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Report on Red China
OMt LIGHT has been thrown on the mys-
tery of why the Chinese Communists en-
red the Korean war in a recent series of
ticles in the New York Times by a Bri-
;h journalist named Arthur Moore. Moore
iginally wrote the articles for the Hindu-
an Times, a New Delhi dail, after spend-
g a nmonth in Red China.
A month may not seem long to become
ully acquainted with the changes being
nade in a country as immense as China,
fut Moore points out that he was free to
ravel as he pleased and say whatever he
vished. Moore seems to be convinced that
what he saw and learned of the new China
m a month is the mode throughout the
"I may say that neither before I left Hong
ong nor in China, did I meet a single non-
ainese who did not emphatically state
at the People's Republican Government is
comparably better than the old Kuomin-
,ng Government or any Government from
hich a living tradition descends. For the
rst time in more than a generation prices
re stable and the swollen currency is being
pidly deflated, an estimable boon which
1 appreciate. For the first time public op-
iion regards the 'squeeze' as morally wrong.
or the first time soldiers learn that they
e the protectors and servants of the peo-
e an'd not their masters.
Moore goes on to say, "that leaders of
roved quality who have the people at their
31 should, apparently, I.repeat apparently,
e prepared to throw away, in a war with
ze United Nations for the sake of Korea,
1 that has been gained and all that shine*
efore them along the upward road of rural
iconstruction and industrial development
surely a phenomenon that requires ex-
After conceding that the Communist
eads do not regard their soldiers as mere
annon fodder and that apart from Soviet
tervention, the possibility of exhausting
ie resources of the United Nations does not
cist, Moore remains unable to explain the
hinese action.
The question that then comes to the mind
whether Russian influence or domination
weited Mao to enter the war. According to
Moore this is highly improbable. It is his
pinion that the Chinese believe they need
ussian friendship, but that they are not
:ditorials published in the Michigan Daily
re written by members of The Daily staff
nd represent the views of the writers only.
wiling to pay the price of Russian domina-
tion or dictatorship for it.
"Nobody, not even the Russians, ap-
pears to suppose that China ever will or
can be, a mere satellite of the Soviet,"
Moore says.
"The Russians do not maze free with the
Chinese as they do with the Czecks, the
Poles and the Bulgars and as they still in-
dignantly demand the right to do with the
Yugoslavs. They seem even awed by the new,
unforced friendship which their great
neighbor displays to them. Some of them
may perhaps ask themselves what they have
done to deserve it."
Therefore it seems that the Chinese did
not enter the war by Moscow's direction nor
do the Chinese have any national interest
in Korea. The fact is that the entire reform
program of the People's Central Govern-
ment is being jeopardized by the cost of the
Korean war.
The Chinese government, according to
Moore does not believe that the Nationalist
forces are finished and can not be rejuve-
nated. They feel that their regime is in con-
stant danger of a resurgent Nationalist army
under Chiang.
"Communist China's main immediate gri-
evance against the United States lies in her
firm belief that it still is supplying Chiang.
Kai-shek with war materials and dreams of
helping him to reconquer the mainland and
to become an American puppet pillaging his
countrymen while conceding to Americans a
dominant position in foreign trade and the
exploitation of China's resources."
Therefore when the UN forces, which are
primarily American and, in the eyes of the
Chinese, staunch supporters of Chiang startr
ed ranging toward the Manchurian border,
Mao became fearful. The Chinese acted to
prevent armies which they consider the
forces of reaction from endangering the yet
unconsolidated Chinese Communist regime.
So they jumped into the war.
Mao may have been mistaken, but nev-
ertheless, in the light of Moore's reports
on China, what at first seemed to be
Communist propaganda justifying another
act of international Communism, now
seems to deserve some credulity, The Chi-
nese "aggression" in Korea may actually
have stemmed from fear..
At any rate, Moore is of the opinion that
without publicly abandoning the war the
Chinese will stop sending "volunteers" to
Korea and will gradally fade from the
scene rather than sacrifice the men and
material which otherwise would be employ-
ed in reconstructing China along Mao's
Communist lines.
-Paul Marx
Strategy of
A ttrition
W AR IS A GRIM business. Its object is
always' to destroy the enemy's will and
ability to fight. In today's "cold war"
terms: to destroy an aggressor's will and
ability to commit aggression.
In conventional war the grimness is
sometimes toned down for the home front.
For its ebb and flow are reported largely
in terms of points and lines on the map.
Geography furnishes a screen of imper-
In Korea there can be neither intent nor
expectation of conquering the enemy's ter-
ritory. The task is to make continued in-
tervention so costly-in weapons, equip-
ment, supplies, and in manpower-that not
only the Chinese Communists but other
Kremlin allies also will be discouraged from
further adventures.
This inescapable emphasis on exacting a
toll-especially a human toll-takes all the
varnish off. And while we, with others, de-
plore such needlessly sanguinary and melo-
dramatic terms as "Operation Killer," the
answer lies in making aggressive wars un-
profitable, not in telling ourselves that they
are fought by either side with neat moves
on a chess board.
And the UN strategy in Korea does
seem to be paying' off. One Communist
offensive has been decisively smashed,
and the build-up for perhaps a still bigger
one thrown off balance. Reports from
behind the "bamboo curtain," which
should not be accepted without caution
but which cannot be dismissed as rumor,
suggest that the Reds' prodigal offensives
in Korea have begun to strain the whole
Communist regime and to encourage guer-
rilla resistance within China.
To the extent that this proves true will
Korea have helped to contain aggressive
Communism everywhere.
-Christian Science Monitor
"Wait - Let's Not Get There Ahead Of Time"
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
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Washington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON-A nightmare is begin-
ning to haunt those principally respon-
sible for American foreign policy. For, it is
now about as certain as such things can be
that the Kremlin will soon formally pro-
pose a. German settlement based on the
unity of a "neutralized" Germany, after the
staged withdrawal of all occupation troopo.
And it is even possible that the Kremlin
will add glittering window dressing, by os-
tensibly accepting the principle of a free,
secret, un-supervised vote to elect a single
all-German government.
This prospect has initiated a crucial,
agonized debate in the inner circles of
the State Department and the Pentagon.
For the objective of such an apparently
reasonable Soviet offer would be to end
Western rearmament, split the Western
alliance, and thus knock the props right
out from under American foreign policy.
The evidence is increasingly strong that
the Soviets will produce such a proposal at
the forthcoming Foreign Ministers' confer-
ence. This evidence takes various forms, such
as dispatches from Moscow, passed by the
Soviet censors, reporting that the Soviets
are now eager for a German settlement on
generous terms. But the most convincing
evidence is provided by the course of the
campaign for "unity and neutrality" waged
within Germany by the East German Com-
* * *
AT FIRST, this campaign was based ex-
clusively on the "Prague resolutions."
The campaign made little headway, simply
because the "Prague resolutions" are no
more than a crude bhieprint for the Com-
jmunist capture of all Germany. But re-
cently, East German Communist chief Otto
Grotewohl suddenly switched the line, more
than hinting that the Communists would
welcome free, secret elections throughout
Germany as a basis for forming a united
Grotewohl acted, of course, on specific
instructions from the Kremlin. And
Grotewohl's line thus almost certainly
foreshadows the Kremlin's line at the
Foreign Ministers' meeting. Almost no
informed official believes -that a Soviet
offer of a German settlement on such
terms would be genuine. The reasons are
A genuine German settlement would also
involve a genuine Austrian settlement. 'this
New Books at the Library
Armstrong, Hamilton Fish, Tito and Go-
would mean a Soviet guarantee to with-
draw the Red Army from all the satellites
-and the satellites are more restive than
ever before. It would mean the loss to Rus-
sia of the vital Erzegebirge uranium mines
in East Germany. A really secret vote would
mean an overwhelming defeat of the East
German Communist regime, and a deadly
blow at Soviet world prestige. Finally, it
would mean a pro-Western or at least
strongly anti-Communist, all-German gov-
ernment, and however "neutralized" Ger-
many might be, it is almost unimagineable
that the Kremlin would accept such a risk.
For these reasons and others, it is be-
lieved that any Soviet proposal for a Ger-
man settlement will be essentially a fakes
a tempting trap for the unwary West. Yet
even a fake proposal, cleverly camouflaged,
could have disastrous consequences. Ameri-
can policy is now squarely based on the as-
sumption that a true balance of power can
only be achieved, and peace maintained, if
Western Europe is rendered defensible.
* * *
THE PENTAGON is convinced that West-
ern Europe can never be defended with-
out German participation. A German set-
tlement providing for withdrawal of all
occupation troops and the permanent de-
militarization of Germany would, it is fear-
ed, cause the Western European defense ef-
fort, now just getting under way under Gen.
Eisenhower's leadership, to crumble into
Yet even if the Kremlin only seemed ready
to offer a reasonable settlement involving
the withdrawal of the Red Army to the Rus-
sian frontiers, the offer would be almost
unbearably tempting to the Germans, the
French, the British, and even to many Am-
ericans. It might throw the whole Western
alliance into an uproar of bitter mutual
recrimination, causing the alliance to fall
This is why the internal debate now
going on is so vitally important. One
school of thought, particularly in the Pen-
tagon, believes any German settlement at
this time, on any terms, disastrous. This
school would attempt to forestall the
Kremlin with a prior American proposal
for a German settlement, festooned with
conditions which the Soviets would not
conceivably accept. Yet any diplomatic
device so obvious and so clumsy might it-
self split the Allies, by convincing the
Europeans that the United States was
interested only in war.
Another, smaller school of thought be-
lieves that Uerman re-armament should be
used as a bargaining counter; that it is not
At The Orpheum .
BITTER RICE, with Silvana Mangano,
Doris Dowling, Victor Gassman, Ralph
Vallone, and suitable rice-picking women.
"BITTER RICE" is another distinct tri-
umph for Italian movie makers, very
much equal to comparison with "Open City"
and "Bicycle Thief".
Achieving all that Howard Hughes pro-
ductions vainly promise (power, passion,
sex, etc.) "Bitter Rice" follows a peasant
girl in the rice fields, who is lured by a neck-
lace into a conspiracy to steal rice. With-
out the phony gimmicks of a Hollywood job,
the audience also gets a mildly passionate
picture of the 40 days Italian women spend
in the fields doing work that calls for
strong bodies and deft hands.
The peasant girl is, of course, Silvana
Mangano who has been ballyhooed with as
much finesse as a livestock exhibition, vis:
"full bodied and gracefully muscular, with
rich voice and a handsome pliant face .. .
minus 15 years . . . plus 25 pounds . ."
Nonetheless, she is the most totally beauti-
ful female object this reviewer has ever had
the good fortune to see in a movie. Such
pulchritude wandering about loose often
distracts from reading subtitles, and some
may even miss the obvious fact that Miss
Mangana is also an excellent actress!
The cast and photography follow what
appears to be a uniquely Italian style of
simplicity and directness which lends itself
well to an uncomplicated film story. Cou-
pled with the briefest of subtitles, the pic-
ture becomes a completely captvating, ade-
quately-paced whole.
Judging from the crowd at the first
showing at 1 p.m. yesterday, (attendance
usually the usher, myself, and a few more
if it is raining) the little Orpheum is go-
ing to be jammed all weekend. It's worth
the wait in line.
(Disney cartoon fruitfully explores the
psychological with Pluto's little Primitive
-Craig Wilson
(Editor's Note: During Drew Pearson's absence in Europe, the following
column was written by his staff.)
WASHINGTON-It may be a good thing that the boss, is away.
While he is skirting the Iron Curtain countries and in no position
to blue-pencil us, we can say some things that he would never say if
he was here.
For a long time the boss has debated what he should do about
the vicious attacks leveled at him from the safety of the Senate
floor by Senator McCarthy-attacks in which McCarthy not only
called him a Communist but went to the extreme length of urging
a boycott against all Drew's newspapers and his radio sponsor.
We have talked with quite a few Senators and old-timers around
the Senate and, so far as we can find out, this is the most unprece-
dented senatorial attack in American history. On top of this, Mc-
Carthy has had reprints made of speeches attacking the boss and
has mailed them under his frank, at the taxpayers' expense, to 1,900
newspapers. These speeches again urge a boycott of the Pearson
column and ask newspaper editors to drop it. Furthermore, copies
of these speeches have been put in the hands of rival newspaper
syndicate salesmen for discreet use in efforts to sell rival columns.
This again makes use of senatorial immunity in a manner never
heard of before in the entire history of the United States.
The boss cannot sue McCarthy for libel because McCarthy
has senatorial immunity and when he has answered McCarthy in
print some newspapers feel it is a personal argument and blue-
pencil it, though meanwhile giving McCarthy full play for his
libelproof attacks. Furthermore, the boss can't sue any of his
columnist competitors who pick up McCarthy's diatribes and
republish them because reprints of Senate speeches are libel-
proof, too.
One funny thing is that, while McCarthy has been calling Drew
a Communist, the Daily Worker in New York-official spokesman for
the Communist party-has been hitting him just as hard. One week,
for instance, McCarthy blasted the boss twice on the Senate floor
while the Daily Worker blasted him three times editorially.
Rule of Men .,,
To the Editor:
IN "DEFINING" Rules of Stu-
dent Conduct, the University
"The student concedes to the
University the right, to require the
withdrawal of any student at any
time for any reason deemed suf-
ficient to it."
Every once in a while some dis-
ciplinary committee (there are
several) observes a student doing
something that he "ought" not
to do. The committee wheels out
this agreement in one form or
another and punishes the student,
the latest victim being an engi-
neer who failed to live up to the
"Unwritten Code of Engineering
This rule of men, not law, has
long been a source of irritation to
those of us who are at all con-
cerned about the kind of citizens
this University turns out. For the
University, by its example, is
showing us1 the efficiency and
simplicity of the police state. Af-
ter all, it is much easier to tailor
the law to fit the "crime" after it
has been committed.
It certainly would be a step in
the direction of good citizenship
training if the University would
write out what it considers to be
"conduct unbecoming a student"
and all the other disciplinary
catch-alls. It's high time the en-
gineers prove their literacy by
writing downtheir code of ethics.
-James P. Jans
* * *
Capital Punishment...
To the Editor:
MR. ADOMIAN asks for facts;
my only regret is that the re-
striction of 300 words limits any
adequate list of the abuses mani-
fested by the practice of capital
punishment. This important is-
sue should not be obscured by
misunderstanding; a simple enu-
meration may help to clarify.
1). The number of men execut-
ed that have later been proved in-
nocent, past and present.
2) The ratio of homicide in
states with capital punishment
and those without.
3) The lack of deterrence of
crimes in societies that have used
capital punishment exclusively
compared with the ratio of homi-
cide in societies that have abol-
ished this practice.
4) The malpractice of capital
punishment in suppressing min-
ority groups in certain states.
5) The lack of sufficient cri-
teria to categorize incorrigibles.
6) The psychological factor o:
hysteria, lynching mobs (in thos
same states using capital punish
ment), and vengeance along with
its use.
7) The moral issue of the judg
ing and condemning of one indi
vidual by another.
8) The tendency to generaliz
the treatment of all crime, b
vengeance and retribution.
9)The historical fact, that capi
, tal punishment has never beene
"deterrent to crime.
10)dThe medical fact, that kill
ers are not physically distinguish
able from the normal.
11) The proven fact, that de
generates can be cured and tha
t the mentally ill can be rehabili
c tated to happy, normal lives.
f 12) Finally, the progress an
advancement of a society tha
e would abandon primitive mode
Sof behavior, and endeavor to pro
mote the interests of its indivi
duals by using all accumulate
- knowledge and experience in cop
e ing with a major problem.
e However, the most significar
fact lies ih the realization th
n proponents of capital punishmer
r refuse to bear the burden c
e proof. That they would declar
a man an incorrigible killer with
out presenting a shred of evidenc
to attest to his incorrigibilit3
e that they would dare stand u
e and proclaim the avenging of th
e dead by adding to their numbe
is, in itself, a fact that would hoi
t rify the most malevolent specta
d tor.
i -Richard D. Helmrich
s * * *
l Navy Contracts ...
To the Editor:
great injustice in expelling
student because he broke a sc
called contract with the Navy.-
e contract is valid only when bot
- parties are bound to it. I ha
n yet to see the Navy bind itself t
any contract, especially with ar
innocent individual. To back u.
my argument, I wish to cite con-
tracts the Navy broke with me.
In 1944, I was drafted into the
Navy. I applied for officer's train-
ing and met all requirements ex-
cept for poor eyesight. I was told
that I was physically unfit to be.
an officer, and because of my poor
eyesight I would be assigned to
limited duty. I was sent to sea and
performed all the'duties assigned
to so called physically fit persons.
I protested, claiming that if I was
physically fit to serve at sea I
was physically fit to become an
officer, Authorities agreed with
me, but said regulations hav
changed and that even thought
had passed the intelligent tests,
I did not have the educational
background. Later I was discharg-
ed into the inactive reserves and
entered the University of Michi-
gan, earning a degree. Last month
the Navy notified me that I
would soon be called back to ac-
tive duty. I applied for a com-
mission, I met all the require-
ments again, including education-
al, but still my eyesight was not.
good enough to be an officer. I
was told however, that if I should
be sent to sea, that I could then
apply for and receive a commis-
sion. I guess the reader can com-
prehend the true situation.
-Nistor Poteova
University Attitude
To the Editor:
H AVING JUST sent in a pledge
for the Phoenix Project a few
moments ago and feeling some-
what proud that I am able to aid
the University in a small way to-
ward a noble goal, I began think-*
ing of the manner in which the
University has treate'd various
fraternities in recent years and
what a complete reversal of atti-
tude she has taken in approach-
ing members of those samer-
ternities in quest of funds for the
building of this great atomic pro-
The University believes students
and ex - students are mature
enough to realize the advantages
that can be had from the Phoenix
Project for the whole world, yet
she does not believe that the same
people are mature enough to drink
a bottle of' beer in a fraternity
house without losing all sense of
what is right or wrong.
I firmly believe that a great deal
of good would come of a more
understanding attitude on the part
i of the University toward the stu-
dent body if she adopted the same
policy toward her undergraduates
as students as she does toward
those from whom she would ac-
f cept donations. Also I am sure
e the number of pledges from the
- campus would increase consider-
--David P. Hummer '50
THE REAL DANGER of McCarthyism is summed up in an eye-
opening editorial in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch of Feb. 18:
"Gloomy Washington prophets are forecasting a period of 'The Big
Lie,' of the furtive informer, of the character assassin, of inquisition,
eavesdropping, smear and distrust. They lump the whole under the
term McCarthyism, a common noun derived as in the past other
expressions have been taken from personalities such as Judge Lynch
Captain Boycott and Vidkun Quisling."
One step in McCarthy's campaign to silence the boss is an
attempt to shut off his news sources. By demanding a probe of
the "Pearson spies" in the Pentagon, McCarthy has tried to intim-
idate news sources.
However, the boss will keep on digging out the blunders that
bureaucrats classify as "secret" and the hidden facts that the publi
should know. The record will show the boss puts security ahead o:
the news, and withholds stories upon the advice of the Pentagon.
Secretary of the Army Pace stated the boss did not violate cod
security in publishing secret cables that McCarthy is howling about
In fact, the boss was warned in advance that the only security risk
would be revealing the document number and date of the secret mes-
sage. McCarthy couldn't resist showing off his spy system to prov
that he could get secret cables too. Too, he unwisely revealed both th
document number and the date on the Senate floor.
Thus, ironically, McCarthy made himself a target of his own
investigation, and the Justice Department is checking McCarthy for
revealing the only dangerous part of the document-the key to the
secret message.
Drew is not the first newspaperman McCarthy has tried to silence
He used similar tactics against others, including the conservative
Saturday Evening Post. McCarthy classified the Post in the same
category with the Daily Worker for publishing a critical articl
about him.
"It is disturbing to find that this article is almost 100 per cen
in line with the official instructions issued to the Communists an
fellow traveling members of the press and radio by Gus Hall, nationa
secretary of the Communist party," McCarthy wrote to the editor
after taking the precaution of inserting his letter in the congressiona
record, thus protecting himself from libel.
McCarthy would have us believe that anyone who criticizes
him is following the Communist line. We do not accept that
doctrine. Freedom of speech means freedom to differ, even with
McCarthy. Public discussion is a political duty, and criticism is
essential to good government.
We would be just as quick to defend McCarthy's right to criticiz
Drew-if the Senator would stop hiding behind his senatorial im
munity just as the Chinese Communists hide behind the Manchuria
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students Of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control at
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown.. .......Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger............City Editor
Roma Lipsky. ........ .Edttorial Director
Dave Thomas ........Feature Editor
Janet Watts.............Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan. ... ... .. .Associate Editor
James Gregory...... .Associale Editor
Bill Connolly............Sports Editor
Bob Sandel.... Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton.. . .Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.......Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........ Business Man~ager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible....Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau........Finance Manager
Bob Miller.......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches creditea to It or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mal
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.
AMA Opposition
t. I
THE AMERICAN Medical Association,
which has a habit of opposing any de-
velopment in the economics of medical care
it cannot control, has announced its opposi-
tion to a pending Senate bill which would
provide federal aid for education in medi-
cine and allied fields.
Dr. Elmer L. Henderson of Louisville,
A.M.A. president, said doctors "feel the bill
will end in federal control of the nation's
medical schools." This is nonsense. The bill,
which incidentally has been approved by
such a doughty fighter for capitalism and
private enterprise as Senator Taft, contains
specific safeguards against federal inter-
ference in medical education.
Indeed, there is no more danger of Gov-
ernment control under the pending bill
than there is of A.M.A. control under the
organization's own plan to help bail out
the hard-pressed schools. The two plans
differ in one important particular. The
-r _ . ,. _ .- - -
I've spent years studying law, Barnaby.
It's a requisite nowadays for getting
to the top in the Fairy Godfather game.
Just as it is in any other profession-
% - - - - as
No, but how about my reputation? If it
got around at the Elves, Leprechauns,
Gnomes, and Little Men's Chowder and
Marching Society that I was watching
ov r aoui ;,,finars.ros,, w ir,
We'll untangle the whole nasty
legal mess that your folks and
Gus somehow have gotten into.