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December 19, 1950 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-19

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- Soviet Russia's Foreign Min-
N A V Y F L Y I N G BO A T E X P L O D E S- Rarely has such a dramatic picture been ister Andrei Vishinsky (above)
made of a major plane crash as this view of the U. S. Navy flying boat Marshall Mars, taken as it continued his policy of pouring
esploded near Honolulu, April 6, by Joe Martin, Navy aviation photographer, from a helicopter, vituperation onto United Nations
action in Korea.

O F F E N S I V E I N K O R E A-Symbolieof Allied for-
ward movement in Korea were onrushing Marines in September,
moving past corpse, in picture taken by David Duncan of Life.

M O V I Nt G T H E M O-January of 1950 saw nation's only
battleship on active duty, U. S. S. Missouri, stuck on a Chesapeake
Bay mudfiat. Here tugboats strain to budge the Mighty Mo.

A F T E R T H E D E L U G E -in 1950's major flood last
40y in'Winnipeg, Manitoba, necessity was the mother of invention
as this car owner rigged up a rope and pulley from a tree to save
his car, while bicycles were lashed to the roof r his home.

CHICAGO'S DISASTER -Firemen and rescue
workers remove bodies of more than 30 victims after crash of a
street car with a gasoline truck in Chicago last May 25. Car pas-
sengers were trapped as the truck's gasoline set the trolley afire.

R E S T IN K O R E A -Weary from long duty, this U..S.
soldier slumped down to rest alongside his machine gun dugout on
the Korean front during the bitter days of last August near Pusan.

WEATHER TO T A L K A B O U T-Weather made
some big news in 1950, including November storms. Typical of the
resulting paralysis was Utis scene along Pittsburgh's Webster Ave.

President Truman and General Douglas MacArthur met for first
time on Wake Island in mid-October, the chief executive pinned
another cluster on MacArthur's Distinguished Service Medal.

- Gen. Wu Hsiu-Chuan, Com-
munist China's leader at UN,
ponders President Truman's an-
nouncement that use of atomic
bomb in Korea was considered.

I N B A T T L E O F W OR.D S-Wisconsin's Sen. Joseph
R. McCarthy (left) wagged admonishing finger often in 1950 as
he made charges of Communist infiltration in State department.
Owen Lattimore (right), April 15, in Washington, denied Mc-
Carthy's allegation that Lattimore was "Russia's top spy" in U. S.

NAT I O N' S WORST RA IL T R A G E D Y-Two passenger cars of Long Island Rail
Road were telescoped in most tragic train wreck of 1950, with 78 dead, in Queens, New York, Nov. 22.

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