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February 13, 1951 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1951-02-13

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ARY 13, 1951


Spring Fashions To Feature
Veils in New, Unusual Styles
Flowers Trim Simple or Dressy Bonnets;
Combs Will Fasten Sheer Fabrics to Hair

Back in the days when grandpa
twirled a mean moustache, grand-
ma predicted the future by wear-
ing veils of every texture and
style, a fashion which experts
. claim will make a reappearance
in this spring's Easter parade.
Grandma's . Sunday ensemble
wasn't complete without the ad-
dition of a veil to the dressiest or
most simple hat. According to the
fashion experts, however, modern
woman is going to go grandma
' one better, for veils will be worn
this year with or without a hat!
These veils may be the tie-on
type that fastens with combs be-
hind the ears. Another popular
type for daytime wear is a flow-
er trimmed version which ties in
back with narrow streamers of
black rayon velvet ribbon.
Popular for the month of St.
Valentine is a soft veil trimmed
with velvet hearts, each of which
is centered with a mock diamond.
This type may be worn without a
Sunday Entertainment
Provided for Students
In Union Terrace Rm.
Sunday evening entertainment
will be provided for students
when the Terrace Room of the
Union opens for dancing and card
playing from 8 to 10:30 p.m. Sun-
A date event, the Sunday eve-
ning entertainment will feature
dancing in the small ballroom of
the Union as well as canasta and
bridge games in the Terrace
There will be no admission
j charge( for the event which is to
be held weekly.

hat or draped around an older
one, thus giving it a spring face
Many gf the new styles, the ex-
perts claim, will feature veils
which are not worn across the
head at all, but rather around the
eyes giving a mask effect.
According to predictions, veils
will also be popular for evening
wear, especially one version which
fastens to the hair over each ear
by means of combs set with shin-
ing stars.
Slated Mar. 2
"Show Boat" will be the gener-
al theme of this year's all-cam-
pus Assembly Ball which is to be
held from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m.,
Friday, March 2.
Phil Brestoff and his band from
Detroit will provide music for the
semi-formal event. Assembly Ball
is coed-bid and will be held on
the second floor of the League.
Tickets for the dance will go
on sale Monday in all women's
dormitories and at the League.
They are priced at $2.841. Sign-up
sheets for the various committees
for Assembly Ball are posted in
the dormitories.
Nancy Pridmore is general
chairman of the dance. Publicity
co-chairmen are Joan Nelson and
Harriet Copel.
Other members of the central
committee are Renee Levy and Ar-
lene Suozzo, decorations co-chair-
men; Joan Kaiser, ticket chair-
man; Ann Black, finance chair-
man; building and grounds, Mar-
cia Goldfarb; and program and
patrons, Ellen Haak.


MIyriads of Uses
For Perfume
Sweet Scents Drifted
From Swimming Pool
At Rita's Wedding
Long a favorite of kings and
queens of the past, perfume has
once again come into use at cele-
brations and ceremonies honor-
ing members of royalty.
Among the details of the nup-
tial ceremony of Aly Khan and
Rita Hayworth, it has been noted
that hundreds of gallons of per-
fume were used to turn the swim-
ming pool, beside which the wed-
ding was held, into a pool of fra-
* * *
AT THIS EVENT, which at-
tracted almost as much attention
as the news that a British king
abdicated his throne to wed an
American commoner, it has been
said that the entire town was sur-
rounded by the fragrance drifting
from the pool.
This serves as a reminder of
the lavish use of perfume in
the courts of olden times when
perfume sprayed forth from the
fountains in ancient Rome.
Historians claim that at the
funeral of Poppaea, Nero used
more perfume than that which
came from Arabia in an entire
As a result of its great use
in the days of old, perfume has
been developed to serve many
new and novel uses. Through
the years, a tezidency has de-
veloped to use it in cosmetics,
glue and now-coal!
Research workers have reveal-
ed that studies are currently be-
ing conducted that may lead to
coal being used for its aroma as
well as its heat producing quali-

By LORRAINE BUTLER ! tive of Los Angeles, has come to
Finally American women have the rescue of American women.
received some welcome flattery or He has just returned from a half-
perhaps it is just the plain truth. year of recruiting talent for the
The news that an expert on in- Roman epic, "Quo Vadis" and in
ternational talent, Mel Ballerino, that time he cast 20,000 people
considers American women the from every country in the world.
most beautiful in the world is very * . .
reassuring to the feminine spe- "AFTER SEEING them all, I
cies, especially after the com- am convinced more than ever
ments of certain foreign stars in that American girls are the most
recent months. beautiful in the world," said Bal-
THE NEW French attraction, lerio.
Leslie Caron, says the women of "You can spot an American
the United States mature too girl on the boulevard of any
early. country in the world. Her form,
Italian star Marina Berti de- her dress and the way she walks
claredY they are unhappy be- make her stand out from all
cause they seek equality with the other women," said the ta-
men. Swedish Marta Toren ob- lent expert.
serves that American women Ballerino finds the American
hide their emotions too much. women distinctive in that she
However, Mel Ballerino, talent stands much more erect than wo-
executive of a film studio and na- men of any other nationality, she

Expert Admires Beauty of American Women

is taller and more statuesque and
she has long, beautiful legs.
* * *
"ACTUALLY," she is like a
thoroughbred racehorse. We are a
mixture of all nationalities, and
the cross-breeding has created a
race of long-limbed beauties,"
Ballerino pointed out.
The talent expert reported
that in Hollywood beauty can
be bought by the bushel, but it
was not so easy in Rome. Bal-
lerino was faced with the prob-
lem of locating 200 glamorous
girls for atmosphere at a Ro-
man feast scene.
"We had a devilish time filling
our quota," he said. He found the
Italian woman too "dumpy" for
American taste, the British wo-
man "unusually cold and fragile"
and the French girl "not especial-
-ly beautiful but chic."


Engagements, Weddings Told
By Coeds Between Semesters

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Mor-
ris of Philadelphia, Pa., have an-
nounced the engagement of their
daughter, Ethel Virginia,, to C.
Richard Foote, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Benjamin F. Foote of Grand
Rapids, formerly of Detroit.
Miss Morris is a junior in the
degree program of the nursing
school where she is vice-presi-
dent of Couzens Hall Student
Board. She has also served as
president of the freshman class
of the nursing school, as presi-
dent of Wyvern and as general


(Continued from Page 4)
out previous ensemble experience.
Prerequisite: ability to play the
- easier chamber works. Prof. Oli-
ver A. Edel. Eight weeks, $5.00.
1022 University High School,
Tuesdays, 7 p.m., beginning Feb.
Administration of the Hospital
Nursing Unit. (Nursing 20). The
Y study and application of princi-
ples of democratic administration
to the head nurse unit. Miss' Vir-
ginia Null, instructor. Sixteen
weeks, $16.00. 4408 University
Hospital, Tuesdays, 7 p.m., begin-
ning Feb. 13.
General Semantics - Scienti-
fic Living I. Fundamentals of the
science of meaning, with special
reference to the meaning of words
as a guide to successful living,
sane thinking and sane conduct.
Applications of general semantics
to the solution of personal and
social problems. Prof. Clarence L.
Meader. Eight weeks, $5.00. 171
Business Administration Building,
Tuesdays, 7 p.m., beginning Feb.
Painting. Individual attention
will be given students in the tech-
nical problems of painting, either
in oil or watercolor. For both
beginning and advanced students.
Richard Wilt, instructor. Sixteen
weeks, $16.00. 415 Architecture
Building, Wednesdays, 7:30 p.m.,'
beginning Feb. 14.
Office Standards and Proce-
dures (Business Administration
109). Instructs students in the
principles and practices of sci-
entific office management and
gives them an understanding of
the function of the office in the
structure of the business organi-
zation. It deals with all depart-
ments of the modern office. Prof.
Irene Place. 164 Business Admin-
istration Building, Wednesdays,
7:30 p.m., beginning Feb. 14.
Introduction to the Literature
of Music. Designed to bring to the
layman a practical method for
listening to instrumental music
and to familiarize him with the
significant forms and styles of
music composition heard cur-
rently in the concert hall and ov-
er the radio. Its aim is practical
and its approach nontechnical;
no previous knowledge of music
is necessary. (Six sessions of the
course will be devoted to the pro-
grams of the 1951 May Festival
and may be elected as a separate
unit for $7.00.) Prof. Glenn D.

McGeoch. Sixteen weeks, $16.00.
206 Burton Memorial Tower,
Wednesdays, 7 p.m., beginning
Feb. 14.
Student Recital: Mary Lou
Herrold, Mezzo-soprano, will pre-
sent a recital at 8:30 Tuesday
evening, Feb. 13, in Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree. A
pupil of Philip Duey, Mrs. Her-
rold has planned her program to
include compositions by Hopkin-
son, Mozart, Faure, and Strauss.
The public is invited.
Student Recital: Mary Lown
Richards, Organist, will present a
program at 4:15 Wednesday af-
ternoon, Feb. 14, in Hill Audi-
torium, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Master
of Music degree. Her recital will
include comopositions by Bach,
Franck, Karg-Elert, and Liszt,
and will be open to the public.
Mrs. Richards is a pupil of Robert
Student Recital: Ormond San-
derson, pianist, will be heard at
8:30 Wednesday evening, Feb. 14,
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, in
a program of works by Bach,
Chopin and Schubert. Presented
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree, the recital will be
open to the public. Mr. Sanderson
is a pupil of Ava Comin Case.
Handwoven Rugs by Bertha
Frayer and Gertrude Conover.
Architecture Building, first floor
corridor; Feb. 12-24.
Museum of Art. Alumni Me-
morial Hall. Portraits-Museum
of Art Collection: Art Privately
Owned in Ann Arbor through
E Recogniion Pins
Are A Rushing
Your gold Greek letters on your
coat lapel are a subtle means
of keeping your fraternity name
before rushees. They are inex-
pensive and are stocked for im-
mediate delivery where your
national regulations permit.
r 1319 S. University Ph. 3-1733

through March 7. Weekdays 9-5,
Sundays 2-5. The public is in-
Events Today
Congregational, Disciple, Evan-
gelical and Reformed Guild: Tea,
4:30 p.m., Guild House.
Christian Science Organization:
Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Upper Room, Lane Hall.

SRA Council meeting,
Hall, 5 p.m.


chairman of the 1948 Soph Cab-
aret. She is now secretary of Mor-
tar Board.
Mr. Foote graduated from the
University last June. He was af-
filiated with Kappa Sigma fra-
ternity and was a member of the
Michigan Union Executive Coun-
c'l and Board of Directors.
Miss Ruth Olson's engagement
to James M. Currier, son of Mrs.
F. Hale Currier of Capac and the
late Mr. Currier, has .been an-
nounced by the bride-elect's mo-
ther, Mrs. Astrid Olson of Alpena.
Miss Olson is a junior in nurs-
ing school. Mr. Currier, a mem-
ber of Delta Sigma Delta frater-
nity, is a sophomore in the School
of Dentistry.
An early summer wedding will
take place in Alpena.
* * *
The betrothal of Miss Luella
Krafft to Ensign Alvin Garchow,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gar-
chow of Farmington, has been
announced by her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Krafft of Fran-
kenmuth. "
The bride-elect is a junior in
the nursing school. Mr. Garchow
is a graduate of the School of
Business Administration. He is
affiliated with Delta Sigma Pi
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Nie-
delson of Detroit have announced
the engagement of their daugh-
ter, Julia, to Charles West, son of i
Mrs. Helen Weinfeld, also of De-
Miss Niedelson is a sophomore
in the architecture school, while
Mr. West graduated from the
University in August, 1949.
A June 24 wedding is planned.
* * *
Miss Jean Harris, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Harris of
Detroit, became the bride of Mor-
ton G. Gottesman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Gottesman of Detroit,
on Feb. 4.
The former Miss Harris is a
junior in the School of Education.
Mr. Gottesman is a pre-law sen-
ior in the literary college. He is
affiliated with Alpha Epsilon Pi

A wonderful array of styles from
shoulder strape to tiny clutch --
calf leathers from 5.95.
Plastic patents from 2.95.



has a
gracious group
to give with pride
to receive with
Such a gala collection of
"Little Things" that mean
much to the well-groom-
ed woman!


Michigan Actuarial Club: Mr.
John A. Bevan, Assistant Actuary
of the Connecticut General Life
Insurance Company, will speak
on Gross Premiums. 3 p.m., Room
3D, Union. Open meeting.
Square Dance Group: Lane
Hall, 7 p.m.
Business Administration and
Economics Students are invited
to a rushing smoker of Alpha
Kappa Psi, professional business
fraternity, 7:30 to 9 p.m., Chap-
ter House, 1325 Washtenaw Ave.
Union Opera Tryouts: Tryouts
for all cast positions in the Union
Opera (leads, singing chorus,
dancing chorus, and specialty or
novelty numbers) will be held
this week. Call 2-4431, ext. Union
Opera, between 2 and 5 p.m. for
Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7:15
p.m., Union.
Coming Events
Canterbury Club: 7 a.m., Wed.,
(Continued on Page 6)



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