippe Petain,
94 years old, head of the Vichy
Regime, was extremely critical late
last night, after a new relapse in
his fight against pneumonia.
A llies Push
On Toward
TOKYO - (A') - Allied troops
early today drove back up a 1,500-
foot height in seesaw fighting for
Chorwon, 18 miles inside Red
Field dispatches said the Reds
appeared to be slowly yielding in
a last-ditch stand for that rail-
highway hub and supply base in
the west-central sector. Allied
forces have won nearly all the
dominating fringe of mountains
south of Chorwon.
* * *.
split an Allied company and drove
it off a 1,500-foot hill six miles
south of Chorwon. This was one
of a series of Red counterattacks.
The Allies had beaten off the
others in close quarters action
which involved fists and rifle butts.
Early today, after artillery blast-
ed the enemy, the re-formed com-
pany regained the height in the
face of heavy machinegun fire..
The Reds hurled more than
500 men in one of yesterday's
counterblows. Seventy-five were
killed and more than 150 wound-
ed before the, foe fell back.1
Other field dispatches said UN
forces advanced unopposed today
iri Central Korea and shelled Red
troop concentrations in the east-
central sector.
Snow flurries fell on troops mov-
ing across ridge tops in the center.
* *! *
bombardment raked an area about
four miles north of the Allied-won
Hwachon Reservoir. A tank-in-
fantry force seized a hill a mile
north of the reservoir's eastern
tip. Other UN troops maintained
their positions in the town of
Hwachon and around the reser-
The U.S. Eighth Army's new
commander, Lt. Gen. James A. Van
Fleet, offered no predictions on
the next phase of the war during
a frontline visit. He said it was
"anybody's guess" what the Com-
munists would do next, but added:
"There is a definite buildup and
I imagine the enemy would like
to take another shot at us. We're
ready for them-if they do."
Perkins Becomes
Delaware Head
NEWARK, Del.-(A')-The Uni-
versity of Delaware yesterday in-
augurated John A. Perkins as its
21st president.
Pekins, at 36 the youngest land-
grant college president in the na-
tion, has held office since last
Nov. 1. He came to Delaware from
the University where he was -'1
sistant provost.-
A political scientist, he also for-t
merly was state comptroller and
budget director for the University.i
-Daily-Roger Reinke
'MACARTHUR' GREETING--General Douglas MacArthur, in customary military garb, greets a
throng of local admirers at the side door entrance of the Union. The General, alias Larry Gottlieb,
'52, startled the campus yesterday with a surprise visit to the city. Sitting beside the General is his
aide, Dick Nelson, '52. Brth students later admitted that the hoax was "their version of what
happened on TV."
4 t "* #
'MacArthur' Shocks 'U'
With Unexpected Arrival
Two Oil Tankers Collide;
tProbable Deaths Set at 38
NEW ORLEANS-()-Two oil
tankers collided in a dense dawn
fog in the Gulf of Mexico yester-
day with a probable death toll of
Both ships were swept by flames
after the crash.
India Food Aid
Measure Out
Of Committee
The Senate Foreign Relations
Committee yesterday approved a
compromise bill providing $95,-
000,000 worth of food grains for
famine-stricken India.
4' The committee's action came as
University students and local citi-
zens staged a public meeting de-
manding swift Congressional pas-
sage of the measure, pigeonholed
for four months in committee.
* *
SEN. TOM Connally, (D-Tex.)
committee chairman, said mem-
bers recommended half the food
be a gift and the government lend
India $47,500,000 to pay for the
He said the committee also
voted to authorize another $95,-
000,000 worth of food grains for
use under the same terms later,
if Congress provides the funds.
The Senate committee's action
came on the heels of the approval
of a similar measure by the House
Rules Committee, where the mea-
sure had been pigeonholed despite
pleas by President Truman and
Secretary of State Dean Acheson
for speedy action. The adminis-
tration, however, had proposed
The Esso Greensboro was left
a blazing hulk with only five of
her 42 crewmen rescued. The 10,-
000-ton tanker wallowed in a sea
of flaming oil spilled from the
140,000 barrel cargo she was car-
rying from Aransas Pass, Tex.,
to Baltimore and New York.
THE 26,500-TON super tanker
Esso Suez, the other ship in the
collision, was cut by a 20-foot
gash in her bow about 10-feet
above the water line. It was able,
however, to put out the fires that
swept its forepeak and proceeded
last night toward New Orleans at
its regular 17-knot speed. It was
expected here today.
First Mate Walter Brehm of
Lyndhurst, N.J., was the Suez's
only reported fatality but four
of Its 44 crewmen were badly
The Suez was enroute in ballast
from Baltimore to Corpus Christi,
The Esso New York, which raced
to the Greensboro's aid, radioed
early yesterday morning "no one
believed alive on board."
Later, after rescuing four crew-
men of the Greensboro, one badly
burned, and recovering two char-
red bodies, the New York aban-
doned rescue efforts saying there
appeared no hope of there being
any other. survivors.
But a second and third body
were recovered. later. They were
believed to be Michael Wajda of
Miami and a man identified only1
as McCann.'
'U' Regent Doan
A ccepts New Post
Gen. Douglas MacArthur shock-
ed the campus yesterday with a
surprise visit to the, University,
but later proved to be an im-
The handsome hero of the Pa-
cific made an abrupt appearance
on State St. at 2:30 p.m. yester-
day in a gray Chevrolet convert-
ible, and with the famous Mac-
Arthur salute, paid tribute to as-
tounded students, who stood on
sidewalks, gawking, applauding-
and laughing.
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTONn Oren Long, a
Kansan who went to Hawaii 34
years ago as a social settlement
worker, was named by President
Truman yesterday to be Governor
of Hawi'ii.
W. V.-Sen. Paul Douglas (D-
I11.) warned last night Gen.
Douglas MacArthur's Far East-
ern policies could "cause Russia
openly to enter the war and
hence start World War Three."
WASHINGTON - The General
Electric Company announced last
night it intends to give all its 200,-
000 workers a pay increase, retro-
active to Mar. 15, if the govern-
ment approves.
The General was accompanied
by his chauffeur and two of his
staff. A Confederate Flag flutter-
ed on the car.
* * * *
THEN, AS suddenly as he ap-
peared, he disappeared. But the
General was no apparition, for
last night" he turned up again,
this time in a blue Buick con-
MacArthur, witnesses report-
ed, was seen at 9 p.m. in front
of the Union, wearing his cus-
tomary trench coat and weather-
beaten Army cap.
Startled by-standers said that
five stairs were embroidered on his
coat, that he wore sun-glasses,
and that he intermittently puffed
on a curved pipe.
* * *
LATER, four University students,
members of Pi Lambda Phi fra-
ternity, admitted that' they had
planned the phoney impersona-
tion as a "good gag."
MacArthur turned out to be
Larry Gottlieb, '52. He had been
accompanied by Dick Nelson,
52, Miv Sallen, '52, and Jerry
Fanger, '52.
Gottlieb insisted that his im-
personation of MacArthur was not
meant to be malicious. "All four
of us agree with MacArthur's pol-
Fanger explained that "we did
it on the spur of the moment. It
was our version of what happened
on TV in San Francisco, Wash-
ington, and New York."
'Unique Talk
Given at Phi
IBete, dinner
Because he did not want to de-
liver the usual "commencement
address" often heard on such oc-
casions, Prof. Parker of New York
University dramatically described
the life of "A Man to Remember"
at the 43rd annual Phi Beta Kappa
initiation banquet last night.
The "Man to Remember" turned
out to be John Milton, but the
audience of Phi Beta Kappa mem-
bers was kept guessing about Prof.
Parker's subject until the closing
moments of his address.
* * *
MILTON'S identity was kept se-
cret in order to present his ideas'
and views for what they were
worth alone, without coloring them
by anypersonality, Prof. Parker
Milton "became famous be-
cause he was identified with a
cause people felt keenly about,"
according to Prof. Parker, who is
a member of the NYU English
Strongly interested in govern-
ment, Milton was the "ardent foe
of any form of totalimarian rule.
He believed that the state existed.
for the people."
In Milton's own words, "It is a
race of idiots whose happiness de-
pends upon one man."
* * *
THE GREAT Englishman fought
courageously f o r many causes,
none of which were achieved dur-
ing his lifetime, Prof. Parker said.
As an example of this courage,
Milton "told a world famous gen-
eral how to behave," the NYU
professor pointed out, "but he
did not, I may add, dismiss the
A man with important views on
education, Milton held that col-
leges and universities failed to in-
still a deep and permanent love of
learning. He thought that edu-
cation should produce good citi-
Tension Up
With Another
Climax Near
Chiefs of Staff.
To Be Questioned
gry MacArthur-vs-Truman dispute
brought from ISen. Robert Taff
(R-O.) yesterdaya charge the Ad-
mninistration is "using" Gen. Omar
Bradley to serve its purposes.
On every hand, there were indi-
cations pointing to a showdown on
foreign policy.
"THE TRUMAN administration
is working both sides of the mili-
tary and political street," Sen. Taft
told a reporter. He said Gen. Brad-
ley speaks out or keeps silent as
the White House wishes.
Thus there was no sign ofa
let-upsin the great quarrel on
whether President Truman did
right or wrong when he tired
Gen. MacArthur frem his Pacific
commands last week with the ex-
planation that the General did-
n't fit in with plans to restrict
warfare to Korea
Everything pointed to a build-up
to another climax, probably late
this month, when Gen. MacAr-
thur will return to Washington for
a question4and-answer session
with the Senate Armed Services
* * *
THE QUARREL is p'pointed
now on whether the Joint Chiefs -
of Staff-whose duty is to advise
the Presi lent on military mat-
ters-were for or against Gen.
MacArthur's views on how to run
the war in the Far East,
Chairman Richard Russell (D-
Ga.) of the armed services group
indicated it would investigate
the Joint Chiefs' position.
Gen. MacArthur said in his
speech to Congress Thursday he
believed his advocacy of air opera-
tions over Manchuria and of block-
ading Red China had been shared
in the past, from a military stand-
point, by the JCS.
« * 4.
IN TOKYO, a key officer on
Gen. MacArthur's old staff said the
general could fully document his
speech. Supplying proof, this of-
ficer said, "will be the easiest part
of it" and "the big battle will come
when he appears before the Senate
Armed Services Committee to bring
out the details."
Gen. Bradley is chairman of JO"S.
Sen. Taft's criticism of him was
based on remarks Gen. Bradley
made at Chapel Hill, N. C., Thurs-
day night and on a speech he
made at Chicago, Tuesday.
* * *
Senators Fight
Over Policies
Of MacArthur
WASHINGTON-- ( ) -- Three
aroused Senators ended a war of
words over Gen. Douglas MacAr-
thur's policies yesterday with a
shoving match at the door of a
radio recording studio.
Sen. Homer Capehart (R-Ind),
a heavily built man of 53 and a
backer of Gen. MacArthur, told re-
porters he' seized Sen. Hubert
Humphrey (D-Minn) by the lapel
and "threw him out" of the studio
after Sen Humphrey called him "a,
very dirty name."
Slack in Buying Rate May Cut Prices.
Decreasing urgency in consumer
buying of automobiles and major
appliances this year may mean the
upward spiral of prices will slack-
en off, according to results of a
nationwide consumer finance sur-
The sirvev which was made in
that prices will go up this year,
the most popular choice for sav-
ings investment continued to be
United States savings bonds.
2. Half of the consumers who
have immediate plans for funds
they will receive from maturing
government bonds said they will
v.-nama* *mn i 4 T. T_
the people are well aware that we
are in an inflationary period. Even
though the median income rose
from $2,700 to $3,000, more con-
sumers thought they were worse
off than thought they were better
off "
Lansing departed from the
.rv" o 4. v that see rpcult.
show that proper use of govern-
ment economic controls may mean.
that prices will be substantially
stable for the next half year.
In spite of the inflationary
sentiment in the country, Prof.
Katona felt that controls would
make lare nric increases im-