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March 24, 1951 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-24

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Recreation Lifts
(Editor's Note: This is the fifth in a series of articles describing life
intthe "new" Army, as seen by former Daily night editor Pete Hotton, '50.
Pvt. Hotton recently completed basic infantry training at Camp Polk, La.,
and is currently stationed at Ft. Ord, Calif.)
Our great morale booster in Army life is recreation-if we can
find the time for it.
One of the best forms of recreation is dreaming of home and girls
while trying to keep awake in classes. Most popular of all, however-
even above drinking beer at the Post Exchange-is mail call.
* * * *
MAIL CALL comes twice a day, immediately following lunch and
dinner. The company gathers around the mail room window and
hopes that the mail clerk will holler out his name, and if he does,
that he pronounces it in some recognizable fashioA.
After mail call in the evening, you can find regular fre-
quenters of the day room sprawled about the "sugar report"-
letters to their sweethearts. It's a sad day when someone doesn't
get a letter, for mail is the soldier's best friend.
A life of running around outside and flopping on your belly all
day in training whets the appetite, and chow call is a popular pastime,
when the food is half-way edible. But chow only lasts 10 minutes,
or the shortest possible time in which a man can shove the most food
into himself.
When the food is good, meals are halfway pleasant. But the
Army is notorious for its unalterable menu of grease and more grease.
ACTUALLY, Army food is the best you can get. That is, before
the cooks get their hands on it. They do quite well with foods like
lamb and pork, but they overcook beef steak to a charcoal-like crisp
and undercook chicken and turkey so it has a texture like rubber and
is just about as tasty.
The Army bakers very often come up with a surprisingly good
cake or pie, but they invariably have a sweet tooth and load them
with sugar. Also saturated with sweets are fruit juices, already
pre-sweetened, and even iced and hot tea.
For economy's sake, all food is generally slopped on one dish, so
that hot meat and potatoes mix in nicely with water vegetables and
cold salad. As a final garnish, dessert, whether it be butterscotch
pudding or ice cream, is slopped on top. Eventually gravy seeps into
this mixture, making it one big mess.
ALWAYS TRYING to economize, the mess hall conceived the
brilliant idea that time could be saved at breakfast by baking eggs
in cookie pans instead of frying them indivdually. This cooking pro-
cedure changed the eggs into something which looked and tasted like
Actually they could have functioned in this capacity, because
the company had no sinkstoppers, either in the mess hall or bar-
racks. The best substitute was an old rag, which either leaks
or comes out or clogs the drain, and makes washing quite an
But despite these "hardships," the rookie still seems to thrive.
ANOTHER POPULAR form of recreation is the weekend pass,
but only among the men who have wives or relatives living in the
neighboring towns or those who want to buy something in town.
The closest settlement to Camp Polk is the town of 'Leesville,
La., a thriving little metropolis of some 5,000 souls, all out to get
the soldier's last dollar.
The town looks much like a carnival thidway, with a dozen or
more army stores and several dozen taverns equipped with beer, liquor
and slot machines. And there are the usual penny arcades full of
money-eating machines.
EACH COMPANY has a day room where men off duty can go to
relax in big soft easy chairs, listen to the radio, read, or even play
a few rounds of pool.
Company I has a day room, but that is all. 'It's the bottom
floor of a barracks building, absolutely empty except for a few
very old and beat-up magazines, two soft drink machines, a candy
machine, and a box of sports equipment badly in need of exten-
sive repair
As the floor is very empty there is a lot of room to sit down in.
There is one radio that broadcasts excellent static, but no pool tables,
not even a lonely chair or table to write letters on.
« « «
\ THE ARMY is very helpful in recreation, too. One night I was
detailed to "enjoy" a post boxing tournament because I Company
had not indicated sufficient interest in sports-except for elbow bend-
The Army also kind-heartedly presented for our enjoyment Ez-
zard Charles in a boxing exhibition, and some lady wrestling bouts.
We would all get a chance to see these stellar attractions-the only
such entertainment we had in our three months at Polk-headquarters
said. All we had to do was pull our nape out of a hat-there were
two tickets to each show for each platoon of 40 men.

- AP News Photo
GETTING HOT-Gambler Frank Costello tries to keep cool by
taking a drink of water during this week's Senate crime investi-
gation hearing in New York. As a result of Costello's reluctant
testimony he faces possible contempt and perjury charges, ac-
cording to committee chairman Sen. Estes Kefauver.
Christians Prepare for
Celebration ofEaster

U.S. Official
To Lecture
On Far East
Secy. Rusk Will
Appear Thursday
Dean Rusk, assistant secretary
of state for Far Eastern Affairs,
will speak at 4:15 p.m. Thursday
in Rackham Amphitheatre.
Lecturing on "Fundamentals of
our Far Eastern Policy," the se-
cretary will appear at an assem-
bly jointly sponsored by the poli-
tical science department and the
Ann Arbor chapters of the Am-
erican Association of University
Women and the League of Wo-
men Voters. -
Rusk, who was appointed to his
present post last year, first join-
ed the State Department in 1946.
He has held positions in the De-
partment as assistant chief of
international security affairs, as-
sistant secretary of state for Uni-
ted Nations affairs and deputy
undersecretary of state.
He has also served as Underse-
cretary of War and director of the
Office of United Nations Affairs.
In 1947 and 1948, Rusk acted as
advisor and alternate representa-
tive on the United States dele-
gation to the second and third
sessions of the United Nations
General Assemly.
During World War II, he was
assigned to Military Intelligence
and also served as deputy chief of
staff of U.S. Army forces in, the
China-Burma-India theatre.
A graduate of Davidson College,
Rusk has studied at Oxford Uni-
versity, the Universty of Berlin
and the University of California.
His lecture will be open to the
general public.
Candidate for
School Position
To Speak Here
Prof. Edgar W. Waugh of Mi-
chigan State Normal College, De-
mocratic candidate for State
Superintendent of Public Instruc-
tion, will address a dinner-meeting
of Phi Delta Kappa, professional
education fraternity, at 6 p.m.
Monday in the Union.
Prof. Waugh, who has been
teaching political science at State
Normal since 1921, will speak on
' "Improving Public Instruction in
Michigan. .
His opponent in the coming Ap-
ril 2 election, incumbent Lee M.
Thurston, was also invited to ad-
dress the meeting but was unable
to attend. Copies of Thurston's
official report on educational con-
ditions in Michigan, which was
submitted to Gov. Williams, will
be distributed at the meeting.

Coed residences were the scene
of minor riots Thursday night
when seniors returned from their
annual banquet and preview of
With parties and pranks, rang-
ing from the hilarious to the
shocking, underclassmen did their
best to give prospective graduates
an evening they could not forget.
* * *
ology major provided juniors with
a live snake which was placed in
the president's room. In retalia-
tion seniors baked cookies, liber-
ally sprinkled with laxative chips,
for the juniors. "'
A garland of unmentionables
which bedecked the front porch
of the Alpha Xi annex fell into
the hands of fraternity men.
The articles were returned yes-
terday by special delivery mail
stamped: "Property of Zeta Psi."
An Alpha Gam senior also lost
her lingerie in the fracas. She re-
covered it yesterday morning from
a locker at the city bus station.
IN AN ATTEMPT to foil un-
derclassmen, a Newberry senior
locked her fourth floor room be-
fore she left for the festivities.
Her precaution was futile, how-
ever. The room was invaded
through a window via the roof.
In shoes several sizes too
large A E Phis tramped to Fri-
day morning 8 o'clocks with
that "back to nature" look. Their
younger sisters had hidden their
makeup and mixed up their
Pi Phi seniors were pleasantly
shocked to find their rooms spot-

lessly cleaned when they return
from JGP. They soon discovered,
however, that prankish juniors
had switched their drawers, book
jackets, and personal belongings.
* * *
ZETA SENIORS, in 'an attempt
to obey a sign marked "Step Up,
Seniors" attached to a sheet sus-
pended from a second floor win-
dow stepped down, instead, into
a tub of icy water planted on the
Tri-Delts, Alpha Chis, Kappa
Deltas, and A 0 Pis concentrated
their efforts on skits and par-
Martha Cook honored three
JGP central committee members
and 14 women from the cast at
a traditional party.
DELTA ZETA sophomores gave
large candy Easter eggs to their
big sisters.
The holiday spirit also prevailed
at the Chi Omega house, where
seniors presented joyful juniors
with hard boiled eggs. The juniors
lost their gaiety when they found
that the seniorshhad "forgotteni"
to boil some of them.
Parties feting seniors took place
at Theta, Couzens, Alpha Phi,
Kappa,and DG. More pranksters
ran rampant at S D T , Angell
House, Sorosis, Barbour, and
A family-style diet and one
simple exercise will take off inch-
es healthfully and comfortably ac-
cording to a popular woman's
magazine. The exercise is based
on a ballet dancer's limbering up
and takes very little room.

Coeds Celebrate Senior Night
With Dorm, Sorority Pranks

JGP To Stage
Final Showing
Production Includes
Songs, Dances, Gags
"It's the Payoff," 1951 rendi-
tion of the Junior Girls' Play, will
be presented for the last times
at 2 and 8 p.m. today.
Tickets for the matinee are be-
Ing sold at 74 cents, and for the
evening performance at 90 cents.
Tickets mhay be purchased at the
box office of the League.
DOORS OF the Lydia Mendels-
sohn theatre, where the play is
being shown, were open to the
public for the first time last night.
The plot of JGP concerns four
young women who are nearly
evicted from their tenement
apartment by a hard-hearted
Irish landlady, excellently por-
trayed by Jane Barker.
In order to pay the rent, Nan-
cy Carter, Sarah Hoffman, Joyce
Rasti and Betty Bridges, who play
the lead roles, must produce a,
musical show.
THE PLAY is the story of the
complications and problems which
arise when they attempt to pro-
duce said show.
However, the plot is secondary
to the musical numbers in the
production. Margaret Strand and
Patricia Joy, singing and'dancing
chairmen, respectively, have work-
ed for nearly a year on the num-
bers in the show, and the results
are indicative of this fact.
Joan Streifling, who wrote the
script, has intermingled subtle
humor with snappy dialogue.

By The Associated Press
The traditional Holy Week of
mourning ended last night.
Christians of many lands pre-
pared today to celebrate the Eas-
ter miracle of Jesus Christ's res-
urrection in a world now beset
by anxiety and fear.
Worshippers thronged churches
of the old world and the new for
Good Friday devotions on the an-
niversary of the crucifixion. Pil-
grims moved from shrine to shrine
in t h e drought-parched Holy
Stock exchanges in the United
States, Canada and many other
* * *
Churches Plan
Varied Events

countries closed. Late shoppers
for Easter finery thronged de-
partment stores.
* * *
and many Americans made the
Good Friday pilgrimage along the
winding Via Dolorsa in old walled
Jerusalem, where Christ carried
His cross to Calvary. Heat harassed
natives and pilgrims alike in the
Holy Land.
In a medieval Roman Catholic
service last night at the Basilica
of the Holy Sepulchre in Jeru-
salem, a symbolc figure was
taken from a cross, bathed, an-
ointed and laid in a tomb.
For the first time in three dec-
ades, a Christian religious service
was held in the Cenaculum on Mt.
Zion, scene of the Last Supper.
* * *



ABOUT 8,000 pilgrims and tour-
Tom orrow ists gathered in Rome for the Eas-
ter holidays and the spiritual ex-
ercises ending Holy Week. Many
Student Guilds and many Ann attended Good Friday services in
Arbor churches have scheduled RttenChurd.e
special services and meetings for Roman Churches.
Eastertomorrow.ndmThousands of spectators watch-
Eanrsestt ricew. led rites at Novotas, P.I., a Manilla
Sunrise services will take place sbrweecosoffae-
at 6 a.m. at the Baptist Student subltrb, where scores o foage
Center, 520 E. Huron; at 7 a.m. at lants, seeking atonement for thei
St. Andrews Episcopal Church, sins, beat each others backs int
306 N. Division; at 6:45 a.m. at On Formosa, Chiang Kai-Shek
the Congregational, Disciples, Ev- led Chinese Nationalist Christians
angelical and Reformed Guild, 438 in Good Friday prayers for the
Maynard; at 5:30 a.m. at the deliverance of the Chinese main-
Presbyterian Church, 1432 Wash- land from "Communist tryanny
tenaw and at 6:30 a.m. at the and oppression."
Wesleyan Guild of the First Meth-
odist church, State and Huron.
Also planned are various Easter SOUTH SEA PARADIS]
breakfasts and evening programs.



Breakfasts will be served at
10:45 a.m. at the Memorial
Christian Church, 815 Hill; di-
rectly after the early service at
the Wesleyan Guild; at 8 a.m.
at the Lutheran Student Cen-
ter, 1304 Hill and after the sun-
rise devotion at the Presbyter-
ian Church.
Evening events will include a
showing of "King of Kings" at 7
p.m. at the First Baptist Church,
512 Huron; a special Easter serv-

Carefree Living in Polynesia
Shown in Museum Exhibition

And to celebrate our victory in this lottery, we had to pay 50 ice at 6:30 p.m. at the Wesleyan
cents for the ticket. Guild, and a special musical pro-
(To be continued tomorrow) gram to be presented at 7:30 p.m.
at the Congregational Guild.
An Easter service will also take
place at 5:30 p.m. at the Zion
Lutheran Church, 309 Washing-
ElAC T [ERton, and at 6:30 p.m. at the Pres-
byterian Church. Ruth Moore,
SEUNRISE SERVICE 'Grad. will deliver some Easter
readings at the latter meeting.

In Sanctuary of
First Methodist Church
Rev. Joe A. Porter... Speaker

Kitty Bond, Organist
Jean Kemble, Soloist

Special Music,
Mixed Quartet

Sponsored by Wesleyan Guild

Union Service
Needs Drivers
The Union Travel Service has
issued a hurried call for drivers
going to New York, Boston, Chi-
cago and Michigan's upper penin-
sula 'for spring vacation.
According to Union staffman
Jack Ehlers, '53E, drivers to New
York are most in demand. More
than 150 students have applied for
rides to the Empire City, but no
drivers have signed up for there
Would-be drivers may sign up
at the Union student offices be-
tween 3 and 5 p.m. Monday
through Friday.

The Polynesians have the right
idea when it comes to easy liv-
ing-they enjoy themselves first,
and then work in their spare time.
And even the coming of the
white man couldn't change this
Paradise Isle custom of dance be-
fore duty.
This air of nonchalant living
can be seen in the Polynesian Ex-
hibit which is now on display in
the University Museums, complete
with cocoanut trees, shining sands
and fishing boats.
"The white man failed com-
pletely in trying to reform the
olynesians' happy-go-lucky way
of life. Hoarding of material
wealth didn't appeal to them;
they placed more value on giving
things away," Irving Reimann,
Prefect of Exhibits, said.
But the Polynesians can thank
the white man for succeeding in
bringing new diseases along with
untold misery to them.
"Colds, smallpox and tuberculo-
sis were unknown before the white
marl came. But pretty soon the
peaceful Polynesians were dying
off by the thousands because they
didn't have medicines to fight
these diseases," Reimann said.
When remedies were finally
brought to the Polynesian Islands
to stop these mass deaths, the
white man next confused the na-
tives by introducing Christianity.
"Everything was fine until this
new concept of a Christian God
came on the scene. Tribal wars
resulted and their formerly care-

free life was thrown into chaos.
This lasted for some time and
when Christianity was finally ac-
cepted, they still clung to many
of their old black magic rituals,"
Reimann continued.
"They would cast a hex on an
enemy they wanted to liquidate or
whip up a love potion to help in
the wooing of their dream-maid-
en," he said.
"A lovely book,
good-hearted and
easy- hearted. These
are the things that
all men remember.'
0 e
Anotel by

(Disciples of Christ)
Hill at Tappan Street
Rev. Joseph M. Smith, Minister
Howard Farrar, Choir Director
Frances Farrar, Organist
6:45 A.M.: Sunrise Service sponsored by 'he
Guild. Meet at Guild House, 438 Maynard.
7:45 A.M.: Breakfast at the Church.
9:30 A.M.: Church School-College Age Class.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship (nursery for chil-
dren). Sermon: "Recognizing the Risen Christ."
GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street
H. L. Pickerill, Director
Jean Garee Bradley, Associate
STUDENT GUILD: 6:45 Sunrise Service at Guild
House; 7:45 Breakfast at church.
7:30 P.M.: Musical program at the Guild House.
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the
morning service.
8:00 P.M.: Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed, or purchased.
Ths room is open daily except Sundays and
holidays from 11 A.M. to 5 P.M.
504 E. Huron
C. H. Loucks, Minister and Student Counselor
Crystal Cuthbert, Assistant Student Counselor
6:00 A.M.: Guild members meet at Guild House
to go to Island for Easter Sunrise Service.
Breakfast afterwards at Guild House.
9:30 & 11:00: Easter Morning Worship Services.
"Life Eternal," The ordinance of baptism will
be observed at the first service.
6:00 P.M.: Cost supper at the Guild House.
7:00 P.M.: Easter evening service in church
sanctuary, the Guild joining the congregation
for movie, "King of Kings."
University Community Center Chapel
Willow Run
Reverend Blaise Levai, Pastor
Sunday-March 25th, 1951
10:45 A.M.: Divine Worship.
Easter Sermon-"The Triumph."
Special Easter Music-The Cantata No. 4,
"Christ Lay By Death Enshrouded" by J. S.
Bach, sung by the Choir.
10:45 A.M.: Church School and Nursery.
4:30 P.M.: Study and Discussion Group.
Topic-"The Ministry of Jesus and Its Relation
to Easter."


11:00 A.M.: Sundays. Visitors welcome.
(National Lutheran Council)
1304 Hill Street
Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor
Sunday-At the Center:
8:00-9:00 A.M.: Easter Breakfast at the Center.
9:10-9:50 A.M.: Bible Class.
Sunday-Worship Services in the Churches:
Trinity-6:00 A.M.: Sunrise Service.
10:30 A.M.: Easter Worship Service.
Zion-7:00 A.M.: Easter Morning Early Service
10:30 A.M.: Easter Worship Service
Sunday-LSA Meeting:
5:30 P.M.: In Zion Parish Hall-Easter Program
at 7:00-Lenten' Self Denial Offering Presen-
7:30 P.M.: At the Center-Continuation of His-
tory of Lutheran Church in America.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Sunday at 10f30: Easter Sunday Service, with
sermon by. the pastor, "Our Easter Doxology."
Sunday at 4:45: Bible Study. "What Does the
Bible say about Jesus' activity on Easter Day?"
STUDENT CLUB, Supper-Program. "The Eas-
ter Message in Color."
Tuesday at 9:15: Social Hour.
State & Williams
Minister: Rev. Leonard A. Parr D.D.
Student Minitry: Rev.IH. L. Pickerill;
Mrs. George Bradley
Director of Music: Wayne Dunlap
Organist: Howard P. Chase
Two Easter services will be held. At 9:30 Dr.
Parr will preadh on the subject "The Rose of
Jericho." Second service at 10:45 A.M. Sub-
ject of sermon, '"The Harp with the Broken
Student Guild musical program at the Guild House
at 7:30.
1917 Washtenaw Avenue
Edward H. Redman, Minister
10:55 A.M.: Easter Program and Services.
Children's Service-Specal Music played by
Kathleen A. Rogerson of Detroit and a story
sermon by the minister.
Service of Parent Dedication or Christening.
Children's Recessional.
Adult Service with Organ Recital by
Mrs. Rogerson
"Sonata insC Minor" by Rogers
""Mercy Upon Me, 0 Lord" by Bach
"Eventide"-with chimes-by Frysinger
"Resurrection Morn" by Johnston
Sermon by Rev. E. H. Redman-"Reverence
for Life."

Lane Hall Lbrary

w I

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Meet your friends at Night School
S1951 i a Night School year' Promo-
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(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
R'ev. Leonard Verduin, Director



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