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March 04, 1951 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1951-03-04

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Central Committee Must Solve
VariousDifficulties for JGP

Military Ball Preview

1 Co-recreational Board Petitions Due Tuesday

Between the time that the Cen-
tral Committee of the Juniot Girls'
Play is installed in the spring and
the moment that the curtain is
raised on the opening performance,
problems of any shape and distinc-
tion appear on the scene and are
Initial difficulties arose when
the script, at that time sixty pages
long, had to be cut in half. Cathy
Sotir, general chairman of JGP,
Mickey Sager, director, Joan
Striefling, who wrote the script,
and Miss Ethel MacCormick, direc-
tor of the League, spent many long
hours going over the play, decid-
ing what lines to leave, and what
scenes to throw out.
AS SOON AS the script was
completed, the rest of the commit-
tees began to function.
,Nary Moore, assistant chair-
man, took on the job of ticket
chairman, and found that the
government had reared its ugly
head as far as ticket prices were
A concerned.
Tax on the tickets had to be a
certain amount, and consequently
Miss Moore, together with the
Central Committee, had a problem

in deciding the price of the ticket
* * *
AFTER A TRIP into the realm
of higher mathematics, they set
the price, hoping that it would
please the government and the
students as well.
June Laurin, stage manager,
had a few of her own problems.
The staging of the play is rather
difficult, and on first hearing
the script, Miss Laurin had vi-
sions of needing professional
stage hands to give her and her
committee assistance.
However, with a trial and error
system, the committee found that
they were capable of handling the
staging themselves.
* * -*
"BUT OUR FINGERS are still
crossed!" stated the stage man-
JGP will be presented exclu-
sively for senior women Thurs-
day, March 22, after the annual
Senior Night festivities.
The play will be open to the
campus for performances Friday,
March 23, and Sattirday, March 24.
Tickets will be on sale beginning
Monday, March 19.

Garter Brief
without garters
A new, comfy panty that
banishes girdles -garer
belts! Nylon knit for light
figure control, long wear.
Runproof, shrinkproof,
sagproofI Washes and dries
in minutes! White, Blue,
Maize, Shell Pink, Black.
Sizes 22 to 32, 9 to 19.

-Daily-Jackt Bergstrom
SNEAK PREVIEW-Pictured above Pauli Bucknell and Duane
Ellis present a preview of their arrival at the Union Friday night
for Military Ball, which will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the
Union Ballroom.
Senior Night, Annual Tradition
Offers Chance To Reminisce

Open to interested petitioners
this year will be an opportunity to
become a part of a new co-recrea-
tional board.
This board is being organized
by the Women's Athletic Associa-
tion but will be completely separate
from the WAA.
gaining such importance on com-
pus both in the Friday night pro-
gram at the Intramural Building
and in co-rec clubs that it is felt
that a Co-rec Board is needed to
co-ordinate these actiities," stated
Barbara Molyneaux, WAA co-rec-
reation chairman.,
A functioning board in its own
right, the Co-rec Board made up
of both men and women will,
however, work with the WAA.
President of the Co-recreation
Board will work with the eight
board members in their various
duties and will be the link between
this new board and the WAA
board. This president will be work-
ing closely with faculty members
of the Men's and Women's De-
partment of Physical Education in
order that the board can provide
the best possible co-rec program
in the coming year.
* * *
HIS OR HER board will consist
of a combined secretary-treasurer
post, and managers of Folk and
Square Dance, Town and Country,
Ballet, Modern Dance, Bowling,
and Ice Skating Clubs and the Co-
Recreation Night Manager.
The secretary-treasurer will
take minutes at board meetings,
record club finances, and, in
general, be the president's right
hand man.
Folk and Square Dance Club
managers will carry on the regu-
lar Wednesday night program-ar-
ranging for new callers, special
parties, and adding to the club's
record collection. The manager
will work with club advisor, Mrs.
Valerie Moffet.
manager will assist members in
planning various outing activities
whch will include roller skating
parties, hayrides, bicycling, picnics,
skiing, and other activities which
interest club members.
Managers of the Ballet and
Modern Dance Clubs will work
with faculty advisors in planning
instruction and the work to be
done on technique and composi-
tion. Both clubs take part in a
major dance festival during the
The Ice Skating Club manager
will be elected from within the
* * *
MANAGER of the Co-recrea-
tional Bowling Club will work with
both the co-rec president and the
Union's Second Co-ed
Entertainment Program
Will Be Held Tonight
Sunday evening entertainment
will again be offered by the Union
from 8 to 10:30 p.m. today in the
Terrace Room and small ballroom
of the Union.
Couples may dance to the music
of the nation's leading dance
bands, via records, in the Terrace
Robm, and there will be cards
available for bridge and canasta
games in the small ballroom.
This will be the second in the
recently initiated series of Sunday
entertainment programs.
There will be no admission
charge for couples attending either
this event or the activities carni-
val also to be presented this eve-

manager of the Women's WAA
Bowing Club in organizing a new
men and women's bowling group.
Marilyn Thisted, WAA presi-
dent, reports that there has been
a great demand for a co-rec
bowling club. It will be up to this
new board member to organize
such an activity.
The main responsibility of the
Co-recreation Night manager will
be to help make the co-rec activi-
ties at the I.M. Building held each
Friday evening a success. These
activities include, badminton,
swimming, volleyball, paddleball,
handball, and squash. He or she
will not have to be present every
Friday night but can draw student
leadership from the participants.
SINCE MANY of these positions
are new, the responsibilities of
each board member will depend

Members of the singing cho-
rus of JGP will meet at 4 p.m.
Monday in the League. Attend-
ance is required.

' i,

greatly on his or her own initia-
tive and interest in co-recreation
to make the new board a smoothly
working body.
Petitions are available in the
Undergraduate Office of the
-League and will be due at 5 p.m.
Interviews will be held by the
senior members of the WAA Board
from 3 to 5 p.m. Wednesday
through Friday and the following
For more information, those in-
terested may call Miss Molyneaux
or Miss Thisted.


JGP Singing


Women of Class of
March in 'Wishing
Members of the "staid old sen-i
ior" class will have an opportunity,
to review their memoirs of the past
four years at the annual "Senior
Supper" to be held at 6 p.m.
Thursday, March 22 in the League.
An annual campus tradition,
"Senior Supper," known more in-
formally as Senior Night, will pre-
sent the senior women with their
first opportunity to wear their caps
and gowns, and a last chance to re-
live their college days.
* * *
BEGINNINd'WITH an informal
dinner to be held in the League
Ballroom, during which there will
be no speeches, the program will
conclude with the seniors attend-
ing the first production of JGP.
Preceding the dinner, the sen-
ior women, garbed in their caps
and gowns, will march to the
League according to residential
Following the dinner, skits will
be presented from the class of '51's
Soph Cabaret and JGP. After re-
hashing the past four years, the
seniors will then march across the
stage of the ballroom in the tradi-
tional "wishing well" parade.
* * *
WHILE THE married women of
the class carry candles, the en-
gaged ones will suck lemons and
the pinned - seniors will sport
straight pins on their gowns. Those
women who remain free in the
matrimonial race will toss pennies,
one for each year of their age, in a
wishing well to be erected on the

'51 To Have Dinner,
Well' Parade, See JGP
The ceremonies will be con-
cluded with the traditional
march through the League and
into Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
It is at this time that' JGP will
first be presented for public view.
Taking advantage of their class
status, the seniors may interrupt
the play at any time and demand
a repeat performance of a song,
dance or even a whole scene.
s . "
UPON THEIR return home, the
seniors will be greeted by any num-
ber of strange situations which
the underclassmen of their resi-
dences concoct including water
and pillow fights!
Planning this year's program
are : Patricia McLean, general
chairman; Elizabeth Wargell,
decorations and Mary Jane Lit-
tle,, patrons and patronesses.
Agnes Wadell is in charge of
tickets and Mary Lou Scanlon is
handling publicity for the event.
The central committee has an-
nounced that the caps and gowns
for the program may be rented at
Moe's Sport Shop. for a $2.75 rental
fee plus a $3 deposit. They may be
kept through commencement.
JGP Rehearsal
Rehearsal for Act 2 of JGP
will be at 2:30 p.m. today and
for Act 3 from 7:30 to 10:30
p.m. today in the League.

.. . in the Arcade

Color-Accent as you shampoo!
spectacular new

T$ t
For the Military Ball .. . the Spring formals .. .
Dinners and Weddings.
Exciting is the only word for them. Ankle length
. . , full length . . . strapless . . . jacket types
. . . cap sleeves . .. stoles. You'll be completely
charmed with our collection of-
Taffetas ... Nets ... Laces
Chiffons ... Crepes
Sizes 9 to 40 and 122 to 24%
Priced from 16.95

Scottish Cashmeres


%r 'v
+s:"; .
Y f fr'.y." . 's'

Good new way

to look -

Helena Rubinstein has formulated
everything you've ever dreamed
about in a shampoo. Billowing
lather that rinses out in a wink to
leave hair a manageable miracle!
A shampoo personalized for your
hair type-to keep it teeming with
beauty! Each shining strand is
conditioned and cleansed to never-
before-known cleanliness.
blonde, red, light brown hair. Re-
tards time's darkening action when
used consistently, cumulatively!
dark brown and black hair-deep-
ens, highlights, as it shampoos.

Our own exquisite
imported from Scotland
the cfassic short-sleeved pullover 16.95
classic cardigan 21.95
All new spring colors-spring green,
canary yellow, light blue, new natural,
chestnut, strawberry.
Skirts to match or contrast.

PERFECT for chaperon-
ing-Dinners and Wed
dings. Beautiful Chantil-
ly Lace tops this dinner
dress-in sizes from 12.
The little white Bunny Jacket
is $29.95 plus federal tax.
f S
I-N f0






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