At LongLast
AT LONG IAST, the irrepressible Sen.
Joseph McCarthy is being called to ac-
count for his five-year misuse of the public
trust reposed in him by the people of Wis-
At long last, the good Senator commit-
ted the possibly fatal error of failing to
cloak his bald lies in Congressional im-
munity, that all-purpose protection for
the demagogue.
At long last, the smiling Republican has
encountered in Drew Pearson an enemy
whose shrewdness, tenacity, and sheer fight
equal, if not overbalance, his own, and
whose energies are not channeled into sheer
At long last, the extroverted legislator
has found a $350,000 price tag placed on
the truth-a price which he can ill afford,
if one would believe his inicome tax re-
At long last, the impetuous 100% Ameri-
can has found that his below-the-belt phys-
ical attacks as well as his verbal blows
can be expensive - Pearson asks another
quarter-million for discomfort caused by
McCarthy's famed groin punch.
At long last, the shoe is on the other
foot. McCarthy is being called upon to
defend in court some of his gross traves-
ties of truth.
Let us hope it pinches hard.
-Crawford Young
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The D ily staff
and represent the views of the writrs only.
/9"roqram flLOkiJ
(Editor's Note-This is the first in a series of
columns which will appear in The Daily com-
menting on current activities in music, art,
drama and literature in Ann Arbor. Today's
Program Notes were compiled by Bob Cagen, Ed
Chudacoff and Dan Waldron.)
It's been a week of premieres: the Arts
Theater Club opened its season; the Speech
Department produced two student-written
plays; and the School of Music presented
new works by Michigan composers.
JEAN-PAUL SARTRE, filling two diferent
stages at the same time, seemed on the
way to becoming Ann Arbor's prevailing
playwright last week. The Flies, which end -
ed Friday, sbared the bill with the two
student-written one-acts. The Respectable
Prostitute launched Arts Theater Cub and
continues through this week.
IN THE NEW WORKS by three University
composers and two members of the Mich-
igan Composer's Club last Wednesday, it
seemed to us that those by Cacioppo, Sca-
varda, and Chudacoff were more radical
than those by Miss' James and Mr. Hern-
red. We were struck by the interesting
affinity to Bartok in the more contrapuntal
student works.
* * * *
T HE FIRST PROGRAM of the Beethoven
Violin Sonata series, presented by Gil-
bert Ross and Mabel Rhead Field last Tues-
day night, revealed the range of Beetho-
ven's expressive power, especially interest-
ing when his earlier works-Op. 12, No. 1,
and Op. 30, No. 2-are set beside the later
Op. 96.' In this program expressive qualities
ranged from driving momentum and almost
agonized intensity to singing pastoral lyri-
The earlier works show increasing drive
and drama, greater and greater fullness of
sonority and expansiveness of sound. The
Op. 30, No. 2 sonata, we believe the most
dramatic chamber work Beethoven ever did,
is the climactic expression of these quali-
ties. It is fascinating to see how a composer
defines and fixes the emotional character-
istics of his work. In Op. 30, No. 2 the im-
passioned dynamic rush which pervades the
first and fourth movements is most striking-
ly defined by the two scalar outbursts which
occur near the end of the otherwise quiet,
slow movement.
Beethoven could go no further in these
directions; the direct onslaught was to be
tempered by lyricism, harmonic richness,
and by the intellectual qualities which
characterize the late works.
In Op. 96 all the lovely and singing quali-
ties which the later romantics were to go
after are present, but used to prepare for
the infrequent moments of dynamic impact
and strength. These elements surprise us
in this sonata. The simplicity and sensuous
beauty of the work, well-suited to the violin,
does not fit the stereotype we are given of
Beethoven. To find them here is exciting.
The performers caught all these qualities.
Never has Gilbert Ross played so well. The
lyricism of Op. 96 was as well achieved as
the drive of Op. 30, No. 2. And it was won-
d'erful to see an instrumental soloist subor-
dinate himself, give-and-take with the pian-
ist, to allow the musical ideas to speak. This
was real sonata playing.
Labor's Walkout
The Week's News
LABOR'S WALKOUT on the government
points up the whole ineffective, jumbled
mess that has been set up to serve as a
mobilization program.
The administration established the pro-
gram not only to mobilize the nation for
defense, but also to strengthen the coun-
try's economy to the point that it can
stand an all out war effort. So far neither
has been accomplished, and labor is com-
In the first place labor leaders are grum-
bling that although the government says it
opposes inflation, it has not taken effective
action to prevent it. They seem to be right.
Prices continue to spiral upwards in spite of
the administration's control plan. The way
the plan is set up with loop holes galore-
more being added haphazardly all the time
-does nothing to check the price climb.
Labor can well complain. A lid has been
clamped on wages, and even though it al-
lows wage hikes to cover the rise in living
costs, it does not adequately provide for pro-
tection against future price climes.
Labor's second grievance is that it is not
properly represented in the wage stabiliza-
tion government. Because of this ,it has
walked out on the government and its lead-
ers say they will not return until they get
direct access 'to Defense Mobilizer C. E.
Wilson, and larger representation on the
wage board.
Both points make a farce out of the
mobilization program. As Ron Watts
pointed out on this page last week, the
administration is trying to please too
many people. Were the government ser-
ious about its plan it would close up the
escape clauses it has left for its support-
ers. If the emergency is pressing enough
to merit any mobilization plan, it should
be an effective one.
And labor's action shows that it also is
not serious about the need for mobilization.
If it were, the walk-out against government
would not have taken place. No government
plan has even the slightest chance of suc-
cess unless it has all the support it can get.
This will mean sacrifice on all sides. Gov-
ernment and labor leaders have already
said this dozens of times-the trouble is they
apparently do not yet believe it.
--Vernon Emerson
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good /taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Drama on Washington Street
ONE OF THE BEST things about an Ann
Arbor spring is the wide variety of en-
tertainment activities whose initial stirrings
accompany the jonquils' first thoughts of
Already in the semester we have had
a visit from the Budapest String Quartet,
a bill of one-acts, several good movies
from the Cinema Guild, and a student
player's production. The Orpheum's fare
seems to be improving and other commer-
cial theatres, perhaps sensing a strong
competitor in mother nature, will prob-
ably schedule better films when possible.
In the weeks to come there will be a bal-
let production, the annual Mozart opera,
Easter organ recitals, the May Festival, a
major speech department production and
three-day Union Opera run and, if the
Daily reviewers haven't dealt a mortal blow,
a production by the Student Players.
The Gilbert and Sullivan Club will have
a spring number ready soon, and there will
be the usual number of outdoor sports and
social affairs such as organized dances and
unorganized ramblings in the arboretum.
By the last of May, the Drama Season will
be under way with a sprinkling of Broadway
names. Student recitals, canoe outings and
penny pitching contests will be ready with
their heady lures should the student have a
spare hour or two left over.
This spring is particularly to be wel-
comed, however, because it has brought
us a resident professional drama group
which hopes to establish itself perma-
nently in Ann Arbor.
Operating in a third floor arena play-
house at 209% East Washington, the Arts
Theatre Club is putting on the best drama
which will be seen in Ann Arbor this se-
The first production, "The Respectable
Prostitute," is both polished and spirited,
a fine evening of entertainment, and the
refreshingly varied program of forthcom-
ing productions appears equally reward-
The Arts Theatre Club seems clearly to
have justified the high note of optimism
which attended its founding. While there
has been a gratifying box office response
from both the city and the university com-
munity, a larger membership would not on-
ly benefit the new members to the extent
that they can individually profit from good
drama, but would aid in insuring the con-
tinuance after this season of a valuable cul-
tural addition to the locality.
-,Dave Thomas
-Daily-Bill Hampton
"And this is our Unwritten Code of Engineering Ethics.
Any questions?"
* * * *
Presidential Dark Horses
WASHINGTON-Powerful Democrats out-
side the government and across the
country are slowly moving toward an agree-
ment that their various Presidential dark
horses must be built up. They put it that
the nomination must not be forced upon
President Truman for lack of a substitute
As the mink coat stories touching the
White House multiply and the strains of
war increase, Democratic desire for a
change is bound to increase.
Meantime the feeling that the President
is disinclined to run again is taking hold.
And it is accepted as virtually certain that
Vice President Barkley will bow out.
Hence no cold winds are blowing on the
ambitious Senators now crowding to the
.At The Michigan .. .
Louis Calhern and Ann Harding.
AS A WHOLE this picture is a disappoint-
ment. It has some good performances, a
few honest sentimental moments and sever-
al interesyng historical sidelights. Looking
at it as a biography of Oliver Wendell
Holmes, however, it becomes a tasteless
cliche and something of a mockery of one
of the pioneering liberal spirits of the cen-
Lovable as it was of Holmes that he ador-
ed his wife, that he picked crocuses in the
spring and 'that he could become very crot-
chety in the presence of people who dis-
agreed with him; still to leave him dra-
matically without anything close to a single
positive principle is to prostitute the whole
purpose of the biography. There is, of
course, no requirement of documentary ac-
curacy in filming a man's life but any kind
of loyalty .to the spirit of Holmes and what
he stood for cries for something more than
the weak philosophical inconsistencies that
he displays in Emmet Lavery's script.
Even the stage play, from which the mov-
ie is adapted, managed to keep the charac-
ters in one place long enough to consider a
few of the vital issues in which Holmes was
front in the
hope of attracting the 1952
*C* * *
SIGNIFICANTLY the senators are work-
ing with a majority leader-Ernest Mc-
Farland-of their own choosing, not a White
House selection. But even if Senator Mc-
Farland were inclined to carry water for
the President, he would find it risky to
annoy his aspiring colleagues since he has
only a two-vote majority in the Senate to
depend on.
It has been interesting to watch such
astute veterans as Senators Connally,
Russell and George giving their juniors
their heads. When it comes to sensing
political winds, the southerners have few
equals and no superiors.
Nothing very overt is going to happen.
The well-known water will flow under the
bridge in large quantities in times like this
before the national convention convenes.
But the absence of the usual stumbling
blocks is noticeable.
This is a far cry from 1949 when a frown
from Mr. Truman's national chairman, Wil-
liam Boyle, effectually dissipated a New
York dinner being planned by the admirers
of the then Secretary of Defense, Louis
ANOTHER CASUALTY of the altered situ-
ation is the view that the President
might not run but would try to name as
his successor his Chief Justice, Fred Vinson,
who is as popular as ever personally but
he has npt been brought into the prepared-
ness picture and he has seemed more and
more to be settling into the Supreme Court
groove. With a very real competition for
the nomination building up, Justice Vinson
becomes increasingly less likely to seek it.
Why all this change?
One reason is that the present twilight
war zone in which the government is oper-
ating is bad for the President's fortunes. It
has all the inconveniences of war without
the actual perils which might inspire aj
don't-swap-horses mood among the people.
The scandals hurt the White House. The
President has hurt himself with his letter
writing, above all the colloquial letter to
music critic Hume.
The constitutional amendment limiting
the President to two terms has technically
no bearing on the matter since it does not
affect Mr. Truman. It perhaps has some
psychological effect.
The President's leadership in the national
committee is weak. Chairman Boyle is em-
ivn- l f_ . r--A ln btl hiF hn Z - -nn
A KNOTTY CASE of University discipline came to light this week. 1
It was revealed that an engineering student has been expelled from I
school for breaking an NROTC contract after becoming a conscien-
tious objector. According to a faculty discipline committee, the stu-
dent, Robert J. Lapham, '52E, was not ousted for his religious views
but for his "unethical and irresponsible" attitude regarding the con-1
tract.. In short, he did not live up to the unwritten engineering "code
of ethics", the committee said omnisciently.
Around the World...
KOREA-UN forces slithered forward all along the front this
week against mounting Red resistance. G.I.'s took the devastated
central Korean communications hub of Hoengsong on Friday.
PLEVEN OUT-As sure as springtime, another French cabinet
toppled this week. Premier Rene Pleven's eight months old coalition
resigned Wednesday over an election law dispute. By the week's end
two former premiers, Georges Bidault and Henri Queuille, had failed
to form a new cabinet. It was the 16th time since her liberation that
France had been caught without a government.a
National . .
GREAT DEBATES-Two great debates shaped up in Congress
this week. The first, troops for Europe, was a continuation of an
argument which has raged outside of Congress for months. In the
second hearing, on Tuesday, former President Herbert Hoover gave
the narrow view. He claimed that the plan to send four divisions to
Europe would "most likely lead" to a land war with "utmost jeopardy"
to the United States. The day before, another prominent Republican,
Sen. Robert Taft, had demanded that Europe guarantee an army
strong enough to defend itself before we send any troops.
Gen. Lucius Clay, former governor of the U.S. zone in Ger-
many, differed. He said that if the plan to send troops to Europe
is speeded, within a year Russian aggression will "seem unprofit-
On Thursday, President Truman declared that he wished Congress
would hurry up and settle the matter, lest our relations with the West-
ern Allies be endangered.
The other debate, begun in Congress on Monday, concerned the'
question of the 18-year-old draft. Military men stressed the utmost
necessity of such a move, while certain Republican senators have
countered by asking compromises. Gen. Omar Bradley, chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff, declared that 18-year-olds must be drafted,
"in the interests of genuine security." The core of the debate was
the Morse amendment to lower the draft age only to 18 and one-half
years, instead of 18. The senate will vote on this amendment tomor-.
NO THIRD TERM-The 22nd Amendment was voted into law
Monday as the 36th state ratified it. The amendment bars future
presidents from serving more than two terms, or 10 years.
LABOR CONFUSION-In what seemed a compromise move, this
week, Economic Stabilizer Eric Johnston placed into effect the con-
troversial ten percent wage increase formula, including several amend-
ments designed to liberalize the action. A few days before, the three
labor members had walked out of the Wage Stabiaation Board meet-
ing in protest to the ten per cent limit. Johnstn's action this week
hardly soothed the situation. On Wednesday, the labor leaders
promptly declared a boycott on the whole home front control pro-
gram, advising union men to resign immediately from every govern-
ment mobilization agency.
In the last few days, some holes have been poked through the
stiff formula, in an effort to assuage labor. Chief among these was
Johnson's approval of all "escalator" wage clauses contracted before
Jan. 25. These allow wages to increase according to the Labor De-
partment's cost of living index.
RAIL SETTLEMENT-A break came in the two year old rail dis-
pute this week as one million non-operating employes were granted a
raise in pay.
Local ...
J-HOP-Michigan's gala J-Hop has been slipping in popularity
during the past few years. Unable to see the trend, last year's chair-
man defended all the elaborate expenses-and consequent high ticket
prices-and said "if you pay out less your dance will suffer all
around." This year, however, with prospects of a slight financial
loss for the recent dance, and with the draft threatening next year's
affair, the committee has suggested some long overdue reforms. Chief
among these is a proposal to hold J-Hop elections in the spring in-
stead of in the fall, when the committee hardly has time to get or-
ganized. Along with this, some committeemen favor a wholesale cut-
ting of expenses, even if it means limiting the dance to one night.
DIRTY RUSHING-Last Tuesday, two members of the Inter-
Fraternity Council Enforcement Committee, charged with policing
rushing, stalked into a private boarding house. In a room they dis-
covered two Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity men in the company of
Reviews ...
To the Editor:
I HAVE READ good reviews in
The Michigan Daily, and I have1
read poor reviews in The Daily. But
never have I read such an intesti-
nal-clogging, invalid review as W.
J. Hampton's on the Speech De-
partment's Third Bill of One-Act,
Plays. It is apparent that Mr.
Hampton does not realize that the
presentation of student directed
and staged plays is comparable to
a "laboratory" (as the program
words it). These students are not
suffering under the illusion that
they are perfect. On the contrary,
they welcome "crticsm." But for
a critic to make such generaliza-
tions as" . . . Their performances
were uniformly poor" is not only
invalid, it Is uncalled for. I am
sure the Mr. William J. Hampton
of our English Department will
support me here.
And to compare a student writ-
ten and directed play with such
an established success as Arsenic
and Old Lace would be about as
ridiculous as comparng W. J. with
a drama critic.
Mr. H{ampton goes on to end his
nine inches of bilge with an entire-
ly inept criticism of Sartre's Flies.
If nothing else on the whole bill
deserved proper reviewing, at least
Mr. Rovner's fling of imagination
in staging the Flies did.
Until Mr. Hampton can remove
himself from his plane of perfec-
tion expectancy, I would strongly
suggest that he concentrate on his
Daily and Gargoyle cartoons. They
are much better than his "re-
-Chuck Hoefler.
(EDITOR'S NOTE-For proof that
W. J. Hampton's "plane of perfec-
tion expectancy" is not wholly un-
attainable, we refer Mr. Hoefler, set
designer for the one-acts, to Hamp-
ton's review in Wednesday's Daily.)
C * *
Capital Punishment .. .
To the Editor:
I HAVE BEEN following the cap-
ital punishment controversy
with some interest, and I believe
that I have arrived at the only
two possible courses of action.
Which course we take depends on
how we answer the question: Are
killers made or born?
1. Ifkillers are born, it seems
reasonable that a test could be de-
vised by means of which all po-
tential killers could be discovered
by the time they were, say, six
years old, and eliminated then.
In this way, society could wreak
its vengeance on the would-be
murderers before they have had
time to do any harm.
2. If, on the other hand, we
believe that there were other than
hereditary or biological factors at
work on the killer, it would be a
simple matter to weed out those
who were associated with the mur-
derer. First we would take the
potential or actual murderer's life,
and shortly thereafter through on
his parents and siblings. Since his
neighborhood was an accomplice
to the criminal tendency, we TON
say, exterminate all those who
have lived in the same block with
him at any time previous to the
crime. Since his teacherand class-
mates were also probably casual
we would have to eliminate the'
The implications in this lasi
course of action are far-reaching
Since we know that most murders
are committed by those from slun
areas, we could have our revenge
eliminate the killer, and clear the
slums all with the same act. The
one serious drawback to thi
method, of course, is the declin
in population. It would just have
to be looked at as our sacrifice i
ridding the State of Michigan o:
killers and their accomplices.
The one big advantage, o
course, is that we can have our
revenge not on just the murderer,
but on all sorts of people who also
contributed to the killing. An-
other advantage is that the psy-
chologists, wardens, and whoeve
else are wasting their time in the
rehabilitation of murderers; could
be left free to concentrate on more
normal people, like ourselves, wh
don't go around killing people.
It seems to me that in this way
over time, we could rid the state
of killers, and thus have a safe
and better life.
-Thomas Lough
* *R
Revue has been most gratifying
to the sponsors and participants
of the show. In answer to Harry
Reed's flattering proposal gn the
editorial page of Wednesday's
Daily, we would like to thank all
the people who made the 1951 Re-
vue such a success and also to
explain why .the sponsoring com-
mittee feels that it would be im-
possible to have a repeat per-
Gulantics is a fairly recent in-
novation on the campus. Three
years ago, the Men's Glee Club,
The Union, and The League
(hence the name "GUL" antics)
decided that some medium was
needed to give talented students
a chance to gain local recognition.
The Glee Club handled publicity
and financial support, the League
the talent, and the Union the set.
In practice, each organization co-
operated in all phases of the pro-
duction. Gulantics has grown in
popularity and excellence stead-
ily, and this year the committee
feels that it has lived up to .its
originators' dreams. Gulantics
this year was not only an enter-
tainment success, but also a fi-
nancial success for the first time.
The proceeds from the show are
added to the Glee Club Scholar-
ship Fund which is open to every
male strdent on Campus.
The committee agrees with Mr.
Reed that "the talent unveiled
and the antics of the clowning
faculty men . . . were too good
to be shown only one night",but
feels that the difficulties of
rounding up the same talent,
booking an auditorium, circulat-
ing publicity-in the face of the
necessarily absent competitive
spirit-would make it impossible
to produce a show on a par with
last Saturday's.
We promise the enthusiastic
audience that Gulantics will re-
turn next spring. With your con-
tinued support and that of our
versatile faculty performers, the
sponsors illl again produce a
show worthy of your time and
-Roy Duff
President, Michigan Men's
Glee Club
-Ron Modlin, Michigan
Union Executive Council
-Maxine Pearson,
Michigan League Council
Available Tools
T HE strong man meets his crisis
with the most practical tools
at hand. They may not be the best
tools but they are available, which
is all-important. He would rather
use them, such as they are, than
do nothing.
-Raymond Clapper
Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students Of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown.. ......Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger............City Editor
Roma Lipsk~y...... Editorial Director
Dave Thomas .........Feature Editor
Janet Watts............Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan...........Associate Editor
James Gregory....... .Associate Wditor
Bill Connolly......... Sports Editor
Bob Sandell....Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton.... Associate Sports Editor
Barbara "Jans..........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Waiter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible... . Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau.....Finance Manager
Bob Miller ........Circulation Manager
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a rushee. The next night, at an IFC meeting, SAE got a fifty dollar fine GutanutCsl ueturn . .
for dirty rushing. A bunch of Sigma Chi's also turned up at the meet-t
ing, primed to refute allegations that they had been dirty rushing To the Editor:
in dorms. However, they quickly ducked out when it was found that RE: Harry Reed's editorial
no charges had been brought against .them. "Gulantics Return"
-Bob Keith and Chuck Elliott Campus response to Gulantics
* * *
ONIGHT we get to hear the Chicago
Symphony do Hindemith's Four Tem-
As the boy's Fairy Godfather, and as
the family's advisor in legal as well
n . .# 4U.*p I WfI ,wn t P Iaru
Dear me, O'Malley! 1 won't even discuss such a
thing as a law suit against the child's parents!
Such hostility! Such rancor!
If's going to take all my time,
patience, and legalistic skill