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March 22, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-22

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I ________________________________________________________________________________ I


Aris Festival
THIS WEEKEND student creative art will
get its annual boost from the Inter-Arts
Union Festival. Student poetry, musical
compositions, opera, ballet, modern dance
and art will be included in the four Festival
programs opening tomorrow and ending Sun-
dIay night.
Since its inception in 1949 the Festival
has been the highpoint in IAU's encour-
agement of such creative work on campus.
It has given a practical answer to the
serious need of expression without which
student efforts have little meaning and
serve little purpose.
Just as imporatant as the actual presenta-
tion is the scheduling of forums and dis-
cussion groups to provide criticism and
evaluation of the student works.
Though, as in any student endeavor, oc-
cassional faults occur both in the quality of
the works presented and in the manner of
scheduling, the overall effect is indisputedly
one of progress and benefit for both the
young artists and the campus.
The fact that the Arts Festival con-
siders criticism an important part of the
program (this year a forum evaluating the
entire Festival has been scheduled) is proof
of the constructive direction in which it
A perusal of the Festival program marks
it as one of the better educational and en-
tertainment offerings of the semester. The
support of a responsive student body is the
only thing needed to make the Festival a
complete success.
--Leonard Greenbaum.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by mernbers of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


"We'll Give You Some More When You Need It"

tion before being shipped


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THE HUE AND CRY aroused by the Willie
McGee case here on campus has sim-
mered down to little more than an occasional
bubble. Aside from a handful of conscientious
citizens, the majority of the students have
settled back to their parties and books--
forgetting that a man is still condemned to
die in Mississippi.
The Committee to Save McGee is to be
commended for its prompt and vigorous ac-
tion to combat another evidence of the
double standard of-justice which exists in tho
South-a standard by which Negroes are
hanged for committing crimes for which no
white man has ever died.
We might, however, criticize the commit-
tee's willing and open-armed embracement of
the Civil Rights Congress-a group whose
goals and purposes are at least open to sus-
pect. And by adopting the Congress' tactics,
the local Committee to Save McGee actually
defeated the very purpose which they had
hoped to accomplish. Instead of winning new
support for the cause of civil rights, the
committee actually embittered many stu-
dents who otherwise would have been more
than willing to lend their voice in the fight
to save McGee.
An interesting commentary on this aspect
of the problem-and on the entireMcGee
case-was submitted to me (at my request)
by Mr. Albin Krebs, editor of "The Mississip-
pian," student newspaper at the University
of Mississippi. His letter is more than suffi-
cient evidence that he is not the "typical"
white-robed Southerner pictured in the
minds of many Northerners. To Mr. Krebs
goes my whole-hearted support and a rous-
ing cheer.
* *
Dear Mr. Brown:
T AM A SOUTHERNER by birth-my family
settled a Gulf Coast hamlet 240 years ago
and we've been there ever since. I am not
a traditional Southerner, however. I believe
that Negroes are entitled to civil equality.
I am giving you background, because I
think it is important in any evaluation I
might make of the McGee case. Let me
introduce myself farther: On October 27
I wrote an editorial advocating the admis-
sion of Negroes into Mississippi Graduate
schools. The editorial got nation-wide pub-
licity, when three days-nights, really-
after it appeared, a mob of students burned
a cross under my window in protest of my
sentiments. I am, then, a Southerner who
loves his country, his region, and wants to
see it-the country and the region, which
are one, really-advance. And so I stuck
by my opinions, despite the fact thatI had
to walk rather foolishly, perhaps bravely,
through a mob of cross-burners, that
there were attacks, written and spoken,
upon the body, almost, and certainly upon
the human spirit. But it was worth it, be-



T HOSE WHO were fortunate enough to
attend last night's concert at Hill Audi-
torium were rewarded with some very fine
music. The program consisted of Haydn's
"Seven Last Words of Christ" and Beethov-
en's "Ninth" Symphony performed by the
University Symphony Orchestra under the
direction of Wayne Dunlap. The University
Choir sang the "Chorale" movement of the
Haydn's "Seven Last Words of Christ"
was first published in 1801 and reveals the
deep influence 'that religion had on him
towards the end of his life. (He had just
completed "The Creation" a few years
earlier.) The gaiety and light-heartedness
of the earlier Haydn are missing in this
The agony and torture of Christ are very
well portrayed, especially in the last inter-
lude which opens with a pizzicato passage
by the second violins which was probably
meant to symbolize Christ's words of "I
thirst." The tension increases indicating the
growing agony of Christ with the constant
return of the pizzicato theme. Mr. Dunlap
led the orchestra in a very beautiful and ma-
ture performance of this work.
The magnificent "Ninth" Symphony of
Beethoven closed the program. This was un-
doubtedly one of the very few all-college
performances of this work. The orchestra
and choir are therefore to be highly com-
mended for attempting this extremely dif-
ficult work. The extremely intricate and
varying rhythms of this piece were generally
very capably handled 65y Mr. Dunlap and the
orchestra, This reviewer thought, however,
that Mr. Dunlap tended to be too restrained,
especially in the third movement. Here was
a passionately yearning Beethoven, a wist-
ful melancholy Beethoven. One could almost
hear Beethoven himself singing out to the
world the/,full import of his mixed feelings.
In the final movement, the baritone
commands, "0 friends, no more these dis-
ords! Let us raise a song of sympathy, of
gladness. O Joy, let us praise Thee!" This
is the moment for which the entire work
was striving. The choir, singing in Eng.
lish, performed an almost impossible task
very admirably. They were contsantly in
tune, a feat in itself, and imparted all the
joy and exhileration which Beethoven in-
tended. The Quartet blended with the
orchestra and choir very well. Miss Raves-
loot, the soprano, deserves secial mention
for her very fine voice in the solo pas-
One of the largest audiences of the year
at Hill Auditorium gave the orchestra, con-
ductor, choir and soloists a long standing
-Bob Kapell
'Soak the Rich'
It has finally happened. The "soak the
rich" policy has come to an end and from
now on the big burden of taxes is going to
fall more and more heavily upon the small
income people. This was inevitable once we
began to have a New Deal and a welfare
state, and a government which sought to
supplant the rights of the individual and to
make him into a spineless specimen depen-
dent pon the state for a greater and great-
er sh.re in a very dubious security. The fact

cause I found out that the number of
people in my state, the South, who want
justice are legion, and that they are work-
ing for justice in their own way, despite
the fact that their way is slow. They are
human beings, thugh, and their an-
cestors were the vanquished in *he Civil
War. The vanquished cannot forget as
easily as the victors.
The Willie McGee case is a complex affair,
one that is practically a closed issue in
Mississippi. The man had what most people
think was a succession of fair trials. The
Supreme Court backed up the Mississippi
courts, in spirit, if iiot in actuality. The
people, like myself, who feel that McGee is
perhaps innocent, are deeply resentful of the
methods used by militant groups such as the
Civil Rights Congress, which is listed by the
Justice department as a Red-front organiza-
tion. We feel that such hell's-fire-and-
damnation rallies as the one on the Michigan
campus are Northern versions of Klan meet-
ings. People who use such means of getting
the sympathy of emotional people are no
more to be trusted or respected than the
Mississippi redneck who fires up his ignorant
brother against a minority, by playing upon
his heartstrings and his fears.
The violently cixiecrat press in the state,
particularly an influential newspaper in
Jackson, has used the fact that the Civil
Rights Congress came to Mississippi last
summer and tried to stir up trouble by high-
pressure methods, to point out that the
whole affair is a "Truman plot." (Right now
I should point out that I am not, by any
stretch of the imagination, a dixiecrat.
Rather, I am a Democrat who'd like to see
the party in the hands of a man a little more
competent than the President. Even so, I
believe in backing up the present leadership
of the Democratic party and this country in
times so uncertain as these.)
It is unfortunate that the Jackson Daily
News has so much influence. It is also un-
fortunate that many Mississippians who
wanted to help McGee lost interest in doing
so because the Civil Rights Congress rigged
attacks upon its leaders for their own not too
honorable purposes. (One of them called the
desk at his hotel, said he had been beaten
up, demanded that the following be sent up
to his room, in this order: 1-a photographer,
2-his press agent, 3-reporters from the lo-
cal papers, 4--the doctor! He was unable to
give a description of any of his attackers, it
seems, and there is some doubt as to whether
there were any attackers at all.)
* * *
I WONDER if Willie McGee is innocent. If
he is, I want nothing more than to see
him go free. I wish there were something we
could do to save him from the death penalty,
for it is true that the Mississippi law that
provides the death penalty for rape is seldom
if ever applied in the case of a whiteman
accused of aslault. The fact that McGee's
skin is black no doubt had something to do
with the sentence he received; this is a
fundamental injustice. Neither McGee nor
the woman who brought charges against him
seem to be bastions of society; it is too bad
that only one of them must suffer for what
I am happy that Justice Hugo Black
granted a stay of execution, but like him,
I am sorry that such pressure methods as
avalanches of mail from persons incited in
mobs were used to get it. One might argue
along the line of the ends justifying the
means, but I wonder if, in the long run,
the means used here might not serve to
hurt Willie McGee, rather than aid him.
I have read The Daily carefully in the past
year, especially your editorials and letters on
the McGee case. I think your idea of pub-
lishing the varying opinions of several
editorial writers an excellent one; the case
is one that cannot be summed up by one
person, with one opinion. I was grieved to
note that at the mass meeting up there, a
man who had something constructive to
say-William Lynch, by name-could not
quite voice his opinion as it should have been
voiced because persons of a mob-like spirit

used the fact of his last name-Lynch-so
unfairly. I was saddened when I read the
letters of persons who repeatedly said "there
is no justice in Mississippi," or words to that
effect, for it is true that often a man of dark
skin cannot get justice in this state. I won-
der if all Negroes, all whitemen, get com-
plete justice in Michigan, especially in De-
** '*
BY THESE REMARKS I am not trying to
excuse Mississippi justice; injustice any-
where of any sort cannot be shrugged off.
Many of us down here want to further the
cause of justice and we are doing what we
can, at the expense of loss of friends, of jobs
(a motion to kick me out as editor of this
paper was defeated 43 to 21 in the Student
Senate, when the reaction to my editorial
became so violent), or personal happiness.
Again, I think that these losses are worth
what they might gain. We will continue in
our fight for justice, for the dignity of the
individual, for human rights.
Is the case of Willie McGee the proper one
to wage a campaign for justice around? I
sincerely wish it were. Too many courts, too
mant frias too many years have served to

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication"at the discretion of the






i, i
AtI, The Michigan..
THE 13th LETTER, with Charles Boyer,
Lina Darnell, and a Quebec French-Ca-
nadian community,
DON'T KNOW WHY this had to be the
13th letter rather than the 12th or 14th.
No one really counted the letters as they
wafted down from church balconies or were
slipped under doors causing mild conster-
nation among unrighteous citizens.
As the first 10 feet of film whip it up,
someone is writing "poison-pen" letters
about an old doctors young wife's supposed
affair with a young doctor A severe case
of cinemacomplications sets in. The film
does not recover.
This is just another of the adequately-
entertaining formula movies that Hollywood
manufactures all too consistently It con-
tains elements of melodrama, mystery, love,
maternal affection, but none to a signifi-
cant or striking degree. It throws in a couple
of standard dependables in Boyer and Dar-
nell, and adds a few minor names. An au-
thentic background community is supplied
although the plot makes absolutely no use
of it.
This kind of movie will be made be-
cause they are passively accepted by the-
And don't think that because Boyer is
nearing the Berry Fitzgerald category re-
lief is in sight. Others will fill the depleting
-Craig Wilson
CLARENCE DARROW, "criminal lawyer
who a year ago became nationally fa-
mous in the Scopes' trial"' blasted the
League of Nations in a debate with Prof.
M. O. Hudson of Harvard, at Hill Auditor-

Criticism e.*.
To the Editor:
TN DEFENDING himself against
counter critics Mr. Gross has set
up a strong man to knock down. He
has made himself the paladin of
independent criticism in art,
which few contributors to The
Daily have sought to destroy. A
letter of mine appearing in the
paper some weeks ago cited a
number of well-known periodicals
recognizing the accomplishment of
the Budapest String Quartet. This
was not designed to force Mr.
Gros to conform to public opinion
but rather to take a slap at one
offensively indulgent and con-
descending remark which he made.
There was no effort here or in the
letters of others I have seen to
liquidate f u r t h e r independent
criticism from the reviewer but
simple irritation because he caste
doubt upon the very competence
of noted performers as well as up-
on technique or interpretation.
It takes considerable impudence
in anyone to suggest that reference
to leading New York and London
periodicals is like reference to
Aristotle. Actually many of them
have columns of musical criticism
as dynamic and independent as
The Daily's. Men like Olin Downes,
Virgil Thomson, Bernard Haggin,
and Irving Kolodin are not the
scholastic fathers of a formalistic
and rigid musical taste. Your read-
ers may turn to them without fear
of obsequious flattery... .
To my mind Mr. Gross is right
in saying that a critic's duty is to
communicate his impressions hon-
estly, but the practical duty of a
general, daily newspaper is to find
a critic who will be the trusted, if
not kowtowing, guide of a maxi-
mum number of those wanting ad-
vice. It cannot properly use the
services of someone who is out of
touch with the musical tastes of
its interested readers. The place
for such a complete independent
and dissenter is with a periodical
having a more selected clientele.
-Brenton Smith.
. *
Criticism . a
To the Editor:
DON'T "kill the dog" just because
"he's a reviewer." In fact, don't
kill him at all; just kill his column.
Furthermore, Harvey Gross is
neither a "dog" nor a "reviewer"
(see, Harvey, I don't fit in with
Argument No. 5).
Harvey Gross' defense of the in-
defensible was a flagrant violation
of the critics' (real honest-to-
goodness critics, that is) cdde of
ethics and an insult to the intelli-
gence of any person having an IQ
rating of 75 or better. If we are to
accept what Mr. Gross said in his
ridiculous attempt to justify his
Heifetz criticism, it would be nec-
assary to accept the following
1. Do NOT read the New York
Times, London Times, or Phila-
delphia Inquirer for intelligent
music criticism; instead read The
Michigan Daily or consult with one
Harvey Gross.
2. Don't applaud in Hill Audi-
torium; instead hiss and' boo the
3. M. K. Rasnick and the authors
of other letters complaining about
Mr. Gross' stpuid attack on Hei-

fetz are anti-intellectual and in-
American (are we Communists too
Mr. Gross?).
4. "Unsophisticated and humble"
music lovers are also anti-intellec-
tual. (By the way, what does "anti-
intellectual" mean? - But Mr.
Gross, can we accept Webster's
Collegiate Dictionary or must we
consult The Daily?)
5. Keats died of consumption.
(Apparently he consumed too
much of the poison of the Black-
wood reviewers and didn't take
enough of Gross' antidote.)
Mr. Gross' Six Arguments can't
be rated with Wilson's Fourteen
Points, but they rate high in com-
parison with the "wisdom" pro-
mulgated by many other Daily
"critics" whom Roma Lipsky so
valiantly tried to defend.
-M. K. Rasnick '51.
* * *
SAC Motion . .
To the Editor:
I WOULD LIKE TO congratulate
the Student Affairs Commit-
tee and the Student Legislature
for taking a forward step in fra-
ternity affairs.
Since the IFC refused to take
a step which was almost demand-
ed of them, the SAC could do
nothing else but pass this regula-
Many fraternity men may re-
sent this inroad into their own
"private affairs," but the time has
come for men to realize that these
"private affairs" have become the
considerations of every student at
the University.
Having been affiliated with a
campus social fraternity for three
years, and being here at Harvard,
a school which has no fraternities,
I fervently believe that the social
fraternity has a definite place on
the carrpus.
But IFC must realize that the
principle of equals-regardless of
color or creed-is further ingrain-
ed into the mores of this country
than these vicious discriminatory
clauses. SL has further consoli-
dated its position on campus, and
everyone cannot help but benefit
from their decision.
It is indeed gratifying to hear
such good news from Michigan,
and our fine reputation that ex-
tends even into this '"cradle of
knowledge" will surely be enhan-
ced by such a forthright action.
--Murray P. Greenblatt,
*% * 3 *
Student Draft . . .
To the Editor:
T HAVE worked up a head of
steam over a letter written by
one Mr. Stan Challis USAFR ap-
pearing in today's Daily, and I am
going to let off this steam at the
expense of stepping on his toes.
If I am wrong in the assumption
that I am forced to make, I trust
that you will forgive me.
Just who are you 1 r. Challis
(you did not make this clear in
your letter) to be so patriotic for
the rest of- us? I assume that
since you are reading the Michi-
gan Daily that you must be going
to school here. Possibly you are
in the ROTC or maybe on this
special Airforce program. At any
rate I assume that you are as-
sured of completing your educa-

Korea. If this be the case, and I4
am forced to assume so, it is easy
for you to dare to talk as boldly1
as you have. Before you have
license to speak in such a man-
ner, you had better drop out of
school and request active duty and
specifically ask to be earmarked
for Kore~a. Remember the old
adage, "People who live in glass
houses shouldn't throw stones?"
Apply this to yourself in this sit-
Sure, pull every college student
out of school and give him a uni-
form and a gun; and if any are
not given the beckoning finger by
Uncle Sam, put them under social
pressure that it is their social ob-
ligation to join the military serv-
ice . . . If all present college stu-
dents were yanked at this time
and put into uniform, think of
how much the V-12 and other
ROTC programs would have to
be expanded, for qualified high
school graduates, to get the re-
quired number of officers. Think
of the time and money that would
be wasted in such a policy. Would
it not be more economical ad
Metter sense to allow these quali-
fied ones who have had a good
share of their training already to
complete their training before
going into service? I am .ure
it would. I know that I would
be a greater asset to my country
if I were allowed to finish my
senior year. Iyhope that the Na-
val Reserve Board realizes this
-Marvin E. Trim '52E
Democratic Appeal ...
To the Editor:
United States should be the
absolute determinant for the con-
duct of our individual lives. It
ensures the freedoms that we
cherish, of our right to worship
unto God as we choose; of our
rights to engage in the American
ways of living that we all are so
justly proud. The Constitution is
a flexible mechanism. It has been
amended in the past just as it
will be amended in the future to
fit the-needs of our people. Grant-
ed, at times, the process of gov-
ernment may seem unduly slow
But where else in the world
does an individual have so com-
pletely direct access to appeal to
the highest source of government,
if that individual be afflicted wit
a grievance or an alleged wrong?
It is with great consternation
that I view articles that relate to
forms of mass hysteria, or at-
tempts on the behalf of individuals
to deviate from the channel of
appeal that our Constitution guar-
I firmly believe in my Country's
Constitution because I believe in
my Country. Nothing can deter
me from that belief, most cer-
tainly, not individuals who shun
direct democratic appeal; in fa-
vor of hysterical mass appeal;
which in itself constitutes appea
without direction. The accom-
plishments of our government un-
der our Constitution, which we
the people endorse, are many and
nfuch more powerful than the im-
pact of mere words to describe
them. The accomplishments of
people who attempt to undermime
our legal processes or our way of
life are totally lacking and evoke
nothing but despicable hatred and
There is no room in America for
any individual or any individual
group which transpires to flout or
ridicule our Constitution; or our
way of life. If an individual has
a grievance then let that person
face the issue squarely and ap-
peal it with democratic machinery
provided for that express purpose

Z should rather, have the person-
al fortitude to advance my own
cause under our system of demo-
cratic government . . . and lose
. . . than to have my cause ad-
vanced in the interest of mass
hysterical action; which in m.
opinion, at best, incites only ulti-
mate defeat for all concerned.
-Clarence H. Baxter, Jr.
* * *

dom-loving" giant fails to muster
enough strength to prevent a mis-
carriage of justice within its own
I am happy to say that my faith
in the American people has now
been indelibly confirmed-I have
at this moment received the won-
derful news thatsWillie McGee has
beers granted a stay of execution.
My first reaction to the news was
to revise or not to mail this letter
for fear of being redundant or
anticlimactic. However, I do be-
lieve it would be well for all of
us to keep this experience in mind
whenever democracy and freedom
are endangered. I think the six
members of the McGee family are
thankful for the modicum of help
we've extended to them.
"Democracy is that form of
society, no matter what its politi-
cal classification, in which every
man has a chance and knows that
he has it."-James Russell Lowell.
-Sherwin H. Cooper
Mee Case*
To the Editor:
DURING the past week tere has
been much adverse criticism
concerning the propensity of-many
of us in the Law School to "con-
fuse" and "harass" the issue of the
McGee Case by the use of "legal
technicalities." It ys widely felt--
I believe honestly, however errone-
ously-that the law as we saw it
would block action In saving Mr.
McGee's life, that the true course
was to flood President Truman,
the Supreme Court, and Governor
Wright of Mississippi with protest-
ing communiques.
Now Mr. McGee has been grant-
ed a temporary stay of execution.
Without surprise we may note that
this stay is the direct resuit of a
legal "technicality": application
for a writ of habeas corpus
(grounds: lack of equal protection
in the death penalty) in the United
States District Court, the adverse
rulings on which have now been
brought to the United States
Supreme Court; the flood of tele-
grams did not cause the ruling ...
I am in full accord with any de-
sire to promote justice. But in this
desire we need not throw up our
hands in despair over the Amer-.
can system of law. True, it must
admit to faults; but it has, through
hundreds of years of turmoil, be-
come the best of all existence sys-
tems. It has, in this case, once
again conclusively demonstrated
its ability to come to grips with, an
ever-recurrent problem. Whatever
the final result of the present pro-
ceedings, we may be assured that
Mr. McGee had the protection of
the greatest system for justice ever'
devised. If we would further im-
prove it, we must improve men's
minds: for it is in the prejudice of
the mind that the major faults of
the system lie. I do not believe
those faults can be eradicated by
misdirection. If we cannot defend
our position by truth, it is inde-
--William Lynch, '52L
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McGee Case

" r

To the Editor:
"FREEDOM IS everybody's bus-
iness" has been a popular ra-
dio slogan in recent weeks. That
a substantial segment of our stu-
dent body considers freedom its
business has been hearteningly
demonstrated in the tremendous
activity on campus evolving from
the Willie McGee case. At two
meetings to date, people of almost
startlingly diverse beliefs and
backgrounds, assembled to hear
and to air views on a case for
freedom with far-reaching effects.
America has presented itself
with the role of "vanguard of de-
mocracy," but how can it success-
fully tackle a world situation in-
volving millions or even billions
of human beings (teaching its
professed ideology) if this "free-

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown..........Managing Editor
Paul Brentlingerr.........City Editor
Roma Lipsky ........ Editoriai Director
Dave Thomas...........Feature Editor
Janet Watts.........Associate Editor
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Bill Brenton....Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans...........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
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Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
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