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March 20, 1951 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-20

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_____________________''HE MiC liGAi DAILY 3____________________
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Segregated Service

MISSISSIPPI congressman has chalked
up another black mark for his state in
s supreme brand of racial prejudice. Rep.
instead has directed an amendment to the'
aft bill through the House Armed Services
>mmittee that would give inductees the
ivilege of deciding whether or not they
ant to serve in segregated units.
Perhaps Rep. Winstead feels he is doing
he armed forces and the men a service by
preventing racial conflicts within the ser-
ices and giving the draftees achance to
void what might be an "unpleasant"
Admittedly t>, racial question has been
big problem for the armed services since
hite officers commanded colored compan-
s in the Union Army. Generally this prob-
m-which has had its physical outbreaks-
as been solved with the least trouble to the
ilitary by segregation. Nonetheless, Presi-
nt Truman has demanded that the prac-
ce be wiped out of the armed forces as
pidly as practical.
And sociological surveys have proven that
ich an elimination is more practical than
ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
-e written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.

once believed. Samuel A. Stouffer reported
after one study that 62 per cent of the men
in divisions with no Negroes said they would
strongly dislike to serve in mixed companies.
But of those who served in mixed compan-
ies only seven per cent said they had dis-
liked it. Two-thirds of the men in the mix-
ed companies said that they had opposed
the plan before it was tried.
Of course, as in any part of this nation's
life there are men in the services who will
protest if they have to associate with men
of another race. This is no reason, however,
for legally perpetuating segregation which
by its nature leads to continued racial pre-
It must be remembered that many of
those entering the armed forces do not
have strong racial prejudices. Being con-
fronted with the question of whether they
want to be segregated or not will force
them to decide: "Oh, I don't care," or
"Yes, I guess I never have cared for those
guys anyway." Segregation of this type
can crystalize unformed prejudices that
might be wiped out with practical exper-
It is disgusting that such a bill should be
proposed just when the armed forces have
begun some serious consideration of meth-
ods to end the segregation problem. When
the measure reaches the floor of the House,
it should be defeated.
-Vernon Emerson

wisdom and Temper

wisdom and temper of President Tru-
n would undoubtedly result in victory
quickness of temper.
Whether it is a victory of an extremely
nick temper over a not so quick mind or
ny other ratio between the two does not
atter. But what is of the great concern
the inability of the President to foresee
e broad implications of some of his
.marks which have led to world-wide mis-
riderstanding of his intentions.
kccording to an article in the latest
ue of The Reporter magazine on the
esidential press conferences and the con-
ts of personalities that inevitably arise
them, many of Truman's words have
mn given meanings that he never in-
'oremost among the misinterpretations
his remarks were the stories last No-
nber that stated that the President was
isidering using the Atom-Bomb in Korea.
e dispute over consulting Congress about
op commitments to Europe is said to
ve been born In a similar manner.

The Reporter says: "A regular attendant
at Truman's conference can not help noting
that he fails to get his ideas to the people.
Week after week the projected image of the
President goes through a curious tortured
process as it hits the wire-service bulletins,
gets picked up by the commentators, and
finally, in a hardened, lifeless shape, reaches
the pages of the news magazines.
"The careless rough words are there;
they can not be denied. But his smile has
become a leer, his thoughtless jest a snarl,
and his irritation truculence. Most disturb-
ing of all, the President's quiet courage is
regularly debased into cocksure optimism."
The basis of the trouble seems to be the
President's personality and not much can
be changed in press conference routine that
would remedy the situation. This being the
case, the citizen should consider the reports
coming out of the Thursday morning ritual
with the President's sore points well in
--Paul Marx

City Editor's
NOT LONG AGO a prominent student leg-
islator told me his own private opinion
about the value of student government.
What he said provided much food for
thought, and I have almost decided that I
can agree with him.
This gentleman said (unofficially, of
course) that the chief value of student
government was the experience which it
gave to students who participated in it.
He thought that the argumentation, dis-
cussion, politicking and persuasion which
prevail in any student government body will
provide excellent experience for college stu-
dents who will some day be the world's lead-
This theory, which had remained in my
unconscious mind for some time, took on
new appeal a few days ago when I read
the following Associated Press dispatch:
"United Nations, N.Y.-The Union of
South Africa refused today to modify its
racial segregation policy and told the
United Nations the subject is not one for
VN intervention.
"The UN last fall . . . adopted a resolu-
tion calling on South Africa to refrain from
enforcing its segregation laws. South Afri-
can delegate J. R. Jordan today wrote Sec-
retary-General Trygve Lie saying his gov-
ernment refused to accept the terms of the
resolution .. .
"The letter said South Africa's racial
policies were entirely a matter of domestic
concern, therefore not a subject for UN
This story certainly strengthens the po-
sition taken by the prominent student leg-
islator. And happily, it does a little more
than that.
It offers substantial proof that organi-
zations such as the SL, the IFC and the
SAC are turning out people who will feel
right at home in future positions with the
commissions, the secretariats and the legis-
lative bodies so essential in the modern
Senior Night
SENIOR NIGHT has long been regarded
as one of the most enjoyable functions
for senior women on this campus. Sadly
enough, this year it has also become an ex-
ample of the inefficiency that characterizes
women's groups.
it is traditional for women to wear caps
and gowns at the program which includes
a dinner and the opening of the Junior
Girls' Play. Although the tradition is as
ridiculous as keeping women from the
front door of the Union, this year's senior
class decided in a informal poll to go
along with it.
But the cost of the whole affair-$9.25-
seemed to many women su'fficient reason for
not attending. When they protested, Lea-
gue officials tried to do something about
Although the caps and gowns had already
been ordered from a North University sports
apparel store, League officers thought they
might be able to work out a better deal.
The officials discussed the matter with the
sports store owners, seemingly came to an
agreement, and even announced officially
that caps alone could be enough to preserve
the tradition. The best thing about the plan
was that it would reduce the cost to $3.50-
a saving of almost six dollars.
But when the store owners read the an-
nouncement, and contemplated their po-
tential financial loss, they were upset. Evi-

dently they were talking about one thing,
League officials about another when they
discussed the matter of caps alone for Sen-
ior Night.
The crux of the matter is that senior
women must now wear both caps and
gowns and that the whole thing is going to
cost just too much for one night-regard-
less of how much the program promises.
The fact that, caps and gowns can be
used twice (also for Commencement) and
that $5 is returned if the wearer brings back
the gown at once, $3 if she waits until after
Commencement, doesn't make the prospects
for attending Senior Week this week any
more conducive to many women.
There would be no point in mentioning
this business of Senior Night caps and gowns
except that it is typical of the mismanago-
ment that so often occurs at the League.
-Janet Watts
Order Now
AN ADVERTISEMENT in the British ma-
gazine Punch awakens the ever-suffer-
ing public to another of the dangers the age
of television has brought upon the house-
"Enter a burglar!" it proclaims in con-
servatively strident letters. "He knows you
have a television set because he's seen the
give-away aerial. So while you sit watching
and listening, it's a simple job for a burg-
lar to pick your front lock and get inside
without your hearing a thing."
Americans, who are almost rock-like in
their concentration where entertainment is
nr~nnnvinrl ~inrh+"irallhavvrof t n _ o

/"Just The Bath Water! Jest The Bath Wader!"
®.41 r Iwg r T. or .,
A .
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which ate signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

(Continued from Page 2)
to enhance the listener's enjoyment
and understanding of these programs.
Enrollment, which is $7.00, may be
made in advance in the office of the
University Extension Service, Room
4524, Administration Building, or at
the class room at 7:15 p.m. on Wed.,
March 21. The class meets at 7:30
p.m. in Room 206, Burton Memorial
Universiy symphony Orchestra and-
University Choir will be heard in a pro-
gram of Easter music a 8:30 Wednesday
evening, March 21, in Hill Audiorium.
The two organizations, under the di-
rection of Wayne Dunlap, will present
Haydn's Seven Last Words of Christ,
and Beethoven Symphony No. 9 in D
minor. Open to the general public
without charge.
Student Recital: Robert Pfeuffer, bas-
soonist, will present a program at 8:30
Tuesday evening, March 20, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree in Music Edu-
cation. He will be assisted by Margaret
Strand, piano, Hugh Cooper, bassoon,
John Crawford, clarinet, Sheldon Henry,
French Horn, and Grover Schiltz, oboe,
in compositions by Bruns, Bach, Mozart,
and Ibert. The public is invited.
Events Today
Christian Science Organization: Tes-
timonial meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper'
Room, Lane Hall.
Congregational - Disciples - Evangeli-
cal & Reformed Guild: Tea, 4:30 to 6
p.m., a the Guild House. Supper Dis-
cussion groups, 5:30 to 7 p.m., Wed.,
March 21, Guild House; call 5838 by
Tuesday night for reservations.
Canterbury Club: 10:15 a.m., Holy
Communion. 5:1x .m., Evening prayer.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society: Re-
hearsal of full chorus, 8:15 p.m.,
Psurfs, Barbershop Harmonizers. 7:30
p.m., Room 3-M, Union.
Flying Club: Open meeting, Room
1084 E. Engineering Bldg. Students or
faculty members who desire to know
more about the flying club should try
to attend this meeting or call John
Hammersmith or Earl Herban at 9692.
Quaterdeck: Meeting, Tues., March
20, 7:30 p.m., Room 3-D, Union. Speak-
er: Prof. Ormondroyd. "Ship Hull
Pershing Rifles. Regular meeting
Rifle Range. Be ready to fall in under
arms by 7:27 p.m.
Pi Tau Sigma: M. E. Computing
Room. 244 W. Engineering Bldg. Chap-
ter projects and final vote* on new
members for this semester will be dis-
cussed. All members are requested to
pressed. When you read one of Mr.
Gross's reviews, you may be sure
that he knows what he is talking
about, that he expresses himself
honestly and well, after careful
consideration. No one has the right
to demand more.
Siegfried Feller


Pre-Med Society: Meeting, 7:34 p.m.,
Room 1300, Chemistry Bidg. Movie,
"Journey into Medicine." Speaker: R.
A. Cornell of the Armed Services Infor-
mation Center, "Draft Status.of Pre-
medical Students." All interested stu-
dents invited,
Deutscher Verein Meeting: 7:30 p.m.,
lounge of the Women's Athletic Bldg.
Miss Pease will instruct German Folk
dances. Special German music. Dress
Student Religious Association:
Square Dance Group meets at Lane
Hall, 7 p.m.
SRA Radio Committee meets at Lane
Hall, 4:15 p.m.
SRA Sudy and Discussion Group.pre-
senas two films at Lane Hall: 7:30 p.m.,
"King of Kings" and 9 p.m., "Road to
sigma Rho Tau, The Stump Speaker's
Society: Training meeting, 7 p.m.,
Room 2080, E Engineering Bldg. The
membersr will have an opportunity to
tell their funniest story as well as speak
on some famous personality. All stu-
dents in the Engineering College are
Coming Events
Canerbury Club: 'Wed., March 21. If
a.m., Holy Communion; 10:15 a.m.,2Holy
Communion; 5:15 p.m., Evening Prayer.
UNESCO Council: Meeting, Wed.,
March 21, 7:30 p.m.; Universiy Elemen-
tary School Library (just off the Mon-
roe Street entrance).
Westminster Guild? Tea 'N' Talk, 4
p.m.; Lenten Vespers, 5-5:25 p.m., Wed.,
March 21, First Presbyterian Church.
Michigan Arts Chorale: Regular re-
hearsai, Wed., March 21, 7 p.m.,, Lane
Hall. All members urged to attend.
Women of the University Faculty:
Dinner meeting, Wed., March 21, 6:15
p.m., League. Speaker: Miss Deborah
Student Science Society: Regular
meeting of March 21 postponed until
March 28.
Ulir Ski Club: Meeting to discuss
week-end ski trip and take reservations
for Spring vacation Aspen, Colorado,
ski trip, Movie: "Ski Deep -Powder,".
Wed., March 21, Room 3-D, Union.
Social Action Department of Lane
Hall is sponsoring as its speaker: Mr.
Clarence F. Hobson of the Federal Cor-
rectional Institution of Milan. "The
Life of an Inmate." Thurs., March 22,
7:30 p.m. The functioning of the instl-
tution, its relation to the community
and job opportuniles will be discuss6d.
All are invited.



World Direction

. .




Jr r Ct




WASHINGTON-The recapture of Seoul
dramatizes the total failure of the
Chinese Communist armies in Korea to
achieve their announced objective of push-
ng the United Nations forces into the sea.
ailure abroad can have disastrous conse-
quences at home, especially for a newly-
nstalled, revolutionary regime. And from
.11 the rumor and speculation about what is
oing on inside China, two apparently solid
acts stand out.
One is that something-no one really
knows what-is happening or has hap-
pened to Chinese Communist ruler Mao
Tse-tung. The other is that the authority
of the government which Mao heads is
quite genuinely threatened throughout
large areas of China.
Mao Tse-tung has made no sort of public
tppearance, even at functions where he has
een scheduled to show himself, for many
weeks. No deputy has been sent to represent
im at such functions, and no attempt to
ccount for his absence has been made. On
he basis of these facts, and of intelligence
'eports from within China, certain conflict-
ng but interesting theories to account for
he Mao Tse-tung mystery have been put
One is that Mao has left for Moscow, to
onfer with his ally and patron, Stalin.
ntelligence reports to this effect are taken
ntirely seriously. V. M. Molotov's mission,
o Peking last summer, now definitely known
o have taken place, was cloaked in secrecy,
nd Mao's mission may also be secret. But
f sa, Mao must have been in Moscow for
ome weeks, and there is still no reliable
onfirmation of his presence there.
Another unconfirmed report has Mao
vaiting at Manchuli, on the Siberian border,
or the arrival of the great Stalin himself.
According to this report, the Russian moun-
am is to come to the Chinese Mohammed,
n a supreme gesture of solidarity. Docu-
nents captured in North Korea proved that
he Korean aggression was planned at the
ast meeting of Stalin and Mao. If either
f the above versions of a Stalin-Mao meet-
ng proves correct, it is entirely likely to
nean open Soviet intervention in the Korean

Mao is of course a thorough-going Com-
munist, but he is also a thorough-going
Chinese. He never, attended the Moscow
training schools. Before he came to power,
he repeatedly took liberties with the ortho-
dox Leninist-Stalinist theories to suit his
own purposes. There is no reason for be-
lieving that the inner compulsions which
have forced the Kremlin to stamp out the
last vestiges of independent communism in
satellite Europe do not operate also in
Asia. Mao, unlike any European Communist
leader, is far more than Stalin the symbol
of communism in China, and this in itself
may be intolerable to the Kremlin.
Yet just because Mao is the symbol
which holds Chinese communism together,
his death, whether from natural or other
causes, might have a disintegrating effect
throughout the whole Chinese Communist
apparatus. And whatever Mao's fate, the
Chinese Communist apparatus is already
being strained almost to the breaking point,
according to reports which no longer leave
room for doubt.
The Chinese communist government is
plainly not acting like a regime in full
control of its internal situation. Reports
of upward of a million Chinese "traitors"
hauled off and executed by the favorite
Chinese method-a bullet in the back of
the head-may be exaggerated. But the
official reports of the Chinese communists
themselves regularly list huge batches of
new executions. The official Chinese news
agency has recounted such extraordinary
episodes as the wrecking of a giant gen-
erator and the firing of fifty-nine street-
cars in Peking, the heart of communist
power. And communist Premier Chou
En-lai has himself called for the capture
and execution of hundreds of thousands of
"counter-revolutionary bandits."
It is. at least possible that the Chinese
Communist regime, like the Nazi and Japa-
nese regimes at the end of the last war,
is in much worse straits as a result of the
Korean defeat than anyone realizes. It
would be insane to count on an internal

To the Editor:
FOR THOSE of us who have been
concerned about the direction
in which our world is going-and
that excludes very few-there is:
an answer to the question of what
we can do that is positive,
The answer is in the support of
the World Student Service Fund
Drive on campus this week.
Through WSSF, we can con-
tribute concretely in our search
for a common understanding
among peoples by facilitating the
education of students in need
throughout .the world. While:
many of us find financing our
own education difficult, it is much
more so for students in Greece,
India, Germany, and the many
other areas where the most basic
needs of students are unfulfilled.
Over and above the satisfying
of immediate needs is another
contribution of the World Student
Service Fund-and that is the tie
of friendship that is created when
needy students throughout the
world know that the American
students are willing and anxious
to help them help temselves-
that an American student will ac-
tually dig into his pocket for a
couple of dollars, or will give a
pint of blood.. ..
WSSF operates on several im-
portant principles: that aid is giv-
en where aid is needed, and where
aid can be guaranteed to reach
the students; that this is not a
charity, but a sincere effort to de-
velop student self-help; and fi-
nally, that the hope for a bright
and peaceful future lies in edu-
cating the youth of the world.
The channels have been provid-,
ed: Michigan students in organ-
ized houses will be able to learn
about WSSF and contribute to it
after hearing foreign students
describe WSSF's work, and seeing
movies which show the work and
the need. For those not living in
organized houses, booths on cam-
pus are available for money and
blood pledges and contributions.
Above all, the responsibility for
the success of this drive lies
squarely on our shoulders-WSSF
is the job of students and the en-
tire educational community-be-
cause funds come only from fa-
culty and students. And your co-
operation is greatly needed-if
peace and understanding among
the peoples of the world are ever
to be a reality.
-Dorianne Zipperstein
* *' *
Frequency ..
To the Editor:
APPARENTLY in order to fill
up the pages of your Sunday
edition you give little heed of
what you say and/or who says it.
I refer in particular to the ar-
ticle titled, "Radio Replaces Reins
as Taxis Come of Age". On first
reading it I immediately conclud-
ed it was technically incorrect
since your statement concerning
transmission "on ultra-high fre-
quency which can be heard for
about 15 miles" is not so as these
same frequencies are used regu-

To the Editor:
AND, DAILY, if our love thou
hold'st at aught-as our great
power thereof may give thee sense,
since yet St. Cecilia looks raw
and red after the Grossest sword,
and thy free awe pays homage to
us-thou mayst not coldly set our
sovereign process; which imports
at full the present death of Har-
vey. Do it, DAILY, for like the
hectic in my blood he rages, and
thou must cure me. Till I know
'tis done. Howe'er my haps, my
joys were ne'er begun.,
-Hamlet (made pertinent
by Brenton Smith)
,' *

Union Food

. . 0

larly for' communication of dis-
tances measured in three figures,
to the left of the decimal point.
Also if you were to double the cab
association's frequency you would
come close to the lower end of
the Ultra-high Frequency Range,
i. e., spectrum space in the order
of 15000 Broadcast Stations away,
But that was okay because I
thought you were just talking
through your hat and no harm
was done anyway. When I "blew
my top" was when you made the
libelous implication that Ama-
teurs sought "to break in" and
"foul up the . . . system".
I will refrain from going on
now to a disertation on what
Amateurs have done, are doing,
and are planning to do for the
good of the nation as cited in the
official records of various govern-
ment bodies.
The Amateur hobby is one
which necessarily presupposes a
technical skill and consideration
of the rights of others.
-Lawrence Kaufman, '52E


Heifetz Review .

. .

Research Club: Wed., March 21, 8
p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. "On the
Infinite in Mathematics" by Prof. Rich-
ard D. Brauer; "The Plans of the Ford
Foundation for the Support of Re-
search" by Prof. Donald G. Marquis.
Delta Sigma Pi: Mr. Duncanson, rep-
resentative of the Western Adjustment
and Inspection Company. "Insurance
Claims." Closed meeting, Wed., March
21, 7:30 p.m., chapter house, 1212 Hill
Personnel Interviews:
A representative from the Battelle
Memorial Institute, Columbus, Ohio,
will be at the Bureau of Appointments
on Wednesday, March 21, morning only,
interviewing chemical and mechanical
engineers for research work chiefly on
locomotives and gas turbines, B.S. or
M.S. degree. The research' is in he
Fuels Combustion Division.
For further information and appoint-
ments for interviews call at the Bureau
of Appointments 3528 Administration

Review .

. .

To the Editor:
AS USUAL, the outraged de-
fendants of popular concert
artists are at Harvey Gross's
throat, this time for his review of
Heifetz. If any proof were needed,
Wendell Nelson's letter demon-
strates how inadequately developed
are the critical faculties of the
Daily reviewer's opponents. How
foolish to quote authorities, how-
ever reliable, in attacking a review
of a concert held heaven knows
how many years later! Every indi-
vidual performance, not the past
history of the musician, must be
the basis for criticism.
Mr. Nelson should be ashamed to
confess, as a graduate student in
the School of Music, that he still
requires a metronome to keep time
for him, and that he cannot give
his undivided attention to the
music while following the score.
Imagine the furor that Mr. Nelson
will cause when (assuming that he
plays an instrument) he tours the
concert stages, playing by ear, and
with a metronome ticking at his
side! Gloryosky !
It may be that Harvey Gross is
not always right in his judgments,
but none of his critics seem to be
in a position to disprove his
claims. Their contrary opinions do
not constitute refutations, no mat-
ter how strongly felt and ex-

To the Editor:
IT SHOULD BE obvious to the
normally intelligent person that
Mr. Charatis, who gave us his
opinion of the Michigan Union in
The Daily on Tuesday, must be an-
other of the many people who find
it necessary sporadically to sound
off about conditions in general. It
makes one wonder whether such
people are not merely frustrated
and are looking for a scape-goat
for what must obviously be their
own personal maladjustments.
Such flagrant use of invective as
Mr. Charatis showed is especially
sad because it works to influence
other students to form prejudiced
opinions without fully understand-
ing conditions. This is what our
good Mr. Charatis has obviously
It is known that the University
sanitation inspector periodically
inspects all phases of food hand-
ling at the Michigan Union. To
date, this "filth and unsanitary
conditions" must have escaped his
observation. Certainly an enter-
prise as big as the Michigan Union
has not been established and
maintained by a student body or
professional management who are
casual and incompetent.
It is the opinion of the writer
that when one has a grievance he
should present it intelligently to
those who are in the position to
consider his ideas, and incidentally
to enlighten him about some of the
vital facts concerning the present
price and labor situation, and not
place innocent people under mal-
conceived criticism.
They say the bigger a man be-
comes, the more criticism he must
be able to face, still knowing that
basically he is doing the right
thing. In the opinion of the writer,
the Michigan Union has become a
very big institution on campus,
and will weather such criticisms
only to continue to be of great ser-
vice on campus.
Bob Graham '52


' 4


Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown........Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger............City Editor
Roma Lipsky.......Editorial Director
Dave Thomas........ Feature Editor
Janet Watts..... .. Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan...........Associate Editor
James Gregory......... Associate Editor
Bill Connolly...... ..... Sports, Editor
Bob Sandell....Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton....Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels...,......Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible.....Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau......Finance Manager
Bob Miller.......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.






Plaids are being worn anywhere this
season, Gus. In that Banquo tartan
vu ca .anen near at a bana-

Your old Fairy Godfather got Gus the
Ghost outfitted for court just in time.
Our case will be up as soon as i file

There's one detail about this big
case that somehow seems to have
slioed my steel-twp legal mind. X,

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