See Page 4
Li Ll r e
Latest Deadline in the State
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Made Joint
r-Army Head
German Troops
Will Be Utilized
BRUSSELS, Belgium-()-Th
Atlantic Pact Nations yesterday
unanimously approyed creation o
an international army to keen
peace in Europe by strength, an
made Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower
the commander.
The 12 foreign ministers agreed
on a plan to integrate West Ger.
man troops in the force of 1,000,-
000 men which they expect to hav
tready by the end of 1953 to defend
a line from the arctic to the Medi-
AT THE SAME meeting the Big
Three Western foreign ministers
gave final approval last night to
replies conditionally accepting a
Soviet bid for a new Big Four
meeting, a highly placed source
Meanwhile the 12 foreign
ministers decided to set up an
international defense produc-
tion board to gear the munitions
industries of the 12 nations into
a coordinated machine to turn
out guns, tanks, planes and
American sources said this
agency, too, probably will be head-
ed by an American, William L.
Batt, Sr., 65 years old, of Phila-
delphia.. Defense Secretary Mar-
shall announced yesterday the ap-
pointment of Batt as a member of
the board. Batt was deputy direc-
tor of the U.S. War Production
Board in World War II.
THE' Atlantic Pact Council in-
vited President Truman Monday
night to appoint Gen. Eisenhower.
The President announced the ap-
pointment yesterday.
Gen. Eisenhower will come to
Europe around Jan. 1 to take
command of what now is largely
a paper army-the equivalent of
about 10 divisions In Germany
and Austria. Allied- intelligence
sources said recently these divi-
sions were faced by 33 Soviet
divisions, totaling about 320,000
men, in eastern Germany.
The foreign ministers, who
reached their final decisions at a
two-day secret session with de-
fense ministers, did not disclose
their detailed plans for rearming
the Germans, five years after
Germany was disarmed.
Army To Get
U.S. Troops
WASHINGTON - (R) - Presi-
dent Truman announced yesterday
he will send American troop re-
I inforcements to Europe to serve in
the new international army on
which Atlantic Pact foreign minis-
ters have just agreed.
Along with troops of 11 other
Atlantic Treaty nations, the Amer-
ican forces will be under the com-
mand of General Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, newly named as chief of
a projected million-man European
TRUMAN declined to say, at his
news conference, how many Amer-
ican units will go or when.
There has been speculation,
however, that under a long-
range program the United States
might send five to 10 more divi-
sions in addition to the 100,000
American ground troops now
stationed in Europe.
Even five divisions would mean
a basic strength of some 90,000
combat troops-roughly 18,000 to
a division-plus sizeable extra per-
sonnel for supplies, maintenance
'U' To Ask State
For $16,33 7,000
Request Tops Last Year's Figure;
Officials Foresee Enrollment Drop
Y President Alexander G. Ruthven announced yesterday that the
f University will request a record breaking state appropriation of $16,-
p 337,000 for operations for the next fiscal year which starts July 1.
d This is $2,467,000 more than was requested for the -current year
r and $4,764,065 more than the $11,572,945 appropriated by the State
dLegislature last fall.
AS APPROVED by the Board of Regents, the total budget for
- the University for the year 1951-52 will be $21,735,000, an increase of
e 18 per cent over the $18,378,399 budget for this year.
The increase is sought primarily for the following reasons:
loss of revenue from student fees, necessity of paying higher sal-
aries and wages andthe need for meeting rising costs of materials
and supplies. L
Most significant of these items, according to the official appro-
priation request report, is the decrease in income from student fees.
Enrollment in resident credit courses for the fall semester of 1951
is estimated at 18,000. '
A DECLINE THEREFORE, of 1,500 students from the presenta
19,500 is expected. The resulting total reduction in fees is estimated
at $1,310,000.
Almost all of this loss will result from reduced veteran en-
rollment under the G. I. Bill. Last fall 4,000 veterans were en-
rolled. It is estimated that only 1,800 veterans will enroll next fall.
This decline of 2,200 veterans from present levels will represent1
a loss of $1,201,000 in veteran's fees paid by the Federal government.
* * * *
LOSSES FROM A decline of general enrollment will probablyi
amount to $109,000.t
But despite this terrific reduction in income no increase in<
' student fees seems probable. The University now has fees as high
as a public institution can charge and not make education so
expensive that capable students will be unable to attend, accord-
ing to President Ruthven.
And the expected decline will not be sufficient to warrant a
significant reduction in teaching staff which for many years has been
heavily overloaded.
UPWARD ADJUSTMENT in salaries and wages, which has been
found necessary, will require $1,626,000 additional in the operationsI
budget. This change would not be in addition to increases authorizedt
by the Regents last Saturday.
While the cost of living has jumped 75 per cent since 1939
the salaries of faculty members have increased only 58 per cent,s
the appropriation request report points out.1
In addition, more funds are needed to increase the incomes ofC
University hourly-paid employes who are receiving lower rates thana
are average for this area.t
* * * *f
THE BUDGET FOR 1951-52 calls for $340,000 to offset the higher
prices of materials, supplies and other non-salary operating expenses.
This represents an increase of about 11 per cent over the amount
budgeted for this year. But it will not provide any additional quan-r
tities because of sharp price increases.d
Capital outlay funds which are used to cover the cost ofr
building and rejuvenation were also requested in the appropria-u
tion report.
An appropriation of $3,105,000 for an addition to the General t
Library and $250,000 for a Fire Station and Training Center was alsop
The presence of several fire hazardous buildings on campus and
the University's training program for fire fighting personnel of Mich-
igan communities necessitates the construction of the Fire Station
and Training Center, according to the official appropriation request.1
THE GENERAL LIBRARY was planned in'1915 when the Uni-
versity enrollment was approximately 6,000 and not expected to rise
above 10,000 students.
Thousands of books are now stored in attics, basements, and
other inaccessible spaces.
Today the General Library has 1,146,790 volumes compared with
360,000 volumes in 1916 and new books are being added at a rate of
35,000 volumes per year.
* « « «
AN APPROPRIATION of $2,500,000 was asked for the completion d
of additions to Angell Hall and $1,300,000 more for an Out-Patient t
Clinic at University Hospital. t
Authorization for this construction has already been given M
by the Legislature and $3,000,000 has thus far been granted. J
Funds have also been requested for the rehabilitation and mod- t
ernization of three campus buildings: Natural Science, Architecture r
Library provide for only five per cent of the present enrollment.
and West Medical. The request for this work totaled $6$0,000.h
If West Medical Building is rehabilitated the Medical School i
will be able to increase the size of its freshman class from the
present 165 to 200 students. i
Reds Battle South Koreans
Truman Says
Acheson Will
Stay in Office
Charges False,
President Claims
WASHINGTON - (P) - Presi.
dent Truman yesterday flatly re-
jected Republican demands for
Secretary of State Acheson's dis-
Truman said, "Communism -
not our own country-would be
served by losing him."
* * *
TRUMAN issued a statement at
his news conference declaring that
charges made against Acheson are
false. He said the cabinet officer
has helped shape and operate this
country's policy of resistance to
Communism, and remarked that
Acheson would "be one of the
first, if not the first, to be shot"
if the Communists conquer the
"I refuse to dismiss Acheson,"
he said.
Various 'Republicans have ac-
cused Acheson of being soft to-
ward Communism and of bung-
ling foreign policy, especially in
the Far East.
k s x
FLEEING REFUGEES-North Koreans from Pyongyang trudge along a dirt road and cut across a
field to wade shallow parts of a meandering stream. Swarms of Korean refugees are running from
their homes in the wake of fierce fighting. Meanwhile the Red Chinese continued their unrelenting
attacks on the UN perimeter line on the Hungnam beachhead.
AT THE MOMENT the Presi-
dent spoke, Acheson was in Brus-
sels winding up a meeting of the
12-nation North Atlantic Treaty
Council, where final agreement
was reached for an organization of
the new Western European defense
On another related question,
Truman said:
Gen. George C. Marshall will
remain as Secretary of Defense. He
declared he had never heard of a
report which newsmen had picked
up from a White House source
Monday that W. Stuart Syming-
ton, chairman of the National Se-
curity Resources Board, would re-
place Marshall.
Truman Voted
War Powers
By Committee
Group's Quick Action
Challenged by Taft
WASHINGTON - ( P) - Presi-
dent Truman's request for two of
he extraordinary powers held by
he chief executive during Worrd
War II was approved by the House
Judiciary Committee yesterday a
ittle more than 24 hours after he
made it.
However the administration bill
was promptly challenged by Sen-
ator Taft of Ohio, Republican poli-
cy leader, who said that the bill
ought to have at least two weeksj
aore study in committee if we
want to do it right."
CHAIRMAN Celler (D-NY) told
eporters that not a single member
f the House Judiciary Committee
oted against restoring the powers
sked by Truman:
1. To consolidate or abolish
government agencies, or to bor-
row the powers of one agency
and give them to another, until
either, the President or Congress
declares the national emergency
is at an end.
2. To change existing and fu-
ture government contracts as
necessary to avoid delays in de-
fense production and to keep
suppliers in business on defense
Democratic leaders planned to
sk unanimous consent of the
[ouse to make up and pass the
neasure today.
Senator Lucas of Illinois, the
lemocratic Senate leader, first in-
roduced the bill to restore the.
owers. which Congress granted In
' City Council
To Get New
A new city zoning code amend-
ment that includes a special zone
for fraternity and sorority areas
will be presented at the Jan. 2
City Council meeting, according to
Ald. A. D. Moore, chairman of the
Council's ordinance committee.
The new amendment is designed
to replace a previous amendment
that brought a wave of protests
f r o m fraternity and sorority
groups at the Dec. 4 Council meet-
ing. The earlier amendment in-
cluded a redefining of zones that
would have excluded affiliated'
groups from 'A' and 'AA' areas.
The new plan, although it still
bars affiliated groups from these
zones, provides for a new type of
zone, 'A-i,' for the fraternity-so-
rority areas east and south of the
campus. This new zone is exactly
like the redefined 'A' zone except
that 'it allows fraternities and so-
rorities to build in the area.
The new plan will be discussed
in a public hearing before it comes
up for final approval by the Coun-
SL To Hold Last
Pre-Holiday Meet
The Student Legislature will
meet at 7:30 p.m. today in the Un-
ion to.clear up long overdue com-
mittee reports and other old busi-
ness before legislators adjourn for
the Christmas recess.
Jim Moran, '52, who indicated
after last week's meeting that he
would make a motion this week to
rescind the fraternity anti-dis-
crimination clause proposal, has
decided against such action for the
"I'm going to wait to find out
how more of- the Student Legis-
lator's feel about such a motion
before I brihg it to the floor,"
Moran said.1
Administration yesterday called
for a voluntary "freeze" on prices
across the nation and warned that
evaders will face mandatory con-
trols "at the earliest feasible
Officials said, a wage formula-
designed to restrain "excessive"
pay boosts-will be issued "as soon
as possible."
ernment asked West Coast oil com-
panies to suspend an increase of
25 cents a barrel in the price of
crude oil and requested 40 major.
refineries to forego increases on
gasoline, oil and other petroleum
The Economic Stabilization
Administration said the West
coast oil companies had already
made an oral refusal. The fede-
ral agency called company offi-
cialshere'to discuss the matter.
Outlining the so-called price
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-- A $38,000,000
compromise Yugoslav aid bill
cleared Congress yesterday and
was dispatched to the White
CHICAGO-.The Kefauver com-
mittee was told yesterday that a
University of Miami law student
pocketed more than $600,000 pro-i
fits from a nationwide racing news
service last year.
* . *
PASADENA, Cali.-Chancel-
lor Robert Hutchins of the Uni-
versity of Chicago and Chester
Davis, president of the Federal
Reserve Bank of St. Louis, were
named yesterday as associate
directors of the $238,000,000
Ford Foundation.,
* *
LANSING-Pay raises for all
employes in Michigan's four nor-
mal colleges were asked yesterday'
by the State Board of Education.
"freeze," as ESA spokesman gave
this summary to newsmen :
AT THE OUTSET, the plan will
function as a sort of "honor sys-
For a great majority of small
concerns, businessmen will be
trusted to "let their conscience
be their guide," the spokesman
On a broader scale, the ESA ex-
pects to see a good many reduc-
tions in the next few days" in fac-
tory prices which in turn will be
passed along, theoretically at least,
in the form of lower retail prices.
* * *
ESA OFFICIALS conceded it
would be difficult to check wheth-
er a company is violating the new
price-profit formula. But they said
checks will be started on some key
industries shortly.
The agency will rely on con-
sumers and buyers generally to
report any price boosts which
seem unreasonable-then ESA
will go into these trouble spots,"
a spokesman told newsmen.
As for food, the price paid to
farmers will not be affected. But
the prices of processors, whole-
salers and growers will be govern-
ed by the new standards.
Defense May
Alter Education
NEW YORK-(IP)-Federal Se-
curity Administrator Oscar R. Ew-
ing said last night the government
was considering changes in two
levels of education which would
put more stress on national de-
Ewing foresaw a stepped up col-
lege program with summer vaca-
tions eliminated. "This year-
around program," Ewing said,
"would compress a college educa-
tion from four years to three or
perhaps even less."
High schools may be turned into
basic training grounds for future
American soldiers.
Voluntary. Price "Freeze'
Asked by Administration
North Korean
Forces Fight
South of 38th
Battle Renewed
In West Sector
TOKYO -(R)- North Korean
Reds, now believed to have 150,000
regrouped forces in Korea, were
reported today to have clashed
with South Koreans along a 30-
mile front only 45 miles from
A U.S. Eighth Army briefing of-
ficer acknowledged that the North
Koreans had made some "limited
advances" by weaving along the
38th parallel.
* * *
THE FLAREUP of fighting on
the long dormant west sector oc-
curred near Chunchon. It is 10
miles south of the 38th parallel
and 45 miles northeast of Seoul,
the South Korean capital. Chun-
chon and Seoul are linked by high-
way and rail line.
In northeast Korea, U.S. 10th
Corps forces clung to the last
Allied toehold around the port
of Hungnam. Last night star
shells of a powerful United Na-
tions fleet off Hungnam I!lumi-
nated the small Allied beachhead
against night forays by Chinese
and North Korean Reds.
There was no elaboration of the
size and intensity of the action
around Chunchon in western Ko-
rea. But it was the first time a
fighting front of as much as 30
miles had been mentioned since
the U.S. Eighth Army pulled back
south of the 38th parallel before
the pessure of Chinese Commu-
Associated Press correspondent
Tom Lambert reported from the
beachhead that United Nations
lin~es were so close to the coast
that soldiers and sailors could
watch carrier-based bombing and
strafing attacks on massed Chi-
nese and North Koreantroops
ringing the perimeter.
Navy and Marine pilots stabbed
hardest at Reds. in the ridges di-
rectly east of Hungnam.
GM Asks U.S.
To Reinstate
1951 Car Prices
DETROIT-(A)-General Mot-
ors last night appealed to the gov-
ernment for permission to rein-
state recently-announced higher
prices for 1951 model automobiles
with the government to judge
whether the boosts are justified.
But President Truman yester-
ddy supported the order .rolling
back auto prices, saying the law
will be enforced.
* * *
A SPOKESMAN for the Eco-
nomic Stabilization Administra-
tion commented to newsmen:
"Who is dictating the price
control of our economy-GM or
this agency?"
The big auto firm, which Mon-
day ordered sale of three of its
new makes of cars withheld, made
it's request to Michael V. Disalle,
price administrator.
GM made acceptance of its pro-
posal a condition to resuming de-
liveries to its dealers.
The GM appeal came as the gov-
ernment called for a voluntary
price "fveeze" of all goods and
Reservations for
J-Hop Total 500
About 500 reservations for J-
Hop have already been made, ac-
cording to Leo Wasserberger, '52,
'U' Students Will Begin
Vacation Exodus t'oday
and so forth.
IN OTHER mobilization devel-
opments :
1. The Air Force announced, it
will call up five Air National Guard
groups and a "number" of sup-
porting contingents on Feb. 1.
2. The government ordered a 20
per cent cut in civilian use of tin,
effective Feb. 1. The order will af-
fect the production of tin cans,
toothpaste and shaving cream
tubes, jar and bottle lids, costume
jewelry and a variety of other
D 1 WT*11 n
With the Rose Bowl, the world
situation and a vacation on their
minds, University students will
begin the mass trek out of Ann
Arbor today.
Railroads, airlines and bus lines
report a record number of tra-
velers this year. But some offi-
cials attribute this to factors other
than the usual desire to be home
at Christmas.
S * *
AIR AND BUS lines voiced the
opinion that one reason for their
unprecedented number of passen-
gers may lie in the recent rail
abrl aar +a f4,..vof "ci
last time they can see their fami-
lies for some time."
* * *
ON THE BUS lines the largest
volume of traffic is heading north
and east according to Ann Fouts, a
local ticket agent.
But despite the increase in
air and bus travel the railroads
report no drop at all in their
passenger volume. According to
E. M. Daly, a railroad official,
the number of passengers is "a
lot more."
He was firm in asserting that
the strike would have no affect on
nnc. nenLoP +1.0in _a a rin + tatc nP-
Phoenix Drive Will Close Today
With $131,079 pledged to the
student Phoenix 'drive, student
campaign officials have outlined
the procedure for ending the drive
"We would like all solicitors to
turn in their completed pledge
cards by tomorrow," Stan Wein-
beaee.' nuhlicity chair-'
YESTERDAY more than 100
student workers met with repye-
sentatives of the national cam-
paign to map out reports for their
local area chairman with whom
they will meet over the holidays.
"We hope news of a successful
campus campaign will aid in
little more than 25 per cent
the student body has given
support to the Memorial.
"Although this is the last day
of the drive, there is still time for
students to show their interest in
making the Project a success by
pledging today," Lubeck said.