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March 21, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-21

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New Zoning Ordinance
___Z___ __*___ __ * *
it' ' Vote unequal Compromise
AFTERTWO YEARS of petitions, propos-
als, arguments and amendments,_ the
By JIM BROWN city council has finally taken action on the
LG UP its new A-1 zoning ordi- question of zoning University group dwell-
restricting the construction (orqi En oftoni sityngoup imeh-
leling) of student residences to ings. Even after this length of time, how-
narrow residential district, the ever, it is possible that Monday night's ac-*
City Council has displayed an tion was too hasty.
disappointing lack of under-
student housing problems. The new zoning ordinance, which sets up
a special zone for fraternities, sororities and
ple would question the need for co-operatives was originally intended as a
wisely drawn up zoning ordi- c
Ann Arbor. And -it is even un- compromise between local citizens and the
ble that many local residents group dwellings. The citizens petitioned to
n'g pressure to bear upon the have further group expansion into the resi-
see that student housing units dential A and AA zones restricted. Council
allowed to expand into high members, however, attempted to act with-
sidential districts where their out arousing the ire of the University
might drag down the value of rsi
nding properties. groups.
te citizens, however, completely The aldermen therefore gave these groups
possibility that student groups some concessions which seem to have made
e "high-calibre" residents and University representatives believe they have
e plea of these groups that there gotten a good compromise.
.o suitable property on which to
Ann Arbor-except in the now In reality, some groups have received a
and AA zones. pretty raw deal from the city fathers.
* * * Hardest hit of all are nine fraternities
ENT CASE of the Alpha Epsilon that were not included in the new zone.
rority typifies the near-sighted Although these houses will be allowed to
attitude taken by many Ann Ar- A.h . w.e
exist as special units in the restricted A and
Councilmen. aAA zones, they will have to go through a lot
Phi's purchased a lot on Cam- of red tape to do so.
between Hill and Day Sts. more House groups are not only forbidden to
r ago on which they had hoped expand into A and AA, but those already
t a new house. They were aware existing there are to ;be punished as well.
ger of zoning restrictions and at- Many of these groups have been at their
secure a lot closer to the {cam- present location longer than their neigh-
There simply was no such lot bors-and their taxes, are just as high.
t any half-way reasonable price.
What local citizens and the council have
eceiving assurance from several overlooked is that members of these groups
nediate neighbors that there was are members of the community for the bet-
on to their building a home on ter part of the year and are legally con-
rty, the AE Phi's purchased the sidered citizens of Ann Arbor. In attempt-
e Rd.. property in good faith. ing to satisfy their own interests they have
at time, however, several of the ignored the fact that group residents may
pressured the City Council to ex- have a few interests of heir own.
X Phi property from the proposed This whole attitude was again shown
ithin which fraternities and sor- when the council denied Alpha Epsilon
e to be allowed to build or re- Phi sorority the right to include the pro-
m houses. These wrathful citizens posed site of their new house in the A-1
rnong other things, that Cam- district. Members of AE Phi claim that
is too narrow to accommodate they purchased the property where they
ed traffic which a sorority house did because it was the only decent place
w and that the safety of their they had to 'go.
ould thus be endangered.
acil listened with a receptive ear As for the solution to the problems left
ntly closing their eyes to the ov- by the new ordinance they will have to come
mess of the move, excluded the in the form of future amendments. That
perty from the A-1 zone-making they should come, is apparent. If the zon-
le for the sorority to build a new ing set-up continues as it now is, many
er lot. University groups will be betting an unequal
* * * side of the compromise
RNESS of the decision may be --Vernon Emerson


T rumnan

WASHINGTON-Are the Russians andj
Red Chinese timing a peace offensive
and armed truce in Korea to coincide with
congressional consideration of virtually ev-
ery item of President Truman's preparedness
It is beginning to look suspiciously like
it to the President's legislative leaders as
they eye the massive calendar with which
they must deal within the next three
Immediately to the fore are the Troops-
for-Europe resolution and the Draft Act and
the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act.
June 30 next the fiscal year expires
and so do rent control and every import-
ant part of the defense production act
under which mobilization is going for-
ward All appropriation bills and the fi-
nal budget ark also supposed -to be ap-
proved by June 30, as is a tax bill.
These are the major ingredients of the
Truman prescription for survival against
Russian Communism. They are difficult,
costly and unpalatable. Already the opposi-
tion to them is attacking them and insisting
there are easier, better ways.
If the Russian-Red China threat slackens
during the spring along lines now being
faintly glimpsed, the road will get rougher
and rougher for the President's plan. This
is the prospect that makes the administra-
tion leaders sweat.
When majority leader McFarland exhorts
his forces to give the investigators a rest
and get to work on Senate business he is
thinking of the long days of Senate debate
on the controversial legislation he must
steer to passage-if he can. ,
The State Department hears from the
grapevine that Mao Tse-Tung is in Moscow
pressuring the Russians either to come in-
to the Korean war with their air force and
navy or to create a distraction elsewhere.
These reports-only rumors but obvi-
ously requiring attention-are the reason
for the defiant note being struck these
days toward Russia by all administration
spokesmen. Administration foreign-pol-
icy speeches have warned Russia that U S.
atomic power can destroy her cities and
industries-and will, if she commits an
What form Russian intervention might
take is, as always, only guesswork - there
are so many avenues open to her. When
the diplomats merely enumerate them, they
find it impossible to believe that any tem-
porary pretense by the Reds could delude
Congress or the American people.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

"Mink Is For Peasants"
Oi A A
R... -
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and willnpublish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Just Talk

0 .


A BOVE THE dust of battle, above the bod-
ies of Daily critics dead or alive, I
should like to raise a banner of hope and
good cheer. Something has been born in
Ann Arbor which can unite us all: a pro-
fessional theatre whose actors and directors
are young, imaginative, energetic, sincere
and highly talented. I have not, as you may
think, chosen my adjectives carelessly; the
truly exciting productions of The Respect-
able Prostitute and Hotel Universe leave
little room for doubt about the quality of
theatrical art now available to us.
This can only mean that if you do not
immediately take advantage of the Arts
Theatre Club you are, for what must
surely be lacklustre reasons, depriving
yourself of one of the greatest causes
for real enthusiasm ever to arrive in Ann
Only those who have not seen the plays
or who are unable to relate what has hap-
pened here to the state of our national the-
atre and of the humanities in general will
feel my praise the least excessive. Limited
almost entirely to New York City, where the
evils of our time are inevitably magnified,
the American theatre reflects the worst as-
pects of a nation which, under the double
onslaught of militarism and materialism,
is rapidly losing both its creative spirit and
its moral sensitiveness. The outlook for
young actors, directors, designers and play-
wrights is practically hopeless. New York is
a morass of greed and selfishness and un-
employment; there is no sense of tradition,
no real love for the theatre or for art, and
no apparent desire to encourage young
The only hope for the American the-
atre, and it is admittedly slim, is in the
establishment of healthy, vigorous pro-
fessional theatres in hundreds of cities
throughout the country.
That explains why one of the questions in-
evitably raised by the mere existence of the
Arts Theatre Club is: "Do we, as a commun-
ity, still possess enough vitality to support
an attempt to save our national drama from
complete corruption and sterility?"

criticism. They do not ask us to support
them because of the idea they represent;
rather, they invite us to share with them all
the pleasures of fine drama honestly and
imaginatively produced.
Actually, a great many things contribute
to the success of an evening at 209% East
Washington. Not the least of these is the
friendly atmosphere encouraged by the cof-
fee room in which members and actors meet
after the performahce.
This theatre is, remember, a club, a
meeting place for those who like to see
and talk about and participate in good
drama; and it is at least partially from
this strong sense of community that the
health of the organization springs.
The remarkable feeling of intimacy and of
actual participation is of course tremen-
dously heightened by a nicely balanced use
of the so-called arena theatre idea. And
surprisingly enough, in spite of the nearness
of the actors and the limited use of props,
the sense of illusion is actually stronger
than in most orthodox theatres; certainly
this set right in front of you and these
people almost close enough to touch seem
more real than the hazy notion of props
and characters that one gets from, say, the
two-forty seats at the Cass
I can assure those of you who have not yet
experienced arena theatre that you have
something new and delightful ahead of you
Any doubt you may have about this can
perhaps be dispelled by quizzing some of
the 1200 or so individuals who have been
seeing the plays. So far as I have been able
to determine-and I have made a search-
not a one of them is at present dissatisfied.
As both "The Respectable Prostitute"
and "Hotel Universe" have been favorably
reviewed by The Daily critic, there is
perhaps no need to add anything of a
specific nature about either play. I can
only say that I came away each time feel-
ing that Ann Arbor is far luckier that
it as yet fully realizes. We now have a
community theatre which is also. a pro-
fessional theatre, a theatre justly proud
of its high professional standards. It has
fully demonstrated that it deserves our

To the Editor:<
T HIS IS A letter to you who
write letters to the editor. ,
You are the students who aren'tj
afraid to say what you're think-
ing. You are the ones who know
what is going on, who read The
Daily, who keep up on campus
problems. And you ean back your
convictions with action, you can
work your ideas through, you can
attempt results by joining others 1
who are also willing to work ont
what they believe.
The group of students on thet
Student Legislature are strivingt
to give you the results you de-
mand, and there is a tremendous
amount of work to be done. It is
easy to stand outside and criti-
cize; it is a challenge to work and,
act on your ideas. You can maket
your Student Government a pow-i
erful integrated group by being
active, by becoming a member. Ifr
you feel that SL is weak, if you
think it works out of its sphere
of influence, if you think it fails
to answer its challenges, here isI
your chance to do something about
it. Express and share your ideas,
by getting a position on the Stu-
dent Legislature. The campaign-
ing is beginning now-you can
make student government more
important than issues of "Quad-,
rangle Playgrounds!"
-Mary Ummel1
* * *
War Sky. . .
To the Editor:-
support from "War Sky" be-i
cause they were sincerely con-
vinced I was seeking sensational
political publicity and was willing
to exploit the IAU to get it. So I
withdraw charges of pressure by a1
group within the University on the
I have learned of the working2
conditions of the IAU: a University
censor to be satisfied, a desire to
produce worthwhile work, an in-
secure place on campus. I think
this situation amounts to a more
subtle and diffused pressure IAU
has to live with continually in its
attempt to sponsor honest and liv-
ing work at the University of
Michigan. .
Because of ,IAU's acceptance of
these working conditions, even if,
acceptance is necessary for the
group's continued functioning, I
feel I can have nothing more to do
with the IAU.
-Robert Rosenberg.
IAU Policy .
Tho the Editor:
THERE HAS BEEN some misun-
derstanding of the position
taken by the Inter-Arts Union re-
garding the cancellation of Robert
Rosenberg's play War Sky.
In reevaluating the incidents
leading to the cancellation of the
play these seem to be the impor-
tant points. Bob Rosenberg did not
act in bad faith, but he did act in
such a manner as to give the IAU
complete reason to believe that its
long-standing publicity policy had
been and would continue to 'be
consciously violated. Bob's refusal
to identify the member of his cast
who gave information of the play's

supposed "subversiveness" to the
Daily led us to believe that he was
deliberately denying us the means
to see that this did not recur int
the future. Here are the crucialt
misunderstandings - Bob misun-I
derstood why we asked the cast
member's name; we quite reason-
ably misunderstood his refusal to(
give it. It is a pity that accusations
and counter accusations were made=
public before a proper evaluation
of motives could be made.
Daily editorial writers Green-
baum and Thomas drew perhaps
typically human conclusions from
the original Daily story. However,I
their position entails responsibili-
ties to their readers and ascertain-
ment of facts. They made emotion-
al and irresponsible attacks which
had no basis in truth. i
The policy of the IAU has been4
and is to publicize plays only as to
their artistic merit. (We were not
interested in publicizing ClosedI
Session for its Lesbianism or
nymphomania, The Rape of Lu-
cretia for its rape, War Sky for
what some considered its "subver-
siveness.") We were interested inI
producing exciting, provocative
theater on this campus, without
attempting to'render moral judg-
ment as to subject matter.We have
been able to do this because we
have successfully avoided using in
our publicity what was potential
sensationalism in our productions.
As the producer organization
IAU believes that it must be al-
lowed to determine its own publi-
city policies. We allow the director
complete artistic freedom - Bob
Rosenberg was allowed to direct his
play without alteration or inter-
The only possible grounds for
present dispute would seem to be
the wisdom of IAU's publicity pol-
icy. Its wisdom may be seen in the
fact that thoughtful audiences
have been able to see a succession
of plays which, for the courage of
their choice and production, have
no precedent on this campus.
IAU policy made it possible to
schedule Rosenberg's play for pro-
duction. This policy will be con-
tinued so that we wil behable to
produce others as well.
-William Trousdale,
Inter-Arts Union.
llei fetz Review .
To the Editor
Truly Mr. Gross pointed out one
of his great faults in his first sen-
tence. "I don't attend recitals to
hear Heifetz play the violin, but
to hear a musician play Beetho-
ven." All music lovers rightly ex-
pect to hear good music, musically
played when they go to a concert;
but it should not surprise a critic
who has attended even a few re-
citals to hear a great violinist such
as Heifetz pick and perform se-
lections purely for the purpose of
violinistic display. After all it is
a violin recital.
It was indeed sad that our re-
viewer felt the need of a score to
evaluate the musical merit of such
a famous sonata as the Kreutzer.
It would be well for such an emi-
nent musician as Mr. Gross to
preface some of his comments on
the deviations from the score
markings with "I think" when he
is disagreeing with an interpre-
tation. Such a statement as "I

lid not feel the tempo chosen p
dded to the sonata's perform- R
ance" would have left a little t
oom for those people who did i
ike the tempi. There were many. s
The little chromatic gasps criti- c
,ism would be a better criticism C
of the violin than of Heifetz. o
rruly an electronic oscilator would ,
liminate this problem.
No critic can be forgiven for A
the statement that Debussy's so-R
rata was ice-cold. The apex of i
he program for me and many P
could have been decried in many E
ways and I would not have been t
musically outraged, but when Mr. b
Gross simply passes off the De- w
bussy Sonata as ice-cold, certain- t1
ly a most debatable .point, Mr.
Gross truly has stepped beyond
the functional bounds of the per-.
formance critic.
The stunning playing of Em-
anuel Bay, and the magnificentp
ensemble of course went unno- 1
Without a single note of admir-V
ation Mr. Gross hastily listed thef
remainder of the performance,c
omitting the encores.-
That such a review should beo
published in the official paper ofb
the University of Michigan is aj
great disgrace.
It sees incredible to me that
after this review, and the Buda-
pest review, and the uncountable
other derogatory reviews of fine,
very musically rewarding per-
formances, that the Michigan
Daily permit such reviews to ap-
pear in a paper which purports to
represent the campus.
--Donald A. Keyworth
* * * *
Generation .]
To the Editor-:
THE PURPOSE of .Generationk
magazine is to encourage crea-
tive activity in all the arts ands
to provide a meeting ground forc
this activity. The many studentsf
who expressed a desire for sucht
a magazine felt that because of thec
concentrated specialization and
departmentalization in a univer-
sity of this size, creative efforts1
and- their creators were wedgeds
pretty closely within "schools."p
Generation was formed as a kind
of exhibit to which student arts{
could be contributed and observed1
under one separate organization.
Recent criticisms of Generationr
which indicated misunderstand-
ing of its purpose have, we feel,
necessitated this re-explanation.t
We are still convinced that there
is something in Generation :or
every interested or curious reader.
For the reader who "defies" anyr
or all sections of the magazine to
prove something, a disappointment,
is bound to be in store. The vry
nature of Generation would seem1
to indicate this.-
As staff members of Genera-
tion, we would like criticisms which
will aid its growth and reader
scope; but criticisms which do not
presuppose the function of the
magazine neither help nor hinderj
Unless we do not include music
as one of the creative arts repre-
sented in Generation, we can
hardly refrain from printing musi-
cal scores. Musical notation is,;
after all, the only means of ex-
pression for a composer, and we-
know that the ability to read a
score is not limited to students in
the school of music . . For the
reader, printing manuscripts pre-
sents an ideal means of studying
contemporary creative writing and
acts as a source of information
and stimulation to those who
would create themselves. Scores
are printed with the full realiza-
tion that the musical composition
is not "complete" until itis trans-
lated into sound. Thus, all the
works in Generation have been or

will be performed, either in com-
posers' forums or at the Student
Arts Festival. Robert Cogan's
quartet which appeared in the
last issue will be performed on
March 23 on one of the Festival
-Elaine Brovan
Courtney Sherbrooke
* * *
Assembly for Peace U..
To the Editor:
O KOREANS the issue of peace
or war is of more than aca-
demic interest. Here in America
draft laws , and "mobilization"
thrust the issue upon many of us.
But the rest of us cannot ignore
it either. Total war is not some-
thing that happens to somebody
War could bring to us only what
it has brought to Korea-misery,
destruction, and death. War is not
the way to improve democracy
not the way to advance scholar-
ship, not the way to achieve the
happy life all of us want. Each of
us has a personal stake in preserv-
ing the peace.
We cannot leave the job to a
few diplomats. We cannot simply
wait for the State Department
and the Draft Board to tell us
what to do. In a democracy the

People must take an active part in
ormulating policies which affect
heir well-being and their very ex-.
stence. We must strive to under-
tand the situation; we must dis-
uss thoroughly the alternatives .
pen to us; and we must impress
our conclusions urgently upon our
As a step toward this, the Social
Action Department of the Student
Religious Association is sponsor-
ng an All-Campus Assembly for
Peace. It will take place at Lane
Hall, during the morning and af-
ernoon of Saturday, March 24,
beginning at 10:30. The Assembly
will be divided into the following
three stages:
1. The current world situation.
2. What effect private citizens
can have.
3. What, specifically, we at
Michigan can do for peace.
This Assembly, it is hoped, will
provide an occasion for the whole
University community to begin
participating in the decisions
which mean survival or destruction,
for all of us. You are invited to
come and to bring your friends-
not to listen to prepared speeches
on already formulated proposals,
but to take part yourselves in the
job of formulating.
-Arthur Buchbinder
Dave Klaus
Pat MacMahon
" John M. Morris
Phyllis Morris
Ed Voss
Lee Winneg.
Poor Scripts . .
To the Editor:
IT WASN'T until Tuesday, March
13, that I discovered that the
University of Michigan was blessed
with a group of radio players. They
broadcast over a program called
"The Angell Hall Playhouse." The
saga they performed Tuesday was
called "The Tragedy of Marcia
Henderson." This was a cross be-
tween Titus Andronicus and Tess
of the D'Ubervilles.
Fortunately, I only heard the
last ten minutes of the broadcast.
During this time various and
sundry mishaps occurred to
1. She was deserted on her'-wed-
ding night by her husband who
preferred $5,000 to Marcia.
2. She had a child who for some
unknown reason was kept in at
special sanatorium.
3. Because of this, Marcia spent
the rest of her life working to pay
for his keep.
4. Marcia's mother (wow, was
she mean) insisted that Marcia
marry a wealthy old man., Rather
than do this, Marcia while riding
with him' and her mother (wow,
was she obnoxious), beat the
horses and caused a horrible acci-
dent which killed her aged lover
and crippled her mother. (It served
her right.)
This was too much for me and I
cried myself to sleep.
The acting on this show ranged
from bad to good. But the script
was a new low in radio writing. It
is unfortunate that a university
that has as many good writers on
the campus as we do, should waste
radio time and some talented
actors on the type of script used
on this show.
-Fred Levitt.

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown.............Managing Editor
Paul Brentlingerl.........City Editor
Roma Lipsky.......Editorial Director
Dave Thomas .....Feature Editor
Janet Watts.. ..........Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan............Associate Editor
James Gregory.......Associate Editor
Bill Connolly............ Sports Editor
Bob Sandell.. Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton....Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels....... ,.Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible.....Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager
Bob Miller.......Circulation Manager

Telephone 23-24-1


Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
.matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mal, $7.00.


But now Gus the Ghost can't
sue us for losing his laundry-

It was a shrewd stroke of
your old Fairy Godfather's, I


Cushlamochree! Gus can't
I sue us for a new wardrobe!


Ah, you agree I settled things
happily. A musty courtroom is

a i



I I- I

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